Whitby Chronicle, 12 Mar 1857, p. 2

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of etpigrants k-om Capamndthe United btates. The matter was allowed to stand -Praetay alay Movementes. "ióyorre Court. Perions notassistingt'edig rosp Kingdoam nay firly do ino tem, and -over until Frday next.~ Fires when called upon, to be sujceat ah9 opIa a. ilj of the Que0ý an tstvrDBo 0.The business ,before Parliameont ad- h1eiio o h Catro teo m. 3 a pebtity of.£5. TheBy-law wenttruhevn cialy imortat tht lIr Maes le- andt f astssewih ths eafollowiprvisionersbae introduced bills for improving IlUlawe expc aidbofore the House of ship, Ezra Anne, Esq., Mayor, on the in- T h Atro h htyCrn e o ao - "Provided that any trader within the nAtJssmiy dohn B.o e tn abi otisp oinfM a oe r, a ndyu ,0 temne n) ran eogiio frihsprovisions of the act here.by repea6 , h orteaponmetoocutyAtrny.Osaamhssbsrbeioo£n0stc.taencotay'othfonsi y-a.thtte al eprrng heelt i.m. t ubihd nte hoiceoha e i n th C o, p any by uch tip u atio s a h vepr i s n il hre f, t it s a" "d T o repeu l th e F rce e Bank ing A ct- F or th e Several p arties in th e tow n have su bscrib . T h e charge w as fully proved and G b son 12 p .th ., an k 6 p . drin w e e k a s f I e r a y l s , a i a v r i g wIll cause such licenso or such rights not have obtained a final order therein by adoption of a deernal currency in the ac. ed sums.- amounting tO nearly aohrwas fined £11 and costs., the Finance committee to repotoFh ahrsvrl pnteRpr ~ h etl to interfere with the fýt:r a 1 legitlimate oc- rao fh asg-ohsat hl ecouts rendered'âgamst the Province, and £,0.During the week;,IsPseral parties intown amont fslr ob adfrsc or fSho rsesfrteps er g cuptio'oftras aapted fer settlemqent. entitled tg the possèssion of his estate, or mn the rwhch dgscfb e gfound mthe We4pceiv ro heflown cruarwrebogh efr isWrsichredsrvc'bu omapesue fbsies a nal teB "It is uneesaye ourseto teinrnysuh or1tIs'of it asshall thenhe in-p(s- report o tePrcednsgf h Lgsf.trta eeig stotkeplc asan it afin orpizscotar t helte-- o eredhieim orpulcain.bic way, thefuýý,ro anportance of Vrancouvers sno fte flin ainc n httivciAsseinib!y, im other columnls. Another chester, on Wvednesday next, fer the pur- Loitter -Act, eand were flined £5 each for MEs.dig fpbi Ois hsm islndas hekeyto lliriishNoth me'th jugesothe avebufflraCunt outs .\afisterial nmeasure is, the Bill of Mr. So- Pose Of discussing the Railway proposi-- "throwing thedice." On motion of Mr. Fraser, it wav eovdadt rn olgtwaee sipoeo r rica, On the side of the Pac*û, situated as 'shall, onthapicioofshprys-iiorenalmtfr the better se- tfion' . - H, s- Iis WVorship expressed a hope that the that the namnes of all the persOnswohdi hiih n uyoeeyctzn n l ' it.is betweeon the extensive sea-boardof sue their order for t dl fIcrn the mdependence of PalimetcS,-iMemgcilbe held On We0d' orders made by him, would prove a warn- obtained'Licensi etothe Ppeetdt eh temnwh atfly n er Rcuian At.merica and flhe vast territory in ctitioners estate." erlvryosei Te numbe)r of meaures not mentioned in nesday the 18th day of March, ins4t., to ing to, tavern keepers, not to allow Raffles publishied in the (CAnnicle.noeressmmnamntiay hu the hanIds of the United States, thec Speech fromn the Thron, >rought for- commencé precisely at Two o'cloc k, in the or gaming to take place at their houses,~¯daiet o1netaaat ulyo4te " li EExcelenev cannot foresce theg ward by memibers of the Governiment, has afternoon at my house, for the'purpose Of and to others, in future, from participating non TAI. ,coursý, which a Conimittee of the itouse ofTr.aMrc1. coînple*tely non-plussed the Clear-Grit consideringitnd discussing the Schieme at in themn. Mr. Lawder brought in a By-ai oi-pbemne.fSho rsesfrtepra Comnuâôns may sceefit tu pursuec in the ptro. Tho Hon. Mr. Spenee obtained leave leader, and the cry raise against Min- preset before the Public, for mlaking a .--se a tax on dogs, The By-lw wsgn aen rtnin oayhn ,' poecnquiry, or td'etrminebeforehand un to introduce the Bill to improve the or- inters no, i; not that legislation on those Rtailway through this Township,, between New Church at Dufin's Creeek. ouhCmiteadrdatidtmefconndosqetywreot ,-n whait points eviden% mai..y be requined. ganization and increase the effiliency of imeasures will not be benefal to the Port Whitby and Lake Huron, and which A d. By it the Asessortishto find eper ised that someof theireacts danr " At any momien, however, Ilia Excel- the Civil Sçryice. The second readng country ; but that they are the measures meeting you anr ost respectfully re- mDn's Cehl a h epee t asesteon ers and--abrr ald cle nqeto.Te eo-n r lenev will be r (0 t at tend to your suge.. has beýen fixed fur Friday. of the Opposition 1 Some people can quested to attend. -the rate of 5%. each doadès o r orins-a . . . never feel satisfied. En d dthe purpose of raisin- subscriptions to- oftdogs, a g ohwvrpeaeova ecstîýi &, and happly sucha informnation, Mon. MIr. Cartier obtamed leIave to mn- le clqai<fè Evy and iscontent I am, Sir' nls\b'kf u<rdadIti eitety aemet rfeâtdence, or by wit. trodluce a Bill for the codification no' the aG i rvaln haatritcDf laYouir Od'd1t Srv't, C rh at, t place. ACommittee re ach botion of Mr. Fraser torpkit5.spneisntavycomn u-bu n neme4ss fromi Canadat, as you may think ne. law -a'nd procedure in civil cases i G, m Lower •Wn.t.uxPowsos-nz appinitedl for the purpoqe, and Mr. John without distinction, was lost o ii ec oee a h ag a efo ce»ýary, andt he miay he able lo send over, Canda. 'rking Manchester, Reach, March 7, 'à-, Lepper selected as Treasurer. The fol- Sion.thmakterisnsyngwretmgt tr, 41You will, tof course, act upon such in- Mr. S9olicitor General Smith obtained - lon in gentlemen stihscribedt the sums set-tiead Ispoe em ycn r tr fr u he Tw hous-etee, aic, nth po a-lctions as U 1ou tmay om timo e totime leave to introduce a bill t scre the in- rmE D RrGaàDr- .ocK-IP--D,,rTAX, &C. Tew Rg•opposittohernncntesp:-rac.urleseyfrtaetatwwret;ddt On motion of Hion. Atty. General Mac- Town Council given elsewhewilso wthutatecnbemhmore use- £2sh;wJohn Elliott, £25; Frederick Green the Committee un Finance andAss. Btt esros r dtr ra sno wM l E, Dornald the fqllowing Bills were read a thant the Council are workin. On Tues- fully employed otherwise, than relyi, a; John lýersey, £10; WVillinm Cuth- 1 ment, recommending the pasymen fvrsud r fe vr mt nsadi, Te C -second time :-T7o amnend the laws in day evening they passed two By-laws, to, the inrn blunders of the leefrteibet,£à;5e. ; Jarneq McGreight, £5 ; John ous small sums, which wasredadpoeamntnM.Gdnshudfdadth tePiial Governtto bnec o pn-aler Othe Courestin Error andppel. opwent though aelarge quantmit fmel- . atr-anndftheone, isa uh eos hals rut 5 5 ;RbetFrni,1_ teciclao oonfude iseree- r bye the hol.\r. nilcayhsya nrd .irstBill amiending thi Commospn awiroe- orane aFrLrgd a oe hog h te a. ohaeimaual ale,£21s;Wlim htsd, M.Hdsnscne yM.Wl-herfeto hth ntne e/ u aig titue. dure. Bill relating t suits on behalf of ' 0in Comite f th whle, passd, siged ee 1pofathe ur attnin, £1:-2 10s ii of £ ; n. icaduk, £l 10s; JIasPtr'lc oed nd a~eovd hti aBald.. h xcto.Toasm h bii rZ1Nrasn Tr!MT 0r7oon:aEMI. the Crown. Bill appointing Couinty At- and sealeil. This is really doing some- -._£. 10:; Icvilliam Shier, £ -55.; Andrew epdett establish a Lock-pithofcefapuicenrnesteid-tanh ,notice that hie rot on Tuesday miove the the Provincial Gtovernmiient to be render- paid for the purchase of a Fire Engine ~ -~' On motion of the same, th1 aktdteol ed t rn h esnwoBad lst. Resolve-1 that fthe interests of Can-i Free Banking Art. The second reading. remain housed-up useless. Not a mnove the members resent. 1h, ISr - in the Markzet Buildings for the proeo oIhpb feddsol eapa ote cil oterrrt fhold eixo. athrsiometyea e,;na,11. pny. Towad every house inait, Bnjmin rIlEql on lr, s Te Coitmeil met at thie TowrnHall, atlilc hudb rvde.I h omnee.to7i omn- M. certin lace -- --- -- -- - mighit have been since burnt to ashles for "l crlûhem mespeet.ctoM.Grdnso stesregho un ud. hata sm nt eceeingthe New Adýrttsenllets this Week-. aught ta osh ewtthe wo.To·riii:Scnoot T isrraorrur Tou':: F 'luliehiâimagimetm(-oorttheReport of he that t su e > riaot ed forthe hunred-oudlre-Engne wttoeeT it - rr nad an,l contirmed., r oIsnbogtu h eoto ordo colTute sue nhstrar rm iin he ecesar- Red EateJ. . ierry Althou.;h, fortinately, we have had no IThe petition of Br jamIiin Yarnol<l, Rtun ' ?sayor on tak;n; hi.;seat made-- î tnigC:mte nSresadmndtefr f"alread'nrosmny J)IjjI,;and are um Istý)ti mfrte o-VlubeFrmfr i :a, ak fires in the Town during this peiod of in-fieitth colEetonhl n )eoùýn ntenemt .raIpovmns,-h ootwsra n Cn fPe'lswo.uIspps/st ew ame a te er.u pac Bfflo edca ispnsiy D. me iinatiit,-o neern ayho son uc ad orth Cnte ar-orsaddow.forupiluflmt.ec'ow. h rat:,opedwihot gin itoComite b vewd y hm it sspcim nddi-her Son. ~~~a ca.mity may occur, when 'the services UMLca 3UEWerra rTneIcnsequ0at i>on thie in-_hro ik etr 3rd.Taal u 4l ddesb present- t ihlsSlo- hre- of a tire com-pany Nwould bc needed. WVe That your petitioner in the diselageo crease of drunkenessl which lie was sorry hielsesretattn,.t ed tci ller _Mieacty, pray ing that zahe ruay Card-Tit--Tal uny therefore rocommend that the By-law bec his duty as such Returning Ofôicer, returnl- to raty prevailed in the Townl, showed .ntenx etneeb red he ircosyp .,oeerieteRylRiradHtl hmsDwe. not llowerd to remnain a dead letter, but ed N. W. Brown (d11.1;elected as Shooil every day more and more the necessity fur 1 t£rPRoPER1TYtee.aanepnteo uo P'reroa-ve byv the se1u ,ioni of some o (ne Desirale Farinn fori- Jae Camp1l- that s*teps be at once taken ly the Coun- Trustee for the Centre War dta e-somlething of thec kind. Ihis worship The report on the StandingComtemnybyc d test-> place as the permanent beat et Govern- bdLcil to appoint the Engineers and have the1 tain persons being, dissiedwihou knew of no less than two persons (having on Market Property was brough yt rn h u iymoirp et ment-iu Gmarla. Take Ntice -Fuller aml KelkeFire Brigade o ý,med on an efficient foot- petitioner for returning the said Bronwn, fmle)who were commtitted to gaol re- Mr. Wallace It was read andaotdtaih o r d ,Isalh fte . 4 liardware e.t ( ost-A, J. llarrien:' ing. A Iecond By-.aw was passedl, impos. caused legan! proceedings to bc taken for pnel o l-raigthi aÎe' onawtou on noCmite og . W rmM rjd Mua n. Marih 30 . Mimiipaliy of he fow of Withy. ing a L:a on the on ners of dogsY. Thisi is a 1the purpose of conitesting the sa*d return, while i a state of intoxication. In thc The report recommends paymeto 7t rqeta xpaa nI l'et itions wm : a w I d l unieb \ABook o' ni eï a KowkageYake -hl;.me .panblielwehoeted ,dtht ou ptiioerei ode t min pblidsretsth io-onuc ohtes u- .toMesr. amesn ndShwfo wathemens rI ea tatheha c crrnt palities ttak inýz -4 wîAin i tial C.d ""-to d m h dm lru uis:ance. tay iithe election and return of s i rwnfortuinate personis and the using of profane w--ork(donte at the Town-Hall. P f , ri odn may b eno si a aof ut a an, ns h em e -\\ .I i.Ihlags A ms ' ifest euer.v part of the and to support the course pursuedbyou laniiguaew as only too. apparent, and some Immediately before the adjourmn fohr ls se o uc wa e son- D ur~~oýving t e a net he c r: n y of m e . s ,in u r d t e co t a d pne of £7 a fl to t ht e T n A cont abC l h ad no the G ram mar S h ool.yo Sta di gt a m u t B d e p t to e r .er . . d in e Mr.usee a 1 aa atostrt Croinvwih oe&f tesefercis r utk p tes p we, s atersno san, o tkeant: t th Gam arScool Trstesto hasexla edth abve h wl henp as eroth IGl to ame nd the -aw r !an Î 'I-umantc.andrigdta h in ga o withouta b beve fou t J d-toliin o t n he um ipl ctth cauin runnng ad, m d At oiiely nsfe t And yorh e it iomne r, at i oi Ptas hp e a -.. . .r sessormighis duOÎty en going ï.round.,you may te pleasedttodpayolum the amounthe '_ h " I amht panesinorpr t bny rt r hareranoul.ghnet to su--- end s one hunre emi.whichyour petitionerpis otwllables toke ma n a n ot su ic ien i deìite t arenc about Tusa eeigwsfalan£t25ek0advga.sh:.eBor . . .NotieAto ubsciber. grats oabothsexe thi year We ave bar.if. •,h. .. heetof po ontyof oomr 1 em, peT ereisn paero h ptiin asrfr. ae e ·t r n s a t u s u u & h e r o v e e g n S u s c r b e s w o a v e n ot p a d u w il e a of th i r ot b ei g r o v d e w i h s . rd e s ' w e r m ,l e f o p a m e t o t e tth i n g thts- u n e r t h e n o i c e of th e s o s, b o t 8 0 e o p e e r e p r e e n , s fl ci e t x a m n a io n f r u l e s I amiflra pove bal w:o z r pul et uritesublicit.hd-da.adSaudyaieteanfocurb ugcarasyfue.ms-tth x ayrofr rsfoIdetiigad h anttyof lique or whhayor ongrsutnsweadpd: TnCuedcldeyfrpheim ts post s o b crted ie ffiia m n- ffeWh i ll chm y alupno rdiTown 1t Subscribers f h • • • ite te Ionrabe r fsint kepeosoulsb alo edlo el. as n-prve ent aon, f teysa ft, 30 o clm b i l d .-,ene 1'Tw. T 1 igt:-oP n·1?Tesov-e -" Thatwhl the Pr-..acut evaldub th afdatitef t e -esu e),fogr tetan.puhe f Caadaregrd oth,,fungli a e ani v i rendered for 12 months subscription n'te iga.t tw elvnd sioock udede-willmoe, Yand itas rs od, That sideowlthConitocsdelkeIaslo ..pyr. -pan in his anty. I pr vide tha Sub crip ion for a sh rter peri d w l okn it will be'a gf r eac on veie nt t h reetsSc ol frothe e t a n ce a t e ý, w. ; al xa ie riTIho u the E astern s atection of thrg' e P oelo a d cl m iy go plisanno i e an r r e enry ino nee omp ny s oul be b tak en r o a esnent adesrus t h Itiesg r aly oh vetebl ol. T eB ad h naj u ned.it M) ringod o n res td te eti ion of p ohi, b t ree discusie on d t eto pnot ed c m n p asfrisl; l na ,boimdto by efore he Leg lære a na- pa for t elve m nths-ed aoftetan ho us ng rwee dyswt e lordofSc ooiT u s pry ng fo al onfi en e n he efic cy of th b tfhioIwilpay t attogie g rred waïd aU f :othofd ayn.sttmn u Aet)il ecie eewtote hu on al stobofrnsedwthegiBrwnanth exenson f asidowalftoHeny lwswe, roestantdfier aa.xrc ro n ouet ndte oBgw of ur am ac~rcounets of scubsieitirlOalit. oms whc ae ey uc wnin fr h 'haMrtntGevel.Rp-tonthheret ho d, regatfu ta i titprtofte ol u hedouen a bi.il ri~tohae oßices np eside or odr yleaforSau dyagne a ripfowO110 n he t al four ug er a he eter jus te p blised and aidere Ping a-d . efey adoteStry n orea is encrstoura dan te lawsaevg . h si xrc sno efcl lar si or perit iedt by c:ribe Pr ý oica na fine no lcaehll we receivewthe nameiof i 1 --n.esodethalTofromThamuel Cochrnes toi.t.n..directeviolation ofcall the ruleselfsound . c , n hmte the metth mtiL. h scu t a origmchae wer ntesin and:,il en. Brwne find y t tat orth Aie , t.rnattrwihi oudb lfrouesLand ubimpf aayadmsere. twsl shizngiiti assia subscribere future who doesonothpaylvn th<:Creek. cntcism. W'ewdl attrbute thisalike th :amount of capitalrestoce; f.rd12owonuuch usbin advancei sere tl" a pndsformmerad sx tco f ish f o ored, 29dFieldwgs er eTa tdy fr srvie M .Fodsn1ls recaeîte eiton R soed,- "that the pricpetf rst h uiivo r .si nton n ra pariiiamon flse a, a unp a ch ares-e.fbJ. R IIawley andaeihty flye others the LoyalOrang Assochation of n-fandenot todhsohgnorance ohnorable ere-F.0 ylu i li-, onty I hoie b'Lill Committee he procuring f one.---.Noting and two oher troops ony awaitinethe -nE fIhopei Leae ws gvento rms m - , vte r lcalBils, illexpre o-mrro , ws ol- n about thl e aarycof-, the Ton arrival fro Englandto esE c amh us uig ekdys h u e irb t uey deeniv . T atis Mr odo utersy, a og te dnl evnd itwa ra-aoisntmephe13hma. ostbl.Ho lnwllthtoucierope s rmdwih h nw ealtintiioswee evrll rfrrd oth r'mebessek o t asidthirlgcucrostisexibtdnn,:islaprtisaBielw ,mnVteAc blibcgteri ootaleroman tersfilibutersto bfotlck-up,-as gn if ,th e Ctabe s Thereoare thirty-fournRfedCmais n.ls o eoiato o terfl caueon iignae ote epcie ti n the Bi was ire a na - rst tme. y__•-Mr.-odgson4bought1upthe-repr--of1 . - +'- --BorshudfeobidtoM.GfrteEioi fee-,t * eand 3 Aý ee~ ong «,twe renei t well finished ;-in the e )eds aire lf.3 reda-r poeta,as the sed-s ar(e werl l 1ingle1 t, etr., ited o ,0,as M. o nt y n fit tov tt.Mr Grd . « and Ilpoaùe upon the I ge,.t ïyour readers, "that some yea ite was purchased by the peoplëo y section. a large and enåetani ousle ert eted; thereon, .&C., c 1orf 1:j2 1s"whereas our Bo tees hias added àaI" minor -rpl a Iznwere aell"p-without furniae t cost for site, aethe enormèus cog Public, mcludng site, of -2618&a r. . itr, the Iamtior a- î" is 25> feet by 41 feet ; theorg. /e large build1ing, 27i feetE-by 4o or arly the samyein size; the " V building, that is the older one, it ck.ýthick, the "l minor appendargr ecre se,-aMrG.alait à d1a111f brfick tick . in the oldi gthe Carpenter and Joie* ugh or condu the or dferti non)e of the wood-ýwork was paintiý /. the û1iM and newc are now paintd bont, and the cost included in ti» ol(eFr 4tùd'mg a reeted i' 18. new one in 186, thpice nfan fnd labour, being-now hghër than rormer period by about .10 per cn everythmig into considerationW' n to the School-house was chcmýý .e origmnal; andJ the Building C compllose-d of - the Chanma ýof' nd Messrs. W%'atson and Sàcott, the-, Ward Trustees for 185('.are entitle highes.t credit- for tneir attention to rssof Cie John ýStreet Séhoo. ordon winds up his review of tÉe o>f Pc , by telling the Board y should have appende-i an Audi. Port, thereby certifying that tj'e had actuaily becen, expenoded, as set carefidly 'perusing Mr. Gordohris was not atiall urpiî4ed, Mr. LTù- the insinu ation coenveyed in tý g- paragrph ;but 1 icrally Lam41a- rand deliberateli pxut forth ra or:the p~ublic eye, to Say the least hihycolor'ed, and tinctured with s my intention, Mr. Editor, to han 4 ýd another error into which Mr.- tell, relative to my having mové has9 called, " asimple and busine% ;olution.-" That &all account. j due ty -the Board mast becTender. e ýtil befor;e they are paid." but tht mbeen partially cretdby !'.r in-your la.-. 11owmme t) sar-a toin eprnain Ivote hefirst 1-lavce s nnerrthe, having actedi upo1 ithe principle 'ces for 1,1-3, implving that tL- ad been in:the habit of pavinzac- n h ump, wi oult detail, ýh referred towsolyfra fewshil- curredl for the repairing of the t.,,of one of the School. I com- t ofkeexcecption to, and csei: cconts tman out in eti Mr to 6,000 is recommended.'Of class Bsi Threotewnid tat4 B, s Therepot reommnds hat he0Myorupon Protestantism, and especilyu-ino uhagf o uhpannmsa A o inuicpalpupossorecary on loalfor-h sofed up to wi)mthafew io Oz nEimfdte Nrthennaiwa. un t e ndtooshndseeten omane ae u-beauhriedtocomniat wthM. n rages, yaheledigoran te eryStee Shol te-ohetretGodo po each th ïepratydndt axte eerl . "Now for Toronto we hear already'ofnmQuebec and onein Markham are bein- male and e fty.,female emigrants be sent Clnpoe h otÎ n u uthse nt itc "sm fta3 ownilagoteand Ton_tsi uiia-I.ora u.n:.I nln the Bea our friends mn King Street talking.ýof their uni rmed.to Port Whitby this seao ; and that the s hree fta hghh h otsrnetpclsi h nnilt h. ities in said Counties for that purpose. number of illegitimiate chiildipn (theirý splendid harbor, the natural outlet for the Th rganizanion of theBattahioqsof the Counil do make arrangements to providedprmn ftecn, h ntie fh sa -plo ces of Gonvernmnent in the Post O)f-; 1850. timý best h.yVbor Of Ontario and-the natural ed., The Plrovince is.divided into 4e8 Bat-.free o old be erposed-if Emn Teaoeioteblneo h pin liee and Canal Departmnents from Sunday ote o nrPrIae.u h amr ain fSdnayMiii,19mLwrrRE BRIGADE.-smWaUs in the asliol ssssentfo 185,wa no pid labor ~~~~We have to thank iJohn M. _Lumsden, Who has thXe best J ofI de o tlwy Cnaaan129m pprCaad.Th r, Frasee, seondedby Mr., Rowe, ob. .cesit for aB Pro0testats eo h no h anTesrrslsysutl an Eilturel--BOill intitled "A-AAen Eg. .A.c.,fr opeP (ngisandras te es ros eomtiv amoetu et frslas evie eisesi-tind lav t big n y-awfrfhealrraaistteen s f ysemNoebe o ecmbero futyar ad to >place under the control of two distinct Fec)oftenwora o ulc-n nusrosnIghorbat:hn o apz-(en between'18 ad 40,)raniatiorfa Fr riae heB-sobnfl.adi,lra mnanyinteTarr'hpsfo Wit Levi Ttiunkike Roads, and for other-pur-frPrimnaydcmnt.Tukin ihahroresl-mrvdabr elusive of the reserv -e adteCulwn ntocmitò fEqGerw.--Early on Monday Mori s••M --n+---- - byart, might he the more industrious nulm ar e0- the whole thereon, M.Vi nteei.ESoisesaeN"slmc o.te te In. Mr. Camceron-Bill to amnend theEn ener h 'ere lakmt'famr n-ntihtndnch reaiCloelDeofnbrgfLmmnd teItroomdedstht-heFie ridéNn rae ggemae iŠ" gint h Law of Patents for Inventions lectured in the St.LawrenceHaTro-.trtpsesdb Toronto, and all its na-'armg fa porýtion:of the àeý-utary - '7e sist of one Chief 'Engiheef;obne first; assis orthcMo eBadfrkeigta-aé h omn rf r freS 1-B1 oann Ah gøD fry large audienee attended. Otrofrom Whitby with Lakze Huron, -"'in conclusion, I ma vbevéit.e onisto 5 r fe asnx stignepe andslorare t esl ie hiMunoMna ndicsuipalfc o ornn engteereed toen th eSeeg neüadt odofcautla aachdn ieoÀsse na 0. ee th lmtintherae pr creTusda evnigs.Itis el wothwit "estharbor buttaernta o." he ounry hanat resen t-and n noportgo ae ore ' 256 and the Act atiendder ttheainerof 1f5thy L an ef-r M1r. BiëoeätigthatMr t, 1 would onlyaiý td pologyis duýe fromMr Bgo ssi aScþoi esr of which ebefor risign epor aà atdá aSir :9%#¥ODGSO Y march 9thá,f r rn o 2 berk Aust sion to.mieildthe M icipailti surane Act offýpper Catnada. . Mr. Evanturel--.B1ill to amend the Act for the suppressio)n of Lotterieus. ect 19 Vi. cap. 4, to authWdZe the. es- tablishmnent of Four Agriculttral Societies in thýe County of Gaspe instead Pf tw-o Agrienitural Societies. cnn "iti ç,tota- soke ai,ý n we or D iemn m0 =y,' present yenr Whitby Ibarbor wamivia- Rrrmüor Fn È-ýA paragraph un- der- this heabd which appeared in the 2YiiWÏ short tiie since has had the ef- feet6 of obtaining.a small appointment for poor- Mr. P: P. Dwyer, formerly private Secretaîý tô the late Daniel 0%onnell LscTURES To YOUNo MENql,-By request, wýe ,bemlemat4, intimate4hat the last Is-

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