Ontario Reporter, 13 Nov 1852, p. 4

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object ot -un s a iuv -s ae teàammUEUIttUoe Â' o he . it"r Migit prove ver>' injurionis Skvill v ith . mtii.e se Pr (thsusgus. M u is au bsoniar>' relatilou. YF M. tii. Duke of WeTlligton tiierefore de. glmêo do lie latter; bush.e esclo 'M s yeeualjjyco4uton, £5; t1 1* eh.%haty a trteprtote." Tutu lHou" 0o, PARIAtEWxT.-L8ýî y.ar sils.e zpabsfé eouaceount ni thse Iriuibbh 1i1>ue oet arla..: amooatcd to £134, 987Qf wlaii £5000 wuas e.Speaker' sas la!: £ 91,»00 ia. salaries sud espeiumas ai IbruiSeers of thli& i ouse, eo( riweu aud £53,397 for priuting. TII. editor of a western piper havlag bg lis au tle esc of litstiulscrabers, the. horrover iia4sçouatoly ro tlbe. hoitile. Ona ttog it1. the.manua ad: " ou-cau u11 et it Ezed." ."6Va.," -replietithe .dtla, 14 Witwiil csat lousta quarlcr et a dollar," " Wqii," rejoined tii. bar- suver, 1",if you ain'î radm ier tsftfor an sdi. toi'; bl oe's a quattar, but ru tlauk you te elopas'pper aeu nes."l A couple of pedlestrisa gruts front bien, puahiitrough a toll gate, attemptet a joke la& . oeue of tht yooog wwaau Who u"Md aeth=door, by mskiuig bal tii. charg vas for pauuag tlao&jau4:Il( lf oi amargen- tiuau, $einsef ouamedonkiesp a peu- n y .aub," replied tii damui, ranh to tLeur daseomfitare. *Hu à "," ukedia primoer of a*me- glisra., " a riglt to cmmqt a nuis'ance ' 1 * Tm, ir 1claisa my libcrty.' I waa arfa aï da l#niaumean sd a» seo faa a ne t o commit me, 1 move fer s nonsuit." & t Wal il og ta"e l' ,.loe8asherifi af 9w aslp4it blac vabout tw bang. 1Nul a dkop,' vas <Le q<pitIrepi>'. Why ieta drunakrd's face like a bad book 1 Ilecnuse it get.. red (read> î,fteuer "titi ougla. Tui EjwDor Lïwa.-Tae end of man'% lifeis gry; the cuti af vinait'.lite îja about Ivo and tlarty.-Fuuwkà. liever basy goeda of a person too stingy th sdverùm e ia husie&s. o asa ens- bk ic amwq., ts sa y va. CeId batlling, putre water, plain il, s ccaa ahirt, and a printer's receipt, are lu- diàpeasible (o beaith and huppiteas. Didt ayboy ecic1r bs i &Y aorf i wo Uehelor brutrs dow» t. 'et'eecr, 'wlo b.d iived a citl andi do-, sort of 11k, te thiur oeand, tAe neighbors' ducmrt, fer a 900& mali>'yyears; but vit.>, having -been at eemp-afectiug, were lightly ý cotaisctud, and emaciuded to elons. 6'Tom,' saja one, wlacu <bey bail arrilvet etIh"r baute, 1'let us it dowu oow, and Pli telîlYom what wc'Il do. Voit tell me af eji 017 faults, and l'Il tel ynua for ansd bo we'illkPow b ow tegteabout mentait' ai à Good 1 sapa brother Tom. #,No, you begma.'oO eil, u he in place, yon kanow, Tom Crack 1 goes brother Toua'. paw e bcween Joe'.i blinkers, sud consaserahie of a 'serma- image'$ affes, untîl, inti lia course -of ten miault ether is able to e UIC to1 siite mdthe reorataioti as poa.9ued 'm'ne *MMme or' thi.Tagrry-1*us.- At.s&peetgl-ural court heM ld ettheTrio. * l oi:te 196h October, bis Itoyal Migbom- Ilriame Albert vas, b>' tii.unani- MM . ve of lias eider and yoiuger bretb-, ena, ocled Masier of that- incisait corpo. -às- :mu,&Amào"os o t -'. the & iVa VILLAGS 1UD11 mi", a III WD.J. 14AX PERRY, Whitby, Ottle., 18. T2m FVRESububerolrers for Sale lis pro- a Walgon Shop, euhb a lirea Power Tcruni Lathe snd Séwlu?% Machin. ttacbcdIo iL cfi»beDirel guats, end tiare quartea ,rd& ofLad. Prt l stid on -o e__eaimleMe Med wiIl b. î&îon russeuabe tagme. Apply,if byltter pauld.to NOTICE ilabcrcby givet ')M it w1fflorri- ber, o laly autboulus sWdappoint Thmas Hoov. mislu soi n u .teit:D K.cotet Io IoEttofblte avaids Ioover. Tiin-lu d'ff Io IethE sta:c sither l'y noes Arco ai aIe suoituàciimd settii.mmrnewilh hlm al Î fi~ to :Port tiloovawilbouf dol.y, sud uIes bovinîs dla soasi h. gileSu57 havi Cbolm aleedby li,. 'y glris stislacery pmo Io iheir ais. AultAIIAX HOOVER, RACDIAEL £IIUYR.e Port ffhover, Oct. 11,18M2. 27-4in Sobseuriber orouldtge a ttnto of hia customers a'4 th...piblie t. law JUsT AitRivim "OnM NoWTAI, Con"itng ilt Pantof Whitecrnpa &Exhibition Shawlê brea de deuanes, Mushu Dresses so1k tasatin aso, Prints$ Zebra Tweeds, Sommer Clof a, Am" auCotton%, Prices a abade leacerdiaasmr Wholcsml ste witbiu ton limtsof tw Coimty Towni. THOMAS 1DOW. May 2Sîh, 1852. 7.11. MVONiIE Y ITOLE Ro-ai Esute. Peruosi applications ool y attendii it. Noce ocuti ap 'but ubo«seWho cm litmisl oicurti aof ppro cbsaater. Appiy co Eut Windsor Whitby. Oethr 2M, 102.234 CASH FOR BUTTER. Irll-:Sub:crberwlt psy cash (or mu> a quntiy o Pol Neréhantable Butter in kep'or oîberwlýse, .i.hVeed aet te Cb.jtserrd BORT. H. LAWDEft. wbitby Oct. "n4,1832 2-tif Euitrpisls the VnltIaUm of Sseu. CLOTI Go'IN~ tiff. te b"fitof the Idjabitauts ofibe Bock ¶.Twships, ta. Propuletorâ of tb. Whitby Wooleu Yactory- have mnade arrsngseets with C B.-Jeýwcflandi W. Thomas, Stage Prorietoras teIo rwsd Gfotbl andi Wool ta Iberests milishaent in Whitby, Lqê No. 18. 611% Con., where lb.'>', wltbthe e mvata obt' oo wrknen &.,àw, illupuel b"nm 0*a* b Shet Notice. Persans entrtutint uheir CIoth or WooI te the rate 01 <h. diffeeut Agets ofh.Sulrià.rsmay aloot frthe dasme wîthontta>'K, et " MMsai place, .Ttwy bave sppoliW Jamtes Clark, for Ml. 'Arites Moiounusa , aomeiff u shiavotnonre. WJalîby 21 st. Joue 1852. .1-1>' WESTER n F N CE COMPANYO V ESubseftbe rs -mOt ptul tbathékias been duleiyspinied AauaTby 1 b. Westetn Assutsace Coélmas . ateLyorpolsodin Torento, te isa. Rliait agaln u*on tre mib iniresmnnable teints. MA, partips wiabng a sale anti rerunerisile in-. sestanent of noewy bave non' an opnrunil, t0 don T he Ï;oaiiys t cdivi swill pal of . he c aîtu f the 8*»ek ubscrlbcd, Voifl he ompnysb<mld attend d er ropra- t<ou te Life and MaWrin. Inrauceé. 8qt shbi lu b. (oued ame"eiry toe ti lu a <utrier par-rent- ageot thé &«ok isuscribed.5IZtY days'motift wili veýre ous ta hedate eo"paymt. ÏHOMAS BOLMTR. U1xbridge, Àpril 22,1952.34 "mL RAY -a M WCIIANN eIEG respect(fitlyto infi th ladie of fflitb -a" Vie thaât the>' liae-ime peda Shop for tWe-boye buutum tu <te Room aover Mli.. WILKLNSON'S 2It U~Gur of tije Watth., TaS, Dbars belWW M.s. &Ia o lS em.. Ms. Kkiy hb"gvmd ereter apprentice- skip te the Mâllinar>' hus.aess, ill e the t princpal oum f iMu-chster, Eu!,,auti hop. lai eh>'viii lie enabbl o egave aat*~ciodt. iltbofte Who Mal tavor uecm witha their patroliage. MRS. KAY AND 341M BUCHANAN UTLD respectfuiiy aujion"tce b 1.4ulaieu, <t theb.> ave pmoetie ervi. eS of eue of ithe mmi aitîlfil warkfra in îthe Staaw bonnet btuineu (romatbe City of Toranto. '60 tisait ley ameton abied tae*am anteitr Stran Bonnet$ lo tbe Newcst Styleo fFashiea Whtby, Mardli Q7, 185a. 50-tf. STORE TO RENT. 0 Rntiuth TwnofVWby frnce pitId b>' R. E. Perry, and uoued usa geucritore. M. Pemaaes beengin boraugh repar, location, <a&vaimtra ,and Wtiiby rbe Couaty Town af the iv couty, offets mujuri acemeute to <boac i ..ending té purtue a murcanîie business. JOHN UIAM PERRIP wbtby Sih .hplii 1832. SAITTVMJLL. _& c For 'Sale. T LITE Subscribcr effara fori sle Lis pro- -1psrI>' atuatedla PICKERING, sixntil«s froma prencimints Ba>' sud twenty-t'ave tram To- rapto consiil;or ONE UNDREDACRES 0F LANO, onubc visica 1f irit.rstio Saw Mili, 74, leel lofi;, mue uprigbi sud à gangtet' Circuler Sasafor eut. nog Laota, &c., tli*vs byen orasbot *hc.l wtt metei Sitifs anti paring, aIl itted up in the buat- muir wîth aibundancuefteraltheb.year round. Thee is ago- COTTAG~E BOUSE,1 SAwy c e us , Stabl&c4., on the preuisea. AUt the building are Frairie, aubstmntiel, sud bave b etaectad witbln the lutsI wo ycars. There la atsWgquintity of ine an 1h. isut), snd su> quailey t e bteain.d iu lb. uibibrod ocm TIUteTERMS w pinaîat MW lliiasaLam thea a in.4ha L !N CANADA WEST. *W}OLESALE ANID RETA IL. w E have now received Our complet. assortmntuof Nzw $u'Rîsra & Suau:za GOOIS, wbuch. UOpanin#p@Ctioa, 1O usalmets wiI1 id to b. couposed or the Newent and Most Fash. attable matedelst, mcd iiipest varlet>'. Iavlng beecspleectad wlth Cpiat care, and imported direct tram the 6bot Britlub, French, sud Ameuicau Markes, b>' ourseiras, weetan confidentiy .ubmltt Iim th the inopeetloofou, enstoics MWthe s-i, as hein; Ibh. musatuionabiê, durab4e, servlreable1 s~dpaaIlUm¶~t!uW6NCIansd Dry Goodulin Canada West, rËan-ches eec#ted with Ta t pario Iunbon & e~rw Vork >'ug long rt tiurb,3*iouit . RER-,DYmMADE OLOTHINC 3., bset ires do bo ut 1 iliL ord de Do Pranesa tic do' De Canada Twere.ui 1» Brud Clatit do Do Casaimere do Check'd o a dod Do Mceakln do Do Tweedc do De ]Broýd Cboth do Merws Bset cIo" Vet4, Dýo jtw Satin do Do 1IdlsaiL do DO-, i.>' do* j» vegt et ~ ~trsaibes dé hveth.ade cfuClou CAP4e Bs de I.o. " 12 O 4' 17 6 " 30 0 " 10 0 " 17 6 " 8* 'a 4 41-2 SOC'aFane ' Veut, 0 Silk do DO Satin do Do Cloih do Do Twecdc -do Do Caatsire do MeA'. Molesitin Troumers, Do L*,nen Driit do De Check? - do Dé C'rdirey do Do Satincit . île Do' Cm.imereil do Do Deasitin lj DOc Bacituin dej Boy% Drill do Do Check'd do Do motepkin do DO CAnada Tw«ed do DOc Ctaiiera '_do Doe TweMe.do WitSiîairts, Limen Fronts, Stripeddét' 1 Redi Flaulne Shlls, Cattier Shirts andi Drawers, <rom di- de 4 1-2 41-2 t'4 4 't 4 4 11.2 Mti"n'çPar-is Sati, as Bakaurrb -New Style Business Coafiq, In allil Maleials. DII' '.nsin DeLs'înes, yard wdeo rom 0 prinsifut ceiars do de, " feav'y Uipgtasnis, edeo"do Spieudiii-BanncI Ribinst'0 itraie0onaetif" Gleves, tosieryRibbas aces, Miînzi. Artili da Fveru, ibet, Citect'd, andi Plaini Alpacas, Table Linens Qitilta, Coutnerpanes, Redi Tick. anIàTowels. Crameansd lMateriuia fer Mourniua;. ltaants' Robes, Cr. endiFrocit Bodies, -Vl.a- 1.1 r<1W Law OYrIoC1 Attorney and udaristor at Law# AN<D SOLICITOR IlS ClIANCERY, NOTÂRY PUBLIC, & CON VtBYÂNC11R, AT TiM GrFtCIMOYJ. AtPJRZ, lcun.%trccg, a loir hor lorih of King Streott atarly epeiePasH OTPL, aiWitbii hal a minute's wa t ît &rau'. Toraonto, Apri! 10, 1852. 52-1y». CanadaIVs Y GOO,ýDs. 10 1-2 Fade>' btan,, fe 71-2 Wie do 71-2 Coto Wa rp, - Laii' Staya, Shawisf, lsitlturehiels ad Keck-.tiaa, Cap Fots uîtua ens,, Celsr, silk, îiru.&c Oirleans. CotreaDeale si apAipacas. 21-2 3 '1-2 41-2 B'7 eiabeginninKor middtle @or.Juii ex Sale At tiseW' iTy& ONTARIO BRICK YAIRDS in WifeTsî ILLtaOg ZOOmGO @ 80,00 "toCklt Cam. mon ]Brloks Ire irot rate Quali:>', anti ut a Loy Price. Paf- t iesabotflbîuldingin tise Villuec, whera lise Brickik l. to b. druien auJY a8sbert distance,- will lind ih fully as'cisap t toaulti vinsBrick us imrber. For tuather psrucolssp71Y to WM,.GAIGE or -. JAMES W4LLACE. 100 COnUS DRY IIEMLOCK coian Wecu Wauted at tise 3alcx YAS>us, fer vieis Cash wilt b. paid. Wisiîy, May' 8, 185i2. 4-if. *48 SOB twe h Uewor, of a danotuuê GauataffU f0 < 1"e CHERRY * LLVô WORTr tnd thse JO gidt1 CORDL*L snd C.IRL2'OWS 8FOL7VDF.R . OINlt<Z.NT*tid RINGf BORE CURE, cEeu- *».;ju ed for Saliathe Drag Store, and rcenriband navert b"thooà;s#tiheià* tyvýmê.fWx. C LAiu, at btleDyGo6dà toe, raMidtftleun- toarieit as yota woulId Pioji. js Do - the prive- To Owneri of anud Delcrg in BIcms tnuiWec C1ARLTON'S POUNDER OI1NT- etfj MENT9 Imm ve1s For s lie cure ç4 Faunder, Spi lili.>l,.e-bau<dthiiefollov Herses anticentracteti andi Feverisit Fert, Weîande For > Bruimsovtite Flesh,Galled Backs, Cracked liedsý ai once. Seritcbes, Coit, Kickts, &c., ou Herses. ui Cain.-Fiud lte naine oflJ. Carlfon Cern- R6,arn $Wfnckmt. wrappc,arnever bit>'Csrlto'sliersrtiiae tR Medicines. - iSoar1 CARLTONX'l'SRING-IONE CURE. FartW 'hcure oft Rinz-Bone, Blond Spavin, oue ete Spailu, Wiatdgalis, sud Spin-a certain rernedy- <eitu B CAILT'ON'S CONDITIOX, WW- Sorts DESFOR HfOUSES ÂND -siandini its o,'e CATTLE. * nirrbeu Tubee caugesofi wealiser and acascu, wtth the ihc s change of useandsu d baveais. r y g %3fleffet btlghtuc op-otelnanninu Ad"of ors.. lta iismnbem et thea. changes they requiia an susintant 1*> natur. à, la tisraw eff an y disorder et the. fluidise orbthe bodty plesacas tbat mua>'have been lmbiIidndwiici ul i tenitetite, wilia esauitte YeIlo w tef, Meaves. similesi Worms, 1Botta, &c.. ailt otwhich wiib. pieventeî' tart, CM hy giving one of thae poieders, snd.wili aI'an>' time core,wbeu snysymptonisot'dilse ppears, eii if used in tinte. Týhey prify the biot), remuait SQdW ait inflammation and (cicr, tacacu tise s inu, ciase Place,d the waWe, and invigorate t.ewhcie bcy, eialiint!e e -à tisent te do moe r k with th.eraine tendi. Tb CIOYfAni action oft hese peictiers is direct upon ail the se- 10 WIJOB eretive <tunnis, antt therefore have lte same effeciFo upen tise* llcrae, the Oz,qthes",and »ail Herbîver- whit1q Rememuber sud ast for tCartton',.Ctit n -Du tiers, andi laite ilao tisers. bis Stao ÇAIUJTON'S -NEUVE AND) BOXE Grecir,1 LINMEN FOR IIORSES, 't Wur anti for tiseenue claidiseaissoftmani or beatthal W. Il.( rqire external application, and for enitra*d oreand mrnekle trengthsiscas cellimban sud aise aoaei fer spraira,.bri-ds,, iidleg",lsùw*tiled are Soi, leps, tores clai kintis on bermes. Hope, i, -Carltnnsu article% for hrers sandiraillie ara pro. Han.iso pareti Ircîn te recipe of'a vrt>'cet.bratad Lugtiasit Mnier Farrier. sud wili caure, ninety-ninetiuaes ont M of a one h'andred, an y oethie aboe comuplainte. They un to hava borna usad by fsrmeus, livery-men, stagepID- Renteni prietoru andi othern, wis tiesa miarked atidd.cine un cideti sutrées. appea CA4UTION.-Nnne cnbc genuic.uies&ayoa neve t i te nmne o'J. Carlion Zoaïock onthie vrapi-seuthey 1 per of @each artIcle, lun<Cana -Tbay & CO.MITCII'S VERIFUGE. i' en Titisàsthe usetetraordinaryrernedyfor Worm4 ar, aver sieadifl cfctually craictates- Worms fronti bath aitlts and chîltiren,. 1< annai haistht mo.s AI ait mes, b. ýmoat happy 10 receive appliealicts ColumbuS, April 29, 1852 - 4-1>' Farmer, Farrier 4Stage rprlctor. GEO. W. MýEIICliAlNT$ lins o noT , Miec - cmoàf and W.iH. TE!.- ru, T«ato .-1 avo SecorndlPrice. BURGESS & LEISHMAN, Carger of King 4- ClimrdJr Stre4tjoining ite Court flouse. Torontco. eruug;%" su cg! ie. of lauamh f Whluby,

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