e VIR IE Tk6. ___ __ _*_JE& Lont ao,-40 go t h.w thie putlo.will ta t, And snb»M= eeîthe hoart "d m o **khw y.wn&blo isowlujoy's gold- Iii the b soutfultap in u of lMe. Lýng ag%-4ong eV r though yvaru have rolled' There arc moments we cannot Irgï- That have passedfrom tho ight as a star frorn the o.ky , Bust tileir hlr!ghtness 1 lmines us yet, t"~h sun, w en At ovenir. ho sin ka in the West, floods th. eaxen wM*ha crimsoninç <10wv; IN, e>to=ns ot poat sonilin, in mein*ry re«t,~ F rou the days thât bave <Cone long ego. zont so-long a4o 1 nd ive ponein the lade, With old forma thait familià r ariise! 'Voicet ride on tIhe r«ea phtntoms tuant the abatte, eae Thalutîornghave e etOur eyes. And eI, îtkough te 1gb f ro ite bosoinbreaks 1 Tortb, As thei heart'as acreil fointains nortflow; TheN' oiJy ihat ail other enjoyments is-worth, I* rocaia;i the hou r long augo. 11R1 FSIxcNCLr-Tbe Orleanettt ià ýst here ls a siguS in fhat city which atutnds *bus: £ flre mi wife qllerel a goos, andi I quercs PROVINCIALOMALAND NERAL ORoa- st~ Strooet TOM J. G. 9ow8e. I JiJ. iA8~~.DV W.,L. Paaaîix. j f:L xr-toarNU.aw CGRxslsC a*tesi'. THIS CoPN eee- -Iasaianee at the Rome Offce, C urch -Street, Toronto, and ai tis svoral Ageucies. The Mutat Depsrmgit tacs nont exceet £500 oni any one risk, anti betg confittedta b4,îacbed buildings, it à ttbréby ridereil tbe moat sae.ai tiesirable lot- Farmeru. Tise Prgp;ietary Departments ueelnde Geberal Riski la Fire, Lile, Mrie, Inlanti ami Oceua, anti ts operaliona blin4socoained withîn plia.- dent limita, lte ailautiaenti she Public iu coni. datitly caileti thereto. By Ordor, Toronto, Oct. 14 1831, The undrsigued havimi;been appamnied Agent of the abot'e comýsny, wili give, personi atien- tioia te parties teisrous of eflecting Inaurance. JAMES WALLACE. Whithy, Feb. 14, 1921. 44 Attorney at Law, Coiivyafer kt., wuI'rITBv VILLAGE.i hihbeing interpreted, means that- office in tbe mom fommeri y occupieti ms a Law Harero y wafe'cures agites, I ture the Oivb I lUnlEq jaun~ce.BLACKSMITH'S COAL. .A 'baý was caitght inthe act.of steabung à di-ed ippes inifront of a store thle other -3 US r resceivd, Steamer Ontla~ro, 50 tIly.r andi was Iocked up in a dark clometby0 chaiiraus hast Newcçaaîle Nut Coais, for sale the' grecer. 'rheat the boy cammencei 'Y beggî&ng most pathet:cally toe b.rleased, ROB ueeRTi" AIdESR. and mtes'- siag, &IL-dite prkaso that bis CezrdSoe - !rsasinsWbtby Sept. lit, 1852. 21 ti yenmiut ttttln couki intaent, proposeti: '*rAsaifjÇouîfl ]etnme: dut, antd rendiforFRE H O T R$ my daddy, h.'il payynu fr me-brutes, RhandY - ER < ,ebsdsI I pplwa rfESubscriber keeps alrai-s on hn îoo uni fe th greer'ma te stnd uI Fresla Oyst.ers ai the National bloei, Paîit agaittt. Vhithy, set-yod up te aêder. 'l'avternkoopers anîd others cas hé uupplicd Dy A. CitiL'Dt WTy LoGic. b:trei lite Catn or Keg. UI MBIN 1,writlls a corentient, Ila pretty, brivbt Paît Whitùy. 1k":. 23rd, 1852. 37-3m. little jtavenile friei,stome five years of age, namied Rfos. -:Ot-e div. age ah. was tased,,u.guq, dtrai b>' a gentleman mIte O II! -visits the laými, who finalJy; wound up by PAS__ ~~5t. 'j s IE Subscriber wouldcall tac attention "i oi *e cf lis custouaers and the. public to bia ;A,but you've C8t go-love me v-a it ttka thé chili. -edSoc-o ~WýY6"14tRoa, Ilt ho Bible-sayYcu u JsT AiitivD FirlON MoNTREAL, - \mtst oWthetli mthat bat. ycu, -anti 1 an costig in part of sur 1 hà teybu V, - White Grape &Exhibition Shawls1 -Wathtbad, Il for a chili "KikdBaied ae, crbo~keMosmslin de Laines, 6, trs STAKr,.DAT CÂRLý-Ne MNustîaDresses, bave hcar4' ef rlaves being staketi on 1.. Silk & Satin Parasols, gatn t e o 6ce on, tlr& Mississippi, andi Prints, wives bcbng pit at auction in Engl.idd ;butî Zeb-ra Tweeds, we beleivt' has been reseived for the Summer Clellas, 'French-t introduce tIcsain 'witîa American Cottoas, -a singet ieet caids ; A ré-ent Frcalticiu. c paper rellorts a casewbicb ivas brouitit be- Prices a shade loNrer tItan any Wbolesale for-e tlte j Correctienal Police, ini wlîidl a Store %vitbin the limits of the County Town.- -ladý l*ýhalt a suit for divorce against ber' THOMAS DOV hUiband., I lielî couise-eofthte evidence it May 2Sîlî. 1852. --f W" peoted, tbaL oin two diierent occasions -the wife had been staked anti - In't at carda, md the key ojelter roont bandeti uver ta the *ius Ins l the first case sIc escped by- jumpinlg out ef the wintiew, and in the atber È RASINE RT! ithe wan#et'was tLoo ntuch intoxicati te bc EW AT!EWHI separati", bttrfus*d îoîîdircc the. paî t- ,- Inhabitants of Whitby and neigh- W.~~ res t ýrçîî baboti Sare ilferni.d tht the Subscribei ie.Ti apeet. r fir a ba s nosit, isanti bis .w8ps'gto ck, Cati. Fre nch id¶i indmarai n pur fe hu3e'atainir.e ail le NewSt inluEICnLtIfl, Faa>&ct EXpAffntNG vt p pi EIT.--,rhose in easy Aaats 1>.S. Ieii .circuni,%tÀaces, Ur t e e p'rsuc sesient- i cl cbratcd KosmsutilHat, 117 t$~Io*emtkitbi doort, ue I v isn sîach greattiemnand . Gentlemrn visiling iiias-bu Ittlebhatc bt luh ai hi th~Iis FHat EutnpGtium, mili *tee te reatest assort- lun bu liti, býbatký bt lttl -ir ii h ment in Canada. c p ~ltsa-idpainl Ipauîn,-J OHN SALT, contaà es a wrethedly s"aIl choisI, and ay GOLDt< IIAT. the foudation for',the boss of belth- and T ortApmil î.tIS'2. 52- -unm '-béîuý-. Ai ths cn e p9rie.ctly obviatedi bval«tle'*tt*ettiontotue ianeref bm-atit-1 G L OBE f OT EL1 - iag. Recolleet theîg are lke ablatider BUG0ORLIIN in~ their struacturve, aü d van stretch ayea to .yE E lny double ther aize wilth perfect u.1âfeiy, git'- -ing a nôt -'a hest n perfect immunîty Go, conmtlon for fro cn!uMýtoû Te ,ý c-,-andm iolyTRAVELLERS, PUB~LIC PARTIES§ BALIS, bi-ethe, au sposngItaweî'er, iaI ne absta--A Ls-- ci. exista, externalf to lte cléeit, itiel as Excellent Stabling, gaod Ray ant Oati, andiatlcu tvrining il arocund w4th stayrs, or bavîng the1 tic. I-ltIOrs sbouldera lie upatiit. oui.- , -ng fron thîe Tic'&avXooaRwSi'sGz 40AcH55 cail ever rlllng venirtg anti moînin;g. bcd ianttemomning 1ýlaceyiuraelf An, an cet Broohlu, NOV. f852. posturé,wnit yotir 4lasît tmown bacln antid vour shoui-ers enlts1Y eff frain tle chëstN w B k St r ibe inalý"ilthe 'r[ir'ynu cani, so a o lew o k t r yoitr cItert te the. ve!>'btten t ltno - -more air can. be got il.;n ' ht-ld yeur -k TO& ~L. -brw4haasd îhrowjYour arms oMr, 'eind- B SEJEt9S T ATIONER,Pic bold yeur breatb as long as poësilWla. 1e- tmrKeLFrai Da 9)r.&cerypoi p+e~$M ~loing breâths as mint'utmes s MScnipturels IHotel -you 'jueie. »>one in a-- cold. room urs anuch esoand iil nct Mutuelmore pewerfullyT Y V[ tIsen tanerr, w l enefeibe T in expanding tite ehest. Exercising tle çhqeinis anr ilbciefeil, T B. tesecfuiiy beg«s leave te eautte attet amuasibl, antd will etilat'geth tIaphtcity tion 'ol the Publie, te lus extenaive and i mie of thelu -cciîc mr - .> .CE,'tTL SCENE. -Couart iveserdal, lire. ta- c- William Burlis, corner .ee streete ; John Utcbards a 110', Etwing, coner cf nond stréets, W re Siversi- - nd coïts, for selîng opte- ~IoUtlicensçs, hiving been ? b>r theieaw JBoardofI t - noust wax erowdIed with the veraI parties, Who lisatlst r disappovat of the, resuit ter tbe Court bt-o. Up, t o'clok-aband of raf- rkcqmwaoaced asssiliog thîe waofe tihe Inspctors viho ~&..*nng Iot&av, ere 4*ýMW- «brîb" paî jom, for, Wuie lpt qui- pabicaiun 00SH0L pOOKB Zoomý sùztio>taryin luti i ta Ious brinches. Pictures, Sted Es'grav-ngs, (Plain rsleureti,) Mutats fi4, Wtur ope P»ta-nwel:à Ie)iIthograP6 tan*ersons à , of every déacr 1tIôb: PicureFrans(uW, Pnan d cOra- mental, froinle.. Usapwurtla, Wood, Plaoinaitm Ornameual'froin Sut, e $=5aï Upwsul.F 1a asauret at ii49 persea con ceail anti çïainesnbcf a: ghoice varioty cf tih ae ufiai anti 'bo*uatflb rmout feln bg i t-ne 1, <nce çeee cita a cati.- Wbitby, Dec. t4ts, 1#1. 8-f lire" y m etany or qm e4ý r E KnýNtie thit.auv crOnl n *nd Siopitra T .tie SirsI du lEbusiness heretofore carried onst byth Fimof JAMES T. BAILEY, 1~he W '*VI »iOWN. Te8 srib*«s in, rntdèomg tbanks te là a W14ýD thAt bsvlng inaset 1 I buses, and adtpliy.<l -tnosbÃr ai, ampet workrn, they iatend ta manufa tr h Bowmanville -Yelkïnw E«rtltcare, aiid the cominon Rat> WAI<a, a"n tbey flatter tbomselves that they witl ho abie ta cive entire satià faction ttisoe whir,rfavor therawith orders; and îay bo-pe,. iy punetéility%ünd strict attention ta business, ta moûit a continuance of public patronrage. 1A Y&Bý N Bow îianville,1une 4. 1852. 15-1 IE E Ynotify ail those who purehas- rda h REDIT SALE et the Sithscriber, on Lot No. 25, 3rd Concession of Whitljî that the Notes will 4~ due on the 161h imi., and folind on my place, on said Lot, unti l the 201h imt.; ef- ter which limne they .%ii Ibe handed ta my Solici- tor for Collection. JAMES HIGHIAT.1 Wbitby, 2nd Febnuary, 18b3. 43-tf. LJAND FOR SALE.- r.'HE Undersigned offers for Sale, the .Euat half of Lot No. 3, in the 6th Con. 0F UXBIïIDGE, aîýd 143 Ac;es'fLot No. 16 u inte irst Con., et GEORGIANA. ýKmo~s AY. P. S.- Any pemsn (ounti Trespassing oit the aboie Lange, iviii b. prosoooted wtb the utmoar viçor of th. luNie, -A.1 Uxbridge, ULt No.,, 7th? 38tf Con., Dec. 30th, 18M~ NOTICE. IN consequeûte et the Subseriberç having de- termined ta close their business an the lat of DE. CEMBER next,.tbey are desirous that ail ac- counIs sbould ho paid by tbat date, anid herehy dive notice that ail suichas remain unsottli ei: or ly MAole or Cash - -~-5. d~ On tbat day, n'il b. put ilasmil for collection. Nen 'Sty1e Bu-min JOHN MARTIN &Co.- port lVlatby, Nov StIt, 1852. 31-_tf: D R OLSREDUCED, 3umnDLin ard n ile, tram f0 Prinla, fast calons 'do do " A T a Miecng of iic Pnrt Whitby ainti Havy Ginighasu,. do do ' ( - Laines Scuigog Siancoe andi Rs.. iad Slpleuditi Bonnet Rabbona, ~ Company held on the 4th inst.. it sias Resoivlet, Siraw Bonnets,i That troin Tuesday tbe4th nf Jantiary, tlii'Mon- Gl'oves, Hoaieny. Rihborta Larces, day te 71h etibMarchs, 1853, the Toils on the Ediginga , Artificial Flot% ers, jRoati of the Port Whifby audLkttaSrtioç, sù'M- Shot, Cbeck'ti, anti f 1m Apacai. tue &nd barosi Road Comapany, be re4ucedto une Table Linens, Quitln, Courierpancs, Hof ofthe pt-osent Rates. Bcd Tick. anti 'oveis, AL&O.-Re5OIred,' That lhe Harbhor Toliaon Crapes anti Mtateriaiulr lonnni.g.. Lumber ho reduiced ta One Shilling per Tisouaanti Infants' Robes, Caps and Frock Bodies, teet tram and aller te opening of Navigation V in J. 1lAIASPERRY, Secretary. o.-i r-c cfKn Whalby, Oct. 16, 1852. 27 2m Conr'I i ADVERTISEMENT. NEW Law oITIC' W LL-BE SOLD 'by PrivaIt- Bar- IVIR a H A UV! - gain Ihal part of Lot 17, in the 2nd conces- AttorUoy and' Barritter at1 sion of Whithy, thse Propeuty of thse latte James AND SOaLiCtTItitUN CHANCI -T. Sommenville, Eeq., heaaamfuiiy situaleoth îe NTU ULC Kingston Roati, .rny midway the ihriiang N AT T OFFIC&C 0FV. HMN county Town of Whiiby, anti Oshasea, ati coin- A H FIEO .HZIPU pisang a convenient Frame House, Outbuibdîngs, Bra, 13 Acres of -goct Landi. anti a irat rate Orchard. Olfera for putchase mili ho received until the- - lat of Jaataryp 183. b>' R. W. CLARK, 7M. D. ubr& n -. Wbithy Village, Actin; Trustee for the Esiate. Whiby, Nov. 13,1552. 31-tf leison Sircai, a few Dborsloetlb of Il Oshawa Freernan, ta capy mitil lit Janî. 1853 r AUTINER!! now prcpawul 10 undertake ail bussiess lu bis hune, in doorsot- cut, on the mesI reasanable test . Apla "h Reporter Offic," wie onders Wliitly Jane 201h 1852 GEORGE racGlLL, ?, 1ily. N0TICE. t LLthose having cdaims against the Es.- taie of the laie Asa Post Erq., are reqeted to brio-, forward the samne-bythe tirât of3rnelaty tensuing for liquidation'. And ail those indehted- to the estate, are also reqnse t ae payments i oftIi sane y the af4rerentioned lime, so auto uteet thedemanà aagaituat the estate, otherwise ail ontstaadioçdebtiafter the saiti tirst of Januarynexl nýwili be'put ithe proper handefor col lection. IIIRA&M POST, CARLETON LYND., ry SAMUEL- COCHRAN, JORN TOOLE. Executors. Pickerine-« Nov. 2718152 33-t f NOTICE*. A LL persons mdebted ta the Subseriber, 'p.ebler b)3 note or book arcount are lequfted le toCali nd sottie the. saine before the WIRlflT of Y uay other7wi3e ail outatanci. g notes or accoucts alter that idate, will b. handed over to the Glerk of the Court foir colection. SR. GA RTSHOR E * ti.ev- vn., tht a ulatmn wÃŽfl he. Atfe h.'lnéTOç,rattiOD cfA&Comnp"y 10 tron- strt aËaf kïdras.Por il tby « Lakce Op.t r,>, Ie oinsposnt at or near aeorgia Xay aisZai Whitby, 4tîi Dcem1ber 185'2. ~ 3 -C w1fr%1 iîn tue CeunI' ed -whîch houas. for Y G1)DS. 70 1-2 71-2 Il 1: ey(ittnn r (tîsbon \larp, 5 '.1155s, Iafkrctsartd Neck-tmej, f îp FronPîs,.sii, Natta, <tillai>S. - atins. &C., (in!eais,. Cobouniia. DeL.ines, Frrtesa.Gimnps, Trlnisag, Bire-z- Dresses, Sttk Warp Alpacas. 2 1-21 31-21 4 1-21 4 1-12 6 Sreonul Price. BURGESS & LE ISIIMAl,.N, C hu reli .St)cris, joinin t/hc Court Bouse, Toronto. Law, iln.f Si rei, BRICKS!! 891OKS BRICKS IYthe beeinning <or- naidble af JL %F lira .(uxcaîber pormahîlnz) tht-neill ha redy for Sale at lIme WH-ITBY -& ONTARIO BRICK Y ARDS iii WHitTRnV ILLACE VMOOO tu 310,00ai Stopk" &Cm FrI mtmn Bricks, ofrt rate Qilily, anti at a Laie Price. Par- ties about biliding in the Village, mhere lb. Bricks ae ta ho drawn onîy a short distance, wîi tfint il rully as chseap ta builti with Brick as Timber. For further pantîculars apply ta WSt. (AÈGE or JAMES WAL.LACE. ch up a, t< t:ý if ai th ac Cr nearly opposite PL AT'rS H OTEL, aud 'mithia ball1 1 100GonDS DRY IIEMýNLOCK COB 1D a minUta's walk o1 STtOUr'. e Tornno, Apri'10, 185,2. 62-1 y. 1 iN' DWartted aI the BRICK A Yxîs, for ivhich - L,h ivi-il le paiti.d Callada îrest WhitgY, Mfa' R, 1832 4-tf. r-arintr's Autinai &' stock Jusura c >U$TRUMA LINE 0F A 1 PACKET 1AND ~outîui,--ant1îo. - CLPPER SHIPS. - Ti1c aife.1f laitorf lIme Canada Public is respect- Tl"' b chrh 'n en potte îfl'jîitedt osihe foltowrig Latier, f rom DANI- ~-AGENT foi the abave Conmpany, wil l, et El;Ri-)SgS , of Qiebec, a, an assurance thut ailtutmes, but niat happy to rt-cois-e appîcalionts lie Newi Lire af Packeis and, Clippera tram New ornnîurancea. 'itik ha Ausiain. ads'ertiss-d by Msss J. BLACK. CROL'KER& W&ARRENff sc»aN Columbus, Apîfil 2.311852 -4Ily Y., are e3uîato, th ltat eîînons Miae by-ei Entfierp il s 1hC VOUadaiiOn Of Sutt*CCSS.R. .J. CIUMMNG1E.'~ v 82 - -DEA - j St-ia: -Hairing vîsited s.xe-l Shijs pi t~ cahIe port Of New-aYork, 'bantil usta'alia," TL1PIT F' as wili a a tam oôthers, which bave safll for1 C i1uIn RE S N stIatiquarter. I bas'. ne hesitati t a ttenn.a --thoae fina -l Cracked.np" s$iisatracretit my at-1 - teotien more Ihan te noble slipti ALEUT."1 riIOt.h beutefut of thie Inliaitatî of tht- She is the finest SpecimenoetNayel Architecture Back Towntships, theYropiietors of the that 1 bava sieen ius-Iist pont ;-I do ncî mean you VhtyW'oolen 1 aetor-Y fine Clipper Sbips-whieh rare more- calculatet foi il fastsauing Ian anythin else. have matie arrangements with C S. Joeiet ai The 'AIERET" la a medium betiecat the 'W. Thoma, Stage Piopractors, l to rîsari (.i otli"LPeI andt "PACKE£T,3"1anit is without aint Wolta thet-u establishment iu Wiitby, La' t-ny exe tion, le stlùtened,finisbed anti fur- No. 18, 6th Con., where tIi 'y, svîth tht- atvant-t- nisieti vessel 1 have t-verseen. The lengli cf ber ges of a nover failinq Watt-rFoirer, a Dryinîa poop decci andi cabin, andtihte beight between- Houlse, gooti Workmen, &c., &c, aili despatch dock-a,, with-her rai fittiujg-uuî, aie*-cVary su- business on the Shortest Notice, poi on anti on thé moat approvred plans for comnfort PersanstnushinîIai Clatis or Wool ta the anti ventilation. cars ofthle diffement Auents of the Subacribers May The -ALER'" T- n- y etimnation a isoat lock for tic saine wmilouit tilay, aL the saine Mpro esl e h ovYae 0fPa etr place, te theCoGld-Regioobs of, -Aà ustraia", and 1 Wol WIRD 0or CHARGeN rcmnniaa> fot lisdiimu o en Tlxey lbaveappointe taes Clar-ke, of Colum- hi-s veîsel iforelhey t-ngagepusegëelsewhere. bus, Wbîtby, anti Jfenry Cliii', cf Oih Conicession Yosvryruy Whiby,Innikeepers. as ti-cir dtsn-poigAgents4 I- DANEL ROS,efqueberc,- CE. ta whom Cloth or Wool may be sent rtaiîy tramn For - Paffltge, ddre- CUOCKER other Igente. Meurs. Covey, Reach; Payn, WAR.REN. 28 Broatiway, N. Y., or Reach; Gallatli", à anchester:. M. CmrqtiiialeJH A D N L,(aC a 1o Pri'ncs AIh erI ; 0.'$.'Jawett, anti D. Jevat, P ort H - 'CON L ,,i Cnda)o -Perr3'- F eýeP:r >Lintisay; widow, %Mýeigh, at' 167 Broadway,', N eW_-y. ik or -R. J. Nonqu,3n R1i i7ist Mastai aet Cnulthat-4sî', Cr- CU1MMING,Agent Nomthera Ballroati nsv; S. Q*lcr, Reacb4 it;inkeeper ai T 'aHall ,Ca4 1l67 Broad' MaripcsOS',Calvin Pire, htaripna, Puaup Nanu- ' -facturas'; Aiminon Powell, fatapcr Matïpasas FOR CHISTU S 25 AN» à oh!ugcieseaî,hareeilu o epartieulat-ly JV t e ,a b tt 1.O,41 .& .-me -"t .'a s -ri 1,ua woesu .luePo t*itg istùDamed , Mi onefln*dam#eat riskof Pae-bsihe iedI. 1ra.'g t ik t AlsoACardaing and C!loth Dressingcar-- UJ-DEýR! Sept. 17,1 The changesadai veather arid iasan. ith the- tightnesof vthe chest by relaxation of the. patrts -hangenof use andi feed,,havî' a very gient effect has beensrrisinghbeyaniticonception. Thecefl- iportthe-blondiainuotaiflît lofhnes. Itit mon remakcl thoseu hobhave used iin the Ps," kt these changes tht-v retttre ait as!iistanýt 10 nature i, -4l t acta like a chitri."2 It ia zrà aW$atd t* i thraîr off arty tlvord-r outhfs lîidq no' the- body please any porion that wvill lt-y il. îat ma' have been irnit'ied. andtl vhirii, if not at- Caislion-Never boy it unies* yon Slnd the lac ertied to. will lesui if' the yelifow watt-r, 1-fayes. simile sitirture of Cornstock & Brother, Proprio'- )ygvorms onot t &c. ailo srlî sviflalvetetors, on the- wnapper of the gtnuine article. y grirg oe f lt-s pwtei. ilivil a ay Cu. -Ail of the abav*e named articles *'te ýme cure, sewheisn n syrritoma of i sstse appet-as,mndnyhy omoc&Brte,2S.Ptr i useti in lime. Tht-y puvîify ttce bloAd. remave o ny Cmtc&SBrbe,2i.Pe$ Il rtt.tmatortrt frser losc th siit den l'lace,~ directly in rear ci tise Aster Bouse, W te utiteran i ivigOlite thé, whsetîbohdy.enaI[îlingIst i'ecr JBarclayaind Vle st fs., one ioerfoii Bem them ta tdo more wrnt thtie stare fred. The clay, anti orne Block frein.BI-oadiay, XcwYrk ction of these powîleis is dire-ct ipail ail the' se- 10%h- alodr utb ietd nretve glandls, ant hcncfore lhave the saimne flecI l',;r Sale alan by John Matin &. Ce, PerS uport lte Ilarsethe 0v, the Ags, anal H -erb)iver- %W.Iitbytrtd Port Perry,and Win. Nicholai,Broob- 'ais animal-aIl discasesarisirtg fnam or protiracirrt far. ahadsgitaieftha' bloaýd.ane epeaoilycurpti by thern.. SsîLl an?', in Wldýtbij, by Wm. Lai . g, at hie Rems'mber anti ask tor Ctarlb'ts Condi'ii Div Ijon-!;aDRYReineýmle, snd bdy ohj et crs, nd lke n at/ers.hiu St-oye, if you -rish the Genuaine. In Dugsu'u CAIILTON*S NPX AND ]ONE Greek. hy Comaitok& Brother's Agent. B ronl LINIMEN'I FOR, II0R-SES, 1aItVMLAuro's Dry Gooti Store. Soitis0b and for the curenof ail tiîeases af man or hcaat that il. W. LGînts, Colurmbus, C. W. eq'îire exicruird applicaiin, antd for contracted CAUTION. -- -ords anti mrscle.q. strenihera wreak linibe, antd le FX TR-1.-Ail of the aboya nîmed artijcles alsa usn-d for eprtzia., bruites, aaddle galle, iwclled are Sald onty in Oshawa by Je se Laing;-in Port- legs, soies aifail kintia on horses. Hope, by Msorris Hay ; in Bert'manviile,-by 5. W. Carltan's articles for barses anti cattle- are pre- i Harrison & Go. ; in Newcastle, by McKsshaan pareil Iroîn the ru-ripe rtf a vcry c-'lebraiei En-lisIt Hnnter ; aisa, hy oaîr Ageni-invryT nina Farrien, ant il utcare, ninety-rirte limes out ai gada. ErtqnîreforComstoek&Broihcr's~jL one h'îrtiresl, ny of the- alîve complainis. Thry mec for 1852, wbicb millbez-ivenugatis otea. have been useti by farmers, liveiy-.men,astage pra- Remember anti nerr buy Gariinl on's ismed. prietort anti others, witlh the moat anarketi add de- cmoes-imus3 the full namegl the Proprietor- on the c1ded success. ' urapper, J. CASLTO COagSTocK. Beware and Cd UTIO,,,-None can l'e gertu ina.unfesa y&m nonver bny 'mnies, yti tint hie namne on the Wiapper, fiaîtîbhe narne of J. Carlton Vcîatstock on the wrap-I as thoy haveof late bern eXtepsiveiyrounteifletd par of ï-adi article. inGaCraitii. They sign tise couriterfeil. »ltn Thoy d<areiyot puà t lu the lulI nome, for fear et bW ing sont te State Prison. Picaesboiyu COMISTOCK'S lsERMJIFUGE. I-niard ni i ndtte fiainome. This is the most extraordinary remetdly for Wormns airer useti; il effecnûally eradicates Worms tram bath adultsand chultiren. It caintaI bt h.moatFO S LE delicate it-lant or utronzt-$atltl', artdiiever faits toi O S LE completely rantotl anti tlstroy ail kindsotl Wormns. (---E-FOUPtT1 of the- very Fast Sud- The riait, ýŽ5 cts. per battie, pots tt within t-oach o(' nsconeorropîiwbeve ail, antd ail paretsta o are seitho'ît il are wantonty, Whiihy cati Osmgo. flaving beemi tbisreuly exposing the lis-es of tht-mr chiltirente those feiloobuei imec1etreroaybdns a estroyons of y.oohh, - W1'inss." Look for the îhaî may be requiîrel. Ber Salilsand Rîgéltai are namne of Coinsutrk 4- Brother, proprietors, oen theîoîyNw e-sntf,,l aptlwosdd wrapper of eacb bottie. oi aIbput-chose, es IUic othex Partaera kees kir TO TIîIE OLD AND YOUN.G!! fi Ho! Ye Red Heads and G~rey!!.! I'IENOMIENON N CLIEM%,ISTRY !!!! EAST INDIA HAIR DYE Cotours the Hair, an-d iwill flot the Skin. This Dye tnay ho appîleti to the hairto4ver nighty the fîittni-ht turnin tise Iightest REu onGz HAn a anin kBrown, anti by repeating a second uigbt, to a Bright Jet Black. Any porion nmay, Iherefore, wiîb the least possble trouble, keep his hait an>'dam aubade1 or pa feet liac lrsitb a posi- tive assurance tisaI the Dye, ifappiïoli'lohe skia, WM tact colour it. By an- occasional application, persan tu-min; grey mill nave- ho lnowa to have grey hait-,- Directions complote with the article. There la na colouriug ir this statemeat, as one can easily test. Thesefacts are î'ai ranted bythegentlemnan mIe mautufacture<s il, svho istIi. celebrateti chemist, Dr. Cates-roc, author ai Oomtoek's C liemistt-y, Philosophy, andi othar wot-ks, and Schael Booka, waIl kao'nn ant idla elýelraled by the public. -EANESS. Use Dr. L-aavira's Acouatto Cil for the cure of Deafacas. Also, ail i tose, disagîeeabie noises, 11k-c tb.buxziutg of îisects,fallingoaivrater, -whiÃïing cf ste 1aun, . miiciat-e sympitom iÃi fap- proaehingdeafiaess. Many~perisvboliavalieen deaf farttn, tifteen or twécnl3yyeai's, andimet-e sub. je.t ta tise ear trntmpels, h ave-, -aller uing oe or two botules, tbr aidllthesa t urn4flhs. heing f1t f~j T ?' CI T1U A CCTGIS ND ONSUPTON. thecbidrerti ot mi.f or di. >0 ls opleratiOn it mId, yet effcadious; iî-o1sris Dît. Lh.RZETTE'SJÇNOçQDÇ9 I9iF L E.IiK K IMtt the phliegniwhich croates sa muek difficulty, mea- creaIveExir,pteCnbd. STRETS~JOTiNO'~E~COUT K US l7 hves th.e ough anti assista nature te expel frin, tive indr4aeý ofDiebilitliltl.pen<Yo' .a adcing a deliightîul cisatige in t o breathimmg andi professes ta bel vi:: Naturrys j chest, auJ ibtis, after the very bt medical mren & redy for those à thesltl5~8<U4 rs had ~ ~v et eL (' ~ J L. ~ ~ -mea ~.andi the inventions of kiiatiaand sorrowing frieutis aprinir. it is a certainciefo Hiave on» n tLa rgt, the eapeas,ap.d the. 9esÇti#Owrê , f andi nurses; have failedte togive tbe smallest relief General Debiiity, Gleet, W.eiRu gt**#~t finW Itto the Consumpive sufferer. Oramts, ervous Afféctions, su*~'~ lu. ~ .11 ~ . THOSANDO C' CONSUMTiV~ biles. As an invi;artiediCICIlf III~t& lAD uni nbe t1~l8J1A3 ~persans bave been deceiveti repeatedly in'buyiu:g quidPtio, a etainresNdy l5 Pdwo!S AD_ meaiciraes which werc saiti ta b afaglocu , nuPtyionLaiudeto, is'fMeafltit* but wbichbave provet i aîly.paliatives, but tItis gy, PhysilsstdFeleWO., b0 7j M »neiieis is ual on!ya palliative but eurc for ul- i h bv opsitaii fpricelam151 * 1 0 ccrated Zungs. l coniains no deleterious Drmigs îo 5 ihotffpa. sud oua trial wili prove its astonishiug efftcaty ho-Cato u<ecrfly edam r* IN CANA DA WEST. o ebrd W HO LE SA LE A ND R E TAIL. SpiUline io! bloud, Crughs, paliin tse ide and A counterfeitof this celebrtd JUiioCordiillbu choit, nîght-sweats, 4ec. 4c. henrtinsoe, havtng the naine ot LEVI JÙUD5O1* About I10 Oolaimoant miraculous cures perfarm- an w rapper. WAE bave noiv receiveti aur complete assortent of N&w SPUwrNG & Sumigtit Goari, eti by tais medirine,lrom emeof the irst Doriars, Remember that th cutiterfe st heu ».MS8iet ~ whichl upon inspection, aur customers will findte t be composeti of' the Newesl snd moat Faah- Clergymen andi Merchanis, have been sent us for Levi Judsun on the wraprier, snd lb. p.wi opable malelisais, and inl great.variet y. Havirtit h a secetetiwith great care, andti iparted direct this metlicine, but the publication of them lok$ WraPper, CoatsTOC.CX, *BRo;TxIzI, front the beagt British, Frencb,ýand Anierican Markets, by ouirielves, weecan cottfideartly suhitil hein ton much like Qaackery. [ivIl show ¶ hem T o any No. 9 John et., S. Yorki teothe inspeciont of our cualomets andt the pubklie? as being the moat fashionable, durable, serviceable persan calling nt our office.] This medicîne wili Onlyd./gentgin ./mrica. Entsblisked ol 44# andcbeaiasartmnent of Ready-Male Ciothing andi Dry Goais in Canada West. speak loritselfaad enougbh in its owntfavoui where-! Tiilri&) laail sB-tjre) xele ih Taste dever il Isei'ied. Ri l iS , Tailorbag,*n Us Bran hes, execaed Witlt auin.-This medircine i l t plat n a alarge oniok UL TJ t. RNIUGS FIJRNISHIED ON THE SKORTEST ýNOTICEC. hleed teoumaIfnt ceumeorCraiok e any'as.edof]buas~m, Cent Cag Brutiter, Proprietars, NewYorkn, on the s1lendid ti ato cur an ces orheutissn, Cotsul, ep NI a rapper arouati the bottie. Ait orders mustte el e actediCor and uaeta ïe8tif o ints styoDb lola ell ort fa pii addeled o amsac 4Bref ler, No. 9, John St., ped a ak simenti enbles th&oie bonare I New York. edtwakaan Cmsok&BohrP0 Remnember andI neyer buy iltarless yrau fiî;d the prietars, Neoir ok, ard none genunine.wimbe* nain on he rappr. heir nine on the wrspper. READYMIVIADE OLOTHINO eae-fCAUTION. of lhoache. tiwthonleuetaweci DR. KIL'N E'S PROFS, for tbe curerocf Toeth' s. D. 8«V eieo a dartgerous Counierfcitofteà h.I swhcnidceha'weCmeçp M4en'& Bown Rolland Caats, (rom 4 4 1-2 Boy'sasncy leas (rom 3 9 CHFRRY,4 LUNGIVORT, andti he J'NOt menti il as an infallible cure iu ail raes, wiibftt DO Check'd do - 5 0 l)o Sîii do 5 0 CORDIA)L andi C.A13L TON"S FOLTNDEII j a artliry tathe luth or gumai. Price 25 ts. Do Black Alpara do id 10> Do Satin (Io 5 0 OJNT!hfENVTaitt RING BONVE CURE, noffnr-1 - Do Russel l Cord do 94 12 D (1011 l () 's 5 O ed for Sale aithle Drig Store, and remcmbnerraud 1'rxsLiI E T O u DoPdêssali do id 12 6 DoTwede do 4 0 never bLy these ar'iclcs int Whilby, ýrtya Do Canada Tweetie do id 17 6 Do> Cssinmcrerla fi 5 LAisG, atbhis Dry Goodstore, and avoidthc court- PILES, &tc. Do Breadi Cloth do " 30 0 Men'h Moleskia Trousers, il 7 6 tenleit as yoti woiild Poisot. Ih is now uset ini the printcipal hospitals. and i& Do Caesimnere nda 25 0 Do Linen Drill do 5 0 the private piactire lu our country by an imnse iJoy's Sn Ro Hlland do4 4 1-2 Do lherk*l do " 5 0 7',,Oivn'rx of a»d Dealers in fluor<e'. n'initer af intiividials and farniiîa rstsand Moes Dn Check'd do doL5O0'Do OIJtiDER doN7 6 rtairîly for the cure of the PILES, aud astoe x- Do olekîn do fi' 3 Do n satintrtt do "ild lertirel v andi effer*ually as te baffle crrdityms Do 'rweeile do 10 0 lo Cissimneres do Il 13 9 -\MFN T, jless wiaere its effca-is are wilneased Eztemzu1, la De, Bit>ad Clotb do 41 17 6 Do Bîta-kin do For the cure ai Fatander. Split iloot. Hoof-bourid iht- aroi coroplairtis Do Rugit-Il Cord do 8 9 I Do Dcicskint d'O Horses, and coritractel artd Feverish Feet, Wotinds For Dropîi'-Ureatitgextrodinsîyaborpi@8 Men's Black Clatis iests, 7 6 B ov's Ititi tia 4 4 1-2 Bruisesatuiihe I'lesh, Galledllacks, Cract-et Heels. i nt once. Do Black Satin dû 8 9 Do Cberk'd do dé 4 . O Scrtcbes, Gum, Kicks, Nc., on Flottes. ,SelmnlRdu lmem min afew heurs. Da Fancy Satin do " 89 D Mlt-kili <l10 " 5 O Catiait.-Fiud the narre ai J. Coriton C In- heumwciîa-Actite or Chronic, givinm< mme- De Rollansd do 34 Do Canaa ïoeeie de) 4 4 1-2; docko tîhe wrappernor never huy ('arlton's Horse' daate caçe Do Faucy do 4 4 1-2 is-'.r-neie <la Me<icinîes. Sur 77rur-By Cancers, UlIcero, or (oîda. Do Velvel do D v e-e do IxGo ' lGB N ~~p roup and loopng-ough-Exlernally anid Do Nseilles do V hie Shits, .in-'îs Fronts, " 441- b- fl B- Bodpan. oriechst Do Barathei do S dg fl ¼>n 2 6 Flor the 'îîre oa an-i. Blond i i' qj Allh-uiirsySprazins aad Buraa-Curing inas Men'a ClatIt Caps, " 2 il lit-td 11anil SSlint.4 -jain, 'ssntigais, aitt ýiriptl-a ceitain remcdy( cs oi. Bli'. do 1i11) 1-2 tdenSbîri îtDia%% ers,. C -1lL TON"'S C N IIN POW?- Sare and UZers-Wn'hether ireah or et long DERS FOR IIOISES ANO lis aperatian upon adîmits and chiidren, in TreiS. ll týsP rs a s B t-k-a d D ia .c' AILLEil inLr rheumali s .rellincs. andalooaseninc coucheasu* I~. Il ~RITI1 1» I Wb.itby' GAI Any persan purchaning,, .understÃndini theb~ Sinuss, would ha ve the Sailîing of ber, Terzns easy-maie know by applngt JAMES McGAVW Commercial blde, Port WIý.aty J'une 7, 1852. VILLAGE LOTS. FOR SALE. T* Tiamiles North of Coufthads coramr- -H AUF and quatter acre Lots on Siaco. wa andi Beaverton. AIpply ta Mr. 'Phompson, Solicitgni i fanstes Iletersto, bepost-p4iid. Conningion, (Brock 101h Sept. 23 -lYRE' MAN ~N f U ý à i -à -ý-fi koë- JW - i IMM --w PUBL1SIIED )EVE VOL. 3 mal bl coasulte lsty TEETIX tgi~f1tiieth lamie iFron on ;0 and Silo COiweyaflo AC. L. C cON V Fer4 Bi »rooblitiuSept- gSOLICIT INu - -x ý - 4jqà mr 1 1 inc n,