tce Iei, 8 etar1n">Io ba great ex. MARRIED, -îent, .Ile mdece' Lower Canadian At Whitby, on the S th inst nt, by the reirttseiilatives . iîfet %o 'nr as Upper Ré. 3. . Byrne, %Ir. Joshi Dobsomi, of Calfaiï'coiiierned, à ~ey have l' tC-,twright. tn Misa Chatiotte Thompson, (Xijai tmatitiTii e lst of Reach, bath in Carradit West. so èýismpefitty, Ilt wl impossible ftrtlemn taIniove ill a singie meastire ol î,mu.îne viîIiout being cbeck-ed by Pdow Adveitisements. the indcigna'mît voice oi te reprçâenta.-~--~- livos of Upper' Canada, protesting TO LET. lign~inst lègi llation beîng carried on i oppo-sition b otheir vîisdes. 'l'lie lion. "~FFiCE over the Stbscriber's Store to gentleman èorncideii a very abl e speerh Let. Applyýto rly saying tlà t lie could- not -gîve là k sup- .IOEL BIGELOXV. Jiori tel ti4. goverrometit, There %vere W'hitby, 12th Mttrcil, 185s. 23-tf moen-m a it wi r liIad confidnce ; but ilierçle ad been so many patcliîings tip it lie mt vcre to Ille coaîclu«II mton that parties ou'glit fo form tlmmn- ,belvesl'minew lu Msuchia way as ta walk È overlie oueahloetlir. S ITERErBY GIVEN tlat t fioMayor wili MWr. ('lait timer addressed bite Ilo'i5e*iL hold il, Court nt thè Town iliili, on M\r. Brown tiien gave a most power- Tucsday ýloriihg, mt the hour of 11 a. rý fui speech, %iimicli ocupieti orer three in eacii week, for the pt.rpose of disposing Ibouts in ils delivery. .1 of al comiplaiiiti agtmhst parties for the rFuEsD.îy, Marrha 91h, 1858. contrav ention of Towti Bj-Laws 13. YAIZNOL), T\Tr. Dorion moved tiiereceplinn of a Cie-k of Police Cour. tîtion coinpihiing of the cindtmct of Wimitb3,, Match coh, 1858. 2-f Jire iMonibtlet in Dthe nater of thè rerclerüs election. t1 o Th <J'l4i on ei dreiî'ed. 4 n NY Person hai'ing fa Four Ve ar (tld Tue el~me anthe ~~die~s vas lîcn lt ~to idispose Of', got h)' a 1Lion,) cantimiued by- Sol. G~n Rose, Mr. Iors, and of guoî size andI action. iatî Cýuenco, M~r. Sicotte, Mr. Notmamm, fimmd a pîrchaser tîy ad-1rissing a fine t'o ~ok ilme lion, Mr. AIIeyn. Btox No. F), Pitckeritig 1). (). î'î<ktsc fau WEDNEUAYMatch10, 858. col or, to-ccd. lieiglit and jît ce, amd irbetiter WEi),,rs,£YMarh 10 185. ahorse or mafre. A peti'.ion, iwaereceivûd,.fmom )IV. mardi 9,18s58. 23,2i,. 1.3riston anti otler,4a.gainsit ttîe return of John Ross, lt:sq., (or Montreal. t oe Alo cptitioà i compiaining of lihe- relirn of Mr. Cartli, forV\erclîeres. lie I oNlanrentd %*lt Iuan l, IPýrr' id Aka a .1peliai o ctnph--iing of t ! t e Ii . for "'bsf £I tetlb ,- t returjorof Mr. (YFarrel ivas pre-%nted t a>trig lfrsuo f 1 Ti-r»t itsfr ey gr . Catuchmont. nîsi.:l lby liuciII;tantMt'(tIirr C O. Alopttiolis conplaining of the. rc- A<cîî;lt~. tiu'ns ol lime imnemabrs for thliiCty ofaI2:t-tf. l'î! jLïs>, r W.î 'Qtebep, L'Assonlfmom, Beauce, and 1\liotlntn ci -orerîeîak olce Tîetteb ate onmIllme atitî.resîwas îller. Ouab akNbc- continite-tiby M r. l3en.jamcin, Mr. Bu- r II E Stofltî!Ies ifl <Olit t ri O ,Il dnk rî'a, lM jor -Catitipi)rl, Mlr. SI)ere~ood(l, I re im'tioni iod t! tt vi n - Air. 'l'mrtot ft ,\MI.flope', (Coi. l nufat, ittttJ ii id olrflorir pird -i lt. lits l'( Mc. ~~~St>.kj;tcli 0+ tt thrtiac Fl-v A ptil >0 îîasiîresc-tfcd. 1,M r. ofAjttîc. AmgtsMr-to mgînthtie -etî.'rn of t Air- .Mr. lcoîml'or 'Toron!o. l-iFh Ai'o- a tviiionm prrsm'îmt'd by r 2tt('lLi 1',owât &mi-'îj*mst ltme rmîîmt n of-l"Mr. .1. B. Iltîli4lms 'ttfocoromf.Io~ :< o nI~ri-t it)luu-î' atlîoumcmmd at lal-pzst eiev'mn. fou r Salle.t T'imsP"AyiMatch 11. 1858. riIl E flouse andtif o Il ,3lt-o it :l- * Mr. împson 1re-semteu a 130 onftutîtigorle qllttirti ur..1 praymmg for titi eniargement o h WmlamJCattai. -1 nra,:: Alacbeli lir,çontid n ptî¶ron Whlitby 3dNîv ri prayiiî- for Il e abîoliion of 1mrmko_- trient licr<1<bt. IProIi('113 <miiBokS.-I' <elttot.' ,ilaitiçt tirei rettmrn of Mr. Sale os- > Its) iherbert, iI' \ iMtmv r. (EFa',rtel m 1,N,,t 7>Y 3.+, ; ' ,', and Mrc. M on t. AlIso gîîs Mtr..ti- 11, f ii~-t icr V. l>otî-t'l anlim i ?l. 1i~ n < i.Itg~t Iit t iotuut alii i. Thémebousme mi-riiti liv a vte of 5S ,f-et tIen ktt ..ta ' tIl) 5-1 tgtIl" m intg Ilte petii <mn -A 1 -,ts f ile t u c-mmcii ,M r. Fefloîts, forLot No >.frntti- titrimt < at, Mm. 'l'mIo, ai lu ir.ii A r .tc llr. kf and Nlioî~ .aamiAir. Bllimmghîamn. on atîetti. clIt to-'aduljiie.d a fiý% nutimaIt'iTo X.casr'. bd-oct. 12.0(mindittri dI 1% tVFilt îg-cion tc i - <<ît t'or i f7 -4(A r 21 t î- Thrim g-.ltii' ;iirîiv-irro n ,m 'btrs oh ti f 21 ifee> t t-j m .t] 111<1 li Iltt. t , liemr 'N a . k If)lie comm- AIYti i Ll ;lit1Y i<-<lj -d. N o îîuli mratyof t lit st gemti Vîib., i jMrÀ I l liiimt>,r a r ou(i vl S., 0nadtif)t. NIb'tl i S - To Stt'ers -To Leise. p im i, i 1 l i!14i. - <'î l b:.101i,7 IrIv oe l iijîijor e l"11 .1. ,- n ,I, . 1Icîc t tu I.aîiIilti -~ ~ ~ ~~~~ o '-~U 'imi oi t -f-. imm it- m-i staisp a uu s lt i'tt e I -ark of an ]N - MsoN-ic ilBEsr\-rÀ ioN -'-On 'Yhma mlay t'Stctiiig - lait (mie t-inqmît- nn af Stai iToliti's R1oyal Arcim Clapi or, - - -N , ' ontft, pre,ýiett'ificir laie- 11rnmcpai. George i.3. Wyie, E>q., t~itm w) t:mmsmns î of Im.', a eupterla jmg, asimmiier, Ucai igthmie floi- .lot'mng imîîtip~ttin ~Pieototfmd by b ite Companir-n- of SI. Jalmn's P%. A. Cipter, No. 7.5 To- ronta$l , ta Comutpamiîîmn( re Be1. yllii, ais a 'tokic'n of Clieir ctmemm for 1iw, zeai anti a b'ity in ii muii tmlimotima'die utaes ntI lime cliapfer for- tme past four yt-acs." '<'ie articles arme of iery chaste detigil to-ad rielly ocnainm'ted ssithii§aonie éealmlelii,,,ammd lu Ibms respect do inucii Ctedit to our taivoimnan, Mir. James E. Ellim, who vaq comi-sioned 4o carry oiit tihe wiîies of the Companion.- -Glob LATEST NIEWýS 1Y TUE "CA- - - NADA." Tlae canadla "saileti froni Liverpool ou Saturday, the 27th. The Kanga- Poo on the 24mb. Lord Paimersi pn hat resigned, andi Lord Derby hati accept- - d offce. Tie trial of tihe consp;mators against the life of iN.apôleon, emited in the çonvietion of Orsini, Rudmo, and Pierré, wha Isati been sentenced ta deatb, anti of Gomez -who had% been semdemned Io penal servitude for life. Uommërcîal geport WHITBY MAUkETS. " Wua'mmFet'y.19, 1858. Onttmro Time- m M Mamcb 3 ' FALL WuiT-4s. ta ýsa. -Sealica Wuxètr --aa4d. tû 3s 7d. -BARLET-2B. ta 2 3.<1. Puuo-2s ta 2s 4M. - Io-1a 1a g34 Fi.oax- bbM. $4 ta $5' OAT-MUAL--$5 ta $6. ORN-IL-$4k ta$5. Bui'isa - lj I b Tjd te 9<. aù-lt doz. 7id. HBAr -V ->ton e11Inta12. -8Tw-per Ioad, P ta$4. Woots-efj Coed, $2 ta ;ij V -ýT9,!1LNTa, )Emach 12,1'58. Wffu'irk'r,,Betweea ighteea bnandred, aad two thacsand bamhel iýf yheat ehane banda on tu e rket t11 m manýng.Tb rdemrnd wveary'btLoyant, sodo tis woie prir4s bigissa.thsa;fbas hesa ],R mbmmpré- viously tla s euaon. The b ilk d gti.dy'. recolitsuo'ed off> LOve 4e6d hl.eîo amples frely.rilsed 4a 94Od S uà ôt . i) fttflaq< Stre-et, fottr t't.cs Fait tif v at al] tut rtttiItiir, ftro'i 7 ortork is) theimiOttiimag o atil 8 Lî;C]hoCîaint thet cdi- Iîîg. A imiteîl mmoster of MIciamîk-> aoimm-et <sil iiiî,oirî and Ludgittgs at the rate of pier ek LURA NA OfVEY. W'ihy iarch 11, 1858. 2-a GOLD ANI) SILVER-l. rJIIE Subscrîber liasing tîaîtgît the j tockfi trtde, aad Lijiteis foroairI Oiîsmed and carriedl on by Tionshetilii ii tfte Toiwn of Wlitly, from stIse Assigtuces tu lus estate, now otrersthte <viole st ock foc sale, iuetimding GOLD 4- SIL VE R WA TCIIE S, Jewseiery antd FancyG{odds of evfrv des- criptioni, aand a s'cry large stask of Books, Btationes'y, Bohool Books, P.PFII HÂxemucS, &C., &C. flaving purcicsed tic abat-e et s Great r<-- ducî ion f-ona te Ceai Price tise su<iisriber la now offering sucis INDUCEMENTS TOPL'RCIIASiR,,S as bave net-er been before ofi'ertd to tihe Public in. this locaîfuy. II;1EL. N. B.--Watches, Cf ocks, and Jeweleri- cenned aud repaired. Watcl giass es ftted hon any kind of Watcb for 7id. JOHN .ÇBEALL. Wiitby, lfardis, 1858. 23-3mi NOTICE TO CREIDITORS. BY Virtue et a -Deed of Assignuacat, bearing date January th; 1858, thme undersigned waçi-duiy, appaiated Assiguee of tise Estate eof BenjaminluFairfilid ]Perry, 0f tise Town of lVhitby, Gentlemian, for tise benefit et sneob creditors as become par- tics therete,, under -tise conditions tiserelu set forth, before tise lat day of tpril, 1858. Sali Dect cf Asigiment utov il-s nt tise office cf. Mr. John Ham Pes-ry, lu tise Town of Wbitby, fer signature, of visicis ail par- ties iaterestei as-e required ta take notice. J. HAM PERRY, N. G. HAM, -Aiae Whitby, Febsrîaasy 13, 1858. 20.47 TO MEDICAL'MEN'o &0' And4 reçoapuseqed c4bfgily by tise fdh1aoiag iediteal Geaftiemec.: DrLow, KRC~.,. D'MGL or '-t- NOTICE. ASt2ARLET CfIIJ'TER t'ill be cipmîied A mt the Lodge Romin of L.O.L , No 13),il, W. W. ttaltiîî-rtis Brick Block, Broch Street, ia tthe toîî'u ofWhitby, on MIarcdi 14, 1858. trl'ILitb uch, O e~j3 Iiy order of F. CL ARlKE, I 5. D.M. c '0 <-i ('2 .15 m> e~ ~- .0 ~ r: - h t, t- f,~) e -1 0 'O O O 'n O e> (12 O E-m c,, o p4 c,, o-. - Notikce 14)(r-ml- tt" I-ll, III uil ~i itit1> nt. <st--u i- ais oitl ofl 1,Il ft II u]it r IlI*ot. w 111i aci '- bY-,l fî' Ct n f.iîiiî-attfi-t -f* .its %vr it.tî glit oth - t c 1r a x ittrL' ' s t-I l "i f i- t milt - Ili t 1.% - - -i -Il"'-t-c i Iluui-iglai sIlote] LTu C- i -i -TL,- I BYRON S iT i 11rr2V- 'a ftî ta i i tttit't)I n igt ti11 tm19. fi it . i TRE WliOLTI, of tise Goods of tihe Estatet*of STEPUEN FULLER, are now offcred Tfor saie under a Demtd of Assignremt, af a Great Retimtion in the pricca. Iii Stock, as msual, îs a'erËlarge, coissisting or FUR-NITURE, STOVES, 4 ANDO A!I or n-hidi mmd he sali nt tome p ice te renlizo Cash), ta meet mime ptu'sent liaicii. ;mes. Ail persona, ttscrcfurc. hiavnzs- ttuî 'o invest lu IlOuselsold Flirnltuare, tif mmty kitît, mav fiait it sortti tjieir whie to-eag anmd inspjetthte i:Stock, mas Greater f3 .rgaitts nitîy tait xpected tniLa auvcmty tier, AS"gmsmnnt imm tiis Secmion. Wiitliv, Macît5 S5. IMM1IENSEXATrRACTION!!!e LJAME STOCK9 AID TUE CHRM'RST MDOIS i 13. tugD Vc>x-vL cxs:r V EI'~ ' 1fIIE SUIiSCiIiIER lias ons ianti an imtnseo St,)ýk of Gaailh fuir ale ait Prices i hh annot tati 10 suit tic fîtiiînstho ib diûircus of Really Goad and CIEAP GOODS!i~ Flaîîîils, 1Blaîkels, 'Polk,-is, and Woolen Couds of every d tescript ion. Prîîîts, Slîirtitîgs, Dress tsoods, Slîaw'Is, Silizk (3loilîs, Camà brics, (arpelingts, Liîesi 'l'icking-:, Laces. Ri bholis, Fb owers, (ilo0ves, Ilosierv, anîd Sr-nallwares- In fîct , aintosi ci r artist e prma*iîitig tu tIse Tu-ase. FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES! 1 <Vhicli caumiot tte turpaissed citiser for Quality or Cheapueis- SCIIOOL BOOKS! M is s ual r-tut' rsaisuly- -tilt( 'ulilisiier's Prttcs, Ata Iargain. lb as lus nteotion fi gis-e rcaiiy Gaod Bargains, as hi l determinedti make a cI 'traire of lits present stock, ta as to briug i extensiv'e Sfîring Imsporitatiomns. Cjp Retiember ithe admiress uti (1 i tti- e rtiiiit+ is )i' -v 4!t ii i - paîtf-r-- )tsîIIi tiîtt,tîl. b tiu'a<uf<ire- t.-- I i iL 'i3IGELOW , t*i t ilt ts r s t ittmmreiis imefst - i reck Sîceet, V'Jlitby. ti id tutý If li c s it o noute mn tîe- ' SA IEL IRE iI t lIe lt Fs-anIARDWMAtR..STOCK , 1 O ' ci se r l C î1le s cf I l -) ý i T fI119 S u iscri hers ItEg to i mtinit t t l îeir C u sto niers an d the P u blie Ç'Ctcraly t las mu îtin- i i it v Cotisti > F(ii to T thas' hast- resurncd business in r(t2il lti ii- i>fr i.; C AIDpEy'SNEI1 BRICK BJIOUK, BR" u NST, ich rifr cnla n Il-l tt u t e 'fTea-ta i--rtif t lit' id i ttv s. îid ti!so tTI-1JJJ T Bf -5 îc.(tt (l ItILfurît iiA iv -ver to ;lie alIfves. "'IlA NE N P END D S O K O i-s - iI anîsrlriii tîyï ftlj-osa:'\IfIANWAD PEDDSOK0 'tIl r i.s s fi> iuf t he Stit -tut e ' 2tf c. cr.ptttt -lia CI]& HEAVY H R W R Anrtît Mau ig ,tr;Ites tif the s.u Itttv it lA tub tLsý ttciy )rriel iito uiecr tii tise Whicli ttey are detorriied t tail atPra'j,à g tl S'it'the -tiMe3. Tisey -aouid loti 1 ftttt ii ittgtztni-. cut itnt jiartitua r attetîtion thi cr st'ock aif ifl <tter pqui-ts :nnect-dif siti ctinai;nal inrges - ltt-rîtofore retttrîîeîIo1 lte Ciett th Pae uruntt tieslý sat J N-DIA .RUBBER iSiIILII\G ititturC MttI îI,:.Atie,,éO. ROSS - (UT, CIRCULAR and M[LL SAWS, Nlýtcli"th 18 8. 2-3ma. P-A, P. - «I T i raT>là _D. ' ) A Tn-r 1 TT'D CARPENTER & BRO. CARI A GE F A CTO R Y. BROCK STREET, WHmTaY. ril IE Sulisî-riisrs tseg ta tetuto lbis s*"t- erre tanks ta the liahabiants of« Wlifa su]thte neigrhttotimoodl for tie lits. eraf -patronage ie' ias reeis'ed tiare lic lia, fîcen to hbtsfness, and inforîns thema ta he lias aisliosed n'bfis business to Messrs. Ciirpcuuer anid Brother, ta vitoma aIl ac- ctnîts due to the fate finis of Car1<e ter A' Si-riçture and alto of T. N.Scripture, in tic stcidjammsners, aue ta be pîid, anmd cii deits osing by tic said firm and T. N. Seriptum-e in tiese aid business wiii be îtaid by Messrs. Carpeufarr k Bro, by ic1om tise business wilf lic catied on for tise future. M IOS. N. SCRIPTUhIE, 'Signed <WM. CARPENTElI, IRA B. CARPENTER, Wbitby, Jan. 15,188 NeLars- Carpenter & Brother. B EG ta infomthtie Publictisait tisey bave taken tise Business of Messes. T. N. Scripture, and interud 10 carry ou tise manufacure of ail kinds of Cas-nages, Waggans (ligist and isea-ry), Buggles, Gut- ters, sieighs, &c., aIl of visici hi be soiti -cý, Re.ie4n o4rces cming a to tIse liard-' ness of tise tim>sos. - -A-Large qusntity of (luttersanad Buggies now on baud, wich viii b. aoid at Cosu( Prime and under. 1 2'erms-Casis or appras-ed Credit. Ant all kinds of Farta Produce iyuil be taken la payasent. Ail kinda of Repairifig and Jbbbing daim. vith neattiessanasd despateis. CARPENTER k BRO'l WiitbyJi.ib, 1858. 14 FOR> ý14 ALE., IeRE IIJ1JX' i1uUjr & XL.'NFI1diJiLNe Paints, Ois, Glass. Putty, &c., Carpenters, Joiners and B3lacksrniith.-' ToaIs, Plated Ware, Table and Pocket Cutlery, &c., &c. Theo balance of tiseir Burnt Stcck'timýy are almost Gîim.cG away. %Wiaîtlîy, Jan. 8tis. 1858. J. S. DONALDSON & -Co. L~aie GOLDEN SAW. VI.CTORIA BUILDINGS. ]iE UNDERSIGtUED bas just opened thbe las-gest, nuest complete, and besit selecteti Sit ock of D RY GOO DS'et -E ves- brotaght abo tIse tawjs Wiitby,, Consisting et a fial snd choice astorttent of E ogieb 'Americac, and F'renchs Goctiti, suit- bIc for tise Seasout. Ht * bas aise attacised tut hi, s aiepreesiies A MJLLINERY DEPIVTMENT, wlncis wi le umder tise ininediate superintdatg of Miïss MpeEivc, iof IlmiltoD, et ,youag lady Whso bas coaducted a aituilar bruacis feftbusiness ia one oftisêJ3rz.ti liuses an tit continent., This deparUnt iy ili coiris8e > iels ant i -ed stock oef Englibbl anmd Pes-sian sçlecteti goçids, embraeing e-es-y asimeis tise Russume3s, ant4i taie> 'ms style, tasitn and vaniety, serpassea anytinigyý 4duoedaito qmos Iocmlity-. OU~ITTiGANDCLOUR DEPARTMMT.- la tisis deqmistuenitthso Subscrlber il e ermiae4. mipite be excedlei by auy Towni ordity, FisstClasa Was-ke-Who, fiutier cap it~j-tut,-i1t, anti iakie, Wuebeems spe-, ciaiiy emp'Ioyed. LIt le a brandi of tise 'uusines thjntbaqoIlong o cuupied the~ siibscs-iher.£ attetian-aÙne ic'tiaI ise feeaisureti vîlI 'prôvaL' e S' 1~o1t~i of tise Towns of Wiitby, a"d tise sarrouund«mg eountry. - Every Garîént-uisadé ardet' Tise ps-le af eesar*lle>sa&-edtinlaPlaià pis -- Inu conclusions, tise sabssçriber voualt beg to state t1tat the Iavorable erstanes on:- der' viicis he has purcisasd tise viole of hlaete-nsivem stock, areýs'och-ssseiastlê iralo sdIl aËil Goode la ,bis bstailismnt,S-T WENIý1Y-F Vg E ERCENT U88 , tise*rices usuaaily chargjtd elaevhere. -~ ' - N AIl business conducted. onatis.e Csh is ncipe- ýOne, PHCmice m 4Jy,ëh"n - Victoria Bui1dings, Brook Street, One 1>qr ]Forth of V1Q Ra3i4U 1Whitby, JuIy lat, 1857. '- T RAVE ti the uos- Jo aapJouzsce, tist1 aimvq- bç4 -ùi tëd oÇgt'fapt JLsaeofXmras. IL k ,R S.&Pmtt4rsozýs. or Mpeav- ê tnest'colora misgric -<" 5 t.5iu IX TETURINGTII XKS tu lthct- u u eromus csnenms Towa anti Ceuntry for tle ytl m.iarllgiled suiccesa and eeomuraigemenmtlis-ylias-e rcmuived sinri- tlsey have commenc<e(£ businesanti beg btuù1rns tîtem titat tisey iha'e reaited amndi wifli 155<'tso foatutcaru7ing oi, ther etenivebusitneslain DRY GOODS, CLÛOTIIINGI GLIiE RIE S , SEEJ)DS, 11,tthe a! <ne tor m ltel> eeel t> Mr. W M.TiIL, first Brick Block (K'SOETI-1Ji0F 14'JIEIRot(1,1) S>IAND. .at4LO fIl Rf. offer- tJis, e rnaintîcr of tistir r%; r; î r i'teptstato i ht r rt-ct iving ttmeir sittig t mportations, No. 1 andi 2 Tillas Brick Bloo. lieack Stree-t, îmUî iiûthi,185<8. 1- IVANTED. .0Putciiasit or retf.abti-t 3(j siace T af <Good Lan'd, withii ivf--a mili of the Town ofW'iiîiy. 1i5rcliase îithiîo îsitmott iiimgs, ouctîasy tertnisîi)refer- red Adiress il.J.MCINL> s, - fI b1icîter juaSt-lpaid Feitruari' 2, 18518. 1 8-tf. Dissolution of Partnership. N OTiCE kit eretîy rtirén, that lite N7-partneteimip hetetofore oxistingir ader tise nmacof MAW, EDGAR & STEWART, Carpcnters and Jttiners, Rtcofiiase'qsired lu mccordance witls tie ltîdentmmre of co- piîrtiem-shîip on the first dïy of Januars', 1858. PETER --DG-Ar,, JOHN STEVARTr. Witnest : W. COORSON. Wbitby, Eeb. 22d., 1858. 21 -3:n NOTICE TO CREDITORS. COL-E s & PIP.PIN. ~"OTI.,E IS IIEIkEBY GIVEN tlîattme ,tiueclfor tise exectitton of the Dec moigansent iîy thembaae-named Coles k- Philpîn, Çarrnage Makers, 1'iookiin, bas been iLis d4y extelided limtil thme l3tiî day of &imugçým -1858, before sihici day aI! ere_ ditors i ýsiroufs ef becoiaiug parties ta smid Deed, nit sz exctmte the taie. Theesi Aasignnient hit:' Ifor' iispcc'îbon ni d execu tion nt tIM ioffice a- Nessr-s. Ciinscron. Mac- donnell, kDIartneil, Soi2citars, Court bouse,'- Whab7. ' ROB3ERT CAMPBELL,)' G. FLINT, Assigisecs. Fbruaryr 24, 1858 21-3 ha. W va .Z c>imici DRUGGIST k APOTHECARY, ~ IJROCK STREEIT, B EGS ta Inform bis custoînersa ad thse D-pulie generaily, fibrt lie intendas re-* mnoving hiesibusinss on or aboÎt tise let et Marcis, next. froi tise store lie now cecu- pies, Ia bisi utw etare And immediately soutit of tise raw of brick buildings Iateiy eretted opôn tise ground wiseré he- vas bum-ed out lu Aprii, 1857. Thse busainess v'il! be-céarmied on as hereta- fore, gling satisfection te ssii visa bave fa- vroredhitn vitistiseir enstota. laprevidimg aptuepvise-e tiseublic eu baye PisyÈici- aud :rtioplaum nd !ectiptà cf aIlaids ais, a ier~ anasortsset-e -iery article, .Wenerally te be purcised ita a Drug Store, eau ie obtlained; W.H,P,- ass begs to samy that lue bas £a7mitysoin band ia complete assarbnseit of ps*eat-,Mediçineos, and iaaing themn direct lfrc>nstheMà nhfactiirers Cas tbeirAgent), - NOTICE 1,Joimi w'hite, nt presemil, ati for tsi"t fc Mntttlism fist. reieidlt-g et tise Townt of W It. by intte Uoînty <>1Omntario, andý be ng, andî tamtî'tîgbeen, fu<r sonie vemrs pas t, a Garîh'ncr, 1110tîcreby give notice that 1inb- te-nd to pi--ýenmt a petitiun f acttiens itîrmîlam, Esq1, Jiige of the Connty Court of the Couanty of Onatario, praying- to be ex- anaincd taucbing nsy-debts, estate, and cf- fecta, and ta be pcotected from ail proces,* upomi nsckfng a ful disclosure and surren- dem- of sucii estate and effects for payaient of mvjîîst and lcîsfmsI debta- And -1 bore- îmy furi ler gis-c ittitie, that the turne wlcn. tfhe natter of the said petitmon shahl be Iicard iii ta be ailvertised inthe Canada Ga- zette, atndinluthe <9at-,rio Times new spaper, onme mon thnt least at'ter the date hem-caf. As witnepgs imy fand, this teutb day of Fehroars-, in ticyéar of onr Lord one thon- Stand eîglit bundred and fit ty-oight. a. 'IIAm, Sohitar. for Petitioaer. 1-1 w JLLIAM MCCABE. Principal of the' Wh'iitby Coiintv Gramniar Scisool, Ternis :-iTlierc are four terns it each year - Winctem-m froua Jenumry 7ît tis te Tueà - ac-t before Eisster; Spring terra frointhse Wednesday atter Easter to tise iast Friday !ri Jonc ,Susasamer îerrn fran tise, second Monday ln Aiigmst to the Fridssy next befare thse 15t1s of Octoiser; Autuusn ternt frmonstishe Mondcy foilowing, the close of thse Suimmer terni a thue 22ms4of. l)ccmnber. Rates of timition :-;orsmn Enghisis branrimes Los peur tormr itightr adé*15.-ie, Gm-ek - anal Latin CIasà ics 24»,do. UARPErIr$ SFOR MARCIT, -%T e7se Yank-ee Notion Store. GODEY'S F011. MARCII, j2Ye Yznke- Lton Store. L ES,-Li1rS Gi.ZE4TTE 0F jFA- SHJIO,1 (a' March, 'AÀT Tu eya /:eNotion, is&ore, BALLOTU'S> MAG ZNFOR MARCH,-A T/te Yan ecNotion toTe. IlDlE ANOD SEIEK, A -NOVEL ]3Y-i.1jjfrj.Coili!, A T Fparng Laisdg, 'own "Lq au« ils IIIPsbiege.. HE Assignee of -thse Estate' or IL-Ls- T'Perr.y, oaftemr.mlot Sale th~e f'olo*'iug ,nlable Real F4ate, at sucb prce-tisst wn roe a~ta tortpurchasers>c- »0n Ati. 2-<--: L 4t 15, 4ihn.;ColÇoî1 l 00-Aores, Soti iL«t #. hflt-,CoriEu. "ýfI M-J\Hr4&AEIIMILTON ý& ROBEIITS,' *6O~ 200. rbeiegs. -.4. 1jf A -~ -c t t - f - I - -I i ý2ACCj« 23- tf. tri C O 01 Nu I 'Valuable ]Busîj68Lot j.,r Sale, i1liie flrst lntot a-iofimflgtr0f fice,East aide or iir>'reet berng Loi N,),.3, IlPcry's Blet-k, ton f~'ii by. 'Ple piitch<5 wif i owrqim i .erfe t a Ifîrckit ui d h Lt , lir'md t a cnti onmitheo Ltti- pres- ent yar. Pýr J i H PF )f'irby, goî'Ot, 15Rý7.,J-B u r 3 I MD IN1YWI 'WI CA ADA J dispoie or the fujoloaîg c <mmce Ag- ricul nraî Lotit lnarintis prts Of- lie oîtii- tryofrers the xaue for Ài e n mseasy termi of plirehiae COUNTY 0F WELLINGTON. TawN8IP OFr RR. Ne16, lt coin. ».- - IL 26, 4ih . .,203 Acres. 203 «1 COTJNTY (SF à REy- No. 37, I14ih'o- . 41Ar. COIM'y0F ENT. TOWNSHtaI - Rei haif 2, -igth, Con. qi.100 Acreti. West balf 3 16i .-l .__1003 TOWNSUIP or DOVFÉt. West Side élbi'1&i00» 5fr Njo. 42........... 200 A" i43,..... .................. 'COUNYO0F0TA ,' . , TOWNStfl aF MARI. No. 13, Sti oi....200 Arre. COUNTY 10F VICTrORIA. TOWNgHtp OpF FtELUX.' -No, 11. 1 çt Coem.... ..200 :Acres. W. j-j2, 2m.1. ............. 00 COUN'rY 0F hATN -TOW1aSl 1>' 0F MADOC.ý Ei'23, 7th Con.i < Ars TOWNSo-îP OF UINGERFORD. West j 10, 6îts Con. 't.....O.. 0Acres. For prices and Terms of pitymetit aptly ta JIl i.PERRY. Whitby, net, 7Sy 1 8.57. POT P'ERRYq COUNTY 0F GONTARlO. LAND FOR SALE. Town Lot No 1, ùorner of Qui-ciasud Water i'ftreeu- Det'idelly-tise wos tralua- bi.< Lot ln the:whoie Towc. Q1IEEN STIREET, Lot Ne. 7, 66 feet frant ; Loi No. 8, corner of Qucen and Perry Streets î_-L o.14 ,, do; Lots No, 10, il, 12, t-aý, -k 17. 6fiG m9 front, eontaining Ome-bîtiri of an-' aci eacis. Lot Na. 18, Orlleytbf Quen ui Lilia Streeta, litarlv one-ýilf of an mo-m-e. All or thse f'oregoing Lo ts ' iomit on thse Nlgéà - damnized Raîsu, anti tige t " bîe busimIse" locatiorns, - LILLA STRIP, Lots 19k 56, cotra f Uili nd mst'-erC. NORTIl T ET - 1tNta N,21, 2ï,> 24,2,g'j03,3,ri nmd 34, soutis side )of ioats~rcet, veatait- i'geaboritb ofAn*r,7,Aso, 'Ne. 5, Lots Na. 707 93t 5, î: Street, abue-- fiemiisotan h-lira oeis" WATER STRIt1ET. Lot N.-9-oa,-fWtJn ibeel