Oshawa Times, 26 Feb 1973, p. 7

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-o - James Rowe: r*st Town Mayor Whistby has bad 42 mayors since James Rowe iraItecok tisei office in 1855. Captain Rowe, as he wasi often caiied, was a versatile, businessmnan and politocal1 figure wiso contributed much tu tise development tf Whistby and1 Onaro Coty.9 He was borts near the town of Montreatis, Queen's Counisy,j 1seland, la l7GO'and emigrated to Canada ln 1824. He settled at Port Witby and seversi years1 later formed a jartnersip iPwth Jame Cotton in a contracting1 bustnss.i Whea tise Government s! Upper Canada buit pions andj ote aiiisat Port Whitbyc la 1843 atsd 184, Cotton and Rowe were swarded tise con- tract for tise dredging. Tise parteers alto buit neyerai wareliouses.for storing grain. Ins 1849, antiser partnership, called James Bowe and Co. was forméd among James ltcwe, Johsn Welsb and John Wason. Watson acted as manager tf tie compokny atsd teck it aver after Capi. Rowe's deatis. EXMPOIITERS James Rowe and Ce. opereted te wareisouses t Port Wiitby and exported gratin and lumber to Canadia and American Ports an Lakce Ontario. hIn 11, tise tbree partners formed tise Whisthy, Lake Scugog, Smcoe and Huron Rcad Company and purcisased lthe iarbor and Centre Road (Higbwsy 12) framthes government. Tise Centre Road was bimt from Wiitby Harbsor to tise Narrows Bridge t Lake Simcoe. Tise company spent 83W,000 an improviag tise road as far as Macisester and another $15000 an tise barbor. Talla were ciarged os al goode passing tbrougis tise iarbor te order 15 psy tise expeeses. la 1863. tise company tan imb financial difficuties and tise Satdfield-Mardoaed Gover- ement resold tise rond and barbor ta Ciester Draper and Josephs Gotld. la thse 150s Capt. Rawe hut and sailed severai schooners constructed ia a siipyard ai WiiiyHarbor. Hie named one af isese after bis pantner John Welsis, and another he called Tise Prince of Wales. POLITICIAN Capt. fiowe parttcipated in thse political life f Ontario County for mre tisa 20 years. ln 184, ho waa a member of an Executive Committee wiic saught to divide wbat ta nase Ontaria Coutty fram tise Home District. Capt. owe travelled tiroughout tise eastera town- shispesf tise district distributing petitions and appealtng intise settiere to support tise platsted division. la 1852, the tUnted Conties of York, Peel and Ontario were frmed from tise Home District and Capt. Rowe served on tise first pravisionai coutty council an reeve of Wiitby Tawnship. la 185 ho sas elected Provjsioa aWrdea af tise ceunty. Wbee Witby hecame a tosen in 1855, Capt. Rowe wsa elected its first mayor. Ho represeated tise south wsard ofthtie tosea for 13 years and atea heid thse positions af reeve and deputy In 181, ie contested tise riding of Souths Ontario in tise generai election for tise province of Canada. Hie op- r net, Sir Oliver Mowat, who sienriecame premier of Ontario, easily defeated ite Capt. Rowe died t tise age tsi 69 in January 1069 and sas buried In tise cemetery at St. John's Anglican Churcis, Port Wiitby. lis home stili tandsaiattise corner cf Victoria and Carles Streets LANDMARK SURVIVES Tise aid Brookln Hotel, hut Board sidewaiks cen 6e seen inthstit0,s anowtise home in thts 1892 photograph. of tise ttrcin Royal Cana- -.Whithy Hstoricat Socety diao Legion. Brancis 152. Photo New Quorters Needed For Buick Dealership Potiac-Buick deaiership Gos BrosensMotors sel nove into its new quartera Wod- eesday hecause lis previaus building ai 30 Dundas St. E., Whitby, 'Jut became mucis toc amaîll," General Sales Manager Gary Hocey says. thie new, iaf-millicn-dolar B fS building has.18,00 square fot No Ral Buf s tf space and is ltcated ai 1201 No Rail undas St. E.at HOpkinn Ave. Womn l Bookle xpessci Tise comisany soldabout 500 Wome in rookin epres [1 nw cars and absot 600 ssed loaci Comlainte wben çOal cars tst yesr, be said. This hurning comotives shre'ear tise company la looking for tttroduced on thse Whtby, Port saes fnwad sdt p Perry an Lndsy ailayinprescis 2.000 nits. 1883. Tise mokte backened iens uldn slctc tiir homes, and tise wshing . an 2re paueldgsf iatd hung out on tise lise. na 4aeprclolnd a uAMTTRO A consistent, weii co-ordinted ad- vertislng çampalgn placed ln yeur hometown paper con reach more people, quicker than your saiesmen. Newspaper ad- vertissigq mot ivates peope. . when peopie ore mot ivated ...they buyl So. Mr. Mer- chant, when you want to reaih the most people. the fastest way possible ...think newspoper. We cover the people you went to recch ... 6 DAYS Tise original building, about ,000 square fot, was opesod as a used car agencY ln 193 by president. Gus Brown. He entered tise car selling fieId in 1957 witis Harny Donald Chevrolet Oldamohile. le 1008 Mr. Browna teck avec thse Pontiac-Buicis franchise. Real Castle Perrys Castle, buit by John Hame Perry in 1857. wbere tise seter tower 110w stands in Kînsmen Park, was an, elegant tisati t ad stained glosa win- dows and silven plated dour inges. Tise front door was tf blacks walnst, atsd the stables were as big as tise bouse. Vour Local DalIy N.wspaper NOW LOCATED IN NEW HEADQUARTERS at 44 RICHMOND ST. W. OSHAWA 723-3474 THE 'SHAtVA TMEryd, FebT6uaey 26, 973 7A Il One of Canada's Largest Steel Mils ... Located in Whitby At LASCO, steel making is aur business. We've been in that business since the campletion of our plant In 1964. Then we produced 150,000 tons for the year. Now, in 1973, we'll produce n excess of 300,000 tons of steel. Thats a lot of steel. At LASCO we employ over 600 people who help ta produce that tonnage. We believe LASCO is a company ta grow with - And that Whitby is a gaad place ta grow in. Many of aur people are invaNyed in community programs - helpîng ta make Whitby a better place ta corne home ta. WELCOME HOME Whitby Homecoming Week,.. .. .. . Utlizotion of the mosl odvanced technologies in the science of sleel !-noki ýg n 'demn facilities expert people, qualiiy and service have rooved LASCO Io the forefront ýn the internaionl mnarket ploce. lncludied in the ronge of quaimty products are e reinforcing bors e angles e speciai bar quality rounds and flots a grader blade strips e channels e LAKE ONTARIO STEEL COMPANY LIMITED Op51N5 51 SOU"' WHiOt0iONIAelO CANAOA

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