L%JL. C~E'STEJW'R T'l Anuoueethé Arrivai of our FEar]y, Springl ihgs W. bas-ré rooved itie m4»t oit" veaeoit ee hw aWhutyi n ivr los ies o print for 8Oe,100^ la,12o, spleudldrà yal or etee ,. n b aas éec QOTro~s i00CTTONS! COTTONS I Tii b.t ii ei..Doininz, at Mu ipcieadiism ae ae. oo ainfr8;vr ad 80; xtr hevy,10. Da't uy sigleyard until Yeu have examxine aur largo stock. TWEEDSI it will psy any buyer of lothing taoSà l and examine. Special lin. ai SOc, Worth more.; C. F.1 STEWART, Whiitby, March 2nd, 1881. The Edison EleoIne Co., hua xpeud. .4 $98,000 lu .zperlnrenting, and le ln debt #48.000. 1* bac boe ssesued on 8W,000 ef stock vlulchhbas nover earn- ed Kanyflhiu; againat whlch if bas &p- poale to the Sopreme Court. The perfection af the lectria iigbt seenis no nerer then, lé vasa4 year &go. sevsIU Oa'aà .ttuBUaiU v o DIAT.-TZO Oatiiouo Orphsnag.9 as Hydo Park Soroiton, Pa. vas buned down Surday n ~bè, sud saÀtg Say, fitoon of*$hoohIl re o M laken ont desti. The badia of th. poor littlievio. Iim ve to fund bonoath Poreoo1s. Man ON aiUs WÂirT O Mas-On his way ta ma"s Jacques Girardin, agod 81. ot St. Theroseo inoueson af Beaoport, (cil down snd Oed ai, once. Bornante inDÀXT.-Tbe etielrs lu the sotith.@aotrn parilon cf Dakoa are suffeing from a fuel famine. tho recul% cf tho poiong#d blookade, To sncb u@traite have 1h07 bien drivon that lbyhve bieu. peoUd go out down tht tlegrephtpl. e up thse rail- sd (li, anduorlltue IheIr stocke af coruorferful' Tia laaven variethan coaI at elgh«t dplars alton. Il is hinbe thaï, Mr. Parnelll vi abocritly:wosln lbe leadership of -the Land Loqgue la viev ai the Jicoautent naniuetd by <ho Irisht party witb bis cocudot. ThoeIx-îbP1rototipu bill recoived ils third sosding lu the Imperial Houas of COmmin.,bOUo a vote of 808 ta 46, six Englloeh mombors voling vith lhe min- orlly. The motion <bat thu bil pase vas carried by 2M tola80. Tihe UnlI Sues Traasury bas cri]. .5.4 tbae preparations ci which distilI. el Fpirita ja tho component pari af chief value shall pay telamne dnly onimi. portation masspirite. Taie LocAtL tLbesATUau VIS!? TUE ÂOEtICULTUEAL COLLE.-A large oum- ber cf M.P,P.'s aceeptedti he invitatign af thé. Troasurer ta psy a viciét t he Agricotltarai Colle asud Model Parm st Guelph en Frlds&y. Tbose who vent setorneti wuii pieaaed vitIt the reoep- lion'they met vitb sud vith AIl <bey uav aud huard. Borne vba have ai. vays iooked on th. Instiution vitb supicion are nov ptepared la admit thâtit lela dolnirgood vork4'and are pré. poed <o meooste o artly ln any At. tcniptfaoiprove 1, eapecially lu Iho vay cf, orooting botter outbnlldings. The momeubru ozprssod (bols laie. tion vl(b hehaddreas ai th. e v prlaoi.' pal, Mr. Mille, and &a vl<h 1h. ordl ooptat xtued 4taora thél people bf uneipb.', IA à mae Âeuxwsr EmenAarow.- A Sooillet Journal hua eareatiy W*a=. ed indigent perosane trampmgralaol AMero hreC4é,ité &S, ji. <bngare very rnoh eb e (bsn deoWld. andi DagUe. eA.rgd 00 otsac?&ao. HOUBTON-At'Ciinnlngton, an tbe 241h ai Pcb., <ho vite ai Joint Hauston, agent Bauof skfCaa a i son. FAUIWELL-GÂINBBY-At the reuideuceofaithb.brides@ Istieré, on 1h. 28rt1 ofPoeb.,. 1871. by the 11ev. J. L. Bose, Mr. A., M., Fareell, Eiq., ai East Whl<bys ou ofChus. P'aiowell af th. sam. plie., ta Thri B. eldeet daugter ofW. R. Galaaiby, Sq., et tho township e1 Clzrk.. MoCAnT[Y.-.At Br4chia, ovu. ahlp ai Mari ou TuoWdy, 1sf Pcb., oldeut sou aofkb. Meoourhb>', t tionu cf Pckering, sied 801ssès Pau Whssf...i ...... #1,0 #140 ....... . l......... 0,1X 106O Pleur, par K,." ..76 $00 Bye ........... ..... .. 070(h'i p s............ 00 Blue Pesu............'8 Otat'................oo g uo Ray ..........W. *00 Apte,peba . 5 05W Egs..................095 028 Butter ............ 4...... o0 * i Wr..................40126(h _05 Wood ...c........ .7 0 ,500 00ph 700 TRis............ .078 (h 1.70 P012 (0 W !W Fashions.ble Millinery 'aund Clothing Store.1 M A N HAT TAN -F EED,- For Horses, Cattie, -Mileli-Co(3ws,ý Cows, Sheep, Pigs- and Poultryý. COWS ed on ibie Faan willgwonequatmr aaâ44-riihâot nlk than whn ed on the oad system. TI las been proved by actual ex-. periment. FOR FEEDING PXJBPOSES, the. MAEATTÂN Faxi>, if used as dircoted. will atn ini a siwprisl 'lyShort time, a.nd a conuiderable saving- wil be offectod iu' Pxeparing animais for the markiet. 'The flesh of sucob animal, is muohl btter and filruwhtn when fed in thoeordinary way. HOo-Ou no animal.su inte faýmer's barn-yara ^âoes ibis 'asn shows its good effeots sooneror 'uore oatisfacto iý than on the Uog. If given in ie il i. a oertain préventative sýaîl ' ýe for the Hoôg ChoIera. It wifl make 1'igs Latn in ll the usuak time. READ THESE RECOMMENDAONS. Cor. lAcroix and Rosiean Sto. <oer Iuhbotsi0%ure> Kontreal, hjn.,12, '80. l bave useS fthe Manbattan È1,ea for hoy tar ga sldown, and i found à i't'O b. veyben- oficiat, and ver otîceaMle on cc ows apee1iafy ie u Of * ilk l=afog ntreaa dcon- siderab l ih <h. cmre qnsntity of food, anlti theqy hveIateed as bsontfderablo oxtoat Athe iete nm e. Z. GRAVEL. Logsu'e Fass, Montreal, March 22,18b&. Tisi.la tecertlly that I have ued the Manhattan peet forowt fer 50010 tigne unan nd it beueficumj bath for milk andi Iattaning, if given ta thons r cgufli6ry. THOs. ISTINQ. -167 Tonge Street, Toronto, January 22, 1881. W. have triedthetii. anhattas, Pc.! for our herses foraveral weeka, antianint the habut we have ever ued. B<god> '. GOFF & CO. Milton, Ontario. Januu7 27, 1881. Havize he Mii anhattan Fooed for Horses anS C.'tIe, 'w. OeA it ftoutes that we have oUein the way 01 peedt. (Bd.) Jame A. Frazttr, James Lindssy, JohTison Agnew, J. If. Mitchell, Johnt Readhead. R. W. SMITH & CO., Proprietors,* Montreal. For sale i Whil.by by 'W , QC W I'&B aI ,Brock-St., Whitby- SAUNDERS AT WORJ{ AGAIN! My old riends and customers will now fi.d me TWEEDS 1 TWEEDS I 'HUIJ~ I I lulu v eFRNCHAND ENGLISH PRINTS, Y~~S DU~ 1IITNGS' GAMI300NS, D'UCK, A »FULL ASOCRTEIT0I-ADSFHTS COTOSINENSTWLTNSCAflTS ANDLOO WINTEB'R GOQDS A. OCHOICE TILSELLING; AT UINE 0F -NE A. GRÉÂT i~:mw TEA S A, - full -stock of General Groceriles and Orocëkerym. Whitby, Februý.y l5hp 1881. TU Great Amm-can, Rm«b for COUTGH9 coz; AST is Mri -BR 1OIITIS, LOt58 0F VOIUR,eROARSÉEMRSBAND THROL4T AFFECTIONS. GRAY'S and the C TDT esdte f0 f b atsmt Luno Die S rpevc J= RED te E PI w te» erder the, eatt E11%1,11 GUM. :M t Its remariable poern reliving cerainforma of BroneJdfùj and iUs almost qpeei4c ofeet in curing ob- satinatek aéking Uoughs, is now tvei lenown £o the public at large SWd by ait rreaatk ehemteu.Fl-te. 25 elaabettlt. nw vde "5v'wp of RM sreOm Il oe.'t. aft & gtti rega M, *a"t our «.apper R'RRRY, WA TBON & Co., Dwmk»2ght »«0d Maasfoctn ami TWO DOORS SOUTH 0F RE 1ARKEtT, WILKINSQBI CHANCERY SALEI Havi.ng bought ouithie establiulimoni of,,THOMÂS WRA14I4, I vii carry aa zny business in tas tand for 1h. j rosent. I amn nov pepared b 1 milliaordlorsenirusied ta me >y my aif cutoner, and asmzauy uew aoues as Wull MU opon me. 1Owing ta the hcavy loun I have îustined by having the viiole of my stock açi Boots and Sho.', loatior sud machinery destr-oyed by th. laie ,5v., anl parties indebled ho me vii piessa. cal and psy theix acbauntsa a once. JOHN SAUNDERSt Whiby, Dec. 18, 1880. *Camping ont tu lte pin. wQqd bau beon secomroetefaconsutnpliv pa tet,ani fte lSov. Dr. Murray, <a fi, Ide n=*te Adirautiacks,-mentions aà remarlsb or ormtramnt oaIbiis nature. Eve eue aâiotod vitti pulaouasy disie cana mate <t conveubeut lacamp ont nos la 16 -eeuau uie .u&Hthe: ienAts of te. a rurbeby using Graja Byrop cf B.d Sprune Oua. a scientfufe pro. paration, vhicti preaeuta in a ccôentrateti âant aleebfora,ailHte vîrtos cf titis tà etlc.Iual gum. As a cure for conghi, CoM, uonsthrcat bcarsete su,<tils fuas aul. Bolti by a% IIat Priée. e05nti '80 cents par battis. 41u.6 TUE ONIARIO19-LADIES, OLEE 2,0 THE BHARBHOLDBRS. Takte notice tbal a SPERCIAL MEETING ai te shsseioid.ra cet te Ontario 5sdel, cllèga viii b hetou tUE hAlébo rl"EnzrTH DAY 4t <h*e.itcr et vae'lock lb te sternoan, b te Board BOOM cf i te moi Cllge# *ta Tovu cf Wiitby, for te purpac aaulswg -a BY46Vutiotos utb0 Dl seters if b t aio LadIes i ete L euCalege. situaI ýý. ali.'Tev ei Wbilby, for aecéu*fsg payast ai 02,000 b tovdbbe nsl 1b. o ll ege DsedIhis Ut day ci Pebruaryl 81 E. H. RUPPEL, Wikuison'a Block.1 8e/lin g at Costl GREAT BARGAINS GItLBsMrrH's HALL! 93» AT OQSTs MOLD IEWktâ£RY' tZ rAT ST Z.ýà DIE8' GOLD WATCRE8 wiS" AT -OOSTe 4iô4,çdc the lease,~ '<'- VALLIABLE REAL M8ATE l'urinat to a tieree mai ofa the Cort cf Citancey, =mati lua a ns cf D ULLEA ms.D ULLEA. lites. vil! e saii.vitite aprobaton of &es - CLOTHS RE~~dt4~TO cJ-OQDS. .TO 11-H-AND-! J. B. -POWE DOMI] EVERY ITBDIG UHSFR SHO.ek) MA~LTAPOINT M O BEE 'W 0N-ý ,DE R--Fý,U xLY DHEAOT O S H1e ofirS 'Cgadia>n- Factory - Cottont, .and in somecaeb1o, nu& GOOD C.&ADIÂN FACTORY COTTONS AT 6 CENTS. HEÂVY CÂNADIAN F4CT-QBY COTW>ONS .17 CENTS1. 'i T. PÂCTOIIY COTTON YOU EVEE SÂWA. VERYHk ARWI'ÂT1Y COTTONS À1 9 dENTS. ZM FInEST CANÂDIÂN FÂCTOBY COTTONS AT 10 OKNTB. GREATEST BARGAINS IN CANADIAN , LE-ACHED COTrTONS .E GFF-ËE8 GxOOD CANAPIAN STEAM LOOMIS AT 7 CENTS. IIEAVY CANADIAN STEA-M LOOMS AT 8 CENTS. G-OOD YARD-WIDE CANADIAN STEAM LOOMS AT 9 CENTS. 1118 10 CENT CANADIAN STEAM LOOMS ARE EQUAL TO >',JLR 1e GOS FOR 12 CENTS HiE OFFEIIS A 14 CENT GOOD) WIDE 8STEA.U IOM,. 181e HEAVI $BTEAMLOOM FOR SHIRTR~Gf3-lt3 ITR19UT AN EQUAL AT THE 1ËBICE: The -finest Canadian, English and Americaa Muüm1orms, onsdale',-Cà âif. brics, &c., very cheap. 9&- A very large stock of Bleached an ro1W8 hitna meiblvegulrpçs Or. Pilow Cottons in ah 'wîdths from.40 ,to 54 i. '* - EMBROIDERIES.-To arrive in a few daya-tlae-, -Wgcs oztuse (voe8,oya>t»ý,of iubridéfdEd--ad Insertions ho las ever shown. 12rSes thiese Special - Offlns é>Ee n Whitby, .February l5th, 1881. * ~ m., Y N E D 4Lv E1ISMH LL & OO~, MTÃ"N WAR~ROOMS. r ~ j pi:i~;7 ,~4q0~;~ J 'Whltbv. f or reunhtiw t.~.. ALI A I) Ge enury Dartueli, EBaq.,MadstaiR WI Wtbtly of thie Caurf 01cf anaery, at'te» QUEENS8 HOTEL, 3up ataUnt he Llv.r,' WOLà blte Town of Oshawa, on ljnathmaelmeltUy SatordayandthdayofMach LI. 881 sýuth le ebllitatecl O at tvao etcm ulte aflernob7M.>O etni LEVI FAIRBAKS, Anatboeer, "c' . The ffo-u auai ainsd'rw~ oa i Dobüity, . 'tuaomplinlt5s, pper0y - - Bu»msne eeyapacieseof CIbrouie Ni M Tain bOePreaonSLanut S 'mdLiver, Kidney. t4maulB owd itd ovsh amiofBaswiWbtby, ovueti bv THE BEST 81000 PJRlFYhfG'I", th sfate cf thu lâto Denis Dunles, (except am mue e. T. nnusn& 0CL SuiAnuImm aboutlive sud ans quarter acraa.heruof et 'tiofouitEai ofieM-'U Si more or ià », bustubjeallao the slitt <If auj nee..n to opepPtIopMtStree, ndes anuaysam. pug -el'frzeilbe la o eil st ltetia ei:"ale Titis uoesnatv s ,if onthe £"~terl >vn.d r1 B sui AT 7LWI e*lxl'uLnlsid Il ~i2à -ish,zm o s: - i i -£ ýQO lý a