Ontario Reporter, 5 Feb 1853, p. 4

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.1 MOET PASSAQS MONEY. Iforied a trwieliug aequintance, upona Fulton to 4lbany, in bis steambeat,, the th lrout whieh l'have neyer.s.et ýwtth r t' -fi s I .1 W6 -)~i, im at'i dawu'abeiow ; and, bs1lked iit, leogtb, te and ire, I saw I vaclosely, obscrred, by one I Sppposed a ~tcuair. uor. lôtweveîI- ie 5 teat eslil on ; a ~u,. w& out dis- elosing thaJcçmtled nly walk and await.- cd ýSe, reiult, -' A~t Icngtli, ini passing bis seat, our eyes ï*4wlahee prngla b is feet, and enger- ly seizan- my ,,Imd,'exclaithed, 11i koc t i mtue. te' you-, for y-otr- fraturei. bave never :Aacaped me; îand 'aiîbotigbI am, sîlil far fr i 1Vt na>' -venture thaaîboulie *uaii M. o-d 1 éed; and during its dis- 4nizfh M irano rapidly, but vividly ever hi% enpauience if4e 'sorid's coltine-s» ~auwone, sud- ,9f he hopd, féars, disap- pouatuents Wu-dâifllulîies that were seat- tered titrougit -bis uthole career af di,%cove- s'y1; tiý le lie ver>t p<êini efbis final, creva- kg tritmph, at uthicit he 'se fuli>' feit-be had 11, ' And in reviewmç ral thesé?l said Se, -I have aga~i iti- adgato 'rëcaled Uicocca sion, aadî1tbc-1cfdèot, of our"first interview Xt Alban; and 'neer bave L4o" e me h_ *at'it..rtnewinin m lji ind the vivîd eefi- tien It' --orîglnall>' caustd. That Seemed', sàd stuli dosa seeni, to me,.the tuipg point l 1aht sud darkiness, MnMy Careerupon carIS;] $t.wfttas-uy iy t.àctual ,recognition of MY itaèf1rls'io My fellôwen.' S*cfi, then, utere the events Coupled witb y da~çlwn of taevgto--dw se, receot qp to b*. mliii recolîected by mna. --y-aud scas -Fulthâ there relatec i5m, 'vere tbe carly appreciation., by - te worM, of a diicovery uthicit bas invaded al wategs, -tlumst litawr1y'b rvugýtîb vr' cadI- eof tt eartit in Contact. e# I tt- Inc 1'ons em ýoem,e d -'bç'aysâ itlùqipre and t4e West Sasadaane- ta', an*d tiat item;, tooj X!Iieh bis, not been' tonsiderd'of comaadiamqhcwe menixention]ibtat 6é, ý o! the laiig, st aie mest entqt-priskg concerna in'ft 35. tuad& janov Iorwardnglaiiy to lte West; b>'v>'o tanoesd Smiuehwaa C*a fthe Wnur WbOfrm pUNFacoas are sf111inathe fleld,and redyý so ex.titte alksiîtdsmla tWr lino of businofl On irkeebl icladded moto daBehtn atbhor nrcai, they solict a -'haseO iPublic Ihgy\yiI Icham Cltk(or Woo81,a1 reg. ,Manufadsring Uit of Pices. ý$atti îtWarp iuclédad, 1 10 1-2 Viau el, d. do. IO T-wtýd, do. do. 'I1S Bleinkete, 1 6 Pull loih, 2 0 Woot, Cardli, pet poud, O 2 1.2 Spiùnifts, ý do. ( 7 1-2 Otber ýWkt dou. in proportion.- Oab*aw " Wool Cardiug sud Cloih Dressîs; will' be carin by the sbove Firm. 1J. C. BOWERMAN & Ce. %Vj>tky, May 12, 1852. b-tf. %MUTY 'GRAMMAR SCHOL r1iH1 Wintei Se-sioneor the above In- stithition, utili -CommenCce on Moday nezt thé lOtS list. * JÀAMES IIODGSON. Wbitby, Jan. 5th, 1853. 38-4t. Attoraty mi Law, Cawvcyauccr &kt, WHITBIt VILLAGE. -, OEcte in the roont formeri oeoupicd as a Law Offce, by B. J McDonai, Fsq. I3LÂCICSITWýS COAL. j VUST received, pet- Steamer Ontarso, NO chaldronatest Newcastlc Nul Coalu, forsaie- hy ROBERT -11. LAWDER. Whab, Spt. ât,1852.21-t FgtH OYSTERS& rplESuscriiïer kecps alvways. on baud -Preals OYalers -at the. National Ho.ei, Potl Wbitby. served up tao oder. Tavernkeel'ois and others can he suppliai! Dy !ho~n teg. StGliMcBRIAN. PortWhtby, Dee. 23rd, 1852. 37-3ui. :uHJE Subscriber would cail tnc attention Sof bis customers and thc public 10 bis rarid Stock of 7vew Gooda JUS? ARititvEn Pno OM OTREAL, Ccmsising in part of White Crpe & Exhibition Shawls Braie d<e LaInes, Nlouslin de Laines, Muslin Dresses, $ilk & Satin Parasols, Pt-iota, ZeSt-a Tweeds, Semmer Cloths, Aiaericau Cottons, -Tsehere -T ç entlem#n's. naine 1 have let;- but I uèrged him,-at the time, to publiait whnt be ruae;which, boute-er, so far us, I know, Èac bsneyer dome.- I have aeveral limes repetea teicfacts as tbey were told to me; and have bîeh often requestci! to secure 1tbem trem oblivion by giving them te the preu3s.r . I ehancted," aifi my niarrator, Il o be at AJ1baiýy on business, wbeu Folton arrived Uiercilis un-beard-of crait, which every- body bell se much interest i:. soeiog-r. Be- iAg re uW\toleaveand bearing taIt tis claft as te oretttrn'te News York, I repair- ed on board and inqured for Mr. Fulton. j1 was referred , te tte caiin, aud I there found a plain,gjentl.tmanly man, wlolly atone and enguged io -writing. "'Mr. Fulton,]Ipresurne Il ' Do yo Tr1etut-n to New York witm timbat' 3ec ' l h u l r y t a g e t b a c k , ir . 1 "'aa 1have a Passage downIl' i "iYou eatake your chance with us ilI inquired tihe amoïnt- to be paid, and, afler a moment's- hesitation, a soan, I t"is sixa dllart, utas named, The amouat, in coin, 1 laid la-bis- open hband, and, wthbhis -e7es fixed upon it, he remained solong mo- te9lesa tSat 1 supposed there mighî- Se a d-~iubOU04, ontS aid to-lm, 4c b thât iibt, Il Tii oused him front a kind of reset-y, 4das be looked*up to me the bic, tear was -brmm'ein h iï eje, and hilm Voice falîered as be -i, 1t cuse me, ir; but lnemory was bu sy as-I cootemplated titis,-Uic iraI W eunýary %-r*ad'I have ever received for aIl my exertiojls i adapîing stean tot navi- -Iwould gladly conercorate te ocra- s"On over , bottie of wiane witb you, but really , 1am to1 poor, everi'for that, jutt nout; yel I trust ?We may mccl again wheo Ibhis waili ootb e .' 1 fi - hý T vi'oyse ta New York utas suc- <-ressIu, as4ai nad lerminated uithout. acciden't.' bd Sb 'me'iu fotir years nier thue, -hen tbe Cler't-uont had beun greatly improved, 'and ber auei cluged -to the Nortb River, and whii two otheî' boati, naînelv the Car of lNeptune auJ the Paragon, had bteu buil, mai \u Fullion,2s fluet three boats t-e- Zu!a!vpt-in-bteenNev York and Al- N cw flaT6. wmbritW HAU~ bas uow te hanil bis New -sprint S1.ok. con- tainir.g-all ttc New Styles in EGLisE,ÏaIcCH n.d AàixaîcÂN BAT S.As, b elé birted Kossuth Hat, nov. la soeb<rat demsnd. - Gentemen viitmg 'Ibis lmo Rtrpeium, wihli sesthe gteateit assorî- ment in Canada.-4 Toroato, Apri 1.185P. BLOOKI JOHN SALT, Got.xr<HAT. 10 TL Gond acçq modation-tor -Excellent Stgbling;,gondiHay and Qats, and atten- Titi Noa;TeUZ#* StA&GE ýC9AçxS cal eveny q#,ebing and moigpùg. -B OOKSELLE 1V STATIONER, Pic- turc. trame Deaer . &c.,nearlyoppouite s&rîplurf,~o~ stock galioncei rnHÈiosletofo'ee ÇXÏ-'PD ian t' A bo "IUPOTTEEIRý, by JJAMESTT.-1ALIMYy The Subseribers in returning thanks te the publc for pust lavers, wouid tata this oppor- tunity te inlêm them that bainc lncreti*d tbclr busiess, sud employad'a aumber o! c"Patent wuoekmea, they iutend ,teý manufacture the. Botomanville YdUmv Earthenware, snd the common RED, Wxiz, md they flatter them«ervet thal îhey will be able ta give entire satisraciian ini hoe.iths' lruy favor th'.m witb ordert; nnd thu-y hope. by pontut anid strtct atnteutinu b bIi..iiîss, ta merit a coulinoanseof p.blcptrrae. BAILF.Y &BROWN. gnv- anviIlt-.Jtmie 4, 1852. 15-1 LOSilor S TOLEN, N OTE mtade hy- Casper Witlson i fvor ni Asher Wil4 oobe rerfONiuptseen Poundi. II-te t iinp and morne few pouce, and datte.i tbue 21st Oct. l>i52. payable in three or five gays afipr daie. Ail per sonh are hereby for- hid ptrrb uing aaid note. At I WILLSON. Pickering, Jn. ( 61153. 38-3U*. IA 1 I0RSALE. e1 linrier,ýim~el ofcrs for Sale, the EEast. haif of Lot 'No. 3, in the 6th Con. 0F UXBRIDGE9 suid 143 Aries of Lot No. 18 in the first Con., of 1~E0RîANA. ANIOS WAY. P. S.-Any peron fouind Trespassing on ther aboie Lundâ. wull be prosecutcd w ith the ut môsI viçor of the law. A. W. Uibridge, -Lot No. 3, 7th 3-f Con., Dec. 30tb, 1852. NOTICE. IN consequence of Ithe Subsuriberi baving de- termined Io close lheir business an the istof DE- CEMBER next, tbey are desirous that a&U ac- counts sbould bu paid by that date, and herphy ,ive notice ubat ail such as reinainý'unsçttied ei:.b- Cr by Yole or Cas/ on ltat day, wil Se pubti suit for coUtcion. JOHN MARTIN &CO. Pert Wiitby, Nov Stb, 1852. 31 -tf. TOULSREDÎJCEDI ATa Meeting of i i»Z Pnrt Whitby and Lakes Smgog Siméae and Hu.-s. ioad- -Compsny held on the 4ttmint., it wau Resolved, That front Tueaday the 4th o! Ja'à' rf ù111hmou- day the 71h of Msrcb, 1853, the Tols ou the jRoad ef the Port Jf'litby undLakes Yctgog, Sira- coe ü.'d Huron Read Company, te reduccedto une IHalfeofthe preseçt Ratas. ALso-Resolved, Thut the Harbtor Tollu on Cueb ram ud fter UtSholing of Navigain Lumbefr ereucnd' it theeOn hing porNTvigasin in 1853.- Secretary. Whitby, Oct. 16, 1853. 27 2m» ADVERTISEMENT. > IL BE SOLD by PritAte Bar- gain that part-of Lot 17, inth e 2nd cane- .îon of Whitbysgihe Pr9pesIy ofthe late James T. Sotninervilis, Esq., heatitfuuly siluaturd on the Kingston Roar,nsarly midway the lhriving tousty Town of Vhilby, and Oshawa, and com- pri.ing a convenient F'rame Homa, Outbuildlngs, Barn 13 Aores of Cood Land. and oafist rate Orchard. Offert for puirchase will be received untit the 1ut of Jannary, 1853. --î -.by R. W. ,CLARK, M. D. Whithy'Viiis;e,,&ctînig Ti uatee for the Estate. Whiîby-,'Nov. 13, 1532. 31-tf Oshawa Preemean, fo opy until lut Jan. 1853 CARDe J. W.u COIIVEYAIVWER tACOIJNTArtT, lsp»zi or MuittOE Lîctesas, Oecrta[ agent. Jsbta II;tctb. eU xBRaIDG8E . Office at hi, residen'ce South sed of Claurch Street, near Mr. Jos. Gould's Gri3t Mill. Uxbiidge, lBth Adqust 1852. 29. NoIE A LL tbo'se haïî.g clasma againat the Es- tale of the late A i oat Eeq. , are r qced tpr.brie forward the urne bythè,first ofJnOC ensang for iiuidstlon'Ând ail those indeb1Yed te the estate, are alto requested te make paymentu of .t4esame by te afoo eentioned timt, o sto mét ïthe demana" agajuas: the esrte, otbcrwzse al outatanding'çlebxsufr he saidfusî of January oexl will be pui jthe-,proper haadsfor collection. 'HIRAM POST, - CÂILETýON LYNDE, 8M JJCQCIIRM,- JOHN TOOLE, Executors.- Pickcrng#, NeVý. 27 1852 3t NOTICE. ALL perSs mdebted t 1 ïbâcrber,> eithet- b> note « book atéount s- c~. t al, Î aitiéth "e.saneefere 1e soîiýedo'scnm ter tiatdate, wyul Se haaded *ver o e e ierit of the Ciart for colection. W~i1yDet. 4.1851 4-f iscrçl"i4 entbato8sppricatiea vil) b. meetnztt ahimamentfor au RT. 11HST41~i1AN CORNqE1ÉOF KIN<G & CHURON 8JTRIEET$9, joisuoTHE COURT Rgest8e H1ave on lumd the Largest, te Cheapet and the Best-aisortment of A ND IN CANADA WVEST. WLIOLESALE AND RF/rAIL. WEbave now recqived ourcomplete assortînent of N Ew SPRING & fýiMMERGos zwhich, tapon inspction, our customers wÎii find ta lie composedl or the Newest and mnost Fash- onable materiala, andin great varieîy. Having been selected with great care, and imporled direct from the beat BritisblFrench, and Anerican bXarkets, by ouirseives, we can confidentlisihrnit lhem to the inspection of otr customers and lte p tblic, as being the most lashionable, durable, serviceable and cheap aseortunent of Ready-Made CilOthing and Dry Goods in Canada West. Tatioring, *8 it Ui USBranches, cxrectited witIî Taste NOtJRNIGOS F&IIISH33D 0.-q HE8 8HOEST NOTIGE. READY-MADE CLOTHINO. M ea sBiOwn Holhaud ceate, Do Cbeck'd do De Back Alpaca do Do Russeil Cord do Do Prîuces do do Do Canada T-Wee do Do Broad Clot do Do Cassimere do Bo1Byomn Hloliaud do P Cbeck'd do'- do Do Maleskin de Do Tweede do Do Broad Clolh do Do Russell Cord de Men,,s Bisek Cloib Vesîs, Do IBlack Satin do De Faucy Satin do Do Hollsud do Do Fancy do Do Velvet do 'J Mci Bo~ from .4 :c il cici dt ci id id. S.1 41-21 6 6 6 0 0 o1- 0 - o 0 6 9 6 9 95 4l2 Boy's Fsucy Vests, Do Silk do Do Satin do Do Cloth (Io Do Tweede do De) Casuimere (Io Meu'sulMoleakin Trouseru, DIb Liacu Drill d0 Do Cbeck'd do Do Cordunoy do Do sntineit do Do Cassiîmeres do Do Buc-skiu do Do Dacakin do, Boy'@ Drilli dol, SDo Cbeck'd do Do0 MoIelekin do Do Canadla Tweede do Do Casaimnere do Do Tweele r do !rom i s. 3 5 ta s 4 5 7 s r, 'i 13 4 1-21 0 o te ~ d iSasiis i i-nirîs, Linmn Fronts, '. -4 44 )a Bsraltea do tripe 1 'O fi 2' n's Cit £%Po,2 6 eiu Flannet Shîitg, -' v'u do" 1 10 1-2 Under Shirt, iîid Dr-awenu, M en's Paris Satin Hats, Bli-ck zai-d Drab. Nrew,.Style BusinesCoatsy , i al Mts-a Mutsin DeLutines,1 Prints, fut coloni Heavy Giughamq, Splendid Bonnet Rit Straw Bonnets, Gloves, Flasiery i Ed.iues, Artificiai Shol, Check'd, and Table Lineus, Quilt B.d Tick.ind Tow Crspes sud NMalerim Infanits' Robes, Cal VO.3-l.] 41-2 41-2 DRY GOODS.- yard wide, from 0 10 1-2 Factory Cotton, f 0om O2 1-2 do do ai 0 7 1-2 Wtîîe do " 0 31-2 do do di 7 1-2 :Slriped Shirtinîg, 0 41-2 ibbons, di 0 7 1-2 'Cotton Warp," 4 4 1-2 di 3 Ladlies' Stays," 2 6 :ibbons, Laces, Shu ls, Handkerchief.e antdt Neck-îies, 1Flowers, Cap Fronts, lM'isiins, Netta, Plain 4ipacas, Coihirs, Siku, Satins, &c., Its, Coubterpanes,i Orleans, Cabotine,, DeLaines, cela, Fringes, Giinps,-Trimmin«3, ia for Maurnint-. - Barezle Dresses, îîsà and Frock Bodies, Sik Warp Aipacas. «Vo Second. Price, . BURGESS & LEISHMAN, Corner of King e.~ Churc/r Streetsjoining the Court flouse, Toronto. NiEW LaW oFVWfl BRICKSH' fIKSB!K Wl-Re K IVI~ j Y ltébeginning or midle af Iuxe ~,A' uy and Ba tr t Law, i (wealher permi t bere taîhl be ready Cor AND BSOLICITORtn;- ç 1 uNCKEBT, ISale at the WHITBY ,& OTROBRICK -NOTAR? 1'UBLIC,, & CàeEÇNStJCER YARDS in W"rraV VILLAGZ ATý TRM OFric£c 0W. 1m P -itESf.BQ 2001000 ga 310,000 '&Stok't & (10M- MMonBcko, ~~oI First raie Qtiatity, and at a Law pnice. par- lies about building in the Village, where ttc Bricks are 10 te drawn ouly a short di»tance, will fiudît fully as cheap la build wit Brick as Timber.- Y For furîher particuiarsalt «~ ~ ÎV~T~aJ ,,j V4>AIGZ or NclsnStec, ~ eouffatbo Rig Sres, ' JAMES WALLACE. nearly opposile 1-LATTl [ITEiL, and! within hall 10CRSDY IELC et a uinul' a$ a ç&STdb#'. ' W710 CRD -RY ELO nO Toronto, A pri! 10, 1852. 52-ty. WODWatd ute Biacz YA&ans, for wvaîca Canada Wekst larmet's flutna & 0ok ns:ac ¶'THE Subu5criber havîng been appointed &OMMT foi Ibe aboie Comipi3ny, wll, Ut: aliltnes, be moat happy to reccive spplicationtes orinitiran. ce. 3. BLACKI, Columbus, A prill29, 1852 4-1y VRth~e benefit of thelubtibitants of the have 'a.rneuit lbCS. Jewet't and W. IthoÏmas, tage Popriet6i'ts 10 forrd CLotS and Wol te Iber establishment inWhitbyLot] g wOUIf-aàev ,et ,iffng-Watën Power, a Drying RHou9e, good Workmcn, &c,e, &c., will dèupatch .butinesson he Shortw 1%06m'e. Personsaâtihtîlg .iÏiCo owo eol to th. careot thedifferent Aflts ofhe Slacriberarmiy look iOSrthe â50mb without -tilaat 1k.s -Thity-havte «oitied JtaîeSVfhofo<Lum'. Wlitbyiwnkeopes, asherdepôjssgAq'o Zdora oss th erWSl- iaym>séia-i1y rt «Whe 4est. - uCoveyï y çv19m kcath; Gaitagber, Ma4cesuterl .iMé' Oorqwdmîe, ?rInýce Aiberti; C. S. Jewett, and 1D. Jewett, Port] enyu r"týLighv;Ùwbe-a'ceîun WitbY, lMay 8, 1852 -. AUSTRAUA UNE 0f A. 1 PACKETAND CUPPER_ SHIPSO The attention of te Canada Publie is respect- fullY invitcd ltte ollowîng Letter, tram DANI- EL R088I, E.q., o! Quebec, as an assurance thaït the New Lîne af Packets and Clippers trom New York la Austrulia, .advértiied by Mirsits. VROCKER & WARREN, af 28 BaaÀunwAv N. Y,, ara equal io4tlhe.- aements mad. by teir, Carédu and Cirnnans. New York, 19 Nov. 1852. .R. J. .C It-iIG 9 Eàsq., c DEAaSrA -Havng~'"iid se alaips. asweli s a'fw tes,,,i44_ Sa-cc ailed fer these IMc ' *, acpýbipe 1u cdb at-1 tentloiaoti llisq the noble s hip ALER' 8h. is th. finest epçcinen of Navel ,rctitecarei thal ba-à cén in hisport tg;e-î h " -1 do 40t meami yuur1 fine <lipper Shjpa whkh ate me calculated foi f,à salug ga ayhtelse The is ALMI'je la amedàinmt behteen gthe CLIlFF.11'1 d i, PAÂCKET," andI la uithout bàveëýv sefi.Theen of ber Pm dek ud-ýmbn,'nd he eigt-tween-' de sWjiW ber Leneral fittwsg-utt arevery aun- Te ALERT"Iid, in my etimation a'watt. te-d'Gld-Rqoinso f,,, Ausr-thlland 1 would Iecme4ny of eur £Çaila friends toexeamine I DA1IEzi6,ofqtkewe, C. F., r AMsaè, addra RO'R To Owners of ami Deaicru in llorscs. - - n CAB.LTON'S FOUNDER OlN«_'- NI E wr, For tite cure ai Foimuder, Spl il iloot, Hoof-botind t Horues, and coutrucîed and Feverish F-cet, Wounds Bruises iii the Fhesh, (ialled B4rks. Cracked Heels.a .9cr-tctes, Culs, Kicksa,%&c, on Hoîses- Cautiou.-Fiiid lte uame of j. Ca&rlo-n Coin- stock on the wrappcr, or neyer huy C'arltoîî's Hlorse Meditines. CAR.LTON' ING-BONE CURE. For the cure af Ring-Boue, Blond Spavin, liane Spavixi, Windîils, and Splint-a certain remedy. CAt'R ITOiN'S CONDITION POW- DERS FoBL IIORSES AND CATTLE. The changes oi weather aiidseason, wit-h t î change of use and feed, have tI-eyre 1fe- upon the blond anîl ainuaîîs fluitis of horses. 1itis at Ibese changes they require arrasistaunt te nature la throw off an y disorder of the, fletiis nI' the body that mav bai-e been irnbibed, and wbich, ifnot at- teuded to,, tilli îesnlî la the Yeliow waler, Heavea. Worms, Bots, &c.,uil of wbich will be pretreuted by gii-ing one of these powdeîs, and will aI auy lime cure, when any symptomiof disease uppears, if used iu lime. Tbey îîurify:tbe biaod-remove ail inflammation and fever,tlon lte sk iii, ceause- the waîer,and invigarate the wbôle bof y,enabliug tbem ta do more wark wiîb 15ie sarne feed. The action of these powdeia 13 dirýct u pouaill the se- crelive glands, ai Iberefore biave Ihe ,itme effeci upon the Horse.tbe Ox, the Ases, and ail Herhiver- olia animnai-ah dis;eases aiing (rom orproduci ne a bad state of tbe bhood, are speediiy f urerh by theju:ý Remember and ask for Carlm)ý's Condilîoit Poun- ders, and lake ne oihers. CARLTON'S «NERVE AND BONE LINIMENT FOR bu1tSES, and for the cure of ail diseases ai ma or beast that reqiire exierrral applicationm, and for conlractedl c'n'ds aîd muscles, strengtbeus weak limbsan suh a Iso used for sitrai ns, bruites, saddle gais, sîcelIed legst, sores . failhi knds on torses. Carltnn's articles -for homses sud cattle are pre- Pareil tram the recipe of a very ceiebrated Englisit Farnier, anti wil cure, niuety-uine times oist of oneb'mndred, any of the aove complainis. .They bave been usedb y farmers, iivery-men, saepr- prietons sud others, withhlthe most înarked dd de- cided success. C..UTION.-',Nonefau l'e gesiuine unie ss yau ficid the narne of JC<rlori Coartock aq the wrap- pen of each arttcle.-- COMSTOCK'S VERMIFUGE. This in the most extraordinary remedv fo-r lurmi ever uscd ; It efl'ectuaiiy eradiates Worms froin bath adults and chiidren. Il cantiotbarmthe mout dehicatejiriantaorstroo;esl aduilt, and neyer fails ta compietciy rootout and dgiînoy ail kindu afI Worms. The cost, 25 etm, per botule, putsit within react af ail, snai al parents who are wiîhomt itd'rnewanionhy expasing te lies 0oftem e hidren lt.otoçetell î.estrayeru or youth, IlWarins." 'Loai for the name of Camelock 4 Brother, jprop netdrs, onthe wrapper of each bottle., -TO TRE 'OLD AND YOUNG!.' Ho! l Redffeadand ,GreEl!!! PHENOMENON IN CHEMISTRY f!! EASTIN7DIA H'AIR IDY£ - -Coiours thre Iair, andudl iÙft &tire S&-sn. Titis Dye uuy te, appiied lo tte tair ovèr night, lte llîtnigitt tuining'the ligitîest Ram oýr GE HAiEa ta a Dant Brown, uand hy repeatirig's second aight, t a-a frigtt hJet Blacit. Auy pesan muy, therefore, wiittheleus t possible tro6uble;jkeep hi& haïr any daikashade or-, pei tecî black with a, poi- tive assurance Ihat ttc Dye, if applied toiite-sksn,' ileat colour 1h. By en ocpual 4applicatien, pewsn ttnn~e vlnveék o a ve grèy hait-. Diîrectionsemipiete wih the arlicle. -Ttere in no coloiaring ir tiiastatemeut,.a a eecai -Thesfactsa re wai;mntedib.ytbe gentlemmn wbol inaumfittimi,st. 'whe la the, cel.i.hasut iiist. the privale pructire in our country by unSimmensel5 ntomber of inuividtiais ând familles. fiesi giid most certainly for the cure of' the PILES, snd also ex- tentiively and eec*ually es t0 I affle-credulif-Y Ms- leus-where ils efferta, are witnessed Bzlrieily, in the follInwing complainte: For Dropsy-Greatiag cxtraoîdinary absorption' ai once. Swclirn,,e-Redticing :hem in a rew bours. Rheumaiun-Actite. or C hroffic, gi)1n imire- diate easp. ar 77rvat-By C'unrers, Uiceîs, ort(odu. Croup and 1V5oopinegCough-Exteriilly snd over lthe deut. few holirz. Seresrâand Ler- Veber lieut or of long standing. and fever *Mtes. Ils nperationýupnnajluisIs and children, in relax- ine rheumultic s ,ieliiiési, and iooseniingccçohs and tigitness nf the rhezitýby relaxaion of Ulie parts. haebeensaurprising beyorid tonception. Theççer- mon reinark ol :hosé-who bave usçd itl i tht--Filtir, is ',It acts like a chenu."l It lu wgrraitled Io pieuse any pèraon lthat wili try i. Cauticas-Nevcer boy il uniesà you find the [ne simîle si-rature of Cometoc k & Brother, Proptio- tors, on the wrapper on i the geuine article. Gndiui.-Al11lbf the above iiamed ariticles aie sold only by Comeloek & Brter. 2 st. 15eicr's Place, direciiy in rear ofthe Astor Bovse, be- lween Barclay aiidvesey Sts.$;onednor fresn Bar- clayj. and oner Block frai» Broaduray, New -York, te witomrail orderi must Se direcied. For Sale aIes' hy John Martin& Co., Part Wbiiby and Port Perry, and Wm. Nichols,.Brook- lin. Sold onlij,-in W7lby, by Wm. Lalnig, at, bila DRay GonSTORE. Remnember, andI<boy only at bis Store,-if you wish theGenuine.-In Duffin'a G;reek, hy Gomutok &Brother', AgentPBùy only at WM LAING's Dry Gond Store. Soi altoby W. H. Gii3is, Columnbus, C. W. CAUTION. EXTR.d.-AloI the aboee narnod arU.riez are %oId only in Oshawa by- Jamreà-Lapa; in P~t Hopeby Morris Hay; in Bowinsnvilie, by S. W. Harrison & Go. ;-in Newcastle, hy -Me]Nssysur k. Hunter ;aise, by our Agent in EeyTw nC neda. Enquire for Gmtr&rîe'Aw unac for- 1852, which 'aili1 Se giveÎ gratis b-aUl. Reinember and never bey ]Carlton'. -florse M1cds- chies urniess the full naine of tbc Prprniciohonthe wrapper, J. CARLTON CoXsTOCK4 J euvyarmd neyer boy mlis you findbis aine onl Uia el ns they have of late beon extewrsively roumtcrëtciid in Canada. They sign the otefiJCuoa They dort-e t put in the lui]amon orfor eàbe- înc sentî10Stale Priso. P'ircha= sbe on-your guard, antfSnd the ft] naine. FOR SL, i0NE-FOUIt-TU ofýthe Very Fast Sâil- ing S.eooner OOd , nw plyrag bethvea W hl tbynd Oswe«On. avin; e»ttoo;i oetbaled, le in excellent orsier for ai bàiùnesa that mayberequired. lier Suiis.and Rigginiiare mostilyNew. Persans of mai capital wou1d do weil ta purchase', as the othea ?artnerskesep her constantiy employad. - - î-ý Any person purchasing, underptandin,- 1be bu- sines,%ulea ve -thekSaiiinga e.' Termcaeymadeknow by pplyinï tp JAMES McGA W,, Commercial Holel, Port Wi.itby. Lune 7,1852, -zVILLIAGELOS ORA.E TWo Miles 1Xortho of e Ithgy4'dsCarucw, A4LF and quarter acre Lots on 'Simeoc 4 atreet, the geëat -thoroughifare 4t'uecOb. ewa gnd Beaveroit, Apply ID Mr: thoutpon, Sal . cto i ijn a. Lettes te be poaîpaid. Cauington, Brod Ij6thTfsept. - -REn '.4 Prices a shade lower thtan any W"lolcsaie Store utithin the limita of the County Townu. TIIOMAS DOW. May, 28thi-1852. tf - (' - -'-t- 'i i_ ___ J' - -thephlgmwickresestirauckâfiut(iy e setive Eixir-, pireeribedliéllPe0u * lieves te coug b sud asista t MturetjoCRxpOlfront oveim caeesul Debilitylted 'Y~rrrt thc syltein aI I discased malte r b 1ex 1pettoatOO, and. aliruanie fas1Otj,'ue producing a delightlul change in tbebr4slbing and professes te be, vîz r Nature' îa i is1V cèheot, aud tnisu, af;r the vol, béat m.dical min & rcmady fonr tose li theuiarrird sletsllv Viit 04 sud the inveion i o\l d ami rrowlflg friends upriag.IlInla certain ciliefur Cia<»msn and nurses, havefie 0gve the smalleut relief General Debility,,PleetolYeikleVs of t5e GebIISI 10 the Coesemplie'li"-re. Ogams Ner%-ouo Affectijouîs,]Lturolliaj TIOUANSWhite#. As an iiivitoysting muidiciit il iii ' pesnahvebend COved r péâ h'.E n qalied. Aao, a certain rmd fiJnciopit' pesas av bendeeivd epatdl i uying ConaumptionIçdigesîion,.Iis of ltçlrE.r medciuu hic wec-s id to bie infallible cures, Pîysicaî Lauiusmie, Frnele Weïkneo Y >et but which bave pfoved ouly palliatives, but t ý &. li wratc aplschecc1l c medicino iii is no-i o niy a palliative but-curefor i'- t.ofcIb l ubve cormpauand so psielOS n 'Kiu ceruted lungs. Il contamnu no deleterious Drugs tf the e wititot ffqaig.adi rielsvlu sud one trial wilI prove ,ts astoniâhing .eflleary b'iSoe- te £àe cagremula -ed gJ 1er tian any assertions or certif rates in ruring con.- ltutifl ÉcrflYra n # aumption and ail diseusesofithe linsmg, such as mernbered. Splttirtýqf bloud, Coirghs, paiin iite stie aad A totintcrfeil of tbis celehnatrd in Coidisi bas. £hftt, mtîghl -sueais, 4c. 4i. - lecl isuued, ha*ng the naine of LE FI JU)bO0 About 1000 of almom't miraculous cures performn- ou wra pper: ed by lais medicine, Iran sne of the iraI Dortaru, Rememnber tha tîhe.couiîterfeii bas the or ive of Clergymen and Merchan-is, bave been sent us for Levi Judson on the wraplits, auld the gteitf this mnedicine, but te publication of them Ilook& wraplîer, Co.MSTOCi~c & BRoTH EX la» much like Quackery, [will show Item loanay No. 9 John utN. 1 ci r,- person calling nt our office.], This medicine will -only .Egea is ut.dMenea. FEsablithed i1U4. upcak for itse!f and enough ijits own favaui wbere- ever itlsl tried. RH M IM Cauuiun.-Tbis medici*neii-put 1 n a slarge R EU15TS4 hoîtle, aud you must find the numne o f Lonstuck 4 Cmosok'Neve an-d Bouie Lùîiimeiin wsarit- Bruiher,P-ropr-ielors, New York, ou the splendid cd to cureeny caeof IRteomalism,, Gout, Conu- la r apper around the hontle. Ail orders mruaI he tracled Cordsaud Muscies,or StiilJointu,otrcagib- uddressed to Camstock 4 Brother, No. 9, Joitu St., ens Weak Limbe,uand enables those'Phor1NP New York. -pied to waik aguin. Comsîock & Brothtra, Pîo-* Remember and never buy il unless you fir.d the priefons, New York, and nerme geniaàe witkeu naine ou the wrapper. temr naine ounlte wrspper. -CAUTION. TOOTHJWHE. Bewae o a an,,roý Con1eréi1 ofthe DIt. KILNE'S DROPS, for té curé of Tooib- CHERRY 4. LUNGWORT, simd the J(JNO amoud .i s an lucfaliece in ht wces, i CORDIAIL and .CA/RLTONI'S FOUNDER ediasa nalb crinilaewthn OINTbfIENTuîidl RING BONE CURE:, affer- any injury to tte-teth or gains. Price 25 e15. ed for Sale ai the Drlig Store, and remember sud neyer bcy these articles in Whilby, ouly of Wm. CARLTON'S LUNIMENT FOR TUE LAiNG., ut bis Dry Gxodstore, aud ai-id the coun- PILES, &c. terfil syo woud Pîao. Ila snoxv used li he principal hofitasu. sud in la :1

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