Ontario Reporter, 11 Dec 1852, p. 3

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V v. Wu.Napier* sittîng en -a ktie-druin-.Sir - î11fr1t1os'cg about with thp nettîvîty of aVmil youogc'r in-Lord, Ilardinge alio vgoro', alla fullo (Àu but, 1001$t wvtaer- foi Of alu, thîe Marîilis of Ang>lî'eeY, witti bali nivrdtd, appn'enîly unzwîî~ine- cld Il!bs !iuecchbi4'ttîly tian youtlJ.'1îî dis.ý play ai' orders, stars, aunb >id here was- -~ ~ ~ ~~S queorpve Il , was ivi h r 'grret tutt WCObScrv('.d the t nsc-1111y ap$)earançvl' Ufle entrimnre Ltiseut catbedrâl, til porjions çïf thti imner work unrinroveti, 'L'nti tiige rougit- of Ls ni ise earpettr 1îîaiituiyvibe atits, tlret"Ilgîd. fl al ctIherres'peetf the. cerenlcti,il viý,s tinot fdtîîîgly- andisoatcmnly COtt4u$ttýd. 'andi the grettL crclit wà due Lu Ments.]anting, v~s îeg alonc,ani diieicOunsîs nt colItti aîîthorities, -coarkid tilt, ogmns huzl.A far- a~ tîi. wec oncerned nothin1î cotîld bit oubtter :iuîttagetl. 'le greut d4n~isîi lipwc t!r. t1'o. fanerai l pump, SPlendid as iL «R%, j, Bot lnhîi' l t iiut million <ilui a ua/f turic flit-a sliing pratif that %e bjave ligt frot'ito vaîîi Vatvîotimn, aîî'l iliat tite tu-mryu binat wlà e i) .> miy lndé d- f'endedj the, libn',rtî's of bu, cotitrty is em ihalîxîcti ini theht.arts of lier propit.. coteup ate in <uai sil[ ii (lie.-mî, tk,xuaiveable. tiiîr, i.Co i Witli hiC10111ot, .îo- vieîttia 1 r, u.ta~ileoîgoc frin th" fiûrl rouiit Ivwýa u rMnred >een':tl t'tabourets or<!'seat', o i tiIunt"r for tlm -,- (if the.' 1in. ts w ta 1took jî'tniitit ivr-n tilo cev,'nutniil.Ai thi souifli ~î %va- 'Li 0 tSv Ir-r Ut(î îin- b! ek n n1 'gurdtandt'i lind is~ tl' i lu ted tu lte tttii'tiof Iî i s-~i' ii wi-re two tytbr, îi nnstbe orcII)alns t t lvlt , t - i-pt în'" .11i) I uij n-t pain.ttixnf.-t1titly h-v ni 1I ît: IPi,. ttdh-r~ 'fîtî " otf- 0iii itide int'if tlis1Ilav uf S' t 1,- ,îl g"l'1 un îtu-in xd . ted tht' <t ili u .1î:î iS n ît:i. i i I lle nta - i-y Cotîîîa11iofis4 Of tnIbiti:tut1 ari. eshIcIi tii-mii'ro.4 t: I ific l'air t-- vants fammneti t 'cm:vka l ruîîlvat to tIiti' brliitt f Il f -iiîtaia'l v î-'uîx"î't C îy Ct>inllaQitý>iof tl hcBaille, Ni c r r e- ry iverre(lt. t' :titîîWu;b'wýki, tt1' l"-h latter or vt' îuîiu ,eu Ù)d > -.1k'a in-m teretit u b.:pruectîîiiy%.TiàI1 &tlEn (ilu the Caulnmnut5 i'ttlieît nul ii r' n-tNport-lion af thet h nsi,-lit îît à- lav a ii i tig til im it n initettiù'Xci-pt liv M r.iI t . of L.ondon, ini uflTCfltl c O'tcitc'iitile1 1tiuitpauimieitt Ioter d andsiî,Iutl tet i u S are addi'h thlt' ':0.11 sc tiotn e d ic nniut- pasite , "'î! Iiih in t1iîj (xtfraxux t idond andiCtîhilc a t ollu cIl. i io - may!lv todontttf tintîentuie 5 y îtum 'î~L;Iin- > 1' tL<ftfcuiept.d re'. its oti ttn' urilialt aiof tîn o.he bof-auhfît:. 'il'lieîl I3Bath,, anilier ont~ya xil'iel e- i ýti1e mantir row nt tiilt, hî"e of' the j*tr's gih - h'ry. Alltoxt. . ocu- -î1l0't omir of liîi;bra-nk and fi l t t itîiix -ii-îiîs ,. . i poilir ini frein the-te v'tern etn:c- îiiî svtiili -i C- w .N;pi: ttsoniît)itr411 anti w2% san aj oi f gc-nrat hîtî-reit. Tii-- gallânt liera et Sniiîde uuIA."îî Wei, hut lits -gait was by nu l 4-4,)tufîriî t, ;.l! uîhctt te prohaility o> nf tireî:iîi .A great nîîtnbîr of Ilhe l t-î-- 1e'Il.l.f 4.iîardS in u: lîiî 1ri-ýjti l uase nt nll &Ai frmeda 'rk n (H~-itiouît1aethit' ir- o:ietun'-stf Illîe (nt'nul t'theri. Alle- L-. ime tilit ieedistinguibli4 v'-iiors ivei:e being lInhe- f ab>et vvd of al211 rv:s naîri les '.velcoutîxa i silo-i yt ou f xî t 1- i liîo:- the western eritrai-, .vtieiît hlllit-t i n- îîeIcess.initv fA i ide ap'n tb <i ()ii0 ite ii -rn- iog. in te shape 't*f- a bittnirly col4d iliit that biew piic'sl oithea'ci o',J'Jga t id ' -of tîhe tta'e, and i its, cavt iititteti stri- 1 otshy agaînsït the déc'aruni pertng tîo tb., mâcreti eucivactt-r of iline place. oine or tiva iýndivîdtalt, mare Susceptibl- e"iv~o -than the nt't, bhaving tet tht'ext aa ienerai *eovî.ring oa, liads tîok plufce, wiî-uîl -lated until theu arrivatitif te 1re"tx Shortly afier tîbc arrivaI oif "Sir C,.N-i 8n à1t#restite) addition mio madie te tliè foreigi cirie1iy the arrivai of' the Cotint ~.sri i(àbà 1 rdhe Duilke (le Flaq dre.,,sons of lte Kikî iY'flite BelgTiatta, wilia, cld in thie uuifortu o f tueur respective- regiîiîetiit., looedecçeiitgly ireil andi attracitti veny ,fgeiwral nOtice.'VTe Peem's aa'ived ai a litte bforeeleeitatîIA-1pi ita to lir -foîîowetl by the 1ST'tne Di,,rtis, and4 a dire, w4ic-rbÏýollwàS wu4 set to pmu..ic And thre King bimssîf fol owd the SIer. in the ro%ýPousqes to ta the Lord'.s Prayer; and the cf1ýt or maâny tbousand voices-in dep emotion repeating the word., after the full enutnciationof thse 1>can was intetisely " lljs buJis lri ït ed in pceý fri an liIaits filliera1 antilem, wabj then i neioiifrfeetivdel trforned l'y the choir. A nd thus was bnried witl, aill tate and honour the greatflukc of digt. Wacts -and Scraps. DiEATII IN Tilt VLM-Q SatUr- thtv last M r. (2oroier 1)ugr!an - held an in- qticbto ut te Lmîsatic Asylum, on the body o -ýaral Sanderson, one- of the jumates, wiî a "IL appeared l y the evience of th~ mcdicai ýattendants, had died of chco- (4$AÂrîî ov Mit. )ruA.-ot- 31 l ost a mui c pected citizen in thbe (1eath oif :\îr.ý Duvernay, fôundirr and pthdei of Llir' S-t. Jean Baptiste ksa. lretr. mvh :r*îrieîof 4Le O2iLnerrve c I'i:ri:voititip-Xta Imeting tof the t:nule of tt 'e 1nhiy of Toronto, 1hI oîn Sotitirday loit, a leet of ibrert a-ididattîs -or the- -«-l s > !iip otf EnglishIit îwy- wx.ýtînitI ' fo~r the dcri,iontof file C or- c-runnt. Thei caudidatesý arc--tlie 1cy.c IIîNry lsn, XIr. 1<olhertton oif the Nov»- c1cioSlùt. aiiiiDr. Arîdrevr WikHoni tof dvLe 1 a dAVdewl ocf 10 per cent . oi tit d.m-,t yvur. ati a bunuh of 25 per cen , to bc~ :îddel in athe c ipita. l'î.~ cm <'IA;1s.-r. oin, an' cîJ-priii th. ('ru n i >depavtruent, hi A n n ti ici Fantre lu he cruployed ini ropying old jlaxi :adliarts reintîî;4ta tlhib hui laitiry. ~ YuïAîiur',whicb 1u'ftQ -e oni the 1Il iof :\'venibeti v-s v&tcke a,t A %vc wekly ;'aper ÃŽs15 lie estabiiéhedd ai NewIîurg1î, tlu hi' tiecaithe: C 'tutuian li;t ér. jJî,;'vuî-I . )uord Ea.,M. 1'. ..r-rtl afî:îrhc' a line sip of 1,0770 ion% îti: Ie:, ut I >uiîit aux 1r:îb~ n vHiîi u uiswceic.i >1i o. rmgitI, odt iti- rt:ad'. Ar 'ea. '-':aII Pol sit :nIiýle be prev'iiIig itiu.±-tun. î.Fhe S'cus ireports tonne dii. -xi, : a,'~--iz'aattIhy pouaht. amti Onhili reren$.Vt to Toroffn, .the - In- 'p Iftur h-nrIeal ppunultd Nr. PINitîito Tht' i-irodiur'tory lectuire for- the ieason, t i 'rntu âN1uuic'Iîe ittwas 'it !tvered oit 1"-ia' Iast. CiO NS liM PT 10 NIl une y ~awdi.: ti il, the lu:î4,, are it natjib u xîr?'t teu a tItî xjuue .c x~fr uol 'îd, ton iurAi attd4il ouai oluiîn :fi; dahd, tr îvoîi reli * tli ule t'rieto mtIi 1 f uîtsi lp utibis ;împeîui JUlt0n's ('iemnieal l-xracii rd-'Chrr axai nngwo"t"whkie in ho a4u , "tlîIl i iite for this awlt't lspase. o'îlu.Altf the -bovî* nimetl aoiteles are Oa- nili ('îîustork & cBrAther. 94) bl i i, New Vat tg %u ahu:api l ordm.s ainsi btiti diîred. CA NADJ)A IeveNtprn Aqhtit-a cc C onptny, ('ltV fiLI î A (El' LI.i..1EST, CalitaI l i-4 ,Ii.t~1îre4 tof 10 ectit 1R>ML OFJU -:, OUINTO, Ou,~VdinumSiree'f. oppo site the COM- Vie.>rsi , TESQ. HWRii, E (eore Mciti, jWilliam Ienderson, J ailils , ,S&clq nd Trcasr, Eo.,e"r -TANTON,, Esq. SudrAxnGE Miî SN , s';E.q. C IISTEl- »~.Al~Ii A~at, Bro6klyie. Dec. 4., 134Y By F,. È. 1Ilcury. (roýdaccotrrnnodatitn for TRAVELLERSt PUBLIC PARTIES, BAU.SI -AL&O.- Exc#llent Stubli.1g. good ity and Oata, ani atten- tive Uostlem. TNlf 'KasTn,%i sT.Ara .£ OÀAcls. cal ev&ry eveinin; nd iaormngn. AUSTRAIA UNE OF A, CUPMsi The tetention of te Ciaa filty iliviicti ta twelWQ EL ROSS, Esq. *1 giieIbc,; ihie Kaw ývLirie utPacki§ as an Y., are equi tth stuatIal cat'.s and i rclare. Nelv te la teppri qNe"YOib i - '0 , ------ Ifs adtititon ta fnrmer extensive iqtjorta- pif fII4 l IIi J J41L"UIV I COIFje, S, Io o~ CC TiOBACCOS.,&C mme 1, Buildings~ .ALSO I .BROCKDTET L'ON(C; PuiÇJSIiAWLS? 1K, -- Cri., ake tiîmtiidor MI I DEEI uS rrLLIVV M mItyoIbyand, Lrounâting country that they have opcned a select L'L -' -STOCK OF t OLOT-HINOG ALSO. --! A NEW LO'r 0W CAPL- t TER'S TOOLS, &C., >Wlitby 18di Nov._ 1852- 32-tf. NEW B(>les. [jE1U13EN ýI bDLI(:uT,or titeCn- ii bev 1M. W.'avnlge, _ýi. t Joutefû I al i Sîx0n Our, l'y >;é. .11. Sorthývi, or Lu Nuntî grii Souith, l'y Mrs. S Sliri sfront e" Bt.%nkwolid.,' oi--,tf 4etlingloil toit t>pd-e. s4pçni ,tiSnuu' r itiî ig Dictionaly 0 lthe-F'reict s;-JiXtshLî 1ugmIVolume Gicc ro'. Tîintcilan ll)i.pliîaxi mil, Antlnon. l'ersomial, Ad'.euîlur(.* "oi - Or Ctrrespondt"il oeiistf ti'e Life 'inîiWiîiu;s tiof Dr. Chafimu ere, vol. 4. The Ladies' Nevw uu tf Caokery, by Sarah J. Hal1e. The ~hu fr rra erT. (ôGwynn#n. Tfhe C'illoil Faniiiy. h tiiber d1u -hlers.- WàFis aad<hli1ittîc., l'y 'Ihoxiîau ilou 1I lie nag~i' 1'as5, or 0Li 1. 1wlie Ilartit, by Clora Maito tiolî y.- A New lx.ti: 'I.aJMstlaîelyCath- mi~u i .î.11w i-k. Lmsifi'î. Fied -e'a li tthe Riui:îî,Nu. M. i'UIitîes ile] - 'fTMOAS NIACLE-AR, 't"n tu N'a- t lŽ02 - .Si eu NOTICEU ian sad n Io x' l nlic le (ii ta,.eË'atr iti- li, A , u 1o inti . I" ubc îe-ahave rf/îeilby lU ud 1orl J>erry. %vou1 ifiJ iltarut htl'le ltr unlit il 15 thi-ir- it n I-i ol di,piae tif î,~f o1':un uýg.n p tijlt$, THE STi (*h Ofl COUIS AT PI-RT ItrêUil, With th . aJnterest Ila the Business, l l iî uic fl and j iin; njtts6tof the Boul iii: La.'ScOùiî)-. ui iilibes- aOa't, &c., ýThe ýtrack tof ,lie tiuii.--ti, ,uiteîia.ve bl, .'I ahut £150thurrei- y~ ~~~SO14 IhIi-ud. loîll. at.ve ualtitbetdns- îîsd Cly puyîllezîîgo b- fârt'ie Fitdytf le'tie. iv witii llien lb'ctip' o.ttf hy - i- m'.Ait-, witt i Ieboau i lthe same limne, Oa -1iiiin <t tliîx-Ur. Vn<i,~tc~i~Jaes 'J'le îiItrqiu the lot of Lnd, 2i1,Jatie-s, k-xna'.-iiam ,u1,Na. '27 i iIle' TiirtiConcession -i1V'î '.o Ibe wes, sie tof sruýti; 3'.ad' two nMilti u iPiaIlît Ilr'. rue fi-e .Iîîil)e teailn acti t' . twîhn COTTAGE &STABLES a ~oIis'ilîtq-l ut' he,-en, Atti ilibhasali] -1 tirierai Tî'ras, t'. bicit viili lie ruade kmîown i e o i sig sle. Ag yiiiu aiîîtht t nîaIybe n eqniisiice trMe me î.xîme, (,anr 't ý u 4manni: a hi surihn.rbeiit stoç.ene a-V'tilitir l'ont l'erry, on ;il i(I irlee of Janit'. Co;tOn, To- sonti, tuber oft tihuna are preti-red le treaI wiilieà; M RI &(o %Whimay, 201h 0otlhex, 1852, 21>-tf The 6iCe. Adv~ii&d t ta..'plat'..tit iDe'c. i otti ill furthîu notice. EXE WU7ORS &1LE. fi) clou the Estateot îl:m late lLîv, CHiARLES Cri DhOMNDY, 2ad NOV. ON The- Prop erty.l' ¶~{Idesi~îd iiin cdn ce wit Kn(rjI a Lot Npo2,i h ndCne4o f Ur lveruliivatimi and I b. gemindern -; ta A DOQ1Jawsx4ute (me mile Irom te' KIZ«GSýTON IR0AD, *W20 frÃ"nm tbe OftT of w a maU à4tream, gific sent for A OSItU iIl TN, RY 503*11 Frame Ilouse, câptdiF£raille Barn y'tubIe# Tîile iodisPuiJal c Iand psxession i ime4iate. ÂND RY 00GO 5 Coniuin ~f ot ati bos;'WOîmefà§5,CIoth t&ndPrnaeîla Foi-b.d BoQtS, together aa theyarticle for lt ee ,omlbilof lte body mate op in lte mas stiobnha.styles. W. 1 C <', wuldmi îe fîntxti îOc<ime catitry thepir siock cf Tns, Coffee, tixatilte,%fa -i.ux lael~*lLY mpu.C~5"liy the box or xetail ;Fui, Cj ('1cLcksToilet .tnd F raiii.t taai ( tl.S'i & ' lul J t lltO 10 Jii i ct iii (' l Jin(,Jce. oissolUitiior Pai'tne'SI, '1Pi II~¶i llnnytiI Law, (Conrtyénrr &t, 0l'O I 'i ul ie în givui th2t the' fîrm VITYVLA 4lIîSH"lil)AN.& Ù(-tYçTRàf.lathe WbitîyI P;ret'iey is xliii day diatsnvrîl by ntitfltaei,<il .'ti l te ?rrnalotuvterly occeupied as. aLaw alJ ail dei1uwxii. UtsatFn: ilibe plid inltOJnt î l- iùîiî '. SHERIII-XN inxtiÃŽtelY. j1 1). F04'I'I' 0 NEY IS j>ÏR ~Vliîhy, 23,I f -IfIECülupnxw tif tt'IeW11ITJIY Vinût- T1î baiu-uî iencaffc nmniet n-liv the abolve 1îr. NFAa'roaiiare stilnlit fiexld,andtrcady Vînnmin-lie lmxti ~~wr .vtlli erettfter le exrteaiîîodei 1niiuvlite. of business on Ft-uin-Ill hle eot i ili. îî:tm~i"- theshortett iee. Havisdmed more narlîine- ________ -w~r'amA' aT tboraugb -repair, îhey SaUirit a share tof public VERYIM±x JvL.LI±"p aroage. EaiatWarp inclutted,, I 101-2- T7weed, t1ti. ito I Fuî ll i.2t Wou Ctdîu1 Pei pouniti, O 21-2" IN n:wi)A\ S. IN-CEl'1DI)(brwariidane in pIiiOlTiOfl. l'H C CEA" F>R-Oshawa %Wtîl Cardni insd ClotI Dresing ail! ~~tuN ~î~îî~'.lie carieti on by tht' abova Firm. N. ~~J. C. 00 %ElRM%AN &Co* ILR. LOCOCK'S- - _ L5 PROVINCIAL MUTUAI. A b, GN RAL For te Ctre ofCo lsCt15 tstània, Braon- JNSuRtANcE -CONIPANY rliii, iutnunm Cîiju jta:,and atitA&ft: f taril ulflie 13neavst andl1~îg~ estet, N. Y., sole piapniel»,or faX.IllelJInitcd Sates routo. anîd xistatt mriat AI&L1 O O PinIrflA-- £1001'00. FE X.11L E lf5.J<FE IS. 'TUE B IIJI tSIpEcurl. A retai cuý r fn Manium SiptsirSlip- Pne'e ess ; iie.noniliagg('Ia Ditleilis, tir l'ainfut blenstiliaition ;' Ani'trx ,or IPartiual _Olaturrliauu tai nus-. ithtarobisar Green Sick- micas ; Iecuu oa~F~.Albiti, ;Wlîiteo, anditi I 'l'îE GT1EAT VEGrTA13Lt MA GIO PAIN- DEST-RO0Y ER, Mýonufict utsvd hyJAIEJON ON ohs ber, N. Y. %le 11roptietar. -FOI the cure tif A,4(ie ini the Face' and Bnrea.l, Ab: osion9 ofibe Skiii, elnilblaimis, Comis iu:'s, Fetans, 1Fever Cul", &;o. lyeu, Salifit 1hmal.:.-unvy. IUlceri, Piles, &c.- -- P1LE.S, PILES, PILES, Or 1Internai1 heinietly fanfthe Piles' ;-prepared hy A UPIIA M, 1Ïl. JD., 19t Bo%%.ew «y' New,%Yok, areg..] ni'afly ciileati'd Pitysici;)ni i'.li des-ates bis atteit- nion atmost en:îyinyt iis isease. Dr. tJpha tals Eîlecbitary la a certain iure, whltc-tir Blec-.iiug or Blinti Pi es, Interaxator Exterrial ,andisafa ll - er timueises wblich apre lietnmtim omttli)Coni- joîittoît'.'. 11h Files. TO M/IRRIED LJDIKX $. The Flec iary ls pefeetly saale for prexav, Ladiesand litii ti mtut*ftj Caiitc îllat can pas4ibîy be td, as if-willti îitly smoIve the pilejaalII1ifldialoî'y Dea.ex, witittailn or Irritation, butwilnueau aminie, a s'are ýteL-i'.ery, anti a tottad'canttitt iinileotfçprliîg. Jeu, David bmiu et'Uried. - eare truf y gralitiet Io tefrinthat tlii etie-! i and lirateti persoaag bs aga i pasretiin outunmid",, tte anti wtipplîad bis 55entà iliiaiîtry t& n wjtb -a i nreshsuüppy 01lhis fatuou,î iclew J'Jaskr, itat tsîiTv an lo~ei wilî 'ai'.or Wèaklmess, vh PI) Wh'O-Wi>i Obtain a box Ofthiis .,e!eituplaster,- agdapply a portioni Of ilts otetts a the paît dis- eased, as .pain àAsscarcely lever ko'vm u xt- - wbretispaatr 1 known, Ltfteen Tkwusnd auCis rIRemiîmLm i A.M. C L'%aiI, îi¼tIe*It. J-., flawnuint ;Vice Pregident, J. G. B'>Wr.S. J.J ,'.r D, . HI " OMPANY effi-cîs Irsulaiît'e at the line Office, Chunch St.reci, Toronto, antiaat The Mutîal Pepadnlmiut tit'.ts ami xceed £509 an aîîy orie isk. anti being confied la .letached biildinzli. il iiitenely rendered lte mntssage andi degiraliic for 1'armer-r, The Prnl>pletanv I)eîartnaenls inuiùte Genenal Riskx in Fi'e. Liei, Marine, Inlanti andi ()cean, andi ifs opei'uti'ins 1eint :also umnirîet wibhin pi-- dent limtqsthe attentionif the Publieil confi- detMîy called thereta. - O de , E D W A R D G . O'B R t FN , Toronto, Oct. 14 1831. Thbe unuhrsigned bavine beca appointei Agent of theabas' cmpinmy, iwilt giv-epetson 41 atten- tion tao parties desirous of efiertinz lnsturaiirs. JAMNES '.WALLACE. Wbitby, Feh. 1 4.j821. 4 NOTICE 0F CO-PARTHRSIPO rrUmlE buiness lieretdfore caîried o>a lte 13)WMA'*IVfLLE P5TTJRY, by Jteis T. Bîil.v.y, will heîiccfoih lxi arred47 ,y the irmnof »AZZriET&BROWN, TNe S busii~eas, t wi'rkuîea, i Bowmez ONTARIO HO Late- Red )Store Mo~. 1. 'liE bubserîbers would cail 'tht attentiorf of in'tend1tf ME W'-N 9PLEMDKD ST ýwbcL~ they réel confent witlbe round 'eili wortby ôr attenie utyle and wldtb, Gre'y CottolnsStrted $biitin;, I)rîllingu, Sme ièans plain and figxred, a large at."rtméet pf cafand WV.oolen tics, Gifgrinmu, Dtenched Cottiss, Rlýce't4Saiietti P Ft-i Ciotf They wolt lyo eaU ftpecial attrtjin tdoteislil àndi AS SORT-MINT 4 lzi.eveîy shape. Cuoaks> Ilônneét,, &. . -- They aiso ewfnu, qj p ;usuâilIy arge arx HiJus, Cape, Cloves, 4ýCýC;~-e46n*i~g'rji A large aisortoent Ofi elo wzI kiown i M.%cnsç amiîtl w~xtn's Ifran Rubbeilsï&C. enitantly kecit on hn1 bp'i," manufacturer! by thennev. bey feelsatifiled -,ilI cofm tifwhih ti.y omnttathe' public nt su-1'iet ~-e .ldefycor Ont ario, Iouse, Late Red Store XNb D. CRAWFORJ te cdli thettetijlon. of his umerotisculstomers and tieLite Exensive Ofarmnt9 euseî'.-ed Jirect front the Btitiskai4 Aaneiean Markets coriâsing !u pal Gala Vlaids, Lion ttb as~eCa1 îirg#, Errnbaiied Deuu S'iks S A SPL-ENDID ÂSSORTME4T 0O Long anid -Sqtiare,' Shaw1i,. CAPES A,%I1 POLKI Alo(hîch wiiI bt solkd cbeqp, as V,~ C ii ermiiued wo adbee ~to the casha 'quick retorta %Viti be bis îOItbP, se thtt UOIecu cat'III Si oL ha ýedisapp e;;peetxtian Of- - G 1U4 A Ir BalU(1VIV> Hii SWok p'Clots,C oeiere,5at'ietCaaa'CIÃ" h., Whîfneyý ùergCes, Stiiped Shirting, Falraoto, dt n d l4iolei t;Al is ,s l lus reýre Spï x1;a rceiiI l ait, in*l'to CMi.v est» ami ?anta ý oSeps STO4 os attent J~iit ttappjliithot ter. iPACKETAND -oaî 1 19, 1

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