Ontario Reporter, 20 Nov 1852, p. 4

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l ci;sd he ixi geiier-. [t is said ini Concord liy uns well tiiot ho wtl spfcnd soi with their only child Fail & inter ici anicy S un 1) 1 e Goods 193.0 ujinmer, tii.y bearà T H ln the. extensive OV rTA fITO I J J E jlceof couches; Omii- O âdnc.m Thehommila Laie Red Store M 1 rnebildîng, uhadetiby a teto fi ndn ut"rt 4i elin trees. We ttenitd I TE Suscbera would-eal lbte8100 fitnin ucaes olai Mb,'nze ,alnlor VV-W D x"SJ>LEXDKD STOCK .QF as usual a regula r' radde inter e F(l'ail i on divine service. 1,liche runfei <[rhyofa1flCoff 44ise -pat- rfto & fuaa?~ternoon, for lWh,t îh esiréel oonfdit WIIlêbO el ~II ISItG,< 0Pii'"1 :Leolwra:t Eillsborough." s1yle alid w , Gry xWnsipSkPDB,,PhuT ~ri.<~ Attmpgt toMur- NBeca oaiReuSaietfi li&.&.&. 4er tb Heihwal y oulti abià eaU upeci elst% twwbn mdes.sesseroy the lie otlua ve'r shape. Cwis, Bonet@, lbc, &c. 4fIPilltOysêleditor of the Tyl 'f.cninuOSSM1e t p oikbad,tbaif unuSiBly luaDd antiuataied sp.ran uf àd, by means of a torpeilo,t 1 Y <I L TG st a o'.lack on 'Monday , 4f.u1f.capig CVr!(rçdierS st u à .11', Mr B3ennetl, canie1. er ruifo h, Irving Ilouse, to the.,- AIi 5TU~~a i w1kw stsftrbis sLivai a8par.0 a ha*ïkn, withlte simplei. Mns *d.wasn*tia'5Indien Rubbers, &c, consantly keepton hanti 'sfColig at ,s~, a geatiemas in ba coac i CMaaafactrl by îhemiscltvdl, aly f ldsa.tficd e illcoi4ie to give eviy .aishatoua A i~~~~~~ ofaht eurdhm~a w hich tbey offr !ote public vM sucit Mr" a* yldefy catnpction. ffec. The parce] w» of a THM>O PER N&Co about six incItes in lenehi, (Mtarîo flouse, Laie Red Store j..I mou browià paper, lied wiiIt IWhitby, NOV. isbîl, 18f)2. 3 À-seaarely seaied with red - - _==-2 eîiupressmca of a cent. EXI CUTOReSA .ILE. jau a yegate o 962 fr»s.. lter. er bide wrspper wau taken ir coetie.îtaîlt lt IIR} at tedote of tia. report-oct, 7-e 's& bandat, it discloseti a sall 1N'ALY V5 edVillrtaso Op nue reseoaWing uhoseued b MI< cin by tros iicCn ati on * or_",1 o.Thcr puttasg up calltar. B.j ulcJaton rth o'tte u hr cnsidered tiser. wx -ome. 02s tillremainite Ucshops at Pointe Charnci eatraoruhoary inthIbs nfar, - N ONDAT, I2id 19OV. atiLopn's Earia, 1,11.4visw(e origan on: a. le made cote or 1vwo at. AI TWELV'E O'Ciocl NOON, religion are thus clasified; Frp.nel Conadionm r.@ il ta Mr. Ijutison, ______Protestants___114. lf made an incision cof thé,7 ~ .~Iu-Ioetot 1. wbe ppoei prt.TEREPORTER. of black sani. Su3spic«rioniTH arl a i àser ,Nr lds; l uidersig-ýned will i accardane wsth fb snand hew i l, Lit .. cinrieoiri'll1PUBLIC..AUC- I wrIITYSATITRDAY, NOV. 20-Î8(2.- flicp oedand thew tiittôTiON , thiit ddtvor îwir AO A.E Bature of te box'vras cont- t 1ONRL OM) ,tiarefore carefiuttly ichet RI 101) li iItreamudoOtlnown a- ot ¶5 2ôý2ti in 1a 2nd Canesasion cf nRalfoada ieericountry are t t t te lefrnîti office, bavsig j, bonds foro ubnîi )a o seir ing il li vater for the: w b tvo detcctire ias eoststuatien. 'flic> SMiost itgeObousl>' cOntint. emia machine, andi that it quamtit>' ai powdcn tla.t ils are bren certain tiab ta ýpen t obe aueril.- Aeir.. ine vend, btil lotit tisicir rfour light pp im atened thet, aanti aboutte asdt hr. quarters aycr il. ,t"sofiauinchaaliee titis a sitev simiar one, bust CiMmUl5r.ne. Thtis vos boum of ilte box b>' tva .rtid, eaing lhrollugh hales 1, and vas supporleti b> a me i..tchl8 rcting -o« aI -of colqomain thse- 'as covereti vitit aw bo min asla'i- f woed,uso thmt i e caver1 tic fric- ýrcliesTis le- tmuctadýlte liox owder by a<at o f tre of the. lott, rbhohesisa4nches,ý wooduatil the box coTrer emire PlCERL , cuxrisnt100 Acres, 70of whic»h :,te undjer cullsirtiion î>d lte rernainder ini esîti. Wa IADOOI) amitiunmte anc tmile Itrain 11W KINGSTON ROAI), andi 20 Iron the Cily ni witlî a!§mat lEt,laé,sUIFictesitt oi A DISTILLEVl, TANNERYja or ,6:her psrpnses. Thse Buildigs tmr" matl Framie Housge, capital Fiants Barn, Statbles, Titie inisip9ble, anti possession iniiale,. TERI(M. £200cari, ; EIRaruce. £100 pet anwina vils inîre on i e iisii Principal tatitird Pir fumrler pariculars renire f ai.. ied &Leith, SIii'irs, or ai - W. B. CR E W, Toronto, Ncvexnber 10, 1952. 2nu. STRAYED. LOINo 1. t (lencessiota of Pickaahng, in t4. umebIsolýj uly at, 3SneYn-' aiOld--nea a St(eer wbite wihb À&ç~k Ia ltIroueli m ndut reti err, aie lliir ted andi wh-it..Wo e viii giîe aseb Iin tion as aill leai te tise te- ccery of mtti catlleS, Witb. avtably revardèd. ALEFX. DU7NLOP. DRY OOODSý ciofrries, Hardware tCocey tle d tthot- ireapett raie, at thse .t4U4t. I e~ Vaîntisar, Noir. l~l ~EW( e presxent, day czasuidereti inuispensablto 0i thc requirclnenta aifecommercead travel. In litnes gone b>', a country' grc,w ricit andi poptulous ini proportion ta tbe navigable Wteam-, by vlhich itil as traverseti. The Idiscovet>' of steani ant ifi-sapplication 10 ai- landt travel lias furnimtted to commiercua irtificial tbkorougb-lare in cirer>' va>' sedi, er and fur 1lois hable to thte accidents andi w s anter comnnntatioti. As ve baye maiti, the Rail road sà nov ttnsitieoed inS- diwensabe te Ute lrade .andi travel ai' a -cuaunr>', & byvhichu richies anti intîlligece us difitaseti, aLà resurffs developeti, île wild londs madevaîuabe4id procuctave aud4b&. remte setîher brough~t within a 1ew bôtirs trel ofl be 1iget aket icr bis pro4aucc, Tie prjectd Rail r frein PbRT WUmî'-» MY TO -bTURGEOK OR GLOUCMIER BAY on Lair. Ilron bas adVoitages ôver every11 ailier route in Canada. Thei. distance, sî les, by soine 215 o 30 miles, I>tween lte Iwo greatlLakes, thoan uy otier over4and, line, andi il is no lesu recmarkah1e it aloat 4wcm- ~~h,-, evér7ïb Ct ,at An Act to Roa- ro ýorXbKb, !ý ýýUrQý 1ýjorboes -frm the opp?.;tion of Ohaw,2 pi< Ja ouie .w.Isq., wua appointea Chiar. h ut they, as Weil aq oùrselves, were quite duscretio ,Agi dPfflty> r.qM"" to ý,Vpr?ýr,,dfor such a total diregard of Itrt -4 1 torney tl *et as Secretary. Itnitli. ________ An Ac tt ScliooL ÂCT.-Next week wili. uppear eight y«e Movei i . -. .r~ b~ E.the anienciments to thie Sciiool Act. Th'ey to 110011 * fitbe tract of Country between Fr jm, u vr ,morae cilla. dX,~ are.tedi _ i -90, uy4 k FertWato éta-daw_ _ giled Au At to for a tine of Rail Road belveen tosIan Lakes vhach,, ir tav@i'abIms. îurute; lid Cost of eemstmutkio ad- Probable krav.t ~ andti ra& ih Ismquimled isu liesterna ' Moved liy Dr. R. J. Guon secoocti by James -W$Ume0, that -15 t.i b opinion tisbie meetiiçllut arpilisitioni le got Up ap, e lir, Upon tue Inhabitantbtiof this Toiro<sbip to taire mb onsiowderation, lte aubject of con- strocting a Rlail BRoad froni Port W.bitbyV to Lobe hurOg4, md ltaI 8conmMittee of nin b.appointe4 Vo Carry 0ou1t tisResalai- lion. Coawn'raE-r 41. J. n, and MCUsi. James, Walloce, J. IL Peri.y, E. Annis, JHugli Fraser, Lewis 11oucir, R.. Il.- nw rJauitsilovre and Ilf Scofieldi, 9 Mo lsecndéed'anti carraîi, ltaI' Mr. Rowe ti,a eave lte chair, andUR. Il. Law- der tare fthe saine.a loehyDr. Gnomn seconilet by E Àa. tL.i ihas ofaitis ccigarc justly due Io James 13owe ~s. for .Iis able conduet in t Usa Chair. Thetibire coinmittec will tacet at:n Mon-v dua' tvcnung 2end it., ut T.N.Sripture5s. AREQdIIItiOn e'e the undersigneti respectlullY retit' the inîhabitaats of the Towmaship of .Whlitiy te rtt end _a publie 1Meeting ta lie held ot the F.ree Cnaarch in lte Town of W1Ihl4j On '-atur4 lte 27th nst.1.at leb. iur af cm.aeock p. M. for the purpose of ta- kingýinto consititrationti he oipediécy an p)racticabîihty oi constructing. a Ra*il I1.oati Irn pqrt. Wbhitby on Lake Ontario ta stueoj 1.a n Lake Hurcon, takinu the1 unoit appuroved route betwen. the titvo places -j 'A gegeral attendanr-e is, respectufly e à attentii Ivàoqtaga à'iaI ityi en aient, dosëee i b or. extpaded notice Ibau ve can 110w MA W. would .011 lhe attention of aur reandcn#u 0the G REA T R ALLR , MEETING te b. P icd in Whithy on Saturday th. 27Uhi UiIt n Vhlitby J1.cbaulcs laitllste a ne Vepereive witb matucix satisfaction, tb.t rel [bit lnstitutihu iir Id tà'-eeelve t donation of A ~0front gaveriwent. 8uch a gratuity .sei is iighly conaendabf,leamui will »*01 lu-tean8 rccîve te van approvulof every intelli-K gent andi di&cÏiaiqg' titise. It 18 a poli- Au j rying sigrt of thme. pttgreaof thtie country', 10 ubea leoph ca.talitisia' cd lb.'gocera. e ment supportsuch..Usociatilonsi il eninces, b at once, a iigh degre o-f mental cultivaltion Au and ant otrnest detemmnino±ion ta imnproveu and vo must beartil>' eongratullnte our An entiers in tiis vicinty>, on thae posbession na M1 soý very, elffciènt and usef ul a onie. Tise ' rvatiïfi 'sbeeu too long andi seuionsly feit, j and iow'r tbat'ii l Iupplied ire .Inc.crc- An ly hope alrequnite oaneauragemaent and. as- siitance wihl bc rexadereti. The tine a.. asfortuntl 'pas-,emi aval, An when thc value ofInJstitutions Smciias4 tii ri was underestwnstcd. Men eau na longer Amiq besitate to a o ï et.. u,.gu , in- dispeusable. iii tii. dk-semiù ation of koowl- Au ed;e! houtruc vansis kuovn andi appre- ciated,; but, «iti il t tis tc>' tac' frequett ly langmish tlirougb the. negflect of ihose wia Am should mepp art andi fos,.ter >îbcm lie>' arc tocu <requetntt>' sut(fere.t tfall into iuaodivit>' anÉI titi mny t>' anntagei but ta the. conimu- Ail nity. In titis wcalhhy, intelligent,oand pros- pérous lova, bhuwever, ve carocat>' hae Ae lno prit onipanies. Act ta asec gblts, o r t e C ( non ita srt. Ani u.al-way af C* Act t a mnîb ýf TOI ,4 AcI Act ne he Le SBurohau GeiWJacobi 131 th (e -ivc orI any, 1 Sfor

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