Ontario Reporter, 25 Dec 1852, p. 2

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die: comsits of Ywrs, aud sweet ptet« b,.ead-.rut; a sual ,uaatity of <b his oc, suioesily cewght; tie pigi supply amuus1 ly uaonau average about Miry pound4 Weut tuo ch individual; and they bdve1 (ew goats and cow4, Their waut of cloti img and other abso lute necassarien i 'yeg suiFad 1Im arn fied 'that the tbr as rrived wben.prepar&ti nsa at leait, mus be made for tlie future, seven oreight Yesi being the utgnust that'cau be looked forwan t or a continuce of their present. mean, olsupport. The sumniar, of tUicycar 185! ~ue:birtha-, 112 ; deaths, 2;, inarriages,3 On their return from 'Tahiti tliey mzmberei about 60 of whom there were mîned 14 cou pe; the rest from the age of 16 t10 muu: 57. Tepeop, arc cbrisuiauq after t he Pat tern of the Chur -h of England ; Uicy arg sadly linw"Mt of a nisiter, vileart t ' . kbu the mainbutinessetf mr. NOUbbhre i Io get hiaiself ordane.-Londtrn 1ù4uii er. Tiic Pievsîi TRD-BNAI. The supply o( igs up tu tis poeiod of th seasii as ben bout 20,000, being an ex> C033 of &bout 5,000 over Jast Seasoui s.- J.rics bare averaged '-about 4bi. being 4s htgher than Iaut season's rate$, tilti sain W11iAît. Coppiius 1-There is al, suit as good a story told of one of ni mili tary frientiu as that* toM dof the ceIebrateý Beau Bruinnil. On comîng out of a In. b acconist's shop in Toronto, wbither hi ai uea te purchase some cigars, >the -utten. dant spriterusbed afler- hlm crying, 4'you bave torgottcnyoùr change, tir, ibere art tmre coppers to -core to )109.1'IlCor p2Ws! eîle Mr. IL. tunung te the nmu with bewildernuent depicted upon his face, "Qoppaa*w kta acoppatm' 'ri:tititt £$Tg:CTô) 1 F IPOPERTY. -he&Dansville BeraW stetes (bat -a ru> Shorse vchicle' sunk in, the principal strééi iof that vilkige the etier*,day.- The in. suac did cet :vover the- losi but the m ud dd. A Royal and llutrlous Freemasea Wc bu -e frequently had occasi,» to no- tice, in tenus of admiration, (lu> considt-r.ite fànd paiter-iil'rule.of Oscar, ..ýiling of* wt. dIen and Norway-a mouareli distinguished fur bis patronate of lîterature and the art%, âud favourably kuown in,(bhescentitic men andi savans of te'ivil îized worid. In tîis own dlininions .ue ilà belored by evevy rký,i- tovwards tfie lhuuuule, and bis coni4erate anXiety for t1îe~ welfare of hinu subfjects have Wou for hîm a p)opularity wliich few mon- arthi eujoy. As w.e undersîand our nuoM distingiuished uisonie Lotige purposes ia- iresting him'with honorary ýmenberàhip, we avait ourseIves Pof (he présent fitin o~Po. tunity to translate a letter, wrm(tt-n -in French ant ddrssd y the ilustriou% miarce h o ic ranid Lodgte 0f Seotand. 'L'hè isitcesting and benutifur document ap- puars in thie Annuai Circular for 1 Si2, )of the Grand Lodge in -question. liere it is, To te Vry Wortflipfui l le rand Mas-, fer an~d .Mm ers of 11w Gjrand -odge Frewnaffu féeis un'oWaiming a testimonay of the fi-iendship or biqIbretheru, that oy 1Iex_ perieuoed ou receipt of (lhe diplomja of bono- mary nenber of (lie Very îýVortsbiprul Grand Louige of $caland. 'v ' youhae sent ue. inuuffi a me this honotabie posîiîéa in- the midit if you, )-oU bave. aiTorded me a attemtion tite mkrdi o)f events in the Masou-. te wortd, and <iati inerely.rejoice in the ibsçess whieh attends on i11 truc FreeMa.- sons wble labouring for the puposes *lmi4u yim have indieated -unmely the lappinesa aud Wel-bcing or -bumaniy. -'aLleTr you, iii, bretherri, tiie assurance of ni! fraternal shçtmcon and it is on the- boly numubem- that I m~ccmmend y ou &H1 w the all-powerfi -=tèton of the Great Architect of tic Iteckho!Tm, Sept 17ti, 1851, Di. rtiuvo, - S.) Grand Secreta-.y of the Granid National LodP of $çotland. -' This admirable letter, evinciug, as it does' the large heurt an l ilgteued mnid or the ~ilsriaus u tariwas received wîth trmyj <ratera respect and applause, and ordered to teint.rleaved iu th. minute-bock cf tUi: Gr-and Leulge of cotland. -W. are proud inoéed , to now (bat Kinig Oscar will fit-stI and Wîhl noteot (hem 'one twentietb of the Sum. 1 undcir»taiid it is dep opin4n "zbofsom e thut the etablislint - oftbe b àuadries couiti h4ve beau perfortuetilfor aleus suni< (ban (bat agi-ced upaa, and tlhe establistu-: ment af the Township utf Markluau bounda- ries is brougrlit lu comparuson, wl4i;h is ssid to have heu doue for £1j00. Éwould say inunstver ta <hie, tdat 1 made sorne iuquiry resecting it, aud was înfou-ned (bat k was found (o be no establishment, and was a- bandoneti. lowevfr cur Council aulvertised for months ln ocrerai levrspape,, for tend- ers sud the lowest onc received was for £250, snd thatfrom a man not kaovxmto the Council,' and tbe cou)clûsion <ad, tdt, it was better to eiuploy a man -weil aeqmtianted tvid the Totvnship, (bau o i-lUi 1:t taa ritrauger for tha differouce of £50, sud 1 amn Lhmnly couviueed that the great majorbty of the peop le deaire the immediat* eitablibh- i c 7(hé lumps, an'iso %taï tht,'deoire s' NEW ADVEeT8 1EMNTS . N-T u W ICIPÀL,,EJ4lCTOBS or or, THWAUV:4WÃ"rTHE r, GFRNTLEMEN, - ,lc lQ the wtIir.ul oeuse ofVelents, a0e us (lier year hWs uuewjy roileti rounid, sinee b ra your unbuased-suffrage, you investded i l rd the power ta act as yaur Representative in nif lime Councal 0f tiis Iownsbip,sud 1 haie l1 no- douit~ but that yenu:1Il wrll join with me s' ini renderingthanks to <lie Jiver of ail good d for tie general bealIth and prosperity wa nw i. a people have enjoyed during (ha past yearý n- and tat in Ilis. abundance of morcy Hie bal <mtpcIrmitte"Lny special c.ilaity.ta come t-uponus tefluehetflîie is near nt baumi, i-len youi <ill id again bc called upon (o exercise your suf- is fiage in the elidice of a persoui ta reprl-senl r-you'for the comipg yen>-; and as your ser- vanat, Llél it mïîduty t, w" Rlenter an ac- fore in as, plain a manner as liosàibie statu le teiîrincipie aifTairs of import-trce (o <hii ~- towîup, (bat bave heen' discubsed in the -Council, during tbe <ast yeau-, and the pari s.1 (ouk hercin ; sud also the finuncial icj e counts of thie hard anid Townhip as tii.> stand ut pi-usnt, so tîtat yott ail may- re. fcect mand judgé, anil (heu Zay wbatimer Of 1-not 1 have been a à"Cood andi faithf-allspr. « T4i firàl, andi in iy oîuinirmu the. Worst, action di lie Council, wP-à in appointing id Meni to (ho County Cou'5cil, Who by Uieiu l-votes destroyed (tie iiiýîueuce «Of (bisTown- eu ship imn the Provisismual Council of tule Coim- eY yOf Omtario * andi it :usWeil known tiîat it w<ms the Deluiy Rcerc who voteti contra- nry tw the oinionài andulintercsts Of tlieigru-ai in ajorhy or fte people of titis Townshuip, and alie conrary to the wiâes of a mla- jol'ty of the Councii Wbo nppuinted Win, and as tha biame for hie appoinmeu rest5 eon some persan, t is but justice iiat,(the ,people tiluouid know wlîo of -tlh Councillori, weue instrum:ental in iiv ppoiniment. Ab <lue minîutes of thi Council are sel- donm published, andi fetatke thie trouble te examne c hem, I wiii jusit tata (lie procced- iiîgs of tIti. Couucil iu referrence (o (liai appointiuent. >_- After the Me mbers were sivoru n-Ilue ýe Town» Clark, in (lie chair, Peter Taylor, -moves that 'V. 11. Miicbell be Toiwn ieie, d secondeti by Davui Clark, carrieti, ý1F.- Green (lien moi-us (Iat Peter Taylor n ho Dcpumry Rc:,saine momnts elapxed, swben WY. H. Mi4&ll secomded the motion, aud as tlhe candidate, no ver, anîd seconder, forniedth le mnajoriy of tlhe Comicil, it %va% of nece5sity carried, andtk iire was no use eoflTring any sp>o,iton, as A1 motion once . iovcd and secoa-dud èannut be-withlu-awi L without tia confient of ail parties. l'lie iijustic.e of that proceeding is already faIt ini (bis 'È'omvnshup anti wil bc, for year3 <o caine', andi whetha'r those wlmo aided in tdit aplfoimninet. did it igtiurantly or design. edly, <the effeet 13 (the samne. 1 am Weillsa-- tisfied if dtha intereits of Picirerio'B.db prpryrepreented >in. the rovisioaal * oniMr- Josephi Goulti %vould bave had ne oppoatuniy Worexercising bfiâ dmute vote, nor woîîld the Court of Queen's llench have been at the -trouble of qumahing Jy- Laws for (lie Couutytof'Ontario, Bor would you (Gentiainen no wheatut(he trouble af delieeiug frômu the Collactor, taxes timhat (bus Township lit called - upon for tie next 20 yeai- to paf. £270 a year (bat shouid be "petit in improVements,ý for :building s Couit lIomuse und Sait iu Wbihy; nor, 'uôuld the. interests 'of (bis Township have become a j'Pray ta (lie reckless irajmiy of Lihe Northeru Towuships, combmined wi(h Tressurer * £ 1»89 8il Recebved from t avera Iiwse* i.80., ~ -8éê1264 Rualvcd troum- ies in 18529,1 O 10 Amissed tor Towàship purposa i5 19 10 mligaal£500 2. I fite use *of ; 1~wubP.Of tbis UM.,êre "àesipeud- cd for ,gcerst'raio e l4qsp#ïrpoesfolowe: for furvéy, £200, for prnting, £8 Bo. 8d., iAssessôî.s slery, £15, Tcwu ctlerks salai-y, £12 10, Treaeurers salery, £10 and £7 10d.,- for the sîupport of Neison Fisuag*0, leaviuo abalance ol £247 4%. 7&<., ta be expenied for <lie inuprovemeu- of roadi and bridges in the different wards iu proportion ta thé amount of their a'usesments. In ad- dition ta tde ahove there was collected for generuul caunty purpases £292 1U. Ud, for *schooland supvrintendents £194, Is. Otd., for special couiny rate-, £271 8se. 2d., malt- in ali £1070 7s. 71d.,>' -paid b,' Lh. Inliabi- tante of (btis Township (bis yeare Prom this lîowevar must ha deducted the special cauin- ty rate. Since I have bgen in office Ibave:i-ceaie- cd froîntha fund-. oof te Tawishuip on bc- couat ai the ivard, £40 of wlich 1sum was .pàidta < Ja!nem Buchan for digging.the bill near XV<1. l3îrnes' £6 5s. To John Bar- key for takmng out. sumps in bis beat, £10 7*.. To George Strachan iiirhus Veut £5. 'Po J. W. $harrard on bis side road £5. To Joýrîuh ade for bridge on Uic Broc k roati £2. Toa Win. Wilson, in bis beat £2 103. To -Ciauncy Recynolds for plank oui bridge £;C1 5s. To Thoamas Stephentson for îîlank £0 6x. 9d1. audiot Neigbswander I hai-e promised (o gi-e for dbggng bull and rnaking bridge near tus place% £2 10s. anti aiso £ 1 5s. taWinJBarnls ta lie applieti on sîde roami leuding t'o bis place, wbbcb leaves '3 10Ê. 9d. of a baillance in uuf bands to Ille rdit ofIltle Ward. There ix aIse contiutlerable due the warjlmun the bands of tii Toîvmisbip Treasurer, tlhc exact amount -1 cannot state untii l theapportionnient iii matie, wliichwililho ut the close of (lie ycar. 1 uow tae.thie opportunirtyat thank you ,entiumen for the honor confered in con- Iing ta me your interets in the couuueil for- (ie past tivoyears, anid hîîmbly trust. whîen iupartail viewed, uuy actions bave been suci as to menit that confidente. Ilavirig been requebted; liT a number of you ta *pain camte forwiard as a candidate for your àuffrages, 1 beg(ou *ay thit lhave scarcely any choice in the muattar, ami (bore is, but one consistent way for me to act. If 1 uuould refuse 1 migli: justiy b. ch argeti 'wih desertiug my friends, Thereforp 1 % hiail makie no objections to bebng put lu nomination, andt if you sfe fit te elect me, 1 sfallI -as I-have biduerto done. exert myseif for -theadatimcement ai yamw bterets. If on the. ather biand you consider 1 have hat -denouglu oI the honora und Ptiments ai office for ane person, I shall most cardia alty bow ta i-oui- detmsions. I amn Gentlemeni With ail duc respect, Your maît obedient. - Humble servent, TumAiç P. WarIT. rickei-ing, 21st Dèe-1852. JUST OPBNED, THE TELEGRAPH STORE £ 10.adUnder, ; shDovnail over tht noçahs credit byfuruishing approved J. C. STERLING, - luctioler. Wb::by, Duc. 23rd, j&)20 17.2in. 'STAGE ACCIDENT.-A serlous accide~nt, occurred last weck on tlhe Hamilton and St. Catharines road, b 1 the upsetting h mail sl»age. The driver was thrown froifi hisseat and had bis leg broke, bat wittu ex- traordinary fortutude was able to' bind up his lIeg with bis handkcerciuf, and drove- the' ztage to IHamilton, YI-erc lie is now. under sergital treatmnent. THE REPORTERI. WHITBY, $ATruitAy, 1uEc. 2 2. ELIiCTIONS. At a public meeting calied by Requigi- tion bigued by the ltowing gentienien lg, G. Wallace, 1). Crawfrd, Jwc* alace, Wm. 31aw, Thomas Dow, Alex. 1ringle, J. U-am -Par- ry!',E. Annès, B.obt. J.-Gunn, Ilezury hlan- nant, Hugli lFraer, J. 0. D ýrnàn, rhomas ficld, %V. Il. Treîuaynr, Il. NcDoinell, C. Lynde, A. imepherbon, Jas. A. Gerrie, J. *Sproivl, Thoinpâo n, l'erson anîd Co., B. ri. Bal1, and 96t others, held a meeting At 'T. .N. Scriupttirt'x Inn, un the '23rd Dec. 1852' fur the nomination of a Candidate for Councîllur l'or the ensunfgyear, wben it was unoved by J. I{.Puvrry, tbat M'r. Ilogdson, do auct as Ubaîr.man at -aid incetinr. arw unanitnously. W an, ~ are Mloved byW aig econded by W. Blair, that N. G. Rani act ab &cretary, carried. - - Mored, bhat Mr. Rowe be Viut in nomi- nation for Candi éata-1O&t. Mos-ed that J. H. Ferry, be put in No- minatio. for Candidate, carricd. AMoved" by Mr. lc, seconded by Geo. NciI thut ibis meeting fully carry out the p1edge offervd on' beluaif of -Mr. Terry. (.amed unantmously. .Moved by W. Blair and seconded b7 John WVikox, iliat the proccedings of this meeting ha .pubished in the 0Onario Revor- icr. Garried. Moçed by %V. CalwelI, seconded by E-. Cattreîî, thiat this mee-tin do now ad- journ untal the 5rjtus 1, J ltrl. lu olUv~t - * Se4relary. TO ý'1-LE MUNICIPAL ELE CTORS CUF ITIIE'tlOhNSiIIP OFWHT . Haviàg receivedth le unanîmaus uoniua- tion of a large ant i uuhuent.aIhpublie meeting or the Rate i'ayers ai tha Villagre o Whit- Jiy sud Viciîthy, I beg ta solicft your-votes anti influence ut' (lie camaing élection, muid asure 70<1 iatm f etectet4i,.time anti hunuble, abiIitiuub, wihili e ut jour service ta carry out lu a tliauougb mannoz' the spirit oif oui- Munic ijal Lauvs. 'The close idoutit>. of interci5t, and unuttideéire te niL-. uess advanceiueut- ni pt-cgt-es in this 7 'il: 1hup as %411 as Ontario Couuty, are eifCiettguai-autees dhat noting nl be left undone on"un>.part, (hatnl tend La foi-yard antiunprovtt this section of thc Pr'ovince. - (v euenyour - obedicuit servant OH AM FERRY. 'Whb<b> 234 Duc 1-852..- THE NEW AGlICULTURAL BILL. The uen uneasuretifor the imp,-aementc Agriculture, introduced u> the Hom. M Camerai> daning - de preseat session, 'an *bhich bas recci-edthe royâl sinctlca, le decided improreu.nett over dhe Act uat-i supercedes TheiiberaLuwangmèms ths are maude foi- tee u auragruu i &or gf the"a îpginfort d oh d er pper Canada pioduceti 1 ,9d'b m ~ e s tho~sue Imeui D nn*,, 4.ti- - of Vîaea from ou)ç4,uar tofiiheýquantity I eti Of lieepf certifie~ a ê 2, eè~ ~Vt<#Pr.imeu, .lue~erî~ t,~ of Iàîad (at it re4uiued tw dse i.sNo- >iu ty souaiey lu ý im0 . for lb.e Aî-rmjW 1 Y ork 113,121,498 us lis. 'fils ul ws ell Meting ti moilai', wonth oai ýý both for aur q4 -n n D n i, D I( , 14WtN., 18À f. A large quaniy of valuable propcrty, cauiprising'<. 1Spmuo(MetcheW WM, I1est Douible Harmms 1 D .ihmeWaggon, h1 Double Buggy, rthic Parlai- 5<ave., 10 Bedsteads, .10 awBces.5,Featiwr lIeds,7 30 Pair of Blankets, 30 p air or Sheets, 10-Tahle Giotbs, 10 Tables, 2 rupheards, 2 Sîuloboarde, 'à dôz. ChireS Wmshgtuiuute 10 Lokiu-JauCem , 1 Cookinq sove, t Box Stavi mmun pair Pire Irong, 2 Buffalo Robtes, 2 doz. Decanters, 4 du. Tuimblers, 4 dcx. Kuives uand Prks, - 4 doz>. Spoons, 2 doxk. Pichers, 2 C ,i-t Iu s, A quantity Of WîadOW OCuitalas, a.nti a lai-gi'quantity ofaotheratlé ohmeoso moi-e in the. matter anud obtain tdei- just proportion of the grant. Reacb, Uxbiidg. Ilroek, Tliorah, Marsaad Ranis, are ripe for tic mavement; ail (bat je uccessar>. l fon saune sprited individual ta take the matteri; lu, baud. Part>. subscribers ai five sbillings each foi-m s hraucb Society,muid by bcid.. ing tbeïr mnai meeting in a suary, for- wardiu'g lieir subscription lst to tue Ceui- ty Societ>. in Febromry,ad depcsikbag the moue>. nîllitde Treasurci- befare the fiist of May', entitles tliem te ail the. adrantages and benefits of tbe gaverumeut aid, A Couuty Society. for Omntario wili ha formued, ilrancb Socmcties 5are, lahin iiactive ope- ratioloinb Whitby sud Pickeriug,;and il, nonr rests nid Lbhe fat-mers sud frieuds cf Agri- culture in tbe rernaining Township to mSay, * niethier'thuey ni1 i obilathe n oveuuet,anud i-cap the advantuges wbich the Act preseuits, (ha fert!ity aoft.anaaian soif. adinosigI culti-atcd land lis nt worthuei-c as mucb per Acre, -as inth 1e neighbori ng itate, stili tlhe large dfferenme lu piice is not au."(] blir teitinsi velue af the article, but b>. otciler irc um stances ai whuciml'Ille>.are ye iL 'Oui- superlors. 'flic quantiy of Eye rasedf in" tpper Canada ià :14, 146,182, bu&hes, against 479,657 ilu N.- York. Of (Jatà Canada Wc;stpiiôrticed 11,193,844 buabeis, New York 26,552,814 busbiels. Of Toha- cewe riscd 74476 pouns, New York _e3,189- Ibo. Inu Buniey, Cornan&uu. )3uck-t wbeat, N'.ew York là furinlu ddè, but -taie thleaveage aif <e whole, Canada pro- t ducs ùmore per Acre han the adjiniug Stat. 'fis se igl>. pleaingand may V serve (a check those wiho uisual>. suer t t the prbnperity and advuuicemet of (isq Pro- vince. 'lo le -plain Cânaians tbemseivsc are toc apt to nistrust hin onu enterprise anti adiuacenent. -W e -waut morie oaI - tht zelf reliau1ce anti confillence, in te Pro- gres and prospcity of ur Country, <at wlli mn.kc us ,ýlrou tto on (bat WC eure Ca- t X: lXX. Bi-er>. 'iownsl ip or Branci Society, orgaied acani'ding, to this Aet, aud sendin,, a report of ifs proceedings to teCauunty Sociely, us hereinbefore req uir- cd, <ballha entitied fo a shore af (bu Colin- t>. ,SoeiC*ye,«in pîroportion (o tfelicanount nîilu lishah bave bec u si-iab>. <lute ',lIeitihcrs nE such Township or irauch Sn- iciety-. ti depoable i id duhe 'freaxurer' of th<le County Socetey, on or befona thefra jday of J(lay, l in eeI ear-.as comuparuti with (hieanunsa ipid by other Town- ship mBandi <ch ocieties of tlue <mid Colin- ty ; anti the suni un dujositeti by an>. Tonu- ship or Jiranch '86eietyshi be repaiti, along wih its share ni fiue Publie Gront,; 1 $ soon as- tic sait grantshahlia-ebeure- rei¶'ed-by thie Cdunty .Soiey: Proibded aiways, tînt not 'more (h1an three fifthis of thie suni so recei.vutib>. any ýCount>. Society chil tbuhjectta division aïuong To*nshii or I3ianclu Sorieti 'es ;*Anti piavides that tic declaration muntinnet inb section thbrty-thrcc ih-All be deemeti a suifficient, report for the fret year lun wbîch an>. Towniship or Branch Society mn>. bave. been organizeti; [Anti provitieti, thit naîhbng in dhis Act contabiet :haHi bc construict as airitiug an>. Menu- ber of a Townshiip Society in vu-tue, of bis subscruptiou theireto, and wifhot furthur aub)scripio3 (o (btheCountysoc.iety to an>. Of the privilegeî of a .Mumber of suds :on- t>. Society.J S8C-IED i~A. Wwbose names are subscnibed lîcreto. agee ta foi-moursrl vesinto anSociety, under dle proAlsions ofEfdut->Act nE (bu Legl.%a<ure, (lit/eanddaie cf Ibis Act,) to ho callui filic Il Cony ['f ownsii or. lilrandi, as tlit case may <lie, Agricultural Society- of tlue Coutity <of i"(or Town- ship nif);anti wcbere-._ b>. s.evertay agrcu' (o pay ta the Troasurer ycarly, whie ne continue Members ai the Socýieý, (au>. meimiber haing at- liberty Lo retire (huerfroiu upon triviug notice inwrut- iuug tii the Sacratar>., ut any (ina belote te aunual mieeting, ai bis wisb so -ta do,) the sunis opposite, oui- respective namnes, and ive fui-Lier agi-ce ta -conforin te tic, Ruies and By-Laws af the saitie-'ociety. INaliues. 2.. Colînty Socities reccive ironi thé Go- verunent grant thrae <ines the amount -ao the Township anti Count>. subscu-i1,îoas not exceeding £ 150, of wbbch the County r.. tains tw iiaffths, andtih(b remabnbng tbree fufbfil tbe tievidet hetweendte Tonships lut proportion tota ha ânouni subcribet.- Steps are alreadti>aken ta orgaize a Coun- ty Society. for Outario, But in orter ta giveit (bat ellieucy tliat thie Act contera- plates, we shotulti have 'more Braucb Socie-, ies. At pi-osent, Wbi(by and Pb'ckei-ig are the only -Township Socie ties yet organized la thie Coun(y, consequcntly would, the way tlie matter noW stands, bai-c soute fluet>. paunts ai Govei-nment rnoney divided be- (neen them. Wc-do uaL wisb w be <mdei-- stood as opposing thisjsum t1< be appropria- ted (o (hase two Town'ships, but iL would he about as, tuan>. inhabitants ail toit, uss(lie gamu pacacgers tin-t paes daiy an thie Rau-rad û tietwen the unanufacturing tan aiLoweil LItîe and tlie city of Bostoni, letde most fortunate finei, towa in Canada. There are- no e lss li n u four prapas4ed railraads en-uously a on Ilsa couneution with tbat town. Te tii. Belli- vile.ai d Peterboro i-cd, (the (Ownu crel:. and si andI sudC on ty o friH astings ave mreat>. re fus subs crbed £ '15,000 an ti the spiritedt ow uu le nli af Port Hope, has aso vteti *100,0il- mugl towa&rds the constructon ai the Port Hope haw-i and'Peterbo-0 Rad. 'The Otonobee Ri- bd & ver, ou wiîcb (lictowu of hettboro lx situ- clus a ate, às a uccession oaIthe mot valuabe <. ' water powers bu Canada, but for the waa< ral n of mufactmrilu interests are now absolute- smur iy wur'thless, except for saw ndIleand sucb h1cSatî 1ke extensive mabinry. The ime ma>.cre core houev,>, wen Peterbouo wili be a nd ej * Osadiai Loel; therefore, in <1e mean The1 thue, succeu tLu Peterboro. -f trai! The eBaard af Agriculture loi- Upper Ça- ave i 1uada bas opened an office for dthe tusc- wouîd donu0 etwnu Fonu ccuted wbt thbe agricul- Liates, uat interîstsôdIfAbe rimce,,up Kig-st., sd A iu the brick bouse -West -cf Si occ-tueet a con w leue te Ed ucation office vnus formeri>'10 prisoni le>., iL It is etated that whon the, President cifam,'th the Penatylvania Collexe of Eectoa- s vuf the toou.- In the Frei evenug nex(, ut 7 r.,jil> wiil deliver Trouble ice-ore giV4 curiaus. trai e,'Jfose A bisonn, S:. don, on a c Brocki-ilie uT Ldo inucli cxi t.have- - he the ci E. ID ville,, the v ulni ti calli cakei Ihree stahIt law . WerrA Duri and) tue c4 lut>. havbný be IV liensit te returu it. th warrant. A upon the charge of ti te o, bheCourt aininatian bef Sotier uuagisl le repnrteti tth à, and (bey bW had been (i-a ants for <lie ESqJ., S. Bea maâtou and F ham and tbe 4 rr La a charge Mir. tteacb <i ýont-ILIe uvbul * These pe tlhe exception ng the fur c cy people hefc Itecor(i4>r daltm lien dhetsar ion. M.mi ',were con Pc-e ivus takel let (hem. 'fL SPubhised, bu àarn %uas boumi Queeli'n i3cni *, anti Mr. iF .kvihle magist e tter. A ymacistrate. La an invit ai Statet ne ai-e i, *bbeb <'-er Iy ycar'be. ex ad corne to tht <(rates were I 1ueks, , that t eot tbernfiei- ,a iilination asos ai they rhcse magisii rietigs? anu, ns. *This de 'day the 1 hf th <e Recou or allen <I existence. a eali Han. Pi~-gi-Vel cor m vedmr u,(ltene love braer su, nti (batuurI i-ayeste iswmopeun learcfutre- grei-eaues.tth iwes , uamenthe arenpro grc-e acunitrypi ridpoes l an b at nd andmireacontry rith. poweran ti gi-efst, ayJ wi e ontin euts as"ci-ento f or The" fnides me frdesuîa tereofore. Tuel tie is t far daletta uhcîCnada able stand ie iist rank f nations. <:l'aclsanzd Seraps.- RAIL IIOADCS TO PETnoko.-'flie AND Me dical Hal kiff RIrpt. W/tsfbu. Lately eccupicd by Rt. E. P"rr. T IIE Subseribers l4ez w mnounce La -the lunhitnts -of '?bîtlyîsud sur- raniuTowinahupo, that <tie b ave Ipe auovre Store, wbere may hue hb.ilowing artics ei extreaul,' Lan faucze. DRY GOOD89 GROCERIES, HIARDWARE, c c c À large and, neil asmirte4 to&,f fDrugi, Mediciàes, I'aints, OQl*, &t., &C. &c. Iu the Dr) Gonds Departinent wil 6ýe fauid<Ia vai ey of Staple rand Parley Go"d.of< tle latust stylesan sud ot Faàhînnabile imtermasfor tue presecut Sesson, vit.- Coboîrp snd Orleans. af va. Tioue Coloti., Gala Plauu d tiClcakiop,4.4 Bi-ansud Lîlsc Pi iums, Gueugluamnu. Strlped Shirtings, lIed Tick, Blue Durill. De krya, Dening, BROAD CLOTI-IS, Eancy., Doekins, Tweeds, Canadiau t clbo SSeietta, Wblî. sud Red Flanneh., Wbîte Cgiton, u, soiy do. Whitn- DaIusk Table Coveus, - Oniored Demsmk.Toweinige, Baggiuge, Bi-own HollandeaIea e d Bonnet Riblions suds alarge e:Uznk cf &Meuhwauem. ' IN HARDWARE null b, alnsys ou band s variety c('ume<ul Articles mach 84 ai-e ccii- mont,'y ut.,' lamiîei aiseaOil Laps of dif- forent kinds, (4 Ian Vioiné ver,' cbe4p.) rOUR. STOCK 0F GILOCERIES wl hue (sut <o comsuat ni Tees, Coffflis;&gare, Spime, Tabacco, &c. Ail orTwhieh we wiU warrant ti-nb and unad- uttu.rated. W. wculdinivitea tri-at cf oui- Grand HYm101en ai t26.. 6dper 1b..ý1lse orui-trg «round Coffeeat l.rla b. 1 IN TRE DâIU~ departint will hic tound Eiu;li#b, Fr'ench, -*nd Amrcn <Drug sud Ciiesuicals, Peui'tuuury Fancy Gaod.- DYÈ ýTU ,FS, IPaints, Cite, Brube3, Vamuimhi-., Ti uses, Patent Mnicinus, &c. ke. Whalemale artO Relail. , N,. B--Al of thesar, nuwl 6, .ld ai ocnte Puice., Physiciens sud Diuggists, wiltl be uppli- i ed as cLeap as at any wbaol,mcw lToi-ento. Physcians uProscriptions ansd -jàmay 1

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