Ontario Reporter, 2 Apr 1853, p. 2

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tx I~ENT dU~ «da, BIL 'We pâlîhl belosv a statement of tise B1ectoral Diviaiens foi- Upjuen Canada as %n~-ed ii ponin- Cotumite cf thse whk- on Os Friduy thse' Stis, and printeti on Montiay thse 21¶î.* The generaI provisions cf the d Bill are Dot imiportant as tisey merely relate ej Q1x4£)&ers, tbqmbdeof holding - poi n certaincf -the new Elec:oral"Divi for Upper Canada is- Dow 42,buth rý poseui Bill as the reador will see,, lîcreases thbe nurishersl 65. 1UPPEII CAN&DA.t -iud 6e it ejiarteti, ubat the several Comuntiès, Cîttes'aüd 'rowns in Upper Ca- pa,Aa1la e bounted 1'or thse purposes cfd i-ý tbfIiihw are foeu'L. upse ofi sn3im ee ito Sr-ar as itW lbie- i4erothèrwimme pro vimetdi: snd iat for tht *ý%wë ertbi t A, Cath of 'the -aaid Cota- t tqems bI inçlukdea1l tht. Tolns and Villages 'là hýÀe 1tmimt thçoreef, except auch of tht ilwD5 as àre açialy xcepteti or are aeilare4 té bléElectoral Divisions. - lseÇomntiés 'cf Huron andi Bruce, a t Ç&iéntes of Lnci anti Atin- ibn, *an1 respetvely be Unitedi fer Ise pur- <~ reprçsentatfon ; and each s13 Un-t crila e,, Cmtiis thail oim an EMec- 3, Tha4'oil "ip couties m#hal-be. divi-. i 44$ i ' ¶Ifl-ir the purpost cf Repre-t ?nt dîo - a eaçchof -such 1 4lugsb5hU4lt - ,,TeCnù#uLy of-York salbo dis'smed iîï.tsýè-Ril'il io e aled'rese t7tve- iý, î« 4rt dlà teS t igi4ng, anti -Te Nrt mg ' Illcot&st of the L- 1t IidIî4 ali.h' cebssî cf lise oV ubsor' Mârkha ,babcoganti Ijo.rticu cf tisa 'Ownship of York ly- 'Ws&iiding ssal consiat cf tise el tioa of theT 'ownship cf \'ork lying %Viest «,Yonge Street anti the Village cf York- j! t. 5__ Tl~e Comaty of .Mitdlesex shih 13e #~¶&iDOt~P t ccailetire .ýpeç4Vely tt'Easî Lziog and tWest Ri- ITht 3tot Riding 51*11 consst or the .4o5ls s c %est Nissouna. No.tsDr ý 3ter iWýespsinuster anti Londons. Tht Wçaot Iitlng shah) cosit cf the -TowasbîOslf Mosa,_ Eckfrid, Caradoc, Metcalfm, Adelaide, Wlham, obe sund M4el, ae. .The Ceaty> of Oxford shah) bc di--i- ned iitwtq >v L'idings, te be calleti respec- ý-ilY4llthe North R!-ding anti the South RiLI- 7"he1orth Riding tubali)ceuist cf tht '1Tpw"auips of- Buts Miswoaîi, Bast Zen-a, Wst Zôiî.'Blautiford, Bleutit, anti tht Toln f Wodstock. Th'e$Spath Rsig sball censist cf .the ýownshîps eat- 'orth Oxford,We3t Oxford. '7prwhich anti Jerebam. ba .c.di 7- Thse CQuniv of Llasting'smlIh i idà"otwo.Ridtingte ba caiheti respec- tivoly tIse ortis Risling auJ thec $cutis Tlie Nor.tis idimg, shaîl consuLt of tht, *, Té i4ùhPa_ýe 1Le, 'lTudor, Gristshorpie, iiigdonad Uln fard; I - TlIsS~M Th iîdg shah consisioth ie- 'I'n-mshirs cf sidney,Tbulw'yedsa '04eNillaze of Trtaton, anti the Tuwn S. The Cut iDuthans shall6e ti- Vided lnto two Rtioata. 1be calleti re- apec'ivvy tht Eu~t BiJi~ng andi West flit- 1he East Riding shaht consist of the e% nýipsof Cava», Manvers, hlope, -andi 9L itî rahMrtýra, Raina ant Scupg: - 'lusSoutta Riding shaîl cenai-t cf the b 2owqtsips of ,Whtby, Pickering astithe i V1l1a~of Oshava 1t. The CoUýnt> 'of< Veîtworth shah) be divided iute tiwio RiZ ntoe 6ecalet' e j spctively tht Nortli Xing and 11e South -te North Riting shah ýonsist cf tIse Toships cfr3everly, Fhaasborossglr East,, IM àwborou -h WesÏ -sud'tht Townu cf Dun- aofl cnithe atr. h ot shaih tonist of tIse- ooke Nrthf,,Daîlsem- Lavantý Darling ai Lcepilt of tht ~uElimsiey Nos-li,ý rooke 'South, -Beçk- ,"rt, ansd theTown.v $iiceshahI 6e d4- ralèd te1e c- of tbe T.ownshps oW1YonKre, rkscott, Front ot*f Led iLan.sdww, Redr of Leeds and Bâtard afid Irg-ss-* ~he Southi îdmof Grenville sitill con- sist. bf the 0wnîips cf &iwar4siburgh aolAugsM.01dý the TOWcÃŽ%ÃŽ Prescott? 15.- Tbo<*u ty-of welllngton sail b1e livided imt, toRidiaga, te 13e calleti re- spectively the South Itiding and the North Tite South Riding sbail cbnist 'or tbe T'owni sud Township of Guelph, and the l2ownshtpîs cf Puslinch, Erallo%a and Ern; The -Xortb Riding shaîl consist of the rownskmpioT Nikbol, Garaframa, Pilking- ton, Peel, Arthur, Mar>orougb, Amnarant b, Luther andi Minto. 16. The Coîinty cf Waterloo shall be livideci into aidings, to be called respect- viely tlifNortb Riding and South Riding: The North Riding shall consist of the rown»shtlbs of Norte Waterloo (lscluding, tbe Town *f Bertin), Woolwib and- Wel- lesley; Tite South Ridiug shall consiat of thse Vïllaes of (irait auëd Preston, andl the Town- sips of South Waterloo, North Dumufries ad Wilnô. The P'resent Tbwnship of Waterloo be- inc divided, for the purposex cf Represen- tion cftily,*imto twp Tw. m*.hips, te 13e calletf respiectively the tJrowhsh: p cf -North Wa- terloo.and the Township cf Sotk~ Water- loo; the Township to*inç?ude anti cnsiat of th-rt part of'tiue pêesent roLwnsmp of WVa- terloo lyingy withi#Vt.Ibe tnllowino limits, that Is te 3.2y:coWfnfemaZ-at tIse'sotlî-wesé ittg1e oftLot Numýber-fcrty-4in u týAe said. 'l'ownship, thenct euteily along the South- erly lietf of tosi-Lcrid f'tbeLots Numbeerty-scvMrfrtrý ~ ifpy-«y one and 'fIfrt-three'; axai Uiprofongation theref,ifo thte tnjtdle oif tht Grang River, thenýe along, the middle cf the sa-i River ainsuttstreatato.the prolongaxtion cf the 1imibetween Ilie said Lots N11umrber one- hundred, and t'liirteen.a-nd ope hundi-ed and Courteen. and. alongy the lumtt %bttween the sait! Lots Nuimbers oi e hundred and tiir- tee» and oa iu hidrcdanU'fourteen, norther- ly and easterly ta the tvcsterly Ilitaits cf Lot one bundreci and seven, thence alonc, the westerly limita of.the *aid Lot Number one huadred seven, northerly-ta the northrlv limita thertof, thenc.e ,,ncgtigte northerly litnits of 1the saiti Loti Nutber one bundred and sert» anti "cf Lots àu'in13er one hund- red six, eigb;ty-four and ninety.%îz, eastcrly to the easterly bouîîdary cf the saidTosvn- sbip, thence along . the easterly, nortberly andI wesýerly iri oie f thse 1said Town- sbip, in a nontherly, weterly, andi souther- ly direction respectivelyVto thse placecof be- gining: And Use"1'ewnip of South Wa- terloo te inctude anti consist of ail thc e- e mainung part cf the sii present Townghip cf Waterloc. 17. The Coanty cf IBrant &hall be di- vided into two Ridiffla, to bce called res- pectively, thes-aEst, RIiu n d the W~est R4iing :_ .Tise-.atRîcing -shah tonu.st cf the Townships cf South Dumfries, Onondtaga, Est BranLfArn4 md the Vutta.ge of ParIs. '17W West IUdioig shail consist cf the Townships of Burford, Oakland, Tuscdnora. W'est iBrantford andthetsm Town cf Brant- tord. Tht present.,Townsaip of Bruatford 6e- ing divideti, for (lie purposes cf Kepi-esn. tation orkly, . inte ýtise T'o.insbip of a--A Brant&ford and West Brantford :The Town- ,%hip of E auît Briaaf"rto inchude ansd co- -MaL " cf-ailLt'portion, cf tIe preaient Town- .ýbip cf Brantford wlaîeh lies on the casl Wid *f ~at'd River: And the Town- ship of il 1-Jaftford te include and eaii- ast of ail. â-e, répýInder of the preser~i 18. Tise.C4unty cf Elgin shil dlIç uýu 22. Th~e City cf Kingstoa. shail forny a 23. The City cf Hamnilton abaîl fu m a -Electeral Division. 24,. Tbè Town cf Brcckville shall foi ina É~lectoralI Division and sisall, foi'the purpoi ef'RestqtSÃŽ'd<> oui>', include in additio te its piraset Ihr~' tewhQle cf th 'rownship of Ehîzahth-oewi, which sba for tht said putrpos. 13e detacheti froin th County of Leed*. -,-. 25. Tht Town'af Niagara abolI foris a Electoral Divi%inn, ani shal for thse puy pose cf Repreestaitigu nlny, iuçzbadç, sa ad dîtion ta its presnt limcita, thé *Ibolo of th Trnsmip of Ntagîra, wihs~l frtb bld purpose 6e dètîceed fronthtIe Couat 04 Lintcon. -- 26. ' kTownt of Corawall shahfor. o ~.vsnI~bh1fortbpnrem Ship, of Cotawalt, Iwhiels ob.detae frorm thetCounte MStrmost. 27. Tho-Woownef Londonaboli form- 28. The Town e ytolWi1ahg form âWec" o)Division., THE CO$l.m QYsi..-UDG)(E A£ The e s&nicat.o., Ut« theaI"ditj >f L chÉe pWed-agaiat ude clad n.U o rwLtar impressed e'very perses WW. Spresent Stp the invettigatic>n.ILie fitqueiitly odjourneti me, gîve the coufl>el for thje deIeh e an op- portunity to Prep8.re eviuience, andi if he bas anife*ted the si hta ening of any kinti, i t1asr biensa very' naturaf-andtiidahIe one towr" th1e acc4ied Party, te Wbom cer- tainly evry opportasnity àa-,'hen affordeti for rebotting tht statements cf thse accusera. 'L'here appears Io bave been seine uttaccoant- able delay on the %ide cf the accused in p reparing for the defence, and i athou'ghM. Acland tati ample notice cf tbe nature cf the charges broughit against lim, the tnm- ber cf wîînesses and the wcicrht cf tesilimo-c ny atiducedtet rebut those accusations was by ne means se gi-caL as we bopeti or ex- pected. Inuleeti we were Sorry that il was found nmecessary te take thtetiepositions of a Clergyman in a trial of tIti% kind, anti that tise testimony cf the imnujority cf the wît- nesses for tthetiefenise ratter sustainecl tlmn detracteti. froii thde evîience on tihe side oft the prcsecution.-MNr. Beecher wbo iwatch- ieti the tailier part cf thse defeuce, andi bis partner Mr. 11utchison st-o conducted tlime latter portion deserve every %èredit anti praise fer their zealous exentions on behaîf cf tte accrîseti, anti as il was veny trident ttey hatinot receiveti their instrurtions un- II tht very moment of the ti-tl, their ef- forts on Ibis imcount aili 13e ccnsidçred -mocre -extrao4-dinary anti przistworthy, but cf necessitY tht>' 11bred under man>' di%- âdvantae li"'.e n bhave been obviateti had àr Acl-;,,ta nd his fientis taken that p Io:.npt art ion in preparing thtetiefense Nwbîct .tbe u.mportance cfte cause anti the _1pte!ètùscie é. ertainiy ledUs. ta ex- pet çostiae% een adopteti. Nor cati the plea of tant cf sulflcient time 13be urgéd for as 'île have before stateti Mr. Aclauuti- hait am'- ýWhifîèaof' -rthe nature and) extent o f ttecicanres. Tt woutti be useleas for us te attetnpt te, gire anytb:ntr ike et-en a con- densed acuount oai U i mutifaricus testimo- ny viken upon tht occasi a. .Nlany of tise charges azpperi- totans- tained by thte eidcnýe. Tl'ie followingr are a fi-w cf the cases whicb isere brougtt for- ivard in whiécl i te correctocas cf te ruling or decisiaps of thte.1udge wo're questionpti Chinu vit Tibhet, NleLeocd vs 1Park, Ucel 1-s Sykes, Ilaacke rs Stinon, Dancy vs W allace, Ilobson irs McCullact, \V hitel>' vs Gordon, kc. &c. lu was prcved b>' dhe depositions cf the Clerks of the saniaus Courts that the Jîttge hati meglectedti u ex- amine the books cf Citu-kas vith regamrd te the amouttcollecteti by themi for tht fé~e- funti, and tati certjlied Io tht ccrrectne.-, of their laccoutsts withoct eomparmng thein witis the bocks.-Mi-. Stra-chan stas tte principal wjtnes exasnjned on the part of tht de- fense.-Huron Signal. THE FATAL CA U'iPE.NE LK7PLOSIOt- Counai's 1NQuEs5r 0-4 TWO OF THE 130- DIES.-On %%ieln-suty a[ -raoon. !ooner i-aaiblc proceedvd teî iLi \zetv York lHas- pital, ant i elu înquîeît upioc te bQdies of it-c pensions wta IaN; siheir Ili es by lht- ex- plosion cf a can of c-ýmplhene in a dwelling b ouse at N o. 17, Orstge Street. 'llq fir-'t was liehI on the bady of an Italian wonsaua naut-i l aiy Armneins, ageti 30 > c irs. I appears fi-cm tise evidence rddtuced, that as young girl w-as filling a lighted Iamuîp sîtlu camptene frein a lar6e tin can. Tte fluid ignited wiith t hibaze, anti an explosion col- louveti titi the sati resuit of seraIinniates h eing burned i n a sbocking manner. After a full anti careful investigation, th e Jury roturnet a verdict in accondroce wiiit ti LoOOMOTIvE ExPLOSION-WVe learn by'tèlegrapti f&rïnPortiand,Xaîne, that on tbe 24sbh inst., the locomotive &Oxford,' dtawingr a beavy tra n, on te And rosc-aïiu aind Kennebec rail ro;îd, wben near thej Danvillejunction, burst ber boLler, sbveringi the ma!1ine to atoins. Mr. Frank engin- cer ; Mr. :Stowe, conducter . and Gcorge Ki!born, fireman ; were severally blowzu m any fect into the ,itr? but nefflher of tber w"~ fatally injured. NEW ADVERTISEMETNTS. Der. Jno. M.J/P*.orrus W1 T7B Y, May 1e Consulted'at preenttth re-sidence of April,2nd,1853. 50-tf D. CRAWFORD, lLASijust teceived a larg~e Assortment cf $ZLtapie and Fancy GOODS. mwhi4h !wil be Sold at very loiv Pits foi Cash. Td %vwbich he rails the attenion cf hi, CeStomner, aà h ob lie j» Ceueral. 18.d h u. NOTICE. rEn myWife ÂAiapcl a 3sbas left M and Llo.-d wýitbotst anyju*t causa tir pyovo<atio. i 1hereby irS*iiànOY prson bar- bit or reijn er un nm actwoý.xat, as [i wii floi bc tlusppuslbte fr f c: a4 <b t aîCc4Cý by ber. JOHN BAY.S. WhtN m h,1u $STN U- Whitby ýthtar'mueosa alarge dMuortinet tof Neav Gmodo, ntt ileek.' THE.,REPOIT ERp.J WHITU XIGII - Qv~me', Mrct'80 Last nihtthtIe amendmneits matie 1>the Legislntiî'e Comincil ta tise bill te ansent the Charter od theT'oi-ota C as and \Waîcr Works Co., wüe-agi-ced to. - 'hefiscbllta incorhuorate tte Bytoîvo amat Ottaiva Raili-cati CO. was conbidereti in coinmmittce, andtihte bill to 'nîtlozize the City if llainltoto temegtiate a loati eh £50,000 ta consolitiate the cil>' dubt, and ailier pilrpase rend '2mitimre. 'ie debate on the $ýe1gnouia1 Teaure Bill continueti until adjetvnc-nt. -No %vote wau takenN-lessrs. Cartier, S-'icotte, Lem- wuaX, Leoste, sud ,other Frencuh members, t pois lqgàkat tht e ums sionu of tise Seigne- Tc-night, Mr. Ropse intreduceti a bill te hessen haw cois5 udti- certain circuinstances in Upper Canada, ant'il for otter purposes in Connexion wîth suit% athastA- On motion cf Mi-. MelKenzie, certainu paliers ý-catiYeto egi-ants ne Indian lantis at tht Grand River wert ci-dereti. Mi-. Mackenzie moveti for certrin papi-ns relative te thei Rideau Cana). Tte motiou was re!iisteti 13>'govehmnit, andi w1th- tirawn - On motion of Mi-. Catichon, ttc report cf Dns. Nelsons anti MeDonald anti - - Parauttît, Eq.,-adyeurse, on the Queie 2Nat jrD,,. h1ospitt, anti ail dctments tnving nefereaeç te-0esquiry_ coacering tht institu- tion mveie'orfleiçd.- On motion c; Mi-. Sanborn, tenu espond- ece wus ortict relative te lte Iudian 'StremSteleest in the Eastern lowyn- ships, andi fer compensation for injuries ne- ceivet fri-an citizens cf tht Stuiate cf Nelv lampslairr. Mr-. i\erritt tned for a select ccmmit- tee tes conAider an Adi-tas te Uer Nlajcsty in favor of a-dmittî'ng certain atclsof Canadian produce int tht markets of Great Brîtain fret' of duty- Aller a dka'u-sion ttc motion was lost,-yeas '25-navs 29. Mr-. Menrimt morcs that titat part of the message of tho Gosernar General, commnui- nicnting the i-cpi>'of tte lrnperial Gv'n nient te the adda'es.i of the Provincial Par- liainent, pi-aying that medals ma)-13e con ici-r- edti ipea the 'survivons cf tte Canauliin ýN1iliti1s wlo vwere prisent aut thevar'mnu, enga g-Demnents duinz Ille hate war, vtb flue Uniteti States, n'ticb atre not esums-m-ted in tse genem al ortier of these sit Jîune. 1 sIý.. be rend w'iîb n view t0e rfer ttcesaime oa Selcet Committee. MoItion svilbdiasvn f'rr >a wcek at the reqmest of the c Gcvprnt'nt. .and upon telise mn.ru-,1;ndin- thit the Gar- c rament avotilt laite the malter ino con-il- " ratuon. r A call cf the Legislatlise Council. for .thse consillernaon of thp Representat ion 1BI,i% ontienetifor the 4tcof NL]-.iyand il i- saulltitîe pi-oragatjon cf ttc Ilaust ssiI! 1Lakf, place allout tise l5th May. Note-Crtin coumplaints hasiing, toc n Lm. d e a a~tteParliamenai->' eport- - cf te e,'rpfor transmisýsion. orer tmise 1 %vire.- 'a joke of tise ueisec Chroit ù;1i çete Ltte minist->, lthe>'deen it Lpi-fpei sta state, ttc>' dtt net senti- the joke. TRE COMMERCIAL POLICY. Tise last Globe imforits ils readers that M;I-. If ucks tas format>' eiven tspbis Coin- mencial policy. or 61netaiintany pohie>'," ns tisat paper deligbts te deignate ân>' men- .qune that might te romgli foi-ward b>'Lite g-ovenomnent for thc ame1ienation of oui- cri- pied anti restricteti cousamercial systeni: an-i titat ttis m-oitnti-yi5 vet fatedti tastru.,ile>oui bopin, againât hbe for a system that avl! Iat leakt place ber en an eqîtal footing trii ber prospercuaival in tise m-ark-eLs cf lie at-a-Ic, anti gise te car people that e*nceur- aS-cment tu their industr>' tlit an indofaita. bIc pti-sevt-amsce, sincqualleti b>'an>' otter people utider tht ses-et-est colontal restric- tions, bave àio jubl y> tieeived. If tthest-cl- fareocf bis atiepteti couantry f'ormed ttc sinalltmt poutien cf tise anîbitious intrigues of the meniher for Kent at tise pi-e'sent tîtt, wt tigtt be led ta givje isi a lttIle credit for amuret>' in bis opposition te ai-at te enlIa "4 retaliation ;" but bis wtohe par-, iamentar>' course threscs even th3e benefit cf a. tioubt in bis' fat-or out cf tise question as lai- as bis political luoneat>' is conceracti. That the Inspecter Generah aili abandon thse hest in 'terests cf lus country a prett te unrecempeaseti e.ýactions ef o-jr rival ave never for -a mousent beits'td, uer éan ave e- ieve îlszut-Mr. incks or an>' athes- Cana- prise enouglý.to compete witb him. ;Such that 'Ali. Brovin andi ti&Cloe -d'nounces a ré. , taliatiuq" on the pýrt ot a C4nadusnâ Minuter wliî seeks t#atne4iorate it. Wbeil Enc land stopt- the prefereôce gvyen to-us ii gulating a commercial tariff ta snit our ai- tered circunistances, and we bave uno faitb in the b-onesty cf any pdlitiiÃŽn hwlîewculd oppoaîe the fhr!t step ta titat commulmatian. -American Statesmen date tIse era cf their cou)trfa praspericy froun thse adoption of tb'ir coumercial systein, andi certaini>' ne ceutit.y thuat I"sive read cf" in ancient or moderntLines lias adsvanced in inte-lhirnce anti avelth s serapitily .Canada bas- thîcre- foire astbing tn fear'anti everytbing'îto tope froni their expenience, PROVINCIAL PÈB-Ih.ENT.- iTEM'%S 0F PARLIAMIENTARY 1'ROC(EEDINGS 0F THE AS- bEMJ3LY. (Net reposted by Telegraph>) Quebeur, Marct 2*2, 1853. $u'i- Xlan N. Mc trIou» the Stand- ng Coimsititee on 1Raihuoada,, Canals anti 'felegraph bines, neporteti on the Bull Io uucorjaaratc tise Hamilton anti Pont Dorer R,'ailroad t*oinpany.-and also on ttc Bull ta -acorponaue ttc Montreal, Bytown an d titwa Gi-amat'runk t Railmtay Coin- 1 h-! Connittee on Standing Ã",-dei-', e ported fas-ariui>'on thue Letitiun cf Chiai-hi- u- c-mail,mreat-e Ioa ncertain Roat isI lotrance; anti uniavarably on tise-l>eiution of, bIlle ýlitilci)ality Of NMono. 'Fluke('oulninittet alan report favoraisi> n tnat part of tte Petitieut of the Peterboro' antd lPart llo'îe IRaiiond tCompany, for au- toi Lu cou-'4rui-t a tirane-t uo tte I'îwn- ship (4 Manîposa oril>'. Andtisihi respect ta the Petition of .1.- G. Boives anti chers, ttc Coin mittec onh>' necommenti that ttc route Jf the propostd Railwzy 13e cotfunu"ti ta ttc Uniteti Cointies of Ontario anti P'eel, ant ibtose cf Wellington, %Watrrlou anti Gi-e'. Mr- Nialloch iitroduceti a Bilh t,.ioco-- porate lIme Bstossnanditi 't'mtroke ail- Wuy Comaupany i scrondl reading to-une;- (in Mti ofIlon- NIr. li~ethe ilul taiot'uueape-at;, ttc Montreal, IBytosvn anti Ottaira Gi-andl Lriluk Itailya> Cana- pan>'. %ras comitctie for to-morrcav. lise i.WI to nco.-poratc teIHamnilton and Part Dover Rmuitva>' Company, vras contierin i coimittee ; anti ordere tuL te meau) a tlurd trne to-marrcw. . Mi-. :Sunitm of'Dur'ham introducet a 1Bill to aunendth ie Act incorporatingo the Pe- tevborougis andt Port iHope 1Railway C'om j-any ; second readin., tc-morrow. 1 Ion. Mr. VIicliards introduceti a 8ihI sup- plmnentar>' tu the Comuanon Sciteol Art cf' L'ppcr Canr.da ; second readiog '1'lurstiay nmL:e>t.- "The Bill te amenti anti censolitiate t'ise Lassaî, relatîru ta Emuigraîs anti te Qu-ais -1 unae, warnd thettcecondti tnag, andi cern- mitteti for to-marovv, andti Labetîsen the~ fir!tUOrtici-of ttec Day.- The Bill te remoeccertain doubLa exiat- inf ms te the t-ut mésamntganti effectisei sixt S.-ection of- the Act. pasacil uring tte hresent oession, intituhed, *1 An Act t o imeia th ie Aet pasiad min thc Session belîl ti tte fourteentb unt fafecat>' >ear,.%cf lBer dajesty'a B iintiîthel, Il An Ad tat amenti the Act cf lncoi-ponutior of tht .-iaaru liarbour andi Dock Cot 'pany,"j iras recndithe second tume; anti ni-rde- ta bce reaul thte tiid lime ic-:norrew. The1Bill Iromthie Ltsgishatîvt Couricil, intutuleti, IlAn Act te incorpeu'ate te Brockrille Ga-% LigisI Comapan>," st-as i-tati lte second tirce anti refernedti thett Stand- tnug Contunitte 6a Prit-att Bills. »OTICES OF' MOTtONS. Mi-. Ro>e-On Thuraida>' atit-Buil to lessian Law Ceo5ttai mdci certain cis-curstan- cesi in ltat part of [hi-a Province formaenh>' caîleti Upp--i Canada, andi fdr etter pur- po!ies in con-iec tien swtb Suits at Lait- tiere- Msr, Chapais-,Ox Thusay a' ext-3i1 te estaliis a Boàerd c£amniaer% f&er exainonion cf 'Sthool Teachers in tise Dis- trict of 4-aspe. , - M.Stuaiank-On 7Mndat »citý-Bih te incorperute tise Canada Militai-y Asy- uni, ivere tht 0f Ant cie, pa' Educatie dian stateàtasn vilI in tise,, present CltiIs' adoption beave - tb. productive i»#terests 'cf- th e OU- labor tan' tiy it the -mer"y -û-tanueren cg.s.partsdna whaepayag:gow- àPi-ovincU Wisle sy'ag;2(1per ioent on 411 etm s Tn b i e ssttiStates, -anti eutanit veiage 16 saya pe t oulf.,ail thse, mafatni4 et take bit the am 1u ft%!i» si iro miil- bas il -coat -Iiqttgrff, A Ibis coun frýy y ' a *an,ý ~atai-4 1Prpo 01,su4qi-r f Of tis andti t lesmglh cu4rageousialy Ietisof, reci ty,-fiýoint1-hA sesicae ppeple 1 asigc ~thepetiionsreéeivretianti i-ati foilowsng: -. toine Chretie» anti others fts 'fSte. ji-sile, ceuni>' cf St. ,Maur-, rimg for thse reptai cf-tht- existinoe anal Law, sud xthe re-enactinent o ntai' ystem ià lieu Ihereof. - froma variods.pacie, prayingtht oi .meaasu e s for the aitttion o f ahI tht Lei-i's t>ay in the P-ostal de- t of the publiseî4ce and on th'ci On motion of Mr- sicotLe, the billi t au-.:-Great1 activity is sanifestêd by'.tI 11lirke thc, conveyance, by the Cat1holic, lâ-fartnï ,parties in» To1rQû1 prepl-tI*t«7 risilesof the, PI o t11éfllé0 tIPp'rc aIrn th~fi hîe arri-al ofthsp W it 'el i movble aproriiie toDivveWorsibip, 1 zember. i teplace 1 JfMr-- zlto's.00 and--fe)r other êurposes, tberen mentioned'ý contest it is eipected wrill be à bot ome. %vas corninitted ori-Wàeosday fùext. Mr. Smiithîof Frônten.-tentrodtacetl'a v jPORtT WtltTIY.-Tb-'re Schooner" .Scôt' bill tra dttaclî a certain portion of te towný fhnd," Captain, Godiman, tho property of shilp of Kin ýtoo in the cotinty of Fronte- James Wallace El sq., of this Townï, Mad* îac, ta the to:.-nshilp of Pitt-ibur-h. fo.r municipal purj-oses ; second readinic to-mor~- her,frst trIa t. o,;çç)i,ýter ro W Scottand'?' is the first Canadiau craft out- O:1 motioîî of NI-. Palette, ihe bill te ai-C 10%v Ile Fab)r1q1esý of the Dîocese Of tQue- bec ta forjT, a ittual Insuranie Cum- pany, wqs committed for Tlîursday week.c Oit motion of M\ir. Polette, the bill ta in- cor-porate the SMees of Charity at (Que- blec, was aisi conrnittedl for Thursday weelk. Mr.. Morriason introdticed a biB l to inc or- porate the 1Upper (anada Religinus Trnct and Book Society ; second reading on Mon- day next. On motion of Mr. Street, it wa s orul.red that MI-I. Morrison be added te the select rornmittee on te petitivvn of the Municipali Council Of Linroin and Wl~dr!tv'o the Upper Canada Consblidated Municipal Loan Ftind act. Fars anti 8craper. BROOK UNt IRÂSS Bà.Ib' and, wbicb bas btpen for- the pa-t winter under the tultion of INr. W illiarnsoîî profussor- of Instrumentaliisrge a Concert in thi% town on Tuesdiiy evehting ls, but owià-lg to tbe darkne'rs 'anud t prevailing was nnitso %*well auended as thte lovers of gnod WUZi ,ian.ur vicilaicy could wisb. Trbe inusic W2.% chiefir new pieces andi woîld have don -ra .ej ti tui, nrnrp ctaý cf liai-ber we'have liesaeli cf sa prim>g, andi suie avas tise last laid up-m th-t6EaUl.-. Sée- ceas ta lièe neriitg«pteln amd.-*DT'r. Oui- tratie iwisRochestir as mow, comsun- ced for duc stase».. TU-E AN1FGLO -'AMEU1CÂAI-Theb April No. is equal to-itspredecuorsuati 'Continues tise histr>cf tise war betaen -Gi-tnt 1iian anti the V'ijtesi States. Esî- eep ia etnselishments Ibis nuuxberis sepua- or te I-ianper'a.- PORT HOEp, PETEnRBoIteAN<D Nawf- MARKT.-lt tas beer praposëeti tetan-y the Port Ilope JIaiilWay te Ntëwmurket frIy Lintisatomten>ect t13 NerthscruRIhWay. Tise prop 12 is untienstoo t ta e faveéu- ably etnterta.uscti b> tht latter Conspan>'. F naE.-The store beongiusg te Mesura-' Smith anti M1airow, HurotitanrM.u14N,ý awasaa, avashaît aveek fbuntsî doavu- vthi ta Contents, namne af s'lui.ch aere insured ton Sun staten% that thte nurvteygts bave sr s'eyed two routes for'tbgs hine cf -Ralwaj . 1 te bcst traiîsed cil>' Bandsi. - 'Plat Ci-vs- ando f y hast hey, wish-to proceeda w»t tlI Palace Mai-cl" wai a beut dp c aution their Report would ahre.ady lié-je anti <it crcdit so the- iati-uc'tmn of Mi-rde. % 1 1umso The- otiser pieces titting tejCoomacnP'rsot'tW '- eveningvere mwl arran-eti,, svîtb famuiliar b-A largenmewfinahv en'engag- cuo: uses from the be-st c'cras 'agi-ceablr in- ei duinia the week i ani the enta-g>'wl trourei.whiclhetc sscik is prosecutc diaugtra hope- 't bis baudd ieïcîv encoaiuaàgeinent, asà fulI>' for 'its ,pee-dy:"o-n«clusiomt - - weHf)r ths eeaae sitswhIch its MýAxFAcOTRas.-T1Ie inhibitants of mnu'm>arsprser'rd tsinacttes hie iaza-rthas'e resolveti ta àset on fiIot -a ~acreî a fr it eprsewluc tc men-~a1 î e 'n that town. Fou- this purpoe . e-u hvc ucs- i.'s anm g UC be a Joit Stock Cimpan>' L o be Tormed? imnusical instruction. vrt aia f£00 A $urGîcA. OPEIAT: n, 4DLT.i-_ ____ -M-aioas stamtine riori-s t--c atieit the BnýLrjE.--îe1inro1v rtis ein-1 kinti tas bcen receatily of camnmece. îpnst wcvk in oui- teo, ntouàiiag r5U1aSet 1CI crnc nBioki>.Vaitsoau C i Varïous-]h - i tiatia causeti b>'a surgvral oper- tion à pr-îua'enbecun ,Brok ' i vauueh t'ormed t>' Dr. Nlc(-il ofilise village of b 'to Oshatwa. Tise Coroesr's Jury t sil! Ibc e-l"antif ïii sawrigt ; otîsers place ta Icoht ont. observeti attribatte Ilne b1ame tc lte opera-f-------- or,' but sin, iIreorlui b nx ieath KCuary sa EioarciA: BÂ.-Iie ttc>' proteedtt Vial hins 2 heft hantieti slih foi tis ni-iogaut sdzf-siufh»ic c> in net shar- ing ue angrcas rcsponsibiiity seith some other expeiencel practitioner when isumaan ire was tise ventui-e staketi. Th-, venrdict oft the jury is sbere 'nonsense. Tise aperator ,, 3ueiîhaert tebe smeriel>' censureti or completel>' anti Ionerabl>' cioneratt!d frein an>' ncglect cf dt>'. 'Tiscpmublic neyer ret satisfiet i wtt suých slsuffliag vcrdtts oin tise part al. coroners jum ies, anti we wauId be a3tonisheti at a sensible forcînan stgningc -tise ont belear, sere iL net that tht publie tare pretty wust -ci Iomit, anti net aittie dus- gusted attse habit thI5s14Oslsawa Printsng Company" have, cf pt.ating tact ethei-. From the Oshiaw4 Freeman., CORON ERt 'q QUEST. - Oui- Village seas on Theaida>' ttrevn into cousitierableexcitement,' b>'tise anaseunce- ment,. tiat-thue body, of Jotn Goonihe, bu- rieti on Suua>' hlast, was te be dis-interi-ti - for thse purpase e! holding an Inquest -thieue- onDi- GuinofWistby stas cailed uc peuple of Kin*oston-have iÙidWe- ecusidera- tiaèn tht sîîbscriptioa of £304300 t6gaa-ds ttec &mstruction tîf a Raiwa froÏthut-city ta Geongian Bay. - DEPRECÃŽTÃŽo: rIO'G'ýOLD.-Teussus De- [t-ibution of American Tés-itIcsy Woud afLford a faimiof- 90 acres to > Svery Mun> womai] anti cbldhiUittl&Sa0 Tita CAiLoRitiSUt7ýP-'lhe Ç$ri Sfip w-Ill short b 1e desp ee4 foi-Lofr don. A. WLa o .À wild4-brset piur- chaseti in - CincinnatÊi-for $4-,PqO, ll Lbe lexhibiteti at tise'-New York7htiustrial Fair.- of thefree aiZlenli' aeacd _%boil*&iu indign atioti at-the' st'imom-e âO ýye'Méti au America s e1Ioff Cp iiïO'y the Spanislsauthorfi es o. h grea1tkmsblcb~'~ thnk for b>' ttc Corontu- ta ho th Ie Pciit-inortim ou examination-oftise body>. -À.urywï M-- -gtn thse syapat panelleti and pi-octedte t-jase tiselied' à tisea Iving un ttc Vesti->'f thse M ethetit W .-1 Chapel. after w licl htie>' adjolirneti te tise - - Court lieuse te hear the celderice.-. Thse MmsFiIen~ affidiavit matie 13>'tise hothes-of the decitas- a iaiit tri> eb:fore John B. Warren, Esq.,charged _McGi1>- with -negligtesee,- ad'ant of skill a CW eM n remcvisa ttsmur frm ei e~c ~s ut-~~é deceased. ai>'maa» of which deatis ensuçd. Serah itçi-w eM av ýýied, but- ' we have ~ ý )s 4o*W4,'i- tisat--1tbe ver- 4,9eu o h, and Stanley, of ef us calsoa 1 iý'i

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