Ontario Reporter, 6 Nov 1852, p. 2

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Q»a.4 rat Dememuteasupit. (bld i6 to. be fount! ail over tist, -ont!. tu uroite, Asia, Ai'rica, tand Amerit-a tient are mine» more or le's% prodluctive, I t stuis te bcme tse.cognitiont, hoisier, ltvtwet'iitire -30.ii anîd -5Oîtadgreest nf lalitisile- o5it iir ut& of tise equator. lu Ille îîrhrîiîî ispbere a îîcarly ~riitliss te vrm the >î- beria, tise Calirasiiai», nditbe'Cumîss s'g's:annihes' strtnlt lise, rnattdIt'e _____ lialit oftbe gloet, 'sii tiover tihe Afri- £ia,thse -$n;ut-lî Aint'mui, andth ie Atîtra- hian got.i licils, Wlscrev'r Ilîsrta uus traîising a black slaty rock, lire in lie fouut!, tuee gi nt' 14m;y heti' ita-d eidit.r ihy w.tstiiiig ont tht' gravel (if tt1wiie-as iniieii iîeîgliborisonîl. or isy- cru-slius tise quartz, fronts w1ici'i tire 1aii'lîs cotjiirîusd iiillir river ssnd'a have-,i.i'e waîtied ont. -otl boaring veluis, rars' il% rtlt ît'wt'r os' rort 'of tise .e"tmdary andtI utniiry formîatirî.trt' comnuon t-o tise jsrini ry rocek-, atis I 'slre- ever suiintl s' otîs. îri'aiyviîlis- ict'ous, tise dî'nve's->of gjold i la îlssso"t <"- taift. 'l'ise itîlia- nlî ¶ 'dt jh )1'4-s teetal, jiouuuing îit ito t'u-îrycrark tir tisslsi' ,of ri arta r uîîsisîg tistrowiî Ille' rock. Il t l- bect lefaci a'scertaîied litaitit ints. uîs: be profitably ut-lt i golti, ihougIs uIle parts- dles are tonsinait t-oIl#,» l tertc by tut' naked eye. ncsse ilri-, 1'cent-ai-s, filia, wherever tise goldî latu hbc round isiiiquartz it ti to bc fourssi i qsatisie'i ,silliient lIolie bigiy remsanertive. Now i lus tti.lstate it bsu recently lie» di",cover-el al, tise C(isî- diere. We have oîraevse' sec-i a itftss of the. quartz, weia41îlis3',-' '1Jlb" iii inlî Il tihe pureisnetal's lcearly tisiieeablie iir> crack, ail indleti stiildd is tis e lit ntof ul like tise crystais lu tise rock on wiisii oui sitadel standï, knoire as Cape litaîond. "Ii.e CiaUdie. e, ant! tise sunaler brooks il, tisat neigiiborlioott are ail more or lt'% aau- rife. ou,, éiecesofdihrtn i' liiiiits repeatedl found, onte piece,liately , %vw £901) ; ~Ut theste dt'oyeries, mwi tc s' told of tise jresenci' of tiri s-ietal, ant i:la- duced tise formsatitun of a ininsisc cnssisv. isadetaken r'iiinerat ivil v. Il itisî't.n, lit decit, tise eçljinse of cltci~îwgoldi 1,-i. nôt heen rnitis less titan tisesaluie ofti<hi, gold found h ityi'iiastnnd l iloliqad bnuloter;a'uiift-i.w psatt z iiit a' iaîli,o u feet ils îvicitii.1.at i-t» ii 'p oi >51- tring abîîndlaiîcî'. But rio-ks --suS-îl.ît 1 - bearin-r ulartz are tnt c;-"st t tîtitte-! I.,lit,> on5e lncalty lin .tsîer t'tt s .zý 'ilt t-l asgo a pit'it' t' ilala-i.< Ssîl 1 --vi ait'. man 10 lite .lsstn» i t'I4.ît.'rairy .1ut is oont-ai Socîcly' no itti s1n'iiott.t it it wai inamntie. 'ts'îiili i-ita .î' o ssa»ugo W itfî adî'êSla-hi a.1 prtsii-Ml il; aisiltoireil fi ' yealrï oIii.' tii Ilnesi, onî a taillein1ttliîe stcitty i roi. It W.t- fotîsîl, iovetes', i anri'sioy>s-v -s'a-i l is a rein tra%îî'rMuîçjwa t1 jts'k -tairî kstr bY referiîii ttirlî'ktta'of \ir. Wt"i lise donos'. Noir il oi.,i*ts-s ýt-olis. ilt est foumtd its tolirbleahiailartte. 'lTs'eiirks are 0i tist! us mat'sy fourmiatinarisi tttsrei- ,iki evidt't' <of s-léastcactio)ini tii ezt-naordilsary lejitit tof tit iv ier aUilt tis stupendottsly per1euiilicularisiît-n frî- igils uanss. Tise s1ecilstesi qulartz litlis, «s&euinlà- of tisat ipute whiitta dets-rilitioas fialill e lémlltakesi fuo'rna4b.. i>oil- ores tells w4ts (at tilte ancierît Egvjtiass borieg esountain-s tlitesit-acouila asiraliy black., andl thafite ttchn of Itle eart-i -tiere are mnîy relis siisîuig witha :'iits- marisie (quart-z ?)"sîtîsigfittering wivtis ail sort sf bulgil it iletlle, ot of wilielt titm mjipoited toMe onverNs acause tte roéd Io bc dtsg." Tir s '1.tlieaitfrom ireht'quality of th tisepteiineu o f quarz, -,0 irbite astIt'tloe carefusi ciaminatto-ni, Soinusparts o osasa miay yet lie foundto be as goît! jrodlacin kf til of h. nit Ito Dg sec DzLisoit,&TE MURDER AT MîtW.W- litz .Ab@tt toe o'ciock yesterday morn- iga Mr. John M. W. Lutc, long a re- 14deut here snd knou o a aflut os etizens was standing near Jlopkins' bookitone on Wiscoinsin steete leekie; aItich pictunes ,iSpauid ta tise indoir, a >'enng girl, aisseriAna Wieeier, who bas been la lb. sulple>' of Mns..Cleveland, milliper on thec ether aide of tiese treet, erossei tise road,' asti malils up te Ms'I. Lace ds'ew a pietol lups' tieueatls ler sha"iI, applied ilt t6tise bupis of iis baud anti firei. lHe <cIl deati hssI&uUye Sertirai pensons uere standing in, thse isssnilate viiity irise ati na ilea of thse intetton -of tise pgi l uti tise, deeti was dise. t5ke gave heuslf up at once samyiig thut -sue "--ati dune misat sIte meant tid aL nd to o p<lamhic." The betty mai 'iï Ab VIR fMINT8. ........... No. 1-, Commercial Buildingrs, -RROCI<STREET. I.LIAM BOONE CLARX, & Co., taise tdis meîhod of infonsiing tise m uuity of Wisitlry andtI suandmg cousît-y thal blsey bave opened a select .- STOCK -0F OLOTHINC, AND DRY coin-1 GO 0 DS, onsistîng of Buots and SIîoes ; Women's Clolis and Prnelia Forked Boots, togetiier wit-t every srticle for thse eomfOnt Of tise bodY mide up in-the Most (asb.onsbie styles. W.B. C. & 'n, iroubt! invite famsilles t0 come and ta'>'tbs 'inStock of Tenus, Coffee, t'hi.'iai.Si'ss'.e.Alio-F"tsey Pipe# Cigare l'y tise box or tta»;. Fura, Caps. Clocks, Toiles alvis Fusini. Loolsng Giatses, &ce. At TIoronto puires let Cr-sh on Pi'odusr. Whilsy. NOV. 4,1852. -3)t NE W B O K S6 sntie itpoîogy for tise sure tat, Lisi nvïou> NEIV B O1~ S* nature Isas ed hies-icto. It ErllN MEIA(J4-'OTT 1, or tise Comn- Frorn. ts Rllamltom Canadian. [sîiasir et ji Sumier 'Touru, by -Seweis.l:Tite Globe#a Morality. Noiiiwood, or Lite Northt <d SoulIS. yblia. 8. $. Hale. iW. have- somnetimes indulget! iprett>' 'osut.iîînset betîcu ihan M lts b1Atm B.8 evere animadversions on tise conducî t of Siriies ftom"i Blacksrou." sotue of our bretherniof tise pressa. uV e Lis-es of Wellingt'on antt i>ei. isave rend of tise liceistioubness of tise press, Sp.r'a ai Suruennee4 iroeuuncitug Dictiongluy o mmd Of toadying, tiîne.senving, eraren, un. the Frencb.and Etsgtiais t.auages, 1 volume pntncipled editons, but tise- Globe's is lihe usyml 8sso. ;io'sTs-lnDsuaus niso. fist instance that lias comte unden oui' ob- per-sual Ativentures 01 " ()ut Correspondent", la servaîois of a isae-faccd, flagrant altempt Italy, 1M. Buuke Heonan. e- n tise part of tise preis, ho tnampte on tise qapasus-an accouni, Geographical anti listorictsl, final prnciples of morafity, for tise purpose C. '%tarorane. Menuiu.t tf tihe Life and WnssttgeoÎ Dr. chalm- of 4bietdisg frees pubii infuses>, thse autisor et$, sol. 4. of dusniputttble nascalty 1 - e could undeîs- The Lades' New Book ot Coukey, hy SaraisJ - stansd an editor smern in.- a litttc frees the Tise. cpil'rFui-s 1. ;yme.jm of stem rectitude, lin attempt-icg 10 l'ut- Viïflt>i'1Family. 1t'y unte ut lierubthtesave a giman-me coubti eren suispo-i' illimîsand! < ldeiy 'rîowsa oai. tisat lniendsbup, or n I*uone îistane#e, aiani- 'lise Eagk' i.Pas, or Life oit the Border, by Clora ration of tlever.knasrery, nîaght- induce the- ANlnntgimiery.- mans of lte f(mrt <-sUte to upoio2ize for ANe!w Eî,'il'aie, ant.i iocellaities, l'y Cath- siîks n!erns1st tsi V cnîco I.nsîtig'sFi'i-MtIBook tblst hé Revo-ulthun. 29. of a respectable publie joturnal stioult b.' 5t»u. ic >tkle, I.y '1'ultt'srt ioltt. goîlty of setlin- al anorai principie ah de. ttltiLii~<'I~ lau;t'r', Gtky'smui Grauam' , in do-fene of t-eliomret, "teakin, Ma;tzitt-siaie't iuinliets.îtas'tly-dibbhoneîty, lit tuely revoltsusg. It - TJISNIA SIACEAR. reall mIt> uses uts sudder Io hsl>ktisait al T'sostu N.t~. 1 4 5, a cotsiSri-t. ,tisait. la nrstiable in -soclty--allltatI iiusdi Torsil. Xv. , 152.30-in soriety Itogeliser--,--lie ver> seul of cîriliza- è lion Iif, sbsl liebcrecklesuly ssseuiftced WVs in 1arv'i'c, f Brooklin miîl pro.» for as fuirdollars:-.or misaI litstilt rorbe, fos Cf't'iI usesit- ît-ask t t)siigistise Tr-In"iipS -Oftt--gniseto cfînonlst.Jcis i ickpt'nifg aindsU7h xbid ii i, aiAgent lfor pro- lb f msnsylast is a tug i rîee esîni sbscibers ta i~o the rioRepr.trcr. int6e for tise poltcal desinîstion of tise - -, -'----- ------- eztracltishe foîowieg: THIIE R F.1>0fiT lE Il ' 'rm Ls.N .triC AsYLUM Ci hz.- Tise - pastilineent b>'tihe Governnemai cf titeir Wi-rTUY, iSKT'L'DAY, NO>V. 6, 1852-. 1inidictunent al,,,in,,ti)Dr. Sctot, fort-es upis Aîljuram nt e-Pauiamtis. e imiatc publication otfaIl lise fatt- -A4Jurnsuentet 'arlasnest. connecîcd il nitthse case wisicis have t-oint tri n t~fi' i 110. l t ,0 i t hit U5 th 1làme telegýrasilc sepi-le naîc ijossrn tl!! tise fouînils of Febnuany. Thtis ljoisrn3menî la* at-t-ibutable to tihe presence )f t-ioera aI (Žîvebe. PIERCE ELEUTEN) B' telegrapiit dispatebes of Thunsia>', Il la auscouecei tisai.Pierce is eheetes b>' tise ovrnhslisiig majonity in t1h. Etectoral Cailegi: Or 24:3, ho .42 for $cott. Massa- cisusett.s, Vecrmonst,-Delaiware, Kentucky atd Teccesce are tise on!>' States ini triicis lise wIigs arte tnieimpliant. New-Yor'k gi-e -'0,OOO for iPierce andt îb tate Tiekel iiI'slctioratte tiroogliout. Nem York cil>' î'lîacleî 6 desnocraiie cong-reaismeti, acd 15 desuiorts-oul of 16 isembens of Asseicis>' ILlausre îiiat probable tîtat tise new go- y'traintet coiniîig in will lie lmssafiendly if possible la a receiprocity of Irade sisît Ca- naa tan thtte priset mwhig power. Deusso- s'rats, baire betan aiways ver>' j-autow*t of tite'în atmv issecitanleat industry andl aîytiiistisat sroultlbe liket>' te intenfère wathbt-hein mani- uf.actuîu-ifig traide wmoult! bclooket! upon miti <s»itsiabis sussiciois. Tise gret buIs of -uht- )esn-ocrntic l'art>'lus comspeseu ef anti- zesswhioe daut>' subsislssuce is bétgeal about -by illeras' 1,tm.ecire polie>'. Mise AsylsahsaCase.e Dr. Scott, Médical Sijperiateisdont of thse LustialseAsylump s, uaeeused OU-the se- rions cbarge of opcn'esg a prmaîe leller di- recled >ta -one cf tise subczdlsate oifilcers of h t institution by tie Rois. MiLeolmi Cam.s cron, and for whiels crisme a true i lula been founul againa hlm b>' tise grand jury, andt lb. lobe crer anisuu toel;t a Mgm; a i. uSinisb,'y, taises up thiectunges ins defence cf Dr. Scott, and bebabons tise Hou. Mr. Cameron at a round rate foran imsagiusury conupinar>' wiiciis h. Batîy aserts mas gola; on ta te prejudice of tise Dectes. Now tise contents of this letter, tiseseul of whicb i vras feloniousl>' bree ansi whicb immoral anti cnhiisstae t, tise Globe 'w ties pologist, simpibecatise tb9sqIIe. Mu. Camerosi ira to e .tise victisu-this great expase-at of plots and cospimeraci'sthis damig cri-' denceisaI iras te detre> tise-political ne- putution of a iuister of tis e 'ro*n-srmu tic detsilsi moulil have been futty dervelojîcie ini open court, asdit! iat ire mousl baive ail evîdecce uron ontis, miiehs oulit have ast- âistuîd tise publie -ineii ou'ng le a rigisî dcci- iseto tise- matter. Tise Goret-cor bas dèkfrreal the triai mitisout suflit-lent cause, ansd ire do net tîiîk t ight tuattlie farts of a tas.ini whicb tise publie are deepl>' in- tere'stcd, mioslti remain muiy longer secret. Many of lise cincnmstances are sncb as i e- quir ne stigatiatsby Parliaiment,s mcli aà by ,the Courts; and ti islaimportant t-bat t-lity sisouîd bc consideset! b>' titat hat!y hefore tise close of ts pi-esent. ses- 641Nr. 'Malcolms Camenon, Preigidenl of ise Cotîncilt, in Joty al, mole tise flliom- in ette. md sent- Il by mail 10 NI. James j NfKirdy, mWho otcupies tise offie. of Cleris tu tise Commussiocens of tic Lu natie Astylues, t hi, tCt-y, ant! is appointet! b>: tisees: "Mr Duan il Qutnc,Jul'8182 <Yotn communications are, anti have been -bisilly isteret*tinir ta me, ais i <ccl ai tively interest sus tise un'ýosticale andividuals miss are mosl înt.eer.ed ise bpgoi os'bail «mageint of tii. as>lum. Dii, il. l is ard th <lisistisaItishera is so littIe c icîoience mans, la the aggregmte, froïïni sss, pnide anti self love, raîse* ho 1bis own olory, tise cmaturie e in bs indivîdumi capacît- ssold include lus t isebt of bis g-ounds for speca- lution, aabtuon and l MJWness, lut on " I bave se fan dusse nothbte, but my miusd ïs- izet on the subj e-t-, Erery more shaît b. in tb. igbt direction, anti 1 will gel tise gornanent aitenesi. "'1Ihiags progu-ess ver>' quietly :pania- ment- mecs 19 Asigut. Tiser. lu noîling 'ver>' novel.7 46J.4 ES*s cKîut-ý,, Esq., "Cleris Lusuatie Asyleni, "Toronsto." "lAns intenesting cosnmeatary uigat lie mrittea on tise style of this, lettes', ansitise spelliug. It is mot tka4theirever, misiels s'- --v witisoust tise koowIedge of MNl. MssKirdy tuatlë' eioas elisig bbesweui o officiaù calleu l upo tsate Cross, ihosa le hasi ccive - c t Cy of tise lettnr rferred- âtatesi tbtut illisad bes>fiiiislsed hslanb>y MedicalSupernitenlieit of tise Asyltet, I As thse fenegeiuig stateuîcis appear implicate isi an ciTeus'e of a grave chiar tWs, sciai persea or permets. cosspecled ms thse Institution, Iliss Bacehheacy lbas bset it, rigist te ls. se timn i caliug tise att tien cf the Bard of' Dfreclo's (tee& let-t, ainterd«tisai.the malter usay lie and tise Ie*4er 0< Mr. Meredith isaving beeus iwi -s 1 . .A 1 rntise Globe tell tise publie tise.awfrut sýterie*suasd secrets tisat nuecem.artiy ut ah themiselves te the mnlagemaent -of Ibut instituitions in Toronto. Why usoutld ere lie anjy secretb ia tihe management of iile ititustioni 1 'Wlsaîwas tuis -ne- iouu cossspsncyit W , chMr. McKirdy as isatebitigi -Wist aDr. Scott afrawt rMNcKir'dy relealinz i How dit! be know aI tbis was a part Of tise conspiracy . vos tise surreptlîlous oîsening of tise letter seul ulion seim. definite informationi on rai it înerely part cf a systeus of ezpet-- lents in suer t of seferious coispiradies È, tea out Glob55e.' If you have became tie sist champion of lom scounîlrelinm, you est do Il like a man, and not came sneak- g mut tise iandfot of dusst to bitiud tise great public." It appaas tisW on be.ing exaininet!, Mn. lsaKirdy mis s mkedinlerefenence letiste 1 Iter, tidmas it marked 'pnivate on tise out- ete VI t wisich lie s-epiied tisat he sea='<o -rtain;.tînt! on tisis mon reaionable, most ltural of ýaIl acumens, under tise -crcum- ,tintes, tise Globe exults as folloms - ise Muost netarakabie part of-tIse above vdent-e as tisaIrelatîng ta- tise tord 'pri. èate' isaviug been writters on tise outside of ise letter. Mr. McKsrt!y moult! naturaily ook vî'ry ciosely aI a lelter mut-h he was onvinced isad been openet! snrreptitiously, yei, misen internogmted by thse Conîni>sion- ,Ise coutld et -Say lthat tise vord 'hinivate' ras upon ut. Jle remembened the Toron.- to pçtî-mark, te ilate of letter, andtihlst initiats of tise Président of tise Council, bt olt tise 6'ia. 1 1No«. ILrienil Globe, tîsere Ln fi 0teemueit if tise dust-tJsrou'iptg in thi. exuttation, Ntîahsenyou non tise publie caretIlrceestrawe whehes' tise word Ilpiaate" mas mi'itten ni ntI wnittee on lic letter-tse plain simpis question that the. publie sais t4 "Wsu elu citter addreucd to -James McKirdy or ùa Dr,. &Y>tt r' Anbmer Ii, and tise pub'ss will easdly decide thse ncst, witlsout any a&- since. ,Whso emyx, iiy tise by, tsait Dr $toit openeth le kttenl hie ha% not aeknow ledgt'd it-nobody liaswmte10 t,and evet oise (;101,c says - .&S to tie Menus Irougs mnici Ibis let ter féiahl nto-hebas aiotDr. :Scott, il, i imassible for rus at pre-sent ta ulecide irise lier lie openisa t, bleieving âilIl as public lettes' intendet! for tite autisorities c tIse M.ylîsm, nt!oîsy atdt'ssed tu Mr. Mc Kirdy, ab tise Clerk-wlter lie oîsenet! i knowitg it ta lie 1iîvate, austnt-net nenlt for hiî t'yes---or irietiser ise dit! not openait at ahi-arc questions§mitich is mibe decltIe isy a jury, andta luliat tribunal me lear NW'tat (ien d uoeis the Globe tîean?1 %Via as be ms'iling saboutl 1 ltagstify lis irnplace b/e isatreil ly railaing a prejîsiice againht .la colin Catiseront Toaîisruw dut s tis e eyes s tise pic e ecite symjsatlîy for Dr. :Scot hi' exibitng istu as a msartyr'l'beThn veril DrT. S-ot may gay) "Sare1me froin sny fI*nds!" Ca til reaider, iî he foiiominfr curnt'ponilenc fietl any symptotes of tisesi puoper inctitrn tiou" mitich thse (lobe wns/ss 11wGoyen mentba hait nifested lowards Mn. Caucero le reference ta tuis i atteni7 Id)octun Scott, ivfen ouiaa ust te Qu bec sisomed ul uextract, front thselt-tlen Mn. Ilincks, mWho, il is sait!, displayed rà uiroper indi,"aîons aI the businsses of i e'olleague. NIr. 1ilincks' action upon ndit tise afier 'proccedings, ore datailed tise foîiomussg lester <rom lie Assistant Se rctairy, ta tlie Asylties Commissioners: $EcBEZTABY's OFFICE, Qeebec - 2'!Sept., 1852.$ si 5j4;a --"avc lns- isQitun, liy coeiai of tise (iovrnon- (ereral, to caît youn î tention, as Chanirman of tise Board! ef Dire t-r of.tIse.Prvinial1 r llcAsyurà read ta him, and lie buing deuiredILteurusui sucb explanations as lie aagbt, tbinir proper to aBford, Dr. Scott ma&i the (Ollpwng te- piy: 1 nmt sdecinirgivigag "Y zes- tion- as te lsow 1 became poused o!me On Friday, thse 22nd of October, tise Fali Show.ot the. Townsip Agricultural 'Society of Pickeringr rame off', wlsen there was a moat splendid show of animalt upon tihe ground. This mprovement in tuatre- spect i.great and most marked. 'ris sow of roots, boti those which were ta get pre- mniss, and others roi, wbich no pIemium was oiered, were very gond, and-shows decidedly tisatibi)s department of Agricui- ture 6s becoming appreciatud as it ought; we beard many say tbat the dispiay of 2n 4tl Bell Bel Bel 2r. 3r Be! 28 31 41 Be 21 Be 21 Be 2 Be 2 Bc Bi of IB- B ll -B so és, te Ie lo 4y 3est stock, so far as il irent, irai equal tatise Provincia Show' this eed not lie wonderid' at when we state tbat a good _many of tihe animais whicis took tise principal 1remiums at Toronto were competitors ber.. Tise Fali wheat brougbt forward was of excel- lent quality anti -could not bave been pro- dueed on the new lantds in titis neighboiir- hood oniy a few ycars since. In the ladies departînent, wc bail a vcry good dî%piay of' cheese ansd a great show of butter of most excelent quality, and done up in a varicty of benutifut fori, The show of articles of home manufacture were in generai se o- as to maike us, tiink tuat tiser. was titde room for improvement. la tise fancy de- partinent, to whicb, the ladies were ini-ited to contribîste wiatcrer was u,%eful andl or- nae tai ier. ee a great mmd, artice do. - - 0015 ' - Caspen ilon0-O10 Ttr. - George . w; indr, O 5 ne acre ocf Turnips, %William Milter, - - i l Iokie dozen MNangel Werticl? Adais Spearis, O 010 r.varions doren Cssrt*,G.- NI mef. 010 t) aAr Depart ment. - taiiadlle i Is iutter, !Miie. James rnhrl ed Barclay', 1-. - 0-159,10 any part of ('an: .Mr$. JohnisC"ei, OI) O Mns. Samuel Somerri, ,O 7 6 pln1tasf (cuber ad Mrs. Robent Fulier, O 5 0 tItis rail, altsoni l Ils. Cîseese, Mrs. WmIVus.0(th Mîiller, "à 0 15 0 ce i is Mnr. 'l'bonsm. Annan, 0 10 Qiern0 elMm Mn. icoicie 0 7 6 -same spirt of eni 'irs. WVitkie, - 0 5ý0î Our imacsants, Ir Covcrlets, Uri. Thomas mc Ales, J. B. ('arpenter, O0 f5 O u0r estecemed 10 ydu. Whiite Fitinclej«ýDta h lUrs. E. B. Orviu, 0 7 6'inata ts- Mns. William Waildello 0SrO cen in rbicîs bis 5yds. Colounesi Flannel, in reply MNI. Gs ~Mrs. John Clenk, - 0O10 O iNins.~ Joh (a!le,) rounst>' affair, ià pair of G-lovýes,Miss Birrel, O S- b)0"ifln. In tihe" I Mns. Milce, - O 2 6 misici, lie presuaii tain Sot-IC, Mns. J. B. Car- 1 ainditise Frcrmw pentes', 0-5e' h- O eysIO Mn'. 1). Thornton, o 2 6 ii tsys pain Knit Dratiensii soas" to sis-cn Mrs. AMime, - 0- 5 7 o 2 Shirts, MNiss Quas'ry, 0 10 0 ee-.u in Mis% Ctenk, 0 O 5 0O înoîsth-picce. pair l3lankets, Miss Ornas, 0 10 0 etcplany anlaurni Mnua. .Iin Guetk, - O0 Oris f nsrut- 10 Yde. Fulleti Clotis, re risr .Ms. Tisosnton, - 0O10 Otise Freernait i Mrs. Lobent Fuiler', (il5 0Isills or int!alIra Fîtncy Deparimtent - ie. vienr pain of icuts, Mr%. 1>.T'ilon- tge l ton, -0-- 02 6 cîsstomer tîntil 1Mnr. I). Thurnton, 0 3 as lie icrarail> pair of ,,tockingaN, M'J. idantilco B3. 'arpenter, - 0 ut-3ai ts9to Ms'.. J). Strachan, 0 1 3 <J1#II& IbihOs STable CiatI, Mns. J. B. Car- grntlismati le 't penter, - - O0G6 31it appeaus. i O vmerssî, Mis% iNilse, 0 2 G Ileportes' 15 ne Mu'.James Barcl-ay, 0O 1i<3 pîIbhisiiilng bis 1 dtand ýiats, ML"sQuarry, O 3 f < t- speclunen of Vant-y Kcittin,, Mis J.Jacson - 8 9 Made lb'ytise 1, 'il .Anc Jacksoýn,< O 3- 9 -omany pahjsi1 speri-sun -of Embroides'y, 'rettilv qsg n isE . .Jackson, 0 O 2 G6 àMis% Bi'rel, - 0 2 (à resir toiçnsliii t lanuiercisief, Miss Binsel, O0 1 3 cl( e'ion. Bu specimen of WVax Floir», iTheuinsultisig Miss Clerk, - - 0O 390 - specimen of raid er!lnin fvned 0tiste p Wool, Miss Cbenk, 0 8 9 bail suminen lia dMns. Gaso. iNlcGillivray, O fi5Otise iaflscnee c ,tMuifs -fiss Bînnel. O3 9j MdNrs. .J. Ctenk, 0 2 6 ýPerse, MssBirrel, O I S CHO a samîier n. Mis. Jane Irviev (>0 6 3 beca isandet! MI1 Iss ini, - 3 9 tionof Tisact-b ispecimien of, Bellie Wool iaefoth Flat, Missle 1entle>, o 2 6 ftIsfrts li Jo. do. O i 3 la ngeunent L] et Port Folio, Miss Qeamry, O 2 6tise.lng t Wnrk BoxMrn. R,. ]Fuller, O thse euai ma> t Pietune Fraine,Mtss Bentîey, 0 3 10O ufio i Book Nlarks, - do. O i0 bn1itofai Bernli WooetCohlars, do. 0O 1--3 Ibhe fobîosving Blenin Woot Doiley,-du. O 1 3 Ail Teachc Vest, Misa Quarny, O -3 9iExansinatioti, IpantisjuîCLa Facts anid Sesp- -pass; and pn, c 1 el tate- and neatness of exécution. On ac- couis of tiee emaiteess of thse hall in whicil tht-se- works ýof art were exhibitud, tie <irertors of tiee society were obli d te Icharge a sinail suin as entry money, to pre- venit over crowding and! injury being dont to the things exhibited. The gathering of the people was ver) nuisserous andl inost respectable, so mucis m tisaI ire unlerstand about thrce hundret dined in Sterling'ss, We belle-le that nuit. bers of the society îined aI aIl tise tablés but tisat at which the greater number of i members rat down was enlivened by a nev feature, whiicis eertaiuîly speaks weil for til advancemcnt of Pickering in civiliratior nanseiy, that we were bonsoured by il présence of a great inany ladies. $o tii we may say tisaitise success of tuis societ is perfectly secured. Tb. directorS bave caisse 10 rret,tiit % Ill keep Pae teL4rpu-Se tisaIi neclanii's andtit t village. Barber iý ab ale ansd trut rien!socs formes' % treatet! b>'! literar>' eircle*t of tes M r. Greinu an ti moîstis, b noît! 1-so0 einean tishaI be ceuid is an s coustainet! qiîiutet! <rosa -Ml misI didt! e-coni ire and amuins g in bsis ,MostPl wr relinquisdici t! lie isi ttioroughiiy altaives tiean. suscencemeit Ii isama cimspien tiaîshîed lise BY-12 [le L« indi-nafit uuae f soopa etteri, ,as lie hiu 46sû loir a sle ',,reesu;wn btissh Fuie untruths for )reparatury eddti ýs for thse cnstý t tie t-b-neie bribe of 41 cheap copie cf Bnock, as Uset! np, if nul,' ef Oslama tisere. aI lusit, le se, fan as an opportunt> ougbt te bhave isee taken to tisani lise judges for, tbcir pa ins tikiuig andl impatati.-Comt. At tise ickeîg Aencultunal Society'.% FaIt Shsowr,1ielt! aI J. C. -Sterling'% is Gneenmood, tise premioms were asvarded ai. Beat 2 yrs. oIt! FiIiy, James Middieton, ;£15 O 2et! James Quasry 0 o 10O 3s'd Ira B. Cgrpenter, O 7 6 4th David Lairson, 0. 5 0 lieut 1 yr. oIt!F111>', James Quar- r>', - 015 0 2nd John R. Pollock 0t 10 O 3nd Ira B. Carpenter, 7 6 4tb John itaynienî -5S0 lIeuýt Sp ~Colt, Joi. Gregg, 0 15 0 2a re tory,; - 010 O ?rnd Charles Matiesem, O 7 6 4th Jolie Milter, . >- ' O'0 S5 O Best F111>' Foal, 13icsard Hall, 0 15 O 2nd James Bancha>, - 0O10 O 3nd Joseph Jone,e>. 0 7 6 4th JohusCieris, 0 O5S0 Ieut Dais'>'Cew, %Williâm 'Miller, O 15 0 21sd James Invinei - O 10 0 3rd UGerge MNcGilivray. 0 7 6 4th Johna liliolt, - 0O5 O lIeut 2 yrs. clii Helfer, J. EiiiottO 15 o 2nd James Irin, - 0 10 O 3rsh James J. Duvidue., O 7 6 fleut 1 yr. nidbul 11.er, Wili'amn - ;2 ' » ille r 0t ' O 15 O Q ilIraB. arpnti, O010 O 3rd Wllisam Miler, 0 7 6 4ths JohnEliott. - 0O5 O tio'wçD.-Oa W'ednesday last, as i somne teanisters were passing the. road on s Phiarrilrs miii dam, on tbeir way teo ith, rown, tii.y discovered a teamn standing in an the road, but no driver. A. dog iras on the Ci bank of tise dam bowyling i~ttoustyand 'T making every deinonstration to attract no- i tice. On looking acroqs tihe dam, tbey til obserred a sair log înoving ia tise water,e and ta their Itorror a mans aearly ezisassted endeavourng ta dling to thse rollissg piece of d tamiser. 13.1ore tbey cosalilrender ssis- fontunate nman's naine ras Ilear, ai listiman, and itise wind having bboma bat iste th-u mater he atteniptedti il mndio blits tife..ACetosse's il Isinneti a verdict mecordingo ~tec stances* _________ CiîoLznAÂAT Queaucc-Dm-ATFi MUEIJES OP PARIttAMEWfI.-COhl amadeie ts appeauanc. at these astena ad lias alreati>'peisetrates tise Malk Leoelature. On Thursdy night M; 1

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