00,- s @uttaru - - -- J - s- K - - - PL2SEt> VFR SÂ~Ul~DÂY ORNIG. ~WEVE mLLrG77 T&N SHILLINGS PMI ANL!VM-IN ADVANCE.Zanawn ~~~bmn14*hett U.-~A U N FT j UJJ 8,; WH'TBY, CANADAWEST, MARCI 2,188 40SI liN I~L\X~f~ OR SALE OR 'f10 LEASE. OR would be Exclhangred for a Fanm, à very desirable Merehant Store 37 by 30'. witb i ~~1, coud Sitin, Roorn, Kitcben andi two Bed- roomas; a 90Q4 Cellar 20by 30, Store flouse andi the lot of ground. The Property is a corner Lo* i-ay be onsuh.4.1dailyior anydisase ffetingthe anti j~ell situateti for buaites an the village of Tlgg'rU ow GUMS, Col o'bus. Possession can lbe <aven on the 201h 4ifiaI Tooth liturted eg God Pator Pivot,. of llay next. go at et7 e &u. N.ALSO-An adjoiîing Farro for Sale. "'z" . N. < B.-MIONEY tu Loari. Joint Notes or ii ala np o'.~at, corner of ýi?;o ortagea bought. Termi; easy. and txcoa Streetii. TIIOMAS CLARK. Oê'*aov t451.30.1. Columbus, Nov. 1,3, 1852. 'W 4M1 SnowWil Land toLomase. Y P W LIC IHESubecriher bas A FEW THOUSAND re,,MSi Qur 0 hoCoe ofqun l eneli,ýngAC RES ol Wjlil Landi to lease in the follow- CmmssAutret Io CnUrTownaships, Réack. Uxbrdgop, Nortk Gwllim- * S~~N 0 MAIJRkM*,~LICENSES AND ton, and Ops. Thennst of these lands are of the ACCOUNTÂNT. best quality, anti will be leaseul for a term oi!fiarn Ofice near the Court 1ieuse, Village of five to seven viparsdepeýidiissz upon the situation, in lots of frotta 20 to 100 acres eachto any one who Me.imums5TtER TownshiP OC REACUI, will chop, clear, andi fence. in a goond andi work - C. W. 24tC manlike manner, within thesta.t. ltime,a quantity, not less (han 201 acres on ecri lot. L. -C. THOMAS) -AilI letters, post. paiti desiri ne in forTwition con- 't eerning any of the partienlar lots in either of the c O]ý4V E y A N c E abovtownships, will beanswered withoui delay. - AND, ,~, whitbV,.Tnîy 1950. ..T U16 î.onwmsaier o <ueen's For 4aklËg Affîdavits. SROOKLIN. Brooblin, Sept. 13, 18-50. Beitcuî 2~2 df 18^w oFFICE. £ttt'aw sd Oo=Unsor-at-Loaw. SOLLCITOR-IN-CH ANCERY, c #A leÀ v À%w E 3T , 1j-oýMc* uO ta irs orer the Chequered Stare. INSURANCý OFFICE. IÂ1ýIF WALLACE begs to intiînate ethu hoh lias beappoirted Agent for the pg - V1NCIlLUff;L & GENER IL INSERINCE COMPANY. ad that hij s epared tb take risks st the nirdifary tars, Wa the MtITIIAL" RPotRIETARv ARN rianches of a" idCompany. Whibby, tst Setemnber, 1851. -21 -tf. WORKMAN BROTHERIS & Co N.36,KRig Street, Toronto, LIl. SCUOFIELU & Co,., IN(PORTERS OF Wbit6 yVillagýe,lM, 80 C ARIL ETO0N L YN DE, W14,LESALE AND REýTAIL TRER I\'. ~,TI!BIAUf0%, RICB, FPE .ILÂUIPCURER OF$OLE, UPi'ER, ANID AýARNE8S.TWATIrER, &c. CWih paid fgir Jides and Skins, Wkeat,- Ots, Poei, an.d Pearl..2shes. Whitby Yilbg,1 Mu o 15. 8 phcsORnouzinmmit% of Auiies 1o - TIIEU. isabcriber i. praredti tamakte ÂDVA.NCE$ JINcAÀSH on POT AND PEARL ASHES censignedt temontreal, ROQEItT H. LAWflER. Fort WlIb, lot Auqiust, 18W0. , 1500 BARRELS PoRT Davrm Whis- - ýkey for Sare, bow,1bb Port tWhitby, May.31.,1851. DONALU D1%, rpko MIS! IIKIR THlORPSQN, Pr p.-ct or Stabling forlHomles. 1 A L EX. P I1N GLE. WKITB Y -VILLAGE. ÀmIo rVUinhis tjnie proiiply ýxecuted 2',te Iaiest Fà .Aions altri onlband. 1t. ' -OS TE, Ifo. 4, City BilU"Wp, Zie% Street, r bas no*eon liand, a Celebrated eXTR*CT oe ý81. 41 ,1E51. \s IIITBY A(.ENICX OF TTis iVýestcî ju" .Assurance Company. W. H, 9ILLING'3, ATTOR#4EYW AT LAW;F COMVEYA"ICER &c. &C.P amcit PTREET NWHITBY W hbuby, Fe. t, 1853. 43ly. NEW GO.OIDS lu adtiotn ta fariner extensive importa- tiens the Subseriben Las just racaivat FRESII TEAS, COFFEES, TOBACCOS, CODFISEL &IIERINGS, ALSO LONG kicIl Sf-lAWL, IMUSLIN DE LAINES, FI(1'RED LUSTRES, PR INTS, &c. ALSO0. A iNE\VLOI? 0F CARPEN- TER'$ TOOLSI &c., TI-IOM,%A>-DOM. Wlritbv iSitis Nos-. 1552. 32-tf CANADA Western A4ssurance Conipany, CFIARTERLO BY ACT OF PARLIAaiENT, Capital £100.000; in sîsares ni £10 aach. hOEOFFICE, TORONTO, Ion 11,e/lin gton Street. opoit ie Cont- 5,f nîsrcuttIBank. Captal-£00,O000.hrc-itint, C.GitNirsîoa.ESQ. 1." SH ARES LoF TEN POU NDSk ACH. iVice-President. Tro HASIAWORSTH, EsQ. DI1IRrECTORS. 111 Ct\IPNY avasg iendutY learcC - ch«C, WVilliamIl 1enulerson nganize's! pcrç"'dîig latisth eimiaf ilii- i - Cissîter. _ peir- - t I sesîs- JL S alzatni.lanes Beat>', Rice Lewis, LO>-S orDAMîAGU. byFIREE.upon REAL or lugitNlillur, A ND PERS.-ON'%AL PROPERTlY o ai al kinds, on as NI P. Hayes, - 3I ohn llovicutt. Esqs. - tKaliotens a r res polii opne-fiovn, etlemen coimose tire Board of Sec' anti Tactzs*r, honv ' ' TANTON, Esq. Dmecto s. %%hs','naotes aresa stictent tmaater -W-i'tOr. A - S MOPRisoN. Esq. tisa! thse btine" tiaiasactîts no!tise ComrnsvCIE'ER APUAetBr tsili Ibe coniu'ctad on the niait honorable pci Lir., . ok 1 etri. diz:- c '.15.34Y ,sac C. Gilso r, flutl! illeî, --- - lroa lawssntls j 'st 1'. 11v' TT'11-1i? L Tf1rGfl Geoige Mîishie, W'in. lleitdt'îson. LjIj , James Beats-. Rire Lewis. andi NAkL John 10%ouss, Euquises. [S Isaac C. ;il-nlor'- -- - ---- - ---Presidant.tep into - my LAM\lP STOR3E Thoimis Hawioths- - - - - - - ---ire-e-ieit. (a joinin;te Drug Store,) anti sac tha varie- robt. Stanton, F.sq.-- -- -- --Sec. ati Trans. tY o - uTh lise lslersif,Ir h!z , een ap;soiti& isge1ijFLU ID LA MWPS!! oftia v a pa ties dssîcs o,ffnllive P Iti atîie l Cnsisting oa i -pantied, Brittannia mataI andi tîantu prtie t ielro S t W' A ll! LLAUTC E Glas, Lamnpe; Hav'ang, pariai stand, andi l'edroom Fin, Le, ntiGen! iaurnreA~etl1 Lans: anti if yau pttrchase anti are ual saiisfiet i Fire Lié, nd en' lnura 43-igef wittite comiortandi ecoray af tht lampa on Februany 5, 1852. 1. triai, yau haaelthe liberty af returnisg tem. V~.1À LE AIMS FOR SL 1 JA-NES H. GERHoe. FA1tN1S L)n ALE Cantles are dear nd ottty, Oit Lampsarae a iegulai p'st, 50AC R1ES ai thte iront part of lot Na. 57 My Fiuid is cdean anti pretîy, j!4 cr..:VAU"IIIAN. 20 acres inîproveti tn- Try it, yeu'Ill lld i> tisel'est. lierno( ao lfl"isd in a histi Sa. ofcultvatior)n. Btsy tise Paient isurnîtn Fluai, vhittefo3r hi iii- iuh a .'omfiri!tl- Frame Jwetliing -Bouse arr! j1itgcy, c;piess anti corAni- carnnai he- rqoslied isua as'!sel nste.A neert'ailitg streaSý J.AM ES H. GEIIRlE. i c a sses ,te lot. 1-Ul'ititty, 2511 Nov. 1852. 33-tf. .Xlso 80 acre%, lte froit, of lot No. 58, Ist con. - --___ __ __ VAUGHAN.-6-) acnes snpnc'veà i wîh a DweI!irs": House out hiititsiïs, votitîg orcitard ini fuil! heur- - NOTICE. inir. gooti wa!t of water &c., 1 heneby fotfbd aenv paron or persnus framrrur- Tî11seaFarmns are sittnt'ted anYO E-rs, chasing a îsoîi'or J£Uegaif1$t ma,dnsuwn ilt favar oai 17 mitesiron Tosonto, in the sicinity ai RICH- Benjnsr in Bryýn, datedth ie 52:li day ai Au-iit MsOND ÉIILL. 11852, t herteen 4:qnits aitmà date, asil wilttsat ha Aise, 100 acres tise sotsib iaîfnto! l o. 4, lotit accaunitablt for zht same. con. of l-eacis, il, the oesvCouiy of Ontario, 50 SAMUEL WIXSON. acres on-ley culs-ation, witti a log Dwe'tinq Hanse Brach. Atiglist 281 1852,.. la-a. andi bianý yauîg Orcisard, a titrer faiiing Sprung - Creek.;1 Alsao, 00acres the-viest halfaf loi No. 7. l2xi con. 1 NRW' GROCERY STORE. ar the saiti Towntship ai REACII, 15 acres im-. - proseti. 4 permanent Stream oai viaier crasses tise IIIE Subscriber Legs 19 acqiîain( thc oh' ~ .people af Wliitby anti naigohbarhood, Aisea ttesx'eli liait of lot No. 7, 2d. con. 17X- htist e ta'; op-ned a Select Stock ofiGnocer' -ï BRIDGE. 30 acres inîiproveti, n us Dwelling tise Watttarid of J. Il. G;erniels Drug Sore ttuitd-i R-ouse anti harnoon tisa pramisea. lthera is a goat ,i 1cr. here he will te ihappy ta suait upon ail SAW-MILL in pasiect %vaîkine onder 'sill a suffi--I iise viho may layon Lina aitis their custom. dient s-ipply aors-sIen, abondance af irue in the Families ssiI! te eu;spiied s-lit a supenion An- imascliatê neagisisaitoat, ant i utin 18 miles idle Cheaper than elsevihene. -fromn a Shilspini Pont an Lake Ontario,tIo wo-h CHAS.MA S . tera is real>' acces' hy gooti 'roatis ai aI'Seassons AIea, 15 acres on tise adjoining lot, ail impraved1 N. I *S -N anti viellenceti. Also, a smalt Dwelling House arti lut in the 1 ViLG oBOK!N nlteTwnhipo~Fresh and go.od, by the Can or ,Also a Building La! in thea VILLAGE of OSHI- W ibýjn 5h 83 8 AWA,- iii tIese aiti Township o! WVIITBY. .A Il ithe preceding ps-prly, for quality andsotl- --____ _____ catian is ai the motrt deainsuble chanactar alisti «il!- ha dispaoed i. TIciiata suit purcisaseni. sehicis a t L t cao ha a»certain'ed on ajiplieaiion ta C. M. KEL- OT Ne. 4, lOtis Cen.,Raach, 50 Acres LtiR Fsq-,RC MNHhLatts Shci improved. Lot Ne. 58, jet Cen. ber in (ie VI]ýL.4G( aiofOSHAWA. Ail api agaOArsd.na îhnuiHh 1 rti"05s, if b>'Iiýter, pont-paiti. Nuhn7 e o-n ihodHl - F. KELLER. Yengc Street. For funiben parbuculars ap- Ostawa,,9tt AusaIst, 15552. 18ti. pi>' ta C. M. Keller, Esq. Richmond Mil1, Norfolk Mcsrînger ta capy. ____ or (o F. KELLER. -DRY GÃ"ODS. tMù-oto cop. Grocerles Hardware & CroIuii',, W'bitby, Jan. 15tb, 1853. 39-tf. ta be'adateth(le cheapest rate, at tihé Ernerald HOUSC EXPRESS bINE Ease' Windsor. -OF Ro1ss Yô ns5lt, 32-3dmi# Ea6t Winidsor, Nov. 1t, 82 E- m f FOR ALE.Toronto 4eKingston. R F, PERRYl bas 2,000 CIEDÂR POSTS FARE REDUCEDI1! fan Sale cteap. seTA<;ES viii leavo tise Ganeral Coachs Wbitby, Aptil 151h, 1852. fie PLtn-I-tf.y ûnigSu- HOUS ANDLOT OR S LE. dayt exteplti at Nipeo'clekh, fur Bowrnauivihhe, ROUSE -A-NDL TF KSL . Port 1hope, Coborg, Belleville andt Kiagston. N. B.-Tbf. Stge Wiithave Whitby goi*îg HE cammatodjius (vo Story Dwelting Hue., atwarls-about 3 o'çiock P. X., andiWiit leave T iwat: nthe orier 6! Coiborne & Gieco W %h'stbýfer -Torono about 3 e'ciock P. M. aT li h.Tviic Wihy aoffret fer Sale cs.SIoù rin l! lo .ut.in te Twn o. bÃŽhYo ife tr f 11iTrfl ë11 111198Dgil $7 i~Oby:ei weith i r'd brck coli' ,auýa1tsex-'An AcOtttiedatêuS.tag for WhsibyantdDus- nd pivei etjumus. There îs aIso a god ava ever>' day, ($audy exceuipted,> at One gan4du plot withseverabssnîg fruit treestisera- 'c lock. F*or tuitber partiaularléapi> t' te .preprie- -8-ReTJf-INn - - ~ ~ Wttlea#re 0athà elrYsfý 5n tSit r - .1O SHA. -> Wito madte l dns ofet dakusnm, Andi served t. tiglit that MOra l loi That now toltitis ievery mie 1 The Prim Inter! W ho opens viii. Datme Wiuktnm à doct, Anti cails en iisen faacm *'le 1t aber. To enter in &M t iirst ne more 1 The Priut.sr! »"bo huas emboied flozioue îheugt- An ublas for vèï%kcusiWeae viougM 1 t 1 -Andi baes f" tis tisiwuich seilius, brouglit t The Printer! %%o gives thse 1tal-iat bath bffl taid A powerftul mmd slstnboit, Anti makm s itli b.'sit> gravis aId h Tise Printar I Who gave ta, Liberty ber pawer, Anîd sts'eugbhenm Freadeni every heur, And mxak.«e i.Paapils causea a over 1 The Printer 1h Who made en0 Oligachv Frste. Befara they tmnupere i et lthe lavis? Andi gave to Ergland wvhat she has 1 Tha Prin.er Whsoprimes and loadI3 Isai1 great machine,1 Andiles itlvsith deafetnig dîn, And makes os evety battle suin 1 The Peinter! Whid set up" bai Standard high, 9 Thit proudly fles s ossaid the cky,1 Inacîtibetiin gold- Inuit cannai die V Tke Prinient 11i1 ten tisera is a 'nan on eaith, Thai iels the bltsued - pride oniviorth," And canres not t(l dof lowly tiari. j Iluis the Printer! Healt ta thse Gutadian o!flthe Pret, Mtay providence tic Ait sîtil bitas, ASi ocrver Jet an tan do lese Than Psy lte Ptintnr [The Printar" vas reati b>'Mn. Wil- son, iLs author, et tbe Stis Anuivresar>' ai the Toi auto Typogrphical Society, ISîh instant.] Parliaîncnt of Canada, Tie Usury Laws - I'tESD.AY, INarch Stis, 1853. On ltae motion fer (ha third raading ai 'Mct. Brovin's bih! te modify the Usun>' Laisl calnintg up. Dr. Laterriara rose anti pratestati againsîJ ita passage in s1nanq language. IY.'r. L emitux meat an amendunent t o (Le affect ihat tha preseut penalties fanrîîsu - ry Le impoea, shouit the rate ef interesi exactat by (ha loene, exceeti 8 par cent. Dr. Fortier (in French) sait f ic epeass (ha Lili, vie sheoulti go fartiser in relszing the have against usur>'. <han an>' ethar ceuir>'. lia readti ha rates ai interest by lavetai)s- lisheti in (ha diffarent St'1ates of tLe neigl- bourino- unian, abntidt not tbink Canada ought Io go iartier.--ile inipioradt(ha tIse F, rtch Cîsoadiaus nat ta support hec bil,; atitu begged that Upper Canadians Nroulti nat farce ÃŽt upon a countnT aifsihicli, usey di not undersianti the condition" or sian s,-anti agemnsrtte isa bî of its nepresen- (clivas. MIr Sicette (in Francli) saidthe amend- menti cnncadedttie pnîncipie af the bil.- le rend from Montesquieu, ta the affect, (bat cxcessiva penalties egpns( usun>' vene alsvays evadati. Mr Chas3veau [i0 Franch]i-saidt(he amautimant dit uaL cauceda (ha principle of the bý.ll because ià lied ne priucipl.- Ha madie soma farther remanka agaist tisa bill. Mr. Tessier fin French] tiid net think ïMonteiquaieu great as -ha vies, caulti Le .consiteret an*authority, atherveise bis tic- tom mate co5>mny >'ears age i-ouît bav-e becs* adaptai!,But ha objectdto te bis maasur, beceuse ît introduéeti au immoral pî-incipfr into (ha laws et Levier Canada inV1tiu.g mas (a promise ta pay more (han six per ent, undti (bn-te break t.leir promi- ses. This ha veoulti never consent t.- Tbare $ras a et id hen siot euhy usur>' is.unknowu ;u t.- C. butL--en-m1--len lave, by enablincthe leater Io be questioned «mnfaits et cur:ctes n Lower Canada, wicb 'coa[d not ba now doue on a.eccuntof the penaltLies, veulil tend te rentier th'pri-i io jganst astir>'; ti!>as vas nie!> moe ecient; ih beiasg rell kievu tlià t'at prs- est tise 1ev coahti seà raely miser b. -en toi ced. -Mr,. -Robinsn-ae W-reslseh !.mas MnI Stevenson contended- that money couiti net-4b. oitdered%& cominodity as any aud labo sucit poussedl quzalitie3s that no ethar arti cle did,. For,-"i reason, the ar- gumeat bat one wasa cmunoitydid sot hold. Theywere *eld -the. usury laýws were a relic of the ilar2k ages, but gezitiença who sa id that, iti naît tell, -theru, (bat be- fore thase laves were e.nact.ed,. great abuses ware perpet4d hy, those, wbo possessed meney. 40, cuntries fciagd usury lvs occessary. Tii case eL Euglandwas an' exception, but hc did net tiink thsaï rich oid, lingland wag exactly the tet uzcdel fer us' te toIiQw. TIsera was uoinal ogybetween the cijexIni nes o<f Eiiad Can-ada. tBesides, lIe wasnotsure iba4 lIse*4rlaxa- ton ia Engasd wa rQdsictive of unmýti-, gated good. li'e tead frcm evidcvce trken before s connnî(îeeof the flou.e ai Lords statements to, he affect, (bat the evil ivas a, grent aç the gooti. H-e doubtet he bene- fil whic saine gentlemen seemedti ta fancy svauld resuit froni (lie abolilion af the usurv lavis le bcleved tha principal effecit ivouiti be ta encourage grssping persans ta levy usuriaus ratesafi iterest. le ti~d not believe the farmracr of thecocuntry Landi ha spolie pasitively of his aven country] couiti allord ta pay a higier rate (han six per cent for money, anti gis-e permission ta ev marc than 6 per cent ivould be injuriois- k>erhaps commeînrciîal transactions might (te an exception. .NIr. Aie rritt sii, never before lad 50 harmlcss a bill excited so igurh discussilon. It did not repeal the usury laves. It anly destrayedti he penalty far usury. Andi as, ta the f'ariners, he bellevet iat tbiey svauld be bcnefittedl by the bibl. Its manits waulti produce neltier bbe benefits or the harm svbjeh had been predictt't. 'l'le debate vas centinued for some timp longer, ending with a speech by Mr. lBrowvn but wibout any new argument being ýdduz- ced, thaugh tise latter gentleman, reati a grcat nuniber of extracts ta subtain bis viensb uy authorirty.- 1Ihe vote was then takren on the ament-, nuent cix :-Aves 3'2 , Nays 42_. Dr. Valoi- then nîoved an amentimient, 1tisat ilie bill shaulti be pasmpaned tilI next session. and tbat an oppartunity ha given in the meanhime ta test tbe opinion of the people. This %vas lost by the saine division, Mnir. B-rosvn (han statet (at there ivere twa verbal errors in the draiting of the bill. and Dos-ad the rerittal of Uic bill te amanti thern. One of these ejrars vinulti have ne- paaled the prinrilege grantedt thea Upper Canada Trust andi Loan Company, and Mr. Mackenzie therefore opposed lise-recommit- tel of thse bill-abservingY that be believet 1tle knawing ane would thus be caugs't -anti that lie believet lera 'vare men af suffi- cient independence in the leuse te keep that clause in. INr. Smnits [Frontenac] s2idt (at the an- or accurreti in a clause wl.ichbcli bail inser- ted, and thoug bhe Lad alays been appo- setl to (he privile-as givEÉn ta the Trust anti Loan Company, andi woult have voteLt againse theia, be vrns uDt nove di!ipo3edti ( interfèea iîh vested righits, snd scil1 leas would he, if hae desired tu nepeal (beas, -do s0 tu tbis mannar. Mr. Ilinâti loudly exçituet against (bis' unduae mauner cf nepenhing a charter, w 'bieh tisa hou. member fer.I-ialtiniand bat 1mani- festet. If ibis weara done, vhat confidence ceulti capitalists place in the legislature cf (lus country. What vouit he theugent of us in England, ins the United States-aye,ý amo>g con eau people? They, vieulti speak cf Canadians as a nation of sindiars; andi proecrly su. For bis ave'n part, il sueh a ineasura veas adoptai! after men bad been' inducad te inveat tQieir money eon the tahtb of a charter, ail] that lie cou!d say vins, he diameter, laid inte one length adwegi svben dry, 1 lb. for every 100 at&uoirý, Captain Denhian receivetifo odi&t M . Keevor, of theljnited ýStü« ateay ses.* manding the Cangren Irigate, i6,,0 f<â-. OMS of this line,10,000 on one rméel ~5jM 000 onatlotber(and.he coasWêideit toîýaVE' been admirably adaptp.d for the purpm-e ioé which it was -conmttructed, snd to Wbi t mat app1ie4.ý The plusmet-whighod -91b4i and-was Il inches- long, and 1-ith ci'a inch> in -Dinnieter. .When 7-706 fathumi had rut> off the- reel the sea- bottm- wÃŽs reached,. Captai> De'nhanu stated that Lieutenant Ilutchison and'humseif, la sepMr> ate boats, with their owun ud, re té plumuset ue.5O fatho s se'verâltie; u afttr -it had renewed L* -decevt, it ,stopp abruptly at ', the original âmak t6-I faho and would not takeagrother tara-of tAho reel. The.whole tme taken bythe plumet in descending to, thià amaziug depth of 7,- 706 falhoms, or 7.7 geographical mileS of 60 to a degreei was 9 hou'. and 24. minu and 45 seconds.. The highest. summtt.of the Hlimalaya are littie more than-28,000'ý feet, or 4.7 geographîcal, mdlesabovetr.h sea. The sea bottom bas therefore.1,thp grtaly exceeding the elevatioa of the bigh- est pinnacle à bove its surface. Great ewêý "vas taken in.the endeavor to bring the lum. met again to, the,, surface, to show t. - ture of the bottom, but while careful1y ier' ingS in, the. lune broke at 140- fathoma beIow the wrater Une, ecarry ing avç!y a thervaometer, which had been atacbed fpt itte3,000 fiath oins.-Tbis sound ià the deepeste that bau ever been n'ade. violent atta 'ek upontse- Trust andi Loan CompaÃyy maintainlng tise prpieity cf ne- pealing thse Trust -»d inau Companys1 Charter. Mn. McDonaid, ed Kingston, g'e L tohlowmng history 1offï6 pssig ofUe Lean and Trust -compan'yl's-cbarter., The ession began is May I5UIý On thse lSth ;jVIy1 ise petiticu fer thse bilwas represertat.-i On tise- -ih-the biW-'wà nea iecent tue.i It wvas mot reati a second 'ime til(ha 25th, smi days after, aa4uany otIir billa ofgreat importance ver. paped bu requently on the on the: seada. It wsstisereferredi ta the select coamoitAei:Oîsprivate buis, anti *as net repertedtiithie 27thà , whau ît camne back with tisa2 liank' flled up witt 8 par cent., (bau it vas- copxitted on the 3rd August, ast erWit1sd gene tbreugh care- nuttec- thre othar hbis also pasiset raugh, acii oe'stage. Eînaliy it wvin oi reas a (bird tlneatII (hrae tinys ater, anti Wan-, t7-fine bîils'vare escli adi-an ýed one stageý ater it badl passedti vis, Iherafore, imi passible that it eculti have been ,,ased eat an usseasonabia time, anti far frein it baing truce (bat it ves su, (ha (rut> vis (bat it bat passeti at about six or seven c'clock on a lina suommer Efternoon. lMr. îMackenzie (baun eail au axtr.sct fram the Jaurnals te support bis ovin state- ment of the haste lkith wiucb(lie bihlslad beau passeti; (hase axtracis aboyai (bat lenva bat beau givat> by tht leust forthie takieg up cf the bill n t(le committea aof pri,çate bis vikisut (ha usual notice hein,' hung up ini the hobby. 'l he motion in ariientimeuit for commtttal vins then catried, anti the. House havingr gone inoacernmittee, Mr. Breve>wn oveti (ha nccessary sîneudmants. INc. Hiucks than saidti (at as sanie impu- tations had been tbrewu eon hîm vith saler- eneta ibis Loan andoiTu.qt Company, he dasînet to malte e personal expianà titon.- 1la badl been opposedtoteh usury lav hsl- visy-, and ihe supportat every - measure fui- their modification. Wbcn the gos-erninent af 18-18 ia% format, depatcbas viare ne- cesveti from theic homegavenmeiit caliing attention te the tact thait this compsny had been charienati, but avoulti net go, wîo op- eration, becau,ç ne stock veoulti be taken np in England w veuno50greaten intares( than 6 per cent coul! be ct>. [ha gev- antiment, bever avs divided an tihe -sul- ject, anti ceuit take ne action as a gos-arn- ment. Wheri lie veassubsaquantiy in Lon- don, b ha s a aitet on by the agent of (ha comÈany tisera, try in- tu geL the stock ta- kean up, anti ha'toid thaft gentleman (iai hac had vary little hope cf -obtainiag the repeaL- of thse usury lave. But -bc liedý no feai- of taiusng the rasponsibiity cf haviug-first sug- gestedthec possîhlity oit gettiiig,,a,ý spectal2 bill< througif (ho lliuse; ana the" reaso e le sges(ad (b1tis vas that Me. 131isin 'bail resistd tIse repîcai of tise usuny laves >only because they feared (bat ýcraditors vicuit makie extai lionate dameanhn tadbtons. As ibis %vas a neve company, bringing fresh, capital inte (ha country te lendtot persons, net indebtat, there vies net (he sarie objec- tion I t ha LblI.lie [MnI. 1-incks] (liere- fane sugge*ted the attanspt; bu t cf cout-ce he Irnevi xutbing about the resiit, it mighit meet ivith. Nov it vas saidt (is Ca. iras s monopeiy 1Ilt was se, net becausa Leeor1 _thc ejpponexits of thé e u1ylavis desired -ta juaka it a moneply ; bjz: because tbasc in farnuof t(bae elaws - votait iot alavi fishe laves to be repeahat s trein faIioue>' leaders. - Be3ides tise compaiiy bat ne mo- sopol>'. Ml ',e Blway -Cempasias bat (ha rigb( Le benneve a 8 ,per -cent. Thae gove rnant bai! te *doe .asanie aveu fer tha Lever Canadian Court 1-ousss.The *anie (bing vie truc ofthtIe Menti-cal anti Terentp flarbeurs. It vais nonsansa theri ta say the Coopan!yhastan>' pmopo*y. ILI vins aise a tact - luat (ha 8 per cent., wvue!> they ractived wïivasut in -exorbitant rate- W. bave alreati>. niantiffld-(t - cm Thunsa> istnt Rochémtiier, toc lboys ve quar ein latha streei about, a v alkig... stick an somne suicl tr#je, vihenanoeof theum drevi a beay>'clasp- knanti 4 ibbed, de OtheiFtohe Iearty ,ýxIinghizn imm>ediat.ey. The- _pecocicus rulhbis oeta gmestpart" ef tibn.1 ypopulation> in ense parts .1 lb. -tý Uisîta State> u erfl ni iebil.s3 ifraquu-ntl>' umdet mightÀt aImat be chamCgý. tensti as.(he nationalsweapon. It. appéarn etthat il ivas fan, iron(ha firstt (in.thebat (bis depravat lad hae'c i uf,,. boy 5hoviet a fataîleaed bscar ou->(lislUe. site et bis erm imant a a wountiinflicteti byl tha saniehaut and vicapon. - Thçusa boya i-ena aIl oui>' Canna12 ta 13 years oli. onIy the ethen day iu thsrerat of Na-w Yonk,'- tire beys 14.- yaars oet ea, attakei and, ueanh kiled a muan n.iaied Cravifert, and roblbà ethin- ofC ebout threa..quarters of a"o. lar lui ruot1ua>'. On the bamé day as -thisen- citéientfirst relatai! cove, t(vie na ala affrav' cf the came fearfol Iristi ; one. dr.w a he'ar>'boale knife uponet>hae ther, andi rip.- ed his'-abdémen- se co rapintel>' open as-1F Itôw. tha biviels te tati Lhneugh. --- AToluasOF' NATUIRE.--A et ar, f4à of passengens, racanti>' passoti ove-r the Wut,.. ena Rautroad, in veule!> ejcurred a- sipl>- but touecbine scane,vieuihy oftreecold. 0»s ef tlse-pssnegrs vins caviman,-carniiM_ lti arnis a chut titho annoyed e very ou .-b- its patuhanceaneu crias. Mile nutesmât tht-pasagen- bore tIse iiutfien tof i sere-al atgotj tiid not w ho IMr. Bîeb*rds said -nô. Wlutt MrBald-ý wtn siud waâmIt hèwas -Bot prmsnt intbe 7 ., -F, d 4 'r - À - j s' -j f 1- ai' 4! I - i - - j E-.-,cousÂcEascN£T TO PRINTERa'l, Beoo-a Thé New Ila-mpsiirePltrzogY theo bading, Denîcîcnste papen et Concert!, Says tse- î.aintug -office -of (bat paper- basbeen, te gSradîîating school ofasGevernor, a SenttoV io Congre ss, severai' Represeuttifflte Cangress, mas>' Editors, sonse ;Miui" rs, aut many>' ther yausig mat en ue!>veJ1ê at various tuaes numerous responAsibst-, (ionsi mutha conmuity. h saèm~. sait af many othar- printing-oce tr-ti country. lu 1825 IN. Thiarsvw.aaacpr - Le's davil." Tha pxýniog-effico isageloi' scIool vihtýnpnopenîy - iinpreved ; a b-adl oa si-len penvarteti. 2 'hoe man viho beea"t Jdistinghisnet b>' retuîting-ii tLe prnitngâ- office, 001>' axcelled'-lurougli' close applixa*-- tien ta business, cnt. faitetulaes atise dus- ibeir position b>' tandîng (o loeeisii. - e nimben (baut, lbeys..- di