Ontario Reporter, 27 Nov 1852, p. 4

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VA RIE Ti ES. 1VMefiat, Ll., i.freat ' 9- teW U& bi# 500 T4Zr a5h!a 'sg;îh. hbmme-' WîIAâ.-Ah fthter, but where Will you brrpw Yt/ui t idis; Titis hu - inour, su like lits ewn, procured the desircà pardun. MIy uncle P_ wasit ia aful smrer.- lie c04111 b. heaid fuïther than a blaci- uili forge, but Msy aunt becaune $o Ac- etwod t t , ikothed ber to repos.- T bey wero a :'ery iotestie couple-nerer sicipt spart foi, mlan>'y et. 1 .At lcngth w>' wlcwaî coînj'el1ùd lto attend amituesat so>se distatire. T srt uilm aie0b departure ra' altmt £1'er -4cplt àriak ; Slw inia,!eclthtie snornirgi'ime second niglht, passed away il 1 île anme ivLl>', and1probituly lvoul h iavi (lit I11,1(j itielotbeen foe'the iii- U0nuty eta i a t~f eteOnkIlle coi- fe.wiil l ie înly auîtevech.uîî'ber undt gi end ber tu >Iei, at unice. A telciter in a Sund;tj,-C,1101 slec tulinýý a cla,,-et fiile girls on the influence of '1 pi u iîic in bthe lortratian or ymuth ulcliarýittr. êAh, Nïss Caroine,' $nidlieto oir f th cls,, wiiat do yen ttiuk yeui %ulîl bave be. nwithant youir g.sod bthelr untipinun mti -1 , t uppose, tir,' serdN'àilis Caroline,' 1 stould hare -beemi an oprm. thme $piritital "elegiîapk .Louis Phlipper waï Levpip ng i: _oyter cltar,, and .John Moffit ttnl E lit ond Resa iwrei'ending bar for him 1.Thie% awere Quiet, but un ecic- tînig tilli aï expectted bl>e cthe eleciiuns Carle otf. $pggîes iâihe#i toknew if :var-wthoops caa e lit d to> advautage in- rspairing otd ~NIINO-'W~ oue wc nia>' no be branded pfreuuptuns if, In the tatter (f sut eulsg, wc preteud te be connois*wurs.- à a a proof of our tabte, . v,, hate enc of ycur sntvelic , d-y, bal f-ft-igltrneà-te-death soéeze-s-buit for eù eof )>eur fult, cle. r. soio oub dtonatînr, revert eraiinges ilo- biina-01 t eoft1îoe ~r jmrts ttiat se't thet wIa.gtases ion Itle id?-bo ird - u-J i ing. 80s.1wka passy __ w s1j., tîonceort tts earthqulake n ýezeSe Wé lhave a love li:. l'r.r eut tataiwiicht we bear for a ave- moan a-our avourite do-. A sure to 1wb iliig.)Ojal u te,-saouîlaIcrick tîke a rire: en a cicar. inorumgl),. A rceipil) for ;l sneu of t1i- easisa 'lýw -hî yeu fe 't a t.cklh% aut t6e end o f yousr pi. - bo>ciLe, jntîjý,uamup t, if you be eseatcd, rtime to the wmadJ.w,ýt1mmînsl your ltaaJilu.k tilt hie tannais of 1 1il j itaI1re) -etiî vttlV s% -presses oî louir coai cuiLar o1 yctivor tmetis,. snari ikuc a b.ta ri t-A isy ;ia t a iuiece 01 fremli - meut. lnîna4, a d pbreaiti, and A -n- --ail tctoie w# iî.utt- %on t1'eru theboî- top evorr tue w-ty ,the .orsi,.c -Iae wvill ordt-r lime cot li~t) b. taken iin- >Your Lam! a'kwilt mm oit tis h ed oîs.eI ni .eye uat t1le silosand yuîa aW'li have tise bt-îî as8surance ibaI yOU have Dot lsn"edin b vaina. J5ROGB.ESS 0F -TUIE 0-REATr WEs-1 "LtER RIIIADz Thceneiterpriaing cents-ctors, IMes rm S'Moore andi Pi ýrson, are -mtitI coaductitîg tise qworks with iliat ,,ticeufut perw-vereuce 'iecl ha% character*zed tbrm sice thse coin- imeuoemnetat of tlseir cent='"'. The ie hat stean ccmator, tahicia wa - brougbt ber. at 'muet ex peufse, kas atreatiy Pnetrateal th Ileepetut somma" 1îuntdi-ed yzrds, sand là top itil>' otting ils aa'tiet;-cei. about a'>quiire yardal.harhm per minute, - ,mhit ia carrica i n cirs tu a distance ao' taîf sa mile, in o.-der te foran the roaÀd acrosa an igtiot of thse bay. 'liet pr-og-res wlicb lia,* bÏen ale~I in fillia, ini thau 'urne of I3uriig-4 ton Bay, is really credibitettuise indassîry- af tii. parties coacerneit, cenàîideria; thc large qua:ntit>' of carthsnecessarit>' requireal Two lître ,siane bu)i-idiup bave.beela' alre.a- _dy. coustructeti, wbýras, net ien an niba bine, thîs'. w is nihinc, tu, b u e-ibut thse cle.,r w. lois ,ifthe lia>. lu thiee buall 1n Meim !s llaanard, Fisher, \Wdiia î: & Go.;- bave terec*ed a In:'g4. stcarn (ninean!l fu.-7 .ace, f orth e pîrp se of miýkÀI-u ttue nec& ma- q cg Arga (or tus, coiesrîiptï'sn oairilaray -ar', I 'oiV . advnte e fhi ui that wuar u1asied iu t1wha. sa, îb. coitioay *rC b :i, .trotigautd cati n dieus wliiu-ls, andt'remi hs>'mr1ri aasby tto li. epet, ver-', ltte trouble wîU acttlliastia thetrantmais-ý -sien of emunclities ironi tise shippaamg to tisé - Çars, aîd vuecc ers.". - 'L'hm eirtla takçîî frein the excavattoit throu 'Iltilt!> heigîltî, la now bultug conveyed ta tsat portion oI'the Dundas aavamp knoainu a3 the -"bettemiess pit," lun order 'te inake a -permantent road. 'T'his great wYork-tlie rafr ,aè!-,progreaae.s mithi speeil, an-] wc are proUtet.now, tIsat it la disigraced b>' fem Of Ume o. utrageeahs fenids tisat are commo-a toý great publie works in most other coua- OP BU.lSICEli IIILL Mo10.NEUNT. brated pendlulu an ciperimetat of -wu repeateti in tbls country, ers, hy Professor Horsford of uiîversr.le caused a pnr d p.n iniBunkr llhMonu- uettre 221 feet in beigbt andi 39 ut the. base, "it' an internai I WL@ flEIUW& AT a Mleting of the Port Whitby uid SLakp e oug imrcoe end lBuron Raid Casupauy heldon the 4tb iut., it wu g' Bstfd, hast (rom tstl>'b4th cf JanuarstiWMOn011 da bse 7bl4tMss'eh. 1853 the Tolit nihe as i .1the Pu* *Iltbguufdlalres5Cscum mm eue and Hur* R5wl Compay, b. e ta 10Ou roat' the prusessi Ratos. £Lbo-wIisoived, Ttat the ilarbor Toits an Luniher b. ridaceit Shilling per TbouSM <ast (romi and sitar ta. op.ntgor Navigaion Whltby, Oct.l_1,633. 27 2M1 OrsBALDe. 7rVIIE i'ubsnb.r offers for Sale bis Pr> aWagon Sb*p wth a Horse Power Tarini Luche and i swing Machin#- attacie ti ti. A comfitatte Dwctlinlu House, andth l, e quartera 1nI on Acre a Lanit. 'Thicpi oppri 18 itiateat on Lot No. 3, O6mb foncesien lite. lckri, sud will lic-60tî on resnl't*int. Apply. 1W b>' teter hast pabt.ta F.L EN 11 ES. Pichoing, Oct, 16, 1852. 276dw* NOTICE la hereby givon shat w., thei. 8shrtÃŽ- b#s1 do icgatly asutherize anîd appont Thomas 1loover ai th. e nte onS>' aclîn4Extpcstor ta ~the Kstate ofithe<lte Daviti tîcovtr. -Thame in- deto -t he -Estte euber l'y note O oreUnt are raquesteal go Mil andi selle the saune with haua at bis- Stoçeet1part tHoover wiîît <1u t eay, aud thnse bavini oetaina aseatthe s aate naay havi Iheun setsaf by Whm b>'giviaç satbtactory proo tettot-<ais. ABRAHAM IHOOVE.R, BACHAEL UOOVER. Port Hooever, Oct. 11, 1852. 27.49,i -Il1F.Subseriber would cailti uicattention1 Iof hie customers anad the publie to bis varical Stock of .1"ew &Godsl IUUT AtIIVEU FIl>3OM yto" EAL, Consising iM parn Of, WhiteCr-pe & Exhibition Shawls hiraigede tLalfnes,,-- Moufilin de Iaus Mus4in Dress-es, silk & satin ýPaaSel, pnînts, Zebra Tweeds, Sumaner Ceis Jràe'rican Cettons, S&c. &c. &c. Prices a ýhadai lemeer titan anyNv Wbole-sale store witîn tile limita cf thé C"eunty Town. THIOMAS DOWN. Nla>' 28th.1S52. - 7-tf. CASIî FOR BUTTER. r i f- Sîîbsrmiber aili puy casit for.anoy -quautit>' of gond ailrchantable Sarter îb kega or chr.y Itaeei-il.Cbvuered IIOBT. Il. LAWVDER. Whitby Oct <lim, 1852. 2â-tt TO BUILDERS. usibrrcpcflyiuem ar Building, that ho i"rptpred ta suspply an>' quautity or- so iE*D -Loi TH," t Bsndler of treusîlLengdla. aee Laîl iritll'e tounti chepercati le more tdli> laîd on, anti witt. give liier salatsa'iiou su the common- SplîtSourît Lîih-heretofore in àe- SNo. 14. btb Con. Pickerint. I mile £ust ofThofnma'Hotel. A Appty to R. IL . LÂwDOa, Whitby. Pickering, lune 16, 1#32.1 10-3m. HOUS E& LOT FOR SALE IN -WHITBY. V ESubacriber offen for Sale a lit) Rouse, wîhevery neue.éary arrangemrenut toi comfort anti conveenue. For particulais as te terins, &c4'-app1y te HOBT. GART SHORE. NOTICIE C AME it the enclosure of the. $îubscri« ber vime time in May last, a Steer risiug tbreo years oid. The owîîer eau have die saine by provruig properi>' andI pafne 1cclhats p 7 I Il 17T 'Lot No, 10, 3rd cou, Piçiaerint. Nov. 13, 18M2. 31- ADVERTISEMENT. meh oit very tOW tsaresmi, or rssy, A&rticle. u091a« hatiobtained on t D. 9. Whitby 24at. Jsue 1852. WESTEN FIREIINOMC licE 55 malice. Ut anounce te the inbabtnt ni lxaMleial, an"the surrotundîmi Tomeushipa. tbst b.14t« ba dolyappoifntedI AGEtu, by the. Western Assurance Cgmpany, tatsity organiuuti in Toronto, to taire Risatianaut Pire ou th"-uot rassisabte ternis. A tac, partUca wssînqa gasre snd re.uwnersive in-C vestuen a(mm# bae Iowan uotuaitv oto auy amosi nt lexcéealmnçOne lfundred $1areit Ten Poud pet Shate, while ouI>' Pive per.cent or Ten Shillings5 pet Stare are requiro't te b. patd doms,. The Iprnbblty is,thst:hbetivideids wbit pa ff *Ii mrater part of Ibo 8.aock subscribest, uni.s J ei. arnpany ahotld exietd their opera- tions te Lire anti Marine ti5tt sce. Blabsoutil it f oun autnecessary-to catliun a (urither per cent.- &go et thé stauw nsribest,eiXtydays'notiee witt b. Civen prevlous te the date of payni.ut. Att whicb la respecrfutly suber rîbeti, THOMAS BOUSTER, Uxbridgse, April 22,185I2.-t STORE- TO RENT. T 0 Rent in the Town Of Wbitby lfor one, or s temn of yéars. then Building latot>' occu- pied b>' R. E. PerTy, anti uéed as a <encrai stase. Th nuaasbeingin îhcsough rapir, location, favourabte, ind Whitby lb. Cousat> Towns of the »W Cboanty, offert, supotiot iuducenionts ta thos. istending te puriunie rfle business. JOHN HAM PERRY. Whitby stb Aprit 1852. SAW MILL11.4&C, For Sale. T IIE Subscriber olfers for'sale Wis Pro- frmpîy aituolcd in PICKCERING. $il mites Frm1eiachmoanl'aasd twenty- flne trom Ta- ONE HUND en CRs OF LUND, an whlch te a Pirat-rate Saw Mill " 74 lel long, iue aprigbt ani a Çgg Circuler Sawâ fer eut- ont Latta, &c.,tdrlven b>'aa voretot beel wiîh musti Shits anda gearing, ait itieti up mtsi b.best suanner with abundance ai Water the ytar round. Thiere is a geeti COTTAGxE HOTISE, Sawycr'a He.usca, S4tables &c., on the promises. AUt the buildinç aire Pro mo, ubstatitial, andi bave lie»n.erccted wstbiui the lait two $'es. Thie.is a lugce qnaîîity ti ofPluie on the tand, andl an>' 'saslfiýtyta be obiairaedinuthe. ueighbahoad an easy termie., ai payment unoottlsera, as tihe Sul.seriber bas rther moattera re-qiÃŽrmaal hie lime amidattention. Appt>' on the pVemî4Isos1ROBT.' WIG MORF4 Ct-eenwood, Piekering, or te lbheltoimng <an. tlemen, i; R. H. LAWDERJ., Whitby, anti W. Il. FEL- LOW»S, Wllingten Stxcet, Toefo. Fpickiering, Jul>' 24, 1862. 16-11. ýoNru-Rio fOUSE, (LAT!E ýRAYS.) %2 :~ in Opei! tyego crnumodation, ta a* ta place it on an equal footing for coOvmeInce andt omfortl>wltb any other Ilotel in ibie New Couuty. Hli aBur andiTables willi awap b. aupplicti with lio bas: thatcani b. procured in the Mishket,' andi every ai option pimd o the îrwveliiug cou>mu- nîy that eau possibiv ma. îb'euafie1 cýomrble and t ai ome. BRYAN & CO. 41 ovo 13E S01<1)b>' Privaste Bar- DI ÃŽain lht part cf Lei 17, inthe laid conces- aical of %hiîhyirthe 1rpety (Pi the.late James Tr. bomrnerviite, Eeq., tseaatilly iltuludascm wth'r Kingston Reagl, uciarlyi> iuway the irivin; dl couuty Town o f Wbiby, anti Oshaira, and ceai- du, prilin; a convenient Prame lieuse, Otlbuitattngs, On B3arn, 13 Acres eti<oaci Landi, and -a tirai raite Orchard. Offorai for purchase wilF lie received util thae 1lst Ofilantsery, 1853. b>'IL. W. CLARK, ',%. D. Whitlsj#iltage, ActingTruaiee fortise Estate. .t'itby, Nov.- 13,1552. 81-tt Oâbawa Freman, to copy untit lot Ji). 1853 T UE Suliscriber moult bsg Ifal e aut ttntiaon jLof theinhbblitaof tbc Cout4 et1 O,.*ario ta hiereffl4lselectd Steck pl FrelaanduI I PURL%,E MEDICINES, Whitby, Aug. 23,1851. bo-it. FRSA.LE$ )NE-POU1tTUIof te vM Fu't Si- inc Schooner OCZ&N, ur plying btwisS ïluth' ani Oswego. Havng been thoretaglt verbautai, as in oxcelteul ent-er for an>' busunesi "Il aberequireti. HeuSais antigg'ingare liri> slow. Persans of iaui capital meoulti do - Il ta pureSsas, au the other Parinera keep ber- unstanîtly employed. An>' persant purcbatsig, underotmnting the. bu-- rase. wouhd bave the Ssiltng ai .bcr; t Tenus eaty-made known tby app,.qsug JAMES MeGA W, Comîaercial MtePot Whitb3', Juue 7, 1832. IIIIE Subsoriber desirous of clearing oui ibeir presentStock of RYGOGUS.CIOTNINC, GRGCERES5 MN CANADA WEIST. tpioan WHÃ"LESALE AND RE'rA IL. - - - About 1000< 1WE bave 510w reeeived oui. complet. amsrtmnent 'of Nsiw SpnIYJe & SUmM rnt Goons, ed by tais mediq whleb, upon luapection, our cuttosuers miti (md 10 bicouipasetof the Newest andl maiost ah Clergymen amnd omable mnimteslandmin great varley. Hlavi been s'ietàd. with great care, and Imniporteti directt ismotedie (Wina the bast BtitIsh,,F'rsn6, , !sd Âs.uan Markets, b>' auirnlvea, we can ton fdentiy asinît -them n mahlkG to the.ispeetion o<omr cnotooemtidthe pablio-, as eing the motit ashiotiabte, durable, servlceable e prsoneslin; oanti ceai asnrtnt ci Reaiiy-Mde Clothing and »rylÏ.oads luCauas West. apesa for itzel i Ittaloueitg, 4,. atii sBratgclhesi, eeclgte witls Tasi wuionr ROUBING ?fl<f33) ( ~ ~O~ET ITI~boutte, ati yau Brouakr. popiî READY&MADIE OLOTHINC Mes's Raciu Ilianal Coas, Do Check'd- do Do laeckrAlpars de Do fluiseli Cord do Do Prîncessadû do De CausasTweed. do Do Ormdoti Nata do Do ekasimee "do liott oland, do Cbecka1 do-. do Do Mnt«okin do Déb T*éed'e do De Senad Clotb do Btie Cloh vés, DÃ" iaci atatn de Do Fascy SsIi. tdo DO Ho#aad do Do Fasse>' do1 X>êivelvt d De Mamaillos do Do suratbea udo meneslOat aot BUV14 do -eîsPari (rani 4 4 1-2 I By'cPae> Veste, 1# 5 O0 I. DoaSitk do fi 10 0 Do Satin do id 12 6 I DO clota do ,i 12 6 De Tweede de il 17 6 De Lassamere dû 0 fi Mea'. Moitekin Trousers, 0 O Do Linen Drill do 4 41-I DO atftkltd do 6 0 Do Cordtiray, do g 1 De Sattnett doe 't 10O Do Cauimeres (10 U 17 6 BiIckikin deo 8 9 Do DDaeakin dj- 7- a 8 ByDril do -' *8 9 '(le hek'at do 8 9 DeoMNlowkili de 3t 4 DoCicnada Tweeuio do s' 4 41-2 -Do Coasimere do- D5 e Wte îde -White shirts, Linen Front, n ~ Red Ptannel Shitlà, " i 10i-'.~Under Shirts andi Diaiers, Satin Utits, Bllack andt ~'eni. 'i 't g' 't s, 't ta t' N'wStele Bn14ne;n Cofttsý,Iii aiatr1s DRI N!ss'in Deleines, yard mide, item f0 Prints, tasicolor ado do <s4-1( IfevyGiugbaiis, do do ' 0 Spteudid Bonnet Rîtaboni 0 Straw Bonnets, *' 1 Glane., [tefe,-RitbonsLace., Etigio, Artificiol Flarera, Shet, Checid, snd Plain Alpacas, Table Linens, Quitta, Çouutorpanes, Bed Tacir, sud Tuirels, Crape. andi Materîlîsfor Meurning, infants' Robes, Caps auti-FrackIW oies, 1vo.3-1 .1 0 101-2 0 71-2 0 71-2- 0 1- Factory ctton ro Stripeti Shirting, ' Cotton Warp, Ihalaflndisuchtefs aud Neck'tiea, Cap FrEnsj, 1M*stins,,Netts, CoFlire, Sîikn,,Satins, &c., Orteaus9, Cobouarca, Delaions Pringcs,Gs;mpi,-Trimmisagi, Barege Drosse, e11k Warp Apc, 3 9 5--o 5 0 à50 4 0 6 0 7 6 5 0 à'a0 7 6 Il a 13 9 4 1-21 4 1-2 'i 4 41-2 'i 2 6 " 4 41-2 ODrab.- 2 1-2 4 1-2 4 1-2 Secondl Price. BURGEýSS- & LEISHUMAN, Corner of Km; 4- MClîtreet$,&rect.,jing tire -cort buse. Toront». - L&WorI- E 11WRe H AM1- Attorney Md4 Barrimtr at Law, ANS>SOLICITon iq 5CHAIi4CEBT5 NqoiTÂRYPUBLIC, $ç CoNVsYATCU, AT THIE OFFICE7 OP J.HAM PERRY, ESQ, larbttr & p3air,-prrer qlsu3qttet, a few Doors.qarlh Of King Mtftt, Ùealy oppoite PLATT'a HROTFI., and mwîthin hait a iiute's walk ot ST*ouu'a. T«Oroto, Api 10, 1852. 5-y '[ESubscriber.Living been appoiuited A* MI? fo the above Comepany, will, lit' atmres, 'e Mot happy ta re.eive spplieatioots 3. BLACE. Columbua, A prit 29, 1852 4-1y BRICKS 1! BHICKS BRICKS Bly the begiunissg or middlhe of Jutai saext f'ý(measîher peritin) there avilI b. rsady for Sale at tIi h BY & ONTARIO BRICK Y-ARDS in WHIT11T VILLAGEr t00,OOO t0 3)0000 11 Stock)' & <Joui moi Brick, O f Fuîst rate Qiiotit', and atma Law Price, par- hitboi biidniteVlaghr eBik hare ta b. dramen enly a short distance, wit ftntilI fuil a h x tab idwitia Brick su Tim ber. - P a r u rt e r a rt c u la r s au l lv t o t ~ ~ ~ V .u-rA*AGror ANES WALLACE. 10COnRS DPi-r Hgrocg Woui Wauted ai th alc çuYAazas, l Cash wni bo paid, . Wbitby, May 8, 1852. Looak ta iou nmaàns Uf v*.a vo i t sdeu ossea Jei5u' New-york. Remeniber andi non ustué on the wrappei. - eWa reor a da"e CORDI4dL anti (Xl 01N7-IIfENTasIi R) ed for Saie aithe DfiIi noever'buy ihese ar'icli LAI M;G, at i hua ry-Gonds store,at anevit lb. <ne- tertell as you would Poisoff- -Ta Oweners of and lDealers ira Jorsrs. ÇAa»LTO-N'$- FOUNDER OINT- Por theceureat Peiuiser. Spti(t linot. Hoof-bamnti Hersa, anti eontractcd andi Peverlul' Feeft, Woursti Bruites isuthe VPlemh, Cattet Bautta, Cvscketi-Beets, Suratches, Cui s, Iieka, &e., on I'orses. Cassion.-Piuil the anosaiJ. CarUit Con- stock On the wropper,or never buy Colton'a Mlorse Medicines. CARLTO-N'S RN-IN UE For the cure cf Ring-Bone, Blond Spavin, Sotie Spanits, Wiudgattm, snd Spint-a certain remoti>. CARLTONWS CONDITION POW- DER$ FOR lIORSES AND CATTLE. Thie changes of weather andi sesaan, with thsc change of use anti (ced, bave a ver>' groat effeci tapo t the blond ann sinuetsa fluidisaif boris, Il i. mi these chanmu<ethey requreaasistant ta naturte to throW off an y disorder ai the fisida a of t W that may bave been imbil>esland wbic, if net ai- tenetdIot, witl saêsujtit he Yetlow *ator, fleuves Wormas, Botts, &c.,aiteofhic-will bc preveuitet! by givîng one aiftmepeiroders, sud watt ai avy lime eure, wbon an y syiupteuas oftiuseae appeors, i sîsed in turne. Thev usiifv the blond, remnovi- Remnember anti ami diers, aud ltte no us antInit reqlsire ecrf cqràds mI, alioed oi legs, sores o Càrhtnn's pareil f romn cîaeiauceems.- O4UTlOY.- Su.d tbe namne oai per of pash arIL COIMST( 4-tf. "ro. 1 Varmer, Fan GEO. 1 Schon 'or D il once. RAMI, Soa . Crois ovT lthe atantilu irue rbeu tightuet 1 op Ji

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