Oshawa Times, 26 Feb 1973, p. 8

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rFIrst Settier Nearly Won Peter Perry Vs. City of Tor One of the mosti nfluenfiat and far-sightecl personalilies in the hstory o Whtby and Ontario Counis ssas Peter Perry. who for 15 years con- tributed in a large measure to the developmenl o the iown. Hs father. Robert Perry. mas a United Empire Loyal isi who moved tramir he Unied States o Ernesttaon nLennos and Addngton Counies in 1788. Because he was a Loyalist. the government granted hios 200 acres of land Here Peter Perry, hîs fifth son. as born in 1792. Peter Perrys only, education consisted of three monfhs at night school, and he hadl 10 atI three miles ihroogh the sn0w f0 gel there. He lollowed his fathers ocupat ion as a farmer and in 1824 entened Parliameni as a Reformer. represenlîng Lennos and Addiogton Court ies, He s000 beca me leader of the Reform paris* and assistantInii William LYon Mackenzie. Marshal S Bidweil and Dr John Rolph ln 1836. he as chairman ofith commîfe ohicli inquired lto the responsibililî% of the t-'sscutve louneil ohrîîthe flolph and itaîdwîs c. hnet resgned \iT TOi t I 511 %I As, Mackenzie hecame mre radical. Perr% reiased to abe any parti n ih plans for r s rebellion nth e ele-ion of 1836. heluot is eatinote Assembly. t along wih 010<11 siher Reformers b in ci , 35 Peler Perro% niîised fi) S hisTwship and seiiled ai what is 111 te Four Corners o the Tossn of Whilhy oln the corner noî occupied hy the Bankof ilCommerce, h erected a building knowiî as the Red Sore Ahoe th door nos a sign i l tli crs oihi read l'ET Kt I'Fkillî ATr HOlMEt- Hr eslablished an esiensîle a hoiesclvandS claii frais busness o ix obranc hes iroos Whitb.NlIo Linîdsay, under he mniagement of s ii sonis and ses irailariners The Red Store siood for fIors hefore i mas ieinmolise n 1866 Aller hi. arnîsual ai Whîlhy. P'eter Perry plonged actively into public lfie [le joined the townshi p cooncîl and mas elecied Whilu1 s represen- tative to the Home District council fromt 1842 te, 1845 and 1848 t10 1849. He got John Shier, a provincial land nurveyor, to dram up a plan for thse lown of Whtty in 1844, and was respomsibte for the founding of Port Perry Whithy soon hecame known as Perrys ' Corners. In 1842. Peter Perry was one of thse orîginators of t he Whitby iamîly lirary and in 1848 he lounded a grammar sehoot in conjunclion mth Samuel Cochrane and Ezra Annes. HIARBOR VISION Hs greafest concern as te, brîng trade and commerce to, Whthyý He envisioned a scheme herehy the frade from New York Stafe coulA be brought through Whtby Harbor and up a oaoudf Georgian Bay on Labo Huron. To do tis, he helped form a company 10 huild mharves and siorehouses aI the harbor in 142. and in 1845, advocated the construction of the Centre Rond rom Port Whlhy te, Sturgeon liay os Labe Huron. passing trough the narroms aI Lake The road as neyer fulty compleled, the portions romn lort Whifhy fa the t fihcon- cession of Beach Tomnship and roos Sturgeon BaYte, the Talbto River bei ng finished in 1848. leavîng the middle section aîîraded. n 1848, Peter Perry ad- socafed a raflway from Port Whîfby la Labe Huron înstead of (rom Toronto. but the charter oas granted f0 the larger cty.C In the samne near ho înifîaled a mavement to separate the. easiecn townshps of York iuîniy rom the large Home Dilstrict la form a nem coonty hecause be lelI the district as 10<1 large Ini adminîster Wîfh te help o Ezra Annes. James ifîîe and John Watson, ho raveiled throughou9 lIe easiers tomnships o! ibe dsrict speaking io favor ot separat ion n 1849. Peler Perry as agaîn elected f0 Pachiameol. represenlîng the east rîding of Yorb, but hn death aI the agi fr 58 in 1851 put an end f0 bis plans1 for Whîfbyc Geus Brown ls'pleased to announce a progressive move to their new modern location, Dundas Street East ln Whltby. PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION G ..O taiM isqis 000,Mai05 PttMono i.....s- .Mon . Boys;o .aiaeSMi DDfl~D~CTHROUGH IIROIUIELUUEXPANSION il was flot long ago, that ail the elecînîcol servants wve lake for granted today were oni y dreamns in the mincis ai men. n a mal- t er of decades, ail this h as changed. Progress in the Electrîcal lndustry has created a multitude oi labour savîng appîances which we consîder nat a luxury... but essentia I servants ta make aur ies easîer. heaithier and more enjoyabie. Our airos is to provide the services Ihat are essentiol ta the supply and distribution of electricity and water the twîn pllars an whieh ail plans for grawth and deveiapment depend. Building today foc a btter iomarrawv Eectricity.. t workcs in many wcays to help people to do many THUNGSI Whitby Public Utilities Commission CHAIRMAN DR J McKINNEY COMMIS SIONER ABERT O0.NDALL VICE CHAIRMAN EARLE J BRYANT C OMMISSION ER ROBERT LAlNtlfO SECRETARY MANAGER H C SIMPSON C OMMIS SIONE R MA SOOOOD G NEWOMAN noulisu AL PLEtS Sm unis01 %à-, 500 ou 1.0< 00.0.. E. H. GUS BROWN PRESIDENT tome in and moot My toam... Teni years ago Gus Brown Motors Limited was established in Whitby as a used car dealership iocated on Dundas Street East, at the hill top. Five years loter Mr. Gus Brown occepted the General Motors appointment as a Pontiac Buick dealer at 300 Dundas Street East. This yeor i1973 Mr. Brown is preparing ta move into his new $510,000 dealership building ut the corner of Dundas Street East and Hopkins Street. Ser- vice and growing with Whitby has always been the themre at Gus Brown Motors Lmited. DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY ýOCATION WED., FER* 28,r1973 Mi piume WN WMTIIY- FOUNDER PETER PERRV Encouraged trade anui commerce The separation ot Ontario Whilby might have been bigger Counly trom bbhe Home Districlttan Toronto, bal the tomo mia succeeded, but the develop- destîned 10 faIte second place to ment of Whitby dîd 001 proceed. thse fr001 ity in the coud and It s saîd ltaI had Peler Perry raîlwayp]ams ibat Perry had tîved a fem years longer, promotel

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