Ontario Reporter, 4 Dec 1852, p. 4

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r i E IatE xcîTErsT.-Tlse Boston At-- Icas mys hat there is a -greater amottnt of Vaiîta4legl trLy exhibited t"Ila lie FOwI Conventioiithon, over bf foré. -As eninl- ni* f p1tof seuaîdfrhthis ape.1 cîý (ijyt: >Pck, il, menîiýiolis thut one pair< of -1qy Littttcong ("$were soit! for $~0 ; and another pair for $23 ;and $2001 wqre refîrseti by enother part>', for pair of gre>' Dorking.p 6 -1E F FlELD CTJTLtERY tA DE AT M4ATrE NVANp FISIIKILLp,N. Y. Momt, lrrt' stably tise conviction of thse great growtb, exbaustleis -resourcesl, und rapîi progreis of1 cor country>, -for Ces jueif tapon thse mid of thse most -casual observer wirever b. iaay tsrp. Wien Americait Class presceedt itaif in mîarket, people couidtï 'îtWvrcadily sme $isoughthee glass nor thrbugb thc.stipposed full),iy çf'e Yan kee mnaker. Il due time bUî probiemna> werc cleared iii) to tise visitai as weil as mental coinprnisens§ion,-aod Anserican gla-ss is noçj large!>' manfactusretl, andi reMitu1cr- tingly, too. Mlen Pinsi were fisst uum-, bered amotig meriean manufactures, and large otla>'. of capiLral were embarked ini pertectirg euaobisery 40 Protluce tie, few liasd fnith, andi a stili anialier nuiwber wosld risk tiscir muetnus,. but -fortune5 -have becti Made at making pins, nai a genuine article is produccd in this countqr>'. flat.tbc croiving fofly-at the -barèmenstion of ivbieh Yunkeet" ndigedi in hestrty ugi andi ridi- cule-luas tise American But ton mantifac- tory. Thse fetlow who startedth ie button busines4 was a 6 live Yank.éè," Who 4"cotilt sce nooUsusg ciseto -dot, and-'just'ýtisotsgist he'd 1zy t/tt." Ile begait with Wood and liorn, and procèedlt iulibse etipoyeti sev- eral mnetals andi every otlier concuivable ma- terial out of wbilui a Yasîkec coulti be sup- posei l b apy possibilliy Io muike a button. Wio aughs t thse button enteriâie l- bScOreS o frcel fortur . est, qualling wod- arn duhkedoms, jînve been matie by tise Alsivriea:s I3uttontrade. So vttc îigtgo on anti enume(rateliindr4ds of articles, for- il'im lPcrtcd, but s" Iicla are' Dowematie lwr~sîe e.1fuilV,lyseré eniterprise-la left fret! to claoose its own clisatnnels osf epecra- ti4us. 'llie isîiitahl.- vnergy oft use-Amer- iceiii haracter is a ,ilaranec 1,o tbe.wqrltl for thea full developmienlt, In due lurne, of ail this uinoaie reiources %tubereof,%ve ar-e pro. Videntillymade the isioredti fluit nti ad stewards. Ansd nottsiug more empitati- c atly imarks the v'taitaent andi rapid 1g.sowîh of <ur country', tiena tliç fart that alil tise se ve ral anti successive articles of <ur mgan- factu.e, fint i tsir chief miark.et and cons- But buoOur etit 'tisougt-the MNattesuan Cullery 1istabibiment. w. confi,,ss we ii e. e not pre d to findt a branci oflisef- feldi [(f otduisoi)toikicd ini ourý miut ; but auil is', On vss*itsng' lattewan -itlie cuber day, tueliterai fact presested it- belf-aad in fultiti. of auccessful opeal'oi. A. umberof lEn-,I5b cutiers, cletcbirsgi l e go-olseati spirit of -tise cùuutry of ibeir aduption, and cacis douendîssgbînsself 1 thse oî'sers b>' bu iýw sikill, occordiug, toilie t$heffild standard f *orkinanship, bave for- med hiibamselvès i o a joint stc ompany, ..-erteti buildings andi tuater jpower ample fer al! purpoceex, andtiare fairiy urder way 1ititis, fto this country', nearl>' nese spee, of ,nanufacture-tls1ha Of pccket andi~e &nircs. Tise> of courue bring siths tCses (ïorme of thymn froin Sbefrîëid,) a thorough knooveetgL of thier businessu, andi ýo iucis of tise samne snairiiil asislanecte5aaty to'thé production.of 'as gooti un article of Cui eij tas min o be roduti; al-ýnt fr'ont specin1ens oû patiy 'ofthte old $Spani.rds -to tise steamet -cresccnt City badi eea reccîred--tise Cap. 'tains Gener»ý,ppesrs 10 bave lenut a seilin bar to tise appeals of bis excitet countrymeu -anti, at lIsta counts, a Spauisiai as-o suar sas crui»hs< off 'tise larbouir,'with tfi intentinaofinterc eptizsg andi preveoting ti C7e'cscitICity frola co*ing upta 0thiitJ MI1 otiser Amprican vessis are said t1 i 'Ltu PSego imeoe end Buron Itoad ^Company helsi on tfie 4th lest., it was A ffslvftI Tisat fros Tues4ay tise4tt' OC .Inusary, titiMon- dity tne 71b'of Maric,.195a, tb, tTol *a the RWof uthte Port W1&*/SIJaidlaces ScuKoç, âSPS- rue and Huron Rond Cimpany, lac riducetl to mie Hf of the presrst liivoe. A4s.-Rdsotvef' >l'isat tIselitaibor ToIle on Lut#ibu li ndaieti1 One ShilinperThousand rufirts and aller uhe- opminruf ofNavigation ilo 1833.r81A. "u 1Wisibv. oct.. 16,1853. 27 2m 1 U-,offers 'or 'Sale lias rio- aWaSis 8op, wiltisïa ors. l'osyirTurtliftg Latse and Sàwlrsç Macisinm atitacied to it. A corfouahe PetlngHouse, on t tuse quaiterlS o! an Acre of Land. 'l'oTire Ptt1f:k;ed on Lot gc,, t coiceslor finie, will bic solet ci reasonahi'tortff. Apply, iisy lesuer 1pot i$, tTGî Pikcia, ct 1,1832. 27 6w. :1 ! ! srierw.îj !îîlte tenion 1 < iscustomes andth ie puthlie - b lis varieti Stock of .lwGoods -JUST ÂRRIVED VROM 1.I<»TitpL WhiteCSi e& Exhibition Shawls 1Mvouslin de Laines, M~usfin Dreb!ses, Suck & Satin Parasol,j Print%, Zeltr,,t Tweeds, SUtmer Clotîma, American Cottons, ?rics a %bade l.wer tban any Wbolesale Store witin the imits of itheCounty Town. THIOMAS DO3W. May 283îb, 18M. 7-tf., TO BUILDERS. rriII Subtoeriber respectfiilly inornn par- tim. Buliklng, Iihat he ie protpareâ b a upply **y quatltity of soi WED Loi 'il, t Uunrsk f tIhc usual LnMý jeee Latb will 1-e itimfi el*eper,ea z tri me eji, laid on, and wili give better satsfa'ýtlon ân th t.ommon Split Boauîl Lath berelofore ins ROBERT %WIGIMORE,, No. 14;« 51b Con. Pickrig, SImile kEasta(ThWomponiflotel. Appi> to R. IlL 4wp&aa, Whitby. Pckering, Junot 16, 1852. 10-3m. 110OUSE &LOT FOR SALE IN WIIITBY. TEE£ Subsèriber offers for Sale a Lot, on which la erected a ?4gW- w WZLLIo Hollsa, with every u .ecenwary arrangement lor com fort and convesîienre. for particulars as te telD,&., ppy OBT. QAIiTSHORE. Wbtiq,Jlune 19, 1852. 10-3me. PURE MEDICINES, .Pai t* if oui, perfune$s y u. Sebool Books, Stationery, &c. Foi Sale at LovParic ES, %HOL&%A LIE& RZTAIL. JAMES IU. UFRRIE, Mai., Town of Whitby. Dt July, 1852. 33-tf.- JAMES 14, GEBRIE. W Itt., bbjuly, 1852. 134f. STORE TO RENT. To Ren i te ow of Witby for o*n, or aler ofyias, he uilinglately occu- ied by R. E. Per ry, andý used as a ger.cral store. L'oe pfeMiffs bewngm thorou;is paist' location, tt'vourable, and Wi4tby the Couit4y Town of the rew County, offlers, superior in4ucements bto se intbading tw pursue a mercantilehuie. JOHEN HAM FEU-RY. Whitby 8tb April 1852. ONbVRIOflOU MW (LATE RAYS-.) rff E$ubsrirs ae lad iboe rem ses, T.Lulýare Dow pre n Iit inasppe ier sty le for, acntnaïodpmit e oS î i>e 1W,'ynIperove- mene in 1h. llîting and furniure.,- iso, q on- largeménîts ind imnprovernetils in thse St#liling ne. comodaton, abasto place lt-»sreea ilfootinq for eorvenferneattdcomfortmi "yother fMotel in> this New County. I. Bar and Tâbles iii sîlwayors4-suppU4% with the bst thaf cars b. piocated su te. mket, and <'tory attention pai t n thse travelling commit. ni btcn oi vtak le e 1cmoal PS.-04g.a modrsuCO. ,BY VIL-] EIRRI GERI- isiens s erp- well saeceed Articles aGI on ha AdOlaineti Onshort notice. Whitby 21st. Jsue 1852. -J-y WSRNFIREINSUMANC> COMPANY$ rgiESuburi*ertdsires rnuit respectfuliy and thse soitxýg wMtshp'. thiaI bc as een dtîlyippOintitd A é . &Nby the Westerni Assurance compaq, ltely organlUd irs Torotito, Io îake RiaIs. aîainst iron tise urost -reualiitens. Aiso, partiri<aswilhi5ga osateand rcmuuettlc In- 'testaient of money haive now an opportunîty Io any aînoutit cw*xaeedM&LOileMHu4iehtSares pi. Ten Powe GayFive per cent or i brnShire'i'lPh"tto 1,. paid dosen. Tise probability ls,tbathtI ividenâsewill pary oift iegr>ener, part of tire-StOck sulaeribcd, uniesp the '001 pn)'ioild *xteasd tieir. opera- dions to Lite atIMarine Il a¶t uCssut it bac fud necCesa~y 10 cali in a farther per vent- eol thse ttckmnbSribedo~ixstY o'»otice wiill be la<ien previo" ta10tue date #t paym.rnt. Al THOMASDOLUTER. Uxbridge, Aprii 22, 1852., SAW MILLI &C, )For i e r ESubacrîber ofrs for sale lus pro- perty situated is PtLCKERING, sil tmlles f roms Vorchsnari's oy antI enty-flve Irons To- ronto cniurgo ON£ HUMORED ACRES - F _LAND§ ori wiuch uâ a Firugt-rata Saw MuNlîi, 74 feet lonsg, mne upiist antd a 4.anz nor Circu!ar Sawâ for CUt-ý oog. Luth, &P., rriven by arn os.ersisot iheel witis medaI Slsafts arsd gearint,*aIt fati up, un thse best manner seitis abundance üf watcr thse year roud. Tbeiscea gpoi COT TAGE, HOJSE, Sa-wys'r's Hause. Stables &C., on tise premisc. A il tise lsuîdiniLure Fuame, bubsetariliail, anti have beenr erected.wtithin tise ltctwo years. There s ja large quantity of Pine ors tise lai tanti any qisanilto wbe. obsaitsetin itieneiclbwrisuod ors I easy ter=a. TIMIE te TRI ol rrymeai mostUberai, as.tise !ubcribrr Iras ntises-,uatteri requirîigsllis luie and attention., AÂpply onthse preunitoôROBT. WIGMORt, Ureenmood, Pickering, or lu bie f livng gen. tltiitc, vit R. H. LAWDER,;,Wbitibyaivl W. H1. FEL- LOWS, 1VWellngton IStreet, 1'oranto Pickçering, July 24,1852, 16-t1. IMPOUTANT F-armecr, Farrier& tePr rio. j GEO. W. M ICIN' OELEBUATZD GARIIING OIL as the maieit rn=sd.:àbIe Exte-ral ArÈplcatim nuva "Tbey oCai'l K.cp ous. withotut it- 82,1 jiai , 1 i'.mo " ri i,-tl. n,-.,xîr 0i' -, rhVil ,linit utitas tg liti, riWs.t t d~-fl -I -.,ts-1bo of MIl tulv ,,~î î 'a ' ltI* . lei& S F GREAT ENIPOSl'$trON -AND!) VdýAUD!. CAMOIN TOPtÏ :I.SXQS 1"tv.ri-I s 'n'strr., i ,-st,' i-eni ,s Iaae tiîliffiut 1tt i nuarr.tn ili "-q Iy i l4nU !neu.te tiitflu1sU'is iartce fiehse Ornase iQ.rrglilgOit Y3LiiLU~ 'J' oRNE1IROY KING & CffURCII $TREET5, JëÇO KQTÈ oiur udàz j Have un hand the Lareesi 'Itk&Cheapest, ancId'the fle8t as8QrtfflwhOi EBI IDAE CLOTXQi. i NC!ANADA -WEST. WVIOLE84LTE AND RETAIL~. n..11v ow received our-complteassoirrtment of NEW,ý SPRENG i.& S'um"Wtt GOODS, wuch pan inpelion, ou tWiNomes w ill find 1n1>0 composed of t'ha Neweit and most Fauh- mnable teslIs, and in~ great variety. Harinq heen iseted with <reat care, and imnported direct (rom the letiiih French, and Amierican Markets, by oisyselves, we cati confideniy sbrmtýt1èm 10 the inspection of our ciuîtomeîs s u4 ,,p li, as beisg the most laqhionable, duiable-, serviceable and cheap tsorUt o R. =J g and I>ry aGod4 in. Cua$aWst.- i~Hr ng, tI at -Yl*.rgtClge ;ex ,en1ute<l wit roste DIOURDnINGS F1VOSSl UOI53 iL r1*9HU TEST INOTIGE. KREADY MADE CLOTHINQG Mcm', liiomn Holiand CiteI, Do Clscck'd1 - do Do Black Alparit do Do Ilesseit Cord du Do, 1'rîni"tstdo do Do Cassata Twer.de do Do Bronît Clotb do Do Caslimu're do Boy' Bo, nilollaiu do Do Chect'd tdo do Doi %t'ieskÎnrî do Do T1wi.'te do DO Broatlclolh do Do"Itusiellti et do, MtNIesBlalck (lotis velts, -Do BlinIs- Satin ý do Do Faite>' Satin do -> olansl do Do Foncy tdé Do Yelvet do Do Mas-seilles de Dga Baritisea do ýMnsCloUs cispo IJu"'â do ilen's Paiis' 44 di 44. il )l id 10 0--1 , 12 6,. 12 6- 17 6 30 0 23 0 4 41--2 5 a' 17 6 4 4 1-2 1)0 511k do Do 'Satin (do Do Cloth do Do Twee.,do <Do Cassmfferedo t's, oleskin ,rouscr,- Du ýLwnen Drill do Do, îek'l do Do Coi'diroy do D)o (lasitimeres CIO Do Bucksiin do D>o D «oce ln én Boy's Drill,. ib> Do ('ieeltd do D o %o I e s l i t d o JIo Casnadla Twcetle < Do Cîsî mere 41o Do Tweed,, do KWliîte Shirts, iÀnen 1'rorsts, lied atelhiu, Usîider ishirts ans I ratfferï, r di id 41-2, te 4 4 " 26 4' 44 t1-21 t1-2 i ati , B l c k ,-ird --D rab. DR Miteirs DeL.pirres, yard widi, fros O0 Priié, fast coloris' do do Il' " lleavyGingliaes.do do id 0 s1pleudi l ionnie Ribonds, "doa Strass Bonnets, dg 1 Gloves, Hosiery, Uibbons, Laces, Edginzs, Arbificial Fiowers, shoti, ek',at Plain Alpacas, -lable Linens., iills, Cotînirpanu, Bed Tick., ani Totuels, rrapes and Materialms for 51Nourninc, Infans' Robes, Caps anti Frocit Bodies, vol.3-l.1 y G 7 1-2 7 1-2, Nev tleBunsi oODS)i -j. lft Factory Cotton, (o White do 4 stripui-d'Shirting?,4 Cjtns arp, IOrleas., Cobours, DeLaines, Friusg s , Gim ps[Trimm ln a, BauetDsee, l511k %Varp Alpacas. 0 21-2 -t0 3 1-t 0 . 4 1-2 4 41-2 2 A'6 M1o Second Price. BURIGESS& IHM N CreofKing4 hachSresjoîzing the cCourt ilouse, Toronto. NIR. H A M ~ ~ u Tr Attorney .and'Barrister atL sP#rnttn)thecmill he reaiy fr AND) SOLICITOR IX11 CIIANCIY, sale at thse nH & ~ON'VARiu) BRICK YARDS ins %Vzrs'rjYiVILLAGS N*oTAItY PUBLIC, &2CONVETAýNCER, I Ar v -e nici OP J. 4 ru l pnust, nsE 200 000 1 3JO0000 t c » & O m t' les abiut iUildins- in tise Village, -,hcretise Bricks ~ ~ are to be drots-i onl>' a 41hort iitance, wil l-fnd lb fully as8elseap tit bîild wfish Brick a Timber. 93aht' & air1~r~er Fr fur-her ariculraaPfî et- .ýelson trect,,a-fews- faonNorith Of ing 8lreet. i- JMESWALLACE. nearly oppoWi'ePLÀTT'a HoTZL, anti suilisin hall 100 Coans DS Dny IIEntLO CK Cop» Tdounbo, April 10, 1852. 52,lY, WCs , L antesi u t&lise Baacj Tos, for suliet Whitby, May 8, 18-2 -f Caîaantla IV441. -_____ 1 'IIESub.criber ha'ing laets appoiùtediusn.Dv mt~bgjaet .&G MDINT fot tis aove <omp.arsy, will, ut .lh~.'dm te' fntabftante ofr ' h-keals ail traes, li nosi is.ppy tw receive applicatiot3teBrock, tJxlr~di Y cit nis.-usta 4e andK-ScZttBandS, atas Cin. Columsbus, April 29, 1852 -~ MerlY eepied y l hZAe opeei i n os.r pluciuuIl;11IFU n am; oi"- i-'--'-- irbet ust Jt Ul., saler the "cry bst mctligeil ms-p autd' andt jiivcutions of kind anti sorrowing frierl if mig andi nursèî,' àe failied tu -ive tbisshiieserefletllea i tothe Cons uitrpt ive *W' hil'es, TH0USANDM$ 07CONSU31rPTIVF uUd ipersna have been ilecelved rejpesIedly ii Ilyiig; medistines which were- said Io hi' infelibto curesl, iqP but whicls lsvpro'ted coalypalliatitV& but Ibis y&. tqirq iý snlq1 l iaibu curie on lP1ofthse-al andi ont trial tvili prove istanlthiner eftlceey e- tco.tboé Sttjg Pf.bL"id7,clughs4 pains in the aide and 'A cou Chest, silghIswCf(15' e. 4-c. lîcen isa Absirt 10WOof alnmostflirCulout cures pePrformn- on11surar ed lay ta. medicine, tram i ome of the BtiliPortorss Ierne Ciergene#and Mercisantts,_have becs sent li us r $ hi litittle. ansi you 5115lbo ne h,*namhe of ,..$Uw. Brtther, Pro)pit'rgi Newu Tari, on thse splefl< il rapper around tise houle. Ailtos-dert 'lont1 aitiressid to Cimstockc4 Brof Air, Nd. 9, John Si Nliwv York, Remember and never buy it uulesyou tisaiI narne on tise wrapper. CAUTION.> Beware o a dasugrouit eounfrrfeit.. ofI CHERRIlfY 4 LLT7IVORT, andi MesaJ[JÀ CORDMIL andi C.,RL TQY' S FOUNPF OJNAT[IENTasiii lING "BONEý, CURE, offt cd for Sale at tise Drtig Store. 'and remember a n neyer bky these at!ieles lis WAiby,vonlyetf it LsAY-, au bs Dry Gtooda store, and avoli tise cou To Owncrs of and Dca*ders in Ilorses.. CARLTON'S FOIJNDEH. INT i M ENT, - 1For stheisureot-lFoliider.aplit Iliol,Hoof-laoUfld lorses. snd contractent anti Fpecri!si Feet, Wounds BruinesiithicFkIVh, Gal leti iark S. Crack ed Haris. Scu'tritbz, Cotr, Kircits, &e, on Hoiee-m.- 'Crzsioat.-Fitid thc nanie of' J. Care'tsCmi- - iboclcS'in tise wrappcr,or never huy Catltos'slloric C ÀRI'TO*2\'-S -UNG B0SE I.- For tie cure of 1Un -B s e, Bo otiSpttV!n' Bo ue Spa'ii.Wisrs-tlsandsd plit-a certain reniedy. C1ARFITON1',S ÇOINT)TTON POW- DERS For, IOJISES AND) CA'rTLE. The changes olf weather and acti n, w thtie chan<r oM use andtel fi, have a tes-y great effeci sipoulhe btood an o lanfluide, of bo-rs5. lLi 41 tise .chasngea they require an assistant to nature t <k, urow.ofl atîy di5order outheis fluiide of tise body t ha lt Msay have b cen imnbibedl,nnd wviicis, if not ai- l ended le, willl sesisît ini tieYellow wmater, leaticu. Wonîa, Botte1, k.. ali of shicis will be l1s-é'tele bi rt civins e cof thse uo wtlc-s-, ad 'sil a t any tenqu' 1"3 i al nflasmmati ion nd fevstr, 1008eD b tise, watier, and invigoraute thse -bi tsern t (I o more work Ntitis the ru action of iluese potudeus le direct cretie glarsuts, andI therefore have tspon thse Hore,ilse O,the Ass,ar ouas aeima-all discae!n ai iisig frt a baitl ie of tis- blttoi,are epreily Reumer ausd fak Ws urte' detrs, anti taIse nio thers. CAILTON'S 1.8 LINU-rENT FOR l and for tise ete tf ail digases ot ru reqeure <ziernai applicalti ndn cord ani uajsccaecs-iserîs ut also ruseti fuir s1krrias. frrUiqCeSadd lecSoteo-$1al kirîda ss is orses. Cairnn' ariiles zfor horeiertn paret from tb- isripersfa Very cl Pars-je, ati wili cure, nliety-rr orie hoindre'd, ny of thse ahôve cor CI C U T I O N -N mec catis lrc er iit u nries" yos ied t e m e of . C ari tn um s Oek ontise w ra pi- p"r of Pacla article. SOr elsî DRY H ýl -; 1. 1 1 i Sui j :- 1 ý i 1 delît 1 1 SEED

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