Ontario Reporter, 22 Jan 1853, p. 1

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mu a ~SD, a14 thtakS@IMUW tu% lIl4LlUÇSa Pt% AI tt-I1N ÂVMÇOt.- WHITBY; CANADA te y 111110o? o imu the, reservi ottonio eT h impr eseil air 'NOW 01ORINEYER! E 3OfV R. E. TE RRY coin b. (ound at bis office orREUBEN MEDI2ICOTT-m the Coin--be th Ca oaa Sot» very day until Baturdoy ing MéhWby MN. W. 8avite:EO4.. iHe bad boweddw lui Ahloat n .he ontymi eosi-Journal o[ a Surnmer Tour, b Yseweîî. An SabjctOhI ~1a~~idebted te hlmt, that ail BOf h debti tinsefflerl ifter Nothwrod, or LfeNlouth 1nd &th, lby bMm. S. The puise oif maahwG4ste-th -t ibmdateî.wilibc left with the Cierk of the Court S. Hale. loô feint end cotl te tu a b W q @ p t lt id jl ay ft e r n y d t e u e a fe c t i g t e w ith o u t m p y d i Qin c tio n . A s hlie la in t n d in to C o n t , t e n t b e tte r th a ti W a lth , b y M ir e B .A n d h . liu d g i e n i s i TEEI G,8 leeethe r &ce tor atitie, Le wlshe. o .etle hie teaL - Unithe humbltUii 3iU#IlI7 iyIjtttt Mtied olu Utd Pait YPivoll buinssbelote d 0n .Storie ram" Blakwoo." Andbwig te the rie pmM on o,. ki* h maire Sctt. n'ny Aufu-t , 8 2. 18-a Lives-o( Wellington aémI!'tel.*i lr0 l i ~l Otteevr.Ma Lmw'eBrat crnr f uoSpeteand undéIoie Propowgeliig Dtctiot>UlTO b pi offic ovtr.M a L,%iols Sroax coORr of tSecthe French and Engliah Latiguagel, 1 volume .Tb.re "me ichanii tâý'#o f O*i lie . t, l861. 8.1'Gicero'. Tuaculan Dimputali In»', Anthan. And 1k. h.i g~fm -R would be Excbauged for a Furia, a Ptaonal MÀkventurem of il Our Correspondent$ in That cojneth n?t qý 11 ~W1~xmvery desiraleMerchatit tom37 by 30, wilh ltmfy-'M. Burke Honan. Thn Haoacl e w the olf bs pl e4- a iood Sittin z Rnom, Kitc1ien en*mI Be. ýpananaccourir, Geograph awte ul bf rom aelby>.8OeHOUfOd C.*, Hh. .e siddered et the *M# Ieê ACCOIJf4TÂNT. N. 8.-MON~~e ?rb Loti.Jî o rn oa LorTemirsf rd Faîilyban c ieo Dr . u hm ow.pio vn pJ ,,fl a OIp'aq r h~ <it~t oneVtha e loo rçe ound Tr e>. W11 dOidtc , - Anod wu ai.li s a *=ec-ocn* rt.l tobdo rK of T1-Cu t t* il an e utdforwnebip Enahe ilag n e I>amvol. .nth -rterbyClra Grw eribe411un an olumbu oesi TonMÂnbSvCLonthK. IbTle JLîdigomc@ry Anf okry ySrt . Heskth nen$oar ii jtdgmct W axero,',, 8 3D . cwJrxlnda4raDMiC4latI8hY9ah- j muîaIiharifeh _______of __May__________----___ Hale . TSeti wick. ala L. C.tkELNEOM S iANDndtoLos Th oeirnàt Ã" FitiÏ*foiofThe' voG,. ii NO 28 Te ihsti iteies mi>e. c ACONAT AS-,ajicn ar oiSl. TeCl ickrdFail, by ToaneO lCit. li oWg hie ptthe* bu~o N .O. -V EE Y -t e L oa n . oi n N o es r B l m s o an a r',d y e R i d . li e m 'm A d e-raml urinef i g r ic, i e i m t Os tç co r l m*e Vlag f ottie s b-h. er e A . W TI'SA D .T agePm rîn ie tthnie, od lras. t rribglen thn; ACIIESI W-EtLcnTHOAuS CLAu fi olwTlMKMCER rohoardiniêwm ne# di Poy tili; AlfColfîl.b usBrc, Neya. M ra13i , E, 1&52. 1 ToroN tO. o e , an8f l. 80s h C-l A Iflgee4 Q iiYCYljFro NoswsaGCUignoo ,eip aElepi e w E-- nTavo- amlir n&na. )~ROKI~~$ Io andOarméhe* ai o! h*mteandthee! t LossngleFîell ;C ofthe evoltion No.28. Theltora ina ' eeor> in the. coi jaliay. ant, witlybe aanddG<oeOnt, And aima, like a iina-c' st" bat vrEayez CnaIion' caown- Tbi4 flv E ta l WieyLars de tost-pon the ttumloii, iIU ASMjJIJjTe7flnrdad hewieoneié emnisioer f Qetwt Bùm qç omtOthie ec xriii«. Nth ill45,e ""' tret. Wirb lstrhe cileme - thme pc FoL akiW @fidftsO. <ois Bv ai whNrOrdi,1in,-aToot.Nv.ô 8ZOÃ"l n i __ r o ocylisadf ?twas copea Vtad !eno,in a roa, ElaunFew- Bsoc obde ae m ali.e ndewithI besfo at lre!ainit ~ adto omretniePiefr1.mni rw.i Nl J M O jetliii? littiiksi-!tmauatty Iiadtint ore xeesv 'Po'& u nobler in the triuniph hiour, t o E SnetIfle than 20 acres on cach lot - 1. tions the bubscriber bias jist receiret The denhiralicd shail fmi, iTien1 ni ne tal Atl th e t -pad e lr om tin cu e o nl-_When evil pa"àinbowetb dowa îthe c 80t I C1TQS--Df *ýNâ1 Y il lettele, post.pari.ilar101inoriitiof cn-tittheTE SU i thegodlile minc.eda corowç- tY i ri it'iia redwthu elay. ed an J. T. BUISk. BuIACO WHTY 611tR-Whiily,Julyl. -19506.CODFI iý& IEiNGFom thteNew York Tribune, Jeu. 12. yet I c'& jp àW 9 9T, ,ua!A LSUE NEWDNOTIVE WE9 b>' wl )tigee Mp alira over thel Chequared Store. fl IIiAiIpILON-%G RIII SLtA.XVLS, We were Lprescut yesterday ai the se- expai -~ ~iIIi~Uls___MUSLIN UE LIEcoud trial trip el the Calorie ebip Brimm'seoa a ilit ordetô -t1096Y Cêt &air WIITBY ENFIGURIED LUST Eandi ae, prepairedt tasaye- witbout 4,eitaton agaînr AGSNCY REpnî HIrs, or reserve., andi not; mereil ona 0W own ishili1 EICLTBET WITE. r as&C udgînent, but on that of VerY.gretleMan greti TINSURAN CE OFFICE# cWestern " I~uranice Conpqy. LO nUccrputa lpoeitzyat AMES1 E ALA--_ t ,titeA NE W LOT OF CARPEN -bieyonýdelie poÏ;îbitlIy af daubt tho xi~c ~p tbat htbsha apitdAetfite LONEo~'C....OOT. TELVS TOC'I *. of a 11<w otive Power assure and efficient pet P90f .it b î,t hG1LLV4I C IO A Y W as steani, while it le free (romi ail daerf iIl lei capital- 100 -_901 j I >b 11 .N 8 5' Tl. 2 '241accident, andi is tastly ebeaper and moret-vaste and thst h. il ;epared tble rmr ttoodn" , ri 'uVIÇFACW. . A>Amnnageable. Tbe demonstration is perfect. nire, braci4sesitSi4 Company. 1Wetitern A#surRUice Conpany, Teaea'Sei eeoe;imea Wiby, lot SC)ae1,le, 2-f P&Ybalving beeu dtdy j cî,AaTiRrD ïï AICT0F PÀYtLIÀMÉN--, Calorie openLs. Fiulton and Watt beloog il Tl"$ the corin 1 l.teyus af "LCa âpital C100,000; iii sharea of -£10 each. la the paIt; Ericson iswe eatmca hc 1VRM NBROTILERS&C hrei T#i< "nnl-nical gensusof aichtpreseut ant tia ure. Used WO11KIS &NCO h*rDA' Pe ' F1RE, taMn IEA L or Sti "'de t" O0 E FDA,;\OIOAGO, The Caloic Engine la na liaszjr poduct. anÏ! 1%o 836, Xtg as o@VOtO, 1EhS~L prOrepE o! ile .1 014 iTwenty.five yearà ugo Eric e0iceiVeà 'long WR E VoYC. fvai ila ster en poniibe tCemjZaile01 The !ollovri n i cifit lb. icri fOn IWd/inlofltreet, ppposite <h C'om.- the idea. For tiven±y-rive 7eun .las of on ihai e binesi ,'traaac iof the Comnuy ,nrcud Bank. been .sen dIu itabortinz and pcrf$çitig il E I 1 K IM P RNrE F O F , > iI L e on0 d tcimIon th e nMat honorable pinci presitient, . J, . - G , teE SQ . w rei êx .ia.t;: mmmCt u l t cs . i linor >111kvVic6..PreaitiOnA. 1Tito XfS 11ÂW aRTrJ, 'L' SQ uthority, sudh àenu àradfi-m illîhiei Wt. IéndelonGeoge ,ac»rSS. proutced I& ~ôo>andi predîcIed-itÃŽulthr4 WJJ4I~«.rw!~.9 O .8S> Lecwis, illamand'> Ultopl. But thire were practial 0fculties. that WOO@tKSAL8 >I¶I1 Jimes"Beaîj, rji Eq Leirs, it James lieat>', c e wis, The priniciple wuas cear; no eu t a pb- ti lsaac C.age Gni- 1NOImrsidiV - M iller, j ' NDcation.. Thôie 'diEcu1tÃœeshave bid ta fieliat WYlbyNilsD,1)E, Thaoma, mwenlh,..........- -Vcieidnt 3.J.layes, Jo1'hn iowutt, sq%. overc'>ne1 gaduaUi> oneby on c. Sjair- C A IL LIt. t ORabi. Stanion, Euq. --- Sc at ri.Sec y iumdTÏeas*r, Oi'T STANTON, L' q. the BraI model engine or flvo..horst powe, ang AND- ETAL The:undtiined haviig been appoitilet Açent SI'tr IOS ou1,Eq ».if5fitd h iyua a atsotp out w ito I.EsA A ND lIE AI - , on a ov -l l iIw i li 'e roi t t enii C HIESTER »R A PE I, ge ntt, Brooklyn. tweiv e or tireen otiier, ineach uiakng , aî1 58ILLKI IC t PIPER tion ta parties deairous f4 efftcstinniK rfl e Dec. 4,. 1852. - 34> came impravenent, remo » ame obstaeli .the -et-ii.P$,k. C*- ire, Life, JandGniIs. aLLAent.N T icETwo yêehis aince bis invention was to,. m ALSO anti Gen'e lnmuran 1852et1.'o hindrance remieit u > A1JFACTUt.EU OF SLE, UppER-I AND Febd. e asaeayosbmt18e52. -i L UAI$ES LÀrIER &. ALUABLE N conîequ10$. of_ Martqnshoti . 1,-ofredytialuio tlie tü Ski toseicfcf f r- Mila gaiI motive pawer to the. testaitiIo eti Cas vidorIlides a-,d , lu ,W'eai, tride arrangcmnent to retire frain businessin' 'largestsceaie. 'rtuate beyoud pterinu. prt -Ddt, Pofs hi1 egr 4uks ~ ACRESof the frontat of iotxN057 Ibis part of theacoutry, tha$abtecubeil bave vuos * IF'e# ubail fowt inme of' whîty Vllae. ~n!s lot"îmîeor. VAU HAN, 0ac~ rovdu.dtrnic ucomnierbmiia I o go forward. . And noi came the final pli --------- der cIpi che t go tifence . a ni n gi n i of t velon I W Ul by rU àg e an d P art P? iyy - dem anstratiOu. -E auorth ýtjuc ns w v j lu E r of *I a nago wtoWMulA err earem Ld olditri.to bc Ibat ih 'tetteir founti. Ealigbteued cma Vi.s cat #3 "la s tcie v eae 1 iiE caee< o f t er. Antn i i iiiomt e -Pbio t0< tlmnt ihaerffibeFime@loWhi% 1liug ; ardaandezcilu t al, wcc cuy 'çt h T gANo11 m %ÇLV ÂN i80 l t 5,la ie.. tZnii e- s 'fteflOigýrPr&o ad n xmie,î4wr ovç i PE RLA ÏR o f~l A DAI H ae s, t hte frot ofl N . 5, 1 t co , IY -T hie fundts were:iiriMile . Tt ws-àet- A t AUVANCF.ýk 85 INImg timpc., ihaDln D aO cOB Týor-E1 . -----------lile C V1 are itu ted êu iao4 T otzT, ITheir suba ThebéEiiabout £ 00acutr flryV Ii E ricss n, a o 2,200 to e, r These Faim'tueVicinit>'o Ro<C- mnt ineco<p0en1iru. Atie ç a osrce, h,»ci q#e iiWA117mle iv Trctetgth it la i Iormdi< gbusineSs of tbe, aion W 5eulutd ~ poicybilIt d e or ai..t an.board. The s ub4ie trial b"t ae rfee emomit k.ÇO. ~e À - L AIl 4 j' isn up, wheu ruispin, andi tb theasupp>' vainc .Oid air ia avcr tl id so the proces ut lthe great feaI

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