Whitby Chronicle, 9 Apr 1857, p. 2

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beW dwith adfantage for the secu urity H bñtrdUeg nwere sent fromCadis Iaccidet 4a;t tle smeplace would be the TI -liojections and obstructions ,which Twaçi al vonssAND 1exocaBME ' o0f iesselasaylgating the River or Gulf of on the 12th of March, to the Goývernor Gen- erection dfa [pernanent) bridgeand they they raise cannot be »o esily disposed ô.É~ edsuseisedoth vraigpr -K. Lawrence or the vicinity theof, to an eral of Havana, regp$cting the difficulties Wood thereore strongly turge on the Gov- Under pretence of securIng the rtpysTedyeedgAM oa bs hc é eeooedsrcd Mr. Speaker laid before the House, Re.- 8. Reoked, That the- sums payable by The Irish Liberals have adopted theiri with eaM d lo that the' Toronto and ver to obtain a popularity whlckhe has AU the memberspresen i de hen *aio aynw esadtob rom the Registrar of the County of this Province under any agreement to be electioneering programme of which the Great Westen lines should have separate been unfortunate in newtr being "ßi to Lawder. Minute read and apped farypndaogthdfeetPrton Pnce Edwýard, pursuant -to the Act 16arnade under the authority of the preceding followring are the leading points : tracks loyer said et ructure thereby doing secure to himself. Ait donc for ¡ effect-- Communications from John M1use aeOfro Teßs ag fwet esca. 87 sc.9, orth yar186,secio saybepad ut f heCosoidt-1-Tenant righit as recently modinied. aa it wthe;hc caeojction- outof opposition to the road, whichthanteScrayofheWibLksipd roteLkehisasnws SIXty-sxPttoswr ruh pade eeu udo the warrntof - the 2-Uleýsendowment of XII r'eligions secte able at such places writer is openly ari to'avow, . eggadHrnRa opn ed rmPr htyh'h1conrH & lon . rauchon laid before the Hlouse Her Mfajesty and to the L'egislature in the Saeetbihet the refiewal of tile ýforthe la*' coinPellinig såsming to lecture the Direetors issimply Mr. Fraser, the latter communct:nasheerTeBomrhssnerered by Coin mand of is Excellency the Govern- manner by law provided. ~ 8--Religious equlity involving the re trains to coIme to a dead stop before pas- laughable were the motive noiamaiciu. ,referred, to the Committee on Sresa n aeascn rpo a. GrCleneral, Report of the Commissioner of Hon. Mr. Cayley then introduced a Bill pont of Eclsasia ite.sng on this and all similiar bridges believ- ly wicked one, and in this again he be.. Improvemients. T tl onr p Jc lo Can Lan df Canada for the year 1856. to authorize the payment of the propo 4--IvolvingtCountt rahse: ing as3 they do t hat the lamen ëltable acei- trays his intention to injure the Railroad. Accounts of J. 0. Dornan anHgms- mlongst the Petitions received and read tionate share of thisPrine of the cost 4.-Abvolitig onppty uaifenton dont mlight bhaye lken avoided had this Mr. Chester Draper has novr betaken et Mayerhoffer Bros, fur printigada- Dsacho nls af. ere Petitions, of certamn Light Housesin or near thei precautionary tuonsuirt remainied in, full himself to newspaper writing.Hehseringrcivdadefrdtohe Of heHeernd . edr , Cre ad Guf f t.Lawene scon radngon A modification of the French Cabinet is fre .,BlJW oerCerc- possessed himself of a press and type to Cominteo rnig nmtog r uigtermidro h ot f ot hers, of thie Parish of St. Remi; praying the 15th instant. againd iscussed-the believed ohýjeet is tou r.> advocate his anti-Railroad- sentiments. WC! Wallace. Arl h nls alwl i epthd Isrc fMontrea, for Judicialpur. on Tuesday la-st, te-thie Bill to amiend the ment of State and the Imperial household.NW AdriSmDShsWf. damage the Railroad proj•.ct by misirepre- st h eoto h iac omteetlnso taes sflos: posl law-s in Upper Canada respecting Appeal, snigteDietos0n rqiigta M.Wlaereplied that theComte MndyAprl1ha deekp. at.%.rcel 1,,imburner and lothers, of the and ta alter'the constitution of the Court RmodCoc AwIllbN rclldfrm Spring Importations Ila:iiiinut&Robert.s. lln nte retim osileand ri ri ac t icable Ia watn ni h sesetfrte m, o otn hneprCnr n- roty vOf Chamuplain ; praying for the rd. of Error and A ppeal, were reported and Cuba,.-Doubtfu Importanions-Crawford &t Camp- - nsshudbidn b hmpe-tent year had been made to bigi t ody 0h t1 'lc .mfr y al oi ie LO er Canada M(unicipal and eeed to, and the Bill was or-dered for a n ar pigIprttosIe ieoThe Charter as now before the Hlouse of rePort. tem a e o' 'lc .mfr Rof ýJt o t. t ird rend'ing onl the 15thimiat.- Tetx fte Sound Dues Treaty isWgd1meitl-igis&MAYer-Assembly pro vider. for the representato h àtlodee httert Prlntec erCnda ieo1 adGep alanCma Thog asrcie rmte es ulse.Dnmr nae o o ofrBoo Mncplsoki tertoo n t sol ebsno tea.seto he MnaO7h t1 'lc .mfr inyl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Demr prenngframedenseothirAt aty Cunll greigtoth dlfo he Rouse and Lot forSle-J4ohtiflodgson. oNewuYorkalthenceinper ratnard oninel oty- luprNiliorio1n esL o hirAtblishmeniRInrtofa eel Postal Commtheany dues whatever on vessels passing the New Tin Shop-,ohn Bryan. rector for every £2-5,000. The Municipal- previous year ,Kle h aeo otg yteCnr ie 0. loroftin etblsmetof eel lota 'em- Belts or sound and also to máâintain light 'Whitby Town Bible Socioty-J, T. Byrn. ities expected to take stock are- the Captamn Rowe and Couincüne sM.b teUie tte s4. y Qf G. If. Grierson and others, of the nication by steamers between this Proince bueys &o., st the approaches of ports and •.L, 130-V, C. Mayrfer, e',Cunty, Town and Township of Whitby, a nd Wallace were of opinion thate onthCaaaie7dprio East hiaif of the Tows«,hip of Whitby; and the United Klagdom, w ithiout amend long the coast. Britishi American Assurance Company- Townships of Reach, Thorah, Vara and| ty rates only, .;hould be based pntet•- Praying fithatile East lhalf of the saidliTown-.e BC .Wet1 ceCmay-onA Rama, Scugog and Brock. Th sewod aesmnoftepviuyarbtthtRe-tos' iship may be formed into a separate Muni. à-lso, wit a Bill of their own, intitutled Piae1etr tWaissyferpro stenw.suaneerepreseJon ted by i wese dieou h ll oa> ae hudbebsduo he Da ttrEd«r e ctpality An Act for the béâter prevention of Acci- ha encnitdo natmtt o.. Times and Boaon As<uranco Company- County s;tock by four and thec Town by a-rssessment'of the present year. t Ilfrmand- tif the Municipal Council of the count dents on Raàilways. . s teBrtsJCageadhaiyntHog "A gnow- w directors and 9nach Munielpality sub. Mr. Keller, seconoled1 by Mr.Wlae snito oadinee -of 1aiil and ¡ praying that craiyhagsThe s"i1d 1 a te oBoinofl"lKng %vaAsunesman-.A" srbig£50 i ls nttedtoadre.moemhaoheterieouhoiedt ofhikitwrtyofaplc- -nra a mde in the law whiceh provitlis f Attorney General Mnclonaldl, read thelic t is sail a great partioni of Cantolr., both Store to Let J4efl as tor. In theé Railway Directory then XMuni. purchase RIaîa of the Town,whh s Ftm nnfryototl; justÎilt in >erCanada.en the 13thIstant.i PI . SWith 1-inigt o sar an cld plier n a H Mr L 'destroyed. • and private stocklby rnine director. . For .3 . <rw.Acrancuar ih od Ofth M niipl ouci o te outy o IisExeele r es(oetd by command The Pariî orepnd tof the lcdy iall necessaywrilproe ala nînmto fM.W lacsene in >r-n::re al"on " of H1ahhmtand-; praying that anu.Amonl «eec eGvro eerl rsaetspstvl ha eoitosBoard of twetyýit-onè DirectoGrm tshouild in by Mr. Keller, a Commiiittee conitn f Mmd4tf, agu/ bidnbecreý,@ddSr the reception o nr pg eCmdnr of aillconscience be suffie*ent. Miersr, lZowo, Watson and flodsnwa tthn'iimpngtann, Asyn at T ornon dtePrvicancewihheprvitonbovte ethurndtosed aFrnc amyof 0,00tocort f enra Q8rtr esios nd heMa ad he esrailtyofrurhainoAdt-eoikthe thy'ehvcolp *)f MWilliam Jolmnson and otherMof the, hp3. 0cpe t epit hn'To C mm nCony ort t; the price Ibein, thed at_ý3Q.et" 'Ion nship of M\aryborouàgh, County.of Wei- x.LATM7 Proite.s;tants" letter arrived too late. The Couirt optcne,Ã n Tuiesday April A division took place on thismoin-Int <n'., Parliament was fotiirmry issolved by a .0 ..--'* __yttrei ir - ,lington,-and of the M1umcipality of the The followigg Bills . væe severally read 7th. Preen, is lonor .hrdge Burn. l'Eus--l-raser, Keller, Walae adipn uc o nho am Trownsh41ip of MIaryborough, Counýty of the second timte, tand referred to fthe stand-.pe frmteTroeteLod hne. ebgtormnd u edn httehamn, the Mayor, A.Farewell, Esq., J. P., HIodghson.Btsr.aiyu'lgntt >, Wellinigton i pra.ymng thatthe Road allow. ing Commnittveeon .Miscellaèneous Piaefr ciga royt h uen ra rei aeo AlnsHres a-adJonCak Eq .PNe casn aiadRw. tog rLkbigIu ouct- Antce btee o QNs and 10 in the Bill viz. The steamnship Anra 1 assed off Tuscan ness, &c, will take place on Wednesday The Panel having been calledl over the On motion of Mir. Fra ser, secney Lqaiu ewe rne ele, 13th Conirce,ýion of the said Towaship may Bill to enlablethie.\u pa Council ofLihonte2du- and Thuirsday.,'niext week, 15th and 16th Grand Jury was sworni Mr. Rowe, Mir. Nathaniel Ray wasapitib e u hi eln, h . Thl'le steamsip-tl. City of W'tasington pas- inst There will no doubt hie some har. 'nis nti mso, Ee veted mWillim··Cater.the Township of vta yLt consýtruct ai- .Mr. Edward Hiarrison, Foremnn. cd thief Engineer of the Fire B:aead Terlgc runnsadrao # Of Gecorge S Wlks ndothers of Brant- Hlarbor at thec entranice of the River Bay- sed fthe Niagar.Ia- oft, sal oit e megains to be hlad at this fle Regina es. Pi--kle-.4bduction and .f. Messr, Thomas Mloo<y and Thoaie. I vr oito iwte er fod ndNrwch;pr in franAc fieldmito Lake llurn.y-. . .I.. l'.lTe defendant Was charrged with crdll, First and Second Engineers. .ri rjdc n uoswa. fâi ncorpo ritoc o rn r : ailAc Blt nbl hesrovnfecuor f The Aha bm nearly tiwo milions TiicOn A i0:rr IuO THom-Thiigold well~ aigfril are wyaltl l O oino r.Hdsn eoddb reddstul-rb h e, ,Iiçirortiii t cixF he u1a JBllW oribl h eM i . uas ffrance-. 1known Ilotel has been newly papered and ha Plan, ead scherne, and drinkl hadoton met . lodeo, s fromi Brauitlford ito the line-odthe Southern te ate Jon e aitosia, Esgto lease aned tha en muhiprvd- fromnthelicprotection of lher friends For the Mr. Wallace, a special Coitteecnittn ste a:on h or- Ralwy mte.owshp f oric, nd certamn real proplertyin Toronto. Ltrfo eio h prmnshv enrnee uh defendant it %was contended that lhe had a1 ing of Mteqr.. Wallace, Fraserad'te Iirithgterrid e-trd toconet it -heGea W strn Ral-| Bill to authorine the rimning Of the leg-al claiml on the chIii, that she was assign. mver was appointel to amlend yLw c reiusmte,-oeu ae wvay. Boundary Lino betweren the Seigniory of iIumon0R, A\pril oelgtsm n.lesnadevery ed over to im na., an apprentice. No. 3, as to selling spirituouis liqur ih n rnigtiig et n a . Of Natrcse Ouellet anid ethers of the Beauharnois, the lTowniiîp of Godmn- e rlaspaesofSnaoti thin, from te Bar-room ton the doritr.ry JdeBrhmwso pno htaotLcne n eott h oni. .TeeDnnwswt ewigbo Townhipof aliaxCouty.f Mganic chste, ad te Pris ofStunict. eia ae otelih.Tecu'ytv perneo atdosihl of tetnderyeas eofhong girl Mr.ntFraese,sendedby Mr.the dsn ee etrrvw lii o Uliaxawa b aaxd o hesdteordtshfu' e nch ýhostAndCm ouinr oeet neWseniWcbet.iec ttnto t1n dercheidftetendcouldenosuth egayondrlMrFakerhepoiionfoMr.peevn isrgtpwppdhsms o, Township of CH e.alnPiafinappr, aad, oudmtJon ats-tiemnto M. ryn n nohe olmn aprntceevnbyha pretsinthspecean godorle.an pevntngvie p h e kptto i OfJ.I Sy ouofth ilae fFr- Bill to amticen the ('ro f h akofsos healodrs wthwhih e ay e n- heseondcontLorth1f!aut.lait. e vetin likids of abo-xet *I ls o mno ihhs lighburgC payin tht th Bil no be TorntosGenraietfidtenecepstxpeoedinthftuiedwil e roery ttndd oan a Fne S1 aan cst schasarro achriabe in-.annsl-Atrhey supd-otine Lurgh Grammr Sohool niy not becoe aBriheCk ut n nCadiseilynnter i fGn Lfanr Tedfnan a nice o hvnnn. rvnig h iig fgn,-ps ftee ,fracr o, ThuchofEnlad ndIrlad sttng n la o S u tue aly al, thu gh then S n-tartesrpanio. ppmedlih oatbe fte ontC ristmas ove. 4th. Ganretsbiing. Pee P e -rm «i(wicvhsscsommtaeMti elC-on o h nsefo r. , The foolicionrmansdteAprclam tn from Nf. l ari is a f ic tofice rade rfrn u le C trcteaandwasacqutted 6't. T e llý intow N ignbadtesjsa lceigtpr praing .rlief. firm cert;iru.yroc forofithe-Champlain Spainfaos oignrs. ha: ttiie pr e t oar ivenAto his ale r (£10 eaneuh eJum)yis ontye Courdat 7tyon Th. Dawing, r itnpsig dueetebadalhaep okI Of .1.Ml.Geyorndo thersllgof h eVi- andlSt Iarenc te 'id M(ote al k 0 antehasetesadr f eotaant h atypitne oohesony i eckernd. cuiii r h-su Pe-- mnsc nting i decent lagae laeo r onyofWtroo;pa-YokRirai o ane.wsredte im tdv Te uhoritoftheLm pr anaaielr olgelosamierstilad £2 I5.l),, damaes Firans h. surbfanceoribeiu eths Getyo htnih o nn in tatth ai ilg e a ye inorpho-scn ie adrerdt teQadn eor cicy raeiattacked tekzCdint<fa sindtri;w lbo s High Consetan T ed asitif t.Poaeoah.ruigauie a- cukigabi ieh ile rated C o ieon Rpaln ye.rnt Ctsd rano nt oe rtoor iadaray sleay ouight t beincivre-ias ie Rginaarati. Fguage. How n kind publiecould ben Sri ed Uf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rc thCt en atseSceyQe h ompetny. loundtoWdns ade thyecei cdntithe pmsa ruenft t omensrtihte eru uisr-£ Th e ierntsnVedice frPlavin -f.10t. ruvnnk oredirdely nou uanegae becg • praingimwtoebole them to bcom- ateehintn.mrt orir n-b top a uree t eprome.Panif N .Hro eanat t.Ineetyepsigtepro.Wgtatbnae plee he onmen i curs o ercton imog t e nortte asompat onpr- rel ii!-emn, il retnm e --_..smiena thring oordon- lerdic tr Paintff 2t.Rit ouç,cn c s -co disel cnut B as.etrn oratae of the Provi S tonMuicpa ofteUclo ahApi- ilt iieteTwsi f{eypr fteepre LeeymniTtdd- Plinthe if ; N. G.f hm foIree nal. 1t.Cntbe'dt'opevn nrc is s oeu a CltichofEnlad nd rean .se Whi &utbySonth Seuny MoflsOntar o, intoe Cin %anto l(h ina ko l l eertianà. n poî eIay evening, at fthe Cuit ygrof tmionsvef ByLawbi. si-Gn yuIo mahr4 'the~~~~~~ C myo rc ryn htteto sertie Muncipl is% mninflct n hn he itehe er ts. th e'unclr. eae vecomlaineof havM. Feh e s. rndaneand -arnenasVerdi t hathaieandimprloinmen or ifa- ai uetspautpnm a fot to â befolied.lacdnes. orDefndnt subsnbes ellmewit hdtgac I..rni inwhîh bs cmmuatin fomthé and'Shffotl.riend may exps e ro r anch tin t om elli ngefu.cit o frther awayd fr t h tatr 1d6sacute. iI.Th e 17th R 1 f 1 iL 'O te yodofth rebyera Curh The Bilnarode te e sad arrive -Mcadgdar.McGnr-Vedit or eeao asy ofco.anorwi,-or ene, he cnno tac . as promptes as bas terribdandle. au hear !est . Ccd oundIkad dn hvn mse fitigwthaov oisosournty.p>tr.S fas of anada pr yi nyfrthfee. fte bu a aiglfr:rpool on thetheadrvi aGvenor te~ aplren tedt avl o raother gntle- Plantsvotifn2 9 ddmgs r- O tinin r g'. Ad pbl.s bt t .nti-al."- Separat Geool andt fte afteron.d f March 21st.,"' manrofthenouncil, inboureeportsvofitheir mayne foriPlainift;eN. G. Ham foreDe-i..n3moon or.-raser th Connelain.The ittle boys thei ofu so poke, laeof h ylr, ovile orticuturaloocietry . Th F.to" ioc e a ows on theCaaa, rendodgve s mai ti and. entatoCom itte odth whlemheron.".T>rm nt . wn tnks-m Yorne at Whampoa,,thehe dth dayofthe prcedig r W ateonnthe Chungair l. • ping tat the flotiultur ialScieiesopo of Mth. 12d err.th oon We wCli (it , a ill brendout s Iin C-the.ertioniby Prry rsf. LwsVritfrPanifC .re ikaenw msmtignw Uppr Cnad, my rceie te iameaid T e " Cirail 1Can"on iied again on the , ad a-- ++ velry member ote c ouii nci, e xcp te £8i1n8.,d mae. rma frth uae a 1ad2wr dped d3d "h f athsofLerrnd.tfrNefoundlan-&o f he.hone .Fsho. fyr,, ht ehven0 msereetd aii. Sluse adisussontoo labe h TeornRoP0a hi lsie 'e Of the StMTaoraCprt nSofieth e-Mesrs. igla, ther.&Co, pot s ~ n~otuorteirprce. n nd Mile e. rah-erictfrbant for ewe h cobnto ra, o Cit ofQubee; payngv tthteeBllfolows-.TheRoheser nin o th 2d istntonc olyanerro afrportng£5d1s.d,1amgsTaayeho mve ndecthe owhn-M.W "Oe tn crultlI o. nble fore the Inaouset toe a enthe At tvRoO, ach coin-m tefoloin1ariclrsofth mtinofth Myr' t av benrle Pant. ; . I.Ha orDeenat.-foinrmn n e isn o te orifter'ssuha ikni rog authorizing investigationsi in ,casmat ofn e.e fer. ofthellchoonr " Faho "gatc.FaeelritfrelPlaintiff ommth iot ' Torhav tw tonandbefy eng cidenetal mnu bec n Mo ntefrel my on t ed dersson trohoT er4rtdiase o teseso o he ore hre t hol h ve 2910 0d, a ags. H ofo. iP .Cliam ndinwstaridf ndV i not ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cev beonL w ns ara ead h eek. On Monday the Ma rke a rty, ofakeoccue thi mornngon acke O - onerrTenonti wic w1pnnhi-taconllfo Dft -tane I to t ld ir m lfean Dme'senrW f pingfyor tid. .that76. cvrypae y e pierda bun frthis por Ms-ertea£.2Macdonll, orDa unina, p mMCrint"ornn peks ha Pfhar a of Toronteto'Olta Iab it f-prayinglhl that: tE-. Onbuqdy evei,. tBilli no r ios f y-aw prha areslureesgndtoDrlng&Cousay njr ta w holdbMicindHaFrPht.; Torem ayn He, fr eft To es o nyfhr before the Hlouse, to amendmiso tchnxo hsciy h erbr &G _I hChreofWestern Canal donr had more atten. weah wn merelmaddrntsýVdc o ltUdng rmye he oi o i n yma nnrt e r n eaefr - Dear G. T. R.Law Co. em of te w Caranda-- ofth ComplmtcarrWrtin."Id.' n1es n ar ed the Metropolitan Gas andretWatert Company s veryale aya rnd du M h edc o li£5dmgmTean h noe. ybsus o Oslow:uicprai fdtoe openshutpaod IndranCorn rather pressingly offered, running. The -Fashion labored hard in gave expression. -eiav.Crign-aal-ondevoted exclusively to interestingntcs"al9upnteaesavt Onlw pai, frndtooe u.aRa and fai business done at 32s to 82s ad the ses early in the night s rang a leak ' - __ of ourse l ow the readers ofthCo. 7 ndhedprHte from~~~~~~~~~~~~~ th-ilaeofAyle o h!muhI Corrigan wasindicted for a brutal Assault "onalret;nn o fo Dep ivaerfinthe ppe ateofouthe ,At to daya market there was some en- Their escatpe wasindeed a fortunate heItitar-.betacioiXs' ire. The-latterapp 'd noeat erteiBeino oa ~uDikicåàopgr Countyveinte perpr of Ptniee quiry for very prime wheat, which main- one. ---Court atnd bore evident marks of 111 treat1 unmeaumng b Med# we can easyges n ny i bk:'ïln .r tvwo reetdteFr Repor were 2d lower, and very difficult.to move was blowing it was thought thep wreck writng for the, C<nmonwealth have the Morbid and craven the appetite tha ol n nhshsesiearig of the Standing Committee on Printing.1 making a decline of 4d on wheat- would go ashore on Irondequot Bar and it knnmt nomushwh ol Rd.nMcKday,. mternaidnnaoftMil aelrersed t Wekit 'eftë~ h at adadè.tne# On motion of Mr. Thomas Fortier, the Forwsdlad6.prbre myhv oos r hs-Te8 out his scheme of representation of XMuni- fnatadawins a naMilr althy meal. çontiues &.b M re u. n te 4:nna h C csfth Sat\ miteecheaper. .which vashed ;overbdard was% drifting u e c o M teundplt Howpaiieysconideaté rtuon Inin on a rsi l ofeedth leah us wstofth wer andureîn t b votedupon in connection wit, ..-unon the re£ecine readers. ifanthrbe . ,- Tu the Editor uf the WhitLb Chrai **C you alwayrs take in matters hihcoc the wvelfare of the pub!i, nra of the large circulatio0I eatitee of youlr well-regulated, p-aper,,I ventureto addres4 vtyou nthe subjett of the closini of the session of the Medical Faenity or Victoria College Toronto, popularly d. nominaïted Rolphi's School nf Medicine.- ý This- event to)ok place o ensa h first of this i -nth- -Twenrty +tudmetspre-; sented ý'themisselves for gradutation. W :arra.ngemtentsg made on thie occasilon by the Yenerable Dean of the Faculty, Supporte by his able assistant Dr. Geik ie. iere truly admirable. Pire candidates formued aclass" the examination of two- ofwhich occ-upie the Oyat day, one the xecond; and olie also the third day. In ceqiuenfce of the - happy diAruption aniongst the profor of the Colloge. at the opening of the -present sess4inLast October, those stil. reta"ne their offices, determined- that> the -youn men under their tUftion should undergoig far more complete and thorough examlina. tien than formerly. There seemied to be no point in the proesion neglected ad t, which- the strictest attention was not pM The narhappy absgence, through ilness, of Dr.%rn h lernd pkfesoof Anto my, was much -to bc regretted ; but thaL worthy De#n, who Seems to be completely1 at honme in every depatment o his proet- Sion, to »k the placeofterpctd¿er in con.lunction with his àaWa,. The anuber of gastors on the occasion was nt salary as the importance of the case, 1 thinik, de- manded, owing to the vexatious jattmp on the part of some evdt-di«posed persons% to raise an il] feeling aga inst the ma-titu-" tion, on account of soMe preparationslbe- longing to the students not having, in their opmnion-,>een suifficiently coivered or taken awar. It would be wçell if the parents or guardians of youn1g men st'udying thge Md .l profession vwould attend these ex' ammîations,, if onlyt to. see the care And'- anxiety mnanifes;ted by the learned profes. sors fin training their students in such a manner as to enable'them to become diu- tinguis hed in the fhne oflife whichà iney Trusting that in thus addressing you 1 shall not encroach too graLll n) valuable time, 1 beg to',.tsub lem aour Yours miost respectfdHlv A \ ISITOR. Toi th.@ E-litor of the Whitby Chroaieîle. MIF. EnIvox,-Publish this; letter. - You11l see if I eirn'twrite. I know peuPie say that I can 'talk well. As you de not think proper to-condlesScndto take your own part, I d. I~am a young lady. No Not that, but a girl of s pirit, and 1- wan't to let those orrid fellowv, whoi abuseyou nb yinthe two otýterpapers;,see what . c an t>ell them. It is not that 1 have auf partic ular liking for you, that 1 do in I eover -could fancy an Editor. The nasty thmgs these odious people say in the two ad papers about you, I believe to b4eail a bun-le of lies. This rouses my sp'r.t. You served that illiterate man, calling nserlf Profemor Brunning, very right.- His impudent attemptatiecturing deserv. da tu Lm denounced by the- Pres Iwa ery gladI to sc that yeu had the indepen. jencel to tell th)ett' about him. H-Ie dia ot know how to begin ta leýcture2 'B - ýgnorat neonie of thea.m.....d ....IL 1 1 ý - you deai &YB'UPC Il b youi t the y "ont f Se." believi bit be il what wr. too nu Yeu M and na Ett of Hon. Mr. Terrill laid before the House, 'by commnand of H is Excellency the Govern- oer General,-Annual Report of the Senate .ef the University of Toronto fur the year Hon. Mr. Lemieux imtroduced a Billto -incorporate certain persons under the name of "l The South Québec Warehou»ý Dock, -.and WharfaLge Com»pany; second.readig eon the 17th instant. ' ý Iý Thfe BHirther toýamen-d in Act te en- reourage the establishmùent of Building so. wiisin IArer Canada, wais rÎd thethird Aime, and pug' ,Thêe IMlte amend the Aet to provide fu'r cthe formation of Incorporated Jont Atict ýCompanics forma mining unerkanical, or ehemical sml* oýsa to - - - . . - nce., )ff un ül pr.', Ev ng hien low-a-d uat'i mre "Swa urt unp tN8gly &"; sales were made of mixed at 81s 3d 4W8a ôd-making a delinie of 1a 3d per quarter for the week. euorisiot;&-Only moderate sales o beef and pork are made, from the wint of stock curtAiling business. Bacon meets--a fair eònsumàpiwe demand, at full prioea Lard quiet, and sales for prime at 72e, Money in London in good demand, but rather easier towaÈrd'ealle. Cmoso, eSt a 984. Americanh euiie ueand *ithoutimaterialchange., Richardson, Spencee &Co. report as foi- lasPer AsiaL-Dreadstatfs-Markei very slw in transactions. Proison withont chanïe.- • - àà na - pm utsçvvl, vs, coïgnees hve sent men -there to look - a he property.ThFadnwsno , la vessel nor wnasshe a new one. We deo .hear that the vessel or cargowee insured. LArER.-The wreck of the ~Fashion drif. tedahore two miles or more west of the piers this morning and lies there-a total-. wreck. The seas are breaking over her, and may soon tear her ýto pleen &lA- utn- dred barrels of dour have *aihed ashoee and been bhauled upon the land.~ cil directi th aepaý igen" coternporar pawe il 4 he would1 > tenmt ý p 'm to -

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