Ontario Reporter, 13 Nov 1852, p. 3

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Q;Ceemed jaw haken awlj. iueývia l1CurYrtumed hurne op, the lun jU! 4dShwdualbit, etracte4)w hc r" lIlglass euie-the jaw lok* fik 1 10eytombe$ aiy pol>OOn.in ýéýPOt but ohaîdder te tbink of<thaepaaÏalt A. mut bâlae laqua eured wtt, 4 as Weillm I"bqsit. vas beiNF £sken away. ouil4 ý But t h Mstit ulà,5 M ofrt is circiu- 'bi stuSe ila 1g. fact <bat a new jswbone is n 1 àâttlly growing ile i lanlacafche-oldtJoh ,,,d iecFills tis n', W e wuld Lyom, wt Ibeliee .wben w, e me bUmm wtia our owa eyes. fiait new t<co lSîi» &W I.appoar on the. no jaw. IÙ- f C* ava <uhe B-tu Bolle mcs&ner.lae éabo~ binet- witm masîufactured ah bis es. piadq. tW~ishset..whic1, by the way, as oie< of weeki ~plaint, tlbi, san d t ofCbiurs, inadeof bt.c-wl- of -C ,mut, and meut besabtifu~lli cariai!. This codtail fiiituro la isie mtut w»as eaibited at cml Ilatq Fait in Oshawa, aidattracteil uni-..W vers&I admiration, sud to viicla vas ÃŽavard- a4jhe higlicat premiuma u n h a acf do- uiestic manuÇa ufee We regret tbat va mso& uie.euaUy acquaintod i,îIh the tecb. miedities ut-,the rade to e i detailed R', "Sion- of<b. cilerent irtiWtls, but wva aý*,feec to.coutess tint vo ocrer beeolila Noil ~or* elegaîîfrý fiibed-%,fa,ý or &, Table of 5 smb iaîcate propourtions, originality of dé-'af dits, come d v'tlatrengtla and du;abulaty Sw of iii-..Lire, '%ow. vea mot ho dcing justice vore we sp.er to omit to imentioa-the name of Mi-.3. VW. Fous, Who.ansnulatsared the. articles refer- oî., roi te. Mr. Posa la a yuQig man about Pera» 2 1 .y.ars ofage, liit bai emIy juat comnplet - St e! laia apprenticeship, laving servcd bis <lIse in M.Fuller', eîtablislamcnt, viiere %Ic» bc ils. #tilt empluy.d. Deie s a proiaiing e 70..g min, snd -va I 1aire nu doubt liat etahe MMta future dey lie vii ake bis stand amnog. the. moit entincut of Caidann rtîst.-Où,n ea E RuiPO RT OrTU£ifTNSP ECTORR 0F Paus- ow,.TeReport of lte Inspectora of -A Ne * rrisus asbecs laid bofore the L.ogilaturc ; a sud aithougiai it èmonu afull on mthe subjacta of wbicia àltreals mur *o con»erutivaly ar- Ȕac raiged as we could wish, il Atfordi, a con- * idereble amotmnt of inaformationi, as. lu the a ccommiodationi of Couuiîy Gauls, sud sug. T Sesto nul a few importgit-Iteftamî ti con- - nealsenaitii -their manaigewh.Toronto Gaol, limitcd as is il# accommodt~liion, rai:ks. firaI as a place of confinement ; nîthounla iu wany o! the asètenals of a well ordeaed N *i prison k is Iamenlsbly driacicraî. Ilamiilto ta m eraol ila sdiigraca le the Province. -Its i te faib, damp-iiunbeathiycell- are wortlty of àa barbarous age. TL- cond-iion of the wretehes w114 are huddict i ozetÉer %withain r&nd its putrid atmuspiere il isickering Io des- itn enbte ; il la, nu dnuibt, rendered dcsiby nu"- I * arable by tîje moral iiapurity whidi !uclia placemutaengender. 4,andich G"aoI h qWiti speken oh lithe Report a% ir a a tnte qCîlI li more deploabk-, lte. thstiuactîou ot sexes wiehî beinr entwrely di*retgarled, anti as a cons.- Lakeê -quete any amunaît of crîauinaaity may bit (;sdm carildon. Do tie&- thilaiga rît dematraa retuedy 1 IVîtat purpose ja rer'. eïi bs Our popittur nitnicîpal inuîitutiolis if aboie-'. too Diret flairant. lu etist amo ng barnrian-ý_-rp p.r- Ac petualed ina cvery Countin> lia îe Province i11 pia - Ledger aayn fohmie uîeratinloh Mînt daraifManuhacture tiatre cent picee biasbeen iamea--261,0)pieces wetc coinai!, represiitig invalue $80,000. LutI monti.thti coi-nage of liais very con- renient litle piece wss over a ruîlliona.---- Largo as liis sîpply is, it dues nul c%çeuid <lai dejuanti,-'Tie Treasurer bas nuw but -a fevoul0ansd. IlàiAmaLIo5ÀSIZEs.-Tao Hamilton Aroizes ver e dosai!on MWcdaesday la- t Thse crli4iaicalendser vas cacennii - ry ; t'y bhrrof tie prisuner# a Vingbeen houant guity et nasrdar, and te ntce t tdeath; ïas!tes setetaceit b dfferoutt term soh impisesut asthe lasProvincial - Peniten- = .th Pot IopeandPeterbomo' Ualradh proceeeinig most natiafactorhly. The grades, saye the Guidc. are tound to bereoavoueible titan w-as antielpate! : as! tenders hor gradin-g thee tirât section of, tla.raus[will bc, ont in tgfew 4ays., ~4~J~ai~.r-ASinglar dsll ia, r!oeby thae CaitReporter, of a é- maie reidisg ln <bat tevu. lier braîber' in-law W ieut bimielf severely mii as aze, aMi-es tii. spot viiere ticheAcid!ent occur- red, sa .saierable quatit et bleui! ba i! la... leit. The<amuie ca ncing <c pau by tht'pai.. wu overeome iiy the aigit, t3ie stasage te jmach lier boss.; but sano on tb.eslipld s ud wsuint" a oap, 11h. vau etimai. - -bv*su.-Tbs- Couuty loirs of Pog»b b ruasmg lin iportand-The lVem' as! lot - .~ 'fdotr ac vo occurmdin 1 6m say the cases ta an or clama- the 3Mdklutu, b h lv. J. PeuIIanâ, M. 1the. rusidmeroft h* briaise'at~her, William Stit soi t J. Itmlpon, E4u., Wblîby, <or. y, l Cumbpe*, Enuls,,le. RLb a, 'jwt daugtite or Mr. J. Spoe.r, Douset , Wbmby, litt. ofDomasbre, Engiand. i b tbtinsanbasy tbeRoi. Jamle. lyme eiham, Wl4SOW.r, of Whutby, le >tary SA, gonfler, orPieherlar - the lotir uut.,1i ho heRer. V. P., Mayenbo(- i. A. Mr. glugh 'tkland tdý Missi BlIe 04 boîh of Whbhy.- 1 bo 8h monst. by iii Roi. J. 'iulry, Mr. hm M4orrow, Toucher, Io DI s Anoahella kbaru, bob ofthe Towmohip of Whuîby. CONS1JMPTION 111 7 body knows is a gattertgdieas. Itrom- :etand propsesnso ina i uly, that battit. à aware of lt, the. lungs are a masotcdeuers, 'ldden exposueof ahantefrodmbestio cld, . ga j$aowtion, and in a few ilsyo U, il ids atît, he or the dued ot hasty Contump. For ail troultkd wi:ii coogh or Iunn coa,* , vre Wculd r tte , otlb advertlsement on the deot thispo.j r l Jud4nWo clemleàl Hatruci ýb11 andLAngv#ot,"wh"cis said *o b. o îo cure tor "hlaw(ui diee. mo.- Ailof Ibo xboveaàaewd articles are Wsvy Comtoek&S.otber,G9loba et,New toWIeboin all or&rs ma« he direred. NEW BOOKS* WIBENMEOIUCOT,or thc Cumn- ing Maîm, by >1. W. Suvaçe to t or& a So«meTur, by &wa awnod, or L ite North.- ai,$Sdal'y bMis. S.. 8. Male., a~toosê~tlothan e*bliyAlîre B. utWllntop aod POOL > r-* ati Surrenne'l, I'ronounelnq Dictionary e the Prmeh sd £aglish ana 1s Ivolume royal Oro. re'a Tuscolta Disputat ti sAcitho. oual Âdveniurn o 0(àOutr sespowneoî"in *îsly,M.ue os. i-"aset%4înh, Oco1spicaI and Hi&torieui, C.Marpîao. roirs of il', Lite audWrithgs t fr. Claalm- ers, vol. 4.' L.adies, New' Book of Cookery, by Surah J. Srhn for ýFatherp, T. G wynne, Clifiil IdF*mlly, by euut iber idtugtens.. ms and Odditkes, >y Thornas Hood. Eaçie Pau., or Lit enuthe.Border, by Clora llonito"er. ew Englanti Taie, aWN iscelianies, JY Cath- arn M. Sedwck. i;'t FlIc iBookt ut he Revoluîîon, No. 28, ~rtne Pickle, by Tobias SmolIett. wood',i Harper'%, iOndey'. and Uraham's ~1a~zlng-,laWt imbero. THOMAS MACLEAR, 45, Yolog.eStreet. 3rto. yo. O 83M3d NýOTICE. conreiîancië of Ylr. i%!artiu having .de ar,,aCementa Io retire (nom bua'uensts lu purtlo ut Lii, cuntey, the Suboctibpis have niîîad on elosing their business at. riiby Village and Port I>erry. woîutld-itilorm thie Pîbbic ihat il ta their îit Ici dispose ofthe f ollowinq profrprtues, HE : C OF GOOJIS AT 1P RTPK~R M th tbe Intereat la li Business. sai'rale hive been aboigt £3 J> cnrr..!!Y, per th atine rottiamenceet. Al»o. scaiere il is lie torwardini; btsiies.of thae Obu oit 1 - >g. uraiçbeo wo, ,&c. T'flic <k of 1 etcib Th Is illage wst te. cx>i w1i oru moinetes, sales bave t.,i'n aboaut £ ltVl rurren- etr mohiit. Should the atuwe ngt licis,-' J ù( l.y piiv îde tain "te he P itotday ni' Inil.sr, (bey twill lien be diâpoed o(f by <iii. ~ ~ b #*owilL uId at the dsaine tinte. ejiier oiI lin. ', .,Sleigbs, flirnteas, e ' iiteanust in the bit of Landl, 2(x) acres, .%1 ait Lot Sa. 27 ii in ttiCnession l!itîiy, on Ihe west aide of Sî,uc Road aoiles hum LbthePort. -l'h. fite simple oan I Lot with a 6ýOTTAGE & STABLES ili tlàe ViIlare ofWhithy. Aié,a Waâter Lot wthi a ;rIl'dwpilin- Flouse uheren. Ail wili b. moisi ois' l>erai Tercin, w-hieh i wlIlibe matie kîeo,.n at liite et sule. Aniy information th. t may b.e reqisiîte ln t4cmeantime, cani be obtaInecI. at lhe sttiariier's stor"eit er at. Whîtby or Port Per> , on ai thiOffice. of James Cotton, To- sunto, citber ut wlaom art prepareilto troat witb -parties: J. 1ATI &C. 1 Whitby, 20tb Octolier, 1832. 21-tf EXCELLEXT QOPEXIXVG For auEuler; PMIa prof 1%mail capital., TO LET.-lulb. Tewn o( whitby,a Slop e.nd Dwelîug bous on Main itreet, occupued for the lad t to years ma Goc i t,..Apply -lu JAMESff IL GERMEF, Dri;;is. Whaitby, October 21,8 M-3 CARD.a il W. VIWIL M IN couvevANO1ce uACCOUNTA Wl'., A A RY"LAW - »iEWIU E -r$, Ta impose <u .pecio2 rate mi tue_______ Raebeproperty of the Twn u f !Pitkering, to disclargct J6JL IJ ~ J A J~ M 5 ait u aid balance of £100 cr . rrsncy, part cof £300 curruicy ( o ,< be paid Io JonxSx a i, Esqel oI ocKiTREE2TBtn~, orso, Licenstd Sjtrveyor, for the 8ur-1-:-1,_ t'ey 4'c., of the, TouîW 3eIS4àbAs3 ILLItl M N0D (LARK, &_ C ., tke ltS mattho! O!fanfbmg th .com' 31>' I and Coi.cesion lMes in the saW munty a ht~ erudn'O~<Yl5 i.~1<ln .~o XI...4 Towncship. STOCK 0F GLOTHINC, Gala Plaids, W Es UEAS the Murnct#À t CouffciLR YG aq., Lowibè icerinc bialney- AT A S or, le Survey an, IReport tapon lthtitrerTow-eva fMt n ios %oe 9CGh I mtf o&dBottgte g1 l Towtuhi, fr eiesaroo ! olisiaag teud Itfavry lie jar the comt f the isbodY 0 lthe l.aoat fashlonallastyles, Ld, sin a permanent mannerc uïribly eo lte poln oftbc Sitîsîe 12 VIc., csp. 35, cA PI and 7tie eactmnil li sucb case mde ad pro. vidai!, the uuiti work IQ lis ilane for and iniacon - Wl fwihil ýidchnr saiuleratIW, ho ueeffm rtf£IV? >currehti,ot l leb» quack atrns n iIlal is imîtif £200 earreney à ooblcle% ietiandtti ýtht a , , B.C. &Co.. wvoul&4nvîhe families lu ,coran sd try their Stock of T.as, Coffe, ex p&îaiibnof ~r.ant« aranti1b.balake,£100êurency ~ zar,&c.Also-7ancy PpeCigais by Ibo box or tcml; Furs, CWI;.. CIoclasj olai - 10h bslef as a dobt il b. paldinla-the year 118513. si Pruie L n,<,k GI &e. Atool rrlui hh Pouc A i eea, laiaccÃ"r4a'W.e -its tic provi»si- ug..aa o ohee i lttuil 4and 15Vic., cap.l10, itiula Wbiiby,No'v. 4,1852. lestokôClba~ requisile lu make provrialon li-rtii. due payaient I -- -- 20-ltShdin, o! taid tlbalance et the lime -'viienlWe. -sa b uisi' of PaijtuersIIIhI" I. I \ -Er~ tle brig Andl wiieeas, tbeho lla sateable propatty oI-*- ouesiut .aw, couvyclauoer &c.,- - t llunrad af icrng fr te ear 1 ws OTCEL bv'vven- ht WiriIRITBY VILLAGE. Jilit recelved a large suippi: i!our nd adTwenty-one llund One 1 " ueeinthe rERIDÀreN &ocuiedas dteotr ednbefi Wbihbrmli Hftnreil andi Twenty-fivc 1'otarads. - BJrewery is tus 'day disaoyrd 6Y uy aisacas ient, I<L ~l.TOt lrael cuid asaIa ty 1 à tatToli jtâ 5V Andi wbareas, it w-uiTerqhire à spcai srate ut ansianIl ,Ial».s Jue théliiiaidirm Most, bpiaiu i E .~~ Desî,1,. ~ lo 15 Ouliea-< I- .7th or a penniy in thc Poundi un the abe-suin T lRDNrmdoey eo provide W rthe-payaient of the. aid ilebi t of'Tt SHERIDAN "-~m'm-nv £109, logelber wilb tour per cent tg cuver the - FE à.~1O ER Be il tbareforaeainactcilby the Municipal Couln-St~ L t cil 0l"l îbTownship utfIi ketacibatha îssi -- -rglE Compmiy jr o VuWiiBy WooL- otyd'a-nieDla speia!ttouh.lth o penyla te utnt le ytbeablwe LgN Monoyandeall ef ý.%t*hnd a o~G levieti oa'at ans eni n athetioundrableFira inla, ia. Wihl --w e wavj utbi r aftef té exnel Il[ orders ln îieli ineoî business on 7WiutlOc >é l 852àO prpa'. i le aii ownuiputPickeî inç ovrncarritot Iln,1î7T. $lIDA7tcbulunoiHavin; addloulmore machine. --propa___intheaai_ ryowanhip oft.a#bsbmaua havinctatoehbfMeb andi above aIl other tattàandauJ assasicots In lI.MX . ite'iilii - IN f ub year 1853. I'~ J jjl1 ~ T .hiy >ii bt tpbi ' 'Antd lie it, urtien enacte.l by tba autliorily tpbog...4 ie. atones-.id tiai su saun au fie sai sim of £100, or j bey VIli <thaup e <otJ<for OOu a'rf- tic procctids out hea is raie *hall lit ini due course -nbet al! to thc Treasurer ofthte sai'l Township, h.'luuluui<«S tel-y aulhorised andl requircîl Iu pay fortiwit Maifcztrrng Lt f Priées orhe idJhn$ieraortifera er eati u on bIeis o Se r r ae lrepreattna.un doo ,Sttineti, Warp ineîgded, 1 i101- 2 £10edre ry, liayment of the balance Sc IauuIdi. o. i ibe lup due Io lutt asam uoresais. TwW~, ,do-.- 1 3 -~ STAPLE antI Blanketo, - -8 olen6bnwA, Gaaî i Full Cloti. -2 O ut amui w ara vr plaiE Noýcatiipe Tu C O.2I2 teaieonto his Stock ?J cIoths N O T I C ~ E LIEF IN TEN MINUTES, CURE SpîaiO,- do, ~ i IXI A FEW DANS, IýNSLTED <liber w-ont done in proportion. Cha liaa Iisecup us popuetY1WTIIEGRÉ AT FOR- <laWea Woô.lCardlioa &d CtotIt Droai viii he TBy.Law te iq taiten in a eooir2tW by theEIGN Itl4t .5 )-be garri.! on by :>ae aboya Fintu. ,Norîicipaiit y outlie 'îati.tip uof Pickering .en tice Heâ.J.C.BOWRMN rict- County îo! Ontario, one ofthltaemigtet ifiotlett aIp ý JJ<COCK'S 1'it,,Mi'215,« Voa k. Inîil, anti Peel, at Lîcwçette'Èudsnpidt- ISaiets alice Hoîîse in lia saisi Tuwnship. on the âlstW msmnea sm.ANOGRI dayo ni eceinber mixt, aithle hoair ut Ten u'eloc I M .WL A NO rVJYI.I'IHI$UIWII ina the torctois.nt whielime nipaetc1FrleCsi tCsga cii sia rt- ISEN, @IAT alne antidw'u placerthe For theapurposaoftaremait. (ions ut lie Brron- anti tinnIE.CHIPASY. Membeo tshe Uuotiici;salîty are îieneei â culas, Pulmunary Consomption, and aitleAagean .x- i IIECTOR BEATOX, Manutactureti hyJ.AMEt;JOHîN5TOD<, ROcia- O~uubrbStroot To- - Tinta, Clrk. aler, N.ý Y., sole propriefor for tae United Statua routo. - - ~ liciteing. 2Jîl Sept.,1912. 25-.3110 and BsiiihNorts America.- - --- VAL AJLl FAiMF'). ALE PURIISE OCCK' -Jist receiVcd d;reçt ri j - LýýFA1.SF1 >AEPRHSELCC' Satinettà, Blaciieti Shirtings an i W/JER .DIRECTORS. »Wiii t 61*îr 21is, 18,52 FEMAf.LE - A E S A. M. CLÀsir, Piresidt. AM0 S J. S. Rcwaav, Vice lotuNo. 57 de r gno al e n, e . and in a a h i di cfa l#- o r u ltiv a tio r ,g 1 E i t i î S F C F C J . G . Blo w -s.3 3 . H v a M )Q withanomortale tame[Ilwllinr foto# and A cetai cur for1MeninlJ.G.rnsWo or'us W. . J. C.J LMoit usautr, barn, a gos w-cIl outer. A navet taiiilîStea<pre - PillMel" natutin mrnhoa, cmarialorjW. AxnuwWtRS .. Goonr.aîas cr ie helot. j- itiu âfntu1ô;A eorSo ata i TI(.x".GO)Fim Also 90 acres, the front uftilot No. 59, liat ra.(>bstrirliun a nt es; Vhlno*iuuaanUeen bick- Goraawon VÀiJGIÀN.fi5acrea impruvesi witl a 0w-ellintr es; Lcaucioea, FIwm Albua-Wbites, andl ailt HIS COMPANYeffecîs'Iosaisad~ih flousa ouu liisilîiaisrs. yousntrorchard linil Lest- .FernlleCWeaaes.Ilr Mme Office, ùrbStreet, T arnti atnd FSPCTFULLYb -inir. troud wieliof waler kc., ts' A ge çncijes. 'liee Fat-ms are siteil e n YNct-sta1i-T, Titi'.GREAT 1'EGSTAILt TcMsîilDipatnt ines dot ee £5W Ptticenring, oad tii.rear ' 17 niteat rusta Trnio, isasheLic iinity uf RICH- on any une rlsk, and beinc confil n l iaacbat1 MONOFIiILL. -M ASIC PAIN D E ST ROYE Rqudns thbrh enoeilem'tsl ud Ais',. 100 acre* the fsoUtha lfoi lot Nu. 4. lti Muniatfactuirel bJAES3I1ST Roc?,«. desirable loir Farmers. rot-s, of Rearli n thue new Coinîr of Onlariu, 51) les', N. Y. Suie Prôpriatni. Forlie cura olAgue T'h. Prtidy Deportmurail il Genenal ac e unl vatio ns w tii s lg 1w linz itunse in t ic ace a isi B re il , A b-asions af tic Sk ia, R islts la Fir . ie, M arine, Inian ti an ti cean . n1a is 4oMe Sh p - a ani tai, youuqs OrcliarJ, a tever faihieîg Spfing Blistera ut every, kind, Burns, Brokeera utmis, assi lsoperstkss boing cao onfin-d w-fitpro Aîcl0arrstaew-et altf utNo.7,1tean. Sures, Sure Eyes, Salt Ilhetim. Scurvy. lcerr, desit'tlYraîlcd tlereto. - ofthle saidTi'owsixhip ofI' ACiI1. 15 arres im- Pilies, &c. * - y Ortie', proveti, a peIrmanient stre4m ut w-alcr crusses saisi DWARD G. O'BRIF.N, Ais> the w-eât liaIt ut lut Nu. 7, 2d. cun. UX- - I1S PILE S, PILES, -ý_1 Tororato, Oct. 14 185 1. 1 '? ~e BIRIDGE. 3-arren impruvesl, %th li w-ellin; g iiAisYIETBE-EETJR, Thetîndrrsigned haine been app@iat of<at Ne~w,' *in4 fluose anti barn on tie prémises. Titre is a iguoofuhe bore coctpiay, -ilS give person ifai - - SAW-MilIt. ici peatci warizinn th - ire-OllI-<sînternail Rerawdy for the Piles; pre el by'A tiotato parties desircus ol'efteencItsrne. Goodfjgrôt rit-rat~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ýi aapyth-,eaosisaen lie\r 11P Il A.N, M. ]Y., 196 Bowery, New k, a neg- î lbyi<. JM WLLAtrCE,- -. isnte.iae n-igitrbu.l aiîl itin id ularly educed ho-awodevoJt i s atten- ý1 (ronta a Stippi n- lPort ecn Lai-e Oati. t iv llici 1 tohaalmuet eaiit'Iltbad1. m. Upiiam1s-- i fw irlace taose wîwhing gt, olat, laltlfutl ieat* esietiaipain as scar"-ee.oyo "Ioteexiat________________ et toiesles or <irieuds vilii ha ,4.ed to om w-bere thus plaslar iskd*a; î lcrward st eas'ly as lusible, sa s laylïs liai- O ite!. - 4te aestin uai Bina!. of vea ~ve bfiler.~r!t~<oQlYv ~ - -- F.OCUOff fom-< ain.to.5 . *ItedIm editey alija G(aagw, ' V4 lates to Wber, arired *bout 5 o'iclc -awlotct'5 ttck, av ha w s atasllad Mnoanfin)ice tbt t l bas recei )RI, GOOtS, ronimgîing ina part a Fmige, Chamaeyi, Cobolarfraaand C ,C, andI wii b. totind estranaeiy 1W-hich is the lirgest la-tbis mari per hanihe Cll FOU. EXAIMpLE: 'Feuvy Grcy cîoth - . Ft:ipel Shirting trerr - . tx rey and Favey .- . . OCOF CE~ mportcd andi wiilbe soiI at r-r NwYurk an imniet and (rIey Clatis, tahich ii le sc bèga ann'ounce Io bis eustome] Pori Luoeerr whill,

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