eriety titi 9tb. mand the lépôsited Q ay, ë Allnual '.'for the ldin i4tu iplied tb c 2 i7thi-- t Tli o0iet. 1îifrom )Ni n I.i. - Incasin! Oithei De hé li tli o'ld 4nentary ,e n eaien eSsn tinr dnti afnd )If or toînti ird f-nl - ft hoa tti ÉrnUisa I 1' j-r 4 h 't -4 lie. bub- 'rst rè- -- i t y t - enst- yeurckî feti on, -enin .k, Iwo of te. c ail,-- Ontru Our tcîe;irapliic anhices fi-arn lexico tin - New Orleans are of a rather ii îportant chir- açter. The- runnoun-ri-lativ-e le the -pirs-. alloua of 'Sant .ia uata k-uà iu, is ct'Il m- ed.. Recruis ven-e fleukiîag te the- tatutl- un-d cf tîe. revoigîionta5ts frm- Il dU'-en-ions' tuatdditiontu tewlicli tise Irops in tlie Car. -- tIc of San Jui-an de UIloai, atVe-ra Cruz-, are reported tu Ihave declareti againat ilit k Gos'einýme*i. Cariasajal is agamn in tht- iieltl, ansd Ù' said mc have cnptured a ie sirarn Colonel- Gen. CanaIt-s is asp;osnad tl hav -* -been iraun-dmniet by rancliera,, titi the revu!; cd Natiunal Gun'i-s h ive duifual euUi ne,i tar ta-oh ja anti ri-vetii thiten backltta N1itat.ilir ras. T'he re-apaaraince a nba Anna uts%-a for a litiL' cltcýk ii 1 of d î9icnard, but ti J3 naî'piobable tuai lie tail esnr bu z1letu COBaOURGaANI) I>ETEiI5r)lott*-PRAiOAD -'taline o ad ai s u pt tinder contra,-t - on Saturday laandtihIe graunti will b, bu-ak-eis Itît a short inte. 'hlicocntracti irhn. Zitainerinan, is a ginuininan ofalbti t%, -encrgy, antl ahaa-c ail, o1 large Isiepet!, unid bavitug becs foi saune yeara enhgragei/i n rail- coad buiding, inay lie presuinedto unî-ne-- stà ind bi5 business,. un-t- beliese tise v)ole- - t oteftlbe roati, titîtthe addlition (iratbri4î gste suit lise Gei'erinent is £ 150,090. Thi8is lanet a rarge sun per- mile, un factiti 'a1la c feunitiaa% loav. or otw'er tb-an any oilh- Ijue in Lpper iCaaadi.---- Star. -A exciteti 'n-uer tbius.caiîrusts the Cel- tic ansd Sâxon races, - i0 one- of thé London 'VTe CeIt Ilias a long rnniurp, higli an! expressive featuies. dam k or rvam-ori onmpiex- i on, tquare mtarular fnaie, sucit as ave find ia - thIe rSiskeà îneare3, Newetons, Neisons and iWlliimrtgtna; in the ýStepunsnan d mîiiuten pf enten-priu ;!i iî great Stateaniein, autharr, .atNIata- 4 Go isioa any learneti or il- - lUtious pi, Sei1n'ly in lthe Kinî,aiem, and, yôu 'Iill findAl ine-tenth4 cf tlaeul itavming tbe C.±l - ticýphisiqute." N-%oie foc tise Saxon: Fri-opa longandmicitrefti-t xininatiuit, - - i la>as certain te be n fiaxenliaiiad, but beademi, pi& -ëibmg faceti, loisk bacceti, - put. bellied, baridylyegged, stuîpe-d, sta'ibh. y I umberiteg, slky, boor. wLemo ra aiel -a diagr-ace andl regret to Envlana." Theii- uni forînuity oi complexion anti uguture, their elibesity, îbeim weaki legs anal scnnty -iuare. ieîr mal brain inprpo tute longr spi ne'anda aargé fliat face,ý -i utks cf in-,. ferioîity. -- Tm-ponTA)ioN 0, CA'NjîAA Lumilr.z1 I'Elle antoutat of lumbr maportei ni mbtise Districts of OGae'e.-%er.erOin (Janada for tise year eîîsing D te.ý 31, 1852, was 1,98,000 - e . - - - ~ W4HU'JTONFela;"2 Atbtt LaMecnce is biere, and à un !ou vcri5effort b - behaîf CfCanadiau rc prccty. - BosToIs, F.b. ý2 I'he Eurqpa sailed at-noon for Lisv pool. Slb ies out, $200,000,fi Atun icà n 'roldl AL. - - -, eb, ~, îs~3 ~b4v~ Yot-k a~ersn0es'l ,enmnoe. in Tonc yît( ', - . U a o Birlt'y, - - O-0 O( to 2 3 0 O to 2 6 l'rk--------- 0 6 ln 33 9 1'lnoliyeed-pr48bs7 6 to 9 6 Pôtatoe-5. -0-0-- 1OO t 1 i6 MIARIID Ofe rie 31 sI u1f-. hv te Rer, T. rinlay, Mr. Jî.r-a fir-tYoîth 0%.imnsilip ni Sînt?. 'n Mis * kepliell, 01n uthe Towtiship of %Whitltv. TO BJILDERS, CONTRACTORS, &C.1 -' 7DEMUSiili be received uintil F ridai- [the 11lt'h of Ft-brtaaîy, for the -erec.tion of ; caie Srhooul hous tiSehoul Serlipa No. 4 *:IFt, Front Rnad. ini the T ofaipn Pick- 1i lie. Plans~, Sperifiraticips and rnon,1îroî, ni- nla' In< belwSeeti ut the bouse of Mr. Geo. W. '1obt, Lot No. 10, in the stecond Con. of Picker- i he Iow est Tenrder %ill not Le accepted unles î:hnr stisu*izfai-tory. G. CO Il N PL L, G. l'II)SIIIJRIZY, Tirustees. G. W. POST. SCAiOL T. ACHER WANTED. 110',Schooi Section No. 4, East, Town- shipî of Picktciiinzwhjcb ja nute vacant. A 4Zeronfu ias'e T Ieacher teiti be rririea. -S.lary made ktaorx by applyîng tu the Titis- G. CORINELL, G. TIDSBERRY, G. IV. POST. Pi.dkering. Jan. 26th, 1953. 41-2in. catitornia: 1ll L Subacrîber bemnq about tn return tb Cali- I <rîî, re.toi-Sale the bolowing Property, .îruaie in the Villaeof Whitll;t ini the Coeinty of (Jîiîaîao, one HOUSE anti LOt, which bottse, for eorniotran c onvenirae. cannot be aurpaasc... 'iîe wrrl.kno wn BREWEIIY and PREMISES, turmerty owîied by Châiles Claîke, wvith a coi- triable DIWELLING BlOUSE attacheti, The tlrewery il in ha-aît-rate repair, and '-ill be-sold on Qtich tia.swl it % i vitbn the reach of 1!ry pt-a-son deajîos #t woiniçintoesch business. 1 %va BUILDING LOTS, one quarter c art acre each, situate on the E,à aîsi sde-ot Centre-sheét. dnti only 120 kret (rom ihe G#ol and Couirt House yard. Alan-+-lOt> ACRES ot La:nil beingthe -Eat bal ot loot No. 18,- ut the,2nd Cotncessionî of the TowvnâItip otBrocl, witbin oine tmilps of a 2ood market, (jPsjim&coAiberi) with abouit18 acte$ -cleareti, aind a LOG"-1-OUSE tIsereon. There is a hit ge ýq!laiit;y ofPVioléon gneip4mc* aL~~ N~i lirri tt& emizrth ouî-od ,a'ltbit%,ibjaà M 1l'diî-, tautc4bwt%Iicfî, wihîhe prospertof n Rkalroa i te pasa cloase'by ih, nçakes it. adeairahligotjettalbe ,ntlièr. Foraîl ci which Pmpertytunqus.onable tines cari bn' tad, andi possesion gi!?en odaîe ir#t nt Oc-tot-ér next. ' NB.-Theabove BRE W E.RY.itnototËrwsm. Iseidtor t wo or more yeais on icasonable ternis1. For furtier pirtirular orp. ËY tol 1he Stibà csber an the« premniaca. Wlmth'y Brewery, Jan. 29, 18.51. 1t OF -nutnteted tc.età puît tnt) a s'- bnciNo. - ,carres- i>ondi.g 1thtliteiînit<er ni' Tic keis sold; andi 1900 liîpa iite a sutntar saheel No. 2, 338 ci whhich timi Fig rndrkCnl 'VitnIlnhe (ietisont teanbc rai Pria-es lhatiîrngrienurn bers orrthein. 30 t ha!carnilinumber bati an equal chlance, au a pt-ison chemen on the spot wvill .ienil ecdi seel, i-st diawin; frein srhcn-1No 1 a nuribvrel Ticket. uben froin saheni No- 2 stiJ b draten a slip wbfn-b will tellte taie ai cach nimber, tehether a Blank or a Prize. andn t'hicb teti ttc checkeul anti m-nazed by re- pectble mer]n-basen loin ibose îsaca<-tlt bnsling Tickets ai tw imeue aiitissa-;. T Ihc PrraîPris-e oatihe Lisit consists of An ACRE cf LA-ND at tie Tesen Hall.2 MARIPOSA, on whih rnietmtd a FRAME i-bUSE. 28 b 'v40.l her, tnte aoccupjieal as a-riavern tvith zi Bronkvrlln. Air Tigit Coot-in- Stove, a l.anign Bat- roomu Box Snes-e 4 léentlonîg, anti a St. i in Rom Slave. A ise 35 sedm of Lantien the- opposite- aide rof tbe sureet an whictaha s -rertedaa Ditviig- Housaadm Shed, 45 by 52. Tbmre ha an <-an-clent Weil et JVaer anti pumnp on ach ef t base Lois, itmheboie af whscb comprise. one lucere sel be 1900 Tickets, at 1 Dollar DRAWING TO COMMENCE AT TEN A.M. Ail us- any cf îhr ai-ove Pmhzesm aay Ilie seen o' -application ta TIIOMýAS iAIKS. Mariposa, Sth Oct. 1852. 38-tf. EXTENSIVE Te Le Drawn at tise TOW.N HALL On- rebrnary thse l0t h 185 Property amouating te Ail qf which will be guaranteed - equi - descripticut aineteal, LIST 0F PRJZES Il last.Peiie, A. FA.RM'of 100 Acres!! Eat Hall, Lo0t No,. 16, luth Cm. MA-- -AIS,&61Acres cleared, analla eod state eto' Lc ul tivaien, wstb a gooui - Pt-ine - Hous, a-gooWeili, and aargeinunabe o'f1 Fruit Treeso bePeies i ef*ie will hinUcludeal in oe Q R42DW-PIZZZR! Tlrrasbing machine is eparator jAD 0 Jatakltun Pbîtg, -3 o Scotch Pletitgb, 3 o Fannini MIIIi, 51 ghSîi, «sk eules) - 4 O AHoite, tour ea d'-, .n-20 Buiggy neqlylié*' _r k 17,10 Bitrerai, new, r..ýpboard, ~asae. Bed ad,4uj a e, - A1vuwgu~ e f aiain rgrs.BRIADBTUFF. IPOWrANT5ro TE Pro Mesr.ýMzwl. Liverpool Cîr- io (n aro We bave copied [rin lthe- Toroto là ader tattèLasoiîintied fintibe %-âme lifelesà stae $286e67- saved nnnually b.ythe ue of G. aa able artîcieon iegot f br n silbs: se ince tbe beginiig of the'- R BN' &C" -o1n vywîv aLdacdwfbaa ear,- bat 6wing te tihe extremeiy wet êtd:sé beyntîd that of Most kMelican cittes. wceather there. has been rather more'firmnness RE CI PRDCATIN G C RU RN IÛn 1a o duîVlaeocuidtsst tpreplibîs during lite week, alîhoug'hne Wiah wtîît'e asavingoftwo.îbuînsthe wi'cioe . ht tadlin illae oin liteolitngf arilei 'ie ra, nlicméddcrr. rerequired id do thee curnng in thia iopor- mrîtieretn itiffirs, bose war the-nle zra .can b a e, tant Couaity.fimne save4 i.moie yearned; there- *pra thureee tweî yea t le rthue wap Tee. Tzrai'Ines cf tbe lGti.itilt. for@ boy andi try ibis Churn blte spuîchairj grainmîn-kt basbeentatetliin- The Subscribers beg leave teoannotînce tlsut the cityrMay Le said te bavec prungup active during tir: week. ln wbeat the inîttsCUNte hFaTPîma b irtyyeas. Te pogrsel avebeenon'a md1erte lte PROevINCIAL P'AIR9 held in Toronto, and w»e witbn tse lat hity ycre.Theprogesetraflaciors hae b-enon ainuerae scle îoinunceml by ail to be the belli Cburn leerex -of Upper Çan aans a whqle lias been ai- but prices mett w;it ne decline ; Itolders uijitied1 in CanadaIlu hall beeri repeatedlY tiied tsost ns rapîd »as'q tat of its capital. The- have exhibuîed no disposition te presa sales. andi wih ira Oe, Butter cati be piauedfb ýopUlAtion qeiads-upled hejween 1831 anti Fleur bas also mointaineti il-. former qilattr in fi- am freen to twenry miluie- a à 8bi.*At lte saine*âte eni iinceacii.t ili Ossing Io the simall qianrity of.Indian Ccrn ;lit f ihari veis rnsa t eiiaaclur yaline &. bout 4 ,,000,000 in 1871. 'FThe rapid t present in stock lit-ce ful rates are main- tb e werea,.e Of pepulation finte Britis Nortit tain'ed. Onîmeal, oats. rand beans and peas VILLAGE 0)F B ROOKLIN, American Proivinces is ainatter cf deeq. i0. have eacb supported iaçý rates. la otber .Ans] woultl respeciîimlly invite the public t ratil ',teret te us, a#s furniîrthutsg a man-ketfor our articles 've have noe bAitge te report. and examine for thernacevs. mti aexo.~,irera isy aybersm« M- (;~. . IZOBINSON & Co. wlit'eut being subjected te those beavji du. WIIEAT, Per '30 1bs.. Canadian mixed BokiJn ~l~I~3 - 4.1 lies ~ch kep detn tbeir ccnsisîmption in and reti 6-î 1OJ a Ãâ Id ;twhite, 7s 3d a Piater -for sale bY SS-paitn omtjaLtalv and ti-e 1,aittrd States. 7s 6d ; United States red 7s a 7,'r d. JOHIN MARTIN & CO. WVith tise coiîpleîicn cf the niagnificieri rail -twhite -7s 4J a 7s I104 Danzig ntixeti antid__ wnys note urider contract, tee cannot doubt renl 74 3d a 7,, 7d: high mîi--ti 7s 9J a Sa et thlie population fcitii 'North Ame-3d ; 'tussî W. baril.5., 7d -a 5s 1lId 1îiîga \ J~ lica wiIl inerease for lte net twtvi-ity vears-, and Prtrr'Ntirg mced 6s a Cia5d ; Arcittn- asrapidly as il las donc ainr'e 1830 ; andi ai gel > 10d a 6s 2d ; Odtessa anti Polisît med 0))C )RDS BEI,',Il and MAPLE, R that rteof 10cm-case iltcanner lac under 6%fId 24a 6s 74; comînon 6,4a a6sia3d ; French IC )2,000 Gardas tean. Buat Wood. sevea îsîllioilrbin 1870. Xitb thtat popula. Ritenisb and Bfel;-iun, C6s 11id a 7s 4-d Far 'a1,e lii -tien býing un intelrchalsg-e or* at lt-ast do- NIa *rianaptili red s ~5d a 6sa 9,t; Egyptian pot ,hN MARi 3.US2ý5t. înestit-.prnnucts, dutîy free, il. k iiporsîibe 5,;10(l a ris -id. Pr '(iMr1.l~.5t for us et prusent te estitoate lte ainotînt of B..%tLry. pet- 60 Ibs., 3% '7d a 4-3d. Dui.jv the commercial excianges tht-y tili have OArS,-.4l usian-per 45 Ibs., 2s 9ýd aA 1 X wih tiaciscoller. One thiùg wu tran l.% iste a10,1l. littIé-' dcubîof, thai tht-y aili "taice ioe't,% Iahil Y E-Ultlc,&c-3s9dJa 41s. »dO T T-..a-- '. fro fi-oa î than wc al. prescrit capon-t ta; allîl . e - 'SEttropi-an. pl-r quarter. 36s a TO) DE DPi-,AWN AT a unanketAn'lor Europe. 37,,Eg peran Scn--10bs.. 34S a 34f.,6d. P P ,.-altic. &r.. white per quartier, The11 rf n1J Haill -£a iret frein te speech of tl2ig:rehit 10s a 42s, Canadian 35sa 38s. !Ion. Sir, Wýillan a\Iole>wnortb, Bartt- INDIXN ('011 N pt-r 4'80 lb%., Ameniran te tise electors Of SOuthwa:kLaOn hir re- "'hite. 3ls 6)l a 35s 6tii; yeliow,,34- a 1AA J IPO1 electiets:-Un Gd6 . ELîropeun ellow .3, .6d a 31% C6d. Laatly, w:îtt regard, te or Colon ial FiLourptr blil.* ef 196 ib%., Can'idîan. O 3sLDN the 23rd of Ph policy*, geittinien. il vras ývitiî yoar tautct ion "vieut '27 -% d a '28s 9J Western Canal (-Jy anid appreî-ai ihat.1 bat-e ef lit#,yc-ara paid , , ta et 27sC61 a QSs Id l'Uied States -andiF B greni ittîennion le' Coloni 'al questions C(anilaa cour '24-sa QS'n Id . Ohio 2s 9 ý peciully tg iboqe affiating .elie o-t inpor.-9 1l Ifllpllia and Blalitnore '-, s a ttt tant of oui Coloimial depî'îde-nrits. Voit --) 9 : etv Orleanîs 28S 9d a '29 9J. voe se* arc aware titat great tatea are t iIi- At the- Cet rf, age Mark Lane. up-i-n British Nortb Ainereca, tht i nmet-< Ollî rtt --t itlr i--hsip Proper'ty akount ifg tû £4-45 vsul be drawi etnpiesar en- -entrated tla Auîstr-&î-î. 4.--'-rv de-criptioiî or E grah--in ih-aa- .tr t o eil el ur that vieîhave buige possessions irl Soutli Af- sverîJ saictîl. andiltht-ne la-Igai id e t- -uiiii--cînin nienix rica aniethat tht- foreinr d otîunit 1li-noni- 1380 u qarlers of fore-t l ieuh(.t ban English,,,cîetvn are t te m d in r-very j znnt, 2100 brrre-I.oaifortî-'n L *q, f P i -atîd n - ychiate cf tht-etitit. Wiîilli inr diri,tt i ee- la' ire bîsiers gi-ne- a TAVERM STA nD £250. E ttîey may loniebeattaclîtidt hsenijîrt- nn> pl' ' Tirc n'as rery 1Itt le busine%~it i(Xrnagn.-t for- t t or Roi-r. 15 0 byth ties ile .rr itcre >i-" and aïrir;1,oijjg. nl *---- 1 enitro b-ler iéifi~L o 41eftidF £1 -lt6 0 th* 1' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~'riées ien-c generaile itteld itin Lrg irtr î.cfmlFsnîgMnIiOth eclien. 1 »My t?(lure fore- snnîY dtîu. fl ; /iicreaa'-d firimnes. 4 l5 , 7ca',d s i 40We -thse reaons whicl,. i-man/in4 idui'(i'<I ta'- 2 10 n <t 1 .Cai-o, beorne a inmeni-- c -,le l;(.'ny's "t-ITB3x'MARKETS. >1~n.,2 t) pli vernme'»t tu'u-s, te'- /upn: thi r ni_J, -ai 6 I ç 110 ci-a raiccitsoritne smal dci,,-ruc, aïflil i--ie i-- ebriuv5,1853.-,of, of Golonial rer'fn,,n miassi t ir re led-- 8 dd 5 loSn,)O.10 t-eIpment and upp r î otinr f the ' refraiFîl W ht-ut, - - .-t 4-.1tu 4 6 3S1RZi: OA,£ Vriiciple'sf li--aI sc'/f_-nermnnu'reil1.t) OF rr1 n WIna! --4 O tr I4 4 'C'he ahove'-Libi, 5îairctfîi in n338 Prizrs, M ili1 Yor &C. &c'. Stçuck n thse Dm->Goods Depurmment wiIlib. futn a vriety cf Stapie anti Faut-y Goodi efthtie latest rytes anti it Fa&hionable materiala for tb. present Seaien, viZ: Courgs and Ouleapt of va- jioui Celer., gala Plaid.sand Cloakinps, 4-4 Brown and Lilme Prishs, Ginghama.- strioed Shrtngs, Bed Tick, Blue Dnit. Derrys, Deninî, Bfl.OAD CLOVIS, Faucy Desins, Tweeds, Canadi in elotha, Satinetts, XVbftiad Red Flannels, White Cottoan, Fstemy dY e White- Damask Tamble Covei, .C!îioied Damask do. Towelings, Baggti<a Browîn Hollands, aise Cap asîid Bonnet Rliblions anti a large alo-k of amafil teries. IN ifti [D %WARE 'til be alwayà ou band a variety of u5eful Articles surit as are coin- mnny uaed by tamilies; a*su Oit Lampa of différent kiada, (a iew Violiass very chonp.) OUR TÃ"rCK (0F GILOCERIES wîIl he found te censisî aof<Teas, Coffe, Sugars, Spices, 'robaeco 8&., 1 - Ail of which'1Wè ; uwaeaL freah laid ouadulterated. W. would invite a trial of ou- Young hyson rea at 2a. 6-Idpr lb.-almoooui fresh <rond Colrekt la. par lb.'- 1-N TUE DiRUGaeportnent will lie founal Engluait, French andl Aierican Drugi Lnd Chemicals, PewiumnerY, Fancy Gooda' Dye Sttars, Painta, Qihs,'Brube, Varuaala., Tiuis., altevr Nedicines, &c. &a. Wbclasai andi Retsi. N. B--,& lof hembovevili be seldat TORONTO PRICIES, 'hysicians andti Duggisis, 'dli be sapplieti as Chieap as at anv wlsolesale flouse in Toron to. Phys iciaats' PmreS on iî and jamily, reczprs carefully fiZ.Id. -000- HOMSE sud Catie Medicines of aIl kinds. DOEL -DICKEY. ri- Makre a cail ai lie Telegra Ità Store anal Medical HAl. KInîu Street, WH-ITBV. of Drugs, Me- Dec. Q2nid, 1852. - n CONSUMPTION 111 very, body know.vis alhucrinsg disea".lucern- kncem anti pierFeses 80inaidhouaiy, tiat before ýe iâ att-are oi it, the longa are a mass oifsrlsrit, is a stiden ex posare or change iromt beat to colti, siit-ee an inftajmaution, anti in a few tizys or teks, it isald<, he oî-sbhe;died of hasty Conuenp- on For ail trauhied iWith rouaIt ci lung cent- mîint, we wnuid reler to the ativertistemeat eusthec !tle ni th is pa prroi Judtcon', Chemical Extract "iCberry and Lungwcrt,"lairh is aadtoe sa eain cureterr hia awful disease. Cmution.-AlI of the above named artîcleia are ,ld orr4 by Cornstork & Brother, 9 John st., New Drr,to whom ail aidera innathe direttd. VERY IMPORTANT. TtEÉLIEF -IN TmN xMINUTES, CURLE DR. LOCOCI<'S. 1PMAEY110- ¶U7LIF~IILgo For tise Cuire of Cetghs,-Colda, Astisma, Brou- clitta., fulmcnary Contumption, and i al Affec- ieus of be Bjeet andl Lug Manufactmured hy JAMJiSJOHMSON, Rochs- ester. N. Y., sole proprietor for tise Uiteti States -nid Biitias NoîtitAmeiia. PURCHIASE LOCOCK'S- pE MA LE WJIFERS.1 MDUBOYS? RAT EXTERMINATOR. - - - - l ý 1 lý ." -ý ý - - . - -i ýZ - ,.ý -- 1 -'là : ' No. 5 Ch1èIci i'Eock Fres Arivai ofWinter Goodg, co TflI TJLEGAP-STORE MEICL iHiALL' kgSireet, 'Whitby, Utel occupied fbgR. E. Perry. 71ESub gfle" heg teanOunce te lte hlabitants et Wbfîby anal ur- reodin 'ow'ubîstint ihey bave opead tebave *or*, wbere may b. Lad ls olwî ai ticle. _i exti elyLo Pacs DRY, GOODS, GzROGBfRIES, ------- -- Vgi ' W. B. C. &Ce., would invite. Cnmltes te cerne and. try their Stock of Tee, ol. RISPiearaica's arrcte hoExtrmîateChoccîste, Sugar, &c. Atso- Faey Pi pes Cigais isy the liox'or j mail; Furs, Cap*. Clocks, Toi.t 'THRaà ts ant iMc. whenever useti as directeti. andi Frame Lookîng Glanies, &c. At Toionto prices Jcr Cub or Produte. - andt 10 1ai. ne offenà ive mienclt on tite piemimes Wbitby. Nov. 4,1852. 10 cleared olthemeantaeytn< ve.nmtn. oas ta per- fetîy ae in any place anti et ail tîmea, wit tbi T t.i L> 4'A# ieli the case witub arulnary rentedies for tht, evil? A L GUU J.IN> Caution.?- Betcare of' Covmterféits. 'Theextraoidinary suc cof .M. Diboy Y Ra' Eztermi nator bas excite th bme Cpidity cf momi- diholteat and irespoc.ibie .personas ta reUahee It. Inquireoir!tM. DublikaJrinca Rat Exter- Minator, andi tuae a*other-t.atie boxes ait 25 -cens. LYNDÊ tOSBtTRX.- Rocfitstr, 14. y,otÀneînAgents tPAII aidersadaitreaseti pasu paidtaI tÂe£S JOLINSTON. Rochester. N. Y., GentlAient Ion tbe tJnateçStates andi British North -Anieia, will ineet witb prompt atteatiou. THE ABOVE M EDICINEti FOR SALE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BX JAME, H. GZRRIE. - 1ru;et WiAuby. Aise by R. Darhingion, andi mark Robinsmon, Brooklij, J. ilawun, & C., Port Peifry;G. Bec- Greenweod, -A. Lepper, Duffn'. Crek, J. Par- lier, Pickeiinq, 9.Il. iytery -Ronge, Lap.iey.- ighslandt Creek, W. Suttos-. O#aam T, Suitton. Dr. Kerr, Neewcutie, sud Noble Sithu, Newston. vile. ÇURKS, huras, CHUIRNBZ Importal eFmtsWrs T Subnb«. egsloinfons tbf, Pub. ft, chat havinC; perfected Lis inventlôtu, ue now.maniufcturnst t sCopm e nlot o 34, broken frenLnýW11ITBY, -it wbirh for cbeapncua, trbiity WIb 'Id Sa-fO tinte andi labor, ex" im-rî i therChili-h'Dow iii use, and requres afily tà i. knowj be4aap- preciateti. . -- 'JOHRi < WAY. Thtisi e tyat*T uscat uedntaiet John zB. Way's Da im Chiures ('nt1 h ast six rmoaths, and i îave found ti l1 lclvt~ be tkW cl Charalin à e, mada.rt rate erîtile, - - n IISAMITiO? Ibavegbd * J. CRAWFORIJ N.~ 11LImEm mî B EO-5 to-c4 o6 tion of it numerous tustoffers ud th u te h geseral'> t. îiw Jat rweldved iuie:tfron thie Britishland Ameikai mrketae oosist'ingu ato 'ohCoi Pla";sLà in ClmecCeoag, ibe.dDBéeik,5aia uisT A SljEDD ASSQRTMENT OF Long - and SuaeShawk, VIloà k* AU.efwlicb will b. uold çhnp,au 1), Cie d1ierenasne ta berai'o l i-edent.psbht molti u d quick arturns wii bb is m«o., Ao LWathose euttorneli wMlIne b. dismppointed . embz itu expeet~f~ Of, Hie Stock 0f tCo C.asiu;er. Satinetis,-Canada Cloths, Wli;tneys, FIamis, HâBliW, Berges,sîpedlSlirttÉ, Faciory Cotton, Cotuu n '0Wo.,n Y;, 1L4 la ttes4 oiqe. emq ' OI » z çwuiA h ulm &à Just received a Large sep determineti not lo be tudati 'M. C. keepa alwravson1atagolMî MUoaeyand cit iaid;« 1, t toka - f. - .n n n ns 1~ -t - i ppyia i 'ndaî ioWb~vanv otiter bc ve-Tororntpd r AGE s-will u'ays- atteeptet 'l Part e, Caîu i~ Éoatwea , bout-aol Par Ft ronighlfrià Tilt EItITtI S PCIPIC. A certain cure for Momsiursupprtmear Sur- pressd Menses; lleiorrbuggia Diffiiiii, or painful Menstruation; anao-shoea, or Partial Obirnîrtionsi Menace;UCllooaor Gruaca 8m TUEDGRAT VZG19TILn MAGIC PA-tu DETR'OYER Monufarlureti by JMS0NTN ohs ter, N. Y. Soe Propticbo;., J? llaueoAu in tise Face and Bre"»t Abs-sà ais et Skia, Bliters et every kiid, Bia, rbq Bes Chslblaiui, Corns, Erytpela, Peons, Pafver Soies, Sore Byea, SaltReu.SçrjUles Piwe, &C. -PILES, PILES, PILES, DI. UPIIWS Ygà ¶AiE EUlzüLRCItf&T, On- fnternai Remedy for ipof» A iîlarly eduçateal Pbyeheiaa,nnbp dvots.à lssattots- Elecîuary la mcertin cutC woteelednï - ~e £ectaar Sapef&frsari f.. Pregnau Ladies, uid ibe rtot-se thrtict hat ps"" poaa;bty be ad, as fill otplyashîOVe tise iâ *cdts eil Ia1iaimmatOFFiDISsMM, WIlhautPain ow- Hi at, but wilteesmm"s w i-" m aUN "Vîry# âAd n o 4 -n JW iDaid Ati.refur*wL hrateti personsehagl'~amd i «r eittt, w MALQE %%7OULD reip.eftruly intimate to the Inh I bitan ts of 1Whitby, and vecmity thà t hé-bat comeenced Business in.bMR. SHAW'S IJEW STORE Brock Street Whiby,# whcre h hu for Sale a çarefuliy Select0s ékof ?IT FOR TE EASON, CONSI'PING IN PART QOr tCtJI'fly anadjan Ciothi, Satinneutes, Fruits, Spices of aýIl kinds, PNi Barleoi, aI Ried and Wbiter Flannels, 13:iped Shirtinp mailiin Soda, Gleîtlfeld Starcb, Tobco,v*ft',. jrcsandi qâalities. Vinegu, ale 8mai l-op igiBIr ~t "Cobnurgai, uslin de Lane, Stove, Shoe andi Scrulii ZîgBuhs Lrtster prînts from 5d upwards, Sbaw..' celebratid P4zeam. Iuck.maws, Gala Plaida from Qd.WMolien Shawl from 4s W. Lcokinig Glasse%, Windo@w Glaîk i8ýWhite BletcbedSblrtirg,urtey do.- tromn21-2d. Leati. A large aortment or> Pur, 5111. Plo*randi Cod Fish imd Berrinc, Paie (Paifr soi! Cotam clotWCas frôin ls3d. Bà bfe SîIý and Feit Bats, Bronona&è. Fur Boa's Vitorines Cùaffs, and Gauntileus, vr~ u Brsckoýkn Mitte, 1CROCKERY i l EimdIC uuir, Bonne. Ribbon ail s11k (rom 1i Z:d, cotaninin any ieW pitetis, Artificjal Flotes#, Gloves, *trimuingu, Sid!l Waîes; &c., Wdien Polkasw, ail sites andi FANCY GOOD)s eonasistiug »f Perfttâ qualfiies, mery Drés a al Side-Comboi Bohs ons <'ut n Rafting, Hemp B&qin; tltled and plain, lian and Gotti RinçagS Epeçiocles,î Cotton baoting, Horse Slaîkets, &c. Purse Triuings, Toihal ~1-2. A large Stock of r.ady made clothing. Clocks, Sleigh &lis1, OÙ Clothi, Table t'bvere EN GROCERIES will be found a large ~~ Stock of ehoi,.eTesfofu, olcFasbed andi Proae ad i ~huoI Tb.s Stoick haig ýeeâ purchmsd0uuder favorabie circumetances the Subseriber à ecu-, able& tô mcii at Pricé« wbtch caniot fai to prove satisfmctory to the puebaser. W.L. IMALONE. Wbitby, December Ilth, 1852. f5 WUITIIY ÃŽLOTIflN ~PRIJL No. 1,- Commercial. Bui1ding@l BRO'K STREET. !Vy LUAMBOOKJ ClARK, & Co., take, thlaý method of infrmit the Com4, muity of Whitby sumd-s&rotiùdinir country that ibç-y bave opened a seliét STOCK 0F CLOT"HINO, A ND DURY G00DS; coîssatng of Luots and Shoe; Womeî's Cioth and Prijnella; Forked Boot s, together Ibirdware, &C. larcr-ândweiAsO A age~d el soried dirines. Pairits, Ojs»