do È, x tp, ÀMý eUBLI-SIIED L;-.A Ù-Y S-ATÜÈD,&Y bïo'ItNINIG. 61 X am a MaI4 sud ýthinit nothini; bc(milistuâi£isýont to moe- 7fr=ciý TEN $11ILLI'LîG'i PPR ASIMM-IN ADVANCE4 N m- E T-BY C À V 0 L -8.91 W 1 ra onc evénin', 0 1 ter tilat 1 Tibankogi liait I)otn 1,r) fake te, IV gag a ;Wli Llit! )1(!rWY03-ýd 0o ILO XILW ý-cà ye Ir ItA 09 Wiýà lit >DÈ î È Lu r t'il t à Tg. ii - tiýinV" n4 WjIjýjAjjj SINCLAISI Àà d'-boe' id you.61(l t ft- i,. 1bme since 1ia 'î. , TIIE Cy:l.rBnATr%,D ',reat Supreline! becn abli- to sre thein." NEW HATS 1 h Ibatiý,#,,rbat, , , t _G COMSTOCK ME'DICINES NEW 11M 1 ait Thy works wu Sec, Ani] _47 rîýioined Mý.,Mýc»Lon, 64 lia ý 0 .1hig,,hog-f IhcIn#ý Dur r - amy froin thein On purpoltil.- ci il II, PREPARATION The beart's reispon!ý weil allitalits of and neigh- Be #,rateftt Pl a t tised to be* al%ý-ayýî in trouble with thi lz-nown in Carinda, have bemi -rrirftieil that th .1-Y une I- %hailieftIlly côijnIcrfýitrd niid (14tributeil T 0 Subscriber 'rilankýà rot thy 1(limité iiiid tilliligtit blen bot1rhon(j ark- il children. Their, house was a Ye tock. carl. O*er beaveitts tifllleottl doalet oit,.ttla by Ille vely persons who, ovie their ovii hoi; ri 1(.4 lis Fitrlcli %Vlgert-by 1,*hy wondrouï grace Illith 901t fortable sigliatures, hâve ,ttirrtitted lhat Dr. lýrtirti S. taillirý4' all the Nele ComTocic of New York-, is ih- on:y Piorri tor. afid -ý m r n Y c Ax Afiso, the A I>Ieilteou»- 1-larvt!bt Horne 1 ls, il: butter iiov j"> Fmm axte to an entir Sett. - t! CI bifice ovef.%ta. LuNo-9 STo)t>ý., oi'llet of KIN(; Thë ele illrated Ko . 0hý thýtfikà , th.It In Ille gpring-timeTboe 11,11.4ter ! yoti lint kiloiv the chil and SixCou Str ect3,- lý;t-The GREAT P.11,N- i mz (CoRtit-18.) eu fitig "Il lýtitils, afid all 1,,'Xterllal tir)ýv in çiirh grrat (i(ýmanfl. %,ýisÃŽt Didetgive mil ; yoýi would s,ýarc.6- 1-noty the pareil Wtll keù t r-arrilitit, bow 0shawa, Nov, lot, W jýe greitt't"t ilssort- f. ÃŽ, Vainti titid snf4ý,4. this Aml harit: tliv bligfèt C'e Ili the first place, die djreil hâve, lost 1 u n - ment in (J'er 8 ni 'jerýS 1,1<,Iit,4 nilit Dr. Davîd Tuç ier joliN The tï)einitig airsi, J'.!4e,ýnnr look til,ýv to 11ave; tl, OF for Siaying an(l flic detvs, of' lit#, %verc T - - G L' 1. riî, Il A T. tît, IN Ntý.DiciNt 'È, À foain- NER VE LINIMENT, ornntn, Api il l'il. b2-1 ni. Iltit chivily that Thy glac, Vili giTC11 yet, t1icy vrýxc irL rude., LXIMAS ELIXIR, T 185 2 1 .1 clire lor;4H R fitil mat l'si z ý'S, 1 ttiýýiii. T it Noriv"I' Oct, iý5th, ISý to riiiýtý ilil Druf PercofiR. 1%1 T A BI 0 radiant hours othe ild obedielit to a wý 28-ÃŽy LINIMENT, a well known cuse We blèv.; Thec for the or a look from theie parents. foi. Ille llitf,4, &c. &-r. That crowritqi ou-k 8utyà ino-,rlo APý%_ Li lit 1)0 ait Th,-.eiiniifday,%, the crugmnt Itnwefà t ÃŽti Mir ý,;crc ýeudjiî11- tlicir NVII si, 0 Il N, JUI1,141 'I*ile glitt caini night14 of hille. thry were aîmou'ý,4_ to L. !y PU Z. I C À -ama that fettilising flowed, Whea (hay vrere ia t1ifýy cal NOTA, , F, foi, all M'mileri m Thextic wo Willi hopet; DI good to comeir COMMIý%iloner Of the Court of uecil*s Ilenell, thr FîiiniIý y. uport theïr inothër, and sho, -,ive t1ic Iin Si li-L 0 A" C. 1, E, il à G REA T WE 8 TERN ]But chiefly lor Tity cift liesto%%'Cdt ýommyaiiccr Di Imulne For Coldi, mid A plénteous flarvest Ilogne! tll-at drgce %Vhich 1volild malzm thetn 'think for afiti wsùF.R or AýNl) Pte%-eniiii, 01IW S wlifle fanning ait# their mlorlî breathe NT. -11pla, land Litiolis ' ert Tllcy haïl. aî coud inant O'cr ùIl Olt[ fiéltl& sa Ictir 3. Fo g Rb V nt tal)lc as 1 evér *il cliffdren. il Ollee W the Cntirt -1 Foiisp, Villagp of The Jatiýo'lt!#-rç ofour land ý hjll wreaibc illigi, Losii of AI)petite.-» -4. Fur comliverie-ss a r Township of RrAcil, tri inaliýisanil lier vou& coin plixilos. oinilý,tny of yoling People C; 111(1 DEALERS in And ftity frféttfwdanreprolong, in, tilld 1 founif it was akindof relt C. W. 5. Voi Dyjqlii!l)sgia, 11ilvsý 111tilo math nW gladnesm coitIob, Kx. Tlir creai paillis à lv, il Monf And gralvfal voires hyrOn thé gong alit', lie- ga-ucs wer, ilitrod-icett INUr L. C. THOMAS, 1171,tr barv(,At home! e' ver Ivilves olle rmoite. ?, -C, 0 N V A <N C 1". It 9th-»R-ý BAR VIOLOME 117: PINK Crrilie 1-abloz. atid- his, %vÃŽfe occa,.40nally ià *ý.Diiiý,, at thei Siili1 'Int , l A ý1tjk onzt tri t'vol v breatt he foulid, l"ir al; C4k1t'1oý or Cai, siah f Cif)tlo 1 ý lighteil vv1ýwîi fatlipr or- m0t1iý,ýr Vrc ttf*lsulcg fillse- m com issiolier (ý/ Quecres Bench fai, chimrtn ot supéri-ýr DI 1 To lilfîï the foriiie gfol;ml; Part nftt--ýl C.1 o,ýuaV tipon. and 1 coiild see tk cljîlýir(,ýiils i l'or t.iýing lilh-411lis. fil? 0 11,1y, S GREIAT 'l ýv le loti (ligilAt 1c"Illte cath op-en field tri(ýilicilid, Imm, diý,coVvj- N. Coý t ed ilent IS40 ildapied lo ww interlieillil 1týv o1h(ýr E A *r;t of ent ri berome, !çjiý,.rkle -ivith filvasisre ivlIp.i site gue 3, 1 S Ma1býiý 11(illand Arvl to ihybreathing yield 'lit. 'Thr childreil cviitelltly tIl tl 22 tf Io lec 1 imilyet A illi-tltr)ug Harvemt 11offle! riý illiA is nî)b,,-)tiy in the %vorld lik-e tticir jnoLljtý of balh liv friction. At te LAW orricm 1 Il flie yfluilor pe0ple a'rr full V def'r t ilied i il Tlie ýliot'Ilevls ltc:,olve. fts, to bé, zirrn Io ait ý.. Iýc* t kili iil awly. 'Irhe çhildren cainc for tlii gi ru g 13 t Oro. flifelit and 1 licard Willio whispe Gult-".IU'C D - lie plit hi 01flid li's là otliei's ýAtt*moV mad- Counsollur a'--Law, lý'iigiiirej;)r lhe 21171113 r II lî À il 1 lý Y, D 1 Pt E f T FI y RAM . The iveul, rissea halipil Th,ý Illve 1 been good, dearý niother 1 FIRE4 M u .. fîn(lÃŽlIý, t1jey roulti train D(ym éýnJ hý'1 yoli love ineV, 1 Cýxdd -ýot a:., IVII 1 TB 1'. It s4, al IL a year ke.-P in thoil Ilw mantiel i'f 01t,111. ttitý-ir 01vii Vkill to t1ic abolit It. tnî that, ý bou by whivil all oldïnary 11my l'o I)iý*« illother, ceamA dttümlAing ilJ tý('y c'.1rie Io a dett?ýrminýý,itioli to (10, troffire UT) ilver 0w Slori.. or izpoi-dilv telcovi-d' %%,il imul Ilit'. 4d ',h0ý îlIi1V 11elen slys yoit h( ii %vifile lier 114-r at the ýi1lCe tkat (illie Yi y rý t Law vry t(ý. tileir mryn à as never Bar '10ir etil. -AlIc ild Svect ns ",rently jý) daily Pr 1o lvfe) Io-w11vjý aliv its lo efflorts and incrcase thclr love. Nvrer once liave the t-Illidren hèen Pe ari a"Ie 1 n;1 irat(Ill lov te£ c te il tu à soky ivitit iiiii)(Illity'. il alvi where fmVli 41ilat- £100,000, at tt'a INSURANCE, OFf ICE. car 1 til1w, the failici. caille. 'J'Itë fire sýaî Maz- hi iviii-zîi they llave, ilidIl(ýtl(l to iiiiiinale 'J TFN Ds FACIT. iti,,. Extra ljýht,ý oit thellialitlè. City, oi kiniJîie!ý"î, of self-deniale of P Qf mental exertion, woula be a A littie f(,-».i--,t spre-ad upon the tal)le, 1 that lie lx-mi for Itit, m me z ' 1 'l'lie les-'ons liad becti learnetl bcfo're-llatitl, t;ýrn LO InObt Par PDVINCIILI 111rý 1*vflj & GEN E!11 L 1 Mo riiiiiis. C011111ANY 11-avilig loeil (1 irv 1 ents. Mertvyn doc; z in the fiýlmq of 11011111NY. - to the cotiniiilx-lýooin after- tea ; Il c is %itifl the booLs püt avity. The mother liad gl) 3-4 r 2 9 1m-1,ý ar 1)À "\I,%(; F* I)v FI ltF*»Al. ni- on a liandsolue lièiv cap, and the, Children VoteN hilliself ýto and that licis prepared ta tâýt- j --ït4lýf- ordinary > 'bis fatiiily. ý,And 0 r Ln Z% È -or r- 0 M PEUSC)NAI, nt' Idi ýifld fl liait a,,L-tïd permisýion Io Put on tlieîr Iloli- wetk, the childrens bolidy, they all f, -branches of saitl Compaiîy- () as ethm rei;Ã-All.'4îlle Cotn S.ýî 21 _1 f. day clothes. Mr. Nilervçvii etiteied as Il,! to their Country place, pick-nickilige '2ý, ci= The gentlemen colnpmýû the Board of'! wh is, i a pale and râther saâ counte- £Ir-Irruthelruig, nutting 1ând-scapé hu whitby, let il 1. ý 1ýý ', 1ý ýý 1 :-. - -,ii.lial)tdel e naines arê .1 vificierit cliolis of the COMIMIS nance. My dear !"said the tvife, SOIOP-tliiutr tO lin -body WORKMAN & ýprove,:mînd and that theI I)tjsin(ýss tiallaýýýl %vîti he t:oittltjcvt-d 01, tlie ri 36t King StÎéc't- Toronto, ahnost given à p large Pa =' Il _; mîth a-bea-nin- face. plt--S, Viz.- Nly dear, dear falher!" cried bo th the blit libe cultivatesacircle-01 lilei,'satjt-fi childi-en kli ýin- Iiiiii. Visiliné,- 1- ra -W . Oç- I'pmac C. G ýr -1 "_ 1 1 à mi TN d1lew liîs arni-chair Io the fire. W sec- ber, illy déar, now Alire iý, tfille the c1ji1drcn.Iý. ,JNGS AND r;D OF THE YE, The "Ai )n the f, Ven-fflg lu daï-S ilti-out Chanerd. 0 'Ibractory. FI( -less drinand. kom hcarcely so 1 1 N G L A'ý-'ý u1t LA becil, C ,h or liu,,ïtneswi It is StMed tc )SItioli te test t] of Pee trad-, Thi.ï [Iie là tl)t!ral-ï acf ipport of Sir Il bers of the Pet ierai of the Du place on the 1 î m. J, P,. lnly( die Queen on ' )1."týiitcçi Ilis Cr ý Uliiied Stales the Earl Malin tion te tite par ard Loulisboro, 1 S cliailen,,-e, an ibrr next, ap %vhicb lie, is ilai )ficeable tisat oit M t'lie proâ, )f the Frcnch e ýbject of revivil mi-ch, of Lngla worid. Petiti ai arc iii cire ,®r via pari's May lilted I)r. Dick il, in place of J) !ueen beld a col ilidsur on ýmtu1 vas prorogiied il Novelliber, a S ,rni-nelit had t ! Captaili Gémié Pte i'nt)e.r, almou iitonia D'L TTA L decree dated ie United Statt subject Io quar lem of six daym mi at [ar butchcr1eý a funeral in ho ,Ieb!la-,ej at Ve n fil r Il 1 that, -litit yo tallei', ug ý I:Çlfll14kj:; to 'make Nlirnl)[lP$s, Afflieill ljaço-- grow )ce, a falf ulion tkeï N 1) Cýý1tp« ait palllb!! C1ý 1V-ild ellild- der lx cAsti, on POT A, y, ,ýcrvousileailaix Land te'Juca,908 hi,,her in enimi and body. A-nd flic Ire, 4 D jýýr Ili-art Instead of tire -what ha,,j coine ove jjjj. 5. FE r in 1 _rllev are and Ili R 0 B l.ý* UT Il, D11,111. Q îny, W. lins A Ff'W THOUSA ren tbore w( Wil be joy and '17 S n t thechildren 1 left,; they are good, gen- Port whitby, let Ati4- WilfiLtïntitc>leaseýinll)efntlow- 0 CD Ould beai E E Y E' W A T E tle, weil-bith 'd. Ilow i thi f' and at tire lýtýst> tIiCý' F À L 1, 113 L 1jeatif. uxbreige, ivorth G zme lis is > 46 N%ýejj (jone goeil and ýriAy, xay, wor&-, faitl Wol$KEY'i W91SKEY f"ryý 1;1ýUrkl 7'harfth. plarix, ciriuî(j Then the wille, amid teats anil smiles. Cure. $ore, Inflanied or %VcaL ýYc9.- lit çurueZ bl Mended. Tiy ri, ant !"-Ladie, Alinim (ind F- antii âoo BAIMELS PORTDÃ"VEn ýVlliS- weil recum 1()n, and op§, The triolit of these lailds aie of the poured into'tise car of h(m hwband v key for Sale, very low, by a for a te-m of fi m the hîstory of a Month, hrr new." rn rc,,o- nual. Tlil-,' KING Or, 0lLfýy temit tlis.ilitý, and iviii lye irast 0 bo JOHN MARTIN & CO. . % ar»Olependisix il Poo the aituaCton, in 1'tiont4 ber - 110w lit Chilbiftins, K-C., and is five ta geven ye trial-;ý a n'l ýr begintlings Fort Whitby-,'ý%lay 31, 18M. ilifillible lots of 1 ram,20 tu loiy acte,$ - euh, Io #ny rrne Who il u 1 0 From late ltritigli papi for many.externai diseaâeâ. Tj'y it; - -t ..-, of succelis. yolé W Wi C 10 a feoi , iil ý a 50 ill Dot remgrct IL p CI ria od and work- frianlike Maliiiel, within ilie 1 time, a quantity Aud have you arcomiiii.slicd Ko mucil in E. BrLà WS SEARCLI j (),ý%jy UlqrQUAT,'LrýD MEDICINC. on earls lot, a moà thi Heleu'l It seeIns have 11(e TIIE not lesê thon '.),O'at!res esiting infoyîna SWEEITIS jt2iligtýnce -lias beçn cceiveil f 'BRATED BLACK Ait IetterfPO5týPaidd fion enn- , il 1 have, to be ý,ure, exerteil every pow- ir. çornino,'-It'YOf the jarticularloi»in cilher Of flicier ýof my nature. 1 male a ina ded by Sir, Do ll()I" ý', squaticon and Mfý(firift$,* k-now'n, and is willbe aüswered withoul aelay. ehinge before your return, if it ývýas, in Ilic Tite best 3. T. BU, SH. and led by Ilirri up the by gelitiemo.,ý of nue-own colin' - froin what, ti Ait lirai have ugrit itspeull Weil WhithyJuly, 19 po er of liuman effrrt to do it. 1 truý,t 1 () tire cîiýèét that, Weil recoffi W FO 5 0. t SCAr, 13011,0 1% inilowing have made a begiiitiinjç. 1 hare lCovered floatiiig dovrn the -ci -THOIFS01 PfOPrictOf- cettifieute ils l"1001 1ý, P AI Cx B S tffections and capabilliticqin our children, ternain:% oi whales, na Oth Good of Si. Catherices, Variada West.- wbich I never misrected'. My dear hiLs- party- kve- bten- 1 xc ellent for travellpti %g g, W. . C, SývrrT AiçD Tilt Pui;zic,-l have PATENT THRASHI#G MACRIN-ES.ý band. let tm stablific for Horffl. join to, ther, let us erseverej; ron.lusiýn thà t'nôf à à 1ý ii à cre lx Blaek OM fotflorpes, Subîctibers luivilig been appoitited and W owe but WC ÃŽnarye dps end ankind in tMt drrecfi, Il>, Ul i N G L _11, ea 8% et ici ag a firât T lr" 1 1 èdý ALEX and canisafely rec.minefid il Io the Publ Aents in Toronto, for the'sale of theloi Yai enjoy the blebsin- promi,-£»d të faithfut Pa- portion§ of'wlial 1 esan ratepreparrition forirratches, gallo, ctltÃ,' *brui bep, chine», are new prepared ta executeordejs for iý sprains, andý n fact, %ores of ait kind& If is rents 111 in thoUýht rnIlLh Of in thi! rmilitry, and4n They are %yai ked by two horées, re- és, of whatf hà veý beëD ý âëtùa.1y' e deMa"ýj the îanie. rii _1 WHITBY VILLAGE. nire, only five attendarrig. and will thrash nnd NII-1 lielen, 1 thouglit of little-cise dur- r -E . -Bèl çi ýfetuin,!. 1 have figea many, preparationq lot q b human ettiÊs. ectitýd n' cleani2m Boilbels wheat in a day. These Ma- ifig iýy long joume y. l'camé -h thý mosi, G1ý Allorders in his lino protnptl-y ex horses, but 1 give unhesitatingly Io ýqualIed by an î use, end where me W, the celebrated Black Oils, mantifaetureil [)Y thines are ring y ýui My mind full of it. I bad dètemtué'd to ced ta, be accfflible al ter in ny thin,,m Penn b' t Thi lategt egohiSu dituays on Agnoc_ they become k-nown they take the placcof ait $weet, Rocheter, N. Y. 1 wouid advise everyl, pionouà p a boule of the above Oils a a in my ba.4nej an h nd, for its tirnely uee will sav f., ' kabi1Lsý entirefýwit11: refitë é to the Whitby, April 19, 1850. horse owlier ta kee n a f-lirne and rnoncy. Pricé, 27 ki Dollars, tiie',Lýà th Ã",f:.Vlrm J. F 0 S T F, 'Rio W0RKý%1A14 WO()SIDF & M, best interests of my cbildren, thà «hy 1 con. mony. It iâ fearful tp conter, yours respect fui ly, F,.%V.STFi'IIENSON. , __ _ _,4 ý ýý, ý Il .'1ý 14-1 rn. fess, 1 was Dot sanpiine in'ilie - - 1 " ' lý0pe of aliy, Id a 'Ycar $ de a. t:rt For We by T. C. Sultan, Boývrriany.ille CO OeIn C. linirhes, Part flope-, Dr. Prindle, 0aboisig thorough and radical. improverrient. the pri 'a tô> ve ,Ca LADIES' AX NTI MEN S. 4ec,)YNewcattli-.; %V.J.SuttonOîllawa; and ý ý la- - 1.1i'. . , h ý 1 ý LAND 'T OR SALE 0 Illiurs pamd, 'ýwhile the busb of course opis inirs, Kiltg 81rect, Wholesale & Refait hy and_ a nd ýFt*ll m; Ir wife commimil of à t 'be 'ýdWit shêd b y JAMES il. GERRIE, e fUturcir iua'kln-' NO. 4, Cïty Daild %Vbitby Vit g reso- ;ý'. loge. ONF, iiuridrerl A res of Land, being lutions and forming plans tacarry oütý in the 'éèitpôllenlent oi üýi sarsaparîliae 'air of ioï, NO'W, in best manner, the Irefèmatiônýin, t4iè é'biId-ý fvè Anguist !22, 1851. 19-Y. sed'or the South b k , à ' hand, a âo wýrIî) L19.9 the 4th Con . of. iVhitlýy, is ofored lorsate by the - CI UE sawriber lias noV on ren, se happay higun_ý Q«nti hl Celebralect EXTRACT of ii; , The land is in a T RECEIVE D 4çýe409104MÇéItbe ibteps tord-lo"£,ï 9.110jellm"»iniQuaft "Iles. favorable mitnrdibnl b 1 vitWin'ihreé miles of Itwoolld bç in JUS ty Town aee ne"1fý a imite et a îlouring by tbM fuentât, nov the (;ILBF.RT B. the Goun d roi lent ritratt of chcyry> td, Wbithy, Jan. Z5, 1851. 41-ti Cbem CM Ltrxrwoi&T. ed, There il; a cffllirrainé, D*rnýiM, 109 fh,ýýé 'e -dWhýýtbr Lailli -pfegnises and a4n ouri 0 »e trut col»mitiod e,ý-",Afù " 1 -, 1 - es, JAMES il. GERME, ling Hauser un the GIST létw put r», t Ir lerixis mDrMdiTY DRUG chardý Fo 4l") THE GRA'WMAR Whitby,ýth Nov., 1851. 1 _» :. - . -1; to the piýÃ"pi iët«l rut ;de eb ' PERRY 0;0,4., aub sommer fas4iono, tÀlzplt ,, n July -w4î:îà ý 1ýj to F on 1852. CiRLETOYS FOÃœND9R ý,rENT RE Ir - ý Il r*11 CAItLETONýIS RIN(ý..BONF, ffiýV1N týýï-t-he-proîreuef melfèùlt CIJ in whitby, ichii.6y. wenre nable was DUC spaor F , and dedicatéý cd the -citi on ýs'4f-,rlltz, und PP 1 The troops i Fing', -vrith - cries ras tionored by 1, were -eveilai, -emarked that n ý jodz part iù tl ad£t Kaderj. t ited, -and is-, to ern Gold la he rçporteddiâ< e mý't, Ire