Whitby Chronicle, 12 Mar 1857, p. 3

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loiàaeena a#-uhofieo m an i îalnot itiiidinitt11-thoreafter rcetigu Uthc sani e ceotioln of such Mçnt. ber slah ý, deuclaetl vOidlts iue hcwore îîaturally dicad buot ho #shall-bc caýpbIe of cen'a~ i leted't, et cd ew electibn. Arrivai or the Emeus. Nxw Your, March 10. The steamshiP £Rweu arrlve to.aY' trom 1 larve on the27th Feb. Paascdt4i .Europa, on thcercvning of the 2nd ln 1aý. 4G Ion. 49. > Sie brought ne Engllah pa- pem Tho Paris Constittmal explans tic Tccenit conrebtion betwccn France anti .Aotris, which lateIy licited tome discuS- %,tîîn ini the EngI*ib Parlianient. The treaty, it says, stîpulatad the- àctuod co., currtance of-the -Austriian'l rmies with Rus- %W . AutoWhowcver, rcpraeeted ths it could net enter loto warlike operations ln the East se long as its Italian posses- -slons should lie renaced by political agita.. tion. She thierclore demarided that beforo plicing herfielf in urder of tllte, the secu- i'ity of lier Italiaxi lines should be -iusurod. Frnco gave this asurance but u. Austria did not'draw her swordlthc object or the convention neyer eximted and the treaty therefore is a dcad letter. DI ED, In fthh< Town, on the 4th instanît, Char- lotte .'Eliizabeth, infant daugliter of John M. Lowcs, Mlerc=at. C? O M M E R C I A L. WIII11TBY MARKETS, Clixo<1cLE OrraCtI. Wrrar, IWdiiesday. Marcli Il. The quantity of produce lîrought- in is ibýpro 'ving. Very littlc variation in pricnbs. W1Mhéat-C)s. 6d. a Cid. 1<id. por bushel. Ne variations in the pric of other arti- Fjour, 26s. 7(L à a2%. 0& 4)rtEs , .. d. a 2s. 'Id. 'Pork, lper 1llb,,4s, Og lier loîtl, 6d. a 71<1. la (.a (Uls per ton. IVoo(,per èord, i16s.3M. aài18s. . tW TOMARKETS. Toit-)N-co. Wedlncsday, Marci. 11. Whca-4 ' 71d a Ils. tid. pcr bushel. Fkulr ' 'uperfine, 2-l. ; Extra do, ib)s. l3arley, U lOi<]. àhi INSOLVENT XNOTICE. ~ t> , t e y n r o he e n f W iîît- -I IntIbe leaeiveet ouif ,Ui coenty of OnIârlo, and*îteItriamor4erlot iýprotection ,from pro- ceas, livlag been iven t6 thie sad John Jitek- $ou, theouetugr, erider the provisions -of an Bîîaxsu or Aeaaceavx m s~ tr<aloe Ac oPaltaaeato tti povnu ase inuthe Toitosto, Jannary, 1857. o&heyear of the reip «o! lBer Maeisty, Queun VLaeoriatitoletaa st for the relir f «in&ol- Ss-sthera lae so'ieaindication that lu the vent 40abtors in Upper Canada, and 'fer other colirec of next Sprinir, t1iere wilI bc a la r la B"thorea ein îtioned, The qaiijlohu' Exignîtion frein EBurope tii Canada, than bas = Illh re quirecItoapoar norbean for oine f- % -earî itzù.clw tî e Cottnty Court of the Couutty of 'tî acating pruvidêd Iwith emrplovtent as npiet y anp.4 - in the tnatter of thie said petition, Ou thé -t-we ty » he. J afeti obliuied vyû r adoptini% un(A steeuh dayocf Mirch, ipîetûîît, e 4t toit oýcuek, nwantu as von înay, find eiomt eonveuxent te ais- r eelgelYet Whitby , b,' C urpnïe...of boing certalh what numbar or Farinand iensi lippre sud then uxaxni'tcd touctxng I i. deht.4o- e vns- Mouauj Otnune, Boe nd Girlsi.- tata aind fects, and to belurther del&lt iithîaie- and fîîrhr, wis-at nnumber ÃŽÃŽM claqw of Mc- Cording te the pro<1suong of theo salil met. Ail chanues iî lbs ýlikcely tn iind pemployxnent personm îndebteîlothlîesaid Johin .kn or %vithin vour Mneipality; and reporting to this that bave aîiy of his ffecte, arc etot ý ay ~or île- iepurti .ent. as sm,,)n ts .p mîible, tht rusuits of liv.r thean"me, but to, Tlionuas IMoodý.,»the Of- your û;qi<i-i". ScaIAs lnsuminatcd in îhat-behàaifby the Jndga avtang le the înatfer üuldie *adputitiou. IT'e Township Coundit of tLe Toiynship of Dîted, te teuth day eft' mhA.9.1837. Whitlw, will taku àetion nîmun tlie fregoinr (Signed.) Circuleýr, at les regelar Meeting, on tlic tiret Z. BURNJIA.), Mouday le AP rilaed requeshagll persýIAn u aut c , cf LaboUrâa il g the cerrent, year. to notify Jif c <.., C.,the Connàeit sla urth e nimber , ecito q LtNo. 41, Cl !cet fsont; Lot No. 3, corner cf Pmr.., ils. 9di* . e 4m, per busîmel. sud iPers treete , Lot -No 9, do. *Lots -L Eiutter, Fi-stit, l. (id. Tu'b, ls Id. ilî, le, îh 16 aud 17,6641 icetUrOnîcu P'otatels, 4.a à&. Cd. pes- busheL. a lgoufmrî !<iar ah.Lot No.1Ii, cormntfquesen anad L! la Streca,,eearly ona SELLINI3 OFF AT Turip.,, 21t. pea buahlîc. hlefanueare. AU o? Chu oreo'ie,'Lots fsu- t)1v 'uts. 2-.. -1s-L2. 1iod.on the MadauWniitd ondee, And as-o saluabla but ZR R M lt,-~u, i. <.1.utCs 'ts-dc - loeslIs STREET. - ~ '.DTE R 0 8~ Il-e, ~>-s- ~ ilimi ~ ~<e- ~<]~Lot» 19 and Mi, corner o! Lille sud Nos-lb Stret.j Pis-k, 47s. Gtd. a 5StY. -NORTl'I STIEET.LU IR RlS NGE,&t lits- $12',-n tl18. jLOjI*l9. 91, 24, 41, 2 m31. .2, s3a aud 24, sîîî<I h TIFUDERSION'ýEl) RE$PECTI' LY strass, $10 a teelie o! Nosttitti-, eanaaiîing cecli,, oee flfth hi lufmrîîue th- Vu iblîs-tî ýmî u, ipeu l - IVus-<, ~ a ~of an acre. Aise, No. 51, 11, 64, 56, nors-iade ¶Lunuter Yus-1 lulre y kep~t lus- !t-.,'hotunitalii- MARY STREET. m-antly sulIi'i siithi hmbîîîîîlmr -% ,' ss l-i'ý NEW YORKiICMARKET&. Lotst Ni-. %, si,)<, ouî Mî-ay Sireet, one u f-m.ithi-mIa.1 ins. 1 1eîin. Jl , s .ate-r et.c% As-îitri5 of bollui, Lacre. e-. A l-mss-s o!tiiace n-t.miel -tri km-tl t -lis-es-Lîuiob-.s uitheuic -i sti \u~wYoîic, Ms-in Il.WATER STREET. i us(-e-and fmor is-c. -La-ot N.e Ies-er -f Wsler aud (iuiderei]a Sts ~-BumlacMesaifmused -nli- Flo)us--i Markct dm11; and lu-ies ds-oop- --CNEIEL TET bsht 'ice iaug. Sudis vors-ijual ut $61 20 a $6 4-0 ifamdciifuhaiutdfu-TO i !Lote 90, f!'i14, 10 . de, ney i Os-fr cen tStreett.W lat-':-. fomr (,uý-unuaot to-Snîmrfine Statý; $6 ù(0 a Pris-att Itesidaeet. _______ $ 7 00foi- Extra Stte; $6 20 ai$6 4"r fWATER LOTS.'- Cedar!1 Ce.lur T CedaT! for StîjXrfine Wetetrii $6 50 a $7 00 AlJa, the folles ing Wales- Lots, viz., 42, 43, 44,i fori Exta aWestern. Sales 450 bairs-iceCa- North7,41 4 id -i, ni-etastued < uliSLcALJGE<ttNt.I - ums-<bf t) ý fce i-tcot. l(,> tuda i 63, 5 a t6 48 for1pr O ne; T ne fiftblCa», or an approveti en-I Ced"i, fr-in m alei - ell;u.iii- 8h) ciopemuinc dos-e te, Payçable l«i Oct. next, <id tlue ha- -$07ùa $7 50 for Extra. ye Fouir fis-liajanceby Ovemanail usîaiments, wiCh lutereat. 1Abouit 10,000 (celas- l'oe--. 'ù iCedUi (' -sf .t$175 a $6 25. -AS , firsi-mie qamtiy, andi a l'Il,-s-al bechIts Wheat-MIarket fis-n. Sales,'1,200 F orty A cr e s, ig'muulmeîaoJu'mhin.'h)'.<5l buaiiels $1 46. a $1 80. Beinç parn -of Lot Natuher nlneteun,,l ie h JAMES McALLAN. Cern, T2c a 72c pmrbushel. - ,cfIagb ea'a Pr hibiMail 4 8p77t of tii, Tom-n of Port Pers-y e h .o.This Oata 50e àaO2ilV Ps-opesty ih alsuTtaed for dividing ite TEIDA ýPork, Id incs, $17 74 a $18 10. -Town and Pas-k Lots,TH NDA HERB DOCTOR. f Pont, new mess, $21 - And m-ilb. soldait sumih Pris-es antiTus-ms as te,-TCOINET make it an objeot te Capitaliâs. Apply te UML tY l~ard, 13c. n iSc. P w &Rs-. 1 ER.I iert-arui SPECIAc'L NOTIGE. WAR EIN ts B-ec igelow hua joast receiv- Pil froiii New lYork, a large lot of su perior Young Ilvon ud ngleh ra~tfa Tes<whieh will *'i lsold olîeap. Fatillios will1 do well tu pur- é1itsc la rgite toolt, 85 thé WAX 14 CHNAss ýll l.ave the effet of raiging the price of Tuas. The h'beAlW: Dollar Te& in Canada, always o .n NEWADVERTISEIM4T A aookToëf Ualversa Kjaiowladge. Juàt pnblished, the mnt - sEFUL & EXTRAORDINARY VOLUME EvtrYet iggned freni tlePros, , eIt compriss mi] the lefortnation contalaied lg ,A doge,,,of any ot4er Book# cf Zaorm<tion That bas hithorto been priuhed. The Title of tli:Wondàerl B lock la as foi.lows: l'or A.yth4ag YTOD, Want t. Know; Oe,3,700 F1çs orUi 'e0j)c!! For Sale st the 1ý YANKEE NOTION STOËZ. W'JBo's, Qwn Bcd .4xtnd.J IWSQLYEIT %OTJCEi 'Wlby Msc 1,1867. 8 BUFFALO NEDICÂL DIAPENSARY ESTABLISJIED FPOU TUE CUEitOP0 DpVpepaia, Geraral 'De&lity, J'cr i ad &rfdOduIem<Urdu4 Impurity 0f = Sali RAeum, Jiîplu.îFiîa, Pi1E, £Md"ep, Dit. AMOS & SON, (oawln0Fr MAIN AND QUAT 5M., BuFFLo,.T) A RE 7TEfE OWL I 'InT>BWIAZNâIS XiTHE STATE who are inembers of the Royal College of eTgçoiis, London,. may ho oonsulted froat 8 'claek ln the morihg, util e aut nigit, of»!&eaa. lwards of 80 yaa extensve and auccosafel prao- tice liLeadon.The, moit, invcoteto eues of Dineaes eradinitc-d b i98or 9 <lya,'and eues of a alight nature iu 2 or 3 <aye, at a inoderate Ce- çn.The care effected vitlîont ooeao4ent or bindiai ifont buiness. Themeis aievil habit sîometimes Wlndnledin by boys, in solitude, often growing u~ with inl due tinte mot only beguçtasetions obstaclea te matnmion1i5Ih5pp9is n < ivs iotutor pr eth ae .wrie 'teoeeuueii A MOST SCIENTMWI 1VMNj An instrumeent for thé cair àof eitqa Deillty or 2Sctrnal Efissions, more properY kîlown !ciired n, -9 ij 0,eèn Itejj,tyyla , bythe use thgt, they bwve levented a eio* mportam -ln- struenet for th.cura of the abvre duee.i bubeen sîîbjeetel te a testby theatostem"not v ysiekinte.LPn Pailiadepa &aaid llW -York;, t ha&sf teen deelared te be tbe ouly nâeoa i8trumeflt ever yet- difeuewred fer -t4e cire of Semi'ia Weaknesa, or any <isomseof thie gaat w rgaai , btb e"tbhabita ',o tue a Uited Staites,1 aind l uda,huasscmn- eluded to inaku To- s-noCiV,îshome for- the future, sa-lies-e bis safeansd effiesi- oua Medicluies fs-ie - Nains'arasden ca ho obtauije. gýCiSULTATION FIE,,AÃŽJ Mm 111 i-h K,'struet, opposite theuaist. Las- s-once hlall. Ni. .-The pour*iUl bu libes-ehIy considered- 7 9~l~ YARDS BFST FACTORY COT- ~>sFVtenâ, fus-sala Clueap by JOEL BIGELOW. T>'RIU 88EtS-TWO PLY UNION -AiD 1>Seai- Carputiugimfor tsale Cluesli hy JOEL BIGELOW'. F XTRA EAVY AMIERICAN TICK1NGS, iSluuetînansd Dutlnms, for sale Cheap by JOEL BIGELOW. TENDERs w ILL BhE RIMV'.lEIî UV TRE VNI)E1- u.it'pmcuusui ti ct-tti îî s-o! mixe Aorii, fums ilie dsii ms-vif. is t.eiiý -s dy f mes-t .iiiui 700 P uc«s of Joists, 2 x ::?, , 3 't 1 1; ltfi---tlonug. 14 - .1 -Yt1 17 40 Là %t . t) 3s-9ui 1 NELSON G. IlEÏXOLDS, T IIE TIME F01ORFiITN;TTTTN fos- Ps-ui-s- or Local Billts %vii]eie -ou tuie Ttdritecuiilitaaicim, ont thonmaud cigImt aundsod W. ]B. LINDSAY. 4 Cies-k Assaunbiv. Jauuarv. 3lat 1,357. HTC I EREBY MIE IAT SAT- urday, the Fourth day Af riT tiext, will be thie daç limited for reeeiviig 1etions for pru- vatis inl theLdtie Couueil, under the 58thi Standing Order of that Ilouse. J. F. TAYLOR, 4 Clk. Lez.Coic. PARLL4MJENTARy NOTICE, B OOTh,îSHORS AND INDIA'N Rt7BBEFR Oves- hoec for sle (uhchp by County COUanîtil of Onatario. - .LISO~~ITli-fe sue iuCheup"by' VOTICE 18 JEREBY GIVE!PTIIAT AP- - - JOEL BIGELÃ"W. 1piac<iou vil bu inade dre h ta - -- Session o! diaeProyinclslparlianieuLt, epe ARQE - au Act tooenlreaalI RpscIsnow estatàbho 0T10Kr HEVY FPLAXNEI.S- sÃ"iagbt te o e stablisuled, by the laCe Hme Illa. -AA aIlColo-, flmady FulilCluaýnaud Se- tCiet Couneii and S Tom-uebl <Jeneilsase 'fas-as letafoïs- -s kalésp bv t -j relates loC he preseet Coun oefOaserin w s- - - JEL BIGELOW. cerdances vltIa Ch.sevesnI Bporta c!f es-veyor6 zkgto ld1touads. ýALRGÊSTOCKOF LADUF&DRY GOOJuS rltntsd ~-MýACDONELL.. "pMoejSâ~iBaWis, fetaor £kChear'bu - Selicituir te6 the ICOsnDtV C~Ialcil of Ontario. - JELBo-LÙ- WLltby, Fui>. BAh, 1851.- _ 'n' ee.. Hi FELITZ WOULD RSPEW Y Est a eun<Jl the atte ntin!of- th inbuLttý o A %uMdc*m foi, Sale Vats,-b2s jWh v-anvelaiitt bt l -saret tex- - JOEL 13J(ELO1i ca.na meaJ.Futtl, A LARtGESTOOK OF FAMTLY GROCE- Carpet TayTng &,.,, ,!5pranduCottn In4n Whîtby, Mh-l1~~. -te' 1IN TRE.- JNSQjVENT CÇ9TTRT FOR jj%5 »t~4 ..- - --TUE COiNTYo ONTARIO.- ' Ii ai .'A.se 0 Ch aS -sv, nKIsTI AÂ1T11 ft? 515 e r WILLIAM ei - sHl - ~ -. t - d ont thinker. Pollosia ing d-i-ut t me Imiehu iii j5UUOK 1.1K. AZ.aiI YOUNGt, - A 0AT I D T A l L A G E S A N L I f rA k T E YANKEE NQTIQN>,STORE. S ' E .Rt&CE REIVED; iLlsrge aestuitp>If tiëevl,éY go -L an Utrouaiaiiuuag ccuntr., tuatit i nov prepa-eci <o ieaa?fitpair Watclea, 4 Cloches and .Ycwehry ,o! every d4scrlloaua- Every-, article-wmlrretnd tollbe atsfuçtion cf his cu.5tome - Atbaih «to e1sgt1a ;liited. i -~~~ ~~ T.tstsfa-v11a10 t- -- erterte'i utii i n t as i t 'e ls- a i nd luh-usine aUs ii oiLs- , l- s ii i. mov ai V tueointi 1 m ci li on s-e i i hui ua ;Io lIr~ t o mt s-d t iA tIý i . -fl'~ ia rtàie1 mjiet-n -iuea oIrtii iY!tir lu w1 tin Li t ua-hmRISrwa ut M'dit v -.ely; e Ir s-VITE IUBNC-AND t01M -IUIELN-BANDc buInss'bs itoF 1Bif su lIth as- liad 'urC Carpetur'. Tools, &e., toet prise.-- I'aras-eaaers of oves- $10 wmastli, nlinwed fis-e per- A. J. HA1RRISOXI TAKE NOTICE. 8Ul SuBcntB1idmGIVt ICE THÂAT1 JLélAccount%4anuS otes, 4 ~a@wa tdue, andl net paldel fore lst ApiT aima, will bu handet oves- te tIsai- Atruuv for cllection. FUTLLEk & RI4LLER, e Rroetreee, 64WAWuy. 2 » d Cn. ofLte . owaRNS of05". A L. À PAR T Or LOT -No'ê,6^7<Tul iusaaLwice a day, andi hu auexcellent ,rimeo Houso and Par thereon. tUnd ail Cleareel. 78 uttrewo- et -idNe.3, ini <ha Iud Cou. of the Tosnshlp o! Reaob. 16 acres Clearel, Osescau lu W htât. Theu uaneleured Land, coutaiua Valu<blo Pine Tiinber, amdiï isE-aie ais 11 The te àis roui Fs-aune Iltimaiîîil Baun cni hi tnises, sud la weli hi-O iacresk, mnnI.nt 7CO, Tu the 'lau (on. of 1dat Tosuîu-iîîp o! lt.%Vins-cnt ithTe (<'oul-vcof Grey. Tmie le ggoci and, buttncleared, sud liaa a gne Mili ,ie Chprs-onu. Appîs- te JAMESi .AMI'IIELL theîs- ve-, ro-id ilîc on Lut X6. à' inithe 12iid Coli. of Rea, PIn,- t lre. AKhbumu.n Ptuaci, 111h Mss-cl, 1,57. 8 RAILROAD IîOItSE, - C ORNER l 'i B CK AND DIUNDAS Et@. î1_jWhitby, (Late WhcemmneîThmu uis- ses-ibm-r heim tWamueunce to thC tliaitant4 cf wimitbv, anmd the travelling eommiuni<s-, thiat lut ha% Cak-e,, Cheabus-c fiss dim lause, wbica b. 'lia,. fin--ml up ini a nuiswaad cenuient niauner. A fis-t -rote Taible l i es-souail tuahiIlote. i-- nera, LineTiocns, kne., can bb ailat ae monuenia notice. Al LiqEcEa kepa onu e -raaemisa waruusnted the t geiinïarticle. Chote. Cizrs. THOMAS DOWNEY. Wluithy, !slurch h'lth, I157.8 -RAILIROAD HOTEL, r i Dý4EY. l'libTi)ro, BROCE ST. 1 ics Whiiby. Uood Stabling sud auteui%-e fis- PORT PERRY. Oounty of Ontario. FOR SALE MTATE!'.LO't9;-NN-.I1n2ANDi 12Z, IC. uijýt due-Wluiif and Strtitoses. Tiie 1 Ltas-e dIîrs-lv opp.ositce i'nais- Gîia< lîttî,j andinl luien cou is-e o! the hiuePas-t Ofr Chu Toi-s. Thé fs-enCage on wa<cs-Streetiàla2976' feet, sud Queeus Struat 170 fout. The Sto-ehouse,- asUd Wharsf Oui the prope-ay, have -ben s-ente-Tf-ms-the patt Chrea vearsOet £AHe u- aîni, sud Wis-b a emai el(Peunâitî"'on Che Ihuildinga,_wctîld, in future, ruEnt fer £ieiO pur anaalum0 Towne Lot No. h. Corne- cf Qacen sud 'Çi'ater Street&. NDedly the ineut va.luabla Lot in tha m-hais To-n. flTlf'.M STR1ET. -io! sob Le0Maers, pw-os te te next Meutilng. NaMçeor Peaaàtas Who have-tiaken ont By oriler cf the Reeve, Iafeuai m i bm vear 1867, frotta 151 JOHN GORDON, Xlareah t. lOUaof match :. Towna(les-A. H. J. Bo iîl ...Store License - . £10 17<pwr, o-meonwealth ansd Oshawa Vlndi- Samtuel Burleigh . .Saloon ..£115 enter,pi)euse inaertah tiEstmes. 7. Thomnas Doinng ... Tavere .£10 Hemry Cennor..Salon m ..-£15 Jacob BrMe -....Tavecin ..£lo lienry R. Nevull..-.Stlon Samuel Pollare!-...Tas-ie - .20 As& J. IHarrison - . . - aloon - WiVlliant Laing..Store - Ti-- Wsiliaus iadshsIy ....'raves-n ..£ Ioij Jesse ..£IoTaer -- £) SIERIFF9S SALE 0F LANDS. Eiliott Spi-owi.-..Taves-tu - . £10 Ilamiuiton & Roberts. Store "- £10 CmîUNTY <W ONTAblimc, ij Y VIRIFE OF -- - ~T., WVur.- j >ari-f Fies-i - VALUAILE F IU OR SAE. iFuisii sed <mt cf lies-r Cii ounsoui-t VALU BLE AIRMFOIti. 1LE. for-ite miiii a!<Jliteii,andmî <n me dirme<ed -aE-<tue Luiul aî i-ieands i s-recof, 2 M ACRES, BEING PART OF 1LO-T No.111. (nuu mîe Wat-siîuî.duecsime-t. aiti mm-cf Iis 3a12 Ii, andl part cf hLot No. 13.l inum-e î-îth deattu in tie bandsmTo! 1iiîlituon Wuaton.luil- i cocsinof the Towshidip of! M.s-klim, - iiitrn-x. diTefodani. <if au it Tin!-uîtar, tus- 1915 Acres - leared, lamds sud in-ui-iiei. utlsiT es-e-ite of ibev antiutulura l~ hstec c cuuIîsal-mîu ai-i s-I -mii.lohn <Graie Wit-mii. dse--e(-l. tussielmujo- andtitlr bghetteof nlivtibn niý wllia!suttheiii <i m-l'-iWilliitustL.Pir-i. iiiuin- i-ae-s-. On th lime Csarc ti-e os- OOi Il-Osi-i. tî1 lias---- i-Ie iitiilzen i -euin mî, iivt tais-auBBrn% snd othes- Ont i uidiutz-. ATuu25 , t -aite ommi laIecsao!fiath'e Jmoli iu. e *it u',î.î aeses lu tho Tonship cf Pickersintg li suai. di-s-eîc-ii t!I,(- hit o!hile l-il i ic1 v is 'f Fo er esnd îî iuistliîerpas-u-eus-s, if by lie-îlt.eiitts-ii-i itîmi-ssl- . in peid t ii pet paict, sapply <o itîm ilinsiumilàidsanuli-idi-i .'t Tî ELIAS W12R'i'S. icc-rtîmtuî l r so mf land iiii <ie \i'in fOlet On fthe Irelu ici-s.1,1mmmi il-est slmle A! Susý-me itreiet, Ilvirmi î ouem- N. B.-If thé abo'uc place is not emîl bexfmur s-î- .I'ý.-l arts cf Lot No. Mels-s-, ilu Ce- fir-. the lmiab of Apnil next,-to ho iciiseelfur a uss-ern iiiemaiaio of tlieTilwmstup of Wlui<h -îl--sI mo! s-cars. - dma- f--le-vs TuaIntis <n si- -onm--âus u M4aA4eliar, Mai-oh llth, 1S37. t. tluhamas- 1v ijumit e aof .o. N.EI-m-l it e --- iiatmse et' Thirst--two eluins, ten liks. oui e i-mso-Nosthi, ixteeu <lors-eus WesttÇ-ouu <lie LAND 1IN SCUGOG FOIR SALE. s FahE~st anale o! said L-T h î< o ,sîeu t iti- 2 0ACRES, BEI XO LOTrNo. t. Ps-oi CON tiv-ikt be-n 'lt1liiiScveîity focs- 'icirees, 200 e"in. 'ar oftheLotit, Westfý)rClaît,.; thil ont sixtccuu demis-m-ce, Hardwood Luîd, the ronuatudes- te;imixed ss-tlihaLst lis-es chialis Fs-es cuiheiUnIke; <lien Ncrtlm vainable timnber,' sud a fon- acres o! goimi teus-. .v~euiy-fmm-rdmîgs-m.o, Ek-,t f.uis- etiahuts, uuîcse ori ltt'iBEIZIl1. LAWDrl iti,'unte haistl ui cf <lue saitLoi N. Wliitbv, Jan. 25, 1 . h1 Ees-coaisn îist4Lcau ie .i irt <islit ebhminm- tîir-I - a- fis-e lliks n h u -mr.eNý,.îs-i iic<tti dezmIs-sss- FOR SAL~E, - Wcsi fs-oilime Sm mitih Fast Angle o! sailiLomt A UBE ()F. uniîiiî 1.()T.,; N TII? 7No. Elt-i-i; tut ii-l ti. eix<eîîdLeureea. West A Twn f Wtmilib - be-aiiifîuli-nih'-i ii i, ~obiîi h in ti ý-h! iý; s ttiiie o iuttu se-sen- vie-mus cf Cle Marks- - 'itti-mt-vi-eu-iListitaue s-ein twu,tN-lve IAppiy te ieiNrl -ý-b'ym êTq-*Lb I--ijýqrhls liiî. iuîos-u os- le---. tii i e ls pee n ofi i-I lin-roi trCet, W;iî i-'witl a.] and e-svi-ss Ciie- eîeueui îutls Wititby, rebrmas- IS, 1l457. s-&- ut s"L-aihlaîL.Atudlilst-uiii'ui- _________ - - -- -- - - - s- l-('-t .-f-umiuui cmtate 1uuu-i iotaes is-,t e-- in 1.1aiiltutus- ts-sale- atimusiv lieutn- l t jO II r.i~ t- itlies-Tvm ii--f Wîtos.mn Su 1-1- u0 d:i-. l'm-Oli-t !iliinmi 4-j-'e-it ii mi nt ili CASH STORE, t-.~NiSNG iYmIIS Wîuiiu, FeL. 18, 1557. - . MIL QN EJBE7TS ~ PERiRY'S -PROSPECTUS (8rOMRSTO GEORGE*WULACIý>I C LwUMFNijthuIer 1ds3 y ailawtlh ~~ TO ANNOUNCE ~~~TO TIîEI bSOM<ypS AND TIE PUBLIC GEliERALLIABENVST ET. I TRinwlAT 'feds-g $600$50, '~400 ~30~2O b~s nuWlîtbyby *0gho'cek on the morirhr They ofer teReine thehe6009W5009r-Stock, 01*200 a;h) i l-e."' w e iecountry e1ou, Re andro terWitrStcFOR SALE in rder tu'pîlaie ail the Suboelribers ou the taxie as i.otini'c of' delivery, s-lIl hav- e n M'ie mbet oueofh Nwetan notFashuoneble Goodis in hua Mas-ket, TOWN LOTS, f,r wa rd e a rthu 11 f4 , b-ytCmail of t l! 'VILLý,1LOPS, P P,-Y 2",S Vlic selcctilîs for tl'X! ce' tr-preussaÃŽ1bcmi wiha sksine b oamusemenit, but cI. -ý A DU0ED PR1CES LOTS FOI'. BUSINESS PUIIPOSES, Qinstruiîi.IdiSs ri~uonivc n -Ort, wheliher nr-oad or nul wiih wit c r COUBeIse O. .i Lots fer Priate Resideeces, ia-tu-, wilbc etclly cxetdî fuuith c cl- Uinuii 'ft i-o re,îw. The Etýeliange4 alretdv'r LNTR TOWN 0F WHITBY s-oîr-lbtîrsiŽî- :,rautaid BlRnkde, Ài L,, aueia, ..Reizer, Wliliaq, atid P" Co7< uekai E IIcoryOF Yext OsTit, i.nneiNc-xAil tijo-,e w l arcfaill- Full Ckihtsand Stiaet. FAST OF BROCK 8TZEET. . îee, w!ek b~teu<sr, ctlv T TS No. 14 AND 83, FAST OF ]lROCK uaid prult (if us uerur aelos' R.EDY-~A E COTHSGtrGeAet.ârand. L Sontli of Pollaird's Rlotel ile made frwel îthoeetjorn-CIS, of lir d. oi, Pcrry !treta.Iiluîuuos-muus iuici' ont4. &e. Ve 'raI 11.<tR.ba-eno o bud alarge Stock of Tuas, tcf the. Ouest brande, inceludîng tl;-irou'abrrtd L't Bi 7 u hi as iuc re ritkli andelvn trm3uintt c une1 't<-ret, North cf Poliards Ilotel. Parties desir- IliihadSrcg N n, top-veiuelâts i.1 25.<1.Te. Acomle. asotsunt ! the Gocerias, WI-NFS AND SPRIrrS. uie pîrt oi hue principal street ln <he Town Acrictiet aesl ii n et-ro- ivili find L1~e ot, well aîtuatcd. î <E -ononi7y, &c., &e.. vIircesol Loti îA l an d 204, a cornas- block on Miplu and specid ,t:cution of the ( htenic>. A li-koCar- Cmeca BîdnBaock Street, Whilby. ..ei-tt frz the Whltiy Marleet Remciras und SIiý.- £~ Cmmerial uildgsPari-y Streche. -m-uits ai tshe lPort, whethcr by iiiseor Like, Lots 71, 7!, 7 , 74, 75 sO 77, snd 78. These s-lT buciiade nup viti care, and ptibli-,Iîed s-e4t,- January 20, 1857. Ee* gtu lots aire lu une loIee, boendad bY Pes-ry Tartv, witli the other (ComuunreU ilhr , 1 !", _____________________________________________________________________ nd lesnut and Aml Streets. tlie*paper. (hie ef' tielcadlng fcalures .'f the L.ot 17, West o! Perry Street, and dis-ee1- oi,- rflîc1îi-e wiil hae a Wee-lyIrjwfd n> puaule fixe Steaun Fleur Mill. - Nltrkeituus-deupfrontbe-elxprtecftue -< H A D W R , A D W RE 8t 4,il, lit, G78t 8, 84, and 85. Eastio f i Ek - <g, heo Crculani of s-he Cînr E, .r-YStreet, ad adjouunng the teisnm iII pro' n Lrpudh eî-niln~~~ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. iLots No. Can, East eofPers-v Street. TWs Lot oasorrcopus-idex-%-or oufrinds iril'elh TIF SBLCIMER5BIZG TO ITIMATE TO TIIE INIIABITAN.%TS 0F WIIITY AND West o!flBrochi Street. Té) the Tavii of WTiitbyi. the i-a- nT fi @1urro tinCtry, atuit tley haeu ow ounlias-d the inost -ceite and variad aaaort- Lots 104, 10à.m Il, t nd 111), bouuî-led luv Cenii 1n.utrei tliitluoie dtmiC(' y nofic tretwtdialhuyit lug <aiKeuàt Street.-. Tlîea Lrîta_&-lite ';)n it. Tie New5paper îleigitulv -l ut , ild lui-ting a tréet on t-;il-m repreii;tcuta lvo road; amI thi--reliore, tu T OR ONT O ~~ ~~ i c E s. Clrce sidc, are i-cil adapted to building pur- 1 it, -ifutur lled-ini~ zî--i- os 1 24t1 125, corner of- ent sud John tv rn it~~iaaigrui'.îîrl ?coitr.l, s-':il lu SuIts- GoOre thcy WeuIl aVita part cular attention te the Stock ofrIltreots. f uj,.îî,-iu'.A i -erto. thi: Table aud Picket Cutlerv, Gtiuii'ri l'istolsansd Colt's Revolverti A o. East cf Klit Street, andta Cb , fo-, -v<n orc -aduetiiofne (l sdil Elee<ra-!aits-d VtrcsFiles uînd es-es-v decri1îtion »f E'lge To>dstf"' rods Nos-thiof Dundas Street. bulatpin, a eîs-nt.uterpi m- iof ad ~pu- 'ea. ltreaid, ud Kîîife Truia ila ms-ily onr'Tos, TThe fker-oing eboice Loit s e -eslec-tedl fs-os-m wortlihi iut, r-l-, t-iilmuisî-îuu tishîtCosers, Fonder. and Fis-e Irons, Criss-s-mît Cis-cuta and Mill Sais, a large u iiibu, witb the s-iew of! holdinF ihci.n asoîsIilme -'.a îta-iu u--.- l Auîdiconupletu assortuuuiuî of llouuuc Tsiniigs.lu is an investnueuît, but.a nvofc-dfrSaeh ' î i e*îr-.da i- !V îb- flinally wizA- up a large transaction. t ru di timtuciuî- a hsc -A L SO- fs tItié,ZîQj)f / îTf112idf, ibîrcreTL HEAVY HARDWVARE, Centre Street ................... 2 Lots.t luts--t ' iP.ui.Oai -bc--rîo lia-.Itcy. miIlui IrnWsonlî, , -. K ent Streeot.................... 4 Lots. the -iliI lu (A'e-tM hitby, ift iii aIwx. s bc Ir lo.adBn on ruhCut rqî l ndIoit al Eiucfld Street ................. 3 Lots.peu, rxç a mî-- îu < - isente-ii (hit, s-j..o. andili-serSteel ress9cluin4 e, Coudfoi rl, . pualace Street ....................... tfont dî-ecuut1ng itC sru l..ui t)-i -ViceHigh treet..................... 4Lotsi. repPeut WXitlîv az t e 'u'aud centr-e -fti -uL, -Zr nd ii,' 005(], 1Lover, STîo. 7ie, adIV a ire , Hih eu l iuiir-stm - eicâe ýiià, Spraug Tithuble Skeios, and Axles, Palna, tila, Glass, sud Putty. Whftby, itah Janu. 1857. ITieî o f the Che-ceiim, sihI e os- (,f k-tý- -AILS Oý- i- lino-q ciind-îenilioîî, omie of inicllivenee a--.d STEAM SAW IMILL FOR SALE. Um-lsîWithu'e labos-lnug ho eouso3t.lidate the 'PA.TENT INDIA RUBBER BELTING, AND LACE LEATIIER. - -etntiia; c.lngïtftepol flo tir ote he ddres,:N OPBE?. TO CLOSE TIIE PARTNER- o.ev(n e-a ont tiigs of zthteuplcoetoteIte L~ Nte Uc Adresai a.aliiacconutscf thé lateFis-nuo? PERR t'e agrtguuniMuu. euipality. iut cl labos- te/e 1cr pIIAPEII, <hait Oràt-classSTEAM SAW MILL- amui! eecmrr.çe tA imites-este mteî-ery loc lity fa . C iuated on tlîo shors-cof-Stur$reou Lake. 'hinecmm rs. -iintegral parts oiltut aggi-eete. The - - ~~~ J. S. DONALDS80N & Co., m uiles North o! Lindsay, t, oflbrci a+t pris-tte uuuîîtîîe f OsNian-aanud ltouldia, as wi* i Sale. a-tîl'e (if Pus-t P l'iadW'iîlr-. 5se-ug utsz: app"stt.FaUrKUa, r <t F urn--< &re, The ILot No. 8' lu th-.OtCiLConcepssion cf Fa-uiss- iri-alis are aitîatod hy a i aud open. tu- -E -ton, containe 187 acre-i, ai considerable postionof t d!y eîptiti on, will recuis-e fs-cn the (ironi-ie whieh i.,slead and fit for caltivation. heart.v vtnd lionest'comuumendautioncsh lu ahi lcir BIIOCI: STRIEET, WiIITEY.i Lusuber eau bu loaded lu a boat at the Miji si %-,î.' .uni î_Ã" t-eseticMnL Wlaltby, Januatry, 20, 185t. h doos-, and ts-aamporteîl wittiolt asu!upmt fac:tus-iag lîreulîcrils- cf Osha- ad,!;, te i-ut aither ta Lindlsay-, the lNos-hàem tes-ucuso!the Iextcuîtnccp-oris fCh ou t Iiits Port Hope*and Lindsaiy failway, 1bm iioi-u< itiom ! ualuî hr- f-oe te s-ýnw tIio! the oounîicreiel sud Ms-ni- ~- -~ -v v -~ ~ - . - Or Port Pers-v. and <lieu by land to Whitbv. cipui ccutr.U o!fuin-lWiitliv, the Y-'! * ' uij.' :' ~ iThe Mi l*in tlioroaiglirepair aridexcýeelat céaînot for a eioliient regard li .*p roeos- olici, a- 1-. 'X 0 iralnn 'os-tics-, s u -maisrsudy iydsnited tom t:: otie ints- bau tranidtü%vulei'Leavrr. the rnimm<perfeet sud complote Steani Sawu irii-dL«e Port PItm-au icaantc-r..hii WHOLESALE AND-RETAIL GROCER, it tilà Mcîion of the prominft. flisnt > 1tîîhu Mas-IV liin1'PieiVurg- -ALSO- - e-m--i-J t - itLs-. i nd Ctarmi-m il ntu I.tdd Saw Lcge oi ttcMiII Yard. '- - i-i i-i u awsudt ii--t oiî NI 0. 3, COMIERQIAL TuÉ 'Èu v i nia i c/ o?,kîi ame pjîe Appi ta f a,... mî-' ..eie ,t a IW4 î un-it. IL tiLS BROCT< STREET, WIIITBY. J E..i in sun-l Ilsei5O ru - - - ~~Whiah., IPi-t Jan. 1857. o-uu'- fm u-h pnl ( jt,-utîui-ýr.se LTAVING M.XDF.ARIIANGEMEN-TS TO IMPORilT DIIlEÇ7,WINES ANILIQUORI AUBBJIES L OR -msi lalrz its bc.-, cor .îhuctos-- ilwluîh he czi euiaruaete bc genuulue sud înmîleaois pruparedtin supply Countu-sLOt FOR e-s- s,~ eic-.l ur-vu. deniers on Liberal Tes-nia, within xoicaiper sudbiîles- urriele cn e uprou-urud iju reuo. SAE. u'i u ii- o i es-mots c-f tI, iuiii ifts-,il'as The Ihireutittan wluiol li% $JiMOKINcI ANDI CiCEWING TOBà!iCt lasis aquis-ad wili bu -. iaisne.,, a wilte lis c ihtt.nrXe !tu-JI fulil mnaiuiumlud by the preiient article ounluan-d. '1'ihE FIRST VACANsTLOTNo1ItlIOF TrIFduul or te I.L Nexi duos- te tte (ro-es-y Estatmlisihuueut <bere te a fLÂR<Egit-Officm. Fast side of Es-cek treiet, TI e <Y,- uimiîêwLe v ocr-nc;iueeiis- b.rth i.-4 FIRS-CLAS SAOON, - ieiug tLot-ô.3, " Pi-crny'" ]loek, Towun of FRTCASSLOWliltbv. The pircTascr vwil! ha rî-qîis-,d t ec a a uu ioa~mcuruînsb i eret "Bio Bifli Cenhue imLîîiotn iitaehes-useilv -fdi - a- t Iu wbich tefiresâhxnts of suL izma c au bo procnred at reasonablu heuri. yoair. Fus- îrice sud ters-mao!psyment apply t4 !t.i -t.- e-uuu JePrvne -- Whitby, Januaary, 21, lià7. UJ l ER. esl-s d - ~'-naue ',,or '1e1peïri Wlultbs-, February, 1857. 4 Tool(li ra rue1, BUIDES.c.ti uu o-imno wth. d e' ne s- ii A . J.-ilA R-R I SO N, NOTICE TO B__ - eru;fîî'itb* ud un'twctoTas-îat f41 ol'é IGNE])HAVIN BîS?~ -' î e ty9fTori-u, it witilihe îi int -ton-s AUCTIONEER, GENERAL COMMISSION A E T IUND2RSl; <DIAl ,.mu -r' *iji utat imes rc-ad Ce! Treuu'-- AND DEALIIU IN ut~~~~~~ ponted t'eut, helie Lps-ared t,) ffmn'.ish nviiii utoTv n îiiu- -u- -o HO USEIOLD URNITUE 0F ER YD ES C1 àP TI0.N, ~<--u uLm ntse asntIc, t eu; huit, m-mu imùeolimtrarV, bu aun(Outas-to dasi, HO ,-SE OL OFBr, Yth'14'clriiuk Saruion in Whitby, rEuYtai Cd tri-c îu' y()uutîis-u moiund ÊiLnorad iit'à HARDWARE AND CROCKERY, Iper bel. Apply te 4IROCK STRIEET, WHITI3Y. - rt - ,kesildreietc.fbj LI FU LL Y INVITES AN ISEuT O F 1h15 GOODS ANI) lrPd('FS5 BEFOrIE -Ortapiein-iil itgi. Conati -h î d-u I lmar..im-ougFeb. hl. 18.57. 4-4m. ýVhitlV. i iul.i- t _Q-u-es-u'ent (if that geuut enites-pse WANTED any qanetity of'liard andl SOIR Wood, inexcchangit for Goods. INNOLVENT-NO'TICE'. -r-- o ils-t i' c4!Lit.-lits heubi, ii v -_______ ___________ - - -______ r .tCWSON.TIIE VOUNGEI, 'AT iîtuiîu---i,< ans-'aei---uiatuu -t -L1, c:en, isfo paît rs-. i- ljý- M i î a WANT "-ED -A__FAIR TRIAL. pr ai tho sud t o*Wic-e Cuin the of Ii-u itrn-iita AT TU t 's-utvusr 0F u fore s-ulatîîg cu lîuul u-atdoiîos-chyg î-e- ot i (A'or th W'Iitb iiion oet, s-u lel linL, L O--R D P A L M E R S T O N n tice,.a finlasenutap-il .-mth.. e- +1- .. t.. îii1- _- uîitailttý T' ou iii lu-

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