Ontario Reporter, 27 Nov 1852, p. 2

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,11 chscn t;raiml Uhsplama. 'hituLat- 1 NEW AOVE 'TISEMENTS - 1Place tise terminus Of I'bc ýi LRoa is run c1Gqueuce ai tiis ortliy fricnl aif tiseplue distance ira W as $is )rur inCasada aroas yet tnothla r I' st~. 12.lata-sc osslCasaa- tora TOr 0ansd1-lu- tniht-asd b>'Ihie Owîs issate esier- roc n j; 4 tise r liy route1 hae bas rieli trie niucee as a lluillic S 5at»0 aM.LA - ýIný' ffteen Mes abis r M t0 t tir, cciddly te amsst ss.alous andi C17 Ji I~~1)s re) t5 kerl toie a-isistahei Sons- tir e- n (h , oi ' ,.Âd thirdhy r Pers-y, ai Earnest-to val, is thl: ransi M Atie fl inus êtPô& Wiiby is lucher, aitidBr. A.NV.'.,tsylor ai l'el- )ii5ising of Jspenssed, Brittansala mnets1 atnd- 30 miles nearera- u caa3rnmaket. theu Grand $-entinel. B.,'. Ahtoiî of huasLermps; Jfavinig, purlor stand, smm<i-iedroorn 'tue Vatriot thimsks tlsat tise latereut of vh tie f ttê- yot active adb4ie apsadfyu pp r554~eba n aire migi salftt.-iofsthe4.vne'goudpo i m e n i ,t îhse G an d h l is o , a n tise o r- w th ;h Mm fo l t an éo lrs Y a e la Im P s an fti is bc'tl n a i e T V ê t t W l 1h,1 0111 il ttn«fef grc-nt al~mtasta hilm for lrilt, yuhave the lib.erty ufretiirsîiss thrm., the people 4"ta leare no, meanas istriesi ta rt~ îasds os bJAiMeS H.LGEIRIE. mai ýrt (0ricd ;b usnes Cansilci are siear and i drty, --- obtainille incalculable ad'sasmtngcs wih to'-dvn tomu r ' t. e.li OitfLasunps aie a a sr'lumr 1) -tit would accrue latistetntirons sîsusa rail- c firtt autbis lîfst ~and tise immt Io heave 'Mvy 5uid in feiean sd prc-îy. t"q'?~LkCT luy the l'aient11E GIStryid tslu ise bmsî.forbailli- Thieproceedinép ai tist! gmast's-meetinagof l« LETADS1lýTOTI IAN ny iraeiCs â comssori,easatio ldaye, wliisivil appear in anext~, wM~ easasi onand weathsser %cive 'ry un- tire imipor-tamice ai tiis rond tisat wil 1ustosn- urable, yet siusimstn-tessiOn .about ~ II 1j"Tliit.taiseie- cd frorn ail partii of Can11jada, faosil>'- - neâs oai is censîructian ansi thie.,smioit fai ' te Landon. 'liem-e wsas a large A LL tispse baving ciasuI aga linssît the Es- business it wiil do. -Application will limi. aret ai talent And blisiness tact nanorgst tlaio the laite Asa l'ait Escj., ai e requessies m 5.ne-sandi t1isc iwere nany speakecrs tlli urnc ie &1snîe ly ln rthe jssav daey aefracatr ~aull g-ne muy asesbiy 'Fse I)SIv . for liquidation. Ansd att thçse indeistes ara,~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~I (lmi'.(ritn. yc-o n Ill i taleame litareqîsteidta make paynlentsARun . Ryro nto lewi ytbefcnipon l inme, 30 ato s'ardsilyc-re hrsent. Tise 1ev; Nir. niret ti.c tdmanJe agaist thse vtesm,aiicrwile ail ~ hatOhîa resniacsu uîton î%f lic 4 sat 'tcs1u nt andi vigarossa ssladmIaclalie sii i trgt of Janisaynext li at0ýmf Pezzn ae uo k r inaur~sîaim ,~sîm.il mmevîrv s - tieput ini'i ' Collection. fihlf tise responslbslity oa ivmg carrene>' t1 ik-er, in mirputtinitie ;:1 ertbui fSr ot _emsl!r3l 'orcy. lia- tîsers i1aley<>i C AELE'l'ON 'ADn- useir that Amas Wa-iglst, E&q.ltse àMcm-. ict e, HIbi'e oi St Ctsmiî% Morse oi SAMlUEL.CCIIA- bea- for tlmk Coiity,. i about ta becessilesi itlviile, Nin Shvo ,~a'ný l',nr'jy 0 f J<)HN O L.Exeaiiî- I iti>',b'm-eehl ]ulf, <l~sll, Vn- Ilickerin1w liev. 27 1812. 33-tf. upon by tise people ai Whitby ta m-csîgn. nan nti tisis ~v sht hc orarnmîtsta liseMs'rmbes ai~tO n ,U ecmpbaticaiiy dan> tisaI suds rtUmor 'asiîh~'a dimt'sns awst r. " ~ '"temmenatesi froua Whitby, and Oshdawa is not lah ie 'eqks il>' adnmlired sl]iiti a aiaI - - rp tnw: 't"am a'acretepesa ipbi thse f-iat csf t. Jolmu the ap- r te place aaofPbi itieutisIle vescss ras tise i.pmrut iii 'tmasi Uiito'lic Ua - viiil andi sitermiination I ledvect'çacmALHava., O5tLIAe opimnion. ILtis iot tire intention i ftise Pco- peralnee p-Iries', w rwlîprinsi' ie he -Wý Raçh, au Iî4QNDAYltise 27mb sle oai tissTownship t ta a on 'Mr. Wrighst ds of ail. Ne ica-njm)iioinî fev'iaie &srOtt, (6851. A ter teumutàuines s ftheday mthe "y usemis tî ws'revisble ornm'scsn- iss mbignmnmd tisela- triedus sl, dsne togethema.- ta reîii,-but on thsecontafay, as far as i reý Piiuea-tc Ise on the ltble ant 1 o'etock P.M. cai Icara lime>'are gener-afiT' s4tsiesiwiî'h 'ail illesuint -i.ttheao.',p oi M a-lut lie- accanîî i h t-,i L11,,Gsiad Divi.sion sîIs.'w 1Bn-ia-ats AIJU11, miiipaocecuings. Suc ýa propastis was rcee~,ts ani smp'ndisîm cs a-mInagm utiaa x- Écrtir .mati s.'sme lime %incc from a distance fa.1 ýarmons wutys, chifly imarntsandsil a - rP. s. îeî. Gnsmuneaismtise (suit Turt' î. a'taER y), niatrpo t ailectsmer. ASitr;;a' Of 298 %vas teôaS,.slosdy aund, ov 'r ail Dintintplfnslitfî tistmrbu u.,q ls ise second (day, îhsc' t itis'un1 laeni AUSTRAUPI UNE OF A 1 PACKET AN po lnnpt lifre s of ytisis to11wbut s ingUicnex t~ sîummii v'w- fut mc-CUPPER SwrHpoapl'rjets > tS.Tseein wïdetoiiiine- oIl(siont' Cise -Illi %V d-at.'dabt thtiedisappointesi clique o ai sb- lvil-Ni -'IY, !ut t (ttlsm'riss*'s, ir' Tisesa tioto Iha- snat'mIut' TSpe a, onc ai m ioni mas a #ejectesi candidate le d aiai' n'cI, -S triAiucir mts L R iOSS, Enq-,of Qtieba-c, mssan c4a_11a-s0_ isanttise hast elecîson, would rejaice'that ,tise avmir ai lingssîn l'at ope, as rila-tse New Lînie of 1'aclmrm.antiCissestroui 1New-m 'o r~r uus~e, ut ujs.sredtsvv my ,Ar Au suajir etby iMisemi, publication ai sncb a rumaor would brio-it Y., sain iti:à. ;iceV tetailntmdby tA'rîî lutin'a taneile sbape,in tise hopte tisat iitise 'lie icanbrs ai Ibe Granaiid vmssCaris tC'rrtlari. by olitisai s:buffle would tacett usbtter er aisr I llo te 1cit mirss u Ilale New~i Yok, 19 Nos'. % 'îsce4ss fhan bas beoentdsissetot lun iu mepe ct forIsle mcnïcsry <oçf [l. .cM~l; 'q 1'. - I)rtu sr--llaung vttdee-lSiaintshis re*pect. P. iumuias, ilices s, ani £2siam tise port of Nes-Ynrk. bammusi u'4 Ataitrliia," 'votesi ais a present 11hs isdilv. 'I'li Weas l ;imS a jkw utisers, isi shave tailecl for-S- I us taolie a large ssi tru pi aperisautaosu- mh W-1quirier, 1 hav'e no heaitami an ici btinieefî SCOBIE'S L ANAC.-Ve havte Jbut il illustmates the bsîncvlemsc a of e lisse"Cracked-up" alsîpia atiract-iea-ny àas recceived f(romathei bih sWila ri tujion mare tisa-stise nohlc hip- ALE-R'1"- - episiha- siri s r. os- cm. ~S>ae is tis e fmiseciîn .en aiNavet Archîtferssis J.11.(erne, ai- tithouri, a cofi ai titis 'aUR 1lndïei Dsvistaîa't in ail thave e em tisat.1 have msein istibis gîas;-I do aot usa-an ua u'lbipea ied, a uîsch soine r5 ie In godoe Clin lppea- Ships muhîcis aie a-oe calcistattesi fondca. sa ma iga- '----- '-;'Ji aVe bcas dsiiixd lmg bn sytsagcte itrsi ai statit*tical infonnanti n, lmn' a clisea ~sJs~iru arguuzcd 'î'bc ALtERT'lr" s a inesdiiisi? beturees thse MXay' hast. "CLIIPiEK" andsi, PAdCET,'1 sud il; itsaut fat-n, and shomsid le.jioswed sib>' em>' fa- (XILIFOItNIA. nssh iont e ells t C"ren,ctiseÀ ndtioiir-tilu-'.For sale 1»' J. IH. C nnît [c, Wiith>'. - poup dek antd cabis, arnsIltie height ¶setws.eu- ~ls4'lie.uq~i tis hmast 'îmiemmiadecku, miîh hber generaIltting-ouul. a-e vys'eu- D IIU CJOIL M s; im utis irjes't.-lk'h iitespesrandon iseisit approicd plana fBRITISHesm 'AGA. >a n i schrcersi. iedatsandi ventilation. ZINTE-TORo '-.1%-o - Ikltirji Roust.- I'-tise 1(ith it. Tfise mandur miti tnat Thse -ALEWR17" ein la y ceialii afi >s to noatlc tise brmtmity ai tise , I dian Suspsrmor Nt-PSWIloli tise ccmveyaasce of l valnça-as This is a neat ireeki>' pes-mdical, Giesi wit.l ît," we mavl'e i-e itateit Ille tie (lrWRen latisss aAialîs, ni j~aid%1tecLcoicet im4auz of Britiissand Cana- îricans in Ca ai -e caaryitg 0an a ibis ressç belore thsay eage pa.sagtclewherü. dian iterattare. Encis succcedsssg aussîbes of externsinatiaai agazimî,t fisc pocr resi Yours ver), trul>' . It reýms ai ist ite edibis t tisen DANIEL OSS ofQui-ber, C: E. isecomseus mart enteritaining, and me look far ble fouid io liomrbi>' depi-avesi ns ta en- 1Foi-Passage, asidres, GROCKIR &'Lits regular appeauanc.e eh-week mitis inise 'c ins hisntiisg and4 slitng da:ma fti.-i AR~N 8IrawaN .,or eset Ow men, a4if tue>' ws.ei, lsl bet.- .1011N MACDONALD, (n iah.1a) os'_______ i is cruel andsitbusital, no imatter %iviether ah hi 7i Bruaidira>,NyXa rkEt- . J ÇLut e-I initer ;S nom firly yi.Iliusmf ' .t - 1.,. - s .. e "ctYN<,Aiai.\rts--n6,ies be rega-etdtheitis no mm ern ardsand Ca., Iii7 ilraadsimsy. ' 3.ls upon us, judging fs-oi tise fluar>'of snowir w ulime fmua-dcars. Wct limm s guadesi ' mm hsasiibis iveck. Wc are informîesi tiat it i. lutile woider Ltint thé l ndis s r'E seiz Cv,>' ppcs-tuityai etaha- Il R P O T ).sheiglin,,existsi in Scartt anI Geargiasa. e Santa Clara Regstc" rut-c ll84SATIrUUDAY, >0V. 27, IN32, r thme i'<s'lluwinzparlîctlars ai a camse ailin nna-imita as ount>' Great Rasi Rload Iéetiag, this nera Glroy's rancis, an« wiàii, Day h muid &esperafian, me fins ne pas-a- Ts o fUctsn1pa L. ýSta tt.,- Ja onu rei, sa>' Illprisîia heena âl&eican anid a nativ.e Wlastb>' sucttliis da>,zfter we go ho îreis, , aSatit a ganhe <f mosnte, and 0te ub(mati cuisdcratio n e of tise monî r>' ~trPhv~ssmcae tse en1a ~Important pi- csttiefuîm siat mre iism-ea !.te fturlrosperit>' i iebaîis touk Lmc l in us aibof uttis cion uLçum y, as wC1ll as1taIle' Juts. ils parisýessxpievsm9 ome-maiis-('-.*,da isiVo'"wegi- Y, ari thsyiw 1em-' saclim.b bumi e-s Sir eti'îaisc vii tsîp-a- * icof tiw r _ la-es- trnus.wcr ee eoeeiètiw-ntlsf lurder ai >tii .otiit'-. Aller tih s'l'ti he aid ceunt>'ofai "Yarkf. T 1's i third I 1;h,'tise (Jaioraian crawleS ai àa 1Raiieadsi -ians hiï bisarote Lake" ýd aint kaes nearer lus antago. ilus-aGn is aose that laid lonng an-a scen enter- e d, trias-des- ha suake sure oa isi ~ls~ ibm~ tak efee latis alda-taineil b>' inteligemnt iitisss, but in the tstrt- NI aaicnri. gle necvssiry t. tise ahîananmuit oaitiset'- sholin afitttank place ah %tep toîrards thia great svos-k htyftise ior- x0 atcr hpchose o UcheAile- amtiaa ai a sieur ounty, tise impor-tant pi- Cocet Acow as ou .t-, en- (-tasaipraiylstsgto, but tise thse' ver>' cammen apraetice ai j -etms eDpoas>'Is s -s taII igiI" under pressure, ànississbjech-rhsichis ias tisen mes-el>' considet-od mprhtsie shquaîr$ ias-ose, whie i uater af timne; bs--nom Secome ùae ai a thse ïb ino f ~iMr-. Go. 'Dan. ata ee5t, n vr e.inidly -tanuiet, misa bad taioen ta part un staneciyaievrsaQ5sifl> lt>'. The 'bah pajsed laie bià nhails uponis is. m-ar itmisships tast"Loms idul' and caile, out t htie iac.k, in hc transspoastuion af tueur-produce ho a seere, thongli. not fatal, wommais. miII ss'se of tise fs-ce flgit~, tira thers Sinii-mnbverao-itdt '.4 severei>'.' c.tcuci aeyesaa sntda essslyahei«aa>'ac-this route as tise ouI>' natumrail liak ofci sm, zfriiled: sear thssaOld Miuuioonsa . s The Callns Ste~r~crie ti verpolat 1 P.mothe lth. lie nevrà by the emelric& is Ixot impor. The actual sessdjaor Parliarnent cern- mence# an (bc 'The cSpee1ch f rom ilie Trnie w4the een in per. son, and was more kICgtby than'usual.. The ioiI<win- eiiibrareii the usain fea- titres;- The r irst paragraph pays a tribute ho the Memiory af Wellington, arid catis upani the ,buew provtde.qaids for bis1-jjiera), The 2nd acksioyi4detthe readins witb wWbh (1aterai entered this i- Thse 3rd snays the Queen continues ta re. celvre from 1 il foreign powers assurance of frîendly relations. .Thse 4Lb says, frequent nud weil-growsd- 'Id onip ù t hen cpart af iny colonies, ai in frigm 1t y citizen. ai tise United ~tatLs ai ise zing conventiaof a1819I, indueed me ta despatch for tise protection -of tlieir interem a fi daMor vîSseli better atdapitcd ta the s-ervice Iban those_ whicb LAd been frevionisly enphiyed. This step led ta a d acs.ion withb the governulent of the U nited :Stateç ; and wliile ýtie rig bis af my qtîbjects bave. isen firnty Msîntained, the fr-itendly spirit witls whsch the question bas hema ireatcd, induces ise tahope tbatthe ulimate reeuitnay be-a mutual and henei- cil extension of ôaur comamon interéourse. the tie reat republie. Thse ather paragraphs are ai les mpar. lance:ta Canada, andi will appear lu demail, LIVERIPOOL MARIKETS. L1anrs. Nov. 13$'1852. I3m ns>stst-s.rtade'nky ctiewitis sales airW'iseat at If asivance, andsIltie Flou a a6ds adrance on flue rates carrent nt thme aaihiwoa the Jics; Western Canai 2.~; lsi ~s Gi;Batim0ic 24%. Coma fia-ns at 23s 9d for white, ansi 32s for yel- loir. Paasss:Ns.-cmimauy unebanged i wti mmtiser isujinesu. Lard.-)emand a-onsid- abie, ansi quotesi ah 23s. ASÎES--Ssihibusinessah 27s. Ucamis uneiamgesi. o'-To.-eiined ~ta 5-16 ince< the- sailin g ai theise ia. At- thse close an the 12tU, thfere met-more' selters tisan buy- ca-s. Tle sales ai tic week met-e on!> 3-2,- 000 hales. rFR A N E. LOUIS N&POLLON MfD 715E ZMIUBj. s' 1' T.liese arecstron; is-nts at geo ais mrilotlsc' isîg, wirbs mi li e foutnd"at Tnososa,1 Pr.mauSsaN & Co.'% Marmosti Ontaioq ChotiitsStore, latt Wcsl Store, 2e . jle hrs> ave just receiros tise iargest*lsspp> ~'eves- imade for titis maraket. T. Dôw's S'rnni--,We sioulsi bave dmawn attention-ha,3L week tte i ttessuve stock ai goadîin- mprtesi b>' Ms-r. T 1>0wfor tbla tuarbL. As mimai, MmI. Dom", 6odï are 'of thse lscst quaiit>'andssi ml idbl>' stai bhis fermes- rcputation.-Seo adves-tiseus<nt. PecxmamisG F4rn.-Dou t (ergaet Ster- Iaus'aPickering Fa;is sGreesswsod, pon-the Fi-1rt Wedncsday ai Decembes-, Seintise Fis-st.day af thiseantb. Tur i EKSsEAL»,Iass-tl lus nthse Bnt of eua- taon, lias ben rtopehcei by' Mr. Lis ;Johnms, as wiilbe ,.eFb >' lad eemtsement. Mr-. Johnson is lii Se famid] Pà Rts, October 2Qlst, 18Ms. 'Tie »Municipal autiiotities ai tisa-City'gr Ageén'â hai ude preparatiauss for roceiviag ,X. Bonaparte, irnicit rse in keepiag mil h tUir-enîlsusiasm andi tieir salinies. Aimong otisir heuipotr-astittirca wiith icl tise>' hi4 decoratil thise-cil>' *as a splendid trn- Iliglsaess" ias ta usske bis. eî4s-ance. Ai tise 't",o eaf s ch mas thse inscription 'Ile Il deservesi,' and rigçbt tides- 1sassing ha a ope, iras an inspes-mal crama. Tisngu stood tuns misa th isen<d bcgan ta blois soraiembat voently ; nanwisile M. houa-, parte iras zppjariurmg; 1ist jiilcoi i atrival' the irinsi blieur mt tise isanig ca-ira, ans i iemi Uie ?nce pased under lse at-ch -tiscre oilretmsýied a bi- vepe, jusît above l>hics eud, i, mîtise inscription- ew l ui dsrres il! e' tleiness, huis son- timent, sa meii expres*$ý, Ii'uily.. c»lorsê ansi it pronauinces, toa, mmv deliba-raite aOpin' ion of tise miau who, ini ic,' eekai, mili cali biunsif, andi' e calhéd, tise Èmuperor of Fransce. 1 ua4emstand tdat intùany' quai- tsi-s, tisereis amonag politicians, adiifeérent opinion. People tbmnk 4mat, a ' (te ail, they basi Setter sanction ti-,e istùq Power wmuu tiseir appra-l, tîsan tobclieasno; tise few mWha apcnly appose it, in sot dc1aricg tisernt selrce for it. do siot chsange tlts.s.- Should 1 liste a hssndre yens-s,' untess -ne tiosis ofiri-lit ainsi wrong changýe, Louis Bo- n-iparte mville bcs, for mie, tise ts.srpCf, the nuutderer, tise prejw rLie now is.1 bigliway, 14Your purse or yaur le" Does the iunarmed mnan ehoose to give Up his.puva4so.wUthe Empenbe ho«ei On the 0-d day af Decemnber the !seletnn enthronization of the new majeàty wiII take plce-and what then?1 We shail see. - Uorircsjxmdenoe of the lmndq>cndent. The l'ortenlous aspert of Furelgil Aflairs OB the lIophorum Promthe ritih Amy Dspat4, ritO 2Jt is noôWexactly .èightWceh î'since we f addtrssed th be lkýwith somne %ord!§ ai warnimmgon tUic ubject af Tu:key, tinder the, beading- of 44Ourt),ie f'cSultan and E bis I3eseLtIng r. oCà"> -We (ben gavie ailai account oa' the cross-puirpo!sioaf Iussia andi F~rance, which ivere activ-Iy hcing earricd on at Canstautiniiiule, andi aur conclusion ri WBsas follows : ii"1Tie above are but a tithe l oftethreads afi ntriguse ibat Loard Strit- I fard could i iiravel andf meet by hIonest vi- t r,,randi deterasinatian. XVc ertainly. re- gretinh that lie isousl have been remaved d froin ini important poàt, wlen sueli a tyro as Lord Masimesbury remains in tlic fvreip t offce bore. %V,'e Isasi ndeed bapesi that Lord Derby tvould bayec availed iisseW aof t)( fîrs opjortnityof ntrusting ta so able a d-ilotatÀSt 5 LrdStrafford, those el±. whicb would ha~ve eziièld hini. tedo service a te ouF lai ut>, thse Ottoman Parte, from DJow iiing Street, if not ait the Bosphorus itself. Let ail Englishmen remember ho i caientini ýthat al>' i,-,ta thse »retention -of our mqseiîtd empireýiII the Indtues."b Aitboug;b aur bop". iu Lord Derby 'have diedl awS>', sil; asti- ieati ca nsequeun th i- b course adoptesi1 by lais cabinet, have been r but to lui>"réalixed. Thescvezed questioin of thse hloly $pucresay _bc said estill ta remain in al 'tn.e abcrrvivesiprobably tirieLis .Sapa lCon assumres tise tille ai I'rot#xteur des Liez Saintes, in conpisnc- i tion wiitiste Jmperial designatian. Never-V jheies3, tise praject-s ai the Czar have bpein ripening day b>' day. The cTurkisb Minis- ta-y wich aucceeded- Re-chid Pacha, werec pc-rhaps mnore especialy parti7ans and tlh tifRussia, than sinply non-re(orniing Turk, af thc oid isrhool. -Thcily at once 4Ct about doing work for their X1se prite paymaster, ta the detriisnentof, thseir liére lord, the Sul- tan. Thbey fortbhls i)negociatesi a tan on these ris1sI3aiurse!jôspon suds usulrionsý ternis, tisat no-prude nt inancier could i-er hiave deemnesiit îriglt:for jane moment..- Wbule this scisense, hoirever, wa% still pending for final ratification at C atia ,tise aid Tua-kib'bparty witb ic ema'at thevir (ostensîbly pnitronisedl by tise R sa e gain~clainored a ainst. any ban iein saeaaaillst the sacred precepts oi tlite Kôran. Anoth-r e of eaiininisir>' takes jAacee,'and Yebeaimt Ahi Pachia, formerly tiseConiande-in-i f a thse ârmy lis ruade Grandi Vizier, ai b i-s cabinet have. it lis said, deinîtel>' annulled tise loan altoes- tiser. Tise netw Premsier is describtA d b us to be an lsne, prigistTurk af thse aid school, hlunt in manner and rebalute of pur- pes-e, and i alhougish lie mow arts in accord- anewiti tise views oai Jt'ussia, bhais b>' no > nasa willlnsg or designing toal fur thse achenses of tie notiertwftoenat. But wvitiut the interieroence of France, oiilyt>alf tbest*ry i3ls ot.! Thessr dor therîv is M. de la Valette, son of t[Üý prisoner whom Sir Eoibert Wdson, Lard rDonousghsnsre and i ?r. ' Bruce, savesi, ini 1815~, riromtise saine fate as ?Ney, wlsiei awaited bum.Ile returns -rt t e t hi country b>' shoi7inghi ewl*ii an agenit in Egypt and elsetwheie, usist dsterined to jpuas, French asstagonism aainat Esîgliuhin- flnce andi commerce. lkb, ad but lately i-eturned froin France, and hle bai jut es- tartiiouay foreedlimseiM tiro«k tise Daý- Sdanelles onboard tise screw lhua ofbatlfe, r stip Clsarlernange, ini direct, contraveatsqn of ài treat>' ta wbieis Franee, ten parsa.,,Ù rwas a party. Weil bc g oet tse present -Turkýisb governpsent, and in.îi.s ~U'po>ithse -ratifications of t1he loan by tise "ultan, be- *causeiL was 4de'iù-s4 ~ Irn> e bilieve that -,o flagrant bs s een thse smis c onslact of the serrants ai thse ttounaü Poarte, that tise $Suan, woultd be m»<ally Fpactand scnips being eonstructe ry'-Snoviu flic Provinces, arc fý»le4 ýcw bave more Ieongt1z or rèlgap.i bier borders, tbn Gr 'B*ýM timfle and the largesf ine of mi one C-,oinpany, in the worid. ta make certan provisions with r Comînon &oi in CÙpper Cana liniited period.î some furtber provi,.-ion for provement of Coînmon Schoo13il Canada, and Io modify and extend ýhe proviiOfl5 of the Act th.rt*eent nada, «nd fr Vie overnmcnt du., andi it îi lsereby enactesi b>' i ty o~f the sarme, Tishat, tise Boardh Li'rust es iicdisCity Towns or LIm Village, aai, in addition ta thsep rimicit thîey are noi lirg-aliy invest and ezc-rci3e, as far am the 'shahl pedient, in reg&'d to eaitb-suds C and Incorparaiesi Village, ail tIl s'ith whlici tise Trustees ai e-. Section are or nia>. le inrested regadtO cacis SUch',School Secti IL And ble it ennectesi, Tiai ni be inspo3esi upo'ù the imiabitan soOl Section accorsiug atu e'y ber ai chiîdremi, or-ai tise numnbe ren of legal school age, residing i lien; iirovided, tisat tise TY-èstg 'Scisool Section shah sc ibat ce tnder their charge is, nt ail himel vided wits a Ieister mmwd Vmsit in ti foi-n prepa-es aecording t( vided, scconidly, tîmat tise Trutst .-clsol $ection shahl bave auti sucii stepsans tise>' may jussge e imite th.rr Scisoal witb an>' pu muar 'School> wbichs shail ha ituaIs adjacent ta the limits of tiscir S tian : t'iovided, tiiirdly,, tisaItth of ecdi Sciseol Section shall i respoiisi'ble- for the aiaunt ai g mnaneyï wheb shlall beri:feited suc ch Srool Section <luring th theur continmance -in office, ini e of their neglect oL dut>'; and tisus farfeitesi or lost ubalilibcec appiiesi in -tise mannër pravidesi I section of tise saisi Act, diirteenîl teenit Victorsa, cisapter forty-eý ,,;oliiecton andi application of tise sei b>' the said - secion:- Pros'id tîsut tie Trubtees ai cari Scs( shahl, each personial>' furiit tise paOunid ive shillings ýfor cacis ans lilat ic> ssal; 1nelect, niter the 1atlsary iu each year, Io pr"pri

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