Ontario Reporter, 20 Nov 1852, p. 1

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à.TXRDÀY MO3N'ING1 urqum-rn À DvÂrCE. WIIITBI A N A-DA I ç~ ~ Frvmrnsot ba uentre S*. 0o L% M ~A40S»&&ê~, et Xisa and Simco% sti*cte. ( WOOD, PcKgzftif Norwopd, Oct. 2):th, 18s1. 28-IY 1YOTiiRY PUBLIC, Criaiular of theê Court Or Quetti's Bonrbe Umunsgimoer, 1DrawgÂ#mnan, SLS6UER 0V MAIUAGE LU1CNSE AIND 0O&e nuar t.he Court Ilousee,,Villagt of M - weHElirtgw, 'rownlip off lt:i, c- W. 244f L. C. HOMM,9 C N EANC l tJt*m*ssùrner of Qlleen'8 Bench For ta-kintg Affiaits. 3ro in~, $ejvt. 3, 180.22 -I .MACDOI4E Le Attwazev mail on.lr..ti c . c. &c. c À 1q ADA w il9T, - r$0Vic. up-it.irs over thc Clequered Store, BROC K1STR ET, WIiTBY. INSURANCE OFFICE* ~'IM.tÂCEbcgtýte initiinattc èp tit hý lii ben ippoir,.tv Agent fur the ?WoflUl4 NufiVAL àk tEElilm-1NuIN COMIPANY. anid tsb speae atk ik tteordîtary -at,i<t, tte >1luTu-î, aPooxri:tAC& îAS1$ix No. 36 Jýg, trctToronto, w«hI'Dyqý c. W. [MPORTZRS 0F Rbvc 13RITIOR MANUFA0TUaE, ANI ) DZ4.Jty 1 V- W-90LËSILE AN4DIRTAÎL. Wlitby YUiag, 3une,t185. C A R LETON- L YND E, WBQLESALE AND -11ETAIL IJIALU ENTRA, TOBACCOS, -RIC9, FAPER >TACTiI F 07OLE UPPFR, AND 'HARNS$ LU*THER, &C. Cagh&rteIfor Uide. cand .9lin, Wkaet, RFo6Euand 1Piarl 4As whty kizîýt une,' 11. ~rl ,~ 4th-j Sth-j Dili, or Siayidgodd a well kuoi.tu tqur REMF 1> Y.1' 1 7 7.1MOTJJ1iR ELL.V, for ail NWo*saa i lte Furiy way- SthýL 01VG L E Y'8 GRET WZ $ rEW L>XDLIX N iCj.- ForCol&dis4 re%,tidh f(elîugi aud prvetûfevem1,1- 2. FoiAâtUInAýlIvet' OMPlint and Rmu afliectioms. 3. For »)ia1uiboe 1 n4ieston and Loss of Ajipelaie . F ior Conflvcnps. lu fermleiiidmttb1C,tft1ftev~1iouiTplUhti. 5.lê tmh feîor Dylpepsia, Fim,, RheurmatiBt, &W. Thei g!eat potnts aie, it is flot bail I1late, fnt-ver £ived pain, and ic- ver Ises ol.cii th-DR. )LIRTIfOLOMEW'8 PINK 8YRUTl fôr ail Cnizuh or Çolistimptioul. lth-KOLMISI'O'Jh? VER<MIFUGE (Worm Killer) lort hildren or gpown persois.- 1 lib-MR S. B ROW N' SGREAT PAIN ,KILLI'R.-N.o Meinot ;heein disreoîer- -ed itatta sobnppily adapttni 10 ose itierially asýs. o b te t.ien and yet perloum îuch wonders wben applil <ia ya aw4 or bathl by frirlioi. ,kil the Item*nieaarc fAilyflvRstiibclil 1hFamph- çts, Jo i>taqires ta ii %% Lu<at ai L:Eaqtui-e for th&e CENIAL P AMILY 1IRE'CO'RI Showin; lhe piemcdl'cs mldich Ctëry fernily ethmiutt keept ittleir ttoUis, mA¶ tho inanterdî,îuimng tiient. lly wkich ail ordiuary Sielne" may iii prevented or speedily rernoved, wuthout th.e pense of the Farnity 'hysic;n,and Severe Dartgerous Diseasea ta refer lu 101-1 asny remMcy ila waued-hooth'as te lte pastictlaflueýîle indiCate4d b>' the Comrpiitt and esbowing w Lere such remedy nayaiwayî be buud.r y~ taInr oait NwtXs of hJ'LbrandT~ ment~ rnCtira eitorwlànd lit, t851 52-as litistAR W 00., aad P p ÀLgX8l Centre Tables, ~sdTp hm.i~ Sinks, Sd lhSnfas an ins C Ever ety o AW ISW l don n Suyerlor SIO, -or the »a«t lsiu , suad NB-,&Co. lbcg 10o-CR)' ibalt ho>' avp uto co-nttectipfl witb anyoiber :i¶abtîatflttct, and they1 import illir 4arble (rom lt -,i& aai#ti Ru4aud Quarrues, Vermont. -Tium. ilson, 3 Mckhtm village, Agent. St.pteznbcr jet, 1101. 21-IL. F or11IRiRII llOMk ZýOFFICE . T.,.Q>ON,o. IN StIAfLS.iOP T1rN Poum4 AVI!. .Tl-I N 1çl'A 'N y 1Iving lueelp dt.r1y Aorgavized, ;pcrorulinigo the teme of iti _Chatitr, is prcpêrt-d tn 10*0e CES à"fio fainmu~be tcrnwa aother-rpffilbii>oe ittf tt tIIc buitâs twiluaactpons of the. Cou.Wani coil àcit:tcauothe mobt honorable ,pr inc [seac C. GilgorMiller, Thomas flIaworth, IHays, Çeoxr. eNlc, -, Wrn. liinderspti. yae Da _1Rire Lewis, and ýý oHwttt, Esquires. Il al c C. Gilnlor, -- -- -- --- Preidft -Ttiomag -ljeworth,-----bcè~e Robt, Stanton, >sq. ,-sc. and Tftw F ORtTHEtDOG ND e1AaùrýtIo witocssu eFQpular hia bY the Uiroat-wi se- f W hile t rueUng in 1787 tbro*gW ti, 1ý 41 Lbe t> dotg,1 béautHfiIictfoMlëI91z-. I oert â dbout CQWbýlà Mstbc MdtS bgs1#Ica ~fçptue P S'o$Ç li owffa But M. ID7 bslùIWg th1 fewy rods ?rwn the Ii liwa, a wtieland thic arriydinttetaP fresdue The folosviégc!4 laiht 1 înaI1 aJ 1Ictuied it trom thetipe 01 mïjtd~oe ett Uïrother. Who Condutedthe Wtl4, and cond.jn.itm j3-gBfort li*tL- bad- tnet tO le broken live. the YoýungVII P oit A gamanWkhr h benighted in the 'Ipe4. er an mor ipidstof a forcit, lo!st bis WAY, andd %lMeyer bimseif 'vis iad, i endëavoring to g n the ro:d(, w"a ttirlcea difllctty ;n pèru nu4îo by threebhigliwaymen. l1i twam.on horse- the dtog that the f1Wthl l'e back a:sJîcoaipa*ti' by a 1arge. i nethi e at d t> o ,ad of the rohberas 3ized -ie borne by the bri- cf thcite "eeeih~ irat de, whle the two ot1aers drair1ed the butcb- the s*tSi. 11 spol die b'. a nd ,ied'him. The man , ë the aimtai s e everely that bce ru ,sbed j»fj> b unnd ed to h 4 mî a ter, il the tiqket, uttering,'thc ust rearftil bowI1s. a few tinte5, sad then hgt' The biîtcber, *bo 0by- tdits timne bad dIien- ie. #divided the erowd, gageil himsif romein m gap olet h tu on the eneracaye robber, drev irLs knufe and Ikiiekbim. Bu~t on te oçessons itv at the %mme momnent he reccived a %bût fio vwcrd iln ie MEor die risiol of the tbird , who had jwit woua- imbu y tt, ttnd àt mbn cd theu dogand falng, ws 1lspa.bhe4 Iiy on-i um .'J' dé the thief, %whio fouad -upon its a large sum rtoint t he ùiii. ob odpip in gla, a Silver watcl, and a few otler ar- e e ry on e drew ba- k o 0 U4Cleft4 fvalue. 1{c Plundcrd iýeCorpSe, B "-qiés wïSUÉ'pe>dè41, Y n nnn the homue and fled. - ee4ed4in~iIp, jr 1 l5~ y' a- ~t. 's. cr's do~ U~esrr ~cenmed b~m a cTOwdE Whlo trn#sU t WiII surtAyl deadu lv& bu"-" -l l dea 1 1 JAMES JAS.E WALLACEus DRuGGIireLite, and Gttli utirttee Matin S&reet, Wi*t jlgbY u#irf I.4 Mlho us ipp'4o"Whles-le & Utait 4édtt. lislU'SC W. C. -SWIE1T'S C LBIArEJD ¶Ii ubscriiuer* aving'boenàppe FroW MCo'the aW1 e F'n IIIVATO Tndtth cite, s¶Wijrr N v i L8~ I Y;, great OrlIan bowtd nnone not iiu chuii mestW farm out Win 1 1 or, SICK RE14D ime 1

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