Ontario Reporter, 25 Dec 1852, p. 1

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-i - PCX@«DEVJERY SATUR.».4Y MORNXNG. "Z msnasdtiks VOLJ 8o WIIITBY, CA[NADA wE-ST PC- BFJ24s,. W~~o#uIIi4ty for anyiutne a6f;cng the TEETU oiR GUms, AfSt 08I ?I)lourudon fiolt Pate or ilvotf1 Fom o>w ta ai n ftgra e &sl. QAOvae Ma. LRRWG'lS SToart, corier of iKz *6 and SimCc 5Stt,,ets. - oéma N itnîn185 w01 rrOTÂIIY PUBLIC,- tuaintener or the -tour or. queenstlench,- Conveyancer, Drau8Mhsman, git OF MQItfARIAUE .LICENSES AIN! ~BB, r the- Court Iloiou, Villige of MÂrti<CUTtra, Tôw"bip of R1zA0Jt, C. %W. 2 0 N V E Y A NCE Oomnbasîoner. of Queen's Bench Pet taklng' AIidearl%. flROOKL1ix. LAW iFVCE. SOL tuITOI-I.N _cHANCÈ RY, kg:. & &c. WJiITRY. - 3O4eup st.irs n ver th.it Cheiq"erec Stoir. ~SW~<T c~d 61ic e- 1 Law IMSURANCE OFFICE1 JAMES WALLACE be«,'0 w intimate ~tbat ho bAs be.Ut appoar.tecd Agdnt rot tRie ?IIIl, un 4 FNEIIL H*ýUANUEF 1 t .pTiIpaarç otkersamt teivyMa% WktRKNI3R(OTHEÃŽS & Co N. 36$ MKtùg Stret Torontoa WKi Vi ýt, c- W. t.. WSC~!OIt.l' & Co>. imirRTE;,Rs 0F WITISR, ffkrJF'AO'gURES, A'1> xLiKOt WWILEMtLE AN»I) ETML. - Wblîby VtjJ ne,850. CÂtL~TN L Y NIDL, WHOLESALE ANtD RE1TATL IIÂI~L i '?A%,TilIl&cVi,d ftlRieo..PPER A ~ L 9O >-,&UUACTURIR OF SOLU, IPPER, AN!> H&RNESS LUATIIER, &ic. C~4pai for ilidesan<d Skins, Wheattj Out#, Pous andiPearliAlites. WhitbyVitl*CpI, 7tb Jine, 1 850. A~ig5n os onsigriiUts iof Ahes ta la preîoltfru o iake r éI)VACE, INCASH an FOT% AND> VE'AtL A.SIES canisiguci ta Mntrel ROBEIRT 1..LAWDEIt. Cprt Mbitby, lstn;mt 1850. WdlI8KU 1 WMISKEY 1 q500 3AIUIVT h s pont Doit a Wlis. key for Sae, ve&vlo., b -plrtWhl.tfy, M;a>' 31,1851. UNIALD 14eINNIS, Proprito. &cml#it >.m1il»dations for travellers. Gouti Stabling for Ilorsei. I -A L -P R 1NWGL E. WJIJTJY J'JLL4GE.ý slwav; on O IE uidred Acres of Lauuti, being Toip e s calrt o»te poe of~5 te ,ot i aiSeR lot Ne 8, n' Rateablé prerty o/ he Tow- $ubseribernn re&OnabW îem u. îinâ le n à s8hp -of Pickeringp to disclarge ' taorbl siaaion eing wiibin tbre. amiles o an u aid balance of £100 cur- the County Town anti hall a it.iIe ci a flourin; 30crrny( Muit, ias w teied ni iî sty-live mites ioSpt»i. -rency, part of£.0 U enyI Ç ei. There is a gond Frame Bari antilog; wei- y,1Es' llng HnotRe on 1ht vîly sêiiiansiste â: ýiiune Or- be pa[d.to JoN--S>HîER> S q' cad orte& i»aappiy (if by Reier poilt fmw,) LiCensed Sureyor, for thé sur- to to popteto onthepretauses. M W AKJ.R ve# &C, 0/ t/he 7'owiskip fines or 10 FERRY &.DORNAN, iWbz<tby. and Concession fines in thte said Vhîlbiy, Juhy 31, 1832.1-f onhp NO\V OR NEYER! teMICALO'N JoHs SitiuEoq., Licenscal Provincial $urty R. E. PERRY can be roundilii bie office loyer or, tu Survey anti Report ipon'îLe iliree Town- the CuaQu Cn$ra Very day until Satuîday sLip hoatid isaitl 11wConression IUnesi ,of b.sit 2811% Moaai, ançl ho hep btaoetify »H perrbtonlin. Town*i, for 1theîpurpsosc o<ikl îang Ihe debted Io10 1m, ubiait nllî chdte untatîcal aller Smre an a permanent manner, caiifurmabiy In ihla date will ite Ieit witb the Cierk oS the couirt ibm provisins tof tse Steinte 12 vit,, cap. 33, withetu aydi4inction. As hÃŽle intçisding Ita'andi other enactimenis in such case matie anti pro- leave thie pl&.seefo a lime, lie witbeu .0 vl he0dei hemt(wra1w dune for andI in con- b)usinesis belote doine se.- si<eration of thec mm of £É300 currsenrv,,of wb ith whiby August 12._-1852. 18-n .£Mcltierenc iry 10t w.leviedi anri ca lectpdti îj -- -- ~------~piesent cèar,, andthîe halanre, £100 curmwncy, FOR SALE OR jO LEASE.Z . lf'mateitat at nî e.r 1833:- Anti wbereas. ir a arerdance wîh thepoiI ons ai the Statte l ianti iWI le., cap. f100, it je OR. woUld hie Elebanretl for a Fa71i, a requîitie te malte provisionî forthetc(lue paymners eer . 1 ab cheant tare 37 by 301 with Oait110 mciii balance aith icwhnResai a co.i~jlinflom.Kilehen andti-two Bcd- deciiiais ctàrreti- marn; a~ Velar~0 sy 3, SoreBous anl Aîmi heîasthte wlîole raîcabie property ut the' loi of çroU nti.The i'ropcfly slastrainerL ieoîhi fIilei~ o hvr13 a and We-il siîîuît#tl ft uâi tlrin the b.village 61 Pour lundreti andi Twent y-anc Uboutishid et s p,,tnî'îa. rtamsion cai le given on the 201th ilitndred andi Twenly-fivot Patinci. o! Msy nxi.Ani whereai, il wii reqîlite .dsmPectal raie ai Abt- A riajoininc Farta fui Sale., .7buaptiyiiîeluîio paaesi N"'I B-INYOLoan. Joint Notes eor la PrOvitie f01 tLe. Patnet or tht' said iti or Mortagesbumîht. m~s~ ÇÎ4RK. £100. inceih" rwibli four i rcent la caver tbe 'r11o A-Sý LARK. expriise à(colleclitinandti cftalitn.. Colùmuniî, Nov. 13, 1852. 31-if Be il ihereitire onaiil'y itie Municipail Coun- cl ôte'l'ownship uf Pickeiingt. thati thie sit ________________________________________________ .eialratq ni 1.L seci'a prninv inii ii Pausiti e I-I ~T~ ~TT~ levieti, îia4 ri -can n ail the îais-ahla Ir IL TE1111Z an aln)the aiti Totwnsitiîif utPeiiri-oves c niai,?ail othe; i-aivs andti assiIiiCi<iin Lhe Pruiggist, Wuit by, . yra 83 hts 'Ce4t r ess î f avurs -idi1 hai î$0anon a e aiti'r lO o J~'N1N~ tlllhlR &NI LINÇVI1T ~ the lproccefdg ni tht eaid rateha ein <due conie ij v n puîi mn thie 'i'it-etirî', r tirue .id 'Fa?. nýsllip. lue i .110OTH7ERS REL IEF. heue-Y .utharucd and r&'Juii-d t> 4pay foarhwii MýJo, ailtiheîciler Geaiine Uomfsiock 'Mcdirinre. te thie saiti John $hier or hîier'aIf r prete4itatiii ~%'hiiuy. ctoLt 21,1832. - 2 is ithis ai aheir jetrandti tbreî'or. usaid ti sm ai %Vhilly.oclbet 1, 152-£li) ctirrenr :V, sanpa ymçnt 4ft i iittcetheli WMiîd liand tO Leaee 11 ~bîrier1,usÀ VEW TOUSAND N'O T IC E - T ACRF "a i Wî1dLand instesse un the olt în« TowiwhipS.RIttach, [Uxbr de North Gwitcaîrn'ofa Irooçf, bttry. Brok, /trah, Nara, Ori la ii, Tay ¶l E abov i atucca ca apa"5s> liv Law toaRt' inken ln ronpiide,'at<,n hy thri one saiQs Rcmuai Oftheïe ilands are OfRth, l< uùai t yut Ructawhip uoftPickerinîg . test~ ~~~bf quim.ut -i elaseal for a lerm ai(trs eauntynafhtn'ueu ie mlei(omic ' tVe t sevut yare depcduti the situation, in yoat. <>uîharaaant il'el, a*.Lîie F;'.s - Miper. lois 0 ofl o'20 ta INîuar""each.toair» o ne Mwho aite lla'im'îte l it id'1OwN-ship), ort the' 31' -wiil cha, icaintifec-i ntuct d work- 'day i 01 mb àîw t , iris oUr len o'cors maîlkemaneitiuthsî. ta 1e<ji-niiy iith *osa, w ii re anti Place Iii. ai ~ ~ - fc>ta 0arson <iCI, loi. imes0'h u î! -livraie te réqu1r-( tJ. T. BtSI 1. .iktn.2gub Se:pt., 18î2> 5-u WhiiyJU , 180. .16 Lau'tawisip, l l Re am95().witoîucleuymsic.iir.Tuw $ALEr, - VALI'AILE F A~s FO ML] fin la l-oi .ar LAN acres ipraveci uns- dêr goctd fenee, and In a iiI sat" cullitriiloia. \v'rIr13~rAGJ ~witt a canfrtable Fratre DwellinltIlPunme andi 01, hîans goiwelR o!watëer. 4nerlainsre lî7-Wstrn" ,.Jssuraace Conpany. crossts idm.lot,. RefotaliN.5,ltcn Alan go acres,thfrnofItN.5,1s-c. VhUGHANq,63ncre5impret witi a Dwellins: HÃ"NMIi OFFICE TOItONT0,H S u îilinsyinlorýIuar in ùItufuRbev 0&pfta1-~~IOO.OOTl te" Farts are situ;'tetio o.asax 17mises lt-rn Toratto, in the viciait>' atRICti- v.ssÂiuaS OFiew NPouJZffl ACi. , MN) IL ------Atè;o, 100) acres tLe souib hallalf lot No. 4, loti [IISCOMPANYhaving lieen dtilV. con. of Reac, in t1ie new v'iuya nal,5 Tc, tRio erm, oî -acres ns1ei uatoiwîLaogDeInHos- Or.'anixed, crmgt te " ris4 ans i Iain.youuiî; <rciiarti, a mever faling_.çpring (laterr? 15piTparte 0Iisu POLIC 'agins r'eek. > ',S or DA3AG by FIRE, upon <S o t-isal0fiaecrestbewesbialfoflloiNo.7,i2tb l>EISONAL. PROI'ERTY of ait kÃŽnls' on U of the saiti Toawnsiip o!f1LEAC,*H, 15aces favrurable terni& as obeteres*Ponmible Ccmpaniem. reêtî apernîatiet tsreara ai walei crosses im- Thpe (ulowing genittemen coraempo'the oad hfai . fi Directois, vlt-Se lianuts are a suffcient guarantee Alathe weït liai! af lot No. 7, 2d. con. UX-ý tRut ic usnes tanaaclon a th CmpatyBRIDGE, 30 acres improtreti, i Dweilint! wili be canultacttdioithe. mastLoniorablie prilici Haumeanibarreon the rtrri;mex. Tiere la a gooti t-la, vi:- SswM~Lin pesivêct warking order with a suffi- 0aacC. GiIruorý. IHugh Millet, cicii sapply of mate-r, abundance of Pie in tbe Tbanmat.laWOtub, M. P. Hsays, - fm&iiae khWboriode, anti w-lutin 18 milem Gcre eRe jWcn. llentiefli, froua aiippumu-g >Ior en 1Lake Ontaric, te w hieh Jams Ieat',Rice Lewis, and. tiare la tealy acass by good road aai ai, besons Isu .jlon . .a.c t,. . quri. lAlo, l5actres on the adjol tig lot, ail improveti Issu C.Uliner------ - President. amnd welwerd , Tlîauas laworL, -- -- -----ec.Pdrehel. 1n, a enal~ w l ueae.d lt in the Ralit. Staniton, Ffq. .- - - . -te »a lTéa.VI LM}E o'b BRÙOKLIN, in tbe Townshilpof Yheunetiined avigben ppinedAgeit %NH ITBY. oftRie unlesi4'npaRuavig beti ppoinaitien Sssa aBuilciîn- Ln* iîli e VILLAGE ni OS!!- i th fieove Otop5of efft clpg lni"ranc "'AWA, in thîLe svd Tovnslnp o! WHITBY. iRa l prti. dsiouspfff-WALLisuAnCE, A il e ptvetoing ;proper ly. SrquaTîty'ant Io- JAS.W it.<, cation ila of ihê uotdtsrable character anl *11 - ive Lile, andl Genisu'l r ace Agnt. 4-r. tis upoei i. TER,nis suit purchazers, whîci 1etruary 5,1852. cat i reascertimio4gsoý plplication te (C.>t.,KtL- 1 LUS <sQ., IO MIND HILLLor 1telthe Sujb*cp Jmuruwo!* us5Oo I ber nthe VLLAGE et-OSBAWA. Allaupli. T'i RuSubsribet5 uiving been Apointed Cationi,if by tet1i, pout-paiti. F. KELLER. ,Etna lusiialct Compahiy of! ties, lyT, Ohawa th < ui,1S52$. a-"i. are prapar.t toîeetve spphiestloumSfOt Iulursnce. ,Frein trie high C e bcier îthe tbOv e JaatLtîutiOfl EXCELLEXT P M X simd tht low rates of Freium, me are convbujCetdT OEaJN irai suj~rfi in i iliioare nnw fïl for, Iatir" FoaI Eiterpri$llio«pi o fl5 1 MgaIap41Ij ance ta e Iii îuhabtits c f ibo,>,GCouty ut THOMSÃ"?jEAROX CO- T(O LET-ftiùbe Towan cf Wbiiby, aSàho Ontario liauge, tels w er sarcr is.Apyt Wlblbby, Nov. 12, 1 fl. 31-tf. h attoy rsaGreySum. pll JAM5ES M .GER1EDnau«5t. POwRTWHITBY WAKERY WbVby, Octïbb-f21,82. &t -NEwý BOOQ1mb REIJ HENMEUIC*T, or the comn- bornaii oR a Sam mer Tour, b4ee Northwood, or LilôNorih Pnd&nlth, by' Mrs. S. Hale. Contentment boiter hs Wealtb, by AIr. B NOai, St6riea from" Bacwod. Lives o! Weliington ant 'el Sper's ati Surrene'iPronmmittg Di*tlifMlTY 0 thé Frenchand English 1 liguugeo. I volume -~royal 8Sio, Gicers> aTuaculan Diepulati me, Antholi. Permonal Adveitturea qft'ilOUI orrop#ndeL" in ItIaly, M. Burke. [lonan. SaPan-ýan sccoaant, Geagraphical ant i là-ioriil, .C. MacPariane. Niemoira o! :h. Lite andi Writinge of Dr. Chalui- 1Tt [adies' New Book of Goory, b>'Sarb J. Hale. rhez&8 or Faub.., T. G The Clifford Fânily, hy nt erube "Wlnisand lOddiiex, Iy 'l'$omaiàsHooti. 1 ho EieIe Pas, or Life on, the Border,by Clora A New nrufTae n clnlb Cathx- arme M. '14d1 %1k. Lossine's ?iel-1 Bok o i h Revolufion, No. 28. Peregrane Pliçki,, byRTobias Sméllet. Blar-kwood's, HarperfImUOndey's andi Uraham'ss Mqainr-iaeatnnnibers. tHOMAS MACLEAR, 1 45, Ycnge fSîrert. Toronto. Nov. 6, 1852. NEW GOODS* Ifs addition to formner exténsive importa- tions ieSbrieba ulreceiveti FIIE.SIl-iAS COFFET$t TOBACCOS, ALSOý LONG RTCIi $LIIAWL-S, MtTSLIN DE LAINES, JUiDLU SIREý; PLUNTS, A %%r LoT, 0FCAP- TER'S TOOLS, &ceI~ THIOMAS13. Wliitby L Nov. 1852; 3-I Western' Assurance. Company, CIIARTERP.D hJYACT OFLiRUkM rT, CaPital -£ 100,000; iai sharea ni £ 10 eaeb, HIOME OFFJCIe<T"QRQNTO, Ont Wdlingt Zirt opposite Ose Cer- mrdi Jankc. Vice-Presidcnt, TuoMÂR IiAWottiT, ESQ. COMMOT< I~3CUOQLS. Uearge îchie, William lendersoit, tS i .iia lt ,as Beaty , Uke- lwhm'Lewishas 1-lu b i 1trrt.4 NDwithottauuy r l{ugMil., John Ioicutt,Bý,sqs. lion ; and i ti ay afi a ,Se1C'y and TreasWr, fIas-'T STÂ'NON, Emq - y ~hre)t e a &uicitpoANôïVs N641iuoi, Latg lIai atCuldbe bdonc bi ou C 11EST3fl. PER, Agent> Brooklyn.#, The riawfulness aifluhe Dec. 4j 18fl. 34> such meeting is flot ina - feced b' hue hsmaillieu N O>IuCE.elctrpreseni, Ncansequepce of Nlr. Martin luaving PariàiMent votuld hea ai matie arrangeiments la retire lrom bustnmel l nes5o the. amiber of f this, pari of th%. Cuintry, théeSubsc1iîbrru lhave bati voletiat' Yis eleti( Ieterminied '«n ciosing tRiritbusine ss at tLe m2jority 'of thbs'e W'hitby Vi'llage and .Port Perri,. cectors bav,ýri t A~nd _wouît i nlarni tLe Public- that il us t hrtbe~y phl#>s4 ; il,- intetinto dispote f eroliowing propertiat, have no<sea3onn 4oiýom viSTC zlDSA ~-bouad b>' the actý'f ' i WtTHhE M Is FtGOR T F, U FERRI and vote. Withthe nterst a th Buùeie 4.' 'l'me fitth c>ion 1Their aes Lave been aboutai ,curei*,per tb;tt> &àthe plhairan anont i minet commnneenth. Ais., cnnected leCde i ue t luo wiii il la îLe forwartiing Rwbues i fthe Boat on 5 lteiq#O La.îk1ouizog.furniohs woMt, &cTht Stock oi *p$eail-# te meeting Goodo ai Wiitby village witl tRhe oti. wili o! catiag ;oLc îùesfil tbe buuines, sle ae beeuaabout £400 Cirren- ~bhUbàur ' go vote ry' per monîhi. Slîoul4 tbe ablive not be'dis! êand poset ofi-by' pi iv s~i l bdteSÃ" i iralii,> de~ e DeembQr, IRaq ywilil lIm e dim ocby Tht interes<t i thelot of Land, 20_- - - noïn ai tèNo. 27'in thue îbïrd ron Y-:.~ W-1 a all t tors. Tbîs 1ldyk otrd Byron, w derný lity by, C are r Ipriai for, fl.-aNEÀJ.RzPLY by the Obief $'q. perintendent of -eho1hto vareus inqi- ries as to -the dutien of School Section authoritieg, relating to thé eleciou of ScbooJ rseouc'ii otthcir annual repnrîs_ý and etarnination of tileir ac-: coint%, througbjouf, tpper Canada, on Wedneqday, the 2nd of Januar>', 18,53, The sééonil Seetion of the Srchool Act rqture% l That the annual meetings for the election of school trusteeg ihalf be held in ,ail the tilgs oîs iti"s, and toivnsbipo of Upper Canada, on the second Wednce- dlay in jautaq ' a ese year, eomniencing n.t the honv4r of'oiok in the forenoon." As tlie préoeediop, of thest annual meet- ings are of grelit importance to fthe inter- esîs of Reh(y,1 anti the promotion of educa- io,, 1 wmIl offer "mre directions and re- mnark's res~pocîing- them. 1. 13y'the l2th clause of the 121hi sec- Lion of the Act, it is the duty of the trusiteeýs ýof each achool e!tion,. Il toappoinýt the place of cach annual sehool meeting, and1 to CUCnotices to lue posteti up in aftrieat three public, plac'e- ofi mcli section, a4 lea-st six days before the time of boldinà, suob 2ýi it int necemar>' that.tbe triîtes ýsbouid sperify àny or the ob)joet!s of tbe an- muai sehlool meeting, as tbey are enumnerated ar4.Ifescrbed y the set. Th'le following are (lie meveral claussof the Gth section of.ther Act, relative to the iluties of caeh atunuâl sebool imeeting: .4VI. Andi lue h enacteti, That, at every unnual iclbool seGLton inevetiw' in an>' towii- %blas authoriçed andi requiredti tabc beld, hy the second secLion of thi'ý Act, IL shaîl b,- thé-dtity oni uc rcblcr bî ouse- bo!trs of such section, present at sucli mneting, or a w3jority of tbiM'm-- ' 6Firs;ly. Té eleet a ebairman anti mecre- _tir', who sahpefra teî,ie eqîie of the cliairunan andtisecreîarry, by the fluth ý,cctioîî of this Act, 1 l&S ctnJly. Toý receive and tiecide upon ïhe report of thetrwtees, as aut hirized andi provided urýby ftie riglteenhb clausie oif te l2Laitn nfÃœ-fiitus Act. "T hrd>'. To cit-rt one or more pûrson-, ab oruL r, trust# etafuIlup the vacancy or vacançies in i lte tnitete corporation, ne- cudîug law: plrovide4 aIýway? tiuat no-, 4e«acb-ér in auch -sef-ion shah boIct he office of srbool brustee. er, andl a'I lhe .nxpenlses coucec ed ith the ro'ddf îor." "3. 11. rili[be ob!iervcdl that tbe majori. r t>' o lefeuldi.or fLuiliolders yt to again"take Ibcjd oQte, eiglni 'oern ment. iiow far intc, the intevior the revolution- nr>' spirit.)bad spread wa-s pot -known at thel inoment or Our latest advices from Acapul- co ; but from previous inejeations andi intel- ligrnce frorn tkéÈAtlantic, sd., we rannot but suppose it te bc.éeà tbrougbout the~ -ountry. It is wcll known'that cen. Santa Aina bas been living, since -bis exile froin Nlexco, nerCarthiagena, on the Atlantic aide cf tbis 1flepuiec. A late paper from that cîty bring us information that intelligence liati reacretithee distinrguisheti Mexican as to the feelings of bis countrynuen, andti (at Le 4 wû,Jdsail Jor 3Mezîco iii afe w ay.q' ta assume the new powers conferreti upon hîm., - ,White swaiting, b>' Cahifornia steamer,. the papers from the. Atiantie, confirniat on and Strtber particulars of tbis new revolu- ioni, we mu>' express our beh.ief that under latte anti present circumstanees or Mexico, .Cen. Santa Anna i. fthe ont> living ýMexi- can, or wvhoîn vwe bave any knowleâgn, wbo iqualifiedi ibte lenstdegree, to be at the Ëicad ai bier attairs. Andi froi et-en hui net àa1 great deal of real gond ha mueh te> bc eiliectied by, Outsiders.' ie alivays posses- ed' a greaIer influence among bis country- men, when in power, Ibmn an>' of those pos sessed %who have at différent imes msucceeti- cd bim ; but, bcbng like;tbe rest of bis coun- _trynlen. deceitiul, selithi n ercenary, bis poitical carrer bas befn marhced by ana .hnnges-one day eev"te . thue pînnacle of bis ambition, thue next prastrated in the tiut, fititn, none sn poar as te o@imtarer. erence. lossessed of talents of jno ordina- ry charatiter, botb à a civilianandîî4 oIdier, Le staitis pre-emnnt, among bis counitry- to Moe-Terc :i 1 -Allorders in 1

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