Ontario Times, 3 Apr 1858, p. 4

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1- - Tie. Tise- Lituu ile t'the irst qtitatli)' -in ri-ai"ai-i'Lie -o-ulo""-Ler,% stor toery iouseisold, wshile lus con- worl of ett s eing Con- qua-aîionitbi>' Lise'Standard lu ts pesiudcoi Ithprnpe frgt ijuat Te*,uolbp. 'Noure>' n bcl an uaance sialerea i ndt-spensible oteascîtolaur aunaýieueceLunine Lime Iaapr-eunpare i taidvtou cLt rnipe tngi c retoscffru iuldngtuiiftre- tisa proteasional matu.in-hile te tise intellil- uîhscontenta sud abparunehusa SaIIjsieshhnmts uuposuoau qli"45 the 1iessaeau bai-e tise iglut te gent reaudur of es-rcm> e;viney- us i uier exianulnalstn aili coi'cide wiuitae, Uic -e analtise gocal; ILs ouject wmli .n ot Ie Lese. ore orret anl Lie'1'runss10 seL forth sounal rien-s on IuiicJal, Su- te»i.reo o te eae.mcorreclteruLne sisfifctor>' record outl tisa'aispatronasanaI tis e ranssl ronouncitag slau aunai Moral questions; Le diffuse asefuii 1. HAM PEPLRY, tuic ent itirtan caofithe daya Lhroughaout i o W lu eEKLT 1W Att, ad t ERiCA ehgraucasit"4 - Props-etor. trom ar,#oLiser sourceob iai11EBETanenities ut lire. Wb4y, LisMicis 1~8. 23-tf HARLY COPIES. As ait Agricuitural, llorticnitural, Liter- lls-rpera eeArly n-il cottain a fuli sisa - ~~~Tisereeipt ot adrance Siseets froni tbe an>'autiFamil>' h'awsapIer, combiasea, L impaurtial uiSmauîry ufthLie lPlitical, social ~ ~ Bsrn.~. Britishs pubuisisers gives.ai.itional v-e luralb as long beau uueqnaîled ,IL enu- lteiigioia, Comm rvial, analLitarary- Naws Liopl g nue o tisese -Reprints, luatsuvisau tise> cat> pieya.ttise banalnt, asandl ha illuàLatc-e Wis t ftise du.'.IL n-Ilchronicie tise lendit d'ý lunu urdor at rno eplaceal lu tise banefsuhucribers numeui costJy andalmppropniatanengrar- novemenuts of te age, record thse inven- f ~ Lasug 8~amq.Mana trus Luabout as soou asutise original editions. ingai.. Emsbravliug in one a gnaatgr number. iens of genriua, tise ailsercies ef seet *n~p, ~4y aI .111 aitrous 7'cloc T E R ~* etinsportalsi> useftlanal imuici.ttépksa tuh aanal Ie creationscf art t. lI, lu aSeo$ -ot e rl.p eti 4 es' ok lis tielcan-E Per 8 -sevarati ordîuar>' journal-ineluIuig rural .im to, presauan aceurate andl -éiste., Forlàan>'ione of t8iackfourheRas-ia Ps,&un.atffirs, science, umnca rus, education, pitur ofîthe âge l inticawli. lIssIea niuiercf ectaicuea metFor, au>' otofethLe tour Ranis, $3 00sstory, btography, mors.! essaye analtales, î ehî is iv ad e s i e. entio 0 0 oetny anal music, reasdhsg for yotitis, naisW ts atts ualutu ia iefe- vitis boardi anda148109s'ugueattiserage of $2 For an>' ibrea uf tise tour Reriesew O f iedy uaktrprs, 1k00- -ht lseux étetseniéiagntosdtéfe p.~~-ws~. For ah teurof tht Rariesa, 8 f00 hedmaclrkalet reortas, -ktg-.ILS reguiisr contenta. *ii embrasne -LVUaxA COVEY. For BlIackn-oo<'s Magasine, 3 ou itales, incIdents of trsiele anal adreut.u -Irop>n-l<>. For Biackn-ood snd tisnee Rcvien-s 9 00 A PAPER FOR TUE TIMES ! sketches et' chairaciea-1: iW "ailre, alâ wbhb>-, Macai1.,1858. 23-3m For Biackn-ood anal four Ranies, 10 00 Evar>' famiiy am allrd tise Rur4l for essay~ e Pn Art and morats. - Paymasia' les e moda e alcas ad. sal. ae minently> Instructive andl Culer- Tise Pulisei havIrde ariéraagenrents' Tl'0 P 1RI'N T EReaace. >Uo" ,jcas-rangta n s th&aue taititiug paper lis itua lttxtr>',but a ne-. ÎI ithte blit &mersican-mrilera1 wlue n-l whseAre*ad toiU - bc ree.d ait cessit>'. Indeana, all n-ho'aleire a hi8it- contribut. e tis1e rarieus depadusnenis of TYPE - Lnes!, progressive and emiwnîly pactlcal tise psper. -Tis alrge apaceet 4htïr dia- ~W~""CLUBBING. anal userai fstnt and finesîdas journal-e»ue pesai wiii anable the1p 'tors to a&y&J f~jj~i~t~01Y0 ~w Yrk ypeFoutim À AdîSeount of în-enty-five 4cet fe rus uicisiIO m i bngaui4 e%eap- Lieuuavesoal -IRTt, iVAs eYrkTyetFouisisd ttn uivepivsn ii~ loweml te Clubs tion, anal seanka te eutrance ia ea itnsdnothe" TIic aref 01 'Sa--f ~~~ ~»~> sau~ieiug fu4r or mors ac*sesut au>'euon euSaa iooetiebueorpnastfisWmm.ml dhlPh t~q~* * pue tre, fur besmore-cf tise atuone n-oiks.Thu .Pour teu et thoesaaan#ofrexdeme ofra'OCu - a VIgil4nt eyo Mp9* the iiâ O- héBs ¶e la* te ftmmniNh bis copies of' Iiat-kmvced, or cf utarie hiei n, upatlens, in botta towntnd cuquütrî-a-a Isi, Freh, andl Germsuriperiodica rlh $m'uèertpepared ttieban rdut nofiiçfr- Pm"i rai vel4n<-*s n sfaIirbok ud - will lie get to onepAidleats for $ o; unr tuvîttanl utny th0 Ituaiml. hbsprdcinofwi'Wi etmi we muô* n sint ookandne*s- copies of Lthe four Ravs-IanauaiBîckweood THÉI'IT. OsUIFOR 1858.,,terrealtg the pajer utaaderabeir chsarge,- pers printng :q, fil rtouatl te suit pàr- fer S30; sud seoOn. Wilîlibe prmni o la intype andl au.. ar IV.e14 la uý otltaMde las"Y ,taëM l e an anal ornamenýtai 1OST &GEapnirppcndonilear newhe sffrucmex - tégêuperseale or ta ta" ite - ta ai tyeVek e" Ornemuents, Musie, eîrpW,--hl.n te foto x té., milàfaetured o et slit ý Subssriusers in Canada seul recels-e their pense îsit[be sjaedo mukaithe itrl con- umBairr&-,* wMouUly iiaspzlaej Rec eq4l t' n; fb'tbs cýntYandfins à nmbes reeofUnited StatetsPostage. tutiuuly woritty tise immsettctac-reiu1atiotàPeriohical il cieitîtcf tée sorna -i*nk îjueîsw ntry sHefiaie'l N. B. Tise paices lu Gr«uutBritain r ofhue t iastaluss a £ong - casses a"lproper sphè~re.; ando -porion -o'the joàt. fiur*I~é,e utsnstick-, Fis'. Perledicais above inauncl lu $131.pert htctlgbout the wn-Iole counatry. , -*kit iLto teui iofthe, ne ll-ape aaMn ,0ranc &. s-,juus our local paper tise sRs aialpes*.phùU.Lsao ô0woE AL YPS$ The MPartS9% Qulj4,. This, ui-a>New Torker i laeiW she4 r emp ptOda i g<csltreWekh>', o uli nsber coin rlsfug- aight ustsltauii" "u ký i esq oupat I geI" - uatopaes,[fr' i'i ei 1;", fe C" p iý Üprir - ýýydpnaer Tta y, Henry' Se$sens, F. )P. S.of EBain- !lie tmt. astat illustrauteal ùdagaqpers rfuadonuct,i i(s assde, e t~e ot q P ea yale fr i ib1 cois ora rdr yp eeiý, , #ofds tegIs lt wIuirçdsottîthu 4ý*14i*OUti rint ubutrsls-ofo1-- Mv4 u.~ t--n Jo ner. 1199sand umer . s Wood nd. - .. tp STORE. TO-IT. 11V FRINfCR A LBDERA T I STOREIR tael>' erectea ou tise Ei aidaet 8,,ituoe-streat, opposite tise1 Is-grapi01f[", n-clsuiteal fon a Gene Store. Si1ze-36 ms 24 fi ,-enury ir diatel>'. For furtiser partieulturs coquine ARCHD. CAMPBELL. Prince Albiert, Oct, 1857. >JtST REOEIVED AT vaI MEDI2AL HALL, BROCK5 NASSORTIENT OF 8 ATIONEI inschbas QUILtL anal S EEL PE: .EN-IIOLDERS, N ote,]Letter &Folscap Pa r Rule 'v. W. H, kv. I4o LUT. g DaLic. -TOme.T mNY emttea toe Eaglaud, ifreand t FFICE over tue bubacriber'o Store to CAMEROX, IIACD(»NELL k DARTNRLLt AM;an nl ae, nlIslsP4y Let. Apply tu ARRISTERS and .Attorüey's-at jan-, -ieai sigisit aie sumt of 41 Sterling analoiiost h oiit osilCn ~a~aa~.sa~ Sid,, pasd. AisO Emligratuin Tick-e fur- JQEL BIGEL1OW. Smctr Ots en> ozclCa k "01&pm-pertion. ,PnicewrCis.ap. 'lli b>' Buchanian, Webtter& Ce. Whiîb>, 121h msreh.1858.' 23 Conreyancems, &C. My-tr à 4NN MACHINE, 1 t.A. M.IICfHR&JN, e Q, M. C. CAvsox, IB. J. MA&CDONNILI. Ime'iîo 1ral anaisIrig. P081 Ragler Whii4sj. F O . A la .uG. il. £&lSL lisln_________________and_________a____ OFFICE-lu tise Court Bouse, Souths Belttn Belti> et 0oSpan latrge Bat>' brce, 4-as ti Wi ILoe aparntIausek French, Cat.atdian l'o- W biub>, Nos-ember, 1951. 6. Ion-. O n 0 HSUD lor s have une- onisand nies 6 >'ears oid; oua new Peding Wagon;-N R Wiu»IeautlT audifor Sale, rer>' Io-, an-o pair of Bob Siîgis ; onescovereal Buîg. A A AT P O D oft<' wo:k ouniband or doue tu INDIA -R UBIIER BELT1NG a; W St dullane;tOS-IS moved to Desbtat's B.èi!dsnigs, Front 3 te 14 incises single Harnes ; one Ilearse neur aud good. ST *HR r-S.' àRE . A.,G.ALEXAN DER. 10 onu lo omba>' andl Manilla Rope, frou Tefovai orshortcedt u ed ow r oe ar(hkli, t4th MIarvis, 1858. ' 25-6m. j4te 3 incis., o aho hotcei nedusdnt: EPrpitr fIisrtbihe 100 Caaks cnt Nails, assaated aises. WILLIAM XMePHERSON.,, bel[te roniors Io rts e ablsnt 50 Tons Bar, Iloop5 anal Baud Iron, as Assigace te tise Estate Of 8 FUILLERI. that t btoiaen lise Prlnte t anda sorted sizes. Wisitb>-, Marcis 22d, 1858. 25-id reatai>'for dclivery a large quantif>' ut Uf n ru A m~ fn 25 Bdies. b est Spring Steel, from 11 te 2 j- Sma.'t Pica, Long Primer, Burgeois ' and ~JVVA 11~1i 4.IU 109 locs.*' logaIludFAR M F0.flSALE. Branler, of Scotch f a -ivt the>' n-lu i'$m. 01 oi ter'e PlunhIs, nrldVs, c &.& -gaaanuee caunot ie.,murpaaepd b>' mn>' 1loriG tise West.haifv ofLotcNo, 10, laikFotinair>'upon liais cotitnent for d nlilihy -Every description et Siseif and Ilicav urteWs af fLtN.1,i JAME . L RK' I ar ae Con. ut Reacli, nean tise tlauk Rond. and aupearauce. ME8A CLA K, iandre.Tite Fan consiats ot los Acres, 100 acnsm. 'iney- bave aisoenrishatua a cisoice assont, DÀG(Ugl]tREAi) ARTIST I1S.)9) N& LDSON & Co. uofn-hici t!àcareal. 30 acres are Ilrugi- menrt:of varnions kinds .cf Onmn-tal Tylie. Prvi2il nandoeCopay îesseaeaîn ci etn nthe ) Teprives iiWtetis adote room fomery ocnped b 3.I 0Fro 'rORol N-rm e o, mpany. ;n Thereaure Two >rrame DweUl. Types are sold I, i t "e C _daT>- nFounutr>i OF TRONT,,C)W.ersnes, ai good barn 3o x mo, twt' -sU be tounai at le -st 30 pen cent]lts BROCX STEET WIIIB ,~a Shets eacb 20 Xn 48 : an excellent tjrcîuart îan tisa> couid bc purvisased pras-ious lu BR'QSbnOC tua tie lasIInsoWIT- USCIIE APTLof5,2. tthe best graPfed rtuit tree.. Ieutnitu estabishment. ýGqbin0= he nhaitate rWht- UBSRIRD rPITL £95,20. ïuppi>'ofuiriter. Price $6,000. S 1,o00 1L is tiiercioralu lue iopeal that tise prin. hY and Illtuading country, ttatbu- PAID UP CAPa lAL, £96,7 14 lu. Caîsitu do% ut, and tlie ibalancetti fis-e ealsai tera o et aada ii1Ishow tiseir ampreclu.- eau S bounalas abi-a rt-aid>'at ail limues tu - nnt..instatlanents, inithoueintenest if 'nidaî ion ot tis a naantaugas it isolas out, b>' be- wSt poIS iiose n-ho tisu>'fanon hlm snWith paKsitsES-J. S. UOWARD, EsQ. aclen ditse, but if flot 5seîaid interesu aili stowiisg ti ons it a tain ahana of tht-m 3-at-. aaîfl fronC P ES. lû J. n. CAMERON, M.P. becisturgeai rinnidatie. nunagc ; is retur urton nicistise propria- - ' - Famnîlernisforma.tion van be obtarneai tors pie-age ttisisselves Le Iqtqe inu neaus- AL rnothe pnoi>iemon on tise iropent', or lu aintieal tugis-e tise ulost aiple sauistac. au> ' fe'th ie following descriptions Di recters. aIaressing (post-pàai,) ion. 4 brotypel, CaMeetypeii, S-Iere- G CuIAwnon, Eiq., Y.t'. G. DecomA!, Jr. Esq. DANL. SILVER Pinters !nmatrk te reuliptionilu the pricei ,,Pt5s £lfbrogrsphs, Lettergaphas, & lion. J. I. CArtmoç, bi.P. CapL P. W'ALLACE. o f Tyloe sisuce Lih;s Founsèt-y n-as ojened; ~Pb~t~gwa>Ii.A.M. CLARK., Esq. a u. lion. W. B. Roir- B uokiin, P'. O. -and beanr inaitisa tarreaten neductialu Leaittr sd PperTrastas euas Aua'o.oEsBass,M P. Wlitisy, Jan, 28, 1858. 1 7-9jas Iends nop Y ouac é 0u mtoi, AlOtise, ndPprTrnfrseulJ. S. loasAt, Esq. J. CÂstini Fsq saulifll-tise Trad*wtbTypes or envis quaI- te aDy lritbeAe. - F.WHtrTusauaua, Ekq. ID. MACDONELa-, Esq. 31 US Ir, A L 7U IT ION, la>' nad at sncb tances as iili lreveni tht-i ,i utsia eetnyoneve.Mlrna :D AD ATN L~ne u-ssity ut patronixang foreigis manu- Wisdtl ardciiefursyorsel t. Iasiurgen:DWia .i.WeRTNELsaEs S~1ubscrioer, hanktui ton tiare iibenal fis'nre cfat- ie nni WhiiyXrcl25t 188. 5-t. lispctoofAencc-s EA.WaTusasqýT suporu extende o i t lunag bis l'le tuîlon-ing list o e fth rci resideuve lu Wbitboy, begs tu intorm tise iin- lual arîies reqained b>' Pniniers, avi.i give L01,SOl lgN OR IISLAID. .g t inhalsitaunts ufthtieton-n aind sur-routidaaag m;salit-a of tise gremat airaaages ftuttie Can- C. DRApc, Esq. ..... .........«. WhitbY. country timat be is îuoun prpnîarcaIo ruaci-t- da Type Fouanar>' -A Preinusaor>' Note for Fîfleen Poîmnau J Auîzss, Esq-................ an adit nsauiber of puisils ait bis e- icE: tesft Siihings.froin Thuomams Youag aaind JI. Bat.rsu, Eaq .............. Ossawa. s;idence, Coll -me sîreai. lastructaoaugareainpa s-ie *on »Moltleton to Jeramiala Conten, daiteaiJ J S. GItusoN, Esq........... Baventon un tIsa Piano, AMelodeun, andal al sýtraaged ' liaion................2d....lb. Pjeerig.Octber lotis, t85T, andi payaleIl.eB.JE-- osEsq .........Aslibubarne. iiistrunients. Parties desirous ot reci-aaug Linie...................2. lai 8ilx mouLis afler date, 1Tis is lte0nuli'y unIl C. Bon-in, Esq. ............. Sarouro. lassons aiL thym residetace, n-ill be aitenJed BIurgeos............ ......là i ud îa 'csotuii ajatnit rccemving tise abane Noie -. l>'tise Subacriber. Tisree or tour y>usag Long Primer ............ts fbd - >',t, r Otlern-ise negociating tueflher.lades tronu tise ountr>'. desirous ut rt-cea- Sil ia... .........lud.. saune> 1or tise ot bsbeu ltsr at ORONTO.CiTy Bâsx Or MONTRICÂL. g tr , vcsa i dvasoatdwtl ....................d.a çtln o ilad EW YOIK->Icssrs. Dcivàx.Siigaxa-a 0. The ubseiaerhaa .,-î..u - Mgt Alilotiier Book Fonts in proportion. JE EMA CNN R b eriedai aMusictal Educatiai tah i rs Leads-5 t ichad hcer apan lb. ]Pickering, arcb 22nd, 1858. 25-3in SolIos sools in Germsany, aunai fels thait ia-b-cai iîo t piva la 3d ; 8 t> pîvat, 1s9Cad. A 'adMassrs. DUGOAN k BURNS. gîise place tu nu hînsician i the Pros-inca THOS. J. GURRIN &Co. A ua bM is knoaleaige oh« rgein .luasic, aunai aiSi. Therese Stret-, IID rhtct ii n EAD OFFICF-TORONTO Sr., TORONTO laiius oh Strnaged lIastrunmat.s. Msatreai, Marcis 15, 1857. - gneer, andl Land Agent. Office. No -TRI IEIL N. B.-h'ubisliers of Newspapt-rs giving 2,5>-yrota StréeL, near-tise ruaidenea ut J. Il FARM RATES le tdues tot assatinie tae Lit- utf Profa-.ssor insertion La ith s advrntisencint frtWon Perry, Euq. Mayor. Tise firectors batse lattel>' madae a con aut Culi>- suaicibva hiniseit usontis,, aili be aiilowt-d iheir Iitis uporr - miaer able reductiasfth tIe rate.. otu isolaiteaiIl urcla.sinîg ia-e tintes thicr aniiint oftour TQ M DICA MEN ~ Fan Risks, ta n-hlmbue>' nouid dran- tt- I'ELITZ, maifectune. Eitors ma-lji unfter aultaison iro NlE ICrAL M N, &c tention ofFaner gr etril>'a-,y. Mîiia b dt auuiigaîutn.au t~uahe announve- 1>1. MMCOYT'8 Finianal Marine busin"s oast crn>'des- triu'.OLbnu-u it-ut. T. J. G tCo. OB3STRICÂT StIppoRTERS, cniltion traissacteal b> tbis Conipana~~T à B.iseidàlo twDs lon-raues aissai>'respecta-ble office. andnlTi t eiProklo h a - F T'NEXI 111INCAVNA DA, lsssprompîl> stIed on saiisfamvLons Andl reommended isigbli>' b>'tue toliosning proot beiug madea. TIIE PEuPîE.S' FAVORITE. U E D L A M(edîcal Genlenics.:- - Torontoa 2t August, 1857. 1 -if %% IIAI' XILL I'L' DU !!> Dr. Lon-, )ÈR.C.8.L. Dr. McGan.L. C har]Ees flickenf' Iousehold Werds. IT WliL PROCURE FOR YOU A WHOLE Dir AatoDr. Trccaa. (iTfli(1 rlINT lfllllhiAf Dr. Reti>. - Dr. Aua.iw. STi)Y I1i T IJI U rIihî'IE Soissenter avài isereatteripuliât e EA Pr, 0ouA r1s Dr.PàTrrsona. - s j£tise Atnu'ican Mîoaiotly Edituoti oliai- ýBallou's Dollar M'ontly! ' W. K. DOBL> Medical flall, Suie lAgenm AND justi>' culet ratedl~Iua e for iae is itca or NY.bitby. StLe5s ad Canatdats, à~ or aimotut tise 1l6ia Y 1HERE are onet-pnared pages ut rndm- Ocoe 9, 1837. 1-6m SheEt xon W are. oit-acta soauh, onth i tial.iîct-slaaeu ts i-I 1 nae n.ter insa cdi tiaOem ut Ballon*s T H uscie eg; to into-in tiseelas- -eveveeaib> tL' "iu arasgea l aiDulîtar i/oaatiuy. habitaints aitft'a itby>'andtirLemasur- aelirs. hiradbury aldEs-vas, Lime Londona 'asn-o Jpages utf(icly eecutedu on- rounin iit 'aaara -rit lie lias paanaliaseaî 'ulishin. -giaaui uontous illustrations alàso embelliali tluë stock uf Ma he as alalatce, aaid in- . AIl e o > u tissena to hluedLuuienca-la nuaim-r. tends Lu cuaryo..cbusins ia il Ï9 tî Z.lordâ amt u îiotsal afrtun is- oen Levs-abundreai pages of reaiig ara;,uidev imtlIig isrotianemmaes4. -0as:tamuas Iaretuns t-uni une comm aaut.ttere n uinn, lor tiseunpreceden(ýd a-mbi on xpt-ience iniu cianninaoà rieo nedla - - & Brota~ier tas a practicil scunkuan, atndl ss Furenitaur SPLENDID LiBIIARY, IL is jaust tuicla a n-ork as an>-f7y Xe~srs. Carpouter "ntil at -s-t-e su r an Mcsns. tisai. Il mouae ttuinu- ti-ela rralrotîcr or ftinactaisoulal Ittroduce -i T Ots Ilnfasrm thtePubalc that ilis es net- kCo., ut Torounto. hc fet4isoaa;lieaers- naixetsmueCataîla-gueutol iul o a i tsrset î e~tes rgtts j> ~ ~ ~ ~ o haaetae lelssns tMetts. T fl.I-at in stating dontmiail n-nrk emnt-a i ii aou '-traeiatumiir,. o1. cu.auaca.aaad wiuut lpot;Wk hecee K. Sériipture, adi ntit]u>Ioascurry oithî, "lm mW'11 te Ierlormmd un a mariner ihuat n-il i toasT. B. I'eaeriuau'aaduaaaie.-lnmu eaiiata, - I u'larsf tttn haei imaaaiutuu4r t~I iiaa!Cmi&agor 1 .. ts-etl4time satisfaction. s has .kn' -ms ueiiuiiusziue Lu due world- ho Wagass (jgsuat1itav ns>). Iliagres. (Cut- An excellent assortment of acatutainly lluA.tuted n-ils ont-tlite iiit'aaa. ILAus aaayfal-udi-te ti>yM.Blon -a tes 9legai , '11 otwhmrhwnililue sol>'! Cook, Parler ansd Bosx Stoves, e t'aeta-îaal nWood *u njsavaaîgs, b>' d luus axau mr xelati ieBso At gMqo, P-lu oWing Lu tse inlounl.rd Ck' T lua ru iksanaiaak, îîiLeecs, Matlise, tekv Iintaesh'5.S. toie o gesq ofttiseti-'ss fui-eaniBg'e I ru ne u eaa-ig te tatuat tseauti ttil dpenisaci caeta- eu-atos-e.tdspeaonsta Alujarge qsmAs.rtty o c.o ýU n luthe maoi, - hIiu -i, icana-auictUiu'asl i noir ou 'bantt. wbitçh is n-ieb.soldat Cai a Es-'description of Copper Worktmande F IL E E O F C 0OS T illut insa.otan'diiut rtce .lla*sanal issatr. tu arair.i'acuianeranisoignlails Whitby, tTct. 10, 185a7. n-uitasU uLataATE PuSaSES.inna1, A GOO TWO-STOItY IoUSE si unIe in the Low-n ut Wiitby; ILt h good water anud ý aery other coînnenienc For particulars appl. Lo PR. IL W. CLARK. Sep. 16,. 1857. t auThe Chuambers of Aiaermae." LIFE ILLUSTERATFJ uaTuK or Las-arn." A FIRL';'- CLASS %VEEK'LY Pi LTUIAL PAPEIL for Lise Friensmai Priagress tiaid tleir Faunilies. FuURTII YE.t-SUB-SCRtIRE NOW! The First Naaaab'.r of the Fourtîs Yean Luis poîsular journal will appt-an o, tî 1lst of Noccusise. Thse Plan ufthtie Papi entabraves: A WEEKLY SUNIMARY 0F PASSLNG - EVENTS preign, Domestie, Literar>-, Scientili nnbllunn itar>' lu s-er>- Numter n l portant niovements in tbe buisiets norl caretniiy noteai. A great canietv ofast mI estisag miceilauaeosiieýliigeuce. Tie m vosdanteed, so Rato ptesent in a moderai Comp*!ft eyr3-tiiing wiluiv an intelligel fuutuil>' otigbis 4n~tow. .SIONS 0F PRLOMISE. Tise Condaîctors out1-l ILLtSTEItATEL belles-e hattthe good ima _ning. auna iai assiduunts in a-.ironicîanz tisai pronsa to lansten it. lNu-,W nvn.- caul(Iciaitrs-l - laie laubor. I.romtnoe coni ant iaie suifae ing. andi dignif>' lite, arecilustarated an descnibec. Ut-naiinp itprove ni n t a departnients ut af.airs buu fin fniena i tis journal. EDUCHTION. -Despite asar nnuerile a -hItan Colieges, anal thae nversal interest in e( ucatton, Lthe futtai as clatr asdie dai., thi une aren-etot yet au well-instructed pt-upl lOnr Scliools must le isiproa'ed, atiuai o Culleges netormeal. Tiis retoan, deainad byi th iae ats, ana i la>the n in1sa aice o uoancoaîutrv aanong Lime ultioni i thîe cartia. ta une wich tise emitrs of - LxF ILLUaSTERATEO" arciiosi aoivitoim top pi mute. 110W TO BE IIEALTHY,- Wit.istisa finest ctanmate anal tbe m* glasraous contry >poa ihhla>Lie sun s5.sinv ire are n nahion ut itivaids 1 Betienmenit is the irai necessit>' ofttie people, andi it oaae urttie oljects ot -a Las-s ILLUi-rsuasTZIa to point ont tise causes if IlIis eaui tu adth uleans ut i eguining aind preserviaig it.. GENERA L Li ElTîcRE. sketcess mcrpt ive. lisLorir al, and ic graphicalï »' he bbe-st Wa'lrs; nuiices naav tsoek&sO art; sceactionTta-îamtthe iii jaeriodicala, lhome andl tareign; fitw idea: or aila on: ne uti'appleal, Witii ii it-i hute to thse value auna i imvresL ùfut o columns. 'FINALLY. Wk&u~verssiy tend to IllatLeratan Lifée upasses, whailevercn mat> ssi.q otan reul-- tu tire wisely, la> lire blnpity, on tolil- lonuij-Às ompri-histid litm oar Iplan. IV àispîre to itulie-our papi-r tasntlu e-a respectofits. naisse; anal ÎIe tvseismudai mutans anal f acirauiest for nîîamtning oan ail a-et, -as nWeil as su xperia-tiu'e urtacet iun pbilI;jpmanpvriodicna. - - TERMS. Th- ilaibrates ton '-Lis :TLLUItRATET are is fUiIows4 W ,lie ailm st-nil Yen voaai* aelcaan for $ 10 00; rine copia-a, oneie ca flan $6 0);Tiare copia-s, oaî(- ycan, fo $-1 00;; One 'opy, ue year. fr $2 00. Atn ;aIaitioni.nimber ahi thte sainte rate. l'ai mn-n îistti-tliy in at.1alaca. Tise putis. aetL no Iuisgv Lliasnpautitun. A 6Duttes3 F0 WLEPR AS.LWgLLS, 308 Bnautdsvava, Newr York. P.S.-Samîle nuinbcnsa lw.îias sent gr.tiý Subscriptionissnia>' e comaneaicealnoir. I "LavE ILLUSnTZRATtD " wn-lieelus go isev subsenilibers tlaree waa.ahs, onu trial. 1i wreaty.fi-e cessis t e/.tisaz it mat>be tried i t.,, riut tull>' undýnaood. V11ENNA PLASTER. I-Agent fuir the sale ut ulma auboeepla4te Ne* York, Xm t, 81 1.AMES W IL HTON, bM.D- TE depau a addit Meafrn& tive v-cars l- a vin- mdan sd ti L, aud te, uite. as Co. 1 a - r- tTEDOFC-uta.arhSnlud lie fotrth is a catisant,r, -_ndtccuanpania- N.B-Drect1ons Iforithegsihc la a! . .sd i ou r m l a ad . .i a ther- r m i-uer i s au t' th e iilis nw h i e an- i nts ilu err>'d iso rd er a em aM ied t e eP a - ed Albusiness conuecteal witiu Life Assur- gaged ila juriiyîugtise -bloosi;tisascoar2m'î box. le- ice transacteal. -pnilau mui'wsc mtulIMM b> Fr ate by5messss. ROBINSON> LUIBA LI Agssr aFOR uly,-eo.lDartutîl _ tfioili tstam rethaïs tut4i «itiaslcOti.. NISTER -'td DOEL. a- Wbitsy, OCt. 2ih, L857. 44f reu'ed. off lungwea.qeantluea bbtb.bo1857. frasuatise ssbstre, Iit i lo*n tisaiDr'. Wib' stbr 8 ar MQNTREAL WITNES W Z~ldian fot Pilla ûoly tleuer the., . - tr: M IVIMIA,ýILstoinsèh utecme Uited wsla thle hlss ifl tDý E-eWaaéà Zail! S;rtait st>'1d wsu>' luevery. pw4 and toua.-<10 ,t'o# aW -iilapurit7-, andl tfile tif tse body, wbMh (Lai Pabi Paiwe lyaN i Adae/c aqunj »lck1nand p bain Iiris (Laie MOFFAT's8 OILD rie» iS RepoIIE9 .RW T. LIFE PI'11LS fRCE 50 CENTS. Enclose pen in LIfEiT-1US XENT :ast àrns letter witb cash or postage siamps, and BYrRoY XS2 r ,' ~wwftjay ~. PH5EN I X'BITTERS~. by retunmailyjolwikm«ivehe nawiesoinmaee rpH"ESiN IY IIN «~ good snew* AuidresT me-~ bet'ore the publie, fir the cure of 1LITT the inhiabitants of Whitby And the. e of Serofula. Ulcers, Scurvy, or Ertîptions ,f 22Srvu, New.York publirait hatbbas opemied a Li -ery Stable th km erran gîe lipea, rp - et the abore place, wbere ae. will eqideavour sy, ini fact most ail diseases tauon yield goA N UiD INLIAN DOCTOR WHIO to acconunOdate Ail who ma.j avor hlmu gltiir curative properties. bhas mîaa4le lait fortuine and retired rrom witb tbeir orders. It bas been computed abat during the iast -business will spend the reitiainder or bie N.B.-Ffràî ClaM Ilorse end Cairingeg twentv-five years upwvards of Four Millions days i curing that îlreadful diseuise-Con- or persons bavre bteen benefiîed b>' the use sumption- -Free of chiarge ; bis earnest de- N. R-AY. of tbese anedicines ; a tact wLitab speaks qire being to communiciale to the worl ii Whitb,Ocyîo1. 1857. volumes in favor ofthieir curative proper- remedies lisait have lirovil succestftl * i. ýRY ies-al single trial ivill iace'tiem Iaeyund an re than 3,000 raseý.le requires eacb NSthe reavb uf vompktition ini the eâtinatte uorapllîant to send tain a minute description pes-rs evuery pal ent B> their use the Blood, Je of the sYmptoms. with two Straps. (6 rfs xres esRestored tu a lleaaltlîy State aund Cree frans an ptiy thid returu letter. Iin wlîieb le wil ali lmrpuritkcs. The systern is faot re- rettirn tlîem bis advice pre4Mrptiora, witb di-- daiced dniring tbeir operatioin, hut invigo- rections for preparing the medicines, &v. British a4dAd uicn Expres * raîted, analdue> require no restraint fruitu The old l)octor bopes thaï;those afi ia.l ~ . (,EI businiess or l'leiisure. will not, on accouant of delicae.>, refrair. -The afflicted bauve in Ibese medicines a trom consultinglhim bertaui..e be makles no 11118I Compay is>- ul oriward. hy sC remed% thaîtt will do for dtaisn ail tiatmedi. uaa. ias sole object in advcrtiding i1ý I Pas.sengi.r Train. ini ch iarge of a Spe caite cals jiossitîly efTect. go do 1ait the goodlbe cilln, before he dies. --iI Messenager, Xfoney, Parcels, and it- l'rep.ared l'y W. B. %T.D., lie ta'els thait hc is justl>' celcbrated fur cure Freight of every d'citan iît~ bas rieor, ew ork.of or osuimpion, Astlia, Bronchitis, Ner- treaaeilu possible despatch, to' tilt ports of masVou priio, ewYok.c> tion liugs, "olds, kv athe Canadas, United States anal Enarope. C.Fors9 %le a1) îil ar,. uî Cbemists lin , . Druggists. (Aildress) DOCT. UNCA-s BRANT, Orders received for thir îtàrtita3e of 17GmBui 353 1, P 0. N. Y Goodo.-Drafls and Bills colleciîed. CHE8'l'ER DRLAPER. CHE6P 8. DDLERY & HIARNESS THE GREAT ENGLISR RIEXDFY. %Vlitby, October 1857. WAREROUZE. D. J. R.. PH IL Pl lAIKES the laresent oîportaiiity or in- «) L farming lais imeonus Ctistunierâ and ýC- the i'ubiic gencally, tuai he bas snJM~ L R ' 1 RE, MIO V L TO D UNDA S S 7"T, Celebraied Feunale Pli. * (Grîsliore's ola stand.> for th ultrpose of Prepa-ed from i prescription oaf' Sir Jâ Of ting more rentrai fur their acctaîmanoda- Clarke, M. D., ilbysician Extraord.eary'1h lit tion. tic would alîsu inform LLe Cuâtoniers the Qaîeen. Thîis invaluable medicine is er, wlîo Iliaiv--Iaeei iii thi habait uf deaiing ii& ainrailing-in the cure ut ail those jiaintul theelod stand to u-licb lie lias remuved. andid angerotas disorders incident tb the te- ., timnt lie rst respevttuily soliaitâ tlaeir jan. malIe constituition.. MEDICAL REVOLUTJIOqI f 1 groufage and supîport, and wouid gay tha', It moderaitps nIl excess, remores al oh- TH1E WORLD VN4A7jfOV-91 Ge i ifirai-rate wurk and a close application to striietiains, and Iîrings on the montbly pe- b 3ines, will do nnytliag for iaim, he wili ro ibrauaiy hs ussîud H LO A ' OINTM ENT."p *î>l 701 be tounal bebiud the imes. be used for tvo or tbree weeks previouil ta A large stock of 1larness, and agond confil ement; tbeY fortify the constitution. TeG~ ene riat W S ssormen of hipsandBits coistady ed lssenthesuff'ering during labor. ena- Te(rtCige riil ateoniand, wi ic wiii be soid it lai:es ta> bling Lbe niother to perforni ber dulies witb RE virus of disesse ofien maakels iw-ay sti s ast time3. Sgr itepairing dune wcil Baud>ty toberseit and cbitd. 'l T th tbeý- internai orgumns Lhironghils k anad at the sbortest uiotiCe. Tiiese Pilla eboulai not lue -aken b>' t- pa resa cf the lis. -This peneusang loiis- In b>, Ncav. 3, 1R67. 5-tf maies dîîring the FIRST TIIREMOl(N liS ment, melting undiar the haselm as it i rub- of Pregnaine>', as tbey are sure :o.bring oaa bcd in, is absorbed Îisrougb the sall o Miscairiage, but ai. any otber ime tbey are- ebannels, aind reanu.hag,tbe seat of influima- JORN BRYAN, satte. lion, prlomifly and invari:ibly sutilses i4. *u TLNSu m~Er IRON AND lu ail vasteof Nervns i d Spinal AlIea-b.tl ocatpd in thse kidnej-s, tLi.iler, ýriNSLIE'r 1LONAN lions Pants iL 'lie lack nunit Limnbe, lien- th u igs, or an>' othpr iîsporant orgaï. r CO5PEL-~N ITI, 'esq, Fatigut: on Sliglbt Exertion, pal- Lt peitîrates thse surface tu thse intep'or; nil CO1u,ý;ITl itation oft tie leaurt, Lotvaiess of Spiritea. tltrongb the coufftless tubes tbat communi- ail rS uiiwa>-s îrepaîred to execute Oràlers for llysterics, Sick llead-itche, Wliitos, and ail caLte witli tiskin aits uiarer rain paSses iai 1work -wivth desapataaAnd on limerai paulutul disorders occasioned by a disor- austo Ldet evered eartb, diffusing ius cool ternis. tred systems, these Pilîs will effect a CU ureaid,regenerating influence. niSTOVE PIPES %WIToLESALE & RETAIL. wlien all other mettais bave tailed, atLd ni- k1ieis&OazdZa5.Îg ýn4 though a ~~~ ~povertuil remedy>, do tat onitirai m&Oadu wu CooIrianqSteve, elaeaays on Ifand. iron, calomnel, antimon>', or an>' other mai- Every species of exterior irritaion la le Sieea Sins ou --neraul. -jaivkly reduced b>' the anti-influunsatory She-, kis, hlCoîsper, and Co*ton and Fiait directionîs accompan>' encba package action ofthiis Ointment. Ang-> ermqsions a iie tîîi ags titkeiinu exclaunge. Price, in the United Stautes and C,ýanada. 4inch as Sait alJiîeum XBrysipelas, Tetta.r, u Bl .-I'trson:i reaaiaraaag tiesevicees of one Dollar, a liugwors, Sciaisi Head, Nettie IRasha, Braites a- Tiiiker, for puîîiaug nia St-jves, cans baîve. Suie Agents for tbis Country, (or itebà) kv., ie ut, t-o returti no more, Lh te sainie by apîsinag Lu TUTTLE, MOSES & N'uitTHRor under is aptaliqation. Hosapitial expaerence JOFilRAN Newcastle, C. W an ail parts of ti world proves lus iufall- ru itbJolOct,;1857.%14 Agents in Wliitby: J. Dl>e,. . [Robinson. bility'in diseases of the akin, thue musclest G.A.iutahlister uand %W. J. Sutton, Osbawu tbe joints.atu1d the glands. »st CA-IRIos, CIRCULA4 RS, SALP I I3IL _____________ 2t, ei adT m lia nal ver' decriatio -.The effeet of ibis unrivnlled exttamai rem AdveydsrpinD R. M O RS E edy upon Scroamins, aud- otlmer viruilca i. LET E -R S ~ I ~ G lDA O T PL alcers andl sures, is alnost miraculous 1 Exeute ontheshotes noiceanimoi, irsL disehargesthe poison 'aîhicis produces lue ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~R Ex'ueimnLm îoretntc u ot MORSE, the inventor of Mosa ipporaitiùn-and prund flesh, and tiausLb. reasonable ternis at it te .F dian Root Pillas. bas speaut th, cures wbl t-b ou ealing properties afterwsr T 63 ', Ie"PIi.uting Estabtmishment, grater parn of bis lite in travelling, baviima, uoniPlete are sale as well as permitaent. 0- Dad Sirct-, laiby, C.K visiteai Europe, Asia andl Atrica ns well az-W Mds Ms U adCU of North Aumericu-ias speasit trea Tears- ~ -rsc,.uszadcl c among tise Indiana of oir Western country- Is causes of tise-fracture of -thse bon es as A PARK TO BE LET. -ilt was in tbist wa>' ibaut the Indiais Rooa aajuries cau.zed hb>-stei explosions, Bruise ru- Pulls were irst distuvereai. -Dr. Mlor.4e wa Burnis, Stauids, Rbenmatbf , Stiftrneu oaitth lia~ [O B LE ONLE SF.fora pnio Lie frat fi Lotustabiiisb thse tact thiat ail Jointsand contraction of tis( inews, îlus T 'o j seveis yvairs, aîaoi:ttsixty atres 00 .1iîeases arise fromtaimpunI>' t f the Biood- mtoed u anîyrc meedb cleiured laund, beiaîg part uf ibat otîr sîrengtb. lsealttb ahd lite depeud. tue faculty!- ý-:'This mareiou renuedi has ~ Lo 19 of h~ h C~ o!Pl laupon Ibis vital diltd. been introdueed by-ius lîlveutor in peesOt r- t 19,oft 9mesnl> msieseoa>'. James Ja- Wien tlise varions passages becume c0o9- mttithe leduding Hospital& of Esmaipead %à tai ln.Tîme ii sdh M.Jae Jr ed. andl du not act in perl -evt barmun> wlitlia nprimate liosisehvld sisould 4 e withosat ft Jn Tielandi is of guud qualira>. A uaillia t ilereuîfi'aattctitn$ of Lite budv, tihe blua uemibeeU u -iitale Dt-eiling floause aili ha ereetedoat esif action> becumes tlîitk, cornîateo r: ie Faran. inth tos uurzi- ut ne'xL vemhr.- asit ;uaidiaslSts suialpusic- Tlbe Kedicsi Starf or tise E£14311 . sud a Fraume lanu, i 18:i9 lJff4rai wil àifatuildiâtress. Of 1evPr>'iiaame ; oula'echer aletmn tieria a Olinti- tuc ret-eiu'edt»' tise Execuors ofthetsa'lait- "tas ii,4 e-xîuuuisteal, Ourn heudtb we art iqea lei ~prorv tUIowf it îl-r. John Utrealtbern. bt-ti.eeu tîmis date 's'idd lraiv. ai oa. anal if nuinre is tnt ai., me ls entaisthe must rllabîeuireesng for cabre aime t of Januar>' ncXt.thitn.-ig off thse statgvant bumaîria, tsta lo.uw isdsab au --usot loUnd k avis Do')IJN l>MoAvi~'cl i etasnseclumke asl tn vcaie 10 art, ari uelby t GaJDî). pExecutors. tbuisour engîiu uf lite nil ime tuncvtr tloju-, id f fý

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