Whitby Chronicle, 2 Apr 1857, p. 4

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- - -i~---i--i---. i *~: i W ât là hât.y&I I btoaio" o adý '. Why laa bâti w1e ttrthaagood oe 5.What word ini thie ngItb lwgnage, of one *jfla l,,wib, ii'wo ?Jetteras 'b, tk% frU *111It?, -fOrtili CLWord or two syllables 1 4. Why i te theitter T. 1k, the. tales oflirob- a. Wiat la the, wora ftu ~e,,d syllabie of whi la a w«41i 4- What part o a«s ei Is l,1k ahen'a netiy i, Whi* -ktyswliinatne an oltiwonans OmoPàqYaent, a tafior's squeezes, and an àrt1cie In uâe laineng romen ince.the. daya of Aunee t Boheinia I VBARtMES. 11yr firbt t6 a mnesure by no mnis fucîînnuon, My maccnd a wiglt tliit thircc iciters .emeroi, My wiole titiattendant on ecadi mati and wontan >.orniug a requt6ito part oif yonridreioi. A part ofniny dressi, MTio weam'r; Ia color, trnoacosd, Wilnaine, Xou'Il coifes,, An entirante qidite Mt>g with doors closca. -Whaî !S theIelnguat ant-aliortest thiug iu the -wcld; the twifteàt ud the. îloweat, tho fno.t -di iible aîd te mo8t cxtcnded, the lctt vain- -tdnd tut, niost rcmrmtted; witlioit w hictii t- irmg can bc donti; whicli devours ill that fi; samali _yet gIves life toali thâuix great ? N5IiiTO rAVILY i'AtTIME IN CtWONIIcLE or 2cTn MÀRvii. (oa~nit~as.-. Iy tyiog a knot lu a lstti, -and that woild mitiiita 1îg'p-tye. ?- Becans. -almitl itoiglito art' on the rai-k, and Iuim gi-ct- 4A too-e.-. X. T. C. (emccaa.) 6. Rlecule. If im hti ni%-rae Ill ti(nivcrait-.) î. PBccan il inakes nid Îýete1 iito G-qid metai., 9. Ileviver P. Civil. W'. Itita bretid throughi the acalimig ExiomA.-Tbu Icrry tiîotigbt. .JBrîtaah Polley with Regatrd to the China War. -Fu-tîtît lttiLondoun Tiiies tttrcIî6. The Coalhitioni lias lest nue timnluann- uËcmg a poi-y a ttfar as regards the' quie- tien oui ihi-it lb lias -forrned itseif. Loi-d Grey in lhe Vpper lIeuse, anti Mettrs Cob- dem, Gladistonte, aid othcrain tlîe Loeve denniti bliat 1vi îcut îtaiing ton tbc ap- pi-ti te the ceuni-y, iovcmnmcmnt shtouiti immediately ecutite corders of tue IMouise cf Comîmucus, - by sendiug eut i ..t*lupeterutîîex'son te catch lte Tudian mail anti supersede al hue British authiorities onu thue coast oet"China. Ih ith)hat ay miether the leutauti aus oddest in tht -mentit ofLorti Grey mie ialed en thtu majerity efthie lieuse et Lords ho rentici instant subjuisuion te a snial ininomiby of thie Conimons or i hle menut Mi-f. Cob- dun denoumcing tie Govurmmnt as ;mur- demers if thcy gave on. more ionr's 1511 than ticy coul) pessibiy avoiti te lis oîd fiin)thie Presitient efthle Peace Society. -We are thankfui for thie suggestion -as'it - -mii help the ceuniry' te untieratandtihie position ef Governient -onthie rccipb ci the lite- noms. - Ibis scarceîy possible te farin even a conjecture as te the state of affaira ah ibis montent in btcesikatstililesm miat wmll bc lhe statc- ef affaira six meeka 'bence Wiien te nmai-nom going eut viii arrive at Hocng Kong. Miiiisters are thon enjoinedtianti adjure) ho senti eut ah once a man te siipersedc aIl the authiîehts on tic spot te deprive us instantiy cf theur heter information anti dcarly-boiigit ex- peinnce, anti te untienlake te leati1 in aff- airs te whlch lie may ha pertcctiy es' but iwhiich yet may require iuxmediate ai-bleui. We are taarc tbitI e owe ail apology tu bie Pau-iamentary opposition for taking a bîîsiucss-iike vica-ofuthte question.but a-e -cannot otîtemiise satisfy etti- omuintihncts of pttrietism justice andti ruti. lb is a inalter et business sud a-c bave te consider îrebality as meil as hume space anti othor circumstances quit as muchi as if a-o mere .ceusignimg a miacolaneons cargo te an agent ait Malborue. As a matter of huai. uess il compeis us le admit another impor- tant consitieration, Woe mil honestiy say liat çënsidering tbe four parons ah hthe -h,,ad ofau# aeYirs it Canton de atnl avents knoir senetiing about tii-m andi on.- of titeanat leat, asveryboiy's goti mord me sîtoul) fln) soeti iculty in he choîce et a man untiouhtetiiy qtuaifleti te relieve thein oftheir dutîes, Whiercin thie menti, is titis perfectiy cempetent, univer- sally.qualifia) anti absoiutciy tmust-ni-rtiy mnan ho bc toun). Mi-. Cobdien co.perat « edwith Sir John Bon-ring for many years anti net only whoie classes et marchants -but tisiiuguished poitcians antimore than - Il te Peace-niikers et Englanti, put tic ubmosb, confidence' in bhil gentlemain of whmienie aIl knoa-as much amsilis Iopossi- ble tehnof tayoy'. lHe as net a more halker, for ho mas but an indlffereut oee; nom mas heoan aristocrt ; but a man after Mr. Cebtien's beanrt. Yet uven this mutin album haiug Consul aume ycars anti -after uevçtliug imsefrtte ctuti>'oetChi- nese affains ilaticclareti ho ha unfi t fo r the canduct cf' oùmr cause. Because Govern- -ment lias not doue titis a dezoien -ieading poiticiana bave agreeti te chage 1h mii - violence te tie Constitution anti mc knew- not lit;,an) te foremost lu this atitice i. a manmhimauts te Mnd ont ut anybody amy îîrknewn persan te superactie a man in nmhii for mari> yeurslha bintif filt tiec greatest cnfidengei. e But Govertument't is lu inobéeience -ho -bbc vetao o Tuestisy, anti mitheut maitiug -fur -the decittiouioft bitepublie, te senticuit Teratiy'unauiapoli e', andtihticcompeteut ,mnu, te wield thimmiûuense frece" cllet-, ,dai at-IHong Kong te earry eut blis pelicy. -JVýe &te orderbthe untdoing eoferthinig UPX4Ugati oaërtilyjîù«, and beg&a thair pardon; but if thiy présumea on thisa confessien, uheai ef course WCe muat protact oursah'...This sthepelicy to be ent te ut-with the pSietly cempatant mn aitnd we8oertniy think that tnobody mil 1b. OÃ" compétenat te carry eut the policy as the *prepeunder of lb or oeaof bis rih teboxa ceilFue in thé- proposi new Adaninis- tretien. Haro4 thmn, e arc glad te a > the IBritish publie naày'îtnew what 'they have tochooeae e roua. On the one aide they have an existing Governmîent whiclî hia jtst leug'ht Engianid out of a terrible marand danxer of othar mars hadlbls formidabe, ïnto poaca andi securitf> but wh[Ioh hearing that lier Majcstys servants On the other aide of this planet are un dIiff- culties iith a barbarie and intractibla race refuse at once te discredit anti abandon tilent, but waits for the resuit of prudent service anti ample roinforcementi,. On the othor sido thcy have a sutiden gathering of thojle wluo only two years- age mare busily employeti in damaging a, ur credit and tying our btands in the war wihh Rus- sia, anti nom reiterato tii. ame gaine on a w ildgr, if net a larger sMae, by preposing a wiid-goose chase after a perfectiy campe- tout man, te bu founti to-day andi sent eut to-morrow miii ordera te eat humble pie to Comnjisioner Yih, his amiassinq, and lus prisenera. W. undcrstand the ativice. it is net the fi-at instance we have heard of it. Long mgo scheming politicians founti it/tileir gaine te oppose everything that was ýractical, and ta malte màgnifi'. cent displaymt of stucup eloqueuce in b*haif ef whtat iras uttçrly unpractictil anti Culti never bu brought te amy actual test. It is a poiicy wichel bas somethuos liat a partial and temporary success, though of course it defeats itself in the end. Can thc Britiish puîbuie bc dupeti by SUClI n apolici-? Of course they are not frec front credulity. Tlii conmmercial history of the last ten years teila sud talcs on titis point, but the general cection wiii tell a munch sadderI taie, with stili nmore deîîiorabic rcstltsif in fick-!e distrust of an Administration knowni te bc wortiîy of ils confidence itL brings in. te power an or7iin a therwcn Adutinis- tration, cf miiosejoint policy nothirtg caL be known, except a îviid proposai for a &tcampeteut iat," anti a htunble but strongly armead apology te Ceinossioner Yeh. -1 The Ortier of 1'ictoria. s Tedistribution ofthie tiicoi-taion etflte yVictoria Cross à, anneîuîced 10 a stuppiti- e meut te titi Londfîn Gazoette of Tucada>' elusth nînt uiidoubîetuly bo rcgau-ded as one of et icmost pcuîgitncidents associateti ,f ith lte happiy ieriiition cf tic labo %var. The nemly-founded hluotr lut tesigucti ex- -clusivol>' toi-tue gaar) et those brave -men et mhiatei'em ramtk andi in miatever brandi otihe ia-al anti militai-y service, a-ho ina>'have distimguishedtihblîcuaselves t b>' tie exhîibition et couîupicuous -valeur in prescuce ofet tn emy>, lThe mollo berne rupon thie Croiss, '-For Valeur," tolas in a ivword, the virbue for a-tu-h h is conlcri-eti fCon. ideming taIthie dccoation la hhus 9sti-ictly hjillte)te licte vite bave acbiev- 3cd n fatue hi>' tas etper.sonial proa-ess,« 1iihe number a-ho huvl suri-ire) tWreccive 1il afl'ords a gratitying pi-oc-t hat the an- - dont courage anti dauntîces ardliool fer a-uht hie natives etftii-se islands more -evcr fanions stilI ives i0 ui)iiniriislîed vi1 -gor in ever>- bma-chf bhc Brili$i servuic, Titi reciptents oethue Cross, as nameti in taetifte, sînonul in nunîberbô ciglit>'- tir-e. ITue deuils b>' a-ich tii-yhlee gaime)i arc as btoitiandtlvolant, as stik- in- and as variotis as i-inumdec up the renowuu etf the chamrpions efthliee oh) elays wliqn persotial coura-.ge vas ostoome thie hgl lest virhue otruniaTn) a-lin tiie msg. lu" oft iîar a-at imade the principal oc- cupation of kingdoms.. Lot us qîtete au instance or tii-. ntuhie Naval Brigade, Captain Wihliam Peel ree4esth ross for having, "on tic iti ?t)ctîbb*er, 1854, ah thie greatoat possible risk, takea up a live sheil the fuse till bnrning frein ameng stivemai pewtier cases ouI-sidathie maga- zine tiroivu lb ever thc parapet (lteahoiI burstin- as it'lcft his hantis), tbcraby sav- ingthc nmagazine aud theohives oet tose in- meduatol>' round it Lord Lyons spoek-hng et contiuet on this occasion s>aya :u-This tiaur. erous net te sas>' tspi-rabe service (carried eut in a towu cantuining upa-artis et 8,000 tmeeps constantly cutiearoringte prevout lb anti oui>'chetikedti b>' icfire oft hiebouts -guns,) wis most cffectuaîly performeti. Joseph T-caase anobtainsthie Cross l'or ha-ing i-ut Ihe bavsers oetttie floating Bridge in bhe Straits cf Cenitlui, under a luîavy fime of muskotrl, on mu-ch occasion ho a-s murîde). Oftloicantîtuig lu bliteJ Balli- siuîiliîîr ac-t etprowm-oS rerecaun- te). George lîlgeuville, Captain efthbie Mast, 'in about acihi& off Viborg, savethie' se- cond cuIter eft he Arroganut, muh ý,ha) bei-n saapeti, anti la)d diftedi under a b albi-iy, hi> jumping intoth ie ses, -hhough wountie), and cati-bing bol) efthle patiuter, Lieut. Chas. 1). Luicas, lîke Captain Peel,1 threa- ovrboar) a livesihlkduriig the at- tai-k on Bomarsun). In bbe Arn>', Ptj,1 vabe Sanmuel Parktit, oethbie 4tit Ligit Dragoons, savedthie lite et Trunnpet-major Çamford ti aBalaklava, afler btih tdi- horses ha) been kilu). Parkas detenti- e) himuteif antfi fnttiagaîiist six RUES*su ,hmie"ho kept at ha>', anti retiretislowly l flgilting'anti defeniintg tic Trumpe-Majar1 for Bsoetime, unhil deprivéof tisswaord.l by a shiot"Corporal John 1Poss, oe theai Euiginccrs, obtalisthie -Crm ossr, amSag4 etier achievnunèùts, I l ntrepid' anti4 devoteti onduet inîeping tte tRedan on the nigt of tlt8ho Speîýr n reportnir its evacatiûua. onwilh'it nc ' I 1~ tillery, Là distinguisheti "for defending the gunsof his battery against everwheiming numbers et the enemy, and centinuiitot do so unitil hae had received tire,. bayenet- V.eund&lt Thesa au'but a fuir, and probably not the ixost censpicueus, of the nnany brh- liant expIoits performed, by, the aighty- tbrce galant mnl now celebrated mati up. on whbent the Cross of the tterdêt fe ' ms been conferreti; but uhey wilUsu ce te show tbat midâtUths iie, rnemets and ireased luxurles of theae latter daya thmottie ef Englishmnen la stili the same as miieni theýir ruder fathers hatld tue smorti mhich nover quailed bafoe an enemy. Arlrivai of the "Eropa."' HALIFAvX, March 27. Th royal mail steamer IlEuropa,» Caj- tain Lciteh, ÃŽrrived hèrs this forenoon, and miii bc due ah Boston at.au early heur on ýturdaY. The IlEuropa7t left Liverpool on Satur- day, i4th inst., ber nemsist consequentu>, one meck later than that receivoti by thte Sho .brings nems of lier -own. aiva! mt Liverpoolon Sunday the 8hh, and aisaTe-, portt the arrivai at Liverpool, on the mom- in- etf te 1ith, of thescrew steamer "An- glo Saxon, front Portanti. The scraw steamer Iltir=-;ian,"which ieft Liverpool on the 701, for Poattiind via ISt, John's snd lalitaxl4tIadpsu;t'bsck in distresa Tii.peliticai nomrs by titis arrivalisl ixîagre anti gerally unintportanit. $pain continuoti lier prepirations foi the invasion of Mexico, anti mas ndeavo> ing te sécurW the influence ef France andî Englanti in koepiug the Uzitè-d States in a neutral attitude. Nothing hati eccuirredt t change the complexion of the Olhinese question. COMMiERtCIAL INTELareY~-XVI The E u rpt' comnieiciai ativices coma, -domn hothie evenuuag et Fritiay, 1th i mt.,1 an) represents a quîio etten ion ai-ketith. ont any unuterial change lu prices simca te depatrturueofthlie Af,'ita. The mar-ket for bread.stufiis comthnîîod exlrenuely duil, anti quotations more ncarly nominal. Ne cou, siderable sale coulti be effecti ect-pt aI a -maherial deelîme frein tho prices cui-ien for soete eeks piat. Tic market for provisions couuinueti quiet, steady at about former rates. 'The London XMeney Market vas anme- wiat nuore stringout, but tic prices me- maincti a- by ativice by lie Africa-93-I for money. Mn. nlcajmtn's Bi11lle provade for tae greater securi:y of Lite, ead the pro- tection ef Property, on the Malways in this Province. Wheras tbue inu>'serions accidenta mu-ch have lat.ely occurre) on thie Rail- maý.vs in tuis Provintce rentier il nec essar>' ant intcumbent on the Legisiature ho take stops te previtie against their rocurance, as tar as possible, lu order tiat gfeater se- ci--i>'anti protectionmaa>bchogiven teboti lite anti propent>'. Tiorefore Hon Majea- jest>', &c., entacha as tolioma : '» L Froua anti aftcr the passing etf this Ai no Raila-ay Brid).e, haing mere tan fifti e.t il Icugilshah ha constructeo<u an>' othen matent)l than Imon, ho ha cither tubular or gi-tuer. 0 IL. A Boardl ofRailma>' Cominissioncnut, ti-eusistimg etftii-cc porsons. shalha ap- pointe) b>' taeGovernunent a-ho sial l i Ilicir action hoclinepetient ofthie lBta-d et a-omks, anti aho shahl report quarteri>' tte iProvimîicial Secretar>', mil-b Reporta simili be laid betere thie Govemuor in Ceun- cil, aIthie fi-st Ceuni-il which s1hallha ici) aller thicreceipi t f-cit Beport: hec sal) Commissioncrasial ha Engineturs anti na>' bavesa Secretaui>': Andthebcsaiti Coma. missioners anti tom rSacretar>' shali bolti their appoiiRtments turing geeti behavior, und shah net holti' any' etier office untier the Con orcm ,appointe) or elecledti t any othter office by an>' co.rporation, or by lte peopie. - II I t shah bb teédut>'o et csait Commisîtioners, oeman>' eueeoft tent, te icn- speet anti examineamil thieIWoeten Bridgésî antiother rooieniconstructions araay exibting outhie varions lines' of Ralaa> mitithe icProvince et Canada, anti mit fshahl have powci-, and tiey are -iarey me:- qulmati anti cjoineti alter duc axalninatiQn of tesane bountbify te varions compa. nies et an>' dcfcct tie>' are either efthtent aa> discovor in sucb- Bridges cm other m9oeetitconstructions slong hie limes, ef hies. respective Roucla antiWhsui ahI at lie tinteany sncb noblce. is given b>' bica of an> ' tefeoepoimat eut ow -heie nd de-. feet mu>' a removed,,anti shah tfortttmiti fuiniaisa planeor plans by wmiici sucti re- qui-e) merk shall b. exceuteti anti shalI requfrethie Comipany' te hmitntany -suci nebi ceis giyeta fortimitit te do te saine, ati teput ont sufficant force teenable te mark te habcempleteti mith ail possible dispatcb ; anti incase mn>' auch woa'kse' orerrud te haconslrtucteti or ubstitubtd Shal net hLe coannenteci wthii a glven' tinte, tien it shallbe te dut>'of the saiâ Board of <1emisÏsiGnorîý or atier oftbaxn frthwiti ttu take ebarge et sucth'portion cf -tiche ch, mw er. the gasiti w44 r- à qure ttbedoet.and have thc ork doet.I wibieut tieiay unde -Itis - Or,-the& :9 üDerp - -1 oftliren bcing completea' - *aidBoard of Cenanalaonet i seï ithaofMthem shall give a certificate to the.Co.mpanîy a&e' bytho.s=nnand UPen the oteiPt oMwhh, -tiliecate the erder forthe retention of money shall cesse and ik'on th8tdate beof nene effeet.1. V. -tUpon tho reftusaiOf aay Board of Di- recters or 'their dîibursîng_ effio# to pay tii, rdersof the Raid BusrdI of Gmmis sieners or elther' of tb.em aceordting toý the provlisions ofthiaSAet-tiien it shaU be cern- patent for the ssid Bpardof Commisuiears or eitherof then tot fyle a eopy of the. no- tice irittuthe Judge of the County or- Cfr.. 'Cuit Court, Sh 'ewing that the _$nd Companyn had beenu duly notillafiti bdoô sùûh work I sAnd that they haci failed ornnglected.te do 1t4 and that the notice te 2atain the -money had been given and upon the monoy boing requiredthetiis id -Board of Cemmiom- or oither of tiiera tutt given orders for the payment ofeortain suma whieh. paynnnta hati net been matie but ititt been refused~ and upon a oertifled4,Spy of the. notices being produced te the albresaid Jwlge of rtes O ountT-ïor Circuit Court 'javlnK ]LIME Fou SALE. ÇO!IÉrÂNTLY ON IIAND DURING TUE auaainspring anti Si.minuer Freh -Bmrnt L m o . w h i e B e so l d f r C a s h o u lI y , t 2 t d p. ~rri. MATHEW CARL, 7 .Port Wilitby. PÂELL&MEWTARY NOTIME. Couattbonuci ofOnaaIo0 NOTICP4lI FEREB1Y GIVEIIN TiIAT AP- pileation Wifl bucmine duming the ncxt Session eft te Provincial Parliamcnt to pat.a un Aet ho confirm ml Ri-pnt nw oitaihtlhor songht te o èesiallièd, bv tiieline Rine Dia-. triet Conneil andtiovuaii'I lemîui o fur att relates te the prcsteut Counuty cf Ontario, luntic- coi-duncewith the scvcm-ai Re porta of Stîri-yorm reiaîiug te naid Roadm. Solcltnr ho the Connty Coînnilof Outurlo. Whiîby, Feb. liii,iô; 4m TIMES & iJEÉACON FIRE AssuiR- ANCE ÏCOMPAY 0F LONDON. TFIre Assturance Couipauv' hainjM becu traniferret ie iMmues anti flacon YFfre As- anrance ÃœConan11 aileai lpreinun antd future Paynuwnts inîut ho umade ut thcefees of the Tlrues iad Beacon Cormumy; anti no re-- eciptb but tiiose of thte attdIr. Tnica anti Bencon Comnpany wili ho valid I ereafter fror Oassurera; Sncb ssaîu'rs tam are deofirons of luaving thleir Polices exehangtI, are, to forward ile. sanie forthwith tt fueAgents cf the Times and BIea- =,(g- Y . JOIEN AGINEW, w u ~ ~ t t , J s u . B y r o n S t r e e t , W i u t y âBRITANNfilA LITFEASSTR AxCE Co., (EPT.%niLttIKm, 18,16;) 13ritanà LMUtual- Life Association, (ltYIigTTCTiI1839,)' IleadOficeePrincerss St.,Ilaik,Lendon. E ERY DESCRIPTION OF LIFE AUU- MLne thrasacld, with' or withotît partiMýa- tion imi Jro1fitet niee- einst information asto thtioe ftfctnauacc inay beubtlitaieîd ont lietil >to .M ITIAND, Ei. >ortztecral Açofléir (iîa=. ojuristietion mitiin the limita et tic COUDty - A. J. IIAJRMSON, whera tii. ad work is progressing or W'titlty, JIan. in, 18:". A1c,17îly ýt gong o shiaflbc theduty ofsuchjudget MIL * ~ . lte grant anammnediate order direcinghe AS«A' LV l- "rd Of pirocters in question andi their Toromto, l5th Amîgnan, 18541. E~TA B IsÃŽjI y- diaburaing officer te pay al tc ortiera e POfEES!ES DreTA opposite ly'E yoTa, the said Board of Commissioners, or either - D-4 tYOpoîeBynY ltl of tiern upon their presentation at the-om £40. £25. £15. -lrry e. f he sitiCemanyant tb nalet o - PAD ~~~ TJTil<TTlELBEGS TO INTEMATE ceofte ad opayan hengtc, r 11 BOVE P t.. 'MIL B P ID Tuothme iuthiams<fWlitty and) <hoejpublic ri refuaite oey any such Order or orders I"f lta eireTUE e- ESAS tîat lie lins oltt'îe'i a Livery tabilme tt e issuti he aad .Jdge hah ubjetiveiv ou lte Ci guNatuîre, ant ilaidts,ud place. i-lucre le wili cîttievor rouceonnnodate se by ii, Bitomy i l p-t--et, ,fi-ont tline toi mmmî, ail Who inîay favor llîi iti th t-hi- ni-dent. shie President ef said Board of Diractors 'amîd tIhecaisse nif tlu us ) iWevi ls rsplcmîdid opnpc it) cevere) Oin01 se .fthe Çomparîy, andthie tiibursing eficer -maa var Mge, nia t1ti iliet i iu aibec a-yugtiteuupersotna, andi vîry ot maie ruvmmgtt unti.-eW hiut citp-t i (S Uda, I adllumpedfoi- t'uri-yilig picature Tpartieu, for r of the sanie to an immediatO arresan d ian andion ut,îett hise as mthle Wbeat crott auveiire-. bee ubjeted tu, anîd on tîto lice naus ol*. p risonniantupon &a=arnt tp hbc issuoti by Evàuting ant i îadilmg Ragainsi thint. lx. RAY 1 the Judge ibo sitait have matiethe order Tii. -%it ob e fuinisited io te Ure lmi-îi bu Iî.I,,1.i 1te 1.41 dav ocfJInniàarv itext, anîd b lie dCeitig- - - - Sfor thé payanent cfte mnfeY, anti the naîedhv -a îmîîotc, a nlccv uf ahiei lhillbe utc parties so arrtetishall ho eonflned in the fihrilrmiredgu11a t') noiWti t le n4umucinl ADEY -~&IAN iCommon Gael oft tic-Cou-nt7 anti District, awarde) d uiHi ut if eioilîIoltnunit- until tbc ordar or ordarg giron by the tee, to bcnîtei iv<le ihîuttardcf %'g'itenlture W A R E Il0 8E, saiti Jutge asil have been contormedt otte r Uppr ad.Lîy1 (arida, tir, li detiit of «DUNDAs STJIKET, iv Tîtunit <b. f-ci--u neAMES BIiTCIIIE, I.N:eRTURNINO;taiý And the saiti parties shail net b. adunittoti A prcted to been-il itit- rcti w'-ofcliith e mn tîliiumlîcos -artnt n lt bi ta bail, but sluah h. heiti-in dUrance un. - Estv tof tmiffli-eut iu'c-rit L iroduced. cmtci-uihy, fer tueur very hu>rlaicaodiu-ms- tii~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~T ai rir ionue ietshhhv ul fcarcdtitaI the titi-mer, iiin bis-ci-enesgto tth ent euion, -tîtkcuî tlispportnnitycf in- til al orers gven pon Ïem sall hve p0dltilieh,:i- i8îtrn1uhiut'hicn itat lie imus 10un01 i anti a large Dboom paiel. tpredmute vluid tuanger uîiofhemt -,uîd ell seleete) aîuèsrtueu nf Doi;ats-.cxi) r VI It Éall bc he dty f th sai Boad hfbme10tiigdWungr cfandut-e îppilaîmn d rLAï- VI. t sah e bb tity t tte sitiotid -agli.i, ie tiîtuta-be otîtriuedti tlurtulîlue Es- ISaéldlery, Trunks', Whips, Collars,&c., 1of Comniissioners to deppsit a Duplicate oe tys ,tbneuIltfui,, tilI mid inm arreatimig lte gi-cut -ilc c îti- illiiSOiI hue Lotaest reaminue- ai :lpr iadplans scrveil upon any Coin. h.uhge tflIeitit'ii * - raie'Piles ai. JeiL f MV'ANKOGraE, tPi reuiattvîtîion r itltd 10 ie Job pany, ah the office cf lte Boardi et Works Jinister-î' cf Ârktilt tîîe, di. bll'lea-tuet whlcî Dpiiahesha hareceived inluCourt Toronto, Angi,tI-t, Ih Fd: ',1.,7 asteoriginals, anti shall ha adunithed as 7Iî ia'fr<e-r, iuc h hoe-THE BEST INVEI4TIlIEIT YET evidence in pasc amy suit ntay arts9 anti ;î,gjjýF.suav lASBEN LeX" l" )to<i i tic copies of thc notices requiired to e ofut AjI-*iInexi. JTuE 112FLOUISiIING TOI.N 0F VWTiIT- flleti mitihie Jutige cfthie Ceunty or Cr.1 urno, Nov. Ibtht. 1,3S17. I - I"' i' tolubeofotîlidin tti-eni-;o.sefut tat cuit Court, as hercin befoire provitict, shail n heYýne ftelte(ý>iNGOG -- >TIIEW. ant) non tîleru) tftr' tuie b lîyis Exun- ba thie copy of tie notice se filed in thie tors. Tiispi-opertyc'ns otf office et the Boardi ot Works mîicii copy * ' - tFifty..Two ArofetLand, shah b indan ortrige yteIe'îl ifilly eiiiuuîtd, lbovinue a i"rttn.tge on lime t e sgutianiconîerigei y ieurtlî tftihîe fltte Linct, cfEigm<y id o nn yece of thle Boartiof Works, attacli.- lte Wctt aou) Eut sidem,te,,' i he Ilumutlredl amu iugbtherete the seal oet he office milci seal COW .AD t)V i1ofiPort t) itT~hrnn aeJfritg shall bc eidto bcproufof tf valitiity O WNL«D YAIENT, ui s oon licoute muueneyvinable astu-oni thedocmen podued.ýrgroit, t'e iuieieing ertle tif the iPort, tIie uic ocumnt poducti. 'ftrti;îo, 1h Mt-ch 181.- ittw imunm iii -ti-ey soi-n ho quite in- VI Ti Atshlitkei e»tt tXOTTIE 15 il iEJIEB II iVEN T JI T Ar i-et tirelmireiltt,îmta of the- btiitss, V1L us At shh tao mia INMilI Sie ii ihu Tov PîtI cf('rumltîtatnd iti)titi fetituia_,- il[very affnn hic tie immittit- affect, andtheticfirst sectien hall appîy itulite 1o'wniitip nt(ircy, itîhe ttt 11t11- lin imteto the i-e ufreomienta cf lte btieiiesi, and i-on , X<* oasig? act-~t 'cr-u, itlt% tril-tiuige ~li ery sotmu bu a'altdd fora-ai-J- te Rllwas lt li couse teentrucmenai h otereor itifgae Iii' Amciîn, ai Nt,îîmî,on thc tng, sliiju-bidin,, îîantfaettîuu-ig amut) ller Wcli as those alremcly censtrueted, anti-thie Fiftetatli cf met uttnhi,liv tîte edût 9 etiîumuîts Cactidr.Esq., e t ,dric1i. parties, campanules, or cerperate bodies, Upset prite £;)Tl.t e cuiturit itavine dlmi di epnacilin-t mie shall,11)1 te contpiy wmihthea -evis- nodtoaoful:Ot- i' tir hrlase (do suon <)ri TAGEOt>V5aEu ,ahls ions eft tus Act, upon receiving a cepy or uuoneyteobe Wd tti thîe c f Salie, mnui lt im al-f tfie alatng ui ihil -uld- prodmiee if rentanderto Z;:îdinifour <'qui uîuiiingtiai- laid (out i 1oj os thie saine frein the lloàrd ef Coumlssioers, mentit, with internta. Thue îîîîroua-sct O blild a Fer r ihc tm o-tIe tier.u-tuleai ay te (iriet Mil, h hte 1'uin fîperation wihiiucigliteen RO EICT -I ÈA î 1M shail b. subject ho al bte prôocdinga, r-c. 010114fromiuthec(date of umae. JAE tveLlN, Exeeutor,î. strainta anti penalties by bi"aAct provdti sufficn< eeeuirmttin oi for th iee ofui- MtL. 7111.luncase o n- uidto n O it of thimetbotteconciltions. a -Witltîy, JnlîLiVý57.W On any Railway, anti il shall appear by anFO SAE inquestoraspacivu investigation that sncb h- ~ tIS X OI 'NR acîet'was tic rosuit et any negliec mkti 'Thuoeiuuw(ti ti CourtloI*e1and ofsaiti Comnissioners, or cither oethtient - fot rut, n tiuTus v uit ac imfbr )e Lt. TIi. -Or bic resuit tfaity met or negfilgence etf Building lat a ttmflslmntial iea- l3riek Dwelhing ity efficar or employee Of tie Comnpany on lTuuîaie, two* atonies Iliris, virli a froîtbtuige <if' 3< fel be i22 feot liu deptit. Tiiere t, a (1ala- H i miOe I R aiy te accident shal niu.vc oce. S 1iXERF's sALr 0F LAN. DL is lime vîole lenth fet icBtaidui" -,antuli,4 curred, suchi Commnissiener officer, 01or&. YO~NAI, ~ T7 F iuett trtsleur ioeu uoaCtet io-casaferesaiti shall uponthie Coroncr's -Tti WIt.mr 1 'J) c f Fkeai ue tfeuuiti u ttýeelilairl f t'- Jnry, b. tortiwiti comited (tr trial nt Fui ise oiut flIer Msoit 'uu, 'uitIAîupiy .te for ithe<'tîinv Off 01tirit*,andu) leii-directe), IV. J. AmirSON. bc first Assizes or- Court et Qucen's Bcnch, aut i inubuatiTicueusvtel eec ho bh iit in tic (Cotnny or District miro >tluuflare WtIou, dmeeasti,IntaIlit inuethia dnaj ti in lue liauti cf Phuhfitunon IVattnacu i ,eCRE.; OF AUBL AAON Auchl accident shall have happoncti, ant i îbtri-ti-i-, defeudemut. ut al snd »ins-nilor. lige i ' î aVoALo 1, iiiB e s LAcneesoD"î case et conviction before thieCurt,.auchi.laiuds an) tenentt, ris-tut.,maiti cedits cl'ti t N.1,iîlIe8 uitsii- ou.. aiiioî C-aeWuttîu2 îcesui lce tunIlüeie, 1 ce falîcîaccert.There effeuder shah ha subjeet teo a filme in any LtercJ-, aI lite suit cf Wmllkiun L. MarnnPtin: iLt ail gocf'Dwîiutg lieuse, and tI thr W'csar sunt 1exctinjeethu.nipoaatiff, I1luave rseii'i-d ai itkcu10execuahion ail thie 1tuit-heuses.,esr et Iawtul Maney oethbie Province or Canada, hadntte igeof eat ,litjra Wmsor'Appli' te - anti imprisomment net leu tian six menti 1ltitinon Wuttcit, sîiuimisltrutrixe ilansd tueiOment titi, Offic. in tie Common Gaoi of the Côunty or c f httin f lad is he vi - TOlmcn%%ti'Fh.h,8i7 3td District, nier Marethan savon y«îùýjPro. ton lte V.iest ietuf siuue Strêtet.beig crcilii- î»FA , rôICDISPIITNSAIY petei et pou-ltof Lot No. e-i.'î inî tifraIî 'ru S£DPOL II cuis'.or ,viuicial Pcnitentirary,-power hainZ hereby conî,sïîttu ltn tnipof IWiittb,dette - 1 cci zd4î given te tic Jutige ho direct thie Aplicatio l* fol~liïta i.4tte ,n ,ou' itriquinglt(ari ' 4t,<Uir Zoa , eIipoand qf eft hie fin itnc eot' Tltlrty-two ehaimis, tnIthon a ,- 7 Iiuues 'Opts iluJie4A MA prsn o Jor cue rthm, sixteen dai eai esfroint he ~"I ri tinti of y0alhnd oiÈg*, &c. I.niy pro cmted e nigany ,Àkt at mugie f fsaito.leve; 11 RIBt cilT u5n obstruction on any Ralmay, shah' in case Northuten c I-ecsm Wot tnee elîsitussoven- ,of accident icr o neotees etlite eccura, b. - ie inathon South %Scvenlv-teiur degffi R. xAflsrÂ.av,, ato 1 - N - 1 weet f~~~~onrVimins; ftenSenti sfioteemi <i s CON rMM W QA M ýMuùa.leto lxpieietnthe PrevincjEfflest th"receiaiîîs aueeny-five lihktlieu thon i E FONLY 1tflySICIb.sjNz IIiE -Peitnti' ornysevd igAeîtr-des, lstfour Chain , uoe or -l-STATJi mie arc e toutrx cf AIe id tir.. ycarsnormûmre thasi wenty.enie' cimîg 01oit se rlyhîiit e b. esait $No>. f-hou 'lkin thela oriu litil 0 nt i<it,- ande ucs.fl' hnet a distance oftt igi telai t-. inIeverat tanud gsymptoua efDwle, - -. .An l eu o sy*.'uch c ctresulblng inin orge rt satc ~-The raa*aunt iiécyuat is the remnit orip.. in death, tien tae pa4ty-cenviceati-ma.] - - rothe lloath -ast Angleo et l f8 v&'xtn5ie n n-edlpro No. Elaven; ihciiNorthu ÇJixtni -ted caIe lsfi, ofe sonereatCha- inî went.fflre liniks ; titan Suhsoe~- Disessfle d len nor -da> 7andtce@ of - - ..,.-itor dWeso,*Westt fçuur, alustSen South a8 atuhr in 2o'r adaygs aIa rioeruhe, ek 4WU.mnaeoDsvoiL--8ir IWaltzsw Seeb> t' dèn , so nae hain. lenty-I pense. .TIM ue ~effectedw* thent eonfineineut eu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~_u or oa~ i isru trmr -I u tl 8Cly.e~ 55 0 biuncý fr usiness. - - CASHI FOR ,WIIEAITtt-]LIVERPOL ouo LI USRBEII$ ARE NOW0 urhpiugW tdiiercdut io~ Offie eppe >e yahi Whlitby, $I19 i._____ wi.0000SeImj Pola SALE, OF DI 110MW .w 10,000 Âcreof YfldI4Lds. TiMKeanEq $i Lar rrIIEY ARE-8ITUAMPED IN TIIKTOWN- asMme.,E<, Eq, J.. ihipe of Huron *HIowik, Mor*, (Ore.y, lkmrirr TyýI.« , Morningion, bMinto, l4oniiaîxby, Thorahý Rainx ~ijn n~icIismbc cfe Mura, Somcrviiie, &.Forpi iuui reimse r 7)ýrnerrýîý othe terne, apply te risrscnxnl t Aliroiti tO7, uid inter- A M OS I W . 0 1 t f oii i ée r u î nlùg o iî t f , m m d 4 i ~ 4 Arelitct, Civil S ncr titd-"tatêAj iIllend Offices, Canada Branch, montrea1. In the Town of Wliitby,'an innmber of TownT.c,it Tnnrnfncim nînay i"c i-fîtd înthe ab4ve ru- for stale. petid t ,iam~ u very informnation Ob. A. W. CRON. tic L I1a1m10t Wimitby, Maroli 4, 18-57.t. A. J. 11AJIRI51ý0x, WI!OLSALEIARD ARE. WhitbyJaI)1857, T [ESU13CRIBE.R.S1TJ Now 1x STI>CK jWIFIITBV CARRIÀG.E DBIpOt$ITOarY a veu large tand comnpl-tc ttock7 of 1411elf _ andi llav.% liardîvarefiluported direct fi-oit o g- -ân nthe Soltotes;. Tittcir pmico.4 src n. tend their orderg, and thceirstiý,ek viladlays W lîe is Tirepai-l e tro i - fur lime ni-lîi 'Ùcadhleys Marl tn tehlîi r mi ifotttimut puu-elîiod tilthe eutciiu C.71E4 P, ILfVU Ti' Bllîhding inatunjal rt l ett>Onmi,, indugfile )sh» of.lttîvt m1oiaïat E TITT a hic t, TVIE I It' ETo BIlY511Ç1$,Cr-.- wi ae ti liattiilgd d im &Miv Aîat 8id S ýi nt frice' 141 de Cptün itI aud extjutine before îtumr'iaaingelewhere, lIALL LINGSTON. FOR $1,ALE .. Z5 TOWN LOTS. X T£J V'METO'N OF IIwB'îîrnPiNTrIK * Ni uiidtitr,f 'the ti-trakct now moC e t-I ci-î-éti"1. Alt-tIJliWTR LOT'S. -f r titer Xparitiilli-a 1151 rf# fîIv Wn, .ÇIAcrcsJimu. 17 iti P57. ilr * BELTING fr BELTNLI I1 r~ ~ ~ ~ l iESRCiBT$ AVE NÇ1>W <0Y ' 'if ai, I a d ufom -iale,ivt!rv lir, 2P t'fm1 rotibaI anmîi mliluit 1Be1pfromi lit-'- " inchm* C') 'a"stir Nui. aiot. ict 5SQTotusiiuur, iîstj, nîni 1td tmsel 25 lltîsi'- h-t pmngSIa 4 J. s.iOADO t CV. vieoutîti conoplton. _ _ R. LEiWStt SON, 41 iing Ei-8t,,oro8t5L 2,lI eSU SCRlERlIaVeiîOW INSdTÏ)('K1pe Ccs Iiard'arein Citis, hÇrosic Dedsîoand in- vitit!,i hoyrs'ae lt'ny- R. LWIS £& S Je tandur y M 183 y, v. - o"e rn oabeîisng. 2>4O0 eet <te yared iIaeted roI'p Socc " Ii.< tm T %« ' Fitn.For sale l'y MR LEWIS & SON. tics ~ ~ ~ 4 Kingnc.,Street, &-. ibl itr Feet ant B d'tauteis.PtBoxes. Iliow- ree vdatn foFfcee-Pts. * Ai i oz uarloturierPats. À. teaSSRIu IEi- Oi F Mnuti-ii. SNE AS ti Ktii,'-u,' i IE-ierelvdniff ntonuMIluma, e Aoono JAI;ii AStRT ET-vuCooli MUOISE ALND LOT.FORt SALE. r'JEDISPO(SED OF BY 1>111- Vitte Iarguin, tîmat 111Cueai tes ,i titnatt'd îon l>aîmtlamSt-etlaie- *s ]y mttipie-ti hvMimc a lr.alal, ho- W. IH. IILLINGS, iburrWser. or to OBO. WALLACE, flyron-.L *NOTICE. rr'IEPESIIOALDIRECTrORY F TI-TF .-Whitby antd Laie lîunnI<itwiy Compaliv trasat îter c i l te Itoomîma o vetti ,e fie open ditily, (Stti aym ecepted>,' f'ri la ln the moritimî, b 4 1m11t h e affernon. M. Blrir 11ElISON. WlibAgent aîmd Screary, Pm, 2frsc& NOTICE. WIIITUY ]POUND KYI. T îA-i ut- Stmkofln tîi ecct(- the.- are preptreitkt Jo ii kîntisor wtrk ila theur limierot( It'11 mt littie-e-tnelu*a STEAM E-NGINE$, -et eml deci o tihue lettt anti ia t int. fyrtIdaiu. ~ant i itle, twtrîof ti di CatIouWiutdow cars, A.. anu ta hIt iicites., bhl I- r w liianti broue - T:.c%- tire îoîtking ,niuoit4 hgeou ilieil, j -~~Çooiu;n-ant Irai.o tve,- 1 4Xet1arae ti 0'1ît; o ve-y delt &nIhoJtut ZA NTE EGI1 t~ 1v* sugar le1£OLICITJI I -L E-s o { o 1 1

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