Ontario Reporter, 25 Dec 1852, p. 4

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BOOKS I w ev ds atacrceiy rottae<l tý ontthe oi *xpea'le.eed by laç « h. g atemt odtuu 9fhiàte eha th Nw York7 ya têr pibo )froem laynna, i-pcu we were Ioiplee P, a Bimilar ateup - îough we are happy ta étate tbat, Ike unte's Gerdon 13o'tndu, )WC art not dead 'yet, i' ike lbt <neflmd Our depaature fer the loly Land ià isadoi- ;qwreçmfortably uSeatod ja pur sucuamulait 1'utiday acersaoon, whien a gpe.iaop ounrca, reseinbIfiag a am" b.tweu, a Young Patago*tanuand a pbdlp ia wsbqy$ ighIy iavored wiLh te, o ùûf lid asUiy upon Dur dcii a uq . pîchge, azdntaty departed.-. We foit Uice ereally tied tUp nasterital, snd werae onvioeud it w&a sbox. 'Theu5ugt ua ? h btnin --inu a maoenat it dtabed tapon tua: hl». abaui faumuts tten1pt lu destroy cur' vaIu.le Ilte, and 1611 the coînmuaity watb ant irrep*fbéis, utndti trougb tas duroy the grest.isî orgiatautof cvtinitie .1Uited titatu,, We are very taowingso Our finit 1h, Iýî hiurance cf our lit,, sud Ibso in -pnorsumc evw loated before us Besa. a#êt's. tretment ot torpodo bous. W. cak.fuiiy obtaiued a bucket of water, ind wlth a par of Var extonusive tour', u'edo th M rotcs aherantent ; then, wta>a- Iy lwsrt, sud a [)air of Iengthened aî'îns# daah.d the usubstance imb the 'water.' A. cemmitec was aeieqîod tu. vicw the open.- loig ofis iuaiboical article of duataîband uagtr. ',L'ua soin 1e l lioa er paisud. ýI fie tcîa&uWere agaaittput in rt*quis'iiiun, antd with du,rrnîn3illtiun 213d oUr coat 011, reaul1- yod tu tact e datî boldiy. ý5oIWy iveeuct #ch twine in,.iug the infernal machinue, trembli4a'I7 laid Laîck a fuld of thick brcwn paper., >N:w w.s>the exciteinert. the.top ufth tbox aw ~as te h.renurved ! The spca. tatont chsnged their quartera suddenly, -and uerving ouratives for ise dnauerous ta>sk, quiekiy drew bsek the coi-or rCeeajsgl2ô0 çtiendtd fl«vcus« cig rir DRY G<YJD~ STOItE, lie foliun -rLCh afi1wnti3useportieti i of t. he1iîadtvijfia papers ayà bai-ir .,e iâLiat City a lew days age. 1h àà f he ay tasas aait aen a dis-. ilulteki dry goe-ds muanti t ccOnd !arreet Las%. V)à rotl$y fwen, a lady Who %elis ry pr-oducc iii iligh streel manrktet. <*ei, wlhh a basket faitt eggçs unI iMu, wenî lu .Mr. -'s store tu buy- ýquJarterS of a yardepi o srslttî aîorkeeem.stntattnea.tandng'lier, Det-ae -'aul d a q alartea- ot élk d;ut te qtuniiy require:t. Mrà. t0. aw b a'fi~e andi M -. _# e ~tLO r paymeut for tfirev - , ada J Lr< ir. Oncu prLtteSîttnh itat a iJia4 fcer enly ILi-te-q-ma; t--., oa y.L 4, __ boltil>' aurted that tile qlmualu:>' adei %tts tiarce -yards and- aquaýta-r. t)wciasiatu firediaîp, andi let Mr.- tla hmu di ad aMways, eaterfa*ne&,a Ski$- tat bc was a rogue, but tiow suuspt.i was 4ilatged jute certaimity. haril worstu paeîed-etween them, and d. #erds ofte.î lead le sumetaïug bar- UfIs. 'Ove niade a punch at Mr. ut 1N1. - madie a iteri>' rtr-î elevated pe.chýivhit - blus desie % i~ iset tire, l U e tigaiat 1a-onin hlis ati Lowerbad*e de 0ice e§bis fuin ,t., B~ut 3.1r. - ln-- bis iruagialr .y (ci-got ibat the :lujrcremenîs ut tu- rarf< a keith eete, eat êsatela- ,ia ver>' precarim u uuertaiutg;,hie in ulort, t at te science or' prO,ýe- l56tisa euaddtv 1eoaniiitai-y trac 11caà, an iib andi sbîIIý,da Irtua 'udeus exeçi:- a ga'sat dittance@. ticwai s,)n me- 01 ti% s act, c or a - j iiaý li, of r w-tb-hoiIth ar~ t ýï(i1 UtLle, -41114g very si ui L attvowwaa'cliiit b:t e*ari ted uns r4Htz tuiY f r <,>t I ,y fort lat Wl 4ins mi l' a1ianýýdut -~ ' avo~iiid by a limely dJ. but Il. ýCgt on, the tacs of th2 ýC!ozk; îv1ha ~lI4astuhiadthe ieak, and a fra.- rthe âhàits-Seti glru-, çut offa a iil tht stracyeeperA car, liati ng enough, ti*rati, ai.. ever, os'anvuv se or orna.- igl> ei,ýibe.to âiré. Qae', uklili am>.ý Uiîe uoftVae r4cWets tlàMr. îtm- mlddhe t ofthet oehead, and.. f Sttrputire.hw>Lsumtavc:vy Ctttaeni amnia over bis noe,. amd mouth.- r, xploliau hùe black satin çes, ax oersig Jiourét. 5no that appea cdr thliw empl)oytâi piee4 la" iy ture-o4te.O tit on tige cetater a brt;ims - aaet cM.jpae4 , bolts of 4hua-il 1LIUsia #huacik, anti brown ýh;i1mrSte th cefigeti forîress. Btt ýa, ras ot a b. bakedby att>'snuchen e4w4noin en ýa chair ndi atttùnntadthe elevatiOn of'thke oliter itag thuts suimotttrd4 tce tteoey'! s bb pared in ber fit-e watT, suefi ove>-- èùet that the beseigeti parly ca.' n ,ls a ceesiUn 01 hstities9, F, ,r hacw'cvcr, was enty a tratagern et w r. ,---'s a rsorcegnetauwhaich, 'à',hotfirom Titetuyrtoe;ti ef earnaury, nilAt*lcu- &aY ii4lt~1h of 31 reh, 1953, the 'rela on the a d of eo1 l, )rItij1ndLakos icugog, 8Sia- cet d Hr£& o,!Ciýpady, ki*duced toune ResiW4,TFit éfirhor Toila ou 4 ~t rn su d tr One Shilling perTbousand felu 1852.and li sheopming of Navigation JU PERRY, W1hitby, Oc. 1i, 1858, 7 l tr FOR SAZL a VIIESubseribcr offem fàw Sale hbia PrO- prty, ci-auuaating of as Blavksnii i Shofp, Lot No. 3, 8uh ccnceson liaie, -Pickering, and wvill be uold on reaonahe ferVma. Apply, if by letter l'Our painft a, EOWIN HUGHES. r Pickeiug, Oct.16, 1852,- 27 6w* Slu# Vos il_ HE lEsubscriber would call tne attentuon cf lais cuçtcincrs andI the public to bis vaiied Stock of .1'em 6Goods > lUIT RIUVED FRQM 310N"TStEAL, Consistinç z Part P( %VhiteCrape &r4xl$IitionShawls Br-aie de Luineq, M<îuslin de'Laines,~ M~usIin D'sn. Zebra 'rýeedi. Suanuer Ciotbs, ,A.nerican Cotton$, Prices a shade lowcr than any W7hoicsale Store withinu the hmmit4 ef the Cm unty Townt. TTONI4S DOW.- May 2Sth. l8 M 2. 7-tf.. TO BII[DERS. FI lISubseriber rn-petfuiiy informq pai-- Tllieu Bîijidiîag, hat lie la prepaned tlu auppty .tuy quanitit> o( Sol i'ED LJ*T1I, 4 £'IL<ndles of tlic- usteal Lengîh. ian-e Lsth -wal Ie fouinei cheaper, can ha il->re idty la id-on, and 'nw tl iv-better satifa-tou-, in the eommon Split Boartd Luth heretofore lu je flOnuRT WIGMORE, Ç o 1,lit Con. Iliicknvirintr. î Imils-easo bnm~nailote. Apply to R. li ,4 Awrt, Wh i t y. PieIccriug, lune 16. 1952i 10-3m. HQ[JE &Lori F0OR SALE IN WHITBY. 'lilESuh,,crib"r-er-î toi -'ale a LOt, ou whici ila ertrîed s N Ew IWELLIt<a finoxs. wiîh Vf'nv-y îaecue6iary arrarngement feo- eio)rifort and con vettine~. For purticulana as te t.'rns,&kc., appîY Io> tWhitlq lJune 19, 18i2. 0-m P'ÏRE MNEI)ICiNt,S raats 4- Oi/.ç, Perfiimerz es, )16 ujs, Sehool1 Booke, Statioinery-t &C. Foi' Saleaf. 1,owPi'sic E m.SVioLtgs.I,& NE 1,% L. Nlain$Su, Town of tWhitby. 9tb .Juiy, 1852. 1-f .IA'MILS le dRRnî; STlORZE TO lET ,10- by trie, 4e fyil 'E. 1>ery. anad-tiu s à Sg.uiemtl store. watsrrrisa.a beu'neaià t.lioregh repsir, location, aueiii~,.andl %VIiîty ti<. (t1t:ty Towtn of tht t>cln o plirs4t- a merantui1e immuinu±st. (L-AT E R AY S.) an aneti euw pear it i ii naerraylf rmtcaoaîonnIthe Public,'liy lai.geimnprove- xni li mulge titting sud furcittre. Aiso, hy en- -IM41sîa ediîprevemcn nta u ht.Stsbliiig mc- (1:uisTiofda-tioha, s0 't" to piaçe t- ni, anaeqoat footinq for coeluicrice andI cettfeat, îviîh any othe. lo~tel tai tiis N.ew Couairy. flia Bar and rables wili i wayp bc aupp1ied %vlitI4ihe st that cari be pnocured m ithe M uket, and ue.ry attention paani etotmîietli;g commta. nily thatgicsn PQasîbfr lv-»esîti$ffel ccforable ait uat borne: od c AGRICULTU#Ai. WAREHGUSEr 'ý SEED NO0. Il.Ivegi cat iîcir Street, hluffallu, M . f UII Sthseu1,rsmaeéfor sal eaa rsufin csrerýilly .uelen-ted atotcket Agicili:lranduu irulLm-.#I Ilrnsemensts ~ad 0a1ie Sthe nost approe d patteris. AIs(>, a full taortMentoip Field, Garden-and Plower Seeds, PerIili4ersn Frui4, Tii Sta4l 'atucy Peultry ic~tu~Wrt catalogues a l tb$nt" fl qi0spm-paid. St \MA SM LOVEuRING. Gk)tDS, àud PATENT MEDICINE8 <which he *îll aei v.'ry iew for cash, ot ready jiYyý 'Articles uor ou ha A, obtained on short n otice, Whity~1u. an18~, 1>,5. 8TA*R. 1 -iy. WESTERN FIRE IMMI% CMPANY. .and~êsarntaudn~tTuWka ht he ha*s beoi dyapnur4AçzNT by the. Western Assurnce Company, latety organlzed in 'Toronto, te talke Riain-s againut Pire on the Most rçasonable ferma. Alto, parti" wL' c g a o*ead tueav i- auy sm t éeeînOni Rodred 18bres Torin PonýbÙda tlper Shanie, wvhiie only Five per cent or Trèh Shillingt pet Sbire are requir&l Io hi pald cowtt. lThe pr*babIlity ia, tbat the divldonda wili Ps yoff lhe 'rester part of the Sooksaubobd, unans eautbompany aboald extend tboir OperIL- toI5t if and Marine lnsurauce. Buti ouid l' bc tounn oua-ry te colti iu sfuithor,,per 1cen t- aa<e of ttioStîblfiîîbgcrihod, l iy daysýuaice. wlhii ho C gvn prouuu te odato o Paymnt., Ai .ah iu respecrfully subicrîbed, TIIONAS BOUSTER. Vxbristge, April 22f,1852, ">j SAW1MILL, &C, For Sale. T't j ESub seriber- offers for Uic blà pro- - perty situated in PICKERING, aIt miles from Frenchînan's Bey snd twenty-flve froin To-> ONE HUNDRED ACRES 0F -LAND, on whsch la a Firet-rale Saw. MXiii, 74 leet long, anc upri4ht and a âçant of tÃŽreu!ar Sawo fur eut. on 'g Lath, &c., dniiveja by an aveeshot wheoi with met4l-Shafts and gearing; m&H itied up in the bout mlànneer with abundance ut Wtertbe year round. There ia a goud- CO f'TÂGE <HOUSE, Sawyer's flouses, Stablea &c., on the premisea. AUl the building areT-rame. subtantii, sad ihave been cree wattaîn the lait two yor. Thiie ia Il large quasnaî:y of Vive on the land, and sny illaniily Io bc 1obsaincd îU lie o4hoho on eaây lernis. of payMent mobi literai, as the Qu4,cibetrib ai other malters rt-quîring ail bis lie end attentin. 'Apply pute premies 10 ROBT. WIGMORE, Greenwelo,, 'ick.'rjn;1 or Io lte lollowing <ira- t!enten, vit: H. Il. LAWDER, Whbitlay, andi W. Il. FEL- L0XVS. W4liingto1î Street, Tomio; o. Pickerinag, lay 24, 1852. 16-tf. ADV,.ERTiSEMENT, yILL 13E 80OLU by Prî 'vote Bar- ganthaý part of Lot 117,îiheUndmcntea- WinJ1ihitby,,the Praîpcasy of lte, ae Jamste 1% summerville, Êsq.. heaitîifully situated on rte Kin.4uîou Roani, ntnaàrly rmdway the îhriving couny Toa M biîbasd oalawa, and com- liriaoinq a convetiint Fuame Bouse, Outbuildtugu, BaIrnî, 13 Acres ofe ggod Landndu a firit rate (hchard. Oiffers for purchaste wIll W receired autil the lât ofJanuarye 1853. by Bt.. W. CLAR3., M. D>. WVhiîhyV'illag0e, Acting Truato. for th. Estate. Osawa Frc@maný 10c'epy until lot Jan. las CARD. J W.CALDJWELL 110WN!, <24> IVEYANCl..R A!rCOIJNTANT6 45ptý, or >IÀ*iAor Lzctwstsu 1UXBID:ipE- 1 Otice at his residence South.indof Chur<c8gr..t, neur Mr. Jix. (ould'a<Grirt Miii. Uxugo 9th Aaa;guet, Iffl. 0 C ÂM-ýE iùto the encioure of the Sbel W erantLimnein Ma at, a&Ste«r siag tbrte yeas vold. The owner caohbavethe samé hy prcvingproperty aud ayizsb«gà Lot No.. 10, Srd coan. Pckerng. NOTIVE CLO 'Çnj -NC.ANADA WEST, 'WHO01,E SÀI4I A ND R E FLt WE bave flowreceived our complete ,Lsourt mentout Niw nxaiG& summ cEnGoons. ona i c. m a "ls u d l$ e t g ur e ut o ru w ill filld t0o e om possd f i lN ew t t sud m o t Fash Onale ate ifainF ,,eJt tey -uvn een ugplecte4with 'great carc, and iport*ldirJWée à»MibebutBriitb , n ,afi -A eri;àg lýarkitoq" by orwvej V, %Çe ap eon ei Iy uibmlî f hon andchoapuuuortîrnent f os Made o oing and Dry Gouda in Carnada Weit. TaflrE.rUsg, n <cl its lTmccs eeae v tistae XOURM19GS TJIâ1l3a@ ON019 k 8"HOrEST NOTIOE. puri tnnnu &31rtu 'ork f4irî nu,~~1î' REAPI«-MADE OLOT4N -Do Clutck'd do Du Bleck Al.pscs do a Do Rummul i or du Do Prinu-'aa do de DO Canada Tweed# Do Broad Cloth do Do £!uaiuere do u Bor. a Bîrown Hotiaad doI i Do Coeck'd de do 4à Do Mbtcissnu -do idt Do 'Twee#e d i o Do B,-oad Cloti, do dé Do Raunll _Verd do e Menle lèk Cloti Vest, i Do BitadrSatin do- D Pmtncy Satin. de .0e 1*elaitd do De Pancy - doi Dq V ilvet d o Do Marseille» de De flstuthes do Mon', C'loth C*pi, Buas do 4 12 12 17 30- -2b 4 17 7 3 246 1 10I 4 1-2 6 P nsIaris Satin i Ilts, Blitck oaîîd;Da'ab. Boy'u Faucy Vas Do Siik *do jDé Satin >de Do Clath do Do Tweedp do" Do Casîmerecte Ne' oiesS<in Trogiseru, i Ln uDrill du Do Check'd do Do' Cordiiroy doý Do Salineit (Io Do Cisiirreeres lu Da to Bclshin d'O Do »Xoemkin c Boy'&sDrill <o Do <'heck'd d Do Nloikin * do DO Citnada Tweedr <l DOC., >sumcnc *do Do 17weele t'I White8lhirs, Lînýï Fronts,- Red Flannel Shiffu. (romt t. 41-2 o 0) 41-2 t' 4 4 't 2 6 Mus'in IIILpiný Prîntu.1t oa lleauny.cinlihs SpIeudid Boucsi Stmaw Bonnets, G!stveu, HUer Ed gingt. Arti2 Shot. Chek-d,i Table Linon., I B.d Tick, and1 Cràpeu andfat Inýnt*' Rebca, voL3-1.] cw 8tyle Dumincaa Conta, Iii a 1imaâteriaîs. DRY GOODS. utIs, yard wite, front O 10 1-2 Fartory Cottonfon OIS do do " O71-2 Whife du ýmu, d ,< ^ 4o " 0 -71-2 Stript'd Shiatting' et Ribhoust O7 1-2 CotîcuWVrP, " I3 LaiieseS a"y yRiibbons, Laces, SaiHaudkerel4iefs and Yeck-tîi, acal Ftowej-s, Cap rrontx,. 'J'siinf, Ni andi Plain pasCiarikain,& Quillta. CoanterpanesîOreus, Cobeurgs. DeLni'nsu, Tonesu, Frn-sGimips,Tjmu arinda for 3crirIBrg-Drragus. C'aitu andi Frock Bodles, si1k Warp Alpac s. 41-2 21-2 31-2 4 1-2 4 1-2 6 &YOg Second Price. BUIRGESS & LEIIMN Corme cf Kiig 4-, Ciurcit. Streemtsý.jn~< Colr1t Jowe., Toronto, NflWL&WOFFICle BilC I UKS BICKS MwR. H A M Attorney and Barrister at Law, BMt r ogn,go ideoJy et (ebr rMiin4ere) lhe ready for AND SOLICITOR tINccff.ctul' Sale' at the %WflJTBy k NTAUO BRICK NOÂYPUBLic, YARD)S n lu Wurfy VILLÂAGY Â1',ff ~ zOFFICE or :-. HA M PEtiny,, E;S%' jZ200»0O10o3)0,000 1,Stock,, & Oon- mon Bricks, or Ffirst rate Qnîality, and at a Low Price. Par- ~ & ~nr-vr~. r further particuîars ly to G.tJGFor Nltos grettrcc, N fw orsNorib of King Mreet, JAMES WALLACE. atosrly *Wpsite PLATTI I4OTL, and i thin halt 100 op à minutes a lk Ci Srsoup'u.-0 09SDR EOCIOD Totonto, Apri!1852. 52- .WooD Wantej aî the BimcirYAy.tg for wliih Cash wilf be phid. ~~ ~Whiîby .Msy 8; 1852. 4f t'j T'HEnub3riber having beiti apeinted AGEN'M foi the stqve C0ntp&ny, wil, si ail tes,, uteutai appy te receive spplicalicati Coluibni4, Aprîl 29,1852 *1 A LL those ltvhagclaiw.a gaiia . oe*P theatè»j tast L14$., ai te' binq frward te sasuubytao firoî ensuigfor liquWation, -And ilS lia ta rte estste, are maoroqiested te muý ofet lwmpeythiT 5Yem etioed ti meetfte deuaneistuJatiIthe eatate, a eutotsndinuçdebsater th sid irit.ï wiîl bc t nth poietàbâtd at t ter than any aaert ione or oergf 5, bu mnp ii n and -i dtii 4iseis of L$Putling if 6g(, Paz changht-l ef e4c e d b y t i m d c i i , r m o e Clergymegi andi Meiihaus, ha% tiis umicine, itt de rpntnicst ton mucu like Qo cijry. f[will persuaa t-allitig am ouI:oice.]1 upeak toritge!ISanjd eneugb lu utsc ever iftglatgledf. ili ripper sno-gitu<thlb.l*ttte.Ail orders ntWr J>* atldresNd rÃ"Cams'tock 4$r.Brother, No. 9, John t, Nuew Yoa'k. Romember tu ri evej buy t unIes yeu llcd th e usine on liii wapper. C A lUT 1ION, Mewareorcfasdanzermis Ceuntirfeit of the CHERRY (y LUNQ WOR7, snd the JiiiY0 COR<DILLand C4RLTGN'8 FOUNDER OIN~f~TaîdRING BONk; CVRE,nffer- edibfr S4te aattho Drugi 1cr,, md rematnber sud neyer bi.y thran- arliiea in Iri(yetiiy cf W, LAiNuet is iaDry Goduus tore, aud asoi the Con- teriit s yu mwoulil POISON. To Oiener-s of aind ie(der. in florses. j CAR1LTO70N'S FOUNDEU OINT.- For thé eure ct Fouanader. Split 1iloot. Heef-bound flurîes, and contractcil dpeverish Feet, Wotinds Bruuses li t he PLesb, Gai led Barks. Oraclaed Lies. Scrtcher. Cura, lKicts, '&cr., on Hoiues. Caiiw*.-Fîud the amie cf J. Carlton Cern- slocknin the wrapper,ornever boy Oarton'uliorire CARLTONN'S RT-NG-BONE CURE. For the cuire cf Ring-Bonen, Blood Spavun, Boue Spau'ita, Windfgslls, sud Splint-a certain romnedy. CARLTON'.S CONDITION POW- DERS FJOR 1HOPRSES MitAN CATTLE. The changes of weather ansu esson, with thte chIangé of use aud feeni, have a very great effect tapon tht blond mou iuruotîs luidsof homues. Il i aI tbeae cbaigreu tieyreqtureassistent to nature fu tbrow ofT auaydisordor of the Shauda cf thie body that mnav have beca imbbed. and whlh, if not at-f tenédtIot, wilt iéàult lu the Yellow watr, lfeaves-, Worms, Botta, &e..- ail of wbich will ha prevented by giving eue cof thee inwdersn and wilI al any limée ure, wbfeta an y aymptàms of disese appears, if tsd in time. T bey- purify fthe blood, remove2 ait inflaammationaud fei-er,iuooeeutht lii, cleanae1 hé water,and invgorate the whoie body,euahling 1 fbsa4o<h ~or wrl wrhtia sie esd.Thte action of 0the*e powtters ie >dtiect uo i h e tapon the Ifmame,the Ox,the Ansu,anfd ail[ er1iver-1 o'as animal-ail diseiaws sarisirig troua or prodhacing 1 a baditateo)f tht. biad,are speodilycair by lutta. Remember andi ask fer Carlttn's Condition Pote,- der#, and take no others. i QA.'RLTONS NEftVE AND J3ONE C LINIMENT FOR'HORSES, sud for the cure cf nil diseases of man or besât thut req.îiire externe) applicatini, and fotr eoatraeted corda and muscles, sîreugthena teeak lfab#, sud us alto used fotrapraina, bruises, saddlegalLs, stelkd & legst, sures cf aH kiutds ou herses.H Carlîn'a articis* for horiee and caItte are pas- j part *itm Ibo rec pe ofsa very ctisbrstettgnglieh IB Farrier,, sud iwll rtre, nineît.qaine limes« ont of n. on~e hlimdre 1, anyfrtebove complalpts. -They have nntei hyarvai;ivri. eit,îspro- prmtrt and ci hors, wilb tht ntst uiarked adù de- ci CI *4UTION--N6fa{st11 geanine unleosyoti Liii the naine of.iCarlton C~opp$oc n eut ,.ral-a per of àach arttete. COMSTOCK'S VERMIFUGE.S Tfhi s temetafêraoidisnsry rornedy for Worm. ê#tsr ts; il effectuaIilr ersaicat.s Wormjr(mm btothsaduitsand children. îtcaaanoilaarrthaemou deicate itn't uors»;roo àt aditit, anad iem tlint sUl,-mnd ail parents Who are witholt ittro'wsstos1v , a iIlEs, il£ lht atena il sny injmi atanding, ai its oaiersi 1 1U Whîthay Jan,' 6 4" 1; 1- 1 1 l; Ne

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