Ontario Reporter, 11 Dec 1852, p. 2

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v -*~ - F romnthe Qutbec Gazet. - tesiderable intrease ha tise puinber air fret NM ~ AD VflÎÏT -oe whielt the duty i evied'frotn wbat il ,Red lue.TtimborDu' les' oîul iurwvise avc- bcen, id"if flseother, unlensuixu?,t' - -Wbi0s'i sias frointis le f litutscled NIr. Ioubsnti eve , ijus ts.' i'ý«1 as a (:qwu-ue li it-sâd ni. 'ti, ould ~ ,e.ssiosi of latanat lobos"s:tesri aei:ul- t "'înîîal ,e"xs i is e N o# 5 C 0 i I-m e e>' esui tet ni (rt ter tsiCijittilit, uy. 'tli' bussnu-emg4xiult---- paýsui on Iho 1 lUi S1t 1tse,1114 Iulett"r l'oie Zispu» a g-;' I iîsuer ut' fuetltitn ithe bddreuts 110b1bc u..iusi sostifg, tii uuls iasbertlise -etutctiuîs trili - Fresh Arrivais,,ol "'4~@ ~ i f-11blîc 1 ç1-,ta M. h-not amtouttelhoiaîf thc duîy wncb, usn- M Ouirof îws cly, IN uhreliy Iîbma'., utbxsnsbhder tire oli syst!rîs, 'voiti. have been tô show tbat some tiabair preisstursu luti beeit collet-tedl upout that îsarliciar kimsd of lis»-W . F M brougist tu bear upon lthe ('èovernincenb.ii lier.f m « coissequence of tbus, a Commutte r as niot - et-e ftise averaeut'ftise tiuîbu'r pt-e- 1w~ OU LD re5.pcctuiy inlmmnate tel the misha ed for isy liee hors. Mr. Iliuîcksexeitsiva'Iy r cjst'iy ivat it iras formerly assurrss'd la be comomencet Business in II. SHIAW" fothçs ie oppiosition betselsss, 4o esainisse th.iseutcion granteti muId ofily aunoumt, mitere b. has for Sale a carefuily Sehlecled, Stock ni' into lIse mater whicli ComuiituetI'Isittsiîcsl uo»tho w'l:uic quaisisty otresi pine thillber ,'in their repqr bb '-e tilt se os'tf ilitsc ~ bri',lsî tlu snarklt du-s» i tesemaon, bu bhon,hssbu oolate tolu ho rited isetorctise -about £1t,000 ; but takilig stoaccouit tise adjouraustiiemt. 13Y suisse utta,: oufstauîlu greatur niuiber of l'ect covereti by actual - mcajss, thie Biis.(7arJ1dia of 'l'o onto, 1îrieuaremntt, (tie reauction miiut inuchis IT Vr, 11THuE SEASO.'.Ž, CONSi'l lai% obtainsidma eopy üut tsedoc nesnI anîs is xet £ -t ç'c,ý auaduari Cloto, Sutiuuss'tes, 'pnraditn0 i i î' uublic., ar'cnn;aricIs' On Uu the i'hàii, ilis ta be rinat-kud 1Rud and Witie FiamsreaStriped Shîrting ail1 i b> 10 ur etih.i n -hi t' in m i s- i.u a xlsiey ' buts alwvay'prevaîailinprit-es and qutalities. tions eof vur.'uï iôln are hirlet iattfise Gov-t--be collection of tise titubes' duties la soll Cobo)urg, Mssiln de Laneik, #renunt iitis a zeau becojaing a better parts of tise country, on aecen nt of tb is tater Pais fs'm 9d upIsm:as, o 4 f cause. As. the whiole asatter ha cxcéed- ddlculty of slcterminiusg - isat tituber ivas BbeachestSbia-lng, UGrey, coloîed (mrm 21-2d.1. la ry -simple, hanI preparot iy efrs- uit upon publie landis, ant i uchuels fer A large am"ormenl ut Fur, Shik Plutaliands w e n ow subiusita lu r readers ana L te ft'àr'j lbis existeti. By a ma:,- -strict 1sur'- Fu o ut'. Vitfroind.bea ufil and Feau is t, -puiblic. -sruinetsi o-ncl xriei ur -, -1 Bticka-kin lhtia TlIs red ptsd trads of Canada fuiish"luss bisson tisan tisual lias escapedtihie pay- BonnMý Ribbon ail aiik (rosis 7 2.1sd,s wisetnproleetiin tissi luritisllis maniet. b> ament ofulut'iby 3.iît ason . uiutic lu in- Minait i-j lmrs fv. :iiî ver h'qligi dut1 un tise aupby net-civee] bt-unstieuelf, that ise ac-tions taLto ugiat-s, amis1rai aes. &c,, Welen Polkat, sai sixes and p e qualis, th1e \3l Ic. Wien 1lt ut iuîy mas redtIsedul herever jtifuable bu auvument i, bas been - st on Battîne, Hemp Bagingir éicd andi plaits, 10 a tnuisuissal rate ni ileasCast:îian itiuer sils ain lutiallec fle tinsie-- reVestu bu ýauil Cotton Sbeeis,îos ines c wIsas Jlt ite) sî i îtis)tî1î.e:tirtuiaus dII- stussusit far suore titans equivulent l tise ne- A larg-e St*ck of ready madie ciotbsung. tieil un-aîioru'd, Us'traie -t an luiiiitls's siuctissu on î's'ui pime. IN ht(X3E1ES isilI he ond a largeis Siert( t ê'luce 'reau, Colise, LbusCç' asus andi Iioeasmî'l bu' J t1uîIlui li7s',..- lsit. Thebe,%t îsrasssb, isou1'ivsr,uof tiise ianuer 'î,itnydt Sga, àmnoaî 'I!t'xp 1.it uin is- ecsfr.xssî)t)Ilots t hî nuslseh tisasliite-r sr"ve'u' i u beait irJî ut' 5,0Q0,000 fsh te l , .ss ct a 1 gunrdet hy tise presesit Cmub"aosmml ilt tc sring-set-n p :aedid fa 1tt4b, tua Jtale loyer 3»,00lQU) enuili' e lt! Sesecrn in the nattisai tlgrites ilt 'n liar't- aicd buseil aI I'uicc iihcnitbi u in '185 1,iis ia burtis r tIi tisiti t, tIi', "x- i lraîs bsrtise scaltsaitîsade lup, wtsîchist tlnt of whirli inuL yet -seritied, iti us cossiitently antit-ipated il nîilv auitii- ýI'Ititby, Decemiser iîh, î8f. 185,2, uie ise(-pnîces hai setaellt-roii' at-cse of froins£ ti u LU 000 irileali - ÙfwgrdsO o- 1.. î-e fD)oU ;It l s r ld, itin ' ut'farsy tit-rea-se. - %Wlis'u lXrliatsiss st îpii 8àiiio perioul; ansiIbi,, i-oo altlisonulise ' îîss'ets. tiiete nl bs'e no.s sisyery taboutl 'lav's V l former pens'od was a lime 'of ;reat gs'st t-ai or duteb in tbsat fisel. E A - E- 1 depu'e&.ou, andth ie latt-rpi' rréat: g'ncr'a - " --' -L 4 T E psipeiy. 'Tie nedictiomt Use dut>' Eats tra4sufront extinsction, aulteti is t uits ls st 1 Ierr idlait mut,tat , To be Dî'atiisat tise TOWN HALL loasof tbe isole riveuuî' dt-riuc ticrutuitt. -lat' for os' ievits ssue, uOf a'hutkt, m i ita TL 'f e duction was i ri- t 1i t ii li' tragcdy ai J$ear Ct-c k. A smanl of tii dousm'îusuoisr of Crums jatîs T-u'ut bunatiiee f <ir',nd it is tiri Oi',nss ln Cqmineil on tc21111 <lau' af-.Jsu;ualit 1,imilon [is' suuti rancis of' lkar Ct-u'îk. let tOnt F rut'uary the lOthis 183 Mrs MiIlincki statei *in tise Ioss ii' baonie for Wàl - ît-bncmpargtet h rOery ianin t adoptiutsof ' tue reliwax atoniy d'liy'i stWo"otlk ir ttin )f!of arîoin lie cliopv'y ntislfigL pt"sr(bthaIlagencstrta ir' t heu ifiug 1l sdtoIlaut-. î'iiilc on thie rowl.iý, inans us 8w POLJiNI)S, CTY ! prepareil, uil'acttisg ail îs'aush' f îl riiJt a xi ate e-a dowbant i u tie -uîquar- j AIl orjtiich will be gutarsntecti eqîal tlu iiaiiht 6e - ien isuto colis t e' t ii t'rolled a!i t tbei, noneyr as' -211-1 aiIdecnptou anisej "mset"~e-. hlie mouiihavesilue ise t-snt-s' or bis bbc bafons' Zseaswie is aatsi ra tîaîî',,~ lse etruet.('utthsai Iîsa Whl"s- LIS'IT 0F PRJZES'! and thse reti1iu --uuc esss lit-vr i, un,. l"1rs iv's ormtin t ravii timtser--was t-ruusi- h.un tlu li wsr Ttfisiiiluian tled usînits U385wL (Jan otil iier - -- %. t l1-1 i'cize, A FAUM of 100 Arres!! MeveraJrafla isere imeasur-et nuit for ii,', aistise tray home . Th* u ie-lau, sî iat o o 6 Oi o. A batestusoselatibb tuîy ees ;î~si'-asi 's sie Wggla tuO. ln ( ss'vc;'t -aHl .l, Lot No. 16earet an ., sA-u but onho huado Sthenas'rty ,ii: 1t-ht- t ire a on a ig~ uli. ti'us". 1»'lits s:teu tiltrîis, miiagoiFian Cotuncil was passdct. Suisss iin--st of-u tiic blows iteail hy hi% M ,iuunsl ut otm.. a zood \Wetl. andi a large numben of !iAiOd bj flr.~ ~» ~ ~ ~ ~'~s'tt-~ l'~L it' ~ t"mruit r l's on't' nlis -riis'ail of wtsi"i wesedbe'or lseuî-e'ar ta i'~tsa,'atubi' i Il,'~ile rt! tîl'mn 1It"r" libe imclusded in oite GRAYD PRIZE! made lry Usteri oý t ' i i s'il, -an l 's tsôs'ii î.îss ui'lf'iic ui l',.sfoi' ýlie t-, fhi-gtausesii eaan- £0t tise 1iaisil ma fu'waslsti si the C'-lîîl i l udl sbc, îu dtri isa' usu' uùt-utliit't ism-Seuhnsw10s bioser ol Cromu La Un btlit, îîs l' t.:i suI:wc v ras ('itimssbut il W-1r MarkhismusPl ougit, 3 1 tIhe lIssuuseof,. s.ttîl ,ui uut ru s t;- i 'it oiw) avâIl1. 'l ,I its'itt in-it iedut's ext day. scotch b Pigh, 3O sistiltheis isonin; csf l ise t7t:hs, ; nujvl isu NI "iouss ituri'r', issus Ieen art-issiil a Mii i, sen i, îhtlt 'itr (osrs1îfl nltoliiitýi 11 ca e fWlfli -rM aiisee Iarnema, braxs mtiteti, 5 4eatdy, toit. u'egss if. itreacisti iMr. drSîna SsedA îot-se, lour yesu'aoid, 20o flouas mec re t lZ~~iur aci n. u c ----"----Bug4y neari>' new, i7 10 tbeèanhestnmca untis ti rsh 'tlîie -- lba1 - £eg rsays, nsteluts' nai-B11> asut, 20 bphe a s .tn 0 164L i Chuityiî.lfor sIrlkii< a (:d5iitelau, iugil'bots,11 . Lb <t1ge 191h bcîug Sîsîsiias t l CI-agi)'Six Chiist', - 2 5 nwsqones, andrtinssuitted titi' ;siüe il y - ualliv'i Juie, andstline-il j:). Iilo ,eaded l At-m C'haii', 15 -qr.l Stetyart teeielrh uhe cletri jlte'. Lieirsauu iatle i ultia-uoïns t>siutiu atl. usbae,6( .vei4 an>'mrc btuuosuîn bih' part, a;>- ' 4J0 1-" s î:at'iî'osî aris Eitgliih Watt-b,b0 pedta kssow awlisti-er Ubc Oï'iet-i n il i d huisrilsu tca leujoýcs ert.c.sinc-intibBt-asti dock,2 wotd affect the e flasher 'airieaty îseallitned' psîii.S"Ing Ctrn, Win 1 -spon wlsish he 'viiifurtr îrustrucied taI - Exm'îN.t »V'5-IIE SuN)'VCtISLANti. O() IcaateSti1 it~a inteuidedtu -ohave e l'ust.unanut -t ht' sii» ofn$38,,03 4-7 arn'% s1tprupnîa-3178 other Prime, £203 i15à. Toal, £800 visqi. of tise nei pîne l1i utiià rosîll t tdby t Lgi' r u-dise llaiaiam s- 'Ji.th abus'. Listai tatfsuuttîngltht-e. ebtma u~u~t-tia easo. hns!, an iL re'eit sesio, ludefay bisTa-o Huzndred Ptime, -il be dtawn. un a Limple' mret-hisviton ladiantiL reentsip-éiuIo efry tý_p!4a1t, there tseing 32u0 nusmiseseti Ticket* put in )'ie# objection about tise ('o»ntissinner expenses of tise soies-ai dojuirtsnekn4i of tise a witsei No. I, a'epsdnjîtseikaami thse trade tLobethe cvssmsh ns çandal ml muîs, !at "enuiter ubst a-týss .t' 4 the Govtetmt, a!isut muiis ml e ct1al, twc'rnty-(!t'ugisl sîliir p lir bislsel, or I I L V 5there liati een no msecret. Veunie: du'r baîs.r sc. Thsy ene J2D bomie outh ie op1ýeiits n pajn-s ù i a but $5 pb r baNewltv T 1pn É usigbeo acr r 'r i re outmrv about lstheai15-,1t', Sit iîsî t4- abui . ps'hr-e.Ts s'citcar-j.0ÈXN O O ,ëf suibblini abattit buis, it w naId be sutre thi re] is W 120) per barre,-l iagn a hatisoute if ity tOîlui- tleirti' 'l- hrtiltut-r tisoe sir. "wexpc-dihiu jïi s - Thea propent>' belonga to Robert Ailman, plirose 5 iaitw iuercianlis l ttis e~eij. w. P. M, &Co. 3air abstouiîa u£644,15. Ilià prof heAtiîtouaIs-y. I tit cife atd - attiotu ctaisbe delirçti en urit8 its gpod 0i e- ru4 tiçat theowsst iasi figiure. mnd the whole or 'to sptte wbetherit iras ps-ddu -eui iil sert- ay , iu'ersris-, thfis V sieout te an ma lis iiaeeei uyesthg -m lm tÂct of ithe 1l4h, or 'lo 0h t'i~ t Of' bemiss.titraftC. îORAWING TO COMECE AT ONUE P.M louber, thse mini'%try tilsuisl bc condumiseti $rZs O4.T Lee T'crrilî Estq., has LIST 0 F' PRIZES I for lsavisg done iL at aIl. UtOn the6be-r bien eei usitbnsst opposition nelumber, for îau pt-usa cash i£25 (i b"d i tat ec b 90Aitisnuta M,_Sti ~anteat Cumty, inirocuma of bit, brutber Four pila. £12 10 eacels tr of tise %Iiglit"st cumseqïunce îtpon wiiI ie laite menilen. 6otse 20 ,o<ýtbiie. day. it mas pas i, tise nmnisbny ~-22 Oj "r4 ire Acresitt for haî'ing datte t. But i Sewls If aebdues' "17 0 *»W of attempin; Ibis, certain etitot- J- - l"f uiptise dank, taking rautiî Mi ssstsctieo -îe w~ a siBle' uoeioonycltlatedti luexpose tisein - ied A-itiproduces misaI à knamn as .!le Waçn 'O ,owe igoscu-e. and i isapacit>'. Tbey' stale , tansisour sticb. It nia>' do eisbroidery anti12 0 Il go.&--witoiuttise last knuwledge of'14-lis even bien arrangedi wilb ucveral needies" 'wjWcos usuls tise>' write--înaî lte andi useti for'tisat purpffle, sbut. lit 't s't '1 lm tobe rvenue will aussunt Lutcertain nuii for sewing. Its ps'incîplo defeets 0 ip u$c mmi. None ever tîiiiîg of :stal- are (bat wien one- sticîs i5tiroken the wbciis Buggy, éqa mfgrre tisaishalr whuile otlers- - scas isilunravel ; Liatlbi- equirs -îlt 3 lstze olt nt t h8fls.eu icb -»40 ââ aaatk sidia ofToronto for inîttance incises of tisread for every inceh of sewing; 3 wir'796 Oet hret $gWii', 6 tuat msanisucb mure tsars and t i n fane>' soi-k itgi r, Mi&, r1m2 *c ôt i br'eu e of h Pris o- resqutti un this('o ides of rthe clott..j' ' 1 Dr Aey t acebuas ufiri4t ebibited t;Une '-n 4b ýtS of theêCa4sdre s f lo enat the recent Fair oftbemerican In. it.u ~ 14sfMtlaestssnrsvaitsad titnut. li ta eôueeîl 1 oiekw4îits fi.- - J rsEMN TS arcia1 IBIock.'. AA~NE, abiîa ts of Wiîty, anti îeciniby itat b. »as 'si N' W STORE Brock !Street Wiilby ,ri.Ntfi.N IN ï' 01r7or LOTIIS, Esuîs' Sire n' al in4s. Pot Bariey, wamiu- ne Soa Ienleid Starrh. Tobacts,, (rom 1 Od. VieirAie, 8eat Oi, Whiting, Bath Prick; ioc.soe ar.sl Scruî'juîg Bruaibes; bSssvvee cetebrated Axes. Buck-saws, Looluing Glisses, Wisidàw Glaýs, Putty, WVhsîe Lead. Cods Fibi anid 1iienrt, Patent Paiîk andtion Brnonilp &c. CROCKEIIY is vonieti anti Extensi.ve mnnt.iniing inany new paternst FrANCY (IOOI)s cnnsisting of Perfu- mem)t gra'utsie combo, lliuarbcs, Corie- lhan aiîd Goiti Rinsti '--pecitete.s, pssiso '1'tiinings, Vstisins tus-r 3 1-2. CiucL, SIesgb ,Beis, Oit Cliobsableîî,C ovcrs. &aC. Per(eîst,'sl camai and r eoliii %V001. àvorable Iîcntaeslle Sulusseiber is e»- mroie satiî4:sr tory tg) lthe pireisaser. TrO 51rut, 1C"Uu' (-)lewAlf,)! No. 3. IN TUE TOWiN$HJ'IP OF - ic E IN '.1 As tise lime Je fast approaeiiing« for i asingynour ssifragesilntme elertiononfaI -ep- resentatîve in tilc MuniciliCuincit, for tise ensuing year, I féeicahtl u ipssmut t ank yots for the isunor hbo'rîd upon me for tise lautditre vt'arli. Yoit liave cisoscu imue«as >'our rers'tlrand wiie T trîu-st ny Coalu aS nmet ypur'apps'oi'ul, 1 bû-g 10isn- fut-m tise genstlesmensurtise aisovt \Variî, tlisa 1 initnd te retit-e nt Mie close of tise cii-m'nt year. lbt sidi be for yoti, feutleiit'u ta seied t-at-us ainîoîstb yourselves a fit andI 1ropur jerbnsomilurepresent you fur thue ensssinX year.iailieuootrube \o'usr ver y st-icdtitbServt. Greenwoost, Sti Dec 18,512. 3541.Ji IRDIAMCONCERT. T1,11c, ti ndhrn. tllm'cr it u ti, wouid b 4z umi»mtf, utt Ldiss sud îett'emri-i i iilce, tisaitbthy ilm itusir T1wuor Mr. Yosimaua 'twilt sas. ont out tieir unie itasutsine fnttIi liii, JFREE CHUJI Adtm4tt)q nt>sI 7 t2Nu baitprce I"ot- partiuer r e g=11tilstt. THE RPOIRTERi lini in fat or of tIse lRail Ruait frsmn Pr Wbty10~st-cnBxyosLakte uro.n 'Contes Off te-day. 'j*he intelligenîcetuand tisat tise nie bing wmIllibeentllsusiaâtit;ansi Tise Rail Road comisijuce are itow lak- t i arrangements for a Surrs. 'of tIse lhue ah an cas Iy day Thisclion. Nlalcoulm vswru rsit jbti Lu a pusblié tiiuUuer aI lPort *ansia on- Ilhç , ltis unst., by tise peonie, Of ttsiIla;e us bou fbspersonàIal eh' fg'tr natfaitls- fit, public service, ;1buL. tise I-Ion. geatia- mILt wài obligesi lu declimie tisel- iab ilscoseueceof bis uiiciai dte at Que- bcrequiring lisp14 ece CQU-NTY OF oNT*AIU0. Our readerà are ail wceil uwaa'e thataf-- te,-tlanowing every obstacle in thes- ta-y iltat eosid defent tihe orp. nixaîhon tuf this f2o1ue-ty -4ier io4ucinG ve of thse ~el,&t Provisifai couiscil ta enter intoa Cé **s ~SsrméY, if it ni'q 6ee allid 80, ýo-cneavo~r *ta (mistrale tise nuniipa lawj si nlg Çroça, lusir pwqra Mpties'-aftur tac=-i. beuieg evcvy step thse Prov6loonal; ,oýiaij1 of thse t' sery ro'i li rouds, and1 ioade of 10 jÇU&i-- sadti free abr-caV - , to 17 lusIsse le,, Sharp wsiîd lbavr e ere"i FILLM0REC ~ CVêiuir0 coj'rect,çxactiy. Toronto lu the ooy SGIcTH BTTIH M place tiat lia-,'voodroatis ;scare[t a tois C or uiligc 16. $imndwkhioii G<impe, but RROCflT. '1 s-chat cati buag .of moire or 1$s Mâçcasiamis---- --Sy wajýth£ i - qutêcusry. ThSe în alt, intat12 P'cIock, snd wsunjderLksM" ileaynigitlas atelgrplm depaëbfro 1lifse ufle.msthey bavie j loritn ritor n- i l G,11i lb.dui ii Yoln ta g'i~ teegï st! a;t bfope 0fjfortunate. Isolatéd £ e vecertainlr otw irports were very go, d,~dled 1it'~t hqe '~have bern of gelit1eman .oliimiz' 10tiê jbrWa h A-n O.ýhawa, andi remb4e4- the last 0ciIstatin c0Ltr iv ti iSi te aei anJ ls$b i'ziws, 1001 e ii on itbe wpy of-the new andi prosperous çqunty pjwuil to wudc. vi Wù.ý Lo#ac- f tl In (L~g tis wYay Coloni fi of Ontario-, k î.owo ihere w,1 Pr, loJvee os-T4*j oop0ly of theep ~j. fl. . 152. ~ ~;rarktliy l ; but th< lt - was; i rnIirm', os5olwe Judgmcnt given in favor of lBy-law. wiillitcmi'i 'or, hur if aian ha ltcid id cunsumpù'ii Th&Peail1 (Sigoedl) s"ADANI Wit4Sô0N ." 'C».tna'a, und Tlbe lidere i, x;ot 1tw ~ 'sig rsin reg ,u thé .Tudgî nent uilli cosis ivas gic bhîp in lie:ore but wh tmoasha»i)iq~t~.'be oa iâ,t the coinplainant 5.Ounr indigitatioxi t uoittttt a oîtite4u wtr xi. îci>>Z b' U LInlfrants caine to tIj ,co'utry ilIlOIýCl hik ketnteit tavi litretuiriieil imb 1ity 1>0r the truly huiniliat- ïut i x 1 lcrwmae ýfl wn j 1 ul îi't, position in wi.tic iJe u[len nwunoiv o iw thf: lvads i U otirr S cieJ- '~4of Use Lrîtli Pi ~alîis. '.oda iýs Io th 'iw- ceilwiîdasi Ibe of thiii-..ioi' fitaîn is totabche v-' av cannot rc'oxlpieie befox' le Jeufile of aihe iii irglni, pu w1 cafinot in on rrnent writh, the rierision of itheir-frientisandi neigh- brealibe il)Cwaaa" for eveln i'f Y Whav, Iderstood tf i % t ith hors, andtilié,te metd cn enai >of ali l ic 1y fnoeInergy 1or enterprime, but wili only 41 bolti ta"i, With a .1te flrûon arc now indeed, 1 allen. t wi %l titi getsëral iie of probperity oi cpebive ýwe1 w adeanca e thcm in woridly gooids, a' ujdastecmn dBIJU iGnis~ ley mil melve otlwarfs-l,, land i 15cheap1)i tentjje Eý nitetil- Te oloigars<1 purcbircable 0o1 fauuurubîe terras; bies' -5 1 bcs.I avé. il cbmxnnieaion e clp ~tbt, arkets guood, wlheat xdways coiliaiind- rt ransmyl froni~~~~~~ "BW lilm ~egr7 î~~tgLiv'erpool priee-ý, loià transplortation;i jeets, i. isezellllent M ars grailoq, cittie, pork, butter, tc a'hearct in separate wa wïritten in -riply v) a. formier letter of [a.rtirlesý at re-moncrative rates ; N.ayes of la- iîln:ý ss anti death 61a' ue 'Sainuel Sharp" pulbl)iieintesteIoi" j» ucfront ' S. S. PetrdaY curren- $tate, prevented the c Palier laest-Anu tb, lwherettt aun account c; mt bab ni nioainsdcsse e~t1 ar(ptýy nti ea-y of tillage; aii 'lcoli- takcrn Io colltelIlle in! gi ven, of. a trip- titroug I a portion of tiie Xîdrae .~aascn un lc oti~fric nara pkovince. NMr. Shiarp's le<.ter is a fit, cuirý- Wicil the uvetrabund-.nt popi.latioli of 1EU- îlxilli ftil u ith Coi-il punion for Wilnior andti th's editurial, rope caa turn. tUnir alttlti, l'Cr a perîna- it t aud1~reîa wherein (the Qitebec andti chtmond Ra'j 1d<oaoîxbehnefrthnsîe. nnrtsU c~t Iladchudiea afer. msw'n~aay bc to. I?.oad Là Madtiebconet titat rity-witb.Iuid- In regard tbo ur eoliniate, itîch uIl Mr, of ite p~~twiuler. son's B3ay andi the 1itxiuig tu be laud on the Sapfnt suvr itt n ,t t't rs crr i 1wpo sînas o Us Tres s Uuy ae ct (om lieand catttle sisare the saine fitte of bhg~~seu stumb o theTrefia theareoutfromthefreuetily siitten bytUse sun and fait d 'ad Ves' 1,4 > reeri,I track. Titi, sîsîirernely ridictilou prupýosi- i 1wll only offier orio or hwo extracîsf ureliV1 tion- i3 in exnet Lkccpingsvibh -Mr. ars known writers onttisisi poilit. ttuwin f, af Tl E »UKE'S 1Notice lu 1Enîgrans andi proves tîsat the one ter dckelatring the sou b) bc - "i gencrai cx- knew about aq imuchsof CatirittdI a*the otiier. cietat ies~ fes uiain h. ~dapp says 61btheclinmais, in thse we'te#rly parts ow to xsî fbcth ike so Upon thei who'se ItowereLr, Canada May con- tki.provinre :~riuryalike lhealili il t ra!,t% wi-loûk jlae1 g aîrsl'sîc htesSeit' ibat tii-, -releLbratell per- agrt!table!,'"and th at 4c»0 one whr litsbr . 'ih e r es itat Sf.îliiîaewisely enticîtdesi burernain ixn îng- bu Canada witis rabional viewf, will Le i - huad bru ei otrte landi in Prefererice bo makig isle ncw MWuridapitt. abtw-rs h lîaet nsnscb1r of Up1>cr Canada. albtou h veýrgîng towrsdf)îsî bi4 home, for lu,, andi those like bIita o th Ue exîremes, ofliseat ranticott, is 'Vr- finv. L"et is rI:Ader ti ciseany cuuîitrï. Thecfore say ' we, lust sor grain wiihare afsnong ths pro, j c4co ni.'arur (tc front hsin and ti ter,., of thse sametie prodIUctions ut' tise muther country arec ri- ntion ts tasldly poil -gouti lord iîsliver Il. tv1ei îce asuti0igsucýî," '1> pusa i oné( L'anadat-l honte for Britih £Migrants. bru1 io etmnate iu tc worrUc-an perblaps Ili) ss.uiu4tl - ho t'c oUnd to exceed tiat of (:anatiý, wlar l si> oeal& fspeýctatot1 'Po'Itie EdiWor ifJJelI's vecky iess'nger. not only a st*àn;er natulraliy îo.coatagnsw iîn"tUi5poge -- ~~~or fatal dirdrbuit etreuit:y dudu iredpartisre of avge Wltitby, Canaaîxs \ext. 7tlt QJetober, 185OÀ lu longe t>. 1*h0oe extracti 1consiter bu1 !, brolke' i t rit .v: t-r yatt"tteîîîisa lias Imeen directeti ho qute ssfliclent ti>repute .an> statirncitmei1 tk f icCo by a' f'rît.sîdlu ;t comissuunicaîiea in yousr is- coutainedth te Il -Notice (o imîrns" ' e s, tu-si a asie of tUi c ti îAu,,i, -signeti Samuel 'Tise g.roivth OfCanud bis noî, 1 bePies bearersg. Thse $r.ikî .S . rîs, andi hieieti -tsotiçetu iiîigranU , a prallet in biýsto'y, yet we arc only in -utir :.o'emn éta ît-i ebaracte wiiren at ccîsu is onft'a trip bu and i nancy. T-ts province is nuis'advarcing ay ýte a u i uagaii atti froîn 'Amer'ita, ant Icbucorrect some is- a a-ratio, tiat uîly vthose twho ciumqvlyex'- ît tfýisemnent bas aurrive ibaemuutsut'tis isixe ni tie ltte auist dtics aati figuîres aa fully reali2.c.dta tmovc fÇorvari. _X aitidet to, î-. thse j'tof the pret-ent anti iroin the:natural !4dvant%ï,.-, of one- of iimu-bm4'iictanmi îîstnir.kai~tt.the flnemt internuI waîî,r comnmun 1cati rn %, thUe >0111cu, om M r Z-îiu, i ~ 5.'ar, aa-.o:sly sonc iabundanc uf hydraulicpowcr, sui produe ds rsinant i iui. Pomli itys~~ _),nii iteleid oe tihl is ne- tire an.xitihate salubrinsis, in a vrty otbuiofîc.Ti tus'», tiiereffurt:.,sut liai i g limc u toiak lile eshort years Canjata will be, if elle is noî uO' bronze, sulpporfrd ites~ry t~oîs:i ub0)z',vatlions, wa4 i» a ait-cati1, veil qualliiedto laite an isoora 1)1.-elabioratüd vtl1'wais r great 1maciaure ohcili-cid bu trust, lu bearsay- stand axnong bhc nations of bise carts. 1 ai tic e v»Injwbiiilr ývro eridence, vsibîch1 eai» snirry lu say in (luiî Y<On'*,&c.1 ilO'-k!t( uii illtic f cause ISgeneraiiy tctalîy iunfonndetiandtilic JOEIN 11hum PcasY. o iixn f ghni lia beî n i ilet.îcfutlydtps!, ctiher ky ti e fit iug tu-i. boue, det'igiitig pesil îritentioiualiy ducciu- Tise lîilè Indianctiirn >selbaiAhnirn .- ILolix ' noera Doit imsg, or suppuusing Itle îtutes toId su uitteriy abi- tbrôoug1uoiu lise province, give a concert ; ýt-alnau'sr 1 Q~tîc,~ni !tfo amrt bie Frc ehnrcb Ibis eveting. They were ~ s~ U'nited '4Latfý', titl ilusarrivai at Turonto- enthusîaâttcaiiY ruccavt-u wsis 1- '-s- 1îlé says re,pi'ctin4 thLt isiace, 1.":Toronto is Oshsawa. - iti uYeh, Sjle4 a boteriibl louristuing îown, accroding b leb totrio agriultbur e xceptid. Thet'uriners bail we are isstpp)y t<iS>,uo èsodaae<, raieuia p bronibtii 'i:r pro Ince lu Mnarket, irons 10 - sworsts axud fagS an lu 15 buthlis, a, distane varyin fruis 30 Iake Ontario as far ai beard froui by t Du ltcal c ýroujets nnd.b ta 50 mités, alossg set-y rougis roads ; andi grapis. Thse brig Cücocrd, on Lxske Ensx-,p iis fr6nrs -n'

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