Ontario Reporter, 11 Dec 1852, p. 4

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VJqIR TIR ff. A Iî~~ o~~ia~-MYstic bell Whbo came e par SALO thetbqua.e vf-en- In (on tifiecsJ s od by ber city, cousia that %lie looked. as où~es as a daisy wsL t 4éw- "-Weli, t waaotany (.11ev of tbat n me, but 13i1Jones"-t6àa kisied me: md, confound bit picture, I told hue evtery body would fid il-eut4" As Ixvmporr Qv£SriQx-The roi- 10e' ing question vas firstpropound. by aM aaonminu Scotch maiden, mny yeari age but teo our knowledge bus never*been an- ivreret; do fa od teta -bod, cetbraçhi the rye Itt dyzu abody, a e.d a boy cxy V1" So far as we arc informe4 Ln stîcli attera, (says the Loweill'Fozxpu4ý,) ve do Dot heitate te express our opinion that, under' the circumstances there j, enut the ..liebtest ocrision for tears. e»iàei or, M CoLops.-An elqisite youn Wlay iwriggled int a dry goods' Atore, effe day lasi. veek, and, addressng 1theclerk with the most excruciatiog dmro se-could effect, enquired if ho- hbad acy "sed4aWed MMnue miorilkI" "6No," repliesi .i- pudeat 1.ev . wiîlî a sudden and expressive twirt of the yard-ntick ; but wu hiave some emrajed rat oelor."1 SAÂxuusin.-Saîd âbedbug tw a moï quito, whm hile chanced iw mevt,, Illlow is t that Y'ou make out to ezîract 11e much more of ife's current tban myseliwhen 1 can bite as se.erely as ý'ou 1 How eau yen explain Lt 1" dg For particulars, séec mail bills," quoted the mosqulto, with dignity. A HRF WtT.-,Ae-Indian wit gays tht durint a trial in Lawrenceport, a Young lad yrho, vrai called its a witneis Wbas sked if 4 knev wçbaî was Uic obligation of aut oatb, andI wbere be would go,.if hoe told a he.. He isait e supposeil *bc voold go vbcre ail the lawyers wentto1. Ncruxoiiz ColR.-Â sbowman à giving r.nfqiitoOut Wt-àê-tickets or admws sion sx-and-a-quarter cents;-,but lie mys tbat Do more corn wiul be taken ai the door, M. evory member of the conpany bas been corned for bis weeki. souIyx.--DIIfferm t sun ds wiIl traelc wthbdifferent yelocity. A cail to diuner viil ron erer a'ten acre lot un a moment and a half, while summons to return 10 work -takes (rom fie to eigwbt minutes. "Dbdea, e d anid Ausît Doly, as the puiled a INc York paper a lubie ncear. c r lber glaisses, le wbat awful m ucides tbein Freneli danting girls bel Ih says how Maseselle Nelisse s geing toeecteo e rd her grand Pms un thse stagre titix aftr- neoffr; ancU t wouldn't sec il donc (or noili. *DarCÂm.-.e fralimân calied on a lady and gentleman, in wbose emploi lie was, for the purpose of gifting oine te&ads tobac- 1I lad a dirame lait night, yerbonor" gaid lie te thse gentl-eman. -lW baèt vasit, Pu P' Il by, 1 ditraimit yer.honor mnade -me a preïent of a plug of tobaccy, sud ber ladyship there--Ileaven bissa lier! gave nie smre tiy for the gedod wife." .-'Ab! IVat, dreams go by cont-res, you knwý "Il seith, and they may do that," said Vat,' wthout tl. mt heitation," 0 oyeTlady- slip is Lo give the. tobaccy, an4 yer honor The Buffalo Rep»Ubic bias the oliev;ag parag4apopel- Tenetee 011e vas destroy- ed by tire on $aturday morning at Rochos- 'ter aud Ogdenghî*gh. Slic-was- wortb about $ 10,e0,"=Iasinsurcd fir $5,- The Osw.go 1nmes notices sasiron fran mecetdlypot wte eStatch MINii swthat eity Tihe aateaaest suanda is ost (abalous, sud will b. apt te malte simple peope st*re. STisa main posts -and heainàin utgiefaetory, wjiieb have decayred, have been takea eut and- replmed l>y tbis us ge ire, (rame, whieh iseforased or bellow iran coui s pon vhicbh are eut ires beas s itis vrouxtlstrats- ses. This (ramne. saiç bas ans louadatioo) o. thse rock, is fie stance bigh, snd weighs à00,000 pounds. Tus (acter>' L%.shf, vo 100L REUCEDO.t BOOKS 1,BOOKS I1I 'Coinpsny bel on 1h. 41b fat., W vieReaisred, 100 S.NR ruW U Y IL 'ta from Tnemdsy the4tb oi Janoua4y. 1111 Mon- {-LAGEO eener0E lra t cf Iii uERJII GER- dayth Ilb ofetMarch, 1850 tIsee olis ontbe 'Il M&PRLG STORE, where lbe intends kewp- Rest i etlb. port WUsaa ks& ,81- ng entlrton and ast , ageetand veli seleemti car &sîti Mroit RoacdComperyO, be rtmae s ~i tock ef iiUOKS, STA ONARY, YANCY Ne OfettIse premeai i wîae. '00DS, sandPATENTýMEDlCINEs, whleh Ire AILS$>-Reaovel (bal tira IHarbor Toile on valoeilIv,. ry Iow 1er cashi or reaaly pay. LtlmIsar be rodurest ;. One Silling per Thausanti ÂrticW$ flt 00 ha Id, oblnerd on short notice. f<g frossiand aller 1h. epening -o! Navigation 1. 8STAJIR. jloba 185.hitby 2l4t. 1une 1852. î-y J. IHAM P R'SIt, Wlîiîby, oci. 16, 1853. -27 2mn I IESuboscriber,,offersfor ,Sala'. is re- pric00îleîting uf à Blaekoarit oPl a Wgo Shpwth a lies.Poter-Turnmn;g -Lathu and s8avh Machin. attaceal to it.>A cusufortable DWeIIing House,-iantitIres quatera ùt an Acre of Landa. Thse pruppey emituatei on Lot No. 3, 61 concession liate, J>lkMrng, an'd wîll be soldion reseonalse terses. Apply, sr b>' letter post pgidg. tu 1CI- Pickirn;, Oct. 160 1852 27 6ws' Tg'ILE Subseriber v.ould eail tac attention of etbis custoaners and the public tb lis vied ~jStock et 1*&'ew &oods 113T ARRIVED F11t>1 MONTIIEAL, - Cotzistîng in Part of White Crape & Exhibition Shawle, B7ig de Laines, _ý1e01uslin de Laisses, Siik & Satin Paramoli, Prints, ZebsraTweeds, Summer Clnths, Americai -Cottons, &c. &Ce &C. Prices a auade lever than an>' Wrholcsalc Stoe vithintise limiti of thse County Town. THIOMAS 1D0W. May' 29t1s, 1852. 7-tf. TO BU ILDERS. Tut11 Subscriber respectinil>' inforînaupar- t. ies Building, titat he i. prepaied tu nupply auy quantty o! 8*1 WED Lo iI, WX i Bundli .f iie uswzl Lenglir. ieee L#tIs u il i 4 lotinti cheaper, can l'e mare idiy ylaid on, and i viii ivo l'eter satmfi,'tion in the coreron f3plit Boatl Latta herelo(ore in Je. ROBJERT W1031QRE, INe.l14. 51b Con. Pickering, I mile £aiîtfTsompen'e Ho- tel. Apply t& R. Il. LAvissa, Wlrtby. Pickering, June 16, 1852. 10-3m. HOUSE & LOT FOU SALE IN WUITBY. fI'IE--subleribcr oettfr% for Sale a Lot, on. which is erected as Z'W xwtWlLIM Houas, w ,,hey.neeeasrv arranteent, lu cotufort and coaivenierace. Fo;r particulats as t. trerme, &C., spply tu ItOJT.GA THO . Wbthy, June 1o, 1"52. 10-3m'. PURE, MEUiINES, Paints 4- (>1/s,Ptrfumenu, Dye &uzT,, Ilirse 4- Cattie 3ieJic'tes$ Sebool Books, Stationery, &c,- VerSaiesta Loy Parc:., WIIottA LE & RETAJL. JAME4S Ii. QERRIE, - - Main St., Town of Whitby. 9th July, 185t2. 13-tf. Whitl iy,9tb Jul>', 1862.,3-f STORE TO REk T T0 Rut in~ the Tove of Wbi'tby foron- o ralrteofsaz, hoBuilding Iately occu- -lad b>' R. E. Peîry1 a&Wiued as a gineral store. Thepreniseo engin thorough repair, location, ravourable, and W itby the Cou:ty Town of the uev Cuunt, ffet, tapeuiot mdcem o ts li inteadie; to puvsne a mercantil, busanez«. JOHN< HAM PFIRY. Wliitby 8t!i Apral 1852. ONTARIO iIOTJ-SE, sud ae no preprtg ili iasu tper or slyle fou acenommao 0athe l.Publicr b>' large im pro.- m in t u i tting said furiure.. la,by en- largeomsî nal improvetîenîs is tiee $tabtkt; ac- "eslodan tioi sauastu place t nissn @quai foctisi; ter convnfrn<e anti eemtort,, witit any other Rtel ia t"r New CoUnty. Hila Bar andl Tables viila ayt e .supplieti witb the buet Ihat cats le piocureai ta the bltsket, and evsvy attention poli th the traveilizn itom siI> tIsaI con pouiblu make tir e cl eemfoable anti at bagee BRYAN & C'o. .P.S.-Chdr;.ex »»deral5. lWhiby5 Aug. 23,1951.,1-tf AG&RIWULT1ULWARENGISE k. SUD- Ne.IL~WS~5c~ap . TUS Ssuweribéro Ibave tersýai a1large and B 'tcutrl pem oasti Maebinei,Oc i e, mostapprvedpettrni 1 11 ,--Vasi Plovwer'Seeda, 7estailzers, Fruit Trees, Sbrubs, pane>' Pqsly jClnittiial JWSkls, &c. &c. 00 IbA. vcaae propel- 3 mig 80 WESTERN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY& Tg'HE Subseriber desires ment respeFt(uliy tMîeannounee t«the inhabitamîteol 1Uxamase, andi the surrouaadmnz Townshimps, that h. bas been tiuly apppinieti AaMib>' tIe stersr Assurasace <omrpay, ately urgaulset'I n Tlorontou, lu tare Rliks s1pisst Pfire un tihe mont reasonable trnis. Aia arie#s wiahing a se!e andi reautuertlve in- esmnofmaney have. nov et, opprtunity lu Any amnotnt not exceeaitig tOne Efuna reti Shares ni Ten Pounais pet Share, white only Five pet cent or Ten Shi'llings pet Sar are requitre'l te be paid- aown. TIhe pra'bability ls,thtlthedivitiendu wil pay off:le renter part of theSe oc k subatcrilset, i ulthe Coinpany ahoulti exteatteir oapera- line tu Life.anti Marine lnsurance, But sulti it be lounti necesuar> tu ctit in a further per cent- age uithtIe Stock siîbscribe, sixty tinys' notice wil be gien previous to thse date of payinent. - THÃ"MAS BOLUTER. Uxbritige, April 22, 1852. 3.t1 SA.W MILL, &C, For S ale, T11E Suliscriber offers for sale bis pro- Tperty situaleti in PICKE.RING, six mites train Freisclimaa'a Day and twertty-fivc huom To- ronto conéitiug of ONE HUNDRED ACRES' 0F LAND, on which issa First-rate 8ev Ml, 74 fret tang, ile u pri;Ist anti a gang of Circua~r Sass fer eut- oaig Lath, &e.,,lriveaa b>'an overshotw-heet with metat Shafts andttgearing, ail fttei up arr the hist maniner witta aburadance o! vaer the year round. Thcre is a gooti COTTAGE.IIOIJSE, SaWyer's Hoasees, Staibleq &c., on lise pretrimase. Ai thébuildiLn_,,are Frame, substaniel, atic bas-c been crecled within lihe liata-o yearx. Thi sl Il large qrlanty o ni ~ge unlte andi, andi ara> quaniity lu bc abîajsîediui thse rieighbùrbood ara eaiy tel rts. TIME & TERIVTIS of(payment Mont taheral.: as the Fubucriber bas other raallera requirin; ail bis timar anti attentioni. Apply ou the trernise Iu ROIIT. WIGMORE, Greenwaadil,ickering, or tu the tlloirtg geil- tîinesi, Vix. IL. 11, LAWD11R, WiîbandalW. fI.L EL.- LOUW', iWettingtan ltreet, Tarartu Pickrering, July,24, 15ï52. 10-ti. 11.1 P'ORTLANTr lu y Or 01ELL3RATED G!-RGLING OIL t 1-a-a. k . - s t L' e s 5A * àvàac , , 'l til r AM t rtF ~- - Croine ver.à 'u ",-s. , bI 3;rs .i v 41%-r -aa, itiok 5i- ofItEA' INI'O$ihlO A,,. -itAUI f.1 TO1 TO PU',t * <:i4i-; ie 1;w 0 îa-g t- r Ia a aati e. " pis "a ,' ea t îa,.tsca,n r -t, tf 5et I tuat a-Si. ,- s .l as. -iltiIEi t j as, nrei,iis-p. 'jas titi-;ssla rrty ni :tss ce ti t - ticia'. selic i ins iiâne- -ult-s . ta-, isviet, a'sile afl.wJikt sil isoa clitrcat lîy tvty ar n ?s T1ara aa lit iais.ue,t aes anal :att-Ila. i, atrs---,c a sssiwamilea<t tne-va-a, ln s di-utra Iseriasis,,tAs Ar-r e titil'ifia 1iii ratIssas rae. via(ia là CrCaVLNnitc p 07 -qvITs ,es-a-saneto vnrra. >Tise muat ti-ibi5iaiýtt tavtIY l l3C, eii$ ;:rftisCeaby çc.si pr:'tn ,tr-a 'Ali,,aes*, Ânna.i poa aise esc- lisas f isleîr sassaire, Ai.tuI r aril,. e ECIîalitr llisl, Cuta. (t Kas gisal ucficom (Ost she lite or prampera, g,r a'-elis-w mon a si .1eri,lary th~euensiîsîene ..J. &bu% LIità'lîajssaa 'a LlaIses snttityify sa'tier aanetio ; Slay cisy 5505ta. e Wy of site Battîtestrpiiîy on regaut ta mey «t- 0 e srdttieiluawn -ri;tsu#ua t Wba to-4:I4-e CSI11'VAU place n las stîcs 1 're proprlasasa' wst4 rltasletsre eaentinatuaiwiato pur. drue. De ntlie' ot AitV asias ai ieaiplril g bi s i #«s andrrtttf- aer Mea ank. &Pd aS ltais rsdiarea Mm m s a.aavs af ilAd-alite: '0,W.csssis Ncks ,ri 4 nas tlrrsw sway tttr m-'aicy W tça wortilsifaulud&masttar -At irs alefremaeil tau the reopat«aor libe îsroplînlî à P af ianr heAso J i41ose~ t ist wmuaktrs 'r -ropili JyIl s f h atiilise. loib prai le tirlgetietttfly, intasilt risto Lyisetn, rolfuere&Co., 0. Miller anâ5.-F'Ur. qelsart, R'Wlee alEgalsat 'l'Oronte, wb6 wili épilat aI M uuacturersoa Priées: 0Chartes ýx1eht-in ADVERTISEMENT. VWIL.SF-,ESOL»- by' Privaeo f- '0 bol IN CANADA WEST. WHOLES,1ALE AND) RETA IL. tkEhave now received our complet utuortment of N'rm SPR1ING &Su>mm St GOoriS, Y wich, tîpon inspecteon, nir custors will find Iolu e eomposed of' the Newest andi mont Fash- ontable mnaleIiSI%, IIandIin -feat variety. Iiavinaç been otelected witb ; reat care, anti imporiti direct J'tom' t be lst Brilish, Frinch, andi Amcnican Markets, by ourselves, we irait confidently atubmit lherm to the inspection of unr esomfes anti-the pu.lic, as» bcing the most fatbiornaltle, durable, serviccable andi chcetî, asscnent ot ReadY-Made Clothing anti Dry Gouds in Canada WVest. 2'auloengi, n <eFli tvBranches, execute(l wiltaTaste MOURNINGS PJI~IKID 01 THE SH0rEST NOTIOEî READY-IVADE CLOTHINGI Men,&'so-s fltanti Coati, D)o Check'I do Do Blackr AIlpara do Dao Rgincit b.ord du Do 1'ranea-ae do do Do Cfl.naala 'TLvesvat4 do Do liroati (luth do Do Cas-imere dio Buys e s n Halianti do D C heck'i do -do Do >alesias do Do Tweedc do Do Brorad (lotIs (Io- Do Zusoeit Coo - do Ms.n's Blacit Clotta Vesti, Do Btack Satin de Do Fancy Satin de Do llolland, do DO faite>' do Do vel'et CIO Domarseilies aie Do Baraîhea do Mcii?; CIotis Csqae BOVSr' c (rom 4 4 1-2i Boy'& Poney Vesta, il- 5 0 1 Do SiIk do Il 10 0 Do Satin' do fi 12 6 Do Clolh do dé 12 6 Do Tweede, do dé f7 6 Do Caacîmereda, fi a.1010 Men'. Moleelain Tiorîsers, di 2b 0 -Du Lîncs-Drili do 4 41-2 Do Check'd do 5 0 Do Cortura>' d a 6 3 Do Satineit - (1o 10 0 Do (buairerca do " 17 6 Do Basciraiin du '~ 8 9- DDa)elkin do# 7 6 - Boy'sDrill dlo s 0 Do ('lrck'd do 8 9.*. Do iNoIekiii da 13 4 lDo Canaa met do Ji 44 1Do Canad Tere do la Do Twece <ld Whaite Shits, Lina-n Frosis, I striieî t'O 2 20O IRled Flanrac idifs , fi Io1 12Uaader Shirts anrd Dîawert, Satn H sBIlick anîd tom a' E' 'a E4 A 1-2 4 1-21 4 41-21 26a 4 41-2 Di)ra-b. Ncw% Style IBusiness Cnltas; in ailu fî~ag :aIusus DaLpines, Pririt, ftant colora Heavy Ginghasii, .Siieudid.Boninet Rul Strav Bonnets, (;iese, finsieri' i Edi~,Artit{cmaI $hot, 4ithea-k'Id. ani Table Liailn, tQill flIa- Tick, nnd Tun Ci-tipps alliMatteri. Infants' Robes, Cal lvot.3-1 .J DIRY GOOJ)S. yard witîe, trora P101-?2 IFactor>' Cotton, (r O2 1-2 do do dé 10 71-2 W.~hite dn 0O 31-2 ao do id O 71-2 strp-lhirting, de 041-2 bmn, 8. dé O07 1-2 iCtnw a r P, --yé*:4 41-2 dti 1 3 Laliae' Sînys, 2ce iibons, Laces, iaî,faîrrcieaniNcti,26 1 Fiovers,I Cap F'ronta, t's-li e ts, Platin Aipacas,a Cosmr, Silka, Satine, &C', lis, Cosînrerpanes, OlaiCobourgaDeLn-- Wei$,FrgsmpTimn, ald for 'Nlouriling, Barege Dresmes, ýpi anti Frocir Dodues, 1k Warp Alpacas. *Vo Second Price., BLJRGES5 &,LEISH.MAN, Corner of King 4- Ch'urch S.'trct,joining til c Coler, liaugcTornt NEW 74kW OrITWD M R-a HAM y Attorney and Barrister at Law, A." SOLICITO11INIYCHA!# CEJY, NOTAî1Y PUBLIC, &CIV4VEYANCCR, AT TIT OFFICE 0F- J. EUXM JERItY, ESQ, Nesli u treett-a few DlPe No101Uof IKtug trec4, nearlyn opio"!r Pzsv"e OTEL, and within hall a mniqutl'swalk ut STrroui>'a. 'roronto, Apri. u ~5.5-ly. farier' A 0,'al&1'852. in.ua52 TuB!' Subseriber having been appointed CNMT fo1 the aboe Companry, Will, et aIt tUnes, be Most happy to receive s'pplieatioate odnasurancea. Columbus, Aprîl29, 1852 4-1 y C-u( iheir present stock or DRY GOODSI C LB T-8 I N G; GROCERIES1 . ,BOOTS A& SIOESI &C, 'fo be fea'ly for t bcsr SI Ir.o1IM "RT ATIOiII, have tietermineti to mli nt puices very mnucl te- duaceti. Wroslai; e p# itt' y finti a apleniiinvestmnent be . 0haJiitath Ontario U1%e Laie Red Store'.lNo. 1. THOMPSON, P AR30N & C0 whtby Jan" Irl. 1852. 1-' 42-- Enterprlst 15 the poua4dI t Sieof atu. BRICKS CitBICKS BiI!CKS J3Yt tIibeginning or-rmiddle of .Tu r.tiezt, Sele uttise IHITIBy & ONTIOL BRICK YARIDS in WIIITy VILLA&GE 10000 ote 3 jo,0()()ai stockt'& om- mon Brlcksi Of First rate Qtàalit>', anti a ne-Lui Prtce. Pr tiesabotît btsildithig ie Villa r,wh re ahe Biicks are le b. dravn only a shortd1 a >e, iItnit or fuie atc a&apeyI JAMES WALLACE, 10COUDS- DRY IELC<C WOOn Wantetit thse BRICK YARDS, for wbieb C(alih viilb. paitl.b Whiîby, Ma>' 8,,J152.4-tf» Stockr, Uxlsrige Tovtubsh iss,-tu1 1Scott, a ratve oDe-, cOUCHS AN!D CON$U&IPIJIOX. theechillrcn or men-For lis operation is milti, yel efficaciell t l in lS DR li. L.ABZVF TE** J teplaiegm wbieh eteat,?so 1ruuclr d,.ficulIy,. te- litudtlivU Elizir, pccm lîies lthe COU hadasl aaetocpl( nd vs i uef ularilii's cfa thse »y4lem ai dijseedti natter by expectoYCtwli j daIire prtiucing a tielightlul chalale the breatist% an profeimes tg-e, viz 'ine rhest, an.1 Ibis, aller the Vcry bbt ruedica I mfn &remedy 1.01thos.- ms-tise anti thseinvention's of kitai andiaors'n-A ing rends s prin, , fris &a eAîsili eu andi nurses, have (ailla-Jto give athe fmalest relief Geerin Detilily, Gleet. ru thse Con surntive fsufferer. 01OrDne, 'aerrou A&;i IVipà Asniii..n BURGESS &LBISJJMAN, ORNE R07 KiNG & CHURCIq $TIIUtETg, JOINIVQ TuIE 1COUR~T. OUSEP, TýOR OwTO Hfaz'e on hand thse Largeut,, t&seCiseapest, and tise BesLasWsoriment of AND To Owenrrs of and .Dealers lil1Orscs. CARLTON'S FOUNDEP%, OINT- For the curenut Fotîrder, .-il iltIlbou, Iloot-bonnd Scr-tcbee, Cule.,IKick-ia, Sc., oit flouses. Cauli.-t'iud theasriante of J. Carlton Coin- «oé1c/a):srthse wrapper,O-rneverbtisy Carîton's urse. Medicirs. CURLTON'S 'N OJCU . F sr thea.catie of hs-lse Bleoti Spavii, fBorie Spasitît, Wifinalls, anti Splitit--ý.mr cci at remetiy, CMUTO'SCONDITION POWV- DiERS FOI. HIOflSESiAN»< CATT'ILE. Thes changres of 1vater ansaz aon, wilthlie adhsage- ttni ie ad feead, hav e a ver>' gieat effecl iralàisite blîlanil a ti iatialsflnidlao!' bornes.Il is ut tht-se ehaua tieihey eequite'ats asistant to nature tu throw off aity aisoider dt thtfitueof thre body> tIsai ina','havae beern inlilaed, aiaI hicis, if not at- terltal 10l,, will iessdt jai rie "eîlow vater, Ileas-es,I Worms, Bous, &C. ai( 64»-Iiich wîil be irevenleal hy gîiaag onse of titaie poewaers, ant illiiiaIassyI lime. cure, %stvirentais symsstaas ofaiteose aîspeais,. t! usasalin time,. , Tuay 1-urify tIhes blond, remove ail itlammatonanti fever, looiten the sailèaliciwne tbae wnter, and iravigorate the whole boay,enulsiine tht-m to aulo re wark wviîh tIsaine rreplti. TIse action of theçe peswdcie ig direct upor i al tlisen- eretive glanais, anal Iharefure have thsedaine efécl tsputthse Illrse,the Ox, tIbs,a nd ail Hcs'liver- usi astii nard-atl tti asa. ai iu froi or piodicine a bcadistale o! th-* bloui,ire epeatiuly cuical by thean. Reitmisber anti asi for ('arittnlt' CoîadltWot Poue- de,-,, andl taire no olhers. CAfiLLTON NEMtVEAND 13OLNE LINIMENT FOUt. IOISES9 anal for tI(» caîre a! ail ditiaeseilo ma", or beakiltIsaI req-uirc extr-al applicatioin, anti for cusstrarcteaI c'arde sad mvae, sratbea eak limber, anti iii aI* se aclfor eprai-azs.bruicsadegUsele ta-gi, sures of ail in-d oit lana-na-. Carftnntit articles (or bioa-ra anti <attle are pre- paeal ftrh Ie recipeof a ver>' ceebrateti Englial F arrier, anti wilI cure, iiety-nine times art t otie bindresI.any pf the alsuve compflaints. Tise> lias-s heen taia vfrrcrliey.en taepro- pricbora antid irr,'urbthe muet iarireti alaIde- Ciestiurecesa. C.1 UT! ON-Noniraitl'e genuine usnless you fid thse naine of J. Carlton Comstock on the wrap- . frrJi t,aEs.1 CO.M$TOCIC'S VERP.MIruGEý. Thb»iam itheb.muaIextrsuor dilinaryremtd y fer Worm4 ever uet; it cfetittally aarssricales Worms fruit both adlultmanal children. teanthaimi Ie meel delîcrate ir tant or s5rosigett admî1tl anti neveu faiie ta comipleiely-ront out asadeastuoy alIl ndi oh Worsea. Tris engt, 23 cia. pas boile, putilit isin reacir <t! ail, anti ail parent.4 seho are %vithunt il adrcwautoily exping rtIse lisses of-their chiltiren lu those tell teatroyers a! yioulh, If" Wrmz;." Look fur the 1noms Of Cuostsoc4' Brother, proprietora, on lise %vrapper o! eacb bottle. -.TO THE OJ.D AND YOUiNG !! Ho ! Ye Red Heads and, Grey!! uatled Also, Il ",,,a, Leuupi mi ie, P1 ty&.It in varrentted o!y 1h, bove coupIsiuol te thome vitheoJap97410 iCaution Lu L'bc are A counterteit ofthis cei beeti issuei, baving the f Remrembel that the toi Levi .Tdrunou th. vs wrapper,. o.s on ly Agents inJaerid -R 11E UM comitockek'19'tdJ cd to cure as>'ceas Of f tracîedods and Muscle cite Wesk Limbe, antu pied to walk again. C v prietros, New Yort, an Ilicir amee on ibe wrs;lj TOOTL ache. IJr le with con"id menti it as an infallible 4 any mnjury te the tectir e1 CARTO'SLIN pers'na have bca.n deteiveti repeatedîinii uYinjf mediciases whicb were saiti te bat iafallible'cures, but *hicls have proveti osai> paillit's, but thio Medicine ;in snul only a paîliative but cure for al- ccraied lrL?(( . contaiiit5 50 tlettttiou* Diup~ andi une trial w1il prove tslastonlshint effllscy be- ter thian any assertm,,oretilicaies inl .uring cons- soamptio'n anti ait îeaseo( the-l'uîgs, sucb as- SplIting af bluud, Couih, pain las 1h. sideaid About 1000 or aimosi miracadous cures performi. cal by tais Medicin'e, tromnme e n i'lt iraDutors, Clergymen anti Merchîtnta., have been sent us for this motdicanc, btit the publication of ihein look9 t100 riuch tike Quackery. (willshow theinloseqy pertson catling at unr olflce.J This medicine will sîcak foritseif andi enough in itsuwniavour wber- ever jit iieti. Caution.--This Medicine le put up le a large Isotile, audyou muet'finti the naine o! Comtck 4r llruther,, Proprietors, New York, on the splendid ia rapper arr-ounti the bottle. Ail urtiers musr b. aidregseti to Cumistoc e Jrother, Ko. 9, John St., Ne w Yoi k. Ilemerrber andi mevcr boy t unleis yôu ird the naie on the wrapper. C A UTi 0 N. Bewere of a dîtnzerouia Cunterel of the CHERRY t& LUNGWOR'T,- anti the JUNO COIIDLIL andi C4ILTON'S FOUNDER OINlIIWN-laîsd- RING BOSE CURE, otler- cd f0ïr'$ale at Ihe Dr'14g!Store, andrememter anti nleVer bLy thm-e arlicles in Jhitbyv, only uf W14,. temfit asmn rwould i oso:;. Gretr, by limata -at Wau 1101 W. H. GenCo z.Ir1, Muler: nada, esc fer ernema wrapnrs --Varnish., TIse> would particul lolluvius rticles,, vie voer>' deurable, as th.) great gater rilsGey ÃŽw 1, 08 C! SIt Le uow uaedie ibe p the privatepraclire jas Ou srumber ut îndivilua- m 'Cerai> lor lthe cure ef 1 tensgively andti eleually la-e, where ils efferts are -iefol lowisi; complainte For Dropsg-Uleati*il ai once. diate rase». Suer 77tronti-By Cet Croup and 1 Woopîng user is ie est. 411 Brui"-$, Spras fe-t' boure, sores îand LM-lI standing, ati lfever ecrel 1 tg operat iot>uipuitadu li rheuinatic s xetllasgs, tiibrneess o!the ehes! lI- bos been serprising be>yoi mn rernarirofehos lla i.;i "It acta lire a clair pleaxe au>' perso t liait ' cauaiiou-Never bu>' timile eigstature of Cous tors, on the vrapper cil1 Cautim,-Ai of the solsi on4 b>' COMsOICI Place, directly in reer tween Barclayarsd Vue. <lay, se4 case Block troi fo whom ali oralerb mu&t For Sale aleo b> J, Wisit,>' ansdPort Fers>, li oWdorlT, in W7sil"j

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