Ontario Reporter, 13 Nov 1852, p. 2

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WeIImgtp mua Webfcu wthal, for bie overtopped royailliseIf'l - the opular estim,ýîÎon. rro imsguify aud Fro,, du7. N. YCS, rir. loi 1y hîriw -i.inesiri[jabo Nerrvîceli10 B oi b, thon dark surd deep biî,m. ot'fnn-,inl t1 1i* out i as 10,1g tbeeustrognized and Thon gloriOus mirror-, Where the AlinighIIy'S ýfoim e i 1 ri.' q ~'tr 4tc rm Glauses itueltin tempahîs j in soiarilih tlîilmce i<e e3n Coli or'convultudi-.'4n brerrae, or gale, or s1<>zc ini l tgelleVgib thoktt of ahi P-Obbe w*>rs Ii Iopolo, or in Ibo torid lii. ji ' EîchZ shr iiul-l4dw j n v ~ ~ i.. a n d u h"' 1.B U:w t h ew t A e r i A - Roll on with grandeur aud yet. moresol.-comiper 1 Nojatriotim bLisbeen more ~sw adaaorth to ,îmi.t ~ pure ibm, bis; né devoltio reÈubliau tsrtb.born race bave comna tu' fake the' ur y m~ iore luf%lesbr. Vitklthe most un- deith.rut by thy mile. But yestirday tbm> 1Wsving seal and fideliiy lie devoted bis moved 1k. darnî.goodi, -with p trless' ma.wbolc public life tbîlie baîmonizing, ithe jesty, ini the foremgo>î van bitf <h sena of elevatimîg, tbe a eraudiziig aud lie perp et- men. Eudued with celestil C-e rFy, tlmey uating îf *te. fiepîîblic. - No man, living thono in statîî:e prouclly eminet; thlie car- or deabsdni h resbt est.ýramntation cf Aimigiay potuer <liat l aLsdul leSntscibt mortl eesýbc6ld;upo whcil en az dens lie an delence of <ho U"ninsnd the. elteortii es'bcbcidç upo ncen ofzediscrConstitution ; ne-mani bas so îobly vindica- elatîbe, btni ra tcrein'stueancealetof el tedï lu the-e«hinet, the rigbt", the .. diptlt, owu hig hjmet o lire ieof s - aud' the iIndmeSof lis cowm iry. Nowhere boted ret o, How (lieue gret apou adou tLe reords oflimie la ith re ta lie found Lercd rsgbh àu, hro:îgb brîglioui day sud sucl tbickesm iglin lutire uccompfiabment of bir c iqle eoin fsikabh. bhi egation, and how (boy absolved Uicm- p1ves u dte dopubl i er autionc sel es f th ei so mn *destiny, msàem ba- ob:nulied ,a.d io w n sthe pl,<id i n or ove, ad teiý apoitel txksfindid, it ;mwith teliifold, i-a' <liecb"toth over su tberapoiuud tdc linabef, il oI tem patriot may be upplièd tlie uisg- woru imd weary Mt*tit<o, tlîey lhal e .96ifiidremrublicam fimnad tou evier e e iunal urgit nd tet ad stahuliendas vires, et bananduni popu-" to Ibe oîndu eirmir egebla -învbtitutio, rAnd haelaid thetsët<et Jown for thec cold eii ur% on. ierprea nîiul. u brsc< ~f lie nave Thee, ~ycî <is anm, wbose intellect cliallcngcd lime lefftrepoe, ltre wrria mln ud r s dm -italien of ail nations, iand vIrose pain-- lert mill ole ) and ons taliugervresi- ode enee gave bîirn th<e estimation of Mby Iiiu$-on liea, ad chanii deepor ndet.- ie w orld sud of ail comiug timte, the moi ye'lerusyidhoen, sud chonant now cep sudp~lednîof ailititi"a tu bis' countn>'. yet eepr suupiony fo tho ar no ogatiud, mi the close of bis carter presea Welingof uJ te isofthe cmîglit iself ubefore bis enntryrnmfor tLe lest ru c and e Wold e 1 1dhe right-soniy appropriste bonor <14t could be given t mau of t e(le n w rl d an d t e cd ibteen him, s d lie vas turued aw ay linke mre si rangely ondcned that îLe> botL sbould Le buseaeruirsjof!inrcatbot udlisbae lying siurultaueeusly, on (lhe opposile shores ".scre i fIýnatiue aliesar of liai wa.saw 'ie <ivides the tNo iem, ou te... tJIbn"ah»tain tbyniesdsa nasphere, desd and yei uuIombed. Ih would il hisebu .kow <bat ournhasft uBlit, eh> scem as i it vere meut <o teach rnaid là' u btto atdout a wrong someuew basons oltbieir kiudred blood sud whicb e tsacr al oI m sioe thein cornmon destiny-tbati luinanity ehculd; b.imode u 14 î>* .the " sd "as asrl.uru Or suimnated Iuit Batik te ils imansion rail lim* fleetitti briath 1 sbrouded eye"i sud -"1ciangeicss brow" cof Can Houer'. von'. provokre the itent du#t, ber 'regal eblidren, sud glal, deep- snswer- -Or flatb'ry aoolb (the uil roldtl ci ot deatbPt, in, to deep, ail nature shouldilte up ber- ___ & latrment atid loin iu one nniversal va,!PFrot'M ie Kingaton A rgua. orsorrow. It'is thce bond of lu» - wlîo bringetllithe prnces go uotinîg, wlinliier 11<11w l te 1111IggernuoL caakctbhie judges of tlhe earth as vanu- -iAT.M t,'.". ~Tific Qut*u 1vs. IIZ<Ir 7T-oi. The tast sad rites of -boîli arc approacim- forenoon t4" occupied Witli the triai of the iuig. Tbe lilelesei form orof cdisl about. Io- prisouer leunsatty for tlic inurder of bis hi borne <o the tomib. But how dîirlreut vile i Septeuuber iast.. The niufotmate ti1e scem .11 At Marshfield tbc amali cirrle man bcbg insble <o enuploy coonscl, Jas. of villagers WIP% swemebie, simple in garb (Y1illiy, F.M., kindi> voluutecred ilis terr- snd grave ilu. uien, snd yet yuL lienétî tîat vices tb obtain s ful i ivcatiation of the èIi W sUpdwr Mal lkÎ water for lim die circumstaees, butth<e cradence vas sa cirer- kiied. ne'h village pastor wiii,vitb bro- nvheiining tiai littie vas lefi for couasei go &en utterauce, put ap oeue chldiike, heurt- do thst make <-au appeijo/be Jury for à fritt uppl icstion.'e lm vbo,<oeiL al tbiu,çs rccommseudatien tg MerC y,ý7WbiCimlie (,%I. weil ; mnek roices twill unite lun<lie aiuging O'Reilly) did lunsarost affechi*ng audi- of some aveet -village hyan ;<lie -village pressive mariner. Il receivcd bis reward, bell vili toli frmrs <b.oid veather-staiued we feel ssurred, vlieu the Jury, aiter a short bclfry ;. aud cDU tirtaiu eartii nemnut of ubsence, reiurned withi a verdict of guilty. DÂsxîaL WKuvTra w*iiL e carried out ou but recominending <he prisouer <o mercy. theo uiders of imcu, sud arnit a ailesircel hicli bis Lordahip tue Chief Justice s<ated broken oniy by bobs hat viii pot be repres- vouid be reportcd to the Execulive. Mr. fI d < lte loy murmur ofth<e nei-,hboring O'lteilly lia since camred out Lis beDevo- *è,ves, vill i e iowered- mb bbtceuarnow lent -ezentions lu the unfontunate pnisonerim bousewliicl isla o b litiri everniting re.,b- bebaif by prcpariug àa -munorW eait (ieGov- ing place. 'At %Vslnuer Castie;, augu>t eruor Gcerul, vhich libu béec siguedl by ail epuics fro-in thbbc (rone villirtu h (e body tLerusembers of the bar, tLe Lolice Magis- (nrm ils bier of statc, auJ couirey il lu wti. traCe, aud a large iininber of out motit nes- plumcd hoarse, stately sud slow, to îhe pectable citizeas. It i5 more tItan proba- rolgity MetropoIis of <Le empiro. - l#set,. bic, therefore, Chat tLe sentence of thnomini,- tny vaîlli e <Le inlumphal -enin> of a coui- erable mnsvii le couiuitd te impnis. quenor,iJike 10 Ibose corouation pomps whieh osam eut for lifle in the Provinciual Penri<el.1- tri" vere -wiinut-sedalt W'ebtiîîuteror OCt. an>. BRLeins.. It viii be a spectacle most dî-it- canuot pas fruni the con.temiiiatiou zliig 1 to e su ad most ii"potiug to (Le of tLe uasersble ipî.ïode of crimets cveloped imaffination. Notliinr vîmcl tie Preseut iy <Iis case vibiiort impaoving thoeoontu W-ist miniter tîe St. raur"s viii more s pro- ding ton«--" 014 Mary "MY 'Mary'! vhai iremson glitteiinlutire '<u like coe braad viii Idot Lqok up,. Mary 1" Trul>, le streses of martial gloiy. It viiiL, e 1k tLe Must have.- beeu as affliceiig sce e-ta seW- page at aibore AMouk t h o <lc in u îe Cithuaid giy-baired ma inIris agora>'cou- sevoutecehu, MItborougli in tho c'igliteenih, tempai' le hodefbaeaetm aud'Nelaouin the niueteeuth centurysud dearcut, slnd by-bis own andiaudsd spniik. yet moret nagificent tfina liey'ail. 1< vii ing bis btlu old. If uineheuert of tbai h. s greai rnational so!cuuity, la wbw*eh eve- muan who seid him tire deadi>' draugint tiiere iry'isdltilouof the. nation, ever>' remuant bc e esparh 1 of seieuç. reuminrung, vbaî of ancieçuri hviry, viisart is part.Amid touat h.bis foeimgs vies h. contemiplât«. thie hopinircf cannas, lhe toiling cf bell., <the rosit J-Oms vietiruiready gob. te thé clàiia of- t<rmpets, (Le rumping cf Chu e h btheouglia loodi>'porta i vuei Ls olîargu, ad th wd tuultu betin -uupoa Iber bh&d, ord ow amother doors. eught hinauus*le a 1k.srecognized e.- iavs o o _4ý&Mm o h pe«ýof bis race - For t4 ppoJtq pomfi poo a quart of.iri.. Md-toGad tiis ere thre ciii>'toun e. . 1 ytr* Y $# A-.tw# luumaa lew the- attt < »dWomwo se"d Amr ca orsoeua- vpubieic m mmiei and . 'anti eternal destruction ýf 4malàsg intpoq. sas-t te i, on b>' evq corrdracaig on eucoitruging tW traffli'rhe charcîties of. e'vfn>y eçt sud ç4need rifiti î*.up lie mat- tel, sud Jet ic *lïéisn cthie Gaspel sound hie rtwupLel 4mnoughuin the:lengtb sud hrnadtb f ef icland. 'eOdp le ili nôt viii ~ ~ r it oa eo. ledemont dnankennes vil! La prcstnsted lu îLe duit, and heusads of beiptesa victimea at preseut on <Le nom1 e0crme, ia W: siideati wu[lI h. saved <o liwokc bl"essg on <the liada cf the pro- inoters cf tLe mavemerit. Carey tva.Moe IIAxmITc, FnlJy, Oct. 29. T4L Coure comtneneed to-da yb> pro- eocln vlh Letrial a0 <. bove cage. Tic Paintifi' is s yauug voétu cf colour ren'idiug osn te mrutais uciar ttis ýCxi>, vieru ah. reemved seversi ,isits irous<the Defendant wbo la a Presclu.r. 'th.. vis- ils bowever, iappemiredfroni Che 'evideue vere net of a ver>' clernesI qatrare,mm sau lu- isacy prsag rp betveen lutÈ -parties which eb <;enubd i, love, sud DeFà dat led bis fair' one te believe dt<bo tan s.ige weiild luire plame.in So)ntemlier, 1851. A liltie af <Le "seed'ml _ -however wvas reqin ed aud defendasijounied towardsthe cGrand River vitb theï*1e, ms Phalseifi lircglie of pnoviding tLe mfteemary o" toe 4 nate <hein nuptiti. Dunimg làéabence ho va intreducud te as ver>' pré# youhse .ovommi, ho- gave uadoubted-pre. ' s.of Lia amuorcus -propesuatis..Bebie' be re. turraed le vimit bit foamen love, Dcludae enteredinsamtriuoml alilmuce vit bir party>' Ratier usfortnus<ely for ituself bo«ver, hée viole a l"eetle PWoitif promu. rasiigmrnlge. We4te ali ccp>' of <h. "le7tter vLlck wepui&shd verbtimu.it lsasiwras. msig<otenerm uci r usioss, biut pa.ntmeuiary. vies <Le suibon-ru ita col- oured, Preacien. 4 1Drecxuus, 2mai. D&às Mrns-I avail myseif of tLe pre- seul to infonm you tira< I baie eoue <oeth. conclusion of Cbaini u>' single ifu for -a niarried ile sud if y« u iaead te Çlinlg yomiru andl have nat -<ori til sndvil excepe my -land sud liante you mua>' lei ne ksov if yau viii or will mot excepi mu>'oser -i111out man>' varda. 1 amn- ver>' poor ssnd offer' uolhiug foyer>' but viii -love yout sud fbs Ged h love My>' isten aei ube is uttboeMu> matiier iu tire T"'lI love lier ver>' mucli h tLluk vo kuov each otirer suffcientl>' veli you Knov my bead arays> but net firsm ago. I arn 33 >'eas s cd lest AugusI th. 15 se you nia>'link on Ibese <blage,asaf if Yeu %a> mar>' s*lue ià statnme lu îLe crisuas h tiok h uAl Le deva or before then. vI ili giv. you mimymd la full ni>'bet s t açood as I boetins findi yon the aaue nmy simien senda lier lav ylen as ansvon lu expeet- ed. MISS ckiREy. RIL . oosur. Tii. Deleaidant loeked "unutienîbie tiingSI' vbilstCie aboe e etter vusperusis ne doubt luitte didhe thinkvihenie psu it on tie baukm of ch. Grand River Chat h. vouldiever besrîil ead lu apen Court. The mother and brother of thre Pimintifr vere avenu sud <hein evidesce veat te prove that a premise Lad beeunide b>' tii. Dafendait snd Clii Le vas lier ucknovledged s tier. 'Ile jury aller asnluoiWr' deliberatian re- turued s verdict fLb. hePiihtii. Dama- gos £2,15. Po e bcPîsaif TMr. D. B. Reid; fan thec Dcfesdsnt Mn. Pningile. MURDER. The. Quneen vs. William McCale.-Wil-'ý liant MeCabe, laboren sud pedlar, vms put1 ou liii trial Ion esutiug lie destb of Martin Morniss>', an <the - si efJul>', b>' *tnking lutéin uîe lieai vili h eair,,whitsi'me the Taveru or Mn. Wilson, yi bis-Ci>'. T/tonmsWiUl smvn-'fLcpniosc came inte the hause of vitûuate dispose cf some slockiugs, sud parteirof aiglassOf Pnsmertoid ultueus <at Le vould renua-m- 4ungIhé ltasglit, sund go te ufw~o neit morang. Th.nre -vere Iliree " lin<te1 and weut lu the dinectile mwil h soîrnd csmne; fotiid'tiitàbo% 0 1 the deceas- -cd man Cookfrtj*maw tlittgbulet, bail goue -tiîrougii thre. ieftrbreait;,nÏ'er oti iwte pni Soluer tîLe iWora0 fem1qtb i t5kPew hint; retthe<te body ut twCerity-flve miutes sfen r .d th port; (<o . jn- non) nieyer saw btn~o )su -Aaroit Tayb» uswor,-kriew thie de- ceusd en the %day lut question,1 vas angag- ild cboppiitg on s road, pnisnnen vent unie te,. bahs h ieewMetCeieladCok te g back, the lutter saïd 6e ouid uot, up- on vhich Tippoi said I- 'votdd fine ut lirs Cook ii sl ins avsy. e imMediatîeiy rau twards he, but the guit vau discharged belon.elie reacb e be. Agun vas pro- drrced but thelic viuaouid net positivelvy 'idestify it us beÎitglte, j'un discharâed - AiCen pfisouer met Cooke h. valkerfabout fi..yird.fr.m "m (he4deesd.,*ad ssidý " 1u11 sec -ahetIer y.o'uwk acnoss -My landt.4' Cook diedq'InMmediateiy sud-(lie bail paisid tbnous te bcdy' sud cul <vo niapie hncem viieli stoed beiid nimu, Pnisoner tbld vius e .y* .ere lic vould sboot utm (wituesa) sud dtew a pistol brai <id nt disebarge it ;-lie dcceaséd vas eierit* ih road as pathmaster but Prisa,"r (orbade limi ta vek ulire. Isaa C. Kitcheni-Tlia cqraiîuîed vitn <Le pnlsoner ; Prisouer câ oint uovutîresses bouse eu eh.emmm, day of te nitider. Fr1- sâoner then tbld wvi tha huIe ad "$hot Cache sud shot hlm as desrl as te. 1-1; drev fortu a pistbl and tld wituess thai titere vas thie 6lad y IbaLdo4e- h.' Costwbe JMn,."incain svanuor Sesrched, ftue, bouse of, the - priqouey »& loai!d (h. pi"ta" mmdgras mcv -proiced. The et âm ot slynd >Pâ-radot tbave beeb rscesty fri. "I ' ttomOf thre ~,suda4fhu:îinte. suer of lire barrai d mot iÎàucate tie gun to have beet fired- PnisSe mavt hiareif upoaUtbGiities but' uld il r ia mot dose se ho migU i hve been aLoi." - The.Jury retirer! for s few mStites sud rctunsed wlth *saVerdict# Guilty q Mur- The. Picayuane lus retelve4iadvices from thie Ciît> of Mezico <o the 19th tilt. Thec ne"va lumporbut. Timr. vs consîdera- bic exeitesueut et Vers Cruz lincoseuence of <ho receipi of iotelligence t aiaFnue Squmdronr wou Id see«arrive lic lick (lie Frenchi Misusten m bis demmu. f«r the pay- meut et thre French credihors sudi - r the libenution, of Lamente, a Fnecbrna Whvi vas unimstl'euomi jte Prisons sio irne ince. A Spuisivar V21s0 s a al e- peeted at Sas Francisco, Me ic o Coeu- force tlie clairs. sud Mazapalu I-àu ahist been epeaed. The couditieu of thb. mon- tien States vasdopiorable, sud revolution- un>' aitemrpts wert vof almost dii occur- NEW YotrK, Nov. 5. 1118sH BuTTRrz.n extensive grocer iu <bis cii>' recived b>' tLe Pacific, su in- valse of the very finit qualit>' of Irish rose butter, costiug ia Cork 80s.Chic bundreti, sud 84.s. lu Liverpool. large orders, ve learu, bave gone eut since thon. and the prospect novr la tht Ireiand viii, durng the cunreut vinter, iake us smre retuir for the relief mc epportiunity sent bier lu tihe daya of her distreu lu 18e7.- EGOS TRAOItDIARY.-Oyertiirty tou.% of Eggm vere lbreuglti t lutSaadusky. ou Tiiorsda>', on the Sau<usy, Mansfield sud Newark Railroad. Thie Register lenms tbatte aL> re al ira. one peint, riz: Mans- NEW AD VERýTISEM£iNTSB VÂLUÂBLE PROPERTY for Sale in,(îf1ac ' ow 1î Of Wkitlig, County oJ Oé tario T1-'F Subr'beoffenu for Sale s Lot of Lnd ýq wh en ected s New SIen>" Dweliîg House, lusa ver>' elicible sud airy, ai- muatîou. permsai,. wisbof purebusing miel: a Property wauld do veif <a exramine the anu for purticislars &c, appl> <o <the propniierr on Cire loWurelss(if b>' letter t<pail TROMAS GAGUER, Wbltby, Nov. 13,1 &42. 3- CA m in lto tih.eenclosure of the S$rlyscrl- ber $Mue is nein uMay lai, 4 Steer ring <hiet yeurs aid. The. Owper casbave <the una by proviu pnrety adj ucfmçevý Loi No. 10, 374 em. Pickerintg. Nor. la, 1852. 51 ÂADVE1RTI8EMENT'W T H ER EPQR TIER. Wiii;y,~AFIMAV, NOV. 13, 1852, 00n gOteqlmors. '~bu le4ritioss$t Hu0nI nu n lnd or à litie or steant Shiaps froîn Liverpool te Qnebc- for,.savon, Year bronu'h <leisi Ma>' next, vere passed Iu committee of Ch.evîtole, on the Sti instant. WVe are picssed at (Lis.rosuit, sud Imepe- <Le establishmecnt of a line of Occan Steamu- ers, sud more direct sud speedy communi- cationi witb Great Bnibaià, yWil haVe the cf- led' of cornecting,îLe Coo fréquent aSsurd- kleéas f ol< cup,&Ulien, respectiïî,,,Cana- dia. %%'lien wvs ,çbe redictilous articles as iately appeurdol'fs4Vimnad nils europeWn TM,mnting lire Quécbec sud Richmond R.ailroad, vLich accordiug bo tiosci journaiishs vas 4' o couneci Que - bec with. hludsansliayy" it shovs chat it la bigli ime, Chat sofietiig ere donc te place this province ilu s traie pesioas vitb Clue mother ceunir>'.,Tihe &nouai Gisait la a mure bagatelle in companiseai te(lhe gnu advmntages te lie denuvcd, sud iusmorteil <o lié spoircu of vLen cempared-viihue amnounuts paid b>'thele Uuited Statua for smii- Ian purpass. -'The apropriation oI the. Amrneican Govuruomn for 1852 10o Collins' Liai., for trarosýoti * die Mii front Ne-w York <o, Liverpool, le $858,000 Nev York to New Orlas 290,000 Panama la Cshifoi , r 250,000 Citurlegton te Havana, . 50,000 besides, lu addition teô $294 1O00 for tbc service fnom Nev York to Bremeai, $100,- 000 in sllowed eacli Steamer of iaz>iàLue. Therolorefore vu tbink Caudians are fortu- Date ira meeting yuLh relpossibl e psntes, viiliug te lind Clieueles-ta<liase faveur- abie ternis. -The contractons Meurs.:4Mc. Kean, McLany and Companu> of I1lver- pooi-agrce te run s largo sud pow;enfl Screw Steamer, ever>' fantaiglit during iLe summer sensen betveen Liverpool sud Que- bec an Montreal. Aud once even>' mouti durtng htie Winten seasen belveen Liver- pool sudPon.tiand, Naine. Tbe Steamerb to Le uol lest <han 1200, Cons barderaandi 300 Lors. -power, averaging wheu Ioadcd aine kuote per heur. To bave accommoda- tions for Firsb sud Second clm aspssougens a'qual te auy cf Cie prescrit Atlautic Scrcw Steamers; aise te bc provid ed wntb State Rooms and good accommodation betveen deeks for emigrauts. Rates of Pasage sud Freighit not te ci- cecd tic followmug scale: Fitst Class liassengers £21 Sterling, Second do. de. 12 12 0 de. -Timird do. or muigrant, 6- 6 » do. Freight for fine goods Sixi>' Siillinga Sterling, sud Cearso goode Fort>' Shilliaga per ton, of font>' feet. ,irie of thne Outwîrd passage net te ex- cred fourtecu days, sud lunward passge tiitecu days. 'rTe Steamers te carryIPaumphlets, Books, Mapisuad papers; aIso an agent froc et charge if required, b>' <Le deverumeut.ai Canaîda vibh s view- te promet.e or encour- age emigratiou. If this scheme has licol-. fuct af directiug tbc attention of te vealîL>' emigrsat- ta Canada, wlîich il is -veli eaicu_ý lated te do, but vie nov takes eiîben New York or iBoston in- bIis route, sinu& frors theaice o 1<la Western States, in place of seting l in is 'Prnice, t<ir eocusiar>' eonsi eratioa cof the. mmmli outia>' cf urose> yul h. veL . vesd-I-omsin ilt iDing is <ail>' mipA front Huro&to .Qi (W Ontanlo. hlovvep,4Iiodarkkl#y,*r C 'i> Q da iu tuas respect ~&te~tIiS' for even. Aglioitsra pop4 seêad an cou if oeehall .is uyaouiomed ;cf tismueI wlàia nnDow eeilt$liplaee , f gextal viii Le ililat every Ciruadiu an maLebjust of Cthe Gtû] Prouàn af told th. <rut] Rai Reda re ew<. -stctriirhope Pfltiif&i nia>'5 onwtiue ii <i beautiful Provsucc- <a mitde like a net vwork b>' tie- firou Bands, on vîticlu <o dlre tic Locomotive. Front Uines, -Back Liries. Loep aud Jlnaneb Liens, ail engage a fair uliare of atten- lieu, but- their is eue lino lu pirtleuian, frors ,our p la oiin<blitra< li CeunI>' more -<bau naub ter. JsRsl Uaâ& front l'ont %V htby-wLc l larbour is nevi cceee by 'ail parties te Le tiue beet ou the akeeîtiîer as as-sliippiiie' or refuge PorC-,ruuuing nnti tolLake -Huron by'lie Nanrova vouiti openupap nn cucul of couni- try, vhich for fertility'of seîl, climate anmd' productions i-% nuequrled an tbis continent, sdbring the wheie population'ton nmiles ou citLer aide of îLe àrvute lailts s afew Loursý of e cash markt througbout <Le J anmd lu plac e-aof the iarmers sfriLe rei? Townships. bomug ebiiged, us lu gerali> the case Cc soul Cliir prodtrce for one ib f 4-1 thle sanie .article -commandss at ýa -frost market, CLe>' vouid hi . lu quife a. iaour- able asppôition -h tiotéivd~i~i* surround the Lake PorCs -,,aearm4 sic.aam1 *prcpare< (o Cake advantae ôi;fw1erWèc ad fai of the niarket-5-butî, wlicWit i!§aipes. ile for tirera nov tat do.., Tliris exsc1 t> the rosse» of- îLe largo mar inbêtweeu tLe pnuce aOC Laa,*a> tu Whitby_ and '<horah. I the fanmer ToWQo4nip 4 - . v wortb',from Sevecu o Ter Peuude peu &cre, white us the latter place lt oui>' ranges Irons One to tbre'1e po 1ut.ds. per Acre, r4ýhc cmi e se- ceunted, fer on,' thelicimple -rcason tit lu Thorali and, the rein Towuvships,-it takes eue liait f e bgrain io sy the expenses cf îLe otlicr hall le muniktt, 'é-va th<le saine turne in the frrai 'Iownshiips the "ost, of' trausportaiiou (rom the - loi disntance and botter noada ie mere trille. The tovn- shrips bordcigo take Sirngi.býavce quai- 1>' as good land as ýbe front, érjali'as ex) pecneed farinera, suad in cerupanisen ta the leugtli of timei..vlie>' eybave. heera settlcd, arc equali> as veil cultivated, stil the. great disparit>' of prices cuise ; and lb cause of wb icb L4, vitere ail other tLings are equnal, one aud oui>' one reason as aLove stated. Iu <is respect the Rlal is tLe greai level- 1cr,,places ailt i the same posi tion, andi gives ail similar adrazitages. i -nould îudeed Le ddilllnulsttexagerate tLe influence of Roads ou ever>' class of sociel>'. The producer, ,Manufacturer, sud consumer alalce feel its Ieflects.-The eue is brougbt ina close cou.- tact. with the ebher, Inade quiekeus coin- -merce takes - rev ile. Villages spning rap, Markets are epecedy and propert>' of ail description wviiee reineîoucles M clangýed le a value ihu ovriers litIte dreanu cf.- Ac- tiit>'usurpa the, place of altrggislness,- rsvel and rafi lo inola anew ebanrel- pror.perli>' and veai supercedes pavent>' sud distresm--lCztwledge sud Science arc more roadily ditTused, sud alil coubiraed, teud ta niake tLe Rail in addlitiona<o <lie great bouefsctor ef - nauind Ch. surcat aud most comspiete means of eivilioatioa. Ouir space-villnot AUI>w - us te pqnsu, ut Presenittis - lut estirig ,-sudt mli inf<ýerant <huappesi de not r, ber. 'Il .w 14, Whio baig ucvspapf iembcr,i veaited. on w aften vbaeir"B i14tL FeL. À.od auseted to e: p TrmtsltRalva>', pal LoaFond,j of a lise of Stes vinceand tue VI A restient cf1 ef 1h. Galvra>' V pare s liquida pi nadc ulieli, tl"w dcv la <ho uight' vitole cf Ils liviI the. face cf an aid vodauu< sutlbeii alyxis. Tht ismuoui atel>. Wro BturT lIrat prevailed ou Twrenty <lirce V4 came istGI>oIt min>' did thle ott (bis sud Kingul I<ime? - The consolida pssed, wyu Mr, alloving uýunicip about <o issue de or it---an smendi at bbe suggestiuî purposo of- ofilt lte benefit of ti sud received tbi nsuda>'. Or nmi lie active ins nog rsiee -of ibis hi At tLe 9 John or 1 vene 3rd de. 1 4tb do.,J 5th do..1 riz: tbbcopeuiug rip of aur own internaI repay commtnicatinu>, a drect pestalcomuinnira- theo Cit villaCh. Moiber COusIn>, b pace ost mnerlcaus lu Ocean Stesu Naigation te To t Brîtain, tle induice Britishr éapita'" t o in. OUI 1w vitir pro": te Le-' àîiïýý-

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