The Globe, 26 Oct 1889, p. 2

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Sn%, the autihorities oft tuS Oto Lédies' tes early da11673cf' Whitb-ti.Kfrk biiton College bave been excesdli* Sltunat.e in SLarr's LUmi. Whitby »nd Oebawa, qbtainîng so grand a builà~ eom.c .onnds U L.rsdaso b their commendable work :>Odowminq the township«&s place ot worship. Prelious youitg ladies of Canada in e.bigher to thas a liste trame building, koown as b ranches of literature. art &" saceum b.eBéptiat Cburoh, vas lu wblcb Tit Intiutin ws oriafl ~the township meetingws and ail public The4ibstibutionula Eafut mly i, en ingatheriogu vere beld. ,But nov Vhitby han 1874ruor-the ppral f aofD.. l'. sandample cburch accommodation and splendid admision h itf oud r'1"»y.a asbuildings for publie meetings. The Episco- for d;U9naeatb frtfou m a palian congregation have a very nice ,go great that lie Directot5 f#und cuc-l anoo hc e.AJ ktnoeu a. ercnHall, b o d ____ iddler in pastor ; andi St. Jobn's Church, knwua at the barbor, ha. Rev. G. R Sima for iLs residenti for tbe Govsrtict and Prindipal. devoted pastor. lu.St. Aîîdrew's Presby- Sîtîce thon Lb. hîetory oftheb. Cole. bas1 terian Cburch Rev. John Abrabam h&4 a been one of contittue-1 proeperity auilne- me congregatio, and ReLo. J. 1). Freeman ceea. ILs eoegaut ePPointmnente and ear- gidsn bis dock in Lh. Baptiiet burcb. roumîdingu contribute largeiy go the*IseMO. 1heieethotiiet Charch ls by fiar tbe largoat tion, [lot ouiy of coinfort. but aws. amantiud boat supporteti, an<i the eduico in ex- andi culture, and the roome are commodious ceed ngiy haudsome. Rev. -.1. F. Oà,kley i. anti wel1 veitilated. Fit teen acres etfgu"adLbputoa dR...J.Hr,'h1),i iii connectioti with Lthe College ufeedu tb. Lstadi leev.J. sisa '1. DRof every desirable co1vnietîce for bWstluin, Catholict% Ilîti servi.ýe lu $L. John. ('hurch, inviqoraLtit exorcise. Ddring the "Ban of whieiî Rev. i"atber MC i i pastor. anti autumiti imontha Lhe pupils etijoy*EIs.t Varlety of amusementlst igeApitcouand Whitb)y ha. iumerous societies. Tii0. l iîîvîtiiitt groutîtîs. hesities eecuriîîg a cOUSU eows bave a large nienilership in the tor itttructions iniwalkinu, rittîittaiti cale-1 theniies. )urîîîg the wititer tiittlîs, whitu 1 exercise iniiii boy ititittinisete restrictei,i thîe pupilit ite Onîtario L'a-lies' ('tiikg. participate titaitaturt>ed in th. pleasureofut ait ice riîîk andi tobuoggani alie ttu- inii Lir owît grauia. A Ruew gy ni îsimtts bais heon - ereceeti, 1)ro0v iti.- e 1 wtit ail motdern mnprovoîneiteLafor pleasatut exorcise. ('onsitieriiig the itealtit- Juties. of the Town utf tshitby anti the abundatt su ppiy ut pure sprtîîZ 14aMer. and 1 the admrirable provisions istaîlo by the Col- loge autiiorities for amusemenetiLandt1xercise, iL is n ntatter uf surprise tht t uritig te fifteeti yoans the (ollege ha. heenin topera- ion no tever or contagion bas uccurreti amutii&cst Lihepupils, antifotorcoma ulîle yearà a doctor hasn nl visiteil a puisîl's 'flics are a feu consiîberalioîs tfarpttrenîts un sulecting a sutitabtle aîîîl ieiatiful platce toedeucate their îiaugbterx. No nue sioltîl b. willîîg Le sacrîhice ciiliren'd iteal Lbfor th. sake ut a lauirsl von in the iîttellectualareîîa. Tîioreforo,iii slecting the boit place whereitî tuotincat-. tieir daughiters,they abouiîlgivs the Otriola4Laies' College tiroir serines consitleratioti. ,'Ibis Inîstitutton hli. a beauti- lui and, alvatitagcous gpositiont. ILn close proximity te) Toronito inakes iL in remlîty a college ot the t4ueemt CiLy. 'Iheaî thi etho- dues nofTorotto bave nu olige-asîi is itîteitdit thaL titis admtrabile institutioni shah i iltha&&ilong toIt uaît. E ven aI te premeitt tinte 'iornitto lias tbe largest voiee. in îLe coîttrul, sud .veny vacatcy ultici oc- cure on tb.eBoarîl le tiloed by a [>roctor f rom 'IToronto. 1'lucre i.n noreason w i y tse instituttiont, if takoen buld otf properiy byv te Netisodist bcdy, shoultl uot itecome even a greater in-situtioiî thqtoiîthe. moet bopof ut prornoter coiiii atit ieipat. T'fîtei a grandtieIbd ini Cantada for a ladies uttiver. sity, and iei.preatlconiditionti auJ asî vark of Lue Otîttni> iLadies' (ullegeindu cates eluaut aà utile encouragetiietàtst u t Veultd eonîput aoi lie ligifi-etiair ai a uuIve.sly atndi hoa pride of te l>niniltofu. Tl rI nIoroitiAin la runh a Wïliig Wrea irratinstitutîions and1 i luIetbo ter u1portuniiîy nhleredt iai tlitai gîveit iîy the (kittarit, Latiesib' olleize, uit ici omnce raiseil Lw the dignity ut a t'nliversîtvI wouid ccsnimasîî a patronage tbal votlti mette i itmis cf tiie fore-inot sais oh leaziiitgr in Amerlea, Prnctipal Hersbuia a Jep laid acharme Lt-ùis end., amîi the tîruixîters of Lihe Oitarlo ILadies' Colloge are hopotu, of bis eariy *sces&. Regardîitg the course of cIndy ai present ln tb. Colleqs, h miglt bore hoe tateiitat i t i ,ppetl fi t Luprevitte(or h. iion Pm. fossioaial, auJ Univo'dfty tnatricuiation ex. altc heu cublectae mbracetitelu &be uauiergr'duat.e cuure. %làhthhbooe alreAdy voo b, pupilu ed thie Collop e I Usbiv.ruity cstrcaiiust prere th*& t"i Coîlege sa 'bus eteben voai vhi6ob le usan rudly acemplck. on tti. et aciU 1a atouadatiacu. a god genrl "ieuoisg lircuin lDuawW al ienes, liltateure sdlangsje*«*& b.o Mme eiic eytat 460 "bse"e 4>ee M»60t4a B.q arM seocoties and c een uervcllbranobeeu The monte papile hav*e ulleUaebd »iîves I. thas ouy MWaud ewaaayom* eniy for executive a âi t ibws F« il kuovietig t e. imuete eofsuk eu. be.solusg arseny., osteepesl,*9. &- (0»s cf Lb. ppils vwn th.bruns 4.Ig*SWeX te. EsUitiaîoDep.ue. etai eeÙ4*m ag.meôt uoflniUa I rwdrivluê whl provîullug fer chie oMm .etbtÏgIS. 5h9 ràunrtrlu tAie mCeliogubave.puem belotme heuta ame"i oAsIs irect .hetabing. sud eM77. t Isg ram May. ep.ciaIU4*. "M da" dMe 01set aema.eii. l' â u un ff.isse et eh Feuiot are: ~ - Bv. i. J. tarlm% . P e. les Iume. KL ISbo 16 bn, obasm u* sotbm -"um kderomtebis 9à v abaftaM- touti. 1They liave a splendid hall beaisti- fnt:y furiiuied, anti vork w ith great etithu- stalam.Nasts Foresters, Sono of Enig- landl anti Rayai Toîsîiplarti len bave very li>tien. A wortl otglit aise La be saiti for The 'îViîîttty (Jirottîcle, itîdependetîcttgi politica. at( iii ciofa te very best local papers la Easterni Ontario. 'lb. Mniicipal bistory ot Whitby ha. boom quiet. Nu great battios have taken place. siîouiig excîtiîiu bhs octrtrred. Tiihest Mayor uof Vhitby, in 1&8>5, was Jams Rowe, and William L4stiug va. iret Reeve andtihLb fnlovmn evere th ii.t tcouticil- niera :-North '0tardi-Johît Ham lerry. Charîtoit Lynde atiti iuttou Starr ;'entre Wa&r-WViliam Laingi, Jstoes Wallace aîîal Williîain Caldwell -,Suntit Wa'r-Jarnes I-towe, EIlet Sproule ai John WVattsun. lietaitilt Y artioli vas the firat (itv (lork. J a fies WVallace heid tii. otice ot Mayor for 1856, E. Aististu 1857, andt J atîtes iov. comlpietedtheLitetorieni08 bis death ; J. lHatilerry, 1858-9 ;il ugh J. N c )otuell, f1860;Jatmue* lowe, 1861 j K-obert Johnu tut, 1862; %%*M. j'ans. 1363; N. %%. t. rouît. 186S5 >(> , betju (iuiiîi, 1M67 68 ; 1. fi. io-rrits, 1869--71: J. liamer tire-tànwct»oi. 1872-76. ai,'J Y'somai ;ibsoit tille'1 Lb. îtlîszplred eru; (George Xutniinthtl, 1876-77; <tjaoeelil'llest. 1878; ; acr Hurj ON1 8780 ; W. H. lisilligse. 1881-Sfi. L,îeeawuo.,1883 DIr. Bogart, 188-86;J. H. 1»8g1«.86 88. Mr. Jobs u "t W&& a. le t Luifl thie oficue for te preseut year, aîîd Mr. (i. 1' .Smttiin R.eVe. Tbe ttlloçiis arte the Lounctimea :-Northb Wari-WV. ltCrcsî'y. Wrsu. N1k% Sjoreme Scot &G;Cotre WVarul F-. H. Anau, Wmn. Bartis, ài. H. Lotig Sotitb Word-4ohn SautAi, Rtiti.. orrel asîd James Wia. Thotites ustoi bas beeau Clark oteeiiirty yoame 'lh. assseSUîSBCof te towiaibis yeux is $W5, 772, anud thie rate 'ta 23e nuille. A spectal centses tea n iiAproi lasî show. th"- 1<UMAN EVOLUTION. The. Mant-renM cnkey Th.cry Yat.ully Ksiocked Out. (Newg York Kviitgcllt.i luor tbroe 7@arà îagotl'rof. Virecoo t- torp a bMev trom vbichiî Ilba.tis er Iaaiy eo~l4,At the recentAntbeepob. logcai<Jegusiet Viesea, b. gavre Lbst "file thee7 sMotiir luv, uhicli ahesilt ptiii t i a te*M$rdt p"rmefflktiy usupendeti snîueaüm u" w¶Wdmes - talbiug«bers. sI* se» mneq kesp o.wiks gl &beihy ar0 u»&4iîà" heL 7h ttà faeet hea alI tra #tam tu ees auY dresme er aiitîeesofe gene ah-à- *0 Pme sssreeses ~ eu - s - I4 meI T-EGLOBE. SÂTtTRDÂY, OCTOBER 26o 1889. THE HOME IA ( TUE HUM., Osha.w&s Eàey History. STORY 0F ITS GROWTH. One' of Ontarlo's chier Manu- facturing Oentroe. A BUS! AND PROSPEROUS CORIUNITY. lfot«e on the Leading Industrese-The Town@ Educational Institutions- Counctl and Ilreas-Alvan- tages of Location. OVER a cetitury agn immense 1-anils ot Six Nation luidiaits made semi- annual fihing expedlititi-o t '>the favorite partst of Lhe tiorth shors <il Lake Ont.ario. Tlîey camne with canne, Lrch andi spear. and, pviirlng ail on Lri. troubieti waters, pnrtid heir &vocationi to trie îligbL of their very -cla. Salinon and pib. vore their sport, au 1t e river.i and creeks lowing lonto te great lake of these gtme fiub ktiw nu botinde. The Chippfeways itati for their reserta plac osileil t>ehawa, meanimi; iron4l axe atbougfb iL 1s cairnoul hy smtie te liethie thsppeway for salmon.> 1t wus. Lh.crt.ek runnifg norths from the proetit barber of Oili 4w&, md, lita.rally speaking, in tihe oliest'ue lt wrlsh megutôoest samos. Freu tis «r«k andtiheb.Chippeway trP,,tà. harmoions.seutîding naineetofO' hava, the sttbject cf this sketch, lias beeti oliiiteil. One bun irei anti ive yte-aroi aizo itger Gosmnt. great- griîti (fatt lier ofthlie prexent Thoinai Cotsat, orf-Siawn, left teii% mali TIown of Rethel, Mascîsets C <til panieti~ by Chaorles Attîts, Io .eek iiew hosies i ts'esterni (attia, a.ti tb>.t-f o iwpilI the. perusoeeet. viic It ttey, Ost bituîueu vemAu t« aaJjeetm. .The>- tocok wltbh*. tar tallii, Umte yO of e ooes b6%ed tLO a large waUo, and al» estîffi.-ieîît pro.visions aniti mîo<-Cs5r. tee for a tetitouti prospectitîg >aîtroeY throtîgb te - piimneval fureista. kromn Itethol tlsey procoeeds-i vraI, aniti lu Lb. flu of the yemr 1780 tîey rescche.l Ft Erie. Nttîg.tî liere t-y crossedtheut Nigmo ta i R t i i tîre ti îîg lte alore, cttisitti to the ieiitîy of York. t kitlenving I uses tîtîr st mtt',û aitilt tetli ati t. su liapost lu tof- lente'-rialiiiternoualtitlis *ialter.1LC~ uatr'Is weicomtte-i thîcn t (.Wtaia - Where are yot coîsinig tr'ttn?"-bsa i flei Eaoollottcy.- -Frum Nastâctusott,.vawuMr. ÇQ1ait'sà Mdt lest reply t "Are you cuittitif lor. t4) iglît Q#i '>-- t. t a it l ov cr i -tu éa f -- -ý4 'ta . t i.. Isy ajupL.-1 couîtry. id* lI l iglit for ilt r Gos,.'excaiiuîotl Gaersior St1itiao. "1wîsb tuer. uer. tniaîsy more aille ytt Ilils Ex.eilesîcy urgeol the Jît,toeo Le cakLe UP lan tot Yotice estreet, uhicit use ilion icoketi upoits le the tuost tiestrale placoa fur s.ttensent, but Jamesarsé. t( utaist stnt Aisinis dîi oct 1k.eth.eisa utoflaviiug te labe, ggadndtouitat-auditig the enîtreasie.utcrmit lit Niaguwe. lTh. Indiana durlng tiie tbe. uovernor te go up Youg estreet. con -.years telicvkg MWeomltsg out he Cunatîts lji utesr ay caut clos« e 'kr. lurelsbus utanti Anal..ghm apIi r sing anti fai. ge Labe Oueas-lTise Dictî use ry b tglu tîtat vici e e "igumasd upon the lakes ilore yv«.t sd vet lezotfor thie valualIs a mmîlateyJS*-<tI Oshawva. Theircoum- aittaneerred b tlei iiy llis:! iug onefali du4 bot eauly tebmpe Lthe 411111107"1Umem. Qemas »sd mmmetaieq t Uts arty -esities.On 11 * .aum u in â..u e o lAIsuîy et lm u..anme utodiiiq»&abledog. lThe animl "Y'oute. Wav'tngpased thie flon. bcwver. in p auield la eeep oui tMr. Coastîis tii. Ilaiisebath anous, sud, uwitntitîg liae.e" netirt She oo-.n4 d hersUnr cailleo Owgr, Lhey oonuouet Illex.jorney highiy prli n lbCittgi dy. Mr. CessantC re- sevegral cieyels mlmci.d Oshawa Crsek rpelty dru veoffutige dog, and., eventiusll a.,Sa MalIga &C-rush 24 isunthe trm-c lb. Iîdg h-ecouid moet protect his sbe.p tram tie be litlu ebeI, Maechucalîs.' lit- ibhe orictoucaleaitii.eperd ofet bi lu, .oSaeIulsul.frtcgs &A p ~rttitaistlite, chut tige dog<. NueOsune te.diicuiy slait Doee * ub>.Cted lu lIscogrv* eaitigofut ot îttg nid ut t.e caresswa. tiauitb.v PîOltf'lite. Ilit îî va othir tituttou dtucag grave 1h. koei&oeiette.lndilatit to satiIe p.rmaaeenaly a% tilts.Pla&". Thry im *ouldj a.smum-dly discev.r thie LumAuy andi '-t'.:- - 4TM<i4 aines. This settletnent in, perhape,' the pvery conceivitbltt place in te hanse. sarLieeit trAceaitie. It i. niie years beforo the Even the. chimney, witich wtt-%anat immnste settiemerit ot lienjatitî NViýson, inentionedot oit-taqhioued aflair, Lîey (tititnt let pan. in lte sketch of \%iitiy.atsi h etore the ime AlLer a mont painstaking inivetigationtre- tbe Farewell boys pitile(lti tir owti canue gartling the fate of tiie dog tiîey tieparteti. freux York antd took up lholdirîgs on tht, aui the liearts of the Cotiatt famnily leupeil creek easutofthLie one knîivn au Ohawa., for joy-tor thb. tnding of the carcas oîf the Mosara.Corsant anti Anni.% commeuredl lte tieatiItntiea(log meant an-s instanît andi hor- business ot fuir trading. anti fîtutt for lte rible deatis Lu every aine uf tbemn. stocK a msarket in Mittreal. Tiie greateet i)trin-g the war of 1812 the ('onantsanotd arnoutit oi busines i thi. line was tione Aisîises remnajeti loyal to the Gtiîerimrett where lPort 1'erry Dow stantds anu hetore ant i titlgooitiservice ans leliatcit learers- the dam wa. raîsoti aL Linidsay. As the About thiie ime settietuetît cititul very foot, coîuntry itegart tu ho populftte' Lhe Coîsantt atntithe' fins laod cf O0nLario--*ftt(iity waa amsi Attiisea vwent into the iumnberitîg hli. cloareti tp rapidly. nns ntLe aI Oshacwa, andt at this The Oshawa creek flows raîîîtllY on it% htcame eminentiy stîcceseftiL. 'Iey uwneil ay La lte lako, anti Niotior.. &oiatt&iandu soin" of the iret sailiîîg schoonseri on the Annia ucro tise ireit Lu utiliseiq t. gret lake, and' marketeti their lumber with Ibis power by ereetîing on its baitkt a lurntier '-z 4 't> itil1 Thon came Ãœune Gorh-' ni, Whu orecteti a esiuai îlotsr iii, i. thé sielto uoltinwa. itially bonbt by Nir. Thomas (;iblus, ther oft Mesere. ~Tomas N. anud W. K. t;tbts-tbe former ni vbom dleti s teV yeltrea&go. Mr. John B. Warren ant ilwdard Ska, e r ir . tttercbatitu tu île lusnau ilis a mali itWy i te yesr 183w. andi tbe Place ua. tetikuiovnaàa Skaee (Corneor. beiug c&eliet alter the y oung and pasbisi Scotobsuian. M r, Warren erecsed se Oshoa a uat vas then perbaes Ch lin us fttrngMOIiila the i. l'r liean 1836. Tieis li ilussUil tandiuig, beitg on. of ed. Ouet in Che ceaiiiry, osiudeleuI.opera- ted l'y thie "&W&ava lllng (JOMPL#tiy. The. Ouhsua o ofu-tlsy la mutlfuliy aigu- attu. 19 laesurrounded bly romanîllo ant, la catmtolcataa, * bolti seusery. Lookeil upeuomt t-ch. omîtieucw on uici s*tands tic I>encilllLadies C;ollage, tg preseusua *cens c1 rare boauly anti picturcequenîe.& Joeesb tierham'a mii Vas r.aIlythex.nucleuis 01 Os.hawa, tahiuoi e."riesan loaton ou access i t he nuîerouas vater priviiege. orb'etout oceste bdlor-metloed (>eaa le vas Use Or*# villageie uopers5ed le ti, .outy. ansd. fer solDereasuperbapo 1 p i m l a b I e p e r s o n ta e t p u a it a n ti ý its.ttladiLathe. vlUlansd *%W, tm.-tbbtlua, aitter leonce got 6 aUSs S Con aPace. As Brut le m..ned- * eq U e lug*Wung àafoot'- bekil.tee Mg15 a rty da&y* Stu epartee "À êêWfttu's sd People t"e ai alltiiir batik of at Iot t anLau ut Ilt1 millions uoftdollars. GFettîug bock afiiî,lltIowever, to Oisliawlt, early îiayR, iL im ture tît reiîîurk t1int mi NI ncrilp fotletie thelia rst irutit fou ii ry tii the stremin wiîich titi for years goulod tvive Lo this part of Lhe counîtry, andi wa th real forerniter outhLie Josepli lhall workm, ot whicli every oue mitut have liettrd. ,Ni ittcri p;fou titi ry iii îitw total ly obli ier. ateti , antit L lII workm are ii)o Ioigtrume- I ma0 trot wîrks, bt t .IN. S%'Viii itiiu -, Ct. ', of 'Ttorontt, have ini moiine cetiîtrtuii,îI ciii, i rhem anti atdetl thereto ftor pianoinnnmitt- tnctiriiig. TIisere are atier irtut works lîcre. iiowevt-r beiiig perhiap th e ltgt titîate succeoits(-f the Nlost-ri pq, ainIdithon of 1il i, andi l'iltt %iessrs. i>'nRle liros., ulîn make almost mi li~uIi lituittlqutiitities Of seeti trillg ilttu fan- nîîîg ii ls.eblcii :hoy somti ail ovr cous fetierateul Canada. bisera. Coultharul & Scott aieautoaiîutc- lune seidrd11i argeiy ani barraus atîti cutivatorne as vl, suid bots concernte are a creuhît le £iy coiutuuity. In carrlages Robert MicLaUitghii occîlpies an enormout eh-op. 'ilew&A once the aid Eaivard Miaîl & Co'à. fumnilure @hop, buit otitielHon. Tho. N. (>ibbe' dutth lias tnt been used as a turniture facto". aiid to-day Mr. )4oLsuila doseuherelîsone oh tbe lujrgese oarUae exporting butineuseos in the cetîat7. --1 ffi& sldetsprltsg ougglet tidtheir way over Lae ie lsas dales ch the Dominion. - It leno uuooanmon elght Coe@e Mr. Mo- Laglln'o bu ite *in the. Knockdown"' by Lb. car lzs Mr. Mcaughlln le a native Cana. dieu. sudlQune cf Chue. quiet, piod- diusbut- alvasuptublng, mon, vhoe vcrk dons ln enly gaugesi by resulte andi n"a bym"Y great eplurge or breg. About thes yea . 1833, was te end, and deep sauve oh Lit ver. to guru te blood andi burn up, A. B. Whltlng caine te Canada tram Win- clati, Coun.. teua»Il cloche attd scythea. Ã"Id tMr. Wblitng utetoit.11nome,îunus- ls g coriee et thue day of dettbe populsr deluelone, A& one Plac bof oOshawa, ho used se say, be a eeod at a way- si4e botul for sheiter 1thce nigbe. vit1u buis herse& aie oses 8sobg. 04b tsi pug a i n.I ub..oUbI oir.,.. îpd the hoteolal 4'l bs mlii. tai Le .ut"P?-aI àbout !oïo,#> r2c 4 i 'I au', 1 ,4ye

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