ýE"ATMEN'I'O0 tEE. - .1 - - i - - - Atent (Ga.) Wtienta. i' m Alt.lln$tlpl jaterçst s'as tried 08 eriot 'Court lasf wveek, -- i -f6tw dny%. A itan irtnte1 yor 0 lly sias arrai- s- ~o*rîter<of h14%-svfe ns-ians-vas frosen, il iqaiel) in lier O uuiing the exir- %eatlter of 1856. Thii a sL~ 1 13 mi1 eged, mças ah lt-ast par- - "ed, onti aîd been comîfisscd a pjIl r 1 ' 1-, si-t.believe. M-vhh biat ler pluce of i'otiflie- - peni,,constisulted of polea, - theb51careri, anîd eovered >'5 bôi1rsý . In lis Was a lidie 10 ~Y ssmne four or fis-e fesct froitu n. fHer fond, saieoaf'tse wit- eu diwam prourîscuaashy tins- th 1 'i tiý part-hoileJ bâcon, >1skd uitlk beiiig 1- quently M of t hte wifne'.ses heshiflsss.t liat tn iunks Oür racks %bttet-en the pote% nfliksden twere olwii-thssierînes- waus art, ArJ~ft m bt-no be-J tr le dding-aiid - pQ¶r mârea e was soinecti ies enire- 'lvti~ksi a~t awaya tîearly so - thils dt»esfiheeiamguibliet deu >ears, un- i irvt i~c- byAle-utit trot' ler liorrible turics-s é colt rinrîmg ibat mu- C tr,ýew,4%fosudpon hlitîndJs and * lte door, t suikc-d or nturiy i-ol, and tfiu0fttt uîifri' 1Masî'y pcrsana 111111k - ~ 0 - SWeil as cold i ad oinetibinir ho do ini hrs'nigi buût lie-de-nîti ! Xmce uitder 81111d tlc- deceaseti, be-fire bier mmid bis- (lcÊe itnpairod, musa senssible anJ a ce- stsctabwnsuhec',j As e* r j -- - i - i coat wlch must hereafter exceed £' 000,000. Again illttre tire t lie jpen 1 sions granted Io retired offcers, officers' mtjuws and clîjîdrei, 'ià th te Ãto ser- sitces, icliarc- contribulcd hy Indii and expended in Eng'tind. In round numblner', ve t'hall 1101 bhe far %ve-ug if wve v$timate lhe'diréct svortIî of lndiaî lu Iuglislîmen of ail classes nt not l<'s.% Ihan £10,000,000. '1This is a tiia,nifi- petitt buibidy for one country (o p"'y <o tanother, and a1thîowilms We Cttnt ag.v ,wiN.de Valbezen tiialbnt fo)r îliik resource Entrland %ypuld flot have sur- vived thp ti ;i-as of 1798 and 18I-It 1 nut Qallw tliat il iï an imiporia.»t Lt-su on the arcoutit belwveen fitdia and ihà " land- Wes'mjflner Rer- RIOYALTY 0- THfE StCK -LST.-Ju t11 K in g s o f Eu ro p e a re b e lo w t h e a v a-,a h , li e i c ti e m l l 'e of Iîealtb ivbich prevaîls eamongst iiIir ,,ubjects. Thie wiiter his be-en, so un Usuall ui dd hat Ilt'e- healîh 1of the peo1h- stands more t-ibm comnrotily 1,lî,t. h7lf the crowned lieads of 1'urope have been on (tie siel-list.'l'ise Kîu f i o ruiais suffering frouna ce-ra -I affection. froil wlinchî a favorable si cari lardlv lie anticipated. 'T'lieGrand Duke Lddwig of t3id.-n, %T110 Lî 1 i', beeti undltr strict surveillansce, (lied la-o weck. The Kin-g of Swecdî-n, siowlv recrivering fera a severe illîness, a throtvn bat-lc' 4 ai attack of fuvvr la- mon(là , from %rîhirîs lie ik ou-re more rors- .valescent. 'Tite Kin,; of ~îsîmsr os reportsd Io be fit brealkny :lie re cently suffered fom n a t- of, rpp.> Fiuialty, Ilie Grtosd l)sîkt- ofW-mris iuî'a-lided l'y an ai tack oi cynancîse tonsî-llaris, accompanied iv-s1li îîsflueuza[ fts-er. S5O t- -~ -- o -a - o s. - cu~ c o c o-z o t-o- -z O c a e iw -- M-.M 00 s 1LtRtVAt .\\NI) EPARTURii H5'TRAINS A;T WiI[TBY STATION -COING EAST. Miirnung E1i-u-ýc-u,-..--------...n(. 25 teusg Miail .......... ... .25 GOtNG WEST. Muroisig ssc . .... ..- e 37) EverVing Vi-ititM &C N iiu---t i l urii!u . Nc irs CtrO luuui- OfisuîîcUî auu-nh iie l!iuin -1'&5prked, . as )u-soîî il1- rlma d ii- t latof our purpose IFRENC'tt DETEC,-IvES I u N o-u iY - v 10 girii' ltth y intuîis cns-e ; il -A couriibutor to Rcrynou's M , i c-uunisc uenfrStestii ---si uok. Vt'eonly mefss to paper ivrites as tollonvi-z- ý uic- iiî ut -r RIa snteos ints agait'st Ille prisc-nc-r. beard of aniznportation cfF scui\u i - lS- t i iiclan1.I. tnd.n WiddDt hear one bylîsibteii lit fiist- spies iiaiing arrived ina Loudon. N i 0 iIuVt\ ie- Miiu-uat bail. ', The iliuto, or filittg iii of tbe ihamve onît of ilîcir expaloitsI- o Is~Iii u u iIii u10 <i - iÇtui4e.il "ýloo sickening t o la> sefutru- 1-ou. Ou0lueniifitof 1nid>-.tii- 2!. r'il it li- Cv ~-~Uf'e&ere iieaabund m-asîsîdctedat ialf-p;lst <ie-Ire, a trcissenIlotsnis - for it&t>der Thie attendtes for the ~lei <hs bnc u îîs-Iu prmsecution were NuiT. Solicitor Thîur- y icîîîmibted by Siguor . .i-nuns Qf) < c inond N. G. Poster, and itîus; for L jb . îe srlntIr' t leotu- 1 llçllO 5 Ilý _,jbÇ :defence, Jutige Floyd, Mîr. Clirk, iîntiafes asvskened by tIse noise, rasssc tu - -- - -- - 'a.lir, he-plitieir msasarmil- tIse mi-ndom i- thIltle n.cticsl qcuti ua ............. .............i.... , ,cd on VVsdnesday mtnong. \\'iestn nst - \vliat do you statutt'P \'i'ttuuse j i)ilî;uSdhl duy lMucli I 13 left nothialf thie vitnessesý hid leeîsex- lettîr fro-n Coînlit Or-ini for >-au ' naî ....... ........-......-....-- - - ..- ........ aMitassilWe. leurn <litIle phading tIse ausi-irer. 'ut il unds-r Ilic siior. Nicl-ETu iEkiiî -iNS cohtlUenced lote'on riday sithtriooii. and I vilh taLe it' Novoumiui------------- At the t«me me write mseIiîad .not Iîeaud conte dows-aaud ec-cii-eif.' 1'îuisu-r- .S-rJiii. of uur isinuu% itcs5ju Dot W lAte verdisét of tise juy ws.vant mseut clown stuirs zus si[Sic as jS r - ii Ui 1p-' of giuoul liýi 0ýKely. isbt-ca scnteiced fI i \^Xe carinot give iltuf0 oe ; conne f0 Iil,- 'l Csu ucl- i ii Ot u:s1%cSurîLicii - Jee.ye4r& tin t"ý ientr. - douar. XWe nîust liai-e a rer .' TIic-ietslu u i ion I s-su-x - servanit mient<o thue door tand ' epeslt. , ttat "s-euare lit - LATEs'r 1sEWS 13Y 'l'îE TIse umn uti-ide rustied il, ; but Io-a ;t- oavti s utsr-sc-af ,uînus-Io - - -IZUROPA. ibene ns-~thre %as Isle cîains. l'iet h.:. l al n 1 is in-uîd u -- îagaiut a-u.ed lsim foir I lue letter ; bl itlis- Tise stealmýiip Eut-dpa, wiiicli arrn-- neni, seeiusg Iisat lit-y coud not ollastu A 'toi t e kI as eîuicsid aunds-et *on Satstrdaly evenins? brungs six day, admîissiont ared to assumse lic -authsori,% cl c oic oadi- ialvintelligeince f'uôtsstirope. A nmong of tgit police oficers, ansdorne cc -"" us oe>nir. Doricai*s a-imenf < o lte lier passten&er* s-mas Maliointiued Paehîa thsen said, f 1 am IrM. Sanidecr>, Stîps.ri i'dprgphoIlerpodA- lhé Io~eipeé ed'Ttîrkislî Pucar-Aduni- intendant of thse Delective Police (tie jilcct ' rgn 15 c i poocs d ral., X le Gos-crament ltai] been Je- 'apoke iy gooeld i ihand mti t dres un aussi-e-r IoIsle 5îae-cilof 1h- fested- in Phe Hlouse of Comtnous eîpon e-archi the Itouse.' 'I'ie sersvant tersti-d 1 xct-lIIenc>. Tise expenie ho Itie the Cûnçapiracy-toý NIu rder bill, b>' a le-tt iteun iin. Tbere isere fuirofr.cI sautiit- of crs ihiîs aof ille louse us vote of 234ý ta n.15, atîln-e n-r etii em. TItey hook saune nvsite paptnsi-su h oalar demonstrations agiýtir.-sthebc-mca- andc a liottie of wmooul naphlsa, andi e oîeliu ik 50. S - rà re. b hdtjto-l ChurcIs rs tes, t-r hlf-an-Iuour or muretlssftfu sus- httpt l, rsn iS the bousecy iVhià bwall, oppiixed'by thecyGos-erniaell-rc< Flîî - ortlsy yiîo had assunu llte inaîie-tas lteu lnt Io no iacoasfûllraiile cusi liad been ordt'resl to a secotnd readinga and qua!ity of au oficer io-if Engliîslu>- by <lie cloqueisce of lion. members- ~7mlarge majoity. L"wrlier debates, lice, tadthtIe effrontery <o l1eWd a card \ýrho tIen is re'cshonsible tfortisi dehaLy- 'Imd- iiien place on the proposd Indu bearugthie nme of tuse e u ite un4 l,,dft Ierer mas a d&i-t-t voti (à - eert, gorr. J'ley then left *Wiithe vor ofi ls introduction. AtIlite ahutis usptitiner lhey -hiad obtained, tcsitmg lit-r i-aY tue:OPPOsition î- n the parties ta gneetin& of Ille sharehIdieirs osf tise At- to rail tise oeit day aticotssi-a Md aiane. 1uii~ poiinjunl lautiîc e ra ph -Comîpany, ressoluiut s- treIy tînt-se unen %mccc Frenchs tailie isj*jýj us diii1>- c-lisgis te NIitistry. i~lheiringtbliisue of ailiional etuai ki- as Eng1îisîs polinse wonuhd net enter au I; ,-zcse aîiufistttefic- were pasa. Capt. Dunihatnliai]s-4s)Idbouse at midiîighit, tîtder fae pi eciiess ilie baril:Adriatie ta thee Ruiýsissn Gos-- antditîout eXlibiiîuîga wmarrant. Thriise liai rei'en % lu> i-r unît <imur-lias beenj iststent or tasa Ru s'an firun, aîd ns- s ivere n'it coimous<iie ves, for Ilice>10Ào iilut 'iIsle del-zte, us tIse opposition Ofi ônilbis *y Egl 1-ti out papers and tIse uijtîa. 'l'lie orliy tihe hum,. J. A. Macd-cnald and folîsassu '1'isetriail oUtise catpirahars aaiu îstrenseoable ,«oppposition is, tlsti, tise ee -'t icdiî lehus 0tieas 4oà iaNapoleon mas'<o hâse ncia-t-it- i1I lave suhiuilted z Frenchi poice-. istpst lDae i-'pesà sthi t o lie ed onthe 25tis ut. Il si-as ivsîui-eri-l ýtp 0pae1vrsna no în Pmuis titat tlie Emperor lsaJ leesiwsui of I'optiat ion. Fit ornitIse devel- égala sbot, at. The tseWnv ual laws, ~<> ÂA rT'i pitt vscsla- ae îa- p h --'nlamende4I, ind ýeeit ngain - e-i iumbe~r of cîsîîdî-euisere reftiniiufi mil z-- iioi is1i 1bcoc so o 'tu lide prt-st it t lmue, Ilit ifficult 10 corne <o 9Qrted by Coat de à Morny f0 the 1,e- çjui l-sIlans otserc-oniu.intisnt tcatHicPie kislaetieBRciy, wlere sorne Iscllsssorîu itts Ieni lit-eenio ts- ii f~d 0easokenagaiat i. Ai a1cIs- n elesaum-iuniIt offNIc. Moses -Smiih, uuier is Iotnssd U lis Lots-tr Canap~ian uzmtuqn for a large ainotînt of iscre-t -c-r- erIl vittage' of Ragtan, -andit mmuI j foimn t-i o oppose thie practical carry- ~'tçi anyfrrt Niîsc ftu plyitgubnauiuaI iiig lositîg cuit of Ile principîsi of Puepres-enta- herios-- mas under coiîsderatioa. 'lulietfymte. Fi d bîa l otin î>-Poputa-tion. 1It i5 sisuplypre- 1ýederal Counucil of Switz-rlaussl lad de- o -s aC fr Iloione Ioiîg ho tise 's-a- te aigdîo1ped ftl yltlhit o'eoý çreed h- remoyalrf Itle fort-igu reÇu - trtaiu teb iteir otsofras us< tesltnt 'di te bcktsth vri< tof*ttîe c-lidreu lteerccnrc eit(-iportanîce i ib sIic t tIis suds t hegin lovr letttu ath ielted set Il ligoing. One Ilin motion, thse fly- question is vicsned 1» tise peolte ofU p- gîan -nmnti ad e..îu.. mieel revotved îvi<h great rapidîf.y. per Canasta, li thelise ids of Uppér or were about to yietd sbtnilytoa'ThIe olaid o lIes iieelaht Ille.. Uwemends of Fiance resptscting the tue~~iv eelog u oî Canadissîsi i 1t/uni quccc'iose of iedy (ugéesad other ohna:iou% pensons. Bierris ive, wnged rgy 4aJ aJo auhnli osgîttheaies d a ac T4 Germanie I3und *as about tu e- Brs gdrsetvl,1 n 2ada ul, jl(I aehdà paét quellt tise King Of Denmark to charge years, sons of MIr. James Burnus, mbo not oeil>, in thse propzosed addrcas butt jnltuitî f u ucmesi dri-% a brother to Gai Burns, 'IfIsle alto in <là e sechi prepared for his Ex- O,.bama Post Office. TIse for-mer masi ta ilg the1nt io necordance witîî (le .ceîcsy <de1iw iGemn.iPt 3r killeJ instaritly, tise back of tbis lie-ail tei oFYlde a4lao emeei .isteBarfi îflbriren iii,, andithse ItodY01tîsrlisisi' Certainsi lon. rueiulers, mîsgasîil - wt~ufroi ~& ~ ~ Cuttn iatehd. John, tht ite r roIc- lue juustice-'ofIsle riuciple) f W 4dooiad ads-ancd. b l iaiof tlIe sIeu-, u tbi- state It to lie tîseinginlentian 10 rote le rtmssws Ifran ntillii, çtnr tIrescuet from this perilous position acainsti, rultfwadnth f Carce _ m blnâaLzîas bout mîsîwhle (time s-s-lmsas y et in motion. Ile c' tibouîtfratrah-f t~om 1 nlétne the shtbnaahon of Rolili- s sery inucl bruised in tlie bceast and " 1u'aar- of an zitndmenît Io tIse attiress. t coud, wbenceslhe would, marc-h -po body, but, it k ta belioped, not danger- Lt is 'soinewîîat difficult to recancile s Lackuow, misere tbêuk"rebels wsere !n usy His escape froua alnjost a morse tbis course à monu ifli consiss<eiacy. t pt-atîorc, Al ms qiet iePn fate thiau that of itis briother mas almosh If (bey are î-cally wishful to se ,lise I ><b,~t l te M~adraus and Bombaya mae.0suuaVdwîr principle carrieti out, ss-y delay it! for W~'J~4lStifrJaes Outraîn badl Pýdcfeae~cn. rm tAunigshje OA ÂÇU EisN -e.the purpuse of keeping in office' and, ,~ttIï ~-at~Isgbtr.Frou Chn cruuting fortIse Prince of! ýV&jes' Roy- pomer a gaverament mi hicis lias aîready I vktii1geii *a tern u MplCd-hina'alCanadian Liegitentgaies 'on brisklyu, gi-en tise mest Corvsinciog -rasof -ibis4 thee g no1,aer ews bu'amle e-a rendz vous for tIsat purpose isaving lîcent tige o tbe bo<tbardmuent of Canton' arcesttlseiiitit i>. W r n secret bushility ta tise iIneaçure 1 gîveu - -__- fsrmbied ntisa tary.80 e avebe" anpig*ieamna ent 1roo i. - enhited s-iths~tbe ast to dums by ap.- Bain tise bèuonAu~~nyb 01% misfis-c-n c- u svould ave bad greate claurci. I -fttnested ho 'procure fifty piud~-pe urcifin fiitascrfieniemaiefr the sacrifice-- - - Isac.Hi rpot ortIeadeefieSforsj fblalcok.i rtai L-Conî popr woud bs-ebee moe ~e Pcl~riu' Fl. 858 -d~ y tise Grand Jury bsat)Io spotice tîcat Itemancey CoZTOspon ence, ,ried. -u nsouyan Moved by Joci Big-elows, scconded 1 -- s-.ler loui cn G sudopopo-adtturun-l motionuiW- 1iNI'u A ItEBOAID F SIIO Ly>nde, -That the Chairunuaho e 'tlorhzed !necietiisifîthile Cao1, prs-viuled Iy the> suprt1i1 mtonb14.tfot-rt r -- - -- -- -in --- ---- ttoun>', andti t msas kept ticcked, <lit- tu grant-a-s order on tihe Tomsn Trtsasurer nC î bm-i.for the opioas of Our N eoneait. -TRUSTEES. fvro ere .Sih nte 3hst ln- woutd thé refore sugeest hïgelrzc -t----u---- -g e8tr a c To IseEsisus oUtis O'taro 7~., REiSLti ~fTîSoOP eismosn. stnto $80, eing amomint due to <sit i n C()omoafions in this respect be prO- la thse report cfthue piroceedin gs of Saturdur> Evcuiuîg, Gtft :iharcli, 1858. tni dueheC. Carre eci. -y oe Bieo,1DgloM r h o ard b CLy de eowedbyJoI - ' i ats oenn ie Board of Scbool Trustees, publisb- SIR-WVitb a viens' of modif>-ing three 1resent-Tho Cliairman, Joel Bgeoi, lietus,"Tat tt-brd<l nn- djura A in t1itimsue, will be found a letter es-ils whicti at present bangover ourand Ww. Gos-don. CuirrieutWib, ad tt 88 -, ~~~~~~~Abseut-C. I.ynde, C. Mecermotnd. AERG EN OD 'rani Dr. Cbeckhey, on lise crowded Tw cslSaevîz ; Loss of N. %WJ Browna.-S5-tU. revenue ; lhe present overcrowded state No quorum. - prcvincw Prbdamet tate cf <lie Henry st. School. There et tise Henry Street~ School ; andth le -,- ire about 150 names on thte register of Jenani wbich is sbadowed forth cf a aci mZET-iNu, LIST OF CASES DECIDED IN be lower or boys sehool, whihsà t Ihere large suin of tia bigrqie rmMna,~Irb U,15 H ONY<0I!TI~WE. LEG18LATIVEASMBY ie çayý seats at te desksfor 10 . leT'own fttds to buid an additional Present-Jotsa Sier Jarns Sahool bonse, sud tbereby erateaà per- Gordon, JetBigelow. *sid C. Lyade, Perry vs. Martii.-N. G . Ibm for MONDÂT, 1Marcl Siti, 1858. rhe~ ~ ~ ~~i reaiangatin;rb agth sasl. m a DO U31 î lOf 5me $«n te 1 .Aet--. McDermoitand N. W. Brsonaphaintiff. No defêuce.- Verdict W -"Mr. Bonaas\seufrepaii r boys s-ho have Dot as vti.usmmeà ted comuit fr-' rTe e. - 1 liae minus o f tise regulaur nmeetinig o îitft, 2 s ddmgsto~ its<mnsettca- es s-wiib COtl»t>.y.Otusuuse.&s8t. thue aibMarcIie26ss.rea4'damager.ve- Io write, bave, to 6W huddd oeher Stsl>iatted tise followtti. 'tta *>a The - hairman read aersîtftnsfsn Deeit ts.ftalL-.Ladulhli tktnacsi-f.boea- xe. brn e ucattd ~mn baof nti u. is Ikk ?$o6retetioa of offieeci- M or& iMpclýll again7st il even in the abape à -à Êd In tUe present stalle of maney matters, paying wtîo nýy, and evading wtîo eaui; yere interest whicb falis dea h ad fisr ment cari only bc put dowil p»ents people are naturally easily alarmed nItte nUMber of tfcn-paying prpits coorikotts 4t ntno eirt *ItL'~I ?irt jiescol, preste echr ri Nos. 4 te 10, bothinc slusive, of the lait, fi pain t l \ed tfriunil $ of tle mensure notwihlîstan tg Ãtheir anything whichwill liav-e liteeffectof in- . oopeitteTnheswiSchoull Section No. 7, in the 'Townsthip oUl $3 prOtessed willinignessa (o vote i fver: of creasing taxation, btllte izaproTeinent oewsk ttlrt1tl e 1 ele hsb- are.- 'I'avlo 1 1- V .Pu i ,3sjn tIse tr:à aiu (If tsf ilo5e chljdren t-iiî odo' Iîrm t il atsoîn futre fnie.wbiclî are suggested foi tIse Henry streef pay itîcr-ls lfe-c,and liencre follows mnSnduIe aconî er- lc rd.b ' ihr o aiitf \srifrîl;tii, l 'o . p sth o v e m uat tbe n 8 i .ý o S c lo o l a re o f s o u rg en t a c la ra ctsr, and ti ttre a aoiib le Frfec tiosls t ipo ti (lie Tl e a cî- M oved le,' C . L y n e, cco nd esl <s o -t îa i ' i t c r M c th p o i i n m s e cf - gd- the tîe efects w ieh iould resu it fron t 1<ien rs- B ~ c ac sig low , "I'sîîtflic -,Iiiitr ruîso e a thi taC As l<iný leB ar nrs School cd <snd reýqtiireîito grantOrrders 3oun Lieltl rîr Au~s obstruction of -bîîine&« a. c sAd, hi the eficial a nature, flbat ive tlin l ii-ri- ro inalce alpyi ' eand thtat a Inas - ]etvrill i '.i 1 IF _y'au 1 - No 9,To .J. S Sprowle for-Wodacdîîne unseemly length of the deb4 lion Ile would be few imurmurersa t. tlic sigalit of nnitp-ying b;iI ave no more riglit 1 -~ î od 56~ elI for fuilsiiill. \ s-r4uî o pa*si e5bondexene ieTownî would be put- te il, tacrocsd Our pubicie chsoos titan fnon)- ss ..o..-------.2f.ycn..... 7 bi Address. Thec cpp"osio y bi ndhavee - (rIoivoioret(. tecie xpesio o heviexpreressngihon pyîgc-î Ioer iaetohueruvieil - n A.C. 'iso, n si! r0'ei i. Vli- f t/ rili se i-ees in ori- pubicir 'forres. A nd] villh a Gtaziug, &Cr .... 4 2 5 for plairitiff. 'csu o I~t ronstituents on tIis prominen&m1easure, 'iew (f not oi.Ily ul-tiî but cxtend- 12, J. J. Otto. for Lduca- £27 Is. 3d.- aswl so~ u hn~?t n u edi- vl or - ~ " s1~ ,e iouai Mrin uaîs, ... 1 00 asiel«so legeneral cii -- n O rraer ilpardon usfor Ins,-ii ,lus' tis urificiity of a S h- 'o 13, Mirs. Sniith, for cleautng Dave-yl'-..!-Ssîn--cj for plain- composition of lteï presentli iistry. alludinig to Saloons. Ve lhav-e merclyi FI'llÃ(la<st I ll uf.slyo n dI o tif ý And should lte representatiot est ioni A vord or Iwo to sny on lte question.k a -soslsnd Tacteif-r s'coolyilti14 j,.essrs---t. 5<-foof,.. ý_ 0$198fVerct o 5iiusle-cosft be defeated in its pre"crt 'j the AtIllie lat meeting of tile Counriltle- italkvdo fWlu l sl lir-a ss i-i et teto an -t.schoi 3J63urns ivs. AIIssu.et e<!.---~ds blanie will resl not with lte ,p sition, flions werr pre!5enteil frosu tweo of tise of Is-r d- 1ia Icou'idcr înys.lf'jtstted Car)i fri. pitf. 'ertsfrliiiul >o6, but ilithe ministerial pa wtîose ;aloon-k-eepers pr.,nygloir a longer uit briniîîg is s.l5ubjc-ct 'b1fore Illt so tsien- tesredth otoig Foier et --.-~ < vote-, ill be recorcted a tbi igne to be <Ivn lite dispose of sli h lles, "lîsIf iftfy lare Sati-fisi i nis 1 tht- cmiisriuul,î- Vln1 o lîrtf. \-dc o again ~ ~ iven t î! -eýi-ut ttoUtIuI ,ode of coltecttisg 1 il Ci.nan<f /eBar 44Ia 3î ~ n _____________stocks of spirits, &c., -as otherivise tise '-C tI001 fesi, sviisb ait ils Vaga ies a(1rnasIo te oad f S. oo1 IcCoys vs. Eu nrs et ý-ci0 1- î vontd be sgrious. losers. W 1 o rtP - hr o an1 n ralh, i iee-.frpinif t i A question of Ptrilege wZW brosîglît --1us-user < on tise quetio 3nuîîîraail th£a7tetion r: L LI prebend fliat there iissI eas ca s o su is e£7 6s :rd bee e ebyon ML -. îs, 1 o tise rrosdedstte of tie lieu- befor Assmbly Mdy Iathfe Cotîncil accedirig Io tîeir prayî-r. l '-li n- Street Sclioot Tise averagKe attendauc- XWallace lu -rsn.u by NIr.-bure t-lo'iiiertisia inter, I tiae oU Lîos-s is uow 140, a ruumîser which iîi TItis member %vas elected in pp-1sifion! vIueinsam h M.lieo rnosl- niý;te vi eet wh <o Ni . D o ta e î lî ia g 4 o en e have led the C ou ncil o s tpp ress S a- 1 vti à us g: s o f l ua r 11t I i < n e totb ir c- 1rpe neet la s -rgo ni accot m o dation w iili tetocetier uatlia-e ben tuat ssittie îîisujîîl cf fIss abve ssIlonI ath a L i siminisles tise usefulness Ilayden et (1! n-S. II r-i.-- ~c~- <o ~ ~ b iscnfuc lsb'going theer 10 <lie y od-Ille sits i itî t 1pe 017ititeri rio t J'ale-Ii tû ted <at <lie youi V l r, i r sstr sr 19i g i r o the e hiey corisi5dered ilîcîn unneccrsary-a iii iiOii l-rt vrs--'iiiiritanedule-ett nt1ndddtct forp-oti £ 3 Goveruimetfafter vt-g -it Op - aut egniigavcitu aissî on pth eir desire t,) I~4 1tle principal rt-a-on in lt-adsig t ilie Coua, but of, ~fiqidin~g Ilie ;itnsn:ied tîsoti il Wilte-tein snit(tise sther eihirs, and t1ssould for îdaintiff "\V-. -Bilti.11.-su~f5 flIIoivetl liii examtphe in a rallier mure hltalldeto * b i is - issi, gre-ctî-r unxiety amoang tise people for idà iir. 'P<rui f r istcff, £60 1lu;- oj has*y mainer, îaving only Leen satit inec te ciiicfluors of tinsir ctiiidrcn, have casas- <heu <ise places be uos-uscet-zssry andsiîn o ticciisan i it itelarge ine-r-uîse of tise iitiîers in ut- ufî- M olv îi. 1.2Irs-, tets-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dasi îe Ios ruiu 0iiu - - b aciitni ~iprn-ft-rrîd flic inordsig- of mre ossu tor us n-tiiuncc ss-iciilias ttks-n pflace within tise for plaustIff; \Vutsois fori' f-idsî eliarsinu, ides. he GIl~c a was jrionsy, hie~ f01.-1.,t fesimni.Tise Bîoard miuy lie of IVerdict fe r plif., £S3 7.Ol a o cepesfro hi sipe,l înt s ubisit)p -ini~ss ou tiat tite niitnher of iiuiis wili - very natura!, commetled- upori the sud-jarn, Sir.nsiifî- crristccsinci,, Crls Ishr-W I.llin ur be ceihic aaiut tlie etil î-Iei Voir ibdu- ~rî', isuit i e- . ren sutdijae to-tu er cgltbai 1C a Lsnr "S' r or[iuîîîï£ ,99 tien change tnisici iad tak-en place in - s-tuschtld îtisy \VM. (;lie ON us sire T1icdiusususirr- ut tise Ansletrfor-st., i 4-iil. fllic îiov.inenibeis regard for the millis- n d rss o stci- \'<lV . ilrrs1,a58 nd John-st. Schtiou1 s-outd bililer tiire r IoIiuv.Iiî1~u---\ l ir. îss oued<le reofM. Piîsagain be alloti-sd ta exi-ut even for- a ,- -c-s. iensiu s -f'1 ULieu-ii sz c tio isten sed dîIlhle n bue o tiremutni-ofumduuMo. i io i-uur hefas 0(lau. erio tfn uis i £ - ' icut~ele to bi p ut u i di naio . anntdiy itheeanî -crauont « cais siofAt o rr qthet -cnu - ft!e eucl:, ouS i ta -aieunin-M i dem nd fiaL be wrter of<le ofe i li i gtf of ne ore<<via isiduofduIl. ,îuir iccicic-su sftu1ut son f i ,iu- lait o S;(p i ig s i, w h T l-c- ni reliardsn vs. --enl:- fLxx s-iiitrt f l s ri es NI lel e o- iiniy tIs e ss iîssr y aitu - u s o \u ss t-iiuclsrîtt X n i I ~ i-u ct siut in cnuonie re oef a i lss-V e di t j) velentca-in -ss-i i inlii t si-cic citsosignation.iis- i andtis-risd u-u c ntIesnesor -'rcsia ms. h1usas, -< jX ot an M. P. P., of a fr-w sve ofsorace o wli ti ocial viuî d tsorAt p intIluvýjilpc c n ofî- i n'ycd o t c3 i o Iaof p>i--1 j , caqti t * -sig su i ii she wiu chin e irs-Ot arer-'s u!1¾ -- u. - f ies- ae isîlfluint ios.stthse- p- us-u v ti;u55, tiflu nrflc- a Si ii nstobcdiplisi%1h-n-kensii1r ttm vu f tifiit! ii r , o g c o' -tli ars tî e r e f r e. n a- y p er u asa b e th e _ ___ ____ ____ ____ ___ __-i i 5 --s -eexorn- ,litul-il n ul :,,, bui r - s cm(i'aîun urcî ut u c-Li n i i 1u s si ah c r, i!ai iî t , t> . d i o f' gth e- jaroti J fsrnor drui o fth bsa n a flc.j n iu-t tle- i. i . ii ia-kiad w c i -i- 11us tii iiin tze t dl, a L ite Viltce v t. B clforuî aa h u , h r go ir w t th u t ue uIuà iei( i ut u ilcil lit, N .Y , ad - 1 unPIo - ttuc- irccn i te Si -tooNth r eso itfrpattif - .5 lim c uid be bi-te oc up ed it n Aunia .\ Ill-e in r~o ise 4 Itl y sse. I uîis-idc-l f cl i t eocfas- ic ii t o -e ush I llcisc tuurii-aî o c]tis . 's e d c-t f rssuîsl Ili a ý ial anSimoral pointtii-il ia s i a g î s d a e t c r l i c s e tI s c o d u c o f tI s 0 n s î i s s i a n , m e n f I c P - v a c - i t i : u fî re u a î 1 gsu u iî c s -i b u i e u i s i i t o, r i s i ýi o i r g u l i f ,ic i i J e r o nB a f y o o u î a . P . f a e , % e k l n s t s - a - n - H utt f- u o cir 5 S i i 3 0 1c tt1 1i s o-nfh i - - a c u i . V r oof m ctn 'er . B earecif suc-t a 'y, lor îîd tî o -u csi i t e i l a n l rl w uu ic i, c i to e d poer, sic-i essiîLi sii- i e f îsrt, tu B u f l. £ 91 ] i*ti t :3Wrr i u . t ;an.y:i i ts inîe i in n s in-i or prom t c ton ner Inii r ,siufe l on-Il fo pl inif c-ai-e, l dtfm r t dbe ta se oi nain î caett.t-.% î V-îe>unsu ttu chdI iat o mi is t fîu l.a I tue i trri an t heuîs fr-elhtimcîf ggrm veu y bIe ertie suis~it--iuiiy t~t- isse- ticongig 10tiseboys ditt. V rdiet fsr pG. uutil £ 6 [5. 2 ofUfise uCC5Sî u ntt o case te I lis AnntIt<ti M re ira oti i h <sc-li s .ile (ll. Iý\ - su su) ý.l%;te-l c-1IIi a I we a.o s i inelon tis alten ice Vrdi ctfrdeed- 'il e bedonM ond y v e -0usd, t 'tus!li k o sif tu uulaSunI"cîg ut suI-Inc lt- ife t of Il l i se i c-c-stito runheonsc- cenoudrn ur o u i.Iin s e ilss i le Sor c uesW s N. 1)tof Iufvss,(c ck %ulfVs e ti sci urt.la sin. ut r,.li uo .ii k r.stcl i.ci n w.he- vs-.N: ; - N t S-I'- tiseh pu roeo e t e din(is e i onor andf ie altnd satwînce flic mtry no!D. llu iii olataius -iiPfo tie sa i îustS c-n c sry ait t Iinie u it-ruo Uî GHth)ei R~ ma deiîr n o'lerIs-cf i c %-u--s-a l'u t stuifi 5it. I lad %Vi- tEe ioffornigini ie setrurtied fôr1or sbu3(1u nexltIs lis'.J.fF. uru sial!Ic--!u fi i l %as f ( ise s-nfli oo t ol- rtsL ) tise ent - f tie 1v si, <rne tif lI-trc- tht Q it-nr. frtM ' rTa is-r etiiss i cours memers a bethe '<oug rottr aîdI :1;s.alyuiît (useflus gluant nvoti, -ern M ih' e t, <iiii <-rcl I itir ii utin trn witti- lie It-ior liit-I csi f orte(fui5 - eItm stbe tke i îilcseo t %s i t ,iiAci, nfirî is-r adanc-e1 f i as-ootssh 1s uunrrsel "'de t IV', qivI:tle-one C(tnp llel t) sr f;r*- I e ru r ;. i t l t - feu Ia iuc- 'N . si. tiori~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~(r aferacoiîdral foriîtr-s t u Cotîrt of Qurer Sb a 1,sIons o%"4[)-- p -, 1)Irisas fbc-<iitc-n syetS hîs Tstien es-ir fo evr nivdu enhr %ir iilitea i ns-- lsamcs vis tre nui t as;Stîeni's f- ni ïouid in sie ri o ils-- for tni ti-- c) e dnlattise CourtIlifil*îse1 onl hoeda eL- upon htlmse hiat ie defled Ille emalice l te'nîiî < -e ir-oi ai, ncuti-etsap 1 sosread bo îep-I vui tcsptrvuILo y leriniyes X aas ntneiuiî [!tturs, fia of the pressmadaindlharicaenfile hou- r t si muc>aefi -iltIlie5 aea vefin le oor ia!e n-cie ty orva mt, Dc -oifn-îeisn hce tr ilceso c-ual-gel u.Esy RM. D., oftt. - M* u - " C;- e" . Merc unsuit htcr. ssnov cuinie - {' file urpos of lierd -a thmittancandilicd ilie Pro- ie-s iS3.M-osntstîtiriled-AN sI Iis qrsts stsmniatry, SO fliat persons ms-lia de flot or- PIRE AT os- i nue f i iw rsh initie l b t nuS satliiie upeist- d ntiîuiajn-s i-e gad'elle<o fnd isuta lun a ciiaracly ofthe onem es niesvas1Dutr< bCui4c.-O1 i-cusnc-t-Ilot ku1sa i>e-scvSrt-t Sioqoi svas c)oic < irr t:,tof e C-nTuItsoftic -,-hoc-e iesainesvsrshoU<acpaeis tjeuîe-ssittuns iOni n k-1tii 0î -siIsc î ratlam l tbs r in' ouf fic- htiofglo incoîttie c( '.the iuîn t rticîît)rrv ni er o osltr e ar e onth (bis J. p r .esofr. e ili na f--c- 5 tu-t -ai hm uuiko u otjrti caie 1 iisdbseneusig l. uiid n , foi i I e se-o il tie-risii " lin.m mb r Irhe Ily urgurtera d -1.i -i i llere reîui-ic san ses l i .,nuthe i - r s hoin tildli ut u intrin sc n- IlleAPnc i esh t Inufor1-' s e-s cc-'-a sttut z, - r,- M.Pce %icrw i ro swm nttvcs eaddIi ~ ,, lion.c iaîty a ut l ias dc urbe d su s o a- n l n > tie lut l bu lts nijuuuu-s- l es aud l u rva--no lm s-ait . ludvanced i te le -i s t e B t - to(.) soV it e st Oi u - -hlion ilI e e p t iai ii.. , v i- il file-î if a s ets . oli lt] ye , otr i re t Se ior t j (,. i - s, a rn t , o ud e - e kf t -cuu.u e ta uu E1-t - îlces au ne w ihm-thec tit rumour tedCoutba t fisen muttsw -kt tuamell*ac-c- aiu i 1 1x - tdiIg o wt n ut.miits tnepro n t sildngsorsai et crs-e hm - h ice dîs d th alcdc swcd >rîtiinis-uoert ad- sticli-We.11t50 ntt .Jors- aciuugco tise. to I - - lel eiaato, n I ccc osur eti ciis-s t servainrely hcped 'oý ý us-ns ani gien te li ho tis orme - f r re os t Iis-ifi atic e cagne Il5 i i u-a cuettecl' LeIosr.1loçn tia l s t -Oit d ofîs ne- îecth Iln eur suppo yr o uS toneionfor lh-etîtodillt Cîsurci in .Cihe t- autI- tisdï u slenpt -he t tnif&c.a oitticreI icsreotliuî oslin Ie tt-co18ea5edin8. 0Iusc-lsuiit ' e fid iiais tfa0iidlu gcisinia sa ndoni er. m it- s-ailada utincin- tie eito ta tise bar cf lue ieîs.c mposd orefigee frtn lavey tsan Vor îo 0iulalntSt-rignin t hu,:ilm:ne Ch-aicm nsa ti t llt nfi ml îeeoe rcussr touse. But M Pich had ben îo is-iî prqiî to-orrowem-enoig iltue terontuies utti egçoIaiIn(,repo ed. ta il ssonit lther-%vasdiea iis-itsouildelaa îainsty . desc tng bsofnw de leout Cor geataa Cuci1f<is'IllA C tN~GE Te -rnved on iti rs.-ec-î ys-e itereucd-; 1 , F IR E T D FFe si 'îisiasiler allr 1ed fr ir n Il d o ôôe o;îjilfý l'ii diaiy aCo vt Il lb' iw .iiimitt*re otiied hoa f iihtamule e- fsiî is ieiuti o o ts irtc 1-Y -Y Ao Rabfi -A Mont ian: T es thecy Thr loi re r thea1 -'oP c gew!r ptiS Iteà bol, pot anený ti b p