Oulu of ther.1 -ewfoun(llaùd Legitilature. It FIIZST Our Railwa ý.y flic N . ..... New Ad%:ertisein-c-nts thi8 week. The Tomnto coielli8t Qtýgt bc a PoWur. a lýn,ýlisli 2-1-pouziders. Threo dead w&s in per cet uni rinity ith the salue On i et Nà lë. Milton, à Bill to Or bt ealit fi, clairiqant for no 000 en- Chinamen were found below. Next dà y precodent that it appeared necessary in âmend th2 Act int orpo . ting tjj. illi. Watelimalzer and Wi OU. cantetnptibl5 ignor IIOWÇd with the famlty of lookingthrough scarcely the fragment of a - junk- %tas te be the present instance to add a condition and trusteus of the Et -Ud Chtireil, ' 0 T-ewi i ivhielýlatterly figure in the( burri-btone without seen. I.Ll in ern ('Anada for Il. Perry. under this caption, are poâ ,holes in them, or of Against týPse large flects of war rebpcctin,- Parliamentary enactaient in or- Montroal. in Oh Ilfting Into the future,, wliiell is ver much junks gunbouts alone can oger a Tu ('tirlieiiter.;, Bitildera and Otherà --John . -e r that ifiie ssaq anY existing obstacles On the motion of Mr. Utiisdeji, a Bill 1 lerbiaà z--.Outrtiging alil, the sarnë thing, could have arriv y fective opposition. ngement in the sel ies of Impe- and CiiiveyantingýJoliriVi g toi walle throu- . Su fally tr- de- ce -Ilwn EnSlish Grammar, and def te dividthe Tiwniship of Whitby,'in the er'iliiiiginrs 0! ed nt the tu ^theý &rra I., ty'otcommdvlotl,,%Ve ares The Ilon. Company's steatnër Auckland rial statutes quentiv reine- flic County of Ontario, into two sepirate unibell, '4044blô èOnclusion that the Postm&-vter might boýSubse es. Ied,ýtO popu ' The cant ai OMIS contained in ÃŽhe con- ýjuAjicipaIiti l Se. hall a smart brush withUtritaMnjunks on vecL The prop 0 l the motion of lfr. Christie, a Bill to Qenoul'os Report to the 8 1 ýt blarch, . 185 Suriâi-,- last on wliièl'i' orcwision hile was vention bavingbeen ncw unequivocally re- n Clerk to profeî,,ioiial will not contain the details of the molley nier fnseýI Ilv the C sz c aullýgrize the construction of a Eeci ro- l'lai ilig -- Nit-, jolitiét. order btisines3 trp tu the day of the clos by tire "111IIII stel olony, they will of coilir litaîa of 1 1 the engagement took place off Tot ng Chu- fail to flic grotind and you are authorizeil Rail 1 tition of the pronoun 4&we-1 Ang of said Report. 'Berause the Post- way froiu monte point on the Southern Iloi-he>. Citri iaeos, éke., f,>r'5ale -J. Il. Affan. ng, Nvith ibtir jillilis heavily ariiie(L Ar- to Jivc such assurance as yqu may think Railiévay near Otterville, iNorviclivillýý oýr of tiie Tu,ývi (A' Wliitby-Joh" tý,re-li-,in(Ired-.and-.ffftieth-t triaitur General lias anticipated the Report naineï, Mr. inspi lelD,4ng wi 1 th March 18ù7, in mo far as if ter asuart fire -ttic ju.-iLs ilverc captured proper ; tliat the conscrit of the ceiiiniiinl- TiLouburgh, through, Brantford, to soýý:Ic thorougli distaste Of the vi Will relate to the moncy order system, by and buriit. 'l'lie steaniers boits pushed t«v of '-'Ç-ewfotitidlaiid is regarded by lier point on the Great Western lililýv.ly- presuining ill-brud compos giving the aggi-egiite sums shoivilic the ex- for the shore wherc oit hintline, thry cap- (;ovei-nttieqt as the essential pre- On motion of Xr. A. A. Dorion, a Biil Io Olivtir. fecble-niinded, vain men, Fit tered a battur iuounting 16 gulis Nyllich liminary to any.,modifi cation of their ter- incorporate ttit,%City of ýSt. Ilyikeiiitli M penditure and income of that Branch of y ___ -- -- ____ - for opportuilities to ilitrude and set tire to a vilfiage iiear ritoral or maritime riglits. MEETIN tha Delmi-tillent to Ist of t hi> 1 TIME OF - -G OF bv. To the m-ere ob."Urve(l - el- Si gnedj L , - ton nioved to, fi.% the Lime for th n(r--; pon the pli é Llic. year, (jtlclgitig no dOu4t, il ai tire Fe] le M le ne ompty noise of the %vas fý)uriil H. LABOUCIIER _D bc illiero.sfing to the public,) nieetiiig of Parlianient, no Il ter thai, die C i iveru t(xý) stron,, to be attacked iviLliout a Governtir Darling i ia relation ti larger force. 'l'ie the clairvoyant in illicstion of il 10ili of Jnnijary. Thtirsdýýiv, April 123th, 1857. 1 and bis soillewhat titorilt-I t c gIct have exiiended ;tif lier aiiiiiiiition rettiriieil to HoLig Kong. ini,)il,, t the petitions prescriticd to tbe 11.1,r. Patrick moved in aineridnient tlie represcritadoil Of -ý,rtinicip.111 body vvill sfée ît is lit that fil a Se- hi JantiRrv. 0 ta thé troub l'he, admirai sent thu Ni,ývr t'i flouse of Assenibly, ou ]-'ri(iny last, %ve no- l"': '1ve- lý M LI. M. Il. P., bas our bc-st last ivee - t Le rilles of tire 111%,st ridicilltylis vii:takeï; tind (),tjýte ail animale -cussion was pro. t!inillýs for Ilis rimitintial kiii(Ine.ý;.g in send puts forward illost palpablil boi Lile Àuckland and the will fol. fire thoQe of d (I i titi(stion to that ge of CapLain B. King and cthers, Uii(er- ou ---cd. (in a divisiSl itwas last by a votc Of il] lis %veicn-t)e Parliamentary documents. Iiiiii te) inforni the în contirection lIvitli the lie- ',iiis lin- ivriterli, Vorwardem, Masters of ý'e.4;sels 5 7 t 0 33G have municipal ýstock in et: The Nt-nt Of Cuverninent of* Canada. an 1 others interestrel in the iiavigition of ýtyg. dertaken to us tlint T Or IV] 1,D 1. A% Wo rvyiest attention to the %tivert't$U- private stock- votol upon for the expenses of Ille ()I*ý!'-I' 111, 1 1 r:ic)vLd the fi-élig-iviii- ! 1 *ors. Iiistead of aitl La the "Mst Marvli Isli,57 in tir(- Lake Oniario ; praying that nwans ni , av j 1 1 tient Jorics Gaige. Dentints, direcl, Ille alloided witli the viev of olutions That the Ilouse caliiiot too se- in another coluilin. tion lie stufrs ]lis palier with Celivritl's Ul te) I.,«lj-)j;ý The Qtiecn lins 4écûti invited to dise iarlre tlà e as a Ilr.rbor of Refuge (If vercly condeain flic practice of votii g whilë the profits are not ý-re,.IîteiI Imt are one ofthc inost iritvrcsting arid portic.il of very foolishly, and very Wcl1cr'ýs Ikiv, ,,ittiýtttýd on the NIJIth shore large sain., cr nioney front the positionii." These sc 13-îli" loo,ýt, thon NOI-n he I.S i duties et empire, -ind orlu ofvery rare oc. 1 ýf Lal.,l publi'. froizi ve..r to Mr. ljriipýir arc altogeth(r c 1 Yclir, io 71-uf 7Ily,,trff," ýhaiI appcar ronvictý-,I of oltinilcririz, f)r (.zlrl jI;krtIjýý vurrviice, Lhe is l il decide I)etii-(,(-n , t, (Il 11-1,- &'-,iýt ilope, Liriusay and livaver- ha7idt 1 oici- tire partizaris ofpeiso;ts ili ý,lTr l'ex#. NVe rlIR11 bc rrl fil te,) We tolI oiii, roteniporary tl î t Ile rival clairii-; ofJî:ý lire ny as fatir or fii I. tt)ii C(,:iipiiii. ; priving th.0 no office midur tire pretext of improving wild bv favore 1 "L'absandrit's" contribu Ierii'glýitene(l the public witl cities to lie Ille -'l'al of, tiJ.i« -Iie smIs lie liýt(i a riz!'d to asmillill thilt -s' tý charter tl lie for tho constriic- iaiiiis, lol, LI ilviont (Il or de.,cril)iii t i 4, r, Ié. %vo,,jlll bc alle to unilci ind the l exPensc.ý. ni-%r!ý, th" té, Liniment. At lire,,ont WV l'ilitl.-:e-Iti.CeIN- esti- ý1 1857 wùre c!tar!,ei in ;in acriliiiit c1osing il truite 01c inillort.ilire ùf the fillestiéln. Et'. 1 i'f'.1 froili ýV'liitl)v to Lake tire wîld lailIS5 to be iinprovcýitIl2t bu at." Tlil fi(,- m-tiuld mis Pe fore il i.-ý ihaf ail IWiIiýsh e filiroil. tends to underiiiiiie the ()Z-,, Fu, A &'ý-qessIl1cnt of the' air expression that we do n yüar lx l',m-n the te ()I'tiie MuniripalitY of the of dt iiý e of the an 1 Ir. Pliai er." Pie gentlenia fore otir coitempoirary others uf' .ýInellie.1 %vill be oricier ono Metai-il pra% in-, aid for 1 l'lie -aie il, tire on thi.,; stini.-Four un. sured that in r - and nt th-Q %il itli tfiv rree exer(:ià se of tlic u1-ý,tîve fraii- ý,iz respect at le b1citidcring it Ile zis M-vil tlle",IltI Il 1 Ql and others, of the and our F;'iiýire'of lion towards file Whitby and 51101ild get hie, fialcultitis l'harpeil 111411-ovenient by Ille triod of' iiiofý.cr î ooIeroýoe, Ils e illo.1011 ii :% -i townshij) of' Port 1)..ý,iiiel ; pravirig aid tu 't'r >;(;!tic discussion CI fliv (1er7y Roservus, gives lis about Iii,ý condlict is by cleared of the iiiists %N-Iil(-h secin to i r' t'le T)OIIt.,Iý-ltîoli Ikée21s il :Mé). HelItý, &V., not in- ri )Jril across the Crca. Port Dair- i IL tloes noi oli5truct théiir proper e.-,erciso. Ir lie luvi ýl-e:dtlly 'Ind a., allalle-ed in ail tire Li of, erect a l' iel %vero, %vu' wi lit, said that lhe ( xpeliditillie and incolLie tg) life Lis that (If the rilf)tlcl- 1 t- is 1 e_ U then, the nieirojio!Iýz q'l'ait eiliiiir( '11, -, t* Ofthe Illiiiiiél (if tlýý of I)v Mr. iiioviii,, tire Voté. 1 , trati. Iiii sentiment.-; ýa this ri et est March of tire Moncy Ortler i 1),urll,3- -of the Mut-iciliality of the Towil- lot- A of courl'e à 1- 1 ta 1 ii., c 1 Iz 1, 't II t Il e fle ails il the 1)(tolile of the 'I*ovn of %VI Bratieli should oave heil ziven in flet:Lil in OUrS thikt II - 11V ýe1V0té tél. 1110 Or(ia > 11) 11 1 lit[) of Proton'-and of tire Illotioll ilý,,giitived, Yeaýs 2-, to the 11111ilber of emi- Iiiiii befoie jic)%v, he 1 the litii)ul.t oL] tlizýit-Aav there seli(Isolle Io the va.-livst origiris 111(1 e5 ui iif.ýrteti)esia, praying that Tuesdav, 21t;t ý%priI, lo57. grants likéllv tiý riliý' viiipInvinent in cacli, dernéliistrativu liroof at the %vould have becii s(mie :how of re.1sop in to the ýraii(lest tel ioc 'ÃŽlien towers of B ý 1 uý, zi-nfi ta tl, , il %va! 1, (if* no y éliv lie ninde in the -territorial BILL-1, REA D A FIRST TIMI1. -ç alril ril Municipal éclections. Mr. L IL illiglit linvic beLli the case. 1 - L)iiluii Coi.iiitý 20,009 ripplirations, ex- iiiis-states Our swered that the ofruc %J zs il, ils lt)tlk blitzia, to Vtg Iý,; or infant ZD and Li, ;P of Béé- ý,,Ir. té) confirni (ý -v's licg(,ii(t (,I* yl Roine 017 tire Mtiiiicipalitv of" flic toWnshî _c c.i!!;ng" arc trot rmimrties the charter and ri Month for thon-h it lILl1,qIlýý froin Ist Fehrti- of file Litic Iloille Pi'trict collili.. > il 'leu ÃŽ], tg lIIN.ili" 4)JIt wilh :1 ýîIIe Ille Mon. of tire fo . r the u4blilishing fIr Bonds in ' % ' -,. tliv Pirectors. lie dues so ii ary 1855 it reý.IIl% oniv activ'. 11c Ii:inii,-r PIO asleil filer nre ;31r) Ife iiii a mari of straii , 1 il' o& the Nlun;cýpJlIitv 01)Ct.ltîcli,; en (Il, It Ma.v, and il)4: c_ýt 'i ty %vhich ý týII fiil y tirs, ",0() (*hr)ppcr.ý, p,)se of ciijc,ý-:ný, tire grntificat là ., lit,- tou (If lkiiii.1cil. ý t)f thc M illet, 1- 'ill l' zý 1 year was taUep t i;(ý1v in olic-iiiii (IlIeni; alid -et') %va:,- bill] agaill. Ont of iviIliný,,!v, tire scii itnt:ýClivité,tiail oni. (lie M 'ni, 1) gettill'Il tire re(loi-zile buoLi -I!I(1 TOI, Ali or -,ýf dit. dit, T0ý-î in 0l", Coulitit u! liii) towards the ]>;%;Iv;ty ? Pire, !11Jil jjj- 0'l' tire :I>1 ,printeil, ailil ýreJl fe;r 1, il t! i 11 t) the frieil (.I* li',V Thil of' Alit, --if Tlie Pve (If il, he knocks it doit; ili train fý,ir t1io fI 1,' ' v I!ýn:. Mr. te) QxtclIý1-r -i rîiý almo,' ruri! friý,,hman m ith his friend Lit LE thuil eximilillui tu ils fin ii!lltl i m apt :n é rlie jIý,l 'oli ()f file ý'oIjjj, i w le >.. lier for une suc- We CLI 8110 illid it tlu, tif the loivil- . The (I91-,ýj'«,f hjýs -n of tire Provilire to bu ,Il sýctiu!,ml: -6 a - 1 "" mariner in whicli it flint illey .1ild (If* lire M1II1)il.iiiIliýV Il î;a fille l'I' LI ie l' 1 b 1, wl N!,ý1 v tu tro A!I .1, o I lrilt whioll is il, iweilvide for thi! equitable re 1 ý:t'e!i in Our -,vil en Ille ',;le 7 Melillictboil ; iýrilyis)g, ,clailll th(, .11141 Io inl1lýPP1j1izv IýoI 41.1 II11-ý11ioII of.1ill.. flic Ull to ai]- 12- 1', fatal oeil to n p,)er ofýNfuiiicilal and Private Stoel (le il[ c"f 1'. l%, t a ri à ý -'l tille p IýIIIelJt ;)ý'JILI glory 'Lvuv ";iý ý,1IIIIt II IiLlitc n need to repent éévliat we the lý*>i: ;l 1,11 feint 1 ri-1 ont, P;I 1 i L.) v U l., r i JI: t a 1 i 1; e i "f liice tif the of'rcrtaiii n', Mr. stýv inill. Port Per- Pn ýjJ'. [:, I iiil,,, J ivitil J".i, en i«!i :;iiil ncar the Saint u-I 0 ur laY ý1 il riiljr of the whencver lit) cati olitain a listc Lav i foiiiit;, cricl; ý-f reý,ulii- l;ltl 1 Il;, !hù cfflIe urloii aI for prarfirahie t1icories, ard eti w(ro Ulký,-II Io lit'* i,ýý of élii'. 1 ,Ji, Tlhe ail ,ri the IV Wcs rezil a âile thtu nette, !!!il 'l t "i jr.;«ý,i-ý,, tin t «,. titiltt flic Little il I),,ý truteï Aloi. SI) fi Frolil t:Ie Li' 111:1 ' y I, f'T thc 1 lon. Mr. le-il- Llien iiioveirl the (if ý.'taÀng Lav.ýv some (,I.)- priane enougli to iii(liilge in hi The EiD ýeror of Chi;ial il. ýJ* , M.1e te) Iiiiii to il bil, Il) tâscof l* %vîth, the î;riî,'i V zlivi lier ýt 1: 11 r t 1 l': iýii,:j1 iýi -'l.e 1hc off -viiiiii Tax, silbstittite w i-tain (-I.:ý -l"'I the ive; tJýý te, the ('ï 01- loo.grIl glit Ulili'l that both in the Town of !,e, - !.1(2 lII);Ilt ûn Lake liul""I' part of the of tire leil-- Iviiici. r-:iliie on ilatIvlison l'i'li .11A Ille g %vIIýl -wis nýýrLý',A tg. inIý hini i.11 ý1 m-iiiiit.,r. Dr. East- bc j theintractable iý,.ÇI-ov tu .()Ii 1I1ý îî>jý, fleuri se :il f',-Ir, fillichlvQn o !.,- -:ý ýý, n;;,i '!"et LOI in I.:,ý pow el. Lu allevi lur', ýMjýi of 11,): 1. Mr. 'Aat-1ý):iaId inci _ý,i tire scLon Bilitisli. Thi, IiIj 1!ii:Iý te, I of die Cot -Itu ille es of' die itijiircri nian. No V t Jottitt!,-s.-.Port Peri ,be expl aý tilc 1 rý,:iliii o4l 1 c 1 l;II for the liett 'early rece;%ýç 1 n-ticti t1lai Ili; v v, te, g'l (À ILIrJts on ra i 1 ýý a ýi%_e now Procecd let redect TIn (l, -,re ü.-iIert.iiriciýI of his rccý)vvry. t'e b0t,0101,11 ;.1 1ýie c given ia our prospel of n ,on as tistial t, 1 t UJI lic, rowtli mid inantillicture-4 of t in thb M-ali,-, L neritl -mid Lit iý- t &c., BAn- ille tA, I';ý- t:nýe r.,,t 1,) ruliove rnilwa JI il. A117.1i's localities throu-hout this Coi I - cjni J. n'- t street, ýVilitby, of y i.-; cert.-titily the most at C-aiýtuýl Juid '11)t Il thu U' ci. -l- . :mýl. lor u f any l' crtd a L LI own in the Cotinty of OnUrii iliercenriry nse ina IL, c-C ýjijt ii.- ý-I l:a 1 ;ý,i ;J, L' second ti,-,Ie Lafler soille discussion. gies, sleiglis, t tîon by tli*e IocýLI faljeti IkiIVLý lZI-11 Ill robes, &-v., a large l in thepiýturesquûnc.,;,sùf itssit li2iA for that 1)uri.o.,,e to ullov AL--rival of the Fulton. -tý of the property remainifi-r unsold ira great manufaetul-;Ilg facil a great aud iVUkI1v-ý to Il' Lanc v 1, "'lit r il!tI Mý ýv%- 1:'. Voi.ildry ColiiI)UIIV to pur- 1 pu, town is built upon an eminent: I.Dipenar rL,- jouilv CoGrtý of Iý1t:jjJu. lire 7,« at his l-atc Alletion Thiz very l'est 1 part cf Mý. Aliliyi's sto(,,!ç and property is 1 mands a brond victiv of the wat itioristrattil ilv;,hhis uptcii 1 i c, The steainer - Fulton," with dates to Scugog, and the country lyiiigIr( Ir-l tii f Mariiio ol a't now on huiid undi,;poscd 1 (AI tý-,I truat f j 1- 4 _' aý: i il fier ;nl* ilýild viIIII7ýII% Il( 1- in ail ýýth inst., arrived liere this inorniriL,. th - thecolistLuit titi.ti-rà -j ti'- lI"...;,I,ýý,- fora -sumi of £*71jo fù VXding tý d nuking sidéw&4 - to b* - sif,* ap'art for L aà id the --BaseLin, in-"el the reniaining £625J proporti ýrdîn to the amfflIýeIIt diflerent Ward& Tho s*d1 idas street to bc continued to idelval'tç, two [eût mjde, from CCdýI ,yiid's Creck. A sidewalkl. four fix e, to Ilenry Street SchooL Tbe. #4-ý ks on Dundas Street frota Brock 84 [ary Street; and from Brock St% on Street to bc takeh up and neir s;ý six feet wide, to Le Izia dom tout sidewalk from Colborne SQeg, un -Street, A rour.1bot sidewiâ nut Strtet to Trent Stm-t Ai; ý four feet %vide arid croýss.,ng to be et] from Byron Street to tbe 14*n L-. A lotir font sidelralk-- from reli at the Bay to tlie Railivay Cr ,graf'lîd-,, of Willbun streei way nortli, as far'as neCý. ing on John Street, from the BW.4_,, aitl,-.nd Street. A Ë ÃŽdewkk fiom tý VI. -lirie ta Maitland Street At the ,,»i sýdew-tl*-, two Planks wide, ýL, Street to C7h3rIes.-ý street -ever zraling,- &c., nWeEsary m to lie emploSefl to take levek t.bc CounciIIO\ýrs of'cach war4ý sbOý, Coizimittce in theîr respec>-, The- Sireet Iný;pector to sdvfjýj -diatelv for Tenders. relation to t',.he cOfntuunicxtion dt4 Whitby, Lake SinIcOe Itnd JICCX coinpanv* Ile Tt»wn tà king the :)n of the rond wi.thin the UunicipsJâ1ý' the C*nmr)any; the ComZmittoo recowi tha t T,)%Yn Clerk be directed to cmA Cate with- the Socretary of the CO& to ascert-ain the terni-.3,,&c. 1-cti, Dn of Mr. Vail. -jc,-ýondid by Mr. ;on that the Clerk- do notify ûà , 1 lnink- n2ilway Compuny toopft, jn St-reet acrüss the Râiî1roadtrà rý w.,Ill.tce brouight up the reportd anding Cominittèe, on Printihg. ýtain r,,O-.ve niore-1 the C-ouncîl int4, littee Ofthe shole theýeO'h. Mayor comulained of fatiguée! 1 tje Coulicil Ã1,À) tpp()int a chawuà a 3 remainder of 0je Sitting. tain Rowe was Vuanà nously moiti chiir. ta;n-Roýve rosc reltrciantly. mayt'r rose -alid 1-mmediatery aflu-1 reemil.-d the cjiý.ir. La;11 Rowe sugg ' ed syr 40MIment wallacc-wished tberepoitudopg tiniciý," ho sa id, - th é. Printo 1 heir moncy." Alayor thought tl-.* Printffl OhOÃœ mish their acCýýnnt 4 ;so, sSn. .ain 1towe--il Then wC bc nl«ela 1 &bout that repôj7-t than yoi, ý 1 moye the Coa nail do now Itif the -firs-t, T-uç&dt:,y iu MuTy4ýý Carried. Coun('il thon, 6 welock, adfGmTd The Cônvictýý MoMsôn. mid a visit o-i'yesiterday to the cm-' ,msorý now undersentence of dath crime of 11,app, of whieh he wm- Ld ut the ru-à iies of this County Ise im"n bad the appearam of lieing à lenweenteredhigeell. dejeeted. flepmistsinhisdenW-'. 10 coninlitted the Clirne of whieh - ho.-, n feund giîilty-. S3ys the witnelm, q,ýiv qrup4fý ul ý i to have a regard for pth.eir Ment arins andin thà t case will lose:à t least hîs lion. Mr. Robinson presented a petition sums IIGW duc, tov cýjcb ajý; inte.-L.St. The Tiiües correspondent says that an 64Tîm -on Polîties.?P fro m the inhabitants, of tho, Co' ý - Mr. Luinsleii-Cin 'Monday next-En- unexpected increase rh the Bank of'. rng- as, their materW pro--res&.â new eflice and very possibly -niort-- But our unty of Grey 1 r- - 0 askin.- that a Charter be granted for the i quiry of Ministry, whether it i.-z the; it)teý,i- land rates Of interest Imd an unfavorable Tim" is a subscrîber and wisbes we bÇi4g built the ý Séhool part'of-thê aff ir is now very rnuell,»siiiipli- effioct upon the French trade. On the b ! tien of the Governinent to earry out tbe construction of a railway from Brztrupto.,, or i should talk to him about politim, We care, the -Mct4 ts.,,: It, is toi 1 fied. Yeh beý(me3 only- the ringleader or, wishLs of a nutrierous eliss of Canadian éther hand the new Aniericair tariff had Weston to Owen Souiid. net one brass button for the political , cant structum !The Whîthy and Osl -ith the concur- ! brutal mob upon whoni i i Manufacturers, by ordering tile discontin- encoivaged manuf.icturersýwho were anti- barrels 1rova F XDLIND FISBERirs. i - j of the day. No wrong and righWided prin. their, supply tir ronce of his' sovereign we have to ent-orce, THE ýý'.CVFOU. 1 » allufaetllrirkg cipui;ný, a profitable business with the The Speaker pre£ented the followingi Since of steaiii power for lu ciplcsinthem. All "Amy cpiantity" of building respect fortreaties for laws and for the 1 message frorn Ris Excellency. 1 purposes in the Provincial Penitentiary '? United States. bug. The cry. et "party"---The. caffin shingles and staves inay be said ýt lightî of hum'anity. 0 1 1 9 Mr. Delong-On Wednesday next- The Corn market throughout. France of a "party,, 0)-aÉje,_.ý._The there For lumber-ng and inani The Governor Gencral transmits for the ý Stock-i * n-trade Bill to aniend the Raihvay Consolidation was declining, ôf a "party" man. Abusînes-li:ýwbieh soùM purposesof all kind.,ý,. the place China. information of the Lee-islative Assembiv, 1 Act of 1851. The Grand Duke of Tuscarij has doclin- newspapers, turn to a profitable . account, eurPas scýd- a copy of a despatch froni tha Secretary of Mr. Rankin-On Monday iiezt-.r>,ill te ed te conclude witil the Papal ch 4- a çon- by - perverting the legitimate cul 11oxa Kéxt;, FEB. 17--it is very gent-r- State for the Colonies in matters relating to air now*pqper Port Perrjy is connecteýd to S illy credited that Commissioner Yeh bas New1bundlarrid. incorporate the Gre-it Soutilern ri lire r into a 11political organ," and, imposing the by a floatin- b idge, about Comparie. y co dat like the Austrian. infliction upo rgecived the Imperial comniands ai; te his Governnient Ilouse, Ths accouchment of Quecil Victoria is ùnmerciful NEWSPAPER Of a MilO in lengthand à ixteen c*nduct iittd policyfor the future. It is April là tiL,, 1857. Ç lion. Mr. Lèiuieux-Oil Honday next- 1 dufly expected. muD-,,its. To defend, the right, and to This w&q built by the County lut said that the Einperor bas expressed the CO!'-'tnittee; cf the WhOleý té cOnvider cer. The English eldetions are Over, ývîth fow nglit the wronged, we look upon as our 1tcost£1l50_ýqý Downing Strett. 2GLh March, 18,57. bighest cSifidence in Yeh's ability to deal Sip, tain Resolutions for giving po,ýer te the exceptions,. There will b a large liberal cAief business îný-poli -J transmit for your informaticu, e tici, Wc shali ai- 1juring the pas't yez.- more tba , 1 'dalthou,-,h recommend- 1 copy 'of a dtspateli N 1 ý1jich 1 have this day i South Quebec Warehouse, Dock and majorlIty in the new ile wayâ be found tâcre. Uonost and IxD with foreigners, an use of Commons. x-_ new buildings, we e, put up in th, Ing cleaiençv, yet that failitig, the barba- Seve'ral éthers, are DOW in courç addres.-ýed to the Governor of N'Motind X The amount ô," gold on the, 7vayto Eng- FreDENr--'l-Tim." rians are té lie driven intë the sua. Yes. land, ca the subject of the Fisliery Con- 0 id cerding the rates, iiientijned in the sa ihe gi-cater portion*lof 060 land froin Australla, tien. A new siýlewall. is-about 1 terday accounts_ were received *froni Can- Resolutione. %ýention with France, which the Leizislaturu which cÃœuld not bc fà r distant %""a è_ý4î- rîtructed by, the Townà ip. Coi ton to the effect that under Ych's direc- of that Colony have refti.'ï(:d to adopt. Mr. Bro,,in-On Monday next-Com. mateà ut £25,000,0ý,00. Or or'- both perha whole w4y Ãrom, Port ' Perry - ïo) tien the ploughshaîçc had traversed the site inittee to investigate the whole affairs (Signed.) of The elos»,iig of fivit Chineze ports against Th'ere are two,,vod, Hotel4 in th( The Port Ilope and Lindsay Railway or the laite factorieia, whîch the commission- H. LAROUCHERE. the GrandTrunk Railway Company. thé Etiropean commerce wa3 considered Theýaccommod_ tioý ý,at, " o Ilr. Coin&-er-On Monday next-Address imminent. Company have prerientzd a petition er hrid soWn with Salt. G overnor, ii.ot inferior, to thit provided 41 Sir E. licad, te his ExZllenèý --the Govèrnor (;elie- the Assembly prayin- that li," charterhe ilis Excellency the- Admiral roturried to &c., &-c., Canada. telinwthe'e-Ounty. 1tiýinfinitelY At the last advices the Persian, army grantedfi)r the ýe07Z81r«jion of a Hong Kong on the 13th inst., in the Niger Copy. praying him, to bc pleased té ýt*use toi be. ' aï t was firuily posted at-Shiraz Gen. Buhler tbat greu ý many. ThOM 'rom Wlitty 19 HOW bringin nte] ligence of an engagenient be- Sir.-T have te -fic'l'.rowlede despatches laid before th's House'e Return,ý shewing was fortifving Ambastan. The Southern and ýgroçM_ Et tween the llornet and two divibions of of the nurnbers and dates rpeýcifled *n' the the qutntity of public Aand.-Jicensed -t 114e company 1 pineip b tirnber-krths, and-towhotà licen.4etL can'thelpfeýntinq. 'ThlS B, n imporial junkm, which'w4t; auccessful, with- margin. Whon lier Majesty's 'eoverri. solite salutary reforms wr-re.proZremng ýives them Fits, hl& gentle Hon. ý -Vr-,-C4yley:--On Tt.,e,,;cl&y next- outthesteamer sustaininganyloss- The, ment enteiedinto the convention with in Turkey. In two 4uding 4i3 Yý _purch"es, i &fait took place below Powder Island. On that of France wliich has foý.jneà tho oeca. i1ill tQeuthorize the Provisiorial Municipal 'bout £10, 0Q0ý per, amuni in the colincil of the County of Bruce to, a-sk ý 1 nesses bad given. cvidence aÉainçt Tuîký ýqoiqmçilraau waù »Wuing, thejuaks descendedthe.ýcrook ta. sien of that cori-cmponderice they did so in î'e,.,qiqaný brou' ajeet or interçept the " Mer, When th 1 e 1 th 1 e hope of brin to a sati facý Stock in'the Canadtè No-rth-wcst It,ýilway, i and in bothinstarim the )Attor rere îoWqý 9ýt IMter. w*4 wi thin 1800 yards of the j u nkx rangement the tuaýy difficult and compii or otherwiao aid in accpmp4hing.jhat guifty., Mr.ý--Uwýd" Ilià lisimma-and à .'eý t, eith her . bow guns, and catçd questions whieh have arisen be- undef-taking, Flour eloséd,4= tomb comod s8jes 'at for,'tbe'e emon orý4- tu wýtthin 80Q yards, twçeen thq two.countries on the sùýject ûl ré of water, broA"&ýs Of tbý,. Neirfoundlýnd Fi h _s cries. Etit't'hev Mý- Speaker laid on;ituL"ti- --iowarm getulig _his s«twac6 Thm his father lived bi* in Sim- that &iiýË of h:is -lived ai Ùw rerùntôý but thm ha iU- »t.t" Id be awaýe his à ihï%Uon.", , Tbe ýr. Pentl&ncý, he -.1uni ig-about rive t eigbî-i=hez à ",Gnýe, "d of dwîý M-j > his doom.- -is Ip h toý 1-10*, or is ta", t% Penifon, he léý -jury- eýju(j, î 24 :Jnd, ýcf ILY- - O'b",t to yrichdraw P'ailwey. SG few road have, as ye', pUbIicýwe t1i;nk it very fe'w e. ,till f,,rtber this aurin our =d e-ven ()ften uýnavOl seri'usly aflrei,-tcti dePriIýe(j a s"ured for many years tion draal frelI' the gardecd, thortf(jrl-- tjjgt he --Mr. COOL-'s fj:l.v time aPý a sour- which fails to eI betIffeen t!)c co-"" "-s and th'. the further error -,6f even i"s É60r Pay The Conflucter high trust il, tile: .his contzol all'i ii ilof the riglit 41rtr j(> be well paî'I spousibî-lîty-liiii point of th on in ýact bis v 4001 jlra(ý UU-ý a rcs.ponsibilities. not "'U obt--I,ýcd Iý his momi aýi'I i Placin- a Pubbc; av,,! thç- ply em lfr. Iz Trun. pi U -ling Publie LrMýMI form ciYilitv a-14 ger-% but his evý.d -and =tiori, lins Imréty of hi- Iý9*-1I -U-rruined to le %v lionëgdy &ar- the . i Pà rcà iart to r joumed meýeLir apist;-.,L4ýs P. C«, E. Anri Perry, F- 7-ilzox. L ný rk of the lUyor oJ roula ý Lany c GU-az, 0 the M.