Whitby Chronicle, 5 Mar 1857, p. 4

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q 'i q f i 7< ______________________________________________________________I .Xiuutes pf tbo Kuuinipal Counoil of the, Couuty of 4IF II DAY, The Wardeu in the (ihair. uBnt e of yesterday rend. Thie Wartlen read a communication from M3r. Darlingtvn, ýof l3roolrn, declining the appointinent of Audit-or conferred upon 111i1 by t-le Comuicil: 7The Couicil w-eut- itto Commnittee oft-ow IQorcu . 00cu4nsirdou of By-Lit' appointing Joseph Rooder, Senior, t-o t:*Ie char;ge of Sctgog Bridge. Cenn r teose annd î'eported t-he By-law wit-l somne anmend- Report -vîeeeived. And onimto!ion or Mr'. Gamtible,- seconded hy Mr. Bruabazon, teo *U, ijc'il rfie 31 biiig carie-d, Tholi By-l:îw wis rend a third t-ne, and pwsed, and sigsieodby Tlite Coi-nÀ!t heu resol't-ed itseif jute a Commit-tee of t-e ho le 0i r(es'u1lie 1ie cotîsiderntioit of, the seconxd report of t-be'stand- i:lgç" o'îlUj '"(l Rends ad Blid es.- Mr. I-ir n the Cihair'. ('î-iuîîttu- \-i- and t-e lie (liri-an rep-oi-tcd t-bat t-le Coini- tl ' it a I-t1 u' 'fi-.' tutui-il t-ic.': wenît- imto Comit-tee of t-le w-hole, t-o re- t'niîec'iîs-l--rqîoiithtle iesolîîîjet-îs intredued'ixto t-lis Cet-t. ci ý s,.îd:v ly Mi.ltgei Mir. n litlt-lhietl. TFI Cmiiiiitîixrse114 i-eu lit'pC rîersohtiionq, tvit-h t-be fol- b ig amiîu'tîdn-t- t o tlie Ist- clau-se. Biat t t--t-lic Bv-iîw.ta b)4 bs on t-he resointions, shail net 1 "1 k- c efiLet matil nU i' iîg'rinttdt-o a direct- vote of the Atîd t-le lointg ainîcuinllent te the second Clat-use be added Tlîthm biramaîc iýi; cii satisf-ictory t-o t-le Coutv thâtbt ne' fuîl<" ili slionil lie mue ! l upet-lie- Coutty t-o complet-e the .lliiwav:v tg) ti-' Nariows. 011tu', î'-i 'ifur' the rcu'jt-ioiî of tle report. Mr'. SJdM, -'cetil'liyMr. Whit-e, îoi'es, IThat t-be report Iii net tc.iîL utt 'er - inck t-o t-le Commnit-teeof the wltoe. %v~i l-riti .i t-o -mend t-he same hy striking eut-ail 1-tt'er thi weî'd Thnu,111Ji litseit- t-le following. The' contrt~tiion uf a aP.îtilfrton Port WhitbY te Jak lluet i-oli, a1 uolluki %-l] wiliviolî'e a Cost ef et leat .£8,OO or Lt10,000 per - mile, 111(1if' C:uricd ont, îî'ill reqitire t-be ýwn, of . '0,- îtfloi'it s i., mr.jlutioî. '[liait-ho-tii stock yhtbe Counit-v offlOnt-niio t-o t-be extomt J£00îOini t-lie said Comnyu~, -voiîld bt- but-t-be commence. vient-cf t-licdeîuuuds w id-i ,,til hbei.tile tîpon tte Funds oet i-c Cotiîit-v t-tiii( t-v Le .tfh-.tieal t-le tiî'st- îist-alment oîîly of' tbei n'1101iit ecipii-d t :Lssis inontt-le sîai nlrai 'Pl t-l it'<tIv celse 'wiiIi lii' i.oiflt tit t .1) u'ste %' it-i feýt-y t-o it-sclt, ii4tiet ta e lîccOtîi rticiînt-ors ini.1 achlime Iwihdi may cv'i 'it-l ie vtcui'1litg) te tiost dis.1tî'î-i',w resuits.- -The ,.asatiii:ivs b Clî allèd i>,thlire appeared in fav.Qr of !!EAS.À y S. Geti-.(llbs, Messrs. Brabazon, Pt hit-'11tardsol , Drydeni, '.'- St-tt-ltb, -Ewers, - \Vil'uin, Frewell, Keller, 3fcDougall, Tint V.îtia t iecIrin It-l ie-tti(it iit-t st. ' 0ui t-be ¶îî'.iî'uiOr t-i.-;.llt-ct f t-lithtle original resolut-iOrt, aautciit- l le -1.ttitutiltle ('t-ticît ht--iidl, t-nid tho-itantes 1."tn-i-Ibw u-î talc-n 'l'o-tuas - 1llct- s lt 1Y:1Z-, 3îe Mssrs. G i 1)' ('nu-il'-.Gt-dow-av, - - ].wl, Stit-lu, rE'lue War(tleci tul dk -Ociit- tion e'citcar-c1 3h'.r-GLI'l'.-st"ct-c lY 31r. Smnlitit, int-c'us. Tîîatt-îbentîhi.s Ccii i l :.î(i .ti îîîloîr<w it- shall itaîid adjouitr-ed t-o t-le se- ct-i "î'.sdilii âmi'e Xt-. ),ir. Farivew'or ci' eve t-o bring ii a BY-lait- appointing a Cet-n it- A t-r. an iî' - 'pe-l î<.trt- et' By Liv 'number $7. Letive .crit--vil Alla t-îe u--.î'tas rend a fi'st- t-ie. 'Ile3-1ttIlt-le Ihr'ing aotispendtedI. Oit- tot ion tî )frM. Ft--rei'l, secoîîdeol by Mr. Keller, thb ill -' -:'î,t-cl ar-coi-dt-i lîird t-bac, and passed, at-d signed by t-le - 7io n.- t-1at-.%andat-i ai, by lotit-e of t-be Councll, pre- u~t-:a !îtitioii <i beliatltof bis )Illnieip.,litypra)ing t- Obo. X~~ )îIîiuitti', ts"Iiuiili a ttdv-aue of the Non-resident Laud t<* :t~îtgto thîe sailtiTow'nship1s of Mara and Ramna.' 3l~itrie "iîiii..i1>i- hî.3cDîîalh,îiîovLs,fctîcr et-o br'n î na B h', .ri, ai 1-'l I I:,) III:-I-Ii of liy.-aw Nt-mher 28, as relates te t-l-. i-i]i'tliî !<0:ît u-t cfmîoiey- on t-he Centr'e Rond, ini t-he fl ii,.tB-i-as 1.atilffitttint-e. - t--i uuttI '-it~cfM -'trie, t-c stspcnd 34t-h -rt-tle, being 'flc fi--law -w -us u'ca 1 - cond and tlîrd time, and pasaed, Otili'tc i r Mt'. F.it'exvulszecanded hy Mr. Brabazon, Il. -J. 3IACDONELL, Coîeity Clerk. J. Il. TI-IOMPSOX, 1l'ro'ce County of Ontario. SîXTII DAY. SX1UIt-DAY, Jain., 31st, 1867. Mieho Connil. met,ý The W1arden lu tli' Chairt. - ~All tt-ýeleîl proiscut-, vit-ltht-ieexceptioo fMr. Gààie 31int' ot'Yi,ïet-ray rend anttd approed. ' - - Sta-dhgCemitteon Couwty roperty, brouglat UP Coluil1 went intto C'ot-nt-ittee t-ht--e. R Wihads.- 1 N ANI) AÎFTEIZT IUIZ-sDAY. 711E -Tii HUS. AL L-FR AE re-appointmeuitof Dr. John Nation, atnîlAiut'tlia'nî 3agshaw, Alliendinetdeclared ut. F of -, suither Tblr lave FrwiSt(fret-b vuie jSP<>ýleD 11V l'h'! t-e un foot r utire. rfle W4pub)lic> tret * a - lt ioiit-ed <'.' Illîtits t e t le - TeOigialmetioni c4iri-ied wit-lout tdivi.s'on.fotcfi- trclu."t-u':- tStrct lt-c Cir ,Mr. 1Farew'ell, stconlded loiy 31r. lloIdgsil, t-li.tlt-e Cot-nty Tlireni bTrniu for M"uit-real. QcbeP'a)rtlusd, -- inq î.,LtN,. lie. nc -t-pi-p 1 Mn. E%'er.s, sccoitded 1 -3fr. Whiit-e,inove.q, Thi:it- the-brcaisin Enginleci' be iiistrt-ict-edt-oexamine tlethe cao 'ietîuîe ui o-,6.rs.ci. fon, To."i'" tOe -- 'l bi!u-tt.s îi-rmn O 1. Nrc is, TiTant'c. ('tcr rer bc iuistriit-ed t-u paythe amit--e-mt t-oeai'limenier o -t~CtxtyCek n fntb pno of tichi-ittCi'Uiooves-'aebuI Tiîand tOtf WiT. the-ttî1'St-ui"I.Tilt-ofîAf;E Trinî:ï>'1tu;îb.uf' Cotineil, as set- foithiinii v-law- N tiier .a, exj'iî-e<l, nitItt-'i ttseu l i au(ii~st--tl-oi-ed-îgnmgI - <tsute Tci e ic-h ""îh"tfrrt-o -t'It int . sate.y cf"t-be - e3 witl"nt F.n. W'ALLerEgIthe safe-'tofStie TainPrk et titat d!fy Strutfordti4 furt-ber st-tmn of 2s tGd1lie pa;i t to ea'tne Iebeî' foi r i.* ua n i buildil1g taîprocure at t-tand îtli tm fi -left-eo'u-et-ti 'seuge r-hifr'l 3' -Otuheit inlt!iiUY la1-~t'pivta' tr.i attendance, in sajîl ily-l.'iwNiuîiilv'r a, .iuiug -t-le pre-setît year TImat- t-be Eîgt.'!,o exam-ine t-hie st-ove and pipes reig~it T ill lenzî e Don Stainijund <O< UJRONICLE JOUN M. LOWES i ' î 'i&lt:v-!i.ir.-a.bi'ftwl-'c and t-be ('otînil w-eut- uit-o t" intîiitîce t-heieotî. ini t-le Sberiff'l tiflice and reîîdcr t-lte sainîe tts saccre tt-gaiut ieI îîmiiiii. Ooril MuIhAL..3 lz 2%O Mr. Iieîîett- in t-le Clî:îiir. t-i s il.Toro-nt-o, F'etu. , 14".~. - - 4 -. - t.1~iS BEST INVEST~IENT. VETChronicie Johnis11. Lewes ORSL 2n OW LT.- On te question for thle recepuiou of ithe rep>ort1, arried. TUE OFFIINSE . - rocres FORco 31r. Ewcrs, t-conded by '.%r. Whit-e. in ii îieiiineîit, t, Mr. Farewell, seouded l'y Mr. Currie, ninves t-ltth-e War- i1 onM I__1"~lETON(1W111-f.tNTf That t-be reportho flot- rebie(i', IbutI e ne1crred Inn-k t-< t-le 1id'lt'ii-etioriilize t-lLegisha1,ture on beliaîf of t-bis Cotiacil pray- 11, t.1 FlOCitfitthe IT)W'N 0 'Il. I ftilt W 1 Nt-d->"<E- R G-iX 0'0C'oD S' Commit-tee et t-lie wtioîc,wit-liinstricvlt-is t-oSiike onIlleSi lt-t-'. ite< tis r 1- ui t i -i crts' . -a- \/INTEReGd OD ue- --i t-o- IIE !VTi qv' t-gt8a-tli1o-1.1s-aîsiolo oht t-o he etabisbIed by I t- lit-bicpritpu-rty ou the iL-ic JJoUe, wc!i known [1l-"At reatD, Rescdprsccý. usi'tthefnrt.cr tsot-tt-er, aj t-euu..t-,n!î olrl) 6,in iSrtte ttn iiýt(-(lIi"rot tlaike 11om1eQdistrict Cet-ti-il and Towniship Couîîî'ils se far t~TI IEW, atilt-oui oitieut fr esite by bis Itxecii- -TI ..t'(l>T u< IF DRY (,i>>ii' t-or Thi o~rr-u-t-y<Z4'atat of i i t1 iat-bv. t-' ti t-, it l-i'.'u .t Ycas alla uays being ve't-id, tiiere ajl peared iiàfivor of oi-st tb reet otu- f Ont-aî'io, le confintnled in accord.-ît.w ce ndn-~. ~~l'. >,,o .i t..t'~tj,. a 'it1tiifr- 'lt-CA. Nivs lt-CCtvjt-bt-lie everal of St-trte-ors rclfat-o te sa' ro'td. Besîîtifuîiltrv itiated.ai. s 'b. I k<tt, Flonîthel;.1i l: ~"<,-~~'-o~t>i.11-, n. 1 .- t reports ~ . Ldiuiy Si'. in ile tkîc R- ie of EJighv ois,âdIana c, -iîat' -':-F EL Messrq. Et-ers, the Wes rtîet"-it('rje.. t î~i<t nidt Et.îai-les, caeli ('ite Ilttindrifl'it B )iiî,. Sje .i~Atreee i "îi IELTING BLTNV - W'hite.-2. (-t r Iae lseeofided bv 3Mr. lodgsol, mores t-bat t-lt-eri i l-nlPonre 'itt-i&botcrd t"t-t-e i'î oîj"o 14,bebaî'f of t-lus (.octuil uîcmorLtii7e t-hoeiLgisltuttre, -t- a--Ri- ~~--icucsii . r" -Ti <WO ýp-îir:iŽ iiigt-liai. oavation boc takeit dtu'ini lt-s neit session ipon Iwhaisre lXAiiurin U osl e tu-ti çav scui he "ja'- in' - thic aîibjuctof t-le Liqtior rraofe, and t-bat .ome Law' t-a' h se ui tit-- t'v.'i'tret-iiG t'rht u.'t--ll-.. fi5.- S5 ii:rttt y t ndtliv ft-h e re uit-ii eryitf ln l ine t . ltit--ntd"- n-t -atfl -t i - 6tî!ew t Ipa-sestd c:lcuîttd t-o le.ssen t-be Ei of Intempemaneîvhich cit-ct- tt-c c1iruitcut. " tlt't-aauiîatnu t-tii.. fii ;z, irig lsci terr I-,'î -r iiiittil > i-iuit-r,! ..(utt N liip, ic t-at îeil.cua v1 st fille oîtt'.'IOurL fair Tilli Otr'--1 -ci.i,, b-4'-'ri" St-tet-, toua2, 1 c'tt-itt- iisci--t-'at-d n nunbered vict-ilus in t-S cotj-se. - fbi- u'tiîi rî -ti.a,' i~ ..~-Iin~itt iltni'iltuCi'r'ii'-tu-n'.ipil do'cI-nci."- eî Coiliii :ourn-i it fIlou st-t-t-d aojo:trned t-titil t-be Second Tuesday Foi- price and tir-':cr î10ci- re.> o -M.ttfTu-:i.s ROBES i.LtN-LAWttirD w-tl..Jit.iM, . .'tBiu'<lat'S S~ftiittii -1 'inijucile. WJJLiTttFt-lt, > ---- - '. The anseiî'luîcntdeclai'<'il hi-t.31'. hlodgson, stt'o<itdeul ly 31r. Farewell, tlaat t-le tlîaîks of i-tJit*~-~ OiE !i'e Report w' th--itlen an'-i-'lttidd lc-<i.i t-lus C'ii'jl blie tinilt] are lietru'iv -reseiited t-o t-le Edt-ors ofiNemis- FOR iOALE TS-it;tEt FGTlS4"', Th t-uitm Cn-mtte n 'i-tui'i't uctntluoiugît ~a~r- -thc ît'e nepoi-tefll tlic uroeeeditîgs of' t-las Cettit-cil dour- OT Lu" -NCNP,Âi.tlu-lir' - tica-mt-utcri c 'e '5 t--pt-em reor-, -hw' i v- -ati, ingt-le pi'esent Session. -Mairkt-, luthe Tos-n u WÇ Tv ic î 4tOr the nitrht t-', iaiiofnetiîrto . Aîîd ou motion cf 3fr-. Dr'yden, seeoudi'd1)v Mr. Riehu:trdâon, Cari-ie. ti- lt-t--cuit-,asitdirliias tînta-f u- ii <bu-Jliti. T'rtu-t Ieadley's Mnrbieized <#î-nau:e, -- Bullillm-iýt-s a iiliaitiai tie- t-ti-tk D loiuiii ! <-it-r "r ail of tiths iu "wuliuips , ue bau i TeCotiue'il weiit- mb> Cotuimitt-ec e-t'eî. Mr. Fatrewell4, s,,eoitld hi Mr. XVaite, utoves t-bat t-le bttt- iuie it-I, iritt- a flrofuticgi' of t01%) jipltcitite r-t-v igâtfroua tte PaIciut-e Mm. K ller tn t-e Cha'. Cîrk t-ie ltct-i -be Let t-u 22 *fpet lu dejitt. 'IThre is s a 2u'Jma-t.hut :t-c Iiiaiitifali ire t-i.. t E- Mr.iai-Kele ros te ar.utdRpr- tlett iciltiit. Coniit-y Cekgive tefiecestoai'y oicsrespecting teproposed cuis t-lie wlole le'ivtii of thc Bluildting, id1<cnà' i.4EITZL ceented -t-rciot-iot. Tiieo ti ait'a tisti-ro 1 i DUJiXLP!,L'î C Coiiters idrpitdRpr iloi mniet. applicat-ien t-o the Lgula--t' -it-lt-refeýren .t-e rends.citipsbme <if eitui iuî -- -.rreia cf rt-ter; t- .itiii i(îg nott-rial. f'r t-le west J 'tî f tLc 'o. Report î'eejt-ed and adoupted. iCarjd. ge'Ilo witla tuti eseelti 'ti-p. offi u-uelilid ti- tltisîfi.f t-:ttc T ,wn- 3Mr. Dryden. seoiîded hy Mr'. Keller. iuove'i, That-t-be Tica. 3fr. Ct-rrie, secoitded hb Mr. Whiîte, tant t-hoest-tm of Five ,thO 't-%-ifiuii c t-- -tit>laillit-t- cari>ltle i.riciîr huerb, anti lie is lierehi' atit-borizcd antI reiiiret1, t-o puy t-le Pout-ids be g'ît-'e aJohn l-o u diio e i peat SOlturt-g oe rml. i 'etuiae T oiil ttuit----.rd- metu i d Îin t i r8n iii ltot-ur uudtrtntoti-to-ct blindJ 'I-t-le accoutits t h afe i-ci( nterpr f t-lit' ....c......ca ttttry wlich bt-hoCouieil cotisider lîjut- catit-led t-o, ii cos CRS(t A LIJABLE LND, O t-t-i W'.oretk teallr.a -i19, ln Committ-eoit Conting-eitiAccot-ua.quo-ncQ cf tliechangDe ith-e utode of t-t-arimng t-le Hlise, catis. 2415 Lot No. 14, lu t-le t-th-ceueeu.iontaof - 'cnrii. -t 3fr. Curale, secondd by Mr. ed irsluamendnient, moves, Tbat the È">rtbe flot reeehýed, but that -it be recoinmitd o the purpose oé sitriking e ut that clause recomîjncmnding tuie in-'- CMe fRp'snai» by P opulation of, TownshiE ad ini- serting iustead t4çreqf,-tiefloig That it la luexpelent tha*t any alteration in Municipal repre-' seiainbê roeonnrandted by the C.uncil at its pre..cnt sesnion. >tiIticalled, and uimc taken down thus: Messs. Crrie 3lesrs.Dryden, Eivers, "rwl, flodsonGibbet lîewett, lMeDougali, -On the testio our the reception of the report, MrEwers, sepmoded by.,3r. White, idioves, Th#the report bc with instruetions to amend- the =mne, by latriking ont the Clause referriug to the ereetion of a Lock-up lieuse at Bieveîltm, in ordei' te give tis Couineil tfrtler time te o nsd the proprie- ty olOthat o tlay at present, %vhich ill, iu al probabîlity, cost- no less thon two hidred pounds. YEÂS. NÀYS. Mossor-. Ewe, Meuars. i3rabazon, Wbite-2~Dryden, Galloway, Keller, McDougaïl, Richardson, Smit-h, Report received. Report adopted. TheStanding Comniittee on Education, broughit up their re- port, whieh vas read, And on motion 6f 3F'. lodgson, see*onded by 31r. I3ribazon, i-te Council went into Conmittee thereon. Mr. l-ît>dgson in the Chnir., Commnitee rose andi îepoî'ted report witlîout tnît.~a Report reme'-d and adop.ted, Mr. Ilodg-son, seconded bylIr. Birabazon, moves, and it unIs Tiesolved, That the following gentlemen lxe appointcd Local~u perintenidont% for the respective Schol S-ct ions: No 1, WhIitby.............R. -1. ITlî<iil n, 2, Pickering.......... bnzrBrel 4~1~<~ 3, Reacb nnd Seugog.-- Bei'. IL. Mo1teitîfi, 4, Scott and Uxbridge .Ab. Bagshaw, Esquire, B ,lrock ................tlfred Wyatt, Esquire, c, Thorah .. .............ev. D. Watson. 7, Mara and Rama.... ..D. G. Ilewett, Esquire, Carried. 3Mr. lfodgson, Beconded by Mr. Braflhzohî, nioves, That thle a 'udvucancy ith tle senior ('ourt-y (;ia!il.'fr School Trtutees, be filled by the re-nppoint-ment of the 11ev. I. IL. Tiorniton, and The Cottteil wnt lut- Contmitt-ee cf t-le tîhioît-, t-o reýtunie cousideratica of thbe rel ort of Standing Cexnt-nitt-ee on coiti' Propert-y. Mr. Gallowny in t-be Chtair. Cet--tmittee rose and report-ed- t-be 'eport %'it-b amendmeat-s. Report reeeivcd and adoptetl. Mfr. Farewell, seeonded by Mr. Keller, utoi'es, Tlîat- t-le 'fîea- sttrer paty t-he Conty1 At-tdit-ors for 1856, t-le suit- of tw'elî'e pout-ids ten shillings, ctrency, ec, as caml)eitsmtion lu full for their labours, 'whicb shall cho eeuplet-cd as t-he Lau' directs, anîd t-be books, papers.'and docuetucnt-s in t-ltet-r possession hauded oî'cr t-otheir sEmceasors in office. Carried. 3fr. KelIer, seeended by Mr. MeDougall, moi-es, and ut- wtts realved, That-the Treasurer ho, and lac ha hereby aut-honlzod and reqnîred, t-o pay te the saidsevral person s aamed in thte st-at-e- ment set forth in t-be Standing Commit-tee -on Ceût-t-y Prcport-y, t-le ms mentioned opposite t-o their naines, respectit-ely amoant- ing in aait-o the sOutm of £109 6s 9d, Currency. Carried. Mr.McDougalleecou¶Ied byMr.KIeilerme'oiTreat t-le Coait-y Engineer bo, and he is hereby instruet-ed, te take the neeessary st-eps to hatve a Leek-up lieuse ercted in t-be Police Village of j3eavert-on, with as little delay as possible. D)ivisoný being ealled, yeas and nays st-eod t-hua t Messrs. Currie, Messrs. Ewers, Gibbs, - llodgson, Keller, t Motion eavied. ' -Mr. MeDongmill, seconded by'-Mr. Carrie, moves, T hat -t4w iug an increase t-o t-le labors cf bis office-. And t-bat- t-le Treasît-rer bc and he is Iiereby autlîomizosd and - required t-o pay thle saine. The Wardea rend a letter [rom t-be Edit-ors of t-hoe"Witby Clîrotiiel"and "Oshaw-a Vitt-dient-or," roquesting proper ae. cotmmodationa t-obi provided for t-be Reporters cf t-he Press ha t-lus moouu. Mr. Gibbs, seconded hy Mn. Ct-t-rie, mores t-batt-be County Enineiicer lic instnmtcted t-o attend t-o t-ho request set fort-h in the lutter cf t-be Repor'ters. Camied. - The Cotîneil adjoomncd t-ntil t-ho Second Tîîesday in Jue J. H. TIIOMPSON, Warcfen Of me cnrnty of Ontario. H. J. MACDONELL, Counwy Clcrk. Tux BsuDxï- that of a young a trnt-hl*ngt-ct-he tendernéis ofhet- of bier chlldlloo- .donmeînt- whieh b of her choice; wl Piekeriugt-8 acreut of whicti are oîeaced. Ttiero Ï& à r<dbDwl'ng Uum, andudt-her raeeeaary -Apply t-o NY. J. JAMISON, fTHE DILY CO-ONISTI BRI TS IICOLONIST , ATND-.el, NEWS 0F TH-E <Weekly.> TE am$: t ..îst C iult......... - WeeklY Cooiit .....0. O7 IÀr=ACbT tfl T-usmon= PAi'ABLEÂT CLaDT Tt-t.;t- WEEK, fi 0 pèmnaial 7 6 si ne O "DÀ.i For Tciuvusliips o at fTowaslîips ,tnd ctlt-ý or- iiifuiriluitiu i ast-o t-tii e oistrttictolfi td -m ili iy ru- eToJarueil ut t-titoffice of A-aos AW. - Cron, Est. . Architout snd Civil Engineet, rçcok :Street, Whiîtbv, whctic pocim*ens ouf t-eBo cuket ca ls e 5i. JAMES WALLÂCE. A JIEDICAL REVOLUTION I a THE WORLýD UXNANIMOUS! t 'HOLLOWAY>3_1QInTNIENIM -Tihe Grent Ceunter Irritant I T Ir Ï.VRUS 0 FDISEASE OFTES Tedi s-tu- Mâ t-nit-iit and~ th Vie- ar 8 T sve w wnITBY n sigst i-t birds La I ana,,- ri l The origialuývt-ion 1being put frm,1 th<. e I',liiii tle "»'Î the Couci divided sflo. Me~r.Dry-eilç'is.Ci . F<are'tveîl, Etc '.Ueller, ('arried, tAnd thbe j;-.t1,'; rec-i-cd. f 3h' G~lîni, ecoldeill r.I. rwel îo<,. -ia.tli L' poit j.il -.'ivcI le aglop<îd, aî% Il tIýt t-lit' arlen (Io aflix lkis:. sililature t-o the Petmti<îî and lori-arî t-liel(,tti'-o Mi'. ltitisdcîî for lr('sntatin tot-li t<'itîre, ami :iddress circulais to Wardns i tbe ~un:cs sking Vibe coneîtrreîît action of their Coity (2ouncil ini petitioniuîg for sinilar lîmîrîoseej. Mr wrse ccoiî<led 1)y Mr. Currie, itlz'-îln,'î moves thit tîte resointion jnist re-ad be flot adoptcd, but t-ba-t aIl]aflet' the mlord &ILegslaîtîre" ho expnlngedl. Yens aud Nayg calleil for. YEAS.-'N -& s. 3h'ssrs (urnie. lmsr,. IDryden. Ewers. Irevu-el. llodgson. i hhs. Lieu et.-4.Kller. - MeDougall. For Salc or to Lct, Iron Piping.- TUE WVIITlJI' tTEA.1I )IIL LS, t- ei 4t, ~.,: 'icî cdtJ-t w tlril TWO RU-l-.N fiW'STt)N ES, AIL!1~<~ - Coii:kt it.s u t ul i-.e rO r r U f. JI, t-bird rm 1o.4îu ;rnri! I a l rtei',-g " Eirgiela.- Te i 't' rîh-îî iî' t g'i m'îi 11r TiiC. "2 Ni-iii ien flc.and! ia r--I -rifr 'i ci..ala t,1ir -kîî' ~'n rnan. Jrî. 'blà : fifie cf Utri nor. of ta- :1eV ihthcll. 4At'i'i: ;'-nk .. Eh,%,.I-n U t'k Rôss it ÎSM'S SON. or ,ttt- re it.ii L . f Iî'n -T w'1O1<i .'. Jru Tit J"-,rt t'errv. b r:r " lii~ rt ' lc. b.-'-. -ti r . SADDLEIIY & 1A1tN'ESN Patent L'offpe-I'oi-ý T' ' . î <tis i -r T 'ait r î it F il z c i ii - î , jr à* - ' 0AE I I S ,1 :L e C t ' l e s iii'N AS S'UEET, 'VJIFTrWY. s '-. Snîir. .n<! T'.> Ji#,c- AMES INRETURN'G AIlOnce t'îîrîs-it't watcr J<teA. tbt-aît-'cioî,takc- tMopp<rtnitu-of ii. ud- i r e'bT<a.aucin i-a,'. furnulir !t-bri t-at t110 p..flow om)tIa>il a a re Foitri »r Jm s. m e 1 b" g,1 su Su-INoirci rt,-u fDtjjE.A! IL LEWIS &A-SK01; !&dey, Trunk,, Whip.m, Co1nrt, &C., attin oit' s. cui .e!s -i ouet euiv- Deed and Casmh Boxes. rtîIN.>3riculirttt!it-,i uto tCie Job LAiUE ASSORTNENTr-vari,isuiir~- bing iicî..rtîiriit. ~rccciu-ed and fo.r estel Whiîtt,y, Fet' 1M j,:7. B. LEWIS & SON. GRAND TRUNJ< RAILWAY. ainrenas AN AtSS<îtTNENT (OP -.qUITE :N EW moi A St.yJen ul >î<iiVi", a.", -ald 141i.! Is Junt rcî-uived stid for -snic t-a Toezto .î<iurvaR. LEWIS &SN TowtJiur 1-V5l7. 4 lt' i et. î Il 1n oii1mi W<ddings and Partles NIIELI' & IAI UIAfl»JI.- J<.u- t-rk--e's for f m WUIITBVCARRIA«.E )EPOSITORY or ut this ottim whitby, Feb. 17,18ri. RAV'S LXVEIRY H. JFELflZ, &ra 1)irectly opposmite flynn'.' ,oeel, ~n#« nt. -ftlft rL<' ~r".--. <'.~~' h itO t-he mbalituffut f <' W itb etiit > f s rxE?~J~'~<W ~ <I .>~j>oj < ththl.uoL c.s T.vev st b<.i'C>1'-,c- -y. . ïm np.t .o<i , . ' ' 4'. k-< ., Av. plaoe wheri k. wii INt..gie ror t,)<j ~-'<r'~" cub 0 of czfl-yi<ig eigtateon p<tronm, and uvryI edterodt' u bit'ku Iu t-S diitd ,r crryng plc-..e<'<parti", '-<r tendl,,,Iromrc!cr,,, J &S>" 'r a.<u t <1Aîu.' * <. L L P A W I'IS T H A T ' A V E N elflT c l - At(f)'TStiat are lus j< u:Esg IIl 1S!AdML-isT UKdu-îe -IPÇ- . . I ! l ? t < it f l < l ~ . l' fi '- y 1 d t a te n i 1t Uî f ( r I t h e V r fi t l i n - l , t s ' l 1 l v - V > . > U ý t1 ! * J ' " ' . . i i . le. fur cu lectîu. htl ( i , 1'tili.tr i i fltt t zl<'l.A. t' I U. s( JAS. R flCIfE. R. LEWIS &SN.- six lin. xyerv et Th'n i the NoPA Ltki 'ibe risk ý ný f tl.*.. Am- -'l

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