VARIE TIES. TOUSMPDUCEO, Unhc raA5a iÂ#E Pitiss.-il lady remirked Taicti; fî1 or hitby anai rrg ,.)X1.L- E I I J.LIk2)JJ LfiL1n jvtbbaswl ad up4* tJt#t a , a iîr v~tte th ~ br a t h ake ~*~~~;sifttee a iti _rCo R od 1Ct:OerNEd R oF xd a n w & c HtU Rc H TREE,T j 014 IJNG CO URW T 11U S2£ 11w fy e f,a Hie 5 dtaî4 b e t ~ Irntrth thrda, ht itit oý i n n'ige4y int., if was IL m30 1r, , E in W HIT-13Y VII> ril e hl prînt a ýit1y b u mut neyer pubtli h "at froin ,Tuegday th4t o atl, itit Mon_ LAGE, orle tour Fist cf i H eR I G I-1 > R O a Q an îi kftr êveyb 5 m JeYn" &rmid th ol snthe RIE'S RI T R MS ep adIl atv, 31 raetn e eM D' day fle 11 f iL83,1ra- ing contatly on band a gond andt well nigleteîct aüevii hand the Large3t, the Cheapest, and the Pcst assc'rtnincfite~vJtiP4iii nIsrrw1gh~v5~ I R o nid of Ib o P rt IW itbp <m d -l i a S ' u ý " o S ne slo k ci O O K , S A T lO N A R Y , F A N C Y w e a hI o g v a I.&LINC .DISCOVUIM. - Our e eand Huroit RoIMICrmpry, If ed4ltiC 0' GOODS, sand PATENT MEW lC1NES, wbhicihe te-a07tn lSd ucce~inhtAflO nLum e s . r d , cd aOn.thllir Tinegn witt solit y low forc a*bor rII,'Iay.T RObeC~nUSp' ,fce.PgJa Ni0< ),adscedninblinuinghis pArticlaes4lnot on ha i, btaià n(don lhart nolice. riil ÀPbut'ï E, (10 l NN ihave rdlPI1tvv nbf tl a Ir lia ethe iartorToitsoSasriclesiis rady bL1I "S LJO bejr aon rav&bieii d&eiOnere$hlel 1). S. eIr uAmpfii 4nd medn utwinnisi oonyanlihaebt<ucc ih ts; and oelddrink simething bitf inre 63 - - ___ INdcile ' aaid e hi: in 153. .. IIAM PEURY, - ~ swIt~i~ oîehat ozn up i ecatrl.WESTERN PIRE INSURANCE netil% anid umatyiftlgamses o e ol waer- Wily c.1,15.27 2mi cI fit a itnayasatcltoCetiiae licmnacn 50 - ALi).ruli Sbserbloitesirs mINreseetfillYlIWEST. ter ti< n ail rsa i asliîp niiu rst e tngt héi Iass cutînrRxii Ld uh cmos< o 1wNwstad AND'sh l ryflRl u Mïh'nS lae ,wnsnA Ito c1Jdw i t o n e n ig lt .J o u g ain e ii b f c e l S u sib « b r o f iers fo r S a le tis pr o- an d th e ,,i ro nn din,- 'r ow i i I L, Illtuah a bas T V w h h p oA insp cluon, ti mtirel.Ilie sat down, and wît t Iat aW~nScwt eSe PowerTuTnuin Cerpty aily nized hiToronito, to takerpi npcin utesonr ilfn t ecmoe)del itoxicated wisdoua,- begau eonve rsing Laibe an' aiç ahn ttache it . A1U Riskh.tiain i l t o he nîil ireiitiaii termeS. onabir inaitialïl, and il) gréat yanîeîy. -I1a:vitig m-iîî,ttn, eilt with great cana, antd importeI direct tliif~md me ., 1 uîiain i bmtu~ rpin nid iflr5ti'tgl W&C(rm litelà 'sl Biiish renaô, ati America aras iyoirselves, we cari coifidtilluy suoit)i l iem n mattk hw leul tit g cîei c ta ro s hie lite cecm(uîtahte Dwetîni Rosse, sod ibrea quaer 'a Ma, ri7wishing a na il u<fpnr in - ni t h ieclt giton c f oui c ,m and p ruatlaleum ham a msici4ldîl.r avtca>c jes> etiianuJth~ nefil< it Ol~.haerf naeotrk nt neeting.tuId nCpn Acre ctLand. Tepropff n ittat nvestsiaOt ofmrnticy haveilnow an itar., nitandthe i sornltlciRe- Mati iohngmmlDyUud i and aut.spak iise!nndnuctiiiltsWtIUYeiiwlmre lmt trkc l I0Lot Ne 3, 61h concessionli tin, )ickeringj, ad any amount net exceedI eanvtin il Is lue' ydsinCaad W st ! ttig on vey w at, nt*u le e p i'be s oiti o resonalaute. e sid ÉcS a ,-,h e6r Pi Ie r nt1 -II .1,e -lI Lit s u p o e d t e bh a ut c ig a r o n th e m t . A p p iy , i f y l t utit e %F n ta p r 1 iha r a r en t e;l t, a ltiin eaat f 'tierndîG ~o a hitnSpa r r a rliys.111teîîmale ha pill ~f~r»,~4(ilisBalt',cRECuU(1?ESTlOTE. Ipoi mliefli5 1itle,<1iliaigadCrntok'Ne " l ,ean yrba cy î ilt Il 1ilieinr, Oct.16, 1852, 27 if he uroaten part of the S.unk sul)icriittrI, B oh ,lo i caulle. fie drew and puîffvd utiitlie t . i 'Cnm iaîîy a otieitan ill ou er-J-r(trinjne'iNwY~C hIampett ictu ud m raIo i he fc . 'le edLdy'se'~ seri it at otOsneeesary t a -iin a fu ar parccit- >niYork-.aW il ma op n d itIsIe ddressetlhis: - NOTICE is herah ygîvctll tit%tt hé a, l ite - aeith tor.. .bsrded. si'ty laya lotice wN'WRe r . padM1bwne aýi onzey alfo esd lmal autd rs appoint Thfigs en prevnte ta d"O~ il er rau tCe sl ud onaAile on lites wnapitp $ r. l71d ar It iliimhe tbce weut te bt-d.' the Eutle of ltaeluote Ditni IolavelT. Thoua in, THOMAS »OLSTE.. o i e itcber 1'y ote o u til: eT SLOW .-An' eiciange a d etie1t, 1a a gools o 0d of wagy te raie lte wiod, advertîia. tis Sone.stotsettoerwth sajxiewoithn Dnig~ pi)2,152.3-t an's1.oi' îtîrau Cnt(Inom4 I o y'nsratny do'f)',0fmOm 3 9 CJEY4LNWR1ailth U' tsni oà ,certain day lie wouîl crawliîî i olt Hooseten1vsi ar ioulaisdy anut - - -N-- - a ---- --; - - - Do t:h<'icrd dou ' 1256 iDon jmih <1!"t 5 O CO fr-&I.ILzn . TOA* jGNE m nîn oh le uineJietdt w) fb i y9 orn g.îtes i41o Iodu-12 6(1) <l'te tbî (In54 O cion Sît i' hs h. lr~.mlri _e A. laîgê iene olecaIb, theosahnn am uaus t saens atM . ,~u i ocannla i. u cd"do17 il; Dod5 i th W011-r'ti fea, ten, fte getingAIIiIA.A't HOOVER, cahit ii okt nd setung a ean RACHAEL JI'QOVËR. Dottn<C toth tla 2,5> I M0 1~1(t 'kinef D i o diî. 5 ( tr)' syo oti 'is7 î ie ice te malte gool bis retrea4th ie pcr- Port i eut r, Oct. il, 1852. 74B-ny m nîn Ilnnîd <te '< 4i i1-2 Do cîeck'd do 5 0 Tho ,'. fa iD a/r i 105> n>îîr tui ici came ferward ala pëoeiseil 1Iolt!mos li ttk'tl do .do 5 Ci - D 7s'sy io7 q Cy)o lt ience for tisppointing tiei, but said it D oi o Cýti)r3 d haîpossibte te perforai the <at, as Iurf.,U >Do 'rwe di. le "dohO7Oa Do (fin For the11 i1 NT rdntinci te ag n(t4! m R, KAoe &MRS. BUCHANANI lsl rI-d 1) D "'lis dl 'ieyaerti a çtl agh e nou4! li -__ lrumst Cl o 8 O7 6o ' 1>in ' mî #il) to mte dilen 4t Fel 4 1t-2Fr >m 1 lIE Subscriber iyoulda cait tac attlntin , respectfîîlly ta isforint,1.w Ladies à Mtd"s Uack llit VtIo D, " eG Boy'inidi d ' 14 12i(ijî,ie1~ î~.teSr& îakm ias a uc k. truc ie tr of .sari à rea- of \Viuthy and ricinity; that- llîcy fDoFancy satin do 8 $9 ho MoIt.ekilii da t S O(mîtuî-imitc m 01.Cerlii(oi- Rîozim throug a h eiunthse fece to get n tait1Stock of thave operrcd a Sho o h bv uies Do illtarî tin '4 3 4 Do ('uts ' Tweýdi?)t ' 44 1-2 f) m iawiperoice'mYCntn'iOt'daf'l bage t;Iftt'lies5 a feta sincbts bayoiud b6 .7 6e10n 0cReta ccrDo Fancy (Io 14 2 DTWP ,ifc lt)Medlit.inps. ¶,rTic4 ugh isole GON<lAL, i Do Vaîvet 'CIO 4--2 Dfianimm'Al1w're' ,' (rspmt . -JUST AIRVVRO4 O<TiÂ, M l . W L{ N S4 ý() Do 1arseiites lde i' hiiLiîm n roîm, j - 41-2~ï ~ ca it~ee 9lIsthat dock rigist ever îîiaie1" as Cns -&Éng wP"s *WATOMAKING & -JEWELRY Sofi Do B in arstli2 6<be]tri-tritt <'o nIR $ 412 orth rin ni'inBoelod pinBn' utria, a visitor the. ctlar day. 6't Rigbt oves-' Whîtecr e xlilibitioni S ' do 1 loit-2 t hit agveutos,cAfT 'r O)1)NPW- Srsmdi re; 99said the boy," 'laint atty iviere Brai g ' de ietat(),,e,., tI'J1)tî 1it<1CALL. uu1ntem1%.e Moustin de Laine%, 2ftIuth , ilii t1ei ' arisS ti s n i-al), Ifail thew wpnol- were blind!,wviat a mal- M iulinp PrcssTBs»IM $tyîe, ni"-'-'-'--- s-. -.'i le. hng t o 1 ttre aveyguabefetiIltinurî lisly sigittil would be said an lia>yi cier- Prinis, change1. of'. &zoid' Sce "is t e T1»ec i gr.&gIltwJ là tel. nacrIo hdabr gpprei.tice-a-MTweedn1) lR Y G 0 (O 1) t?' *ai iheme hase îenq'uls ssmiitt stl( ~ î eS A. western pper states ;tt a a hrse air1 Su nr CI d~is, Mis. KRAT haiig D<Lsoe'vvn!wisc,(nort-î) 12 îîconl(mîbon ttma0 trua tsnmrn Iiitw 0it>} ;uasa pr balt~bad lme cf il eseeahy tse&c & ..&S'ruciplmmoni niMecliltr, En la s s' îev ingLi f a rd w<t e , titi ()O 171-2 S t r o t on , Q e2 1-2 titianmal a' l 'iult (as uhci,!u i~ w re r ie OihUlio ast week. Kciau CottIons, ship te thec Mîllimîarv bussiness, in Our of tn 'is amtigeersdo 4" o 7 1-2 Whiteicdo ýey bad 'a liard tint of it, e pecially4t e & c. prinipal bous s of'. ,Ni(noliesi1i, fleavi(1ho- dir07 1a2 il"0tors,-21, litme9t 1 himtuf is. CtîtyTo n.satisfactlion le til t tose Nwshiomay layer Slnaw 1B inftgt,<t 3-, iesSuY*.t ieuawclnsm5nmoti~ePeT 'uIa- 1h)0. %V . rrm i't unt 'v ck i î,if tih',i ti a. Th y stni pitab onramnage.' nl b 'e it cul. P-ut your' feel up eozily oues, TIJ AS.S 13 W heowtCatpi aroae dtmmAtN'pi(liss trewtitteGnvshmtir .i11b1,Lce, i uatislsm aunaudevrtoîtrie5lîa'1m Pae sr-î - freplace, Joli back in your chair, ligh.t Mav 2Sttî, lS712. 7t. ie ~t_,FajjînýcWl5Canil l i 'fzild.Tbtim. tsC , -alS' noas oht ,1)'~lîplte ater, aJivgli iewi o yuauis WciBwa tof' your best ciars, anti let ua Lonris i) rcI pcctfîî.-il BCAnN ANet an tin.' vwLadtie, ltai hey tare pnecurad the sanr'i- 1inlais' Robas, Capjs atd Fnock fflsies, $il k Warp A lpaissu:li ii rhlli ' ce i o utle of thse niosi skliful eork éa b i tae o1vý -'1 » ~tris r e ttcO ,ile A sam atH nio- hîya A oung mnswihoutsaeney is litre a ESuismcriber iii preparel te Io a a Staw bonnet busiiîesî finim»helita îy of 'forOnte, .M1o .nu amma-aîdieatmundiîgi'om r omnîn m t oa;wihout fuel. lie ahteal. alti secîtnity sdetal th aie reti dan a llr ta og tise talies bc is Iike tise muson on a ftcal E'çate. Paninutal apticlct ll lel Bonnets linlte Netnaal Style oi' Fasiii'1rs n " pyuttoewho cat i'tuifii W'liitby, Marci 07 (S2 0t. c.-. ore IKn - (fmurdm , Sirrtsjoinii tcGuîtI'lSt a-neCRLPN$N,.EAI Ou rec , la y night, le ca tt lne. ' 1" teC t Boy, wby do't y-ou go te scliool ;- Apii' 10STOE T lINT.wrwLaw OTiCrB3r] ! [IGS ECK u Lo IE unfutlî'a~sIauratti WIGTf 1111TE il'tj'mi re f î ii ipi'IOs n 'rcefa ' u iiir, 8 1daddy 'a f tea e ItIt hr' E at W indsor W iiby. 1 on atlertu of vents,fil e 1'.îîitming laiv onttu ton ya dB ritra a , ' i« ('mauen sutlmdu trsHph' A. celebiatel isurnter WM one tI.y ex CAS tlpi,-J by il. 1. P>. and'I ut-l asia ., r, mtea. ANDiSO.C1 'ItIN C -A CIl % îsili îtisy'LAI5artrontcr'se arcîuhslm in;s lmn rac luiistmiingieiitîuiihrmiiri n'paifitoatiît NOeI I'aitl CO inY CiU, 20<00 lu33,00 u Stck"& om- Fmiiii¼ nî wiictie nixcy-mifi lmaacut e midatri)u mînuîg' iqwicitiihodri 11' WiIlI ' for 1111V faroirable, and %VWl theli it'Townrt slige T IEOFC OFJ.H M ERY q, 20 0013) 0 0 Stc Ca . ,,jir * Mon ]Bricks. enaiur, iincfltitov epart.Wt ~f~8 et cztauûed : 1 There is brass cno)uwlî iur bail, madaime, te asake a l'unefiai1 '-'-- And aap enioîgh inyours, brto. ,'quickly refceled tise wiusess. - 'b. statetuent is contradic.tcl tisat a Van' bas inventedala eiiîie toi take tise noie of' tbuîsîulr. ratier dil Young feto'v was askeld if '.tew tise history ut bis aesoa i ied he ksew nothing oi bit aitnVs sùte,'si,- ept is iîseller, and ditewa.a CHE QVIZED.A Sivehi clcrk from lise y of New York, wiso was spa-nlnLr an niag ini a country laver»i, caet ulust ,it Som ausemtit.Feeliso' secttrc in p"inigof s3ost nseney lie made tise Irop moncy lie oa btt iitti ny rootri,'thea one isoba oIs out. sisuli ltaete whoJuand treat iÇ9 sid an old farai-. Tise lopped in a quarter-ttc country-, ed with a iugocina copper. 'l ail the cockney. - Yt said the farmier, 4ttake thce Ieat 'tise Company., U,$Vz 1-Some yrars ago a Cisap Âur-usto, Me., with one of tbose iosi1ies, aIs.çytiaa MUMunn>, lumsître t.ibit. It was reqsii- that isfore thie exhibition. per- muI4 bco obtained frois the julge ,'thi~lîsnfrorCourts. Âccordinghy anprocceed lte 'tie Court Ilouw ne Cuart wasLIn tession, and ap- lejýg o a liceise, ahi-ing ùta trubtan pteusae,-to sy sels- se danger, ho badlibecs fortiioste >procure thse greateet curiosiiy in tise United :States. 4Wbraî as thse Judge. 1'An Egyptianu its- Phsas. tise Court, umonsebisas3,000 1-el sai t e wman. 1'Tree yta" ol cl' ëxeJaimed tise Judge 3-bis feet, .1and rithse darnd crit- is & o 1?t.-A Mr-Stark. in a quiaîlutyof eitMrilt . 8 - Butter itu. keganteiuît',f sIsimneranta utaCtter1unil Stor, iVutl'. iOBT. B-. LA tl'DFER. Whilby Oct. 2otI, 1852.2-t EnttrprtM s hi ie FouadalIpil cf --cccli.- JiUack 'j7iiwsaiip, lte 1>epittois ni' the wIlitlby WouleCU FactoaT havp e a ti eMnnet» wilh n C S. Jewéît are! W. Titomnasq, Stage PrePiiIs, 10eïOîtrwuy CItit andI WoeI te theirestlismntinWhithy, Lot No. 18;M)lliCon.. where te,- wut- thes vantà - ces oi' a oCrair falîng Watr Power', a Drytnmr losse, gond Werktiiei, &c.,, &c., mii despatcit business on ite Shorteat Notice. Pat'soos entruiuingtaeir Cot or Woci totet cars nt telilfetnmiAgenits cf ttc Sulactilhee nay looki ior te 511010 itott lii, at lte sanie place, WJLMI Or CERGI.- Ttey tave appinted James Clarjue, cjflui- bus, hbtby,aand ICn'yýClff, cf Ot Concession Whithy,InokeCpes. as their depoiin; Agents, ta whoss Cleth orWooîtri)ai'basent dm11' frein nther %gents, Meurs. Curai', Rram'b; Paynt Reacit; Gatsher, Manchetuer: M. Çnrqiutaîe,l Prince Alliet; C. S. Jeinett, anti D,'.ewei. Poil Pérry: F. Jewslt, Lindsay; mwaw:sîVigh, Nonqu>mm Road ; Pcet l.aste; ut Coultartts Cor- neis; S. Osier, Reait;-, Inkeepen aI Townu Haf -,bioa Calvin PLire, Maripea, Pamnp Manu- facturer; Amition Powell. la er Maipoa: Ail cf tise.Agents %iîli torwand Clis or Wool tn thse Snisriheri, *sttitparcel tu 1w parîictilarly laIstseci, sanie, Lot antd Concessio. andniane tif p lace lu bc maîtrisa1 le. -'Ail damage at nlsk et AlsoCaringand ClotIs Dressing carr-i- cd on in Oshawa et- CII JOElt HAM PEIIY SAW 11ILL.1t&Ci For .Sale- T IE $ubsiber ffers for sle his pro- T party i'utmed in. PICKERING, sxmiles frons pnancbvatliBai' asndtweuty-fiva ioniTo- ONE HUNDREDý ACRES 0F LAND, on wiuai is a First-rate awNimwi, 74 iel long. inae upri-lit unt a ganig cf Circulai Sains for rul- otsg lait, &.,ttiasb an oershot m teel wiit nu iat itd gearilsgY, ait fillemi up muth ie hast manner iniit ahundaince or mater thc yeur rotU1sl Titéreiii agood COTTAGE HOIJSE, Sawyer's Heuses, Stabes &c.,- on ttec prar.ises. Ait uhe blitdiugaie Fraeaubstanil, zitiiitare ben cectel iitin tlt as wo yeans. Titae is a large quattti'of Pins onte laid, anti amy qutantly te luhieobtainat in lu 11wneiglbonlsooîon easy terms. TIME#CT US otber mnatters requirin; *ail bis time aid attention. Apply on the preois go 1101T. %VIGM*ORE, Greenwoodi, Pickering, or to the Iotiowing gen- tlemen, via: R. H. LAWDER, Whitby, and! W. IL FEL- LOW9S, Wellington Street, Toronto Pickering, JuIy 24, 1852. 16-til ONTARIO0 11USE, :(LATF RAYS.). t-for cas) '33 ______ ___ Jare le ~ Forj NcsîSrct ri or Nrh Pl UgSret f a tninsste'a wallt ni Situ'aos'n'.J .Toronîto, A pri! If), 195C. 52-1 y. - .C0an1ada IW<'81 £ ircromual a eGtock 3tîontanc JUIE ssc sr svn enappointai1 AGNVfoi, thesaba've Ct2mpa iy, î"iIts ai! Iaes, Ih osnt iap;)y te receiseapiiminl cnriuiuttecs. *t-L1 3. Columbtus, A juil 23,1852 4-IyI 1'armer, Farrier &SaePreprictor. OEEB:RAMTD[GA&GLIIIG OIL As the-.mas rwasarka Lterma APi*i= Ibei WO hcak1 hle drawn only a mitnt distance, wil i fu id i UtO .- N a0 etlup te builti wli Brick as Timber. i.îtt asc'r- funiluen panticulara appty teftct aiet.C WM. GA.JGE or jtp ar hatc JAMIf--S %WALLACE. O COPsnn D1r ll»LOX Tbie isqthesnustex WVanteilrth ttc »>K YAftDs8foi wict evau'usad;u; tv fv' u'il tf plimî. <llelt iandlor'ils i0ty, Maiy 8, 1852. 4-If. - Vhe- l25 ets, pQ ah mml ll areuîls.v - tupc ig lte tires issrs. D - ItS*h te ie'uvo iti tuste tir o eatc ?1enijs thattey, bav'e operml ut 1 eny eccrupiedItb>' E.11A. BATJt' Ws T ,(tu-ri,>,E's (COnNke as,) -wt iffer for mae 1 ' Iiair iitd, aisdal- roi tem iniitjai caît, a sesemmtocI Dry Goods, Grocories, H, iPaiiîts, Oils, -Turpei Varnish, &c.& Tbay iweell panticlaiali'inviteatai *oltnn rticlea, mhiet mill lia fotr rer'Y atesrabue, an they thave brenm great crams PrIits, da . W ie rttn 1T ll", OID 9AN & Co, Wjhitby, Set