Ontario Times, 30 Apr 1859, p. 3

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qJrte 1qei&4 tud. on lb.o m; aadt.byDeigaun Yd Th I e H y Qi. b c. s!'4 and ont > si eI anda aid hat&crh f Wod àail laei.ere vvil 0orWMKDA, i 1t AM tb'ok he Dut. OIO p*ILa t..) P111. ignqon lbuid _ _ _ .l qo f U rpr o a r , LQ * , 3 3 3 B r o a d w uX Y , e i T oï r k ergw~ 9itvtog tnam herdeuwg the Cotait in ~ or the»e word.: t .e&ueand. oà~ve that Dan. E. sickiel b. dis- WIG$.WG..wIs. char'd (roui cuslody. allBTh~# aee nd llghtemdrpa- lfl ruat1 g le 9449lin 3arn.mCo &u. Ar~aa0 uu~g~t,, ar;hal Seidon.....Çe ebordergal bc.Th. a eharm.. ,syandrs ntrstnr eu.ae Snýoa o«» Ienien 1 tb,8is place aine. there Fittlng t ha ruîc tmng up be- TEDSOtfcl AJUTI NLM On- ne laa tui1 ' s. F'airbanks, E.q.sbould b. Dno ite., bifd- no abrlàklng o0 Lthe iýàd ; Indiecd War lu Europe. The,. &ignorial Ture adtCI ÇmidgcEs Wr, eeced Mr. Satn oln oc ihe-ti l Iothe B ualihun ill DIIlu tb. Lci*ëive Couaci T" .Mur. *erý elctedOnpboiifigove wit es ony xg&b"h*àet werederers discoer.d st DriamWord. Général c1~jq~ dîoÉa.o~ -a~Citeujeut .sad, '%n the naime of Mr.Sick- Ï tese things arts properly uudcrstood and News. Markets, te.,ho (et ~ ~ G li,."16mnur; F les ad hit conu., 1 desire te returu nad.23 odav .TFor sale by was leced's deegae tý atendthetbans t tie juy., 39. For sale by G. A. Basuluter, and wSi lot d Je u o eext.f« J ti. hs~ s o tc u y "W . Do.DM W hitby; and Lyman Brou. h G EO . Y U i Sy~o inJus .mnî.Judïe Crawford, aibo appeared to b. Co., TornZ. 3517y AOI thé BITPersou in the Court net cacit- Fi.$ .r 1 o 1 ed, sii"M.Stantony, wat:tilI the d. Ary' c FOU-Pain eiaor aillicars Pie0 er i oisfrsc ,rerdict ilrecorded."the followint, among tlb.caalouecf dl&. tes copies for $15 ; twety.h.e copies for verdict is recoacidetrded."e on ase :.-bnrng, cldo, eut., Chalet. sore $35; cigbty copies for$1 00. te r mîlrs eri>u AC idnt ctut o Clerk to te Jury- ", Your verdict npples, corn, bujaons bruim,_ ttaus, Toroto, A pri 2 s, 1859. il,. r td ,m rt e i h a t - w s, t a o i d D n .S ick les N o t bites, po ion , chilblains,, biles , crof l , rçoaad Daiesy, oncGuiltY ' . IMJury nodded affirma- ulcers, fèver mfeon, a Che, piles h icpuladL>i. "lsd#n ~te~.ion ef Rcscb, tively. a-Temore eyei,-Uùe gem l'n a Wa9g0u, Mr. Sianton....j'1 now mnvetn be, a rnmad.meyipî LEADPE wlim')aly ~6idetaIronett, and the Mr. Sickles ho now discbarged frein ruai, hc., hc. oftie6t i lledeer t1se custody.» uwru abr icmiipx ceil,.'L . y. c f the nigîsitme Juie rwf.."Te Cor 8 o oe iL iay appear Incredulous that hu g r w o d etT e C o S o m any die s ei bould b . reached by on R T 4 . I t 9 8 6 cargfuieeur m ii iseuc Leodr. rticle; luch an Idea wil ranish aiben re- wee uain backed over Daley, Mr. Stantniurryingo round sid- fiection pointe te the fact, that the ml. aîn iDiOf>tte -miord b hut i.e ns cf IINr.w .. pn----.- . E' h.arrivaif the largeit sud di. 0,bu~t asri ~ mars tqo*ter, and Whbth am, confidenit cannt rovlace.Tii h* lIIasprthased by oee isternamIRrouci" ïà.£Iausg Misn>ee ,-lob surpassafo lots of exrctnghneLDaevi--- omuisaton of ingrecieuts, oucu and ove. a~. ---k~rs>sue lu eln, ceaper-thou e e:racaug mmîat.Daly, alt àa The Jutige said-"No nouse." Tii.yo appe io prde antidote te it. asmiaut los or app ying a por erfetA 8SURANOMES tivv.r SUU.L vejIcosdralybiurdwas iills-- precaution Ivas not iceded. * I gclP"a&budeor le daa.et-~,o ildurfU d.tlcotivey.d tg D*Oa' hOtEl--r, ~ ak ndt.f5ae~~" l ens.-- A g a e a , e P i n c A b e r , t t e d e b i n , o f i s a u i e c e , ' a s i t a kr e n o u t o f ( t i s e s h o r t b e t w i e s u d l a à a n s d p e r m a t i in t m u o re t A p p i a g i o a ud a i l n e -.~. E g i h P . e a :mudwae are glatito learntuaLie i. speedi- dock. eClfe; and il lu an Oxtractor, as i k diais ceuse> normatlon te b. badl oun a»lylng EIbu, *ra~a 1>' recovering trom is iinjuries.-...Otario Capt. Wiley snd Mr'. Brega, (the Ï11 disau ,out of the affboted part, leaving ' 47lt Rh00 former, aibo 's eee r iclm e ature as perfect as bet'ore the injury. It l AiE, polnIýQtf vet>, style, sudchseâpuUms, ca vtd red, isdblettemis mse, rcely neceasary te say thet no bousc, Ageutit ir hitb> HSET r4p HRS SITNS E voet fied,)kuac hutti m-work-uîtop, or manufactory hould be one hay pi zio.2- Ru s yl e uedm8mPeisona laîn NripOsa ment of deliverance, sd eldfat y mmet wtbutit.20__________________9-mTwUiu, "ri ùdrwihrahdorpr fhi, as tiey tried te tank. amy te the No Pain Bxtrector là genuine unleas the Y h tiort 'u*a'tcuor a. door. It as slow werk, for congrafu. boxt bas upon it ta steel plate eugraving, tiiu cmsq t O beb as ridiculoe lattons earnesî, loud, anti frank >ex- with the name of Henry Dalley, Manufac- ~OFC îurk~gaRSe ues odnSrp os as aie expeonth e Tini. Oroothe 'Ias> pressed salutedMr. Siciales at al points. For aie by aIl the. Druggists and patentCRIEî WOIE. ith a fié,S!!agorsene genrsî Glen Wsne andoup WsWyMsn -«carne te s conclusion ont:Thougis stvong emotion aias exhibited, ruedicine deaiers througbout thse United Cannois stretWEsr'nim wth fnaftor. t pie a LU sueneit LbrterW andSi atgrdi 1ast ýTic report Icf ProfesObs eot e s calt a nd îîeady, and tiec St ates adCnd.1&tgýwr tpie osi h ie foriwici ie manifesPtlybj Xri nif " sbtnily oteefc sl ado Le retain Principal Depot, 166 Chambers streel, CA PITL £5000 O TECRLiNG hlb-,ArI 2,1 tut . aes nabu (odetet ie rac calmuess and compoture as successful. Newi York~. C. F. CHaE ez. ser u tha h ws nale o eictth, rac Rs xpesqio btrye n felig j ff- orsale b.ý C. A a seadTrast: def ans expressioutbe rasedrneofeelinge-tW. H. De.!, Wkigby; Lyman Bru. hàCo, l'h.ttlgUfb t .Lrd Viscent Sidmonth. 5*SRN R IA cessed. Thce e"ce et Drs. Lowie jybt W&$ratier <bat ef a mass aie Toroat cg.i1y Archibajd Causpli Barclay,14q.AR I I ,e etesaine etfect, ad feiej(bt sath ra oug ie ehad ai ass- Bmcd il MItOru;1f sdiery na noaias teinipreturn- e ab atv e al t oroug ahser r psul.-Arcbibald C. Drie,, Eq., CAcfrma,.n.P R S aasd ae t nj u iýry d i e t a ac:d c u d a e i d n o i r r s l .C o l. B at a lg e tte ., ile , C . S e t n E sq . Ui LR Sü Ingt tl l w n Ted t Th o Jury _e vi c t eao t o - o On W edneday, the 27th nst., the ife AEJN V .That Win. 'Wymnan, secordîng tovnea aie ti.on o Mr. Joas GoonmAs, of a on. Chas. Bennett, Eaq. E S. Symearbq 4.1). nîArutnaaiehcopîsg. evideuce adduced,dep 'rtc'> this lire byvasit- ga&uat'hi, atiie tepedorr' lc l Neofrd'L V.Wodjsuetu. w , ion»"of <3od, in Lbe naturel va>, antd net by tomite meet-their salutations, alsici .1.plc11. E.dh I Swediiq., zeuow, andi W hiteÀ asy- burt or lnjury recels-e' froin a.ny per. were heartily tendered. Finelly by dint, By Re.. W ilogsbA l 5he son ot much crusisin., anid greal exertiosi, a J. Dryden'a, Esq., brother-ilaai tte Cie*A Dr. Martin sud the aildov efthae de- passage te tise door was effected. S<> bride, lMr. JAxu.. Cassas te liss . B LAAS I' ncien st iontrnl. A l 3 ceaed-a lady aie, by thsewamy, bas soe amaslho aas recoguized fro u thseOa STU5'REION, botia.o1 Plekering. 0/1., xmoenr mas x4nge. T R S froin chldbood borcai sicaat ieLt heaeeaaie tmkien tip.JsnTracq.ln RaiE, T l1- v n and is entîtély incmpable etconsnsttang Mr. Shasw of ille llerald, isad rusWst tWibe ii .FobnbmL1JJ .skcl,.- i i iu X the criane laid te ber charge-hîave te tthe National Hotel, a,4 oon a8ý& tie A h t is te 23rd Inst., liAm-utL .&. LsBe esRq. Tlseodr 13«t,Eq.1F hI? 'i doubtlest becs> aie iatended vitims or Jury Isat returneti iheir verdictaud jnau ifnmag ro i.Ewa A, gdCa-a .TIlsoe -.'5L.J. ailmuof tise desapeut dye, aie dud iag on aise driver'. box, tires-o a carrnage < nTbrd.y ie ltma1.D.MrTas. nelaaqke irgiug tiseam i tiste taie te tiseCourt fIHouse. AtÀ aiau , N h 1t ut ).D &eoIQer greatestcrlimes on tia. ceIender. Who- As Mr. Stckles steppet i the LMaax, vif. of Ur. Aî»aaiw aiss, of Ais- AmmQU#,SL cd C<sher. Mercis, 1859. JIO K S R E~ VL ever liii subi e-esiaderer may lie, we stcone stairs efthlie City Haill 'urroundetihm gda ers .O îSN *iascerely hope hie crime nia> be traced anti supporteti b>bis ilamediale persea- At Bovrnanvilie, ou tbe 24tb lit., Jout Agent, WhlLby. toniusd tat ieh. avabe calledto e as- ai triends, ie aesagamn cieered. Celle ca:, ýEsq., merchant, forsierly of Osawa, Wblby, Aprl 2 0tTÉS§. 29-tf maier (tir lus great aickedcess. &Not "ere ruaâde for a speech. Witi consid- affl 34 yea.rs. enly han it e endearoured t e .ins the ermbue ezertbon, for lie vas fast beco,- At tb. reideuceofe bis asothor, Barbare..OTC vii., Township of Picker-iug, on thebe 0htâ b.reby gis-en Ibat aise ourt Of character o( îwo estimable citireas, but ing faint, he vas goa mtoe o (le Linsmt, Josuzit Xa4CàxI8L&, ftftls sou or 1 flOVIsIiellafer Lb. Tosrnihip of Wist. lie btas enteile<j au- expense et noe sui carriages waiting, together wi hM4ssss.thse late Alexader Campbel, formeri> of by, viii Dîet At theTown Bal l n the, Village umeunt in holding, the coroaier's inquest. Graham, %iley sud Broomue et New Fifeshire, Scia'>. oet Broolina, Suckt turpitaide-mbold mot go 'upunisî - York- A mer emeta as made by tise -~ Btr1y'1, t a > ed. ..-croati (o telle tise herses eut et tise 1r :& iTý- si. i pIl. n riý> ii at ntc Peiou~a.y...."Bel>s t!eu- eîwa nge anti draw il lhemselves, but ilbse and gosra bemaaeîs-ebeccordigl, anierpît vIe.aetretcJsIoer ila movement vas detecteti in tim nod lire- ITBY MARKETS. Iâan'>, slhnnogreplsy' vili h. esen vlth ie easteti; Ilinlthe carniage drovit .way -Towns.hdi-pRCe l',comotîs'. au'> lihtuhug. Tisey belonIy folaed b> many otisers san e 4- W0iatv c busie, PsU # 1£3O- To-.hpie. le- the m&&tt geaceaionuor giantu, lin this msens. croati.Ile vas teken tgoSru 6B TO ha Arl1,15. 2-3n ageý otiprelogient; eai n'> Lbuh pono bouse ef Mr. Blairsunatdoor to-4mi. SALIT 4t....S 4 O O Il eWssequeaae of a later bîrth is àget rt IL ltillI& q eL"Isîtote t'.e tber'tWe ed>r* asiLNICS Ac o ,- MA R S1*14 lune'>,ans4ti e st osvrebof its Pen wilit SEILNOICs l LW . . * . ' 1 reod tbef'r eceae-T. E OO)GAit- Hootiantis Germait Bittera, prepowed md pe,4....... ..... ' ... 4 TE4 DAL4 k, - RET-, <7i1'?, t oid by Dr. Jackson, at the Gerisu Idi.. Por, $5...........I................LDI$5.,4 -------PreatWnde ~ cal Store, 120 Arcis Street, Pbiladelhe s,........ .$4.50$.oR Oo TIETW~[p I)sntv,ýiea insrC ail> luce-ase ln their veli.deoservçd-ed d. mDiqi'-3lb, Firtkeaile; freaisRoII, 10'3"> reoilgii.mTIce. <aci te W br>for the cure of ail distanta eris 1- I aaasg 1 bs-siéftt1n<.o h About lir-ce O'cloéli -on the morasîng fbroimyderangenýent of tiee user. 2Thetm 1 tent Picfor athe a a sert i rect oft tii.240 t) . us terrîiloconflitIration Bittershav-e, indeed, pre'red a blessing _10i ii.. atetoodn te tse argedsueirtcko - brokeocut on tihe premises belengiagttieetmoui.badaril lieGratWetn I in.~tise amict d woshow- tîseir gratitude by - gosi b-aoebelsawldclb be bue th to lattering tsioil.rii____Grce- auOnrot"in ratBual&f.'tc sr, hY *isicisthierepairing seop atielthet cotupetitorm, howvee- ii> tiseir I elî r ie tsat tise Fourtisrt , étel f beb4 ultanwhc R f contiguüsaw ibuilditngs vere detroyed. scisemea, or eductis-. their promisea, cau- INTCE et ofTon per cent on b n ov ocfrtat et nbeprc [n h. by the im m en e b nefits t iat ave ieen been dec are'> payable naIl'ti Dau i i a e t of toaslagrtionthere vere four locomotives dervdfo t n illvrmiti l and tendlrg. *ouethor .:ih. l- e. - e' rmi.a' iiete-mdti,* _ _ - gtur wt a tergea ainunt of ývaluible m'aeitnery aud es belangisag te Ie uhep. Tic entire lossc 1otneiCopmanyila probably net les. .t JuusJ.fl - ARRiVAL -OF TUE UCfY orF lV4f INQ2Ors. *-teemmbip. OvtY4s/Wcshtngei, vitisLi- Jses-pool adripoOn the 13th, arrive'> e t Lii *Port th!&a i ternoe.. er dates are 3 day later. T33aiAR'RUUGD,8IV ITROPU. Si1nce uaiiing oeth;e lAsý steamner, Lise var rumnora have^ iecuated to en ýex1east, but * the lateat npe are of'a mos-e p*poDa. ture; tearmûqp.eaaoacontinue Bareedtuffi ras and higiser; prositioni eds-ancing, Loudwss %os6ls 96f * ~ TM BICKLEI TEIAL * 'VLRDICT '. OT GUILTP"-oszÂlC EX- dTgMîNT IN COURT. * WAJINGTOrî,.Aèrit, 26th Tise M S s a g e pes sclto Orcfthe ciesiacees o? tiése ickle!s SThse d4oe is openansd theieDpte * <)t ~ lai -they c ls., oeeby qQe as"d te to oeohe mests in tsejur 1/cos,. T6 s a geueral asos-ent in ithe cro4jkdo4tt room to -gel s. look tbf ~-- lrtr it s forg'otteun, .bençbC«, -,sd!tabes arc monted .*è he. os$ pcited-« mostadvçp'tw,- .is *ycome.,"is barriedly Position. See advertîiement. The. Orygdnaied Bitiera, bas-e neoquai as a tonic usedicine. Tise> contain no aicobol, an'> are especiali> adapte> to tb. delicate conastitution et femalea, auftèring frein de- bility., or froin any derangement et tic ua- <oral tunctions Dsvia' Pàîs KiLLI-We bas-e teste'> titis thedicine and cap> assure our reuders that it net only posises ail tise virthses claimedt for it, but in ýneny otiser instnces surparaszos any otiser riemetiy ver-- 1 novn. IL sbouid noi be clamse'> viLlatise nostruns ofthtie day, et.t up for tise eb ,p--cal putspose et pecuniary profit, buat be regard- e'> as oncetfthe standard me'>ecinei,for these public benefit-Herald of Gospcl Lib. r.>,. neuse la ths splace -on or- befotue lir day or Jasa, nexi. By order et the Board, D. FISHER, Cabier. OntarioeBanis, Bovmans-ile, 2 4h Apri 859. Onterjo Bal*. N OTICE la her.!,y giseu tiset tise An. nual Genes-al Me tig of tise Stock- bolders et thia Insthtuti-,u vii kblI>st its Banking Houa. ir tis i.pac on Dlonlday tUa. 6(1, dayef5m next, for tise purpo f Eiectiug bifeCcor action of any otiser buasins.. that M'iloff*r. Tis pe car W .taea12oco Byorerofth Bit'r D iss ia:-I ted tisatit ii a duty j ove Onterio Dn, M !IDIBKhblr to teffering bumanhts- tiat I1sisoul'> gir.e oa mcsilie,24QhAai,15 relation efthtie benelits 1 bavse derired<from the use of Perry Des-k' Pain Killer Lest isommser 1ha'> tise miafertune te lome tvo 'of my cihdren by that dreatiful scourg-tlf li'> Providence bad net pros-id'> me belp lutehuofeume'>. I first bec*mese>~U .,4, .W ~ qualnted aitis Lhe Pain KIler vhîlst tra-rel. AL a t u U5JIpI >ing on tise river viLS myhubian'>. A geu- At thficei ,h tîsanan pasenger bcd scresviicis h, re- eOfiettseOtr tio cemmended i.q tise khihst tiras. as a resua- eti> for choIera. tisougit ne rmore of it Dri C C, 313toE, et tiri tisse, but t1sq night I va ett(Akcw b> the. choiera ila ta vorst tersai.1Ï00,ort,.- e'> te s-ariens remédies nso>ta arreatIL4 progresebut auin la au. Ivasl.>'hl violent crams an d aMy diachrgesbeg .osasa ýoie au ara tir Ic as s ,tbought *ot tIse NjmI Ilr >giy s4 obtaied>tise botl. frea a &feue-tv ' -ie an '> àd a s tuh esd t a e & d o se. IR G O N O I ; P T t T 1 pali. - -Tise dos e et ted a IiÙvi Nur'> b it secoe imas "e'h 1 of ifeen minuts, -tour or five tlasee, ad «-hq ta isof Wbisiq And be "pat,ç tise remit vas asy com lie rmi.fr.h'V 'M . feel'conldent I ove a> ire<tote P( ler,and only tgret tsh Ibôbd ot kâo* tis .ataoiina r hueq befbe, 1 h = rwtmi ý Direct lm frois the NeXmsketo ,isich ho can isigbly recoumud. &ao Sugara Of th'aesBt Qai WAU ,e, ho. CeIt* vhicis est ail-ati onstanti> in;storlou ascaude. tgeeâs election cou b. Wiitby, April 14, 18AP, -2 Pur. r .vt d eciw ais. Dog8ore..~ga É1'>Pet mcd Kor- t4r. 28 KolagaOta icBT tep r KoLda J' B.:r Pý Il m, toe Wte CinaGlas% 28 SCOTIAN." MTuip gledB, dIcÉm, 4ere1oeïockey;c.en Mome fine *ecimesaa of rom tb. PetterluSodftlua .~ear10-Joqfe's-it aigreaUg ilA v.,,.ti rsl gh-en for Cash. I Wbhtby, Jmcu- 1, I ~8. 8 J _________ W '.A ~ I 4 ROBERT' CAMPXBL JJ ceuti Slieuced tbsujL OQFF hi. eemlsvi N8tubf 'CY OOK. __ANIB RBDMA ATGIRUTLMy EEUCED flIuS 101 l To mai* w&y fur hi, SPiing Importàtion, whicb y"l be'on al usul. lutupu - lie would call apftclal attentfon'to big STOCK 0OF PRESS GOS And READY..JIADE CLOTHI&G, Fiannel,, Blaukut, Geai'Pada s mhhLw I - ¶lji I ILIl ~ g. ~ -fari, Baffi.Re,.1 ho., whicb in it" lee f eoti Ayz Fbr, oef MI L a - -.- - Il NiAis! Casieo.j --'j j' -A "I4 1 JK el Il arx

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