Ontario Reporter, 4 Dec 1852, p. 2

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-f ws. rTe, urre tion et Chi .Area y tk rumste- Art. 7. Thi. Constituùo.1 o e lacôth et ports by scorestIse rmu:uns miracles per-1 Januisry, 1852, ia mainfaiased lia al :provi- feonies-tise blînti reeeivinssg their siglt,assd spswlicis are net contrryto tise presat thse palie sèd vlàkWss. 'ris.7tiat werc blinti 9. rnsd,)tgu U, t ;tie.casteet be anayait et tise fsaskataas a=dttestifly te thse ure ssod6cation iidc in it, eccpt in th. (f4m-a taIbasbecai cpered. MXy riesid, tI6 fis - he fisn terein prcscrîbed. ', ,ph ysician, admit, fkat Iexamw none wiso AtS.Tise tollewing- proposition sWisii were blind frees tieir birti,. Tite Bisiaop bc Ireeted te tise accephance oftishe o et lss>oe s prepassbg tis report, for r~ressci people, in tise forma sldetermbaed by Ithea patriarcis, but ini tise euufue t he thes decrets outhtie 2J1 ansi 4tis of Deembcr, wlsole world is rushisig t Seef sr *o>nder. ý1; 4 "Tihe peoplue wiais for tise establlsh- Last Sunday four ateamnboat fods vienit uménti o!tie liuperiai diguity insthse porion -owa tflare fromt Coistaitinpople. of »eniîs Napeolcea Bosaparte, wifis Iereài, Tiscgrdisersa ys tisat fiae <rge spirits in lias direct desceedants,,eisecr are sUI1 coing 'te i, tat lie îecs tisean legitiniste or adoptive, asni gise lilas-tise atiis is e)ýe op-euasd thiat tiey imuplore ug to regpiate fsties' erof suc---ssaos e Wgrroe j lin.. o dit ela- a t4f ü"M < in ueatise Bosparte fasssly,as pace net 1;arg r uSn a esbisuu floor, prpvlded for l is. he ofaju nsd tlaey will <oie t. tise bur.d'-ébwrel N*sibr.1~2"for that f iey-tre aMlimprtsoàed.'-,I tô# 1 àiM asv4, tiratVtce Preideit <if tiheW irise isc ereftallytabear themu cht mrr âmWe upre«asùas tise aboie saUts- nia" isina. - , ' % 1 - l te f us io the risae Presideat, ad!- Thse, arm es b. t.>thse ;lite' Gianad #poo Sbo »folI.>ws: .Vtier RASDUJ d, hé as asde 4<à'~ - ~aawjgus:Wl.. a grsaîcou",rytien OU tisef' lat. tIse Greelk ChIs _5jFfl inakes ils vocee heard, tIse firot tias. It lsi usf, n te I< 491tiA5tp0ii body to eh thisaie ad!- thse issctiil èsae !thsé 1*îjr *jm *Wi* to listanad replyr. Bucistht Iam acquaitd tbrèesuüc b(7 WM setof r Il ighuesa bu talilag ouutaùsa, u hêins~bris ft W Odtallans o e-. eaate on tiseoftTurkissPas" in i oobliipi o:fbb n ofpublic oaioslao Wb assobu sbae t"l ip~teuf wsth go ee mnoe ansd erable -fr TalaIMPRIALFRA CE.bis ropoaded to t1w.Mm.sof tbe county TitlU1ùAýCO*rD-tif a 14NLOB ; UI* er«tiug.on tbàrMýinnto the Empire, and ini drswing up týe SenMus- TO TUE SENATS. c4mlutum wWh ib15 to l>, subrýited te the Sasex i: The. nation* hag elearîy isceptance of the people. When, 48.year$ tiallifested iswih( _ her-etb4sm 0tmic, w inis is e pis., in itis"me rooF0, ut >~Qr tir he reestablsh and isu! der SYiriigmoIs ircumstsiices, <the ofteEmpire., Confihisotin your paf n- $enstde camne tî (tie.r th.e rows (0 the chief otinand yu intelligen -ce,« I bar* convok- oft iay family, tacEmnîîrer replied in 1 these ed oufo te purpoue of legally deliberat memorable, word;:6-,My, sprit wsll no e Mt yl rtat bro sltio on n ýtes'trusto: longer -be with my posterity fsom the day 154 701 wtistis r.laton-( tse or~wben it shall cease to e. nt flielove and der oft ilingt. -if jeu ,bould sdopt tit1 confidence of thé great nation." Whist1 wil think, ne dou't,asi 1 do, itat thac Con- now moàt affects my heart is the thouglit atifution of 1852 eught tu bc Maintamed, that thse spirit ofthtie Einpetor is wtb me, snd th thsu ie- modfcations recognised as fist lois idea., guide mie, that lais simda pro- iidoppuasable w.l ten n way- touch ifts u- tecfs mo, sin ce by a solemn- procceding yen ifiiI.iiul hSts.coîe n ti e flic nes !ofthtle French- peuple, to Tie ifls ge wliieh is in-- preparation will retoeha1bvemiedtecnf-_ bei ýbegyonthe fradyete ir-dence of thse country, 'Tt ta net'ncesvery siiiptioe -of teimperial bse -frfor me t fe u nthet nyeasul r- France of îmmencè sagnification. Intact, cupation wiII bc W iborwith you tu pro- people fisdia guarante. for itsiiutereslîs, Net 14e leaist rensarksble (suature of thse an~d s a tsfaetion for its pride. '2bst rs* &ýnau-amum i. f he-power if gives establisiunent guariaiiffl the iuterssf tt he to the President over every maeniber of his people, by im-sring ftbe future, by el"ug fâmrily, as.ud: the absence of 01l mention, of the zra of revolutioos, sud by spain cosse- piPncre Joromo Bonapuarte by nome, or of crating thlicocnquests '89. Its o*is ce l»bis sonî, conflning what 1. bave slretsdy jubt praie, liecause in resterwng, wit.bliîbert y stated witla ftference ote i feelinx ente- ande ýre1Ièctia, that wliel 37 years ago tlaFto fnesi toward thIat brani cfoflhe f*tmIY çnoire of Europe lasd oveturncd 1> flac Tliat feeling [hbave dcescribed Pt vry istrong, force or amis, ineîlaciut of -the disasiers but not in a frndly senc, sad I am now ort iii countîry, flae peoplea nobly avenges "I îasit.red, oaa goond sullorif y, that net rnercfy reverses wvilliost saiag victtuis, witlîout four or Cive of tIhe teua Comaaisioners wluo tbrcatcniisg anl independeoce, andi witluout modle thse proposition lu flae Seýnate on1 troustliasg ibe peaco -ifîthe wod d. 'iCbrursday,_ but the wbiole tee, o«ere dcciii- 1do note ssît ,nevrlcls al edly averte te'having flic ntmo 01 Prince iliat i% resluubtîuble, Mi aittis &yay ccepting .erotne or bis %n sieuaioned. either iu the anis plig uOnone'sheaul-the cr of tN a. ~a~nor tf lebWrileif. poleuas; but my apprelieosions. iioinisls witli t It isaisi Louis Bonapaurtea will now corý tli. idea that, representine as 1 do b7 ffl tainly anarry dite Princes*s Va"s. many thiée,(blc case et1 te people ans M. Lamsrtiîae ba addreiseqd the folIos,- tlie national Witt, il Witt-bc fle ic atin whacla iua.r te ie !e-: if) clevateg nme te the thoune, will lierseif te Yeu cit e, ueiôn tbas aulority of tflaI croWaniMe. rteedni--eg,-ynm mn Q$s~ed) LUI$ APOLEON. )fd')7dfC--ide n an nôa &wven at the Palac et oft&. Cloud ,tiose off the pofitical aen about 'te bie alles, 4, ~te thle '$enâte under tise new Ç.overïnment. Nov.4, 13.. Iie inalrrsst of triafl allow me te contra- THt E f<ATtýî CO!<5UI.TUM. i su a report wlîich bas flot and cossld net liave aay fouascasion. The Seî«Uitas (osda&adoptesi Ly A. Ls DE LVN ~ tuie Seasate 0oonsias fs i ciglit articles; Saint .Point, Nov. 2, l852. ART. I.'flaceIniperial digniify is -r- .1 e-rorne'1na.iparte, with bis son Napo- tabliied,' Louis N apoleui IBonaparte iiî 12n, wcaa tfo SL Clouad:te renionstratfe wit b Emnpereur, under thie nsum-of Naipoleon 111.lui3 on thse exclusion etoflis faarilr fnnm ART. 62. Tise fmpt!rîal dignity ïs htreditary flic imamediate succession te the throne. in flic direct andi legimatc seseenda:s ofBella were .receiveti by flea- President witii Louis Napôleon -.Boitaparte,froun mala.te tlic warme*t expressos of cordialty- mul.., sy order of prime.,eniture, tfthef,.C fàuiï _Napolonthrcw flicewisole ocf flacre-j oerpetual-_ cxciu-%ion ef cnaliu ..nd thirr peaaibilety cf tIhe rejection of Jereme'e descendants. prelensiotas te- raualc as beir apparent te flue AIT. 3. Louis ,Naj;cleon lenaaparf e, if lac blroet upon tIhe Buauk at ho infornirt<l sa.ý 'ne male clailsi say adojat ftheleginate 1 b issiiacie ansi cou-in, in explicît terses, fiant cluidrenl and. d'escenîdants le the anle liss. howvcr oucia lue shanulsi bsve iseen pers<sn. of ýbe brotliers cf tise E mperor Napeloc I. LIyrjiei ss leSnt d ssW jI1e forma Of adoption aire regulatesi by a if) coming te anotiier cocuatais fsptecf Srýiais Cenizdturn. If. atter liais alop- for flue Ponq.titionai attributs-s cff liat aua- tica~~~~~~~~s~ anlKntlcls ohm l i -t body %vais trac greal te ailow lsi:a te in- Nâ'poluosi, f as adoptive claiilaen-c-rnet lbc tere .-iui sheir reslution. taîleil on lt u ccesi-lim na sijl affsr hle 1- eitmaté deïcenadants'The alpfru1auiuaa in-at New lluly Fuaniuîii. ferlictesi te thae ssscces-.raa-s cf Loiiiâ Na-il reois and te tiseir desccndaaats. FThe (,,reek p.oîaslasion otf(X'nstantisiople Aii. 4. Louai Nâpolcon- re-utaases by and thie sscouand nt sry, i-, in a terser a or',une dcee atdressesitéte e nale, of rolirira)us suai hlaiaý-1Éau t fihe dseovcry of a auad X'positesI inaits archives, theae o ienreofew saerteS fousi ain,- four houre distant frein stoccseasion to fle< îhrone in tise 1Boaap-irtt* laeciii on.flac shacs off lie Marmora.- racily, ini case lac shoutl b ave aie direct, k- 'l'ise Ir.ust 'vcrbioiî off ik diroyery is fthe gif!iubse, or ade;siro heur. tiilowia-: Atie flaarn et Assassia thlere ABT. 5. le detaut cf a legitimate on wa asa ituratit liunile gartletirr wlaoIa andi of thse s Lar é>c4ton%eaoiau a 0rii u, a e o h asho ahall derive their riglat-in the above- liait thre.e menoistolled in white, with re& saeaioned urganic deertre, a &Ssatus con- capseaisd yellow ssipps#rs, badi repeatedl ssdt.ain, proposed te tise- enatc by tise appearsrsl liliuli -lie siglit antd told Ilina Minustserg férned lites cosancil Qtf(overa- fliat soin" l) iaa leM 'Ifis-isI ofthie farm, ment, unites! telise Preuidents ef tieSec- unider greainsi was tonanasreuit church,ýwlene ste, et t lie lcgal--afiv« Body, und O e tlae tl vesrt in 1adý,en, an'ni hat lue must li- Co uncil of $taie, ansi saabeiued te the e a- sale Uic peoeîosf tIse viltInre le coase ansi R-esolvd-Tbat fiais meeting vieus uit b Pleaïsure anti satistaction, fise prebabblity ot sheraY ,& sving tisoreugisfbi's beautifiPo in adîdihion Lt e ir being tise eat clviii- zens antil bensfactors etfsuaasksual, araeil calcilate tot draw oàt thisendstq anid cuterpniz.eof aspeople, aitdunfelu tise rida-. es and treaoaires cf a country,. Moeetib,'Mr. Ezra Aunes anad aceendud b, Mr. James 11odgson Rçsolved-,'Liat tise >Position oftise' Western part, eoflJpper. Canada la suhl, Situatet belween, ansi Iaoua-d liyLak«Qü~O- tarie, £-ie andt Huron, it unatrafly eau, vida prudeet ant judicious arruasgemueta, commuandthtie gréat cai-ryaeg frate fi-oas fle far West,, te the 'Atantic, eities, sud vice Moved b,' Mr. Johl1. Perry, andibc.- ceutieti by Dr. Foote: Ilesolved-Tsat fthe tract 'o mtr,' frues Port WliIty on La4 Cýuatibo, te Stur;eou Ba,' ou Lake lWuroq., oWIe ,MIa san 'peatant alvanfages,1fgr thsae Qoo#a- tien o! a Railroad, over ail elisa'prtsjetd Boites setireents ieeLaktes, va l forinstaixe, tbe-1t6resstQ, $Sscéoqýpd JHu ren Rzilraad, viic1lstasud extîastaývt'sbw nos. of routte to ts sPropesp isi,'vWi. e dl5burtements fne ing ouf tise *,f eoilecfed by 0 pali oqve'te suds moner on1 ïk a"id eommsttef 10=, OFFIS, TORONTo, -mercd B ank. Président, - J- C. G;ILMOIt, ESu iee.President, 'ruîeseàs HAWORTH, Esg. fIls ZCTO0 IR 1 George NMachie,, illlimlteucrmalD jâam8 es ay, I Uiceý. LewÏ* Sec*y. and Trcas'"r, Rob'? SA14m'o, Esq. CHESTER DaAPr> ,Agent, 1Brooklyn Lec. 41 18f2T 34Y C . C. 7n Excellent Stsbisg,;od lay ansd Oat., andslatten- tive Ilostiers. filie NÇeavig,.e 'STAG£ oAcuts exil ever>a eveuinn;anl mrang NOTICe. A LL persons idcbasdlac the usbscrilae, tn rail andt, sefîle thc samebcfore fhe TentEs cf »)eceM'bo, ollierwise all outoaaadlnit noir$ or accoaints alter flsas date, ivili Mba ssld over o te icUerk of thle Court fer collectIon. R. GARTSHORkE. Whiby Dec. 4. 185.2. 34-tf. NOTICEM 14S Lsrelîy egvee, tilatapplication -vall b. 'Made aft the nexu Meetng et Pérl1iaieint for se Act, for (lie ineerporatbonDeta Cospsay te o on atta RclRosai frais Porti tby una" lOWk-e rie t saispuntaior er Gsorgiaa &y os 14ke l'luroni. Wfifby, 4talaDerember 18".l 11-20, THiE RE.PORTER. WIIITraY, $A'TU1DAY, DEC. 4, Iff.. We hliave lieco fssrsisled >y tise Secreta. ry watis the tullowing ptec"ediaiga of tii. inaeta-ig ot Safaanday hat, whicla re triai will bi c he piain; eof an im»portant era in the hsîsny o tcftiCuuly et Oatarioi and ef flic presp.rity andti proresif tbis section At a meeting lael at Wiiby, 'Nov. 27, 1 S52~, forthie purpose of. takimsg. mb cou- si deration asis mca.sure% as ireulsileasi to thle comtsruclioxs ut a Iliroa tforuPort %Vbhtby on Lake Outasio$ te tSturtço Bsay on Lake Iuroni, James RteeEsèq.,ý iras caledti t ie Chair, andt I. J. Mac- doael.Xuapsted$erefq; fter lGLO Theasbove mceÏng mus Iurgély attendeti ainsi ùis vesîfl aa4sitiîgpoce oft <lis tous- sisip mcli rreesetafed. -W4 haeseldesa ~-de sianirenthuiastieweing leor te upofo tïkdeg bte cocslderatio'n fisc construct;ionp a great public vers. '1'le gruatest usâi6aity îprvailes!, asti erer,' oeeseemet i eprS4eil iritIs tiseaie- 'Ceswit, oriet u di4.ly p4iag the >w4r aluead, On lookinto ver t.e aseesly our eye d net real on-,on. but vas budsnt Iy ýabl to aite up a fairtpproporio-of fisc stock, whkc wimli tieubteill,' proe te la thea besf railtad stock in"the country-~ Ita esvitsg tise second resolutios Mr-. Au- fies isriefiy alludeti (e the great rise in tise value ef properfy ins ever,' loalit,' truVer- sesi by a rallroad, In'ho me parts efthtie- Western States irisre vilsilatitis mrae'bis! af tise mere -nO1:nsm4l value ofthtIe goetere. muent tlbey suiidenl - tot ten sMdsit7reivfe dollars ansacre, m14 improVeti hindis haresi more largel,' in tad svauace. Resisues! by 'Dur Ags'clturalfatatte tlat tlaere vas aso fairer field on jils continent fer sisyjIar' resus L freiMn tise DUstcien et a rairoati f Isan vais affurded 1fr fhisroutte, Mr. lHedg. son Ma socending lt sresolitoc, sdddressd! the merting at cossiderable leiagtl ou tise ianportance oftiais gond. 'Île seever ofthle flairsi aestueion, luIn a1 seluc aaî lengtisy D'ddtess,'brou ça orward esay inferesting 6t4tisficu as te tise probable cost efNlie Roati, h1snCss&e. TheIse ou ùat-e oet bbcc-ast la partI,' basusi on un actual sarre efthtie lice as far as tise Narreirs 'et Lake fsintcee. asi on'tise ex- penase cf simuilar werlus le tise Elniteti States. jbe etmt 5a oiw: aiuk Tes ICaatnpSpihses bauhing bMaterial a2nit in- getacies per mile £1350 0 O Gratiing Ileati Bcd 2 0 0 Feuacn 1 mil the100 O One ItSi cno.,ssng a 15 O O $tafien.,, Buildings &c. per m'Ile,200 (0 O RItolisg Stock per mlle 200 O O LatidamsBrtingColverts o 60 0o Enagineerin el &c.760 Tetis per mile- £3,000 0 0 Wsetitgau-mat i Ae fer a fiait ciam Roati, ansi tiou.rli ftle sumis 15comparatis-s'I, sesaîl tes CansaiLia %Vorks, utill it 15 belles, ed'te b.anply sficent. lsa the nelghabor. in- Uioin, Roadçs ire buite Veaifortlebs.Mo- ney' tissu tise tiesafe for insstansce, tise Mat River andi Lake, E rie Railrnad 134 maile-, masbuilt lfôr £3,0. -Detroit, and Pontiac lin Michigmn 25 miles I ong Coat -.<3,000. Osmb'ego sud $yracne 35 salles, colt £2,5W - Watertowas, p. Visseduat 1 ads Rom i a 5miteb vas bialk fer £2»0 'Pe mile. Louisvile ansd Frakfort 91t asiles at£2LO--n-olislie aymg from 26 te o 5 den leigths «ert con- %traicetees'forleà. anyiuduuini aff at sqr intention oXf tettng ftom-. sary tlungat pres rfa, oly teo s f bpr.o b'the ansdtisa t aisupei ieu 'OatîMe Cqtanty. I esney wiIJ om "r -iù thse tiliffic sud travel o! i Tiae hue iLi toc <aiceaseecfing LirHuron itil- ouer otier seutf P'ort Wbuîby, tise foliowisg May' b. cen- aidereti as a fir eisttmaf :- 1 40,000 barais,,of-Jffiour ut 3d £500 15,000 do. ot AssIes at 1 3d 93 160,000, busisels wbefstat 2d 1325 5,OW00000 Lumber :at 58 1253 2,000,000 do. at 10s 1000 400,000 W. I. Staves st lOs 200 200,000 do. do. 15S 150 5,000 Cord Wood,- 2s .00O 256,000 buis. Eear!&e,(Grusn t 2d 2083 Caf îlt., Slaep & IOg 2000 at 6di 50 , ss.gers o toI1162f eacis wayY 'lýdasa t2ad1 10 passee's le Simeoe 58 1550 -20,- do. te [luron los6,0 dneet sd ti1 ici tie se. ssabeipfi -upiards oftonej by -parties attes purPOee ofai wi - Tufal £16,063 j( le adoti Merébiaudize going Norths, 'imiber, Stliasges &c. &c. 9o'itl- Tise tif fisce artiscies aise.eusmersted natlisu icient te pa,' 6pr cent latereat on tise outial, and iut sioulti b. re- collected t ba t tus estiauate only inchades presntr actas! fado vita tise uingle excep- tiono et faiofiglipasseger buiness teHu- ron, wnicis in place tif being-above tise mark vould ti aflccomplefio sfethtie Roudi, b. riet eue fitis orthte fliresagla frVel. If fise frade oIf te Cowauist sullicint 'ltupsy moret tisanstIe simple haterebt. t fpi-ebeet it1 iset teeooiaicla to suspjo that viil a BaIl loadit would double in etuasbthia re yes, thieretore as su iistiet f Capi- fiai wossld b. reesunerative. Asof ber ques- tien bewever, ailes k tise calculaftiossvis: misetse.r ire vare able longer f0 de si 'tut tise roas! or mrare -se nef leisg sucre eaeis andl every year, f rom tihe irstetlsiscees- teuuicatlon tisastise Inîcrest oft fhe wiole For instance, tIse, 'rwnsl et Matropesa prodaiecdti isi years 102,666: badisheofe Wetandi affer retàining 10 boshels lek thse 'owusi * for eac l ns6bitaùtf baves a isallance et 63,716 b"Uissurpia't, iricla cests at taie pi-dent atime te forvard Io a sippin; Port at least Seven Pence per baslil.-Wisbileflue saeearticle coulsi le carries b,' Rail fe« 2d1leavirig a maugin et, Fuse Pets.. pet bushel betwec Ise tire modes or eoaveyance, fiscretere yve have- 63,716 surpîusiriseat ut 5d dit. £1 ,3i7 Feuselon, 15,000 *hieat A 5d 317 Brock, 20,A00 do., bd. 416 r1a ,40,000 (Ie. 3d1 500 L'xbridge, 10,000 do. 3d 125 Georgasa, Mars, IHaussaThsorlà Scott & fowabslips coralil t o a iaicoe uay 20,000 bushela 815bd j 2,500,000 fe it îmiser frein Port Ferry at 5.4 per M. extra 2 1 ,000,000 townshaips 1ack aitlOs 50() 40,00%.-I. Maies a, ah1s a 200,000 do. do. at 120.< 1,0barrels 9Ailies at 1 3d i73 (JaIs, Barley, l>oas, I'otatoes, $ugar,WVool, But ter'CahîlcFisIsi b". g, uierelîundise, nortis shingles j 40 sliingl'e boifs, fleur, &c., as înuch more,J Total £9>602 lest every ycar, beyond. a doulit for vuso ierossi, or a iuffielent sues te pay u pivrds of two-flsirds ot tue interest, or botiW tiare. mileseoffis. roati eachb year. The ques-tion juast reseires itselt dôam le Ibis: Are thle farmers of hMaripesa able te lcue, on f(lie Sin-fle article oet iiat, every ,'ear, for the *wat ofthtie roadtu t transsport if, ftefisc tune er £1.347 1i Are tii. ramers of ibreeliable ho continue hO lose On lise saie article, frou tise same cause, £417 yeurly I or Uaissidge £125 susuali,' 1 or Beacia, crn ubeat, luber anti coarso graina, ai, Iciast £1 ,5W0 per asue, tor tise uat trtisis commauniesfcaonThis, ufateeorf iiig3 cannot rensalinlong ins fis pressaitsai.. f me canneS fUvnish ile tMr. meoits roirs profitable inveataseuat o eueis -' tu shlow it te reuabas long as it l». Capi- people of Wtalfseek asale iaveafasastforshalrsparo K!ý'!o fusida. Âsseien forwvarders ot Roeheafer, fitai te ne Osirege and Cape Vincent, *'sll rbel's bl'clt assist tise siortesi rouste tas tbe frWs.1 n r Stocklielders otffisc Amenican roads leasi- jnalsag( in&gf. tes. meLake cities, vili select flose c eas bat lines whi!ch wml asitrd tis. Isgelsisosant o et faslisih traffic e heir own, anti, ail considcreti, iointssg ie tise cemmen course et events, 2s fi. ap il show, eau preveet ibis sec- volume tn e ft aonfry Trôf èss'"oyogthe'flue lîit provmWg a 4 ofa a roire fr"-m this ipoéýt tIàMt' e n In s.condiug tIse rcsolsstion of! Ms'. Per. cOmmeusc ry, Dr. Foot. slladed te a-<orner repo if 0< i.W a surve,' of fiais Une, fromni cli ie nial'.1*S5iâ thse folowing extast; -te> M "Tse coiimiltee,ïlaiaddition teo thegi-ett - ntisfartien fbey feelingam tispres*Istingmatier o for- public considerafioa tise slaprtet r oute, M 2y ver,' iiiny aal!es, are, aise, indepeudeotOf flt befisi tesi- own observation & fisat oeta sny etiers, Thse e wiris bave exaintsd t bis ronte, eaabled te valuefi state, upon tise aastisrity of >Mr. Lyoss, bne, Civil Enhecer tu tise Board of Wo>rk, Who surve,'ést tise routfrojüitWsdàoi Ilsib'our Agencie te tise Narros Bridge, a distance et abut me are ast7 miles, tisat ift is e iest adapted, for a in - Iisilrssd of an,' route tor tise distance lt aagebi b. bus met u'its during bis experience as ans aicdoilis Easgineer. Wisile -tiser. as scareoly aus- t'eut or! <bing deaserving tise Daa. o! a . w.nle wriole lias., tise linsd, fer tieseat -part, us -grarcîlly higis sud dry, gratiually asceudlng Procure or desceadieg wîth su eveu surface,?suit tIhe eeo teir swamps te lie met mais bhave geootbard gruVeîly or sandy bottonis, inth cas>'r drain- Ti age ; indeeti, it moulti secem as if Geti of na- faire, in Jis miAdein anss proviidence, had Ssovw, b wiss'-ly designe tis spot fer thse fstve grest (Grand, tlsorougbrte betireen tis.!tire great J.k.".1ru iles of li have a ofi tisys.. A m'ëetiol an Culbourg e ComipanyIv-na the acf passed estiniatedti iast cent. Capitalai the amunat ow Tronto asuoti aareisolden re s Tise Prea'laaessul Mus) Cosint,' cf Ontaio1 Tuemtis,'thse 14.tis Of Tise sale ot J. Mlarli seti foer- Detenber <h tilt furtiser natice,-se W. bave to thaas- lires of Tisomp*=, Pier flou"e, fer papipeal A !c Wsi ae ute toast..'.,,j Atter tise cleth mas% reeseresl the foller- ao- Zla,1a n 4P1 4gmi et ost*és'g eeivedi Mss.Jàse Bunçs liedthtie Chair, ansid Mn.r . LiAvuIsFthe iscVe. Chair.' tioducoti MNr. Burnas, gave thle.Qýwen," Sng-tirWfabDl Gosi save tihe' Qucen, by-Dr. Iawmn.- anti Bec "Prince Albe rt andl Royal Famlly. tes' intom Tise Governor Geuersî, sinsugcW vIa ha. A m n r,' a nt N a ,Y . so n g b ,'D r. I L . N W . C la r k. c n t e Tise Lay iàdail -mis> o or1f7 iWe mia -Ausostg tise- nasaisreus vobaate.r toasts,,preseà 0 , abSout [luroit' counnu,, ness of nus' <flai gaiests, celeï rateti tieir aunus aiaiermar,' in, Wiseby-ona Wednesday lasçtistersul elegant style ansi witis tisat bsmarty goti- ftllewviabp riis lapeculiarly cltiràcterestic of tisc r-ottihs ciaracter eitlier ast home or abread. At about six e'clock tii. members etf fla Sioc;etyw;hs ieir gasesâti ms=ountin- te 86 mitd<awn te a i5cr prêia reti by MNr. Jà0coBta n of e thtiseOntaleiusmcs couîli ardl,' b. excelles in ethe abuandanre ainsi vaiety of tise aubufantial,'slLeea eues ander wmcli, as tihe, elsi tasioneti s.,- îng is "ischetable hiferalI,' "reaxieti"is e vurthy Iloateus veil c.rveit the geusera priamssasie receivesi for ber excellent enlina- ry ahulities. Tise à'Iiaggls," fao, prepareti lay NMrs. Elizabeth Dew er l'art Wluitby, iras superbes' anti pronounceti -b,'tise bent jutiges te lie get uap afler thse gnuhs ise jieaaredmuse,, astifor wiistbshe ieei%ed tise cosapliaezst ot a hearfil,' retsponded wqoqoqoqoq~ dm saoe rei Trunk 1' Facts 'and Seraps

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