Ontario Reporter, 18 Dec 1852, p. 4

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VA R-1 ET J J, .TLSEDWO ,Â3Wyl@.-Tw (ollwieg- Word&,; T a seunwig 0; ztI pnI'w itbyantd sut lwell idi, are -..derving tob.' Laites Seugi i-W e-nc*d tisa.Road ut' lke îîaaeovorCfrnpàny heIld 0n)flac 41 h m-iff fwas Releavet, Lctterx ofgold, liëi . vrý-hL'imTuestay the4th of' January, t iiiMon.1 ipal gale of Atj!?Ca, ln <theLIa>'of: day the'7f bofetlaub ý,18àa, g<6< Toilesoh the -and gloiry-'K.Ileëp- tily 'fe dry Riadofibe Pori flVhiIby LAudL4ém &agog, Ble in econ-tbh l dtionr*gn la RO. bàreduedt o ut-cool anti a eifu1 jr Ibe doc. 4.oRul~d That the hlrbor Toiles on Lhsmber lie redciWteOn. Shillinug per Thotmoad bm t rmoUand oitarthe *penu# ofNavigation isa.A faher a olals*y omala 1813u. - -- *bat miade buila>' tu bai!so long. 'ant hýgI' lbc'. ld -'la ring oounç1l eory momtng., Tudust-ry adies me t get op, iloth <o lie sillU; andS as Ïhey gir. nie forty reaum #for nêt'àintt, ilis ni>'p lace Io.bli and bhear tai s asit don bot ides ; vis ib> the <lau. <he cause lu over, idinner is rea- -Â BVLL KILLED loir AX ELY1RAST.- .5 ormapoupeuiî ot <heBaltitaore Patrit, W hriting t'rom Atons, Obio, My$ . . jLlite o 1 r rday, as as"ficrutnofrare riiim.ib, înlading ont <bat u'mvelled twub a trsasuk, <ea s awng op FedÈu'al Creek, lu Atiteus Oouwty, C ila emccutemed*a tur- dy Boche>'. dnving s large> bull. Now tbis bùll, uulike smie pmopie, baiS lever &et," he ehpbhamVI beMot, md tuas ah. cri>-tte" came in sighi<, conaniend malt- ig bii fore feot familiar alit<b. f,ree sud," snd bis lunge faribar wîif themir se- rue<onwe erciae, I& driver sud paner varnes! finun's agent <o gnt bis ojophane out of the va>'. But -Buraun'sapgîtmd lac armol riait bis elephint if Bucke.ye tond risk ' bis bull. Wbereupon western auras, rmneved iSisbellcwîng, and mnaiSe a desper- %te Pitinze ai t tie " monstof laiSis. Tbo-contest tas sîmtlàïa- b mie political onoa; for tbbeiepbant, vil), om. blot of bii trunit, trtcbed the bull apon <b. çround, 1ýrekiP#-th u ofbis ribiand aiS iSing <ho breatb tefr in bis body- L bat it, bas ut.- teI r<eumwâ i retemr. ' Mr. 5sckeye wsas obliged Io lie content tit Mr. Bull a lecd, fs1to* ansd bide ý1 - wilst <lie elephaut tenb un 1ai ta>', criven by bis whistling atten- j i L.NAri AD TmC SPor, Aw. -luau article on the àWorld la[argi.' k purpeal of thic h la fa -show <(batumes Io-ore -reputed 1cane, ofteu set v r'insane. a triter in Chabars'm Journalprodu i tte fcllowlng mien>'. A~ getleam;f fortunevisitaiS a luucte 'kum, viter. lte trctment c>nbss d Chef n forcing lbe ptients&LtasInuS iu ttubs et d-water., Thsz' ligbtl>' sOýçted vert Wseii up to their>itucesi Othe"r, aboie ha wert.gravcr. up 10 lite idîdle; ;ittit ,sons ver>' serieusIy ail, iwre infuensei ta the neck 'lTe vî-itor entercit int o lïerbation wiîit one offlice pstivrtds tboý varedte buhave beute turifflity ta foot vh tilt6ranger ljuêoiSbis fifle out o. I b ,ve horsandi greybotnda for cOu - "aiS tho gentlemnat, -iu repl> tealte ef's question. Ah! (bey' are vel>'expetVaae.' Yes, lb.>' cost me s great dm o f oeonel 'b couf*seof a yêar; bat lte> art lte rbeat of tbe'r kind.' ave you.any<thing morel' Yeî, 1 bave linunds for tuntinglAbe' ail cost a grrat'deal les.' very cipensite. l>alsohi bave, -di for khtling bisJe! Ad h P Ille expec. 1 idan.su' 'U May' safel>' as>'hatlfor <lie ' are mnon i Ile country.'.Anm thon I mes go- out- alone wiîli - un'gn, se- ied. b>' a settraniS retrieter.' A tbesçare capenire, toc-.', couru. Altieraili l netst h. sui- ut rocs&am>'witb <the mono>'i <bore e men, you knctw, Wtafeeti sud -lok herni-m t aoi-it ke tholo spiring tanunt.' es; '1sse. Youbhave borées, sqndsr retrievers, tati s sd mon-and ailr capture of' foie# and biris. . Witat 'moue revenue tey muaI cOst you! wbat 1 vaut W to kot lu n-vînt do the pay 1I What dons or yeir' ty e illII fUIa foi- nov alla <heu bery are geling raîber sàcarc er«no. -andw te ael1d otnba - leus thanift> Wfùd É.sa sasi, n- elunalir lu au auxios însiously' aro*UDd ira e is nte beiiulyo Doit'î loftbeh.docLor li Iducks us tosome e as ow Ara living nia tr of Japn lu st tbisl 's J.IAM PElIKI, Wbitby, Gt e, ti5. $71W~ THESuberb« & fo %lue lbis Pro- W1100 $hop, wlth aIlora. Potwer Tm Laisaand Seclaon ftran.Arre of Land. Ie l i u ititter.ê Lot àNo. 0, Ob cmcsaelon 1ue, kkrêç,mid .Âply, if ylte ordo U . Piceesinc oct. le, 1 85t 27 0we 1IJ;' Subscriber woeld,,ruJtactu attention of bis customers ami the public 10 bis "3rled Stock of JUT AUJIIVED itbit MO.<TRZALt CoM"Wtg in P4rtof' WhiteCmae & Ixhýbitîon Shawis B71 LAinetu et Musa resseDO, T iO .SaInPaRs, T Esubscniber re$Pec:rofiy inform% Par- any quantity or t Bundks oqf the useuziling it-e Latb wii 1-- o ini cheaper."tï l'e mors Ai ylad nd-Il wieÎve hbte fi~ at,,fa.-ti n ftb commion Split Sourd Lath lieretofore if, SNo. 1 t SiDi Con.Piet mt., I uile t.aso Tfimplnl>o liotel. Apply wo R. Il.-L&wD La, WhîtIîy., Piekerlflg, June 16. 1832. '03 HOIJSE- & LOT FOR. SALLE IN 1WJITBY. 'rHE msilbieribs-r offers for Sale a Lot, 1on wbieb is e.refed a Nrw DWtLL91do ,Boivsa, witb everýr oemory arrancemetot o eimot n ud conveutenrim. For'parlîculsa as te WitbY,'June 1M, ROII. GA 0TN aIm. PURE- MEDICINE, -Pavis *4-Oda, Per-froneye, Dye Stus7, Sehboot Bôoks,,Stationery, &c. For $ale at Low Pettte, Ws F~sL, 2AL Main Sf.,.Town i itby. ÂMES 4 ERE Wbui',fi JIyte2.- 13t ÎSTORE O -RENT. er o tnt il, the 'f wn of Whjtby for one, or à terniof esth e Buding jutelyoccu- pibe by R. M. Peiryýand ùsssd n a à gerematl tore. Fi.premiai. beingïh tl u gb retapir, locatin, (avourabie, %ad W bit hythe Cou:îoty Town of the new iJounty, oflts, supeulo, ibd>uccoueats to titus iut.uilang to pursue a muercantile business. *-Jolis RA.m PERRY. ONTiARJO IIUUSE s(LATE -RA-TS.), Sacroqanodtio o fte Public, b7 lfIr¶aunm>ove- menf nuslutbefitiha« ndsud nure. ÀOa hy en- lsrgerrwnts miwi împrcienos in te stabisgac- minutaodation,eso as 10 place It on an equsi fofingu tfon coovicience and coanfont, tit 'au>' othor ote in <is Ne* Counay. - Uî Bi ar snd Tables yl l awayp h. suppled psaiS ak ~ ~~tb-tifl comfoaii CRA O. I~5* BOOKS!-1BOOKS 1't MIRIE tsndemugéed.bas- oPenedha owý -& B001ý STORUL'is WIIITIIVÏVIL- LAE n drtýo(.f iE II ER. 141cssIaUy'ulmnde oiIand auIsnà stoc~k oi EOOKs, sfAÂr[ONARY, YANCY 00008, mend P ATENT M ED1CUig*,bk*b will .eil Yv<ry Iow for cash, or resdy psy. - 4icülm ot on ha id, obuaM obdon hodmoe.. D. 3. STAR. Wbitby 2Ist. June 1852. - iy. 'WESTER IREINSIIRNCE COMUY, #141E~ Substriber désires Osost r epectfully Ws t nnouff t e < b ihsbitants ai Uxoi Dom, and th b.,grw4s;Twe>s thug bc bas licou duiyappointid otr#T by flic Western Assurance Compmny, lgtciy organîzed in Torento, Io talle R iski against Pire n<he. nost .plsma termi. AISoaIrtI switlinhaaasd remunesiUve1n- lessment or nmey have nYnom irt Mity te any=onfot cex itîn;Une fun reitSsaes o To Mout-isPer SMare, *bie ênly Fvm pfer ftnt or Ten Shiltings pce Samere eiIo b-paid' down. Tii he bht sta h iied if pu Go!f «ac ceater part of the. S!ock sasrbd flicth Compiany sbould extend tbeir *"tra- fions to Vife..,> Marine lnswlance. But shoalit il 4 iourni rscessry tri Cal i ina frtber per rc.oon- ace 01 the Stock sMbs<rihc*, iz7 day.' noice Witt lie civmn previôus ta fthc dat ofrajmont. Ail whi.:h la respecriuliy subilr rboit, lUxbridge, Aprit 22, 1852. SAW MLL&C, For Sale. ,TrUE Subacriber offers for sAle lbis pro- . perty situ"ie in PICKER[Nr, a6z miles f rom~ Frenchidsîî'* Bay sand îwenty.f6vs irointTO- ru,,w cèonsisting of ONE IIUNDRtEDACRES OF LANOÏ on which le a Piaf-rate $aw Miii, 74 leet lon## rire ispright andI a gang of Circular; Sawa for cut- ong Lafli,-&c.,daiven-by.an ovcrsbot wbeel.with metai Sharfl-a statistîig. ailt if teilop in thé cbest mâtnuer wiîh abindauicc of wsfev fthe year round. Tbere in-lagood Col'TAGE 110115E,9 sawyer*si oususf, Stables &C., un the Pr eLs. Ail the boilditigare Frame, subsuati, anid have beeneerctedit the f1 sat twoiyeurs. Thora is a large quantfity of Puse. on the iî..d, undtany qiuantîmy toalie Wained in tire neiglaborbood ou eaïy ferma. TIME &TERMS of payment moN.t tubae te s . ulsrruber ha otbt natiers ireqsurs iq lbis lime uand it tentinc. Appf- t i:the pi;rY&rnisestri ROBT. W IGMNORE, Greenwrissi Pickerinag! o rbe i following gen. f lemen, viz: R1. il. LW)IWhihr. andtW. 0. FL LOWýi WS. liri:gaon itret,TorrintO Piering.Jar2.i~21-f A DVERUIS EM ENT. %V LBE SOJIJj by Private Bar- gain t bat part of Lot 17, in the 2nd couc.-s- ,itx ri t Whïîh:y. tbe Proîeityof the tle James TV. !Sonmmervil ife, Eaq. laut iiy tust.d on thte Kinsstm Rouit,sîal midway te ihniving runty Towsi of Whtby, and "&W&. an.sd coin- #rant a coovenient FPrame fsouse, Otitbiidiaus, 1am r '13 Acres ! o i d o&Land. snd a fis-st rater iOtcbard. ODfrri for purrhase wiii lbe receivcd untfilthe by R. W. CI1ARK, blo D. -Whîthy Village. Acting Trustee for i ieF.autae. Wfhit by, Nor. 13, 162. ai1-il Oabawi Fieamm, tet opyuntfilot aiu#a. 1853 IW.ci>LD#BLblJItoWNI -co.xvEYÂNCkR ACCOUNTANT, 0Ocrat !ocnt. Umais EoII:rtig., Ofcai bsresidence Sou nd t ioCiurchStroet, nerM.JS.. Gulsits Unit MiIiL Uxbtdge. 19th Auguat,U182. 20. N6TCE*. C2ISMEi to thte Melo.nre 0d the soheti- ber @ee<Jane i May lait, a $tser nii* titras yeares . The owner cou havte -@Me e hy provipir property jr Utl.io.1, ird co. Pîckenng. NOTICE.à . aw eUthe te Au Po E arru ed ta brnugforivanattbc.mrnc bytite Brut oir7rnatyl eaung for lquidatlon. And ail tinto indebied ie-r I. nqueisted t. niake psyatt otrlu Ose.mb>' tht. uoieentiotioud ime, ana$to mnet theitemana açailisut h. ostafe, atberv ai outitandînç debfesrt* tae *i alrt oannary nextd titi e tlatepoabadWcotion. CARLKTON LYNDE, S AMUE2LCO6IigÂAN. 10OH-N TOO LP:E x£ecufons. Piekcning. Nov. 27 18512 - * i Bli, UYUt4ESS & LÜTR ETS OIIGTICOURT flOUS E, hàï tfShe,~11 L&rgest, (tie CIIeýpest, <md the B.csi assoriment of 1Iq CM;ADA WEST.. WRîOLE-SALE .AND REITA IL. XXMJ baie uow received our comptete amsrtmie4î or Ncw SpIIO SUmm en Coono, If wbkb, tmpou inspection, ouUiu.êe-awil1 find te <omposeil a( fthe Nçest snd mcmi Pub- ooabllrÈtitlg r, ad II in 5t vw i "Bavint hem aelpcled itir reat care, and importsd direct from tlue hast 8iMtufr Prsekibéand AmUuktt Markets, by ourselve, w. cai confident iy aimbmit theni to the inspection of Our etutomel and fte publie, as being ahe most fashioualle, durable, serviceable *ad ceap uusomgs:01 Ready-M4ade Clothing sud Dry Gooda in Canada W est. Z'ailorba5, **##aIl-fta Draiches, executea witk Taste NOURINGS TIW<l3339 01fM, SIfiO lEST NOTICE. READY IUADE OLOTHIWNO£ ma ni Bown Ilofland Cas, Do Cbeckd do Do Blak AIpa 40d De Ruei ou odo Do Casnada T «de 10o De Cssl* do Do y 'stBown Holiland do V Cbcck'd do do Do 101ieekin db Do tw ee do Do gosd Clotb do Do Itusueif Closl do M4en'u Stark CltitVeste, Do Blackt-Satin do Do Fane>' Sâfin do Do Kotlsnd do Do0 pFaie>' do Po Velvet do Do Maroeilics - de Do Barthe* do Mens Ciotb caps, 130,04 do fi di 4 s' di 0. Do, 4, 41-2, 2 6 17 e 30 0 25 0 4 4 14 350 Io 0 4 4. oy.Fancy Vesta, oZ I$1ik do Do Satin do Doc Cloîli do - Do Tweed. do Di, Casitinredo Mdno.NMofeakin Trousers, Du L'nen Drill do ,Do cbeck'd do D)o CSiarriy do Do Satiriet do DO rïtsimeres de Do Bucsk.lin do Do 1)feskiui do, Boey"* Driil ur PO (bek'çt do Vo MriiepI<l do Nb Cwnada: Twecdc do Do CaaIàsimerc 41o Do Twosstc -do iVhltc tuif,Liner, Fronts, Sf ripel '41 Rcd Flanuîci Shuatu, ,Itidarr S-irtg ariI >:we 'di id 4 1-2, 41- " 2 6 s' 4 4 11-2 21 " 2 6 31,tbi's Paris> Sat iti HI«ui, BIîck aud. Drab, New Style Bmlnemsn otm) Ili al M3ateri-tin Muiin aLrinu.s.Yard wide, Pnintf, ts: oora do do lleavYthînghamu. do du Sliletiâill Bonnet Riblions, Straw Bonnets. Gotves, itrsiery. Ri bons. Lace Edgings, Artifieiai Plowms $-hot, Ceck'd, and Plain Alpacu Talef Linons, Quilis, Couanlerp Boit Tick, sud Towels, CrpssdMteriils for ioumn I(nfante'Robesclaund t Prock! MRI Attornea ROTARY PUS AT Tif E OFTfOi 1 3artirr uearly opposi tF CaR 0, 21-2 0 31-2 0 41-2 4 41-2 26 (rom O1 - -o utn 0 71-2 Sfip.s lî,îîi,,s 44 0 7 1-2 SCrit0 >w n di 7 -2-Coion h ,l4erit alec-i Cap Fnonte. 3ftjein., Net iColfa1 ,$i -JSalinqs- Or>ie uCliu~,Del ainea, tare p rsss 131J GISS &-LESIM N H A M , lelennn-r tlil aJu: L a B n s C I A z at L a , u3 tl e W iÎ B 1 N TR; R C la,&CSVTTc ale Y vARS ierm"4tfTaî VLLLA<» eay fo tics abnut bs;ilslinrin lue VlIhow er.flcBricks Ml 29 y5hn to bailq wili Brick as Tiber. I îîir~flr~p '>r torurîbr Pa > utappi>y fa t '""~'~"' 1VL GIGE or w Iluirs loiliof [fig 8ýrct4 JAMIES WALLACE. .A11'5 NIot, ad tibift hàaIl 0,tCUSDrlrtxCp 1SraOUu,'î. ~ 11 oo n rsLccCn 1, 185L. w". Moo Wanted at t ho Bascx yTanne, for ihticli iseit WINl li.pais!. tuai& g Botk Jn.eus îu0t--4mhw fbr.Da'v 41ail ne,4 mtnoshappy to eivesapplicatiocta or[niiuislces L ..4z vq thue ýsem ail dîsessed mfatter by expectoration, 4sud "hirt- praducisîg a dliîghtlui cloisige in tho br.s:hi*g snd professes to chest, and f hi, affer thv e best medicsi men and theie nvention* of kinansd sorruiwing friend» eprlig.r N and nurses, bave faited ta pive the ilmalicsî relie ef .lwqnuî D. tu fihoeconewýiv ffe a ïweer Orcans, Ne TILÛMANDS 01? eoNSUMPTIE .Wifes. Ai persons have been stocoivesi zepeatèdi y an buyin; <oànsum A anedieines whleh were ssita bm PnaLlie èis ina nunpt but aoicb bve proved oadly. p.llialivos, but idis.'gyFyla medieino is ia not onlysa palliafive but curg/or *4- t, &C. It î eraied lung. fi confains no deleterious Drugo of the abot', sied onietriai will prove tsstônittiing efiat b- othdi vit!h trthan any saaertiotr or eertlfical.es incaring con- uii7 sumptirn "d ait diseuse. of the l-iiiirx, sieh as pUinto/ bloud, Coughs, pain in the-uid-rnud A ôno chrsuihl-esaeis, <. -c.beu isued,1 About 100<)of almnsi miraeulous cure. perforin- on wrapper. ed by tais Medicine, rom tomeofe the fir4t Doetore, Remembei Clergymen niM cht, bave bean sent ie Jar Leef J!dsu titis Medicine, but the publication of litai» los wrapper, taue mach like Qaackery, ftwill how tises to-~ persan calllnc ea Our ofice.] Tnsme àcne , i onlç .4ge opoik foritsoffand enougitin its own lavons tilt.,- evernote.iimdînesptp n lae btil, mand youaime nsi < ho naine If Conwiek4 Br-other, Propriets ere <w Yorkc, on thae oieidded (o cure ai -rapper around flie bottie. Ail ordeis must bclletrcteiSCOndi sdJreàosC amuutoek 4rBrothe, No. 9, John St., "ns<Ot Lii New York. -piyedfnulee ye Su Remember uni! nover t nesye idtise pTWfieosNei namsine uthte wrapper. thefr niame or C A UTION. .DR. KILN Beware cf à adsngeroue Counlerfelf the t.iache'.1< le CHERRY 4r LCTNG WORT, and the 3(7*0 Omoud iaa CORDUL and C.*RLTONIS FOUNDZR enyinjmry <o OINVTIJfNTand RING BON£ CURE, offer- cd for Suie at-lte Droig Storeutni! remeusiber aud nover li fliee ricioe in Whitby, oriy cf %WN. CAULTOI La,% ia rYGo dustore, anid seoid thle coun- lcrfit e yn waldPoloS.It is nowýu To O ner of - uniores. thteprivufe Pl To to?«s fand Dcaeriris os. lttie fi (ARL ON' - F UND R OIT- enulively and MENT,- lmastherti For fliccureol Fosandoer, Sti Io1W. lloof-boundic te follîngn Horsu. and controcted uni)j'everisli Fert, Wonnds, For.Dropxa Braises itflFesit, Galled Bacha. Cructied Hectsaia once. Scr'stebi, Cilts, Kicks, &c., ni Hers. swoline.- CaWUo.-Fiud fb. naine of-J. (CâlA1 Com- Rfiemçein siocksîn the. wrapper, or never bay Cariton'illorne diate e-. Medicines.. Soar Tlrar CARLTON'S RING-T3ONE CURE- CrouP and Forf the cure ef Rinir-Donc, Bloit Spavin, Bant- ove r te ei S-pavin, Windqalls, asrd Splint-s certain nemedyj. (AitaBu:. CARLTON'S CONDITION POW- .Sures <nimd ýDEËé$-F01R ITORSES AND standig. allé CATTLE. Ils operatio Tite changes of. weatlier anti seasan, with theligc nm f ciuofuunait fred, have a very great o&Wci las bren arpi upon ho il anc sinua'as fluideaof hunes. It i mnreul at thesechbauies theyrequizeaaisitant to nature min ,iark a1 tri fÉiuow off ici disorder ai tbu fiaidm ofthle body £plat ayi th*at mn a vé,cen imbibed, andt which, if nofat- pleae n p tenedta wllleui i te ellw atrHeve. imleiCaut tendait, fo,& mea of <h icwil eterevea.siil sget Worm, Bos, &..a1 otwich ilI ie pove tei rni ta by giviti; une-ri t ils-e powders, and wîill ai any tlmë carowbreu any symptomu of diseuse appeais, Cuio. if used inftime. Iliey pnrify thie bloand, nemove sold enly hy altinfliîmmatiopnit fever,loosem flic kirî,cleuse Place, direct! the wsfi, an! invigorate the wboa5c body, enabling twe'en Barchr tem ta do More work winb flie saine fccd, Tbe clay, anit one action of tics. pawdesà ils direct upon ali the se- 1t hon>all cref jas glands, sui t terefore have zic saine offeel 'Fer Sale a on fthec Horse,tbe Ox, thc As&, and ail Herbuivir- wVltyn a bai turteliod, arcspeediîy cuiesby théi1 li Reme4r hd àk or arlins ondtim Fiv- uyBol 051! iememndbe 'no! atam Cs-ie'bCisiio Pt St~uoei der, OX' unt Ik uaolE WE. AND bis Sorek, il LINIME~NT FORI-IOUSES, -at Wet AIN sand tor thiecureut all Jiseases ot min uor boustîbat- W. ILH.,fiuls req';îre ezternal appliraticai, andifot'onturucltld ceird. andI muscles, trenl;thli e omSlimA., sud in FI xTrR. aie c for aprrains, briiises, laddle gaUs, swelad 'are Sold e,,1 legs, son,, ai ailtiiun o sest. H fope. byro Cýarliinn' articles tonrliorses and egtf le art pro- Harrison & ci Frared trom tite recpe outa ver>' caelbraleitEnghisit Hanter; alecý Parrier, anfI will cane, uiueîy-niuie limas ont aiof j ,E unebundr-et, an oy e lcaboie complainte. Titey n 'fr l is have boon useai by frnnnvriuns qpo Remîlu s prictoré ani tbiers,-wi tthe mout nmauead de'- cinunie th tided succoos. - nipper, J. C.*UTION.-Ninec cnlie genuino unles you never ha>' rnie Ili#4 the DisMe Of J.Carltion >oek on lteWap. Uetheyhasîol petrof e.uch attllaI. in- - - Glanad&. 1 evélr use both alul deIicatr il compleiec Tbe ccwt, aitnaa s«b boule, tleau1n~ - TROJMP Wbi<by Jan, i'<;., to Cali i ena- like cown -1141 oifl in af ;-ruxn vson

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