Ontario Times, 25 Dec 1858, p. 1

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e- ................ei~i VOL ~IL. ..qWÂTr, enibe r of-the Legis- V. HAM, flarrster-at-Law, Solicitor eAio lyfor thre SouthRIdl1]g ' i Chancery, Notary Public, Couvey' ,e il ro .dmaas -Terouto sucer, &c. Office, Brook utreet. TOSSipl GOIILD,, *ember of thre Legis- B.13 FAIRB3ANKCS, Att orney', Notar>' lete Asseuab1ýy toerthre. Xorth Ridiug Se Public, Couveyancer, &c., Osbawa. unario, &ttt)gs; Uiirie, PoËt Or- ,te OHN BILLINGS, Barrister, Solilctor in _______________________________ ciChancer>', NotuiryPnblic, Conveyancer, AÇIIIUS URNU AIJudg Cou.tyPrince Albert, Iteacli. Z71fiýu atd URogrte uursud (IhrtiUxAn SesIlions. ortan Ctrmu G. IHAM, jiarrister and Attorney-rît èLaw. office, over tire store of Juel- Bireelow, Brock street. ~ Crît>'Atorny ortire ouuy,-~ ESSRS. WILSON àND BILLINGS ,f ontro. -VI 13arristers anti Attorneys et Law, Whltbîy, . W. rL O,4 IRYXlt)LiDS, Sher- FLeur. J. WILSON,1 W. iH. IILLIttOS. Il LI. Qtbs, ut tht-CotIlcu$e, 'tu tire__________ ýowu of Nvilitby. (1AME[tON & 1JACDONELL, Birrir-ter*sý C. Attornreys anti Solicitors tu Coant>' OEIN I4&ýI PÈiaRY, Registrar. Office on ouincil O)ntrro, &c., Whlitby. J rtck street, lu thre Toiwn of WIritiîy. C!j,.. Omlce-Sonrui W't'ng, Court Ilounc-c OUIN, ANDAIL IA iepiîty CIcrk~' H. DAIITNFî.l, Mistcr E.ýîraoirii ituv cf Oîrw ani Peas Ctrkof CoutriLi G and! [)cpitc li.ogisti-jirrin Chtîtir'rfoîr ) iter S rogat eG btirt . 0Office un liroc k srtrt t. lti e ~ Cou'rty tif O nt arro. O ffhe ot-r Meqsers. J. S. DctiiIdý-oz & Co., ritro fitg Tw fWhitby. -tore-, trork SrctWIVI;tby. ~W. CLAJLK, ihyrrcitia, Srrgecrt,'trdi W. Rl-, . ôroner cf tire (JoUxtjv cf Orturir.. L nn-r and ,- ttniison er in Queecite tiesitltrce Dundris sir it.' it-titt oi onittin i-in TtL auj ndGîtle- .............. ______rai Agoîri. Urîirigp . rlltît-n. T Oll~liÂt!l>EIk y, ior cf titi ~'Town 'of W' hiLýY. I S. AN 1 M )..,'vL~tn -r orlflOîy.SORu- i ieFn iiit .1. (, Vtir, M.ithri-rtttg.l, -- \)1v.the Tovvn ý "id' x ~vS )R P\ lievo f Ille ltttiile T i 4tt. - W !>(ît ~ flTCJ1Ft. leeve oif tihe 'itr I itraiAui j Towtilîp r fIikrt-. AJ1 1e- Mtelord P. 0. ~~LiIle4t.~, rc. t eve of tir- g ester, î<rsIdtire. - 5 T tvifi41Prf B' . A (i r ,-s V¾- t ofS ott. "!tckAîî4ii'S, ot:t, lnirugtoori. Iirtiitk. Towf.tic Towîof ira i lrk dress "l- o j <;AIIOfiteat thi-e Cout ~toi; verik of Clork rtud Aoheci',ortt. O. côr t erë. ( l e ut t he t oirt tilu it I[the Tcwnof Wiith W .Colmnty tirirw Attorney. Solici- tor te; thre iBank of M ttread, Cour-eyîînccr. &cOlI errîi lBrick Biock. ~Se- cond goor. - i 1-b NJAIN ,YA.RNQLD, Cerk anti Trcasur'cr of tire Tuwu cf Whitbv. Ordice rt thue Town fiait.i JOIN UttiU. C-aty Engineer nd Sur- Iveyer.-O.Ilee -ni the Court Ilouieoin R EV'. Il. I tIIORTON;, Chairinan 'of thre Board '6tgdtîc&Lonfer Ontario. fi ORGE FLINT, Address: Oshawa, ua R. fi. IU.WDER, akddrss: Whitby O). lRlt SPtIellILL, DeputyMRgistiar liN nd 'Commieulener ilu Queeu'. Beach il yEý>iNtY flUNAXCrier' of Couuty sud SuiPeior Courts, sud Messenger t e ~Ggunty teuuci. F-ÂTRBAN"j, Cetk of Virât Divislion Court, comprlin teTownsuhip of W-hLâb7y *te Toewu oet bl.by, ýrîthe yVl lage of Oshawa. TJOSEPIX WILSoy, Clerkof 'Second ~Dvisionu omet, emsprisiug tire Town-4 iblifikizing. ddxems: aunnPost I CHAÀDLUNI1D, g k of Thirdt Divi84 ibti oet4 ,oomprising the, Townakip M " i ad 8augog. &ddres: port k?,- I'citý, Clrkof ther# ouurthu doÛ« ttiag te*Ton an« ~i4~s~4Sbott.z Âddes 1g4 --) 3EUvrt -r- M I .'h i- t sir.,Xtt'»j--~*~ li 't--' il t~i.h~r - t t - t-riz i-tt'iti- - - I it ~tt t il-i-tt t t - i tîti t t - -t t - ~-' tit~.tt t,. t ,- t f~~~~ SIi :~-îx i i - -t h - - I -'l -.lut.. it t A -ri;,!, t P '-inr,- n îi iL-t -r 0 ;fritcte at,1ltle t tu.ît -1 tti IL t-tC. 1cr'.li t h-e t it(-ifitii- j il giterurt L i Y- l. or. .~xr t ;- i t '1 IL Lt t-rt-i-r i te t. t t- hi- r h -, - ~, - Xi .. t-- -- C' OARLËeS CLARK, ~ & J~1~~Clio!( Orders atnded te ou tire Ïhortest notice. WVhirby Mlay 14, 1858 FOR--SALE. ~5)ACRES -à Land, being tire Nortir Pa ticf Lot No. 5,St Suron, et 1Loier ru 2nDivision. ALO A CORNTÈR LOT !ln tbe town of LINDSAY frixutse41YfJeeIt Ã"n Lidsar--rlreé ei. lst o .rrttes Buildings. Appltto Wrn. AMoPHElISONý, 1A.-tgnee cf ihe Estate of Steptien Fuller 'tiiivOctolter 1, 18f58. 52,f AUCTION BUSIME3. Aîîc1io0necrf Commission Agent,ý A-ND FARRJEP. SCALL le reFpt'r;f*ilih-iiel ft-ot t Ltrtre it îig U I Etit,-, 1r it Ai-tion Pooms, Brock Stré-et, Wýrlitfr* i I -~i t.~-.,ttt j \.i S. Lt iL I t - i . - t . i c -- iii t t i t , t. t-, . t. t. tilt Lit îh.'r-tt- i t,-. - t, --i - *tt t-. . tt ~ *rt t Lt t t \-.-ttt -t il t t----------t -. - r. ih t-c lit --r t'tr.c.j - - t ir ru. fl j, t i t t i. Xiiît. lis Lî~ t -r tri--t- NitîLti 1Vir -- 2~îuîuPa~stîî,t;îiî.tiiîr~u. ~-I~u.t i CE- s, &o< ARE IN ItEVE[P'rOF Â 0510 1T'hzEaîý9 JCURRANTS, RAISINS, NUI Candied Peels, &o.; for tieir PRIrnORLOT OP JJF'AIOROBES ke., dirct fi-oratiti- Nortlr-wvest Pur Cà. Oifrt-e Finet.,t Q r ;tuty. 0RY01O (if the- L,'et Londîti. tParie, anti Nev York Sýt'ics- Thet IirkSttt i tItlî> . c.3 ANUîS - J ~Â 1)RO ( KC S"1'II"ElT W II - IX-B~CARIPI - i-t I-î tt liis Q St t(-e t' auliqt te einhotbitanu fri i - r;Ll%. ,rthîte :r v iitt.)-rl -îî-- t ire rnm rt-cet (. - 1 în;-ir lie uL>its m o u nliitîr and el ady 1 ~S/~\ ( SPIGE, fter BtO~k -t'-- I TTT~C1 1UIV5. Mîst lfa the Coint>-. "ER, 1>' andt lte Coint>' he vcnu tet J. 1. G, rri3's Druc Storc,- it t' hti ileleuihr&tt.. -rn tO ITti ttit tîîtextuînI-thet Stur-k bUt-fre pjirchaerîtg tItlc f f> 1~ hoU A tti ti.>, N o V..'2 i3I. 1St9l. 8 - -- - -- 7 f ~ \- - -- - --- - - - - - - - - - 13emililful Art ALIY~> 0,i T R G O D t'tIi îtiLPiittI't5Bk____IN "__________ tt Lt-t t .ri ît- t : 1--p i-:- 1.'t t t - - t, .t ti i. t utt- i .î;i s i <i r L.t 'I1h Village Elack 'nith, t Ut' t.t. i.~.. tn tin t r-t- tt ot i trit-ti irf) ttind W sterrt j n. t'. i:i.g.t-t.)~. E i î-I. -- of the Aesîi.ttttn. .Tire rr1t u Ar -hurtivan Itl'. -ti 'rriP4.T.:(.. CIii -ti ?n r teî i uira ribertis r: 'i ~'ire3. t'rt'tr. XAituii tii tu-r Lj--, j teiphoswti berei-t'Lr-ed up to De - I (EL liltfýLo W, Pt-aIs-e ri t)rîtiit -rîher 20, rît Mn. BF&L'4 iorsie, iundas ' Grecrc-r Si-oinlîttitr utrti5a -rit t'7iitt-, itrd on (mcitio'f" Jr-nu.- i;t-stilt i iettyer fotr n I Livtt18Mi c:the re îtmirrlirs r'%i ttu rîu-diid tharr it anv -otLit-r estuîttihburrî-it Lun- h. ý)stitcri.rirs. For fuitll tritin a- Coonly cf Onturio. t>eceiu t-r Art Jousrnal, puJce 50 c - -- -- -C. L. DIBY, Act-toY. JOS. NOURSE & Co. Whri t tutiîe- Eaistern Office, 548 IBr ~N- itait Dealers ln Groceries, IîtWri-,tincut ùr 1rstcrn Office, - W'Vater St, " tJrocklery, Gtttsswarri, &c., rit, tir.--,t. i drrek-e, 0. t11UGI F EI AT, Mrusicatlastructer, on - * H. O L -UL the rgati, Piano, Melodiorn, a irnl D kinds of stringet]inrtrurrnetîîs I M ElýDICAL ,-H A JI Ç~EORGE YULIî, Ju-RNt< Montreai Te'e- graph Cnpn-~fle and Whitby anti Georgian Ba>- Teoit-h Office, Dài- des Street, Opposite thse 7TIý cic 1 IJ OJIN LAMB,. Millwright, Dundas Street corner cf tByron Street, Wiib r. W ILLIAM THOMPSON,Saddte, Humes, Cottar, eund Trùnk Mlaker, sig ocf tirelarge ÇqIlar, Broek Street. TENRIW'fANNAM1, Plain and Ã"ot- fJmentatl Paieter, Glazier, P-aper B.4n&n- er1c, W hitb yîi m OMS ROB.I3ISON, Fuishionuiblîc IaCteBrock street.t I JrAIES »IA1, Ladiest and Gentlemens, and D-xudas streets. T)S 0O~ITN.-aen . Lynde, j1L, Dealer ,IlàGroceries,' Confectionar>- 'ýqm02,raté drinks, &c. A!! kiüdde c-f vege- tabiea ; f1waetygen h>tur1L Tbe-higlse tp' e paid lu cash ortrade,for Butterý, i'ggu, 4c. ýllo~rshoirestiy aud" ntuilyat 74te I MPORTER of and DEALER, in DRTGS aod tiEDICINES, Patent Medicines, Cutnbs and Bpbs,ÂcloiuuMriugFluid LAMP & MACHINE OILS- Paints, and Çoisrre>Fine TubPeints, and! Dry Colora1 Plates ,usand iis*es for Aiso Tinse Ppr, Tin,.Copper sud SuIvee Foul é -t' - t M!Zl XWFJr.D &CAMPBELL) )xte- Iobiifirr'î lîîs (listonlers* nnd the public thiat lie bas bit' t rvecivt'd bis FALl. STOCK, which will be found 1-trge anîd ct.îiplete. Consising of the laIest style in S[IA\\'$, M «N W.kR FA NNELS, TADIr--;&iMl ,USE-S. FELT-IIATS- bi ç1] ,- rF hW-N COtTON- BJLANKE'S 'c., &., &c MdY ceawt 33 'JIHE Subscribers t$bég to irformi theV*customers and- IL the Publié géner-al'IIy-that- thêir FALIL STOCK, is now completei. Whiicli -they -are determnine osl at GRPKATLÂY UMJCED-- IIE india imubber & Gutt- Peircha' A large Stik cf Ver>- Leer. CROSS- ce, CIRCULAR, A!fl CHOPING A XES. euncOrnronl,y low. rLc~i'AND IIOIJSE U1fSIG, T1r~-str ha.. te sus A -t'---- lnx great Variety. 0 -sr~ TABLE AÀ- IRAGIDSO % 4Andt vory description or ?O(JKT (UT1EIYShelf aud IWarvi Of Rogers, trîrd olirer celoir ated 'Mak er : j"'ITORONTO ý GUNS &rSIOk LCSIH SINGLE and DOUBLE RBAIIREI1. wAill iO weli'to oell and emamine their stoelc. SHIOT, POWYDEiÀ,. CAPS, ~kO. arASS c-. wrýliy , 18 g o -F- 'F', W& ati itlire attpntion of tire Publîg'to tbe -fatec Latfore the leet Tbirty L a Helîr, hlias been practically engageti in thebnsitiess,$jn -the -prîrlcip&"l l iu facror.es of the $rales anrd Caiadit. Tbmr experiene . ire, h r'thum acqu»red luin every thrrnchi of the Ntantifàcttir,-. and in rh#,,chcirrand selection l if e- Mâteila, ,nables bùn to defy ciopetition front any parrt orf Cmirr;da'or the Sta îS.' For beauty of de îign, ciegatêe o f apptînrance, tunr! iltrAlthLy.his work ictnoýý be exeçlfeti. Re lu flow on liard n la.rge unimrof CUTTE RS, SLPnGftS,ýI GIES A T TH1E LO0WE ST RE1IIUNîiERA TING -RI1UES. TAXE NOTICE-Al articles Mannfactued tmdër '-a Ws OM persoal siperintendenoo, aud aU woîkýaýitd. à Ail kirida of Lu mber aird Fîtrn Prtduce, taked in, Exch4Aige àt Mrket ýFOItDS C U ~~ T Decenher3 1~58 - /~ .Y. The &1b'ratcdt- GOAL IL LA sý Wr-'?ýg REÇIVED TUE auJ c;cess-n send lhte h1 ran di,-I, For $1,001 offers ta bu i 2,l11feet lo WoRSZTs U er sayo cf Scheneîtady rode thteotimb W~TTT - AT THE GRE AT EX(WITWriN Hert 'in -TOfONTIY, 'O-tober Ist ISE ,'F t' T .4 Q Q euth t >f boag £ lieue Ever shewr lu W-g1Çcuýsîn ~Meu4' ' Qeuir 80 Bo 'Ve. ud ard ats -~ -ACHOICEIýTOCK« 0F Ali ofeW ull esolhi cheap for C.&SH. W/ai>' .Ocýer 9., 1I8S. Ille- 1

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