Ontario Reporter, 30 Oct 1852, p. 4

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yeal.erday uorag brougit up a qùeer. eue- bâitkeqIodgmt aluoisg toarrtilits brsti coeli$rOt. Âi heu f t irhtoducesl te tilue i'olice .jsîaice, ia epresuitat.ire of gitlcr--C élouw aasin àaMdsaitpglil, but jot droiik eeo.s tbc i as lutppy as a lard ceitld be eat)ceted to c i ~~der ths. P ciâ,ctsmetiui-1 .lusîee.-Santop. %ir. Prionr.(a'tdo ilai. ot t- xtitutional oljcctimis to standingý. Irefer te bit. 1 JuMticc.wis 7 jur naine Prlsoar.-.No tmtter about tit, eir. My namie is arrit in bail brandy, ir. 1 loe brandy, asea geuitah lsig.Ineet , sr, brandy- Jusic~-ilnc s ir! Wllat'n our INiseeer.-If 1lobe>' you anti keep ir lence, boa will you ever kbew My>'anesî 1 Name ! Ah, ir, whit's in a naise 1 A rose by amy oder- Justie.-No trifliug aill me sr. An- sarer as>'qustien oai once, or UVi %enti yen t'rior.--Jusi abere 1I analto10. g; jutetabre youI senti une, wlietiier ianarurr Yeu or Dtot. Fact ýM Daame is ne trilig muler. ~r u.asno .Gn Jake.-1i ns' you arcm onthiagarorn ha nt. j'rlone.-Tre; 'm our prkauer.- Keep y gnod aratehson ume. 1 am, semark abl>' apit.> "ço off." bMy partinlity te salipetre is decideti. My temperaiet i tuipâeosim. 1 go ifur carbons anti car- bines. 1 affecta a ile. M"- kets art mn> pride, Colet revolvers tise idole I1arorsisip. Sas', my -seoul is eîqes te a Patian 1-A gua a gin!! my w aat you-cal-it fer a %qa-1! 1 Squire, titi yots cier " go a gu. muîg 1r Nol?%Veil$ tir, tien pour leh- thu.W..d7* Ciarlie tisei-,the cbap tisai ph .out orlied 1116 meruing, Iame,#- bscezy got ties ari of pu . îlebliau' a c>'. te bois spoutiag anti busices. jptiçe-Wbat do you mecs, ir? Prisom.-W sy, bce'"areut a gussning" S i bisbeat Ibis mtang. 1ftie-I do o undetieanuoti Pnsoar.-Very ikel>. If I recel- lectari*t,--yeltjuet noar asietiuse aMy Juescc-lOit'mcunory i. Dnuai at(uit Priy,s'hbu is i 1 ai. your *eriee. i nîa a -1' Son of a;n, -*1yow.sS, d tise Isapicssiciln of tisaI '4ieapS4 and be-clubhed sports man, arIsa Me op"80 se aremenlotwsy ti J~fr..-w Cnan, I abeR 4c olgs t Sentjeu UP aS a vajrssnl. Gunm.-'Verjr wai, bi; 'm ready. ù "go vVI ~Andi"oF" c (uun .d Nqo mosn Ium.T.e assimn"%ue iiiqu- tihe pricee ofthis article are' &bett to e ae sled. -Som .Down Etsý "per a & -nn a a 'ay O et ueo gbes wthout putil. Tht wintlow sa s madJe wgri fvood,.dle ousiside permnaet- INemi & isrsuuetintas.Scb a annoer iba* the parts eam bo- r.adilt irerel, for tise ÇE WWUIg tbt KIM, %sch s P a lurbëwa a dp. .1 Inuldi tube,.which, wýc epese of thse saxh. ame rpiaceti, C&v@ý t gla tobe erfeediy firmi.. Tihe suoreable parts of thse ssusaretSecured te dtbep place iiy a ktoh-screw, wriicis makesaa wayPe'tty usi.-rtae Tjiz AtTRoEçY & THEif a CUa-;BÂTS. COLLECToi.-A iimb ot thse Iar uibis Lova aras iattily aaitdlttupoI. ai ralier lan easty lioatr in tise wsorning, by -cèOlltetýr Of Oburis rates. 'l'ie lawyer madie bis -ap- pearsce aitishe dogr inus âserai of -slà% tipper garasuls, but be ver>'y oitely, inriteti the collector t.> walklý a anai tsse a seat, IL proetcdeI that a sono wilseilidnut py 'lib -t&zles ttn it .lueked i upun antis grent s t4on, apologisd ior IKein ono dIu afii en tise collecter calieti, and eaajrt-s"ed a lioiw tisai nuo oe ad secs tihe taxiasssacnter (ic bouse. '['le collecterîrepliet i thatbc ho- Ied no onu me isatis"en iitai.This aSsur- ance appeereti for tise Urne te relicre ie mind of tii. Ia*yer, ah..> retiredti le an adi- « ailgrect. lie seon re-appearet i n ile ir anti stropjici Ubs baud, anti centia- ed fet some aseitonds t.o barlwnu Uset nstru- Dent. lie setttittt a litile iiervosis, anti ai- tra fuer nuestions iaiawers lisail aswdt A Ccir 'rha day Rosi eue £ 1(4 A Lîsa fret iii 1 npony hi t (fr"m 1 and fiho if of the asl i or aiel I'et wbitby and ig Smcop and liuron Roed he 4th int., tWi s ivel, y the 41b of Jetimary, tiII Mon- ir,,, 1&53. the TOIts o11 the ith atndat. rure d, That tt llnlbnr TOilS on jilý nm neslil!irýg pr cThouafl< r lie opcli% f avgai LI uSbý,cribur offers for Sal s Pro- perT, êiniatiigof Boulismitb ho 5WagilO Sh@p, with aos e 010 oWer-ýTum Laitec aitil sa%çillq Machine' attaeWd b il. A comltahle 1D% tllîn&Houe, andi thiasquarter" afun -Acre of 1.An. Tepopîyi.s ituated on ILot o., lhcceao ePickeig, andi wiII bic sel on reason#W, terme. .A iply, if isy lettes' peuttPid, ià UGES Piîckeaing, Oct. 16, 1852. 27 6w'ý NOTICE i*hereby t hst ve, the Sisheri.- bers, do lrkaîty.aulîhorize au ' ornas lloovet as le ol nte nl UIy actine F.Xecltor 10 the ÉAULte nf thse tale David HOQ"Tf. 'Ihoe ini- deieîcIthe icEelate aixher by isote or Acct~Of1 i reqiseuedlucai and effliebe Mme witb bim lit hise tore et PortlIHoover wihout delay, andi tuhnevi vngdaimlsaraiesi-the "$tale nsay bar1l lhem seutleF by him by givin; satîulactory pron, ABRAIlIAM HOOVFrR, RACHA}.L HOOVER- Pot lere, <~, i,1852. 27-4în ¶11Sub"crberwottlà ca tue attention etuO bis eustomers andth ie puise te bias ariedStock of jusT iRUVEII #ON e'rE 11c<mastùstg ina part of WhiteCràPC& Ebbtiof Shawle liaie de! Laines.,. . Meslitsde Laines,' Muglin Dess Silk & Satin Parasol%, Prit', Zebra Tweeds, Priesa 'haeomer itbs,ü Stoe e athin tise limtenoft t u 'snt>' Town, TIIOMAS 1DOW- May 28111, 15.7t MONEY TO LFmNDe TrfIlF -subimeriber' ie propared urîtteboa Real Estate,. Purgonlil applicaioi onysîitudati, .Non uerd apply but IhosewlscunlJuinids. oe:rltsa approveticharacler. A ly te " fiAEu ya il widsr Whiby- Octoher 2nd, 1852. - 25-4t CASif FOR BUTTER. Suberuet rih uîyrashs for any rf ~ gond MeriiîMl Âal>SIiterii kegs or obherlsc,.tre t t 1* biipct reti Stor, Wht an# rr #4 1-& tIEI5 whitluy Ott. 2Iuiti 1852-.54 gatti.is heUitFonationet Sucorsi- I CLOTII DRLSI.14 WhiitbY Woolcs' Factory bsave matie affangemonuts witb C S. JIett anti -W. Thtomas, îtage ProPrielors, le forwaait Clati, ud Wool te Iheir o.biblisbttitt in W billy, Loi No. 18s, Gth Con., where tley ilthel. aluanta - Ips.of a riter faing Wster t'cwer. s Dryitt l.ese , ;Ioal rkmvn, &C,, &c.,,wil latcti busin4ess uitiliseShortee&t Notice. 1>eeou eitî:eintheir Cloili or Wo)l it) tse look for theise îseaithonit delasy, st bise saine WBacIM. Or CR&.E. Tlbvylisave appoiitci Ja"W'sClarke, of Cluii- bus, WIliby, ant ienrry Vtiff, o1 615 Concessin Wiisy), tîînkeepci5, as their .t.pnolf iA'sfs, to mhom CICth Orwooî mRy e 0 at daylin R.ach; leul' rastey >i. Cs ale, prince Aibri;. S, Jewutt, andi1). JetAe., lPoil Itry F. JwtsLinidsay;wiow meveigli, Nonqu'ss4 Road ; "l,,t uIastel nt Colîhard's Car-. os;S. Osier, lteacI, Inukeepet at Towl Hal . ; Pieý ario«,lpunp anu Tl LAC soo Witt WEi 1300 t~T>REin wilù'nv VIL- 1?,one -loir Elst of Mr. lirVRRI GEII- oolnl nhan'i a g~od and weit seleited cBOOIS, STATIONART, VANCY sIK-1 v.-ry Inw for cash, or re-aily py. rlicle» gotonh d obitinotd on short noticeý. mby 21 St. j une 1852. 1-y ESENFR NU NECM A V11Esubseribcr .te«iree nsost respetftsliy te asinounce Io te~e iihabilantis înoaXr, anit thte urroiiiidîi5, Tnwnsi,tisaI l e bas heen ditly.pp*ininl Arns *1 by the Weterti Assurance Companuy, lately orsganizrd in Tosonto, to tae Ri&ksiganât Fire on the mnos reacon11able terms. Aino, parties wisbîng a safe andi remuiclUtlve in- vesîment or money have n0w an oprrtufliy ta ayamount not exceedin!z One lluni reti Share of TnPoun&i per»utec white offly Five per cent or Ton Shllings partShare are reqfiirl ito h. paiîi down. Tiese prosabihity is,that.heiiditnls wîll pay off .Ibegreaet1t part of thse Stock snbseribed, unies, (he Companl sauld exted tbcr opea dions b .40 amiMarine insutance. But sbold il b. ond necessiy to ait in a (arIser per cent- age of the Stock eîibae-ribed, sidlY days' notice Witt tic Xiron previous ta the idate of paymnent. Ail whi.rh je r.,spediilly subsct1b&W, THOMAS, BOUSTER. MIL It4ER 22, [SSletN MES. KAY &à Mils. BUCIINAN, "EG respectfuill' te sufi-as tie Ladies 'IB ot Whitby and i vcinit>', that tise>' have opnd hop fer tise above businesiu MR. WILKÎNSONYS Ilt ib eignofiILDhE¶2,i THiTB .1 TM. KAT blovMn;r &edi orece illip to thse Aillitsary bîstine~u., in 01,10eoflthe principal hous-cisodeManicheser, Engianci, hop"s Ihat îbey wilI be enableti%0o gIve stisfartion -to alth'vte wit o my laver tnem witls tiseî i atronage. Thew Latctt-F aslîiontiansand ýon/sand. MUS. KAY AND M11S. BUCHANA4N WOJULD rcspecitully announce to the Laitlts, iitll they have proureiltt th servi- e- of oeeofithe moef ekilîful werkers Jlu the S;tixw onnet business frein the CIly of Toronto, un that îhey aie enaleitte dleann un aller Siraw 1onnets to the, Netwaat Style of Faauhin TORE TO RENT. -Il RjOlent ini tht Towno of WiitbY for Ont, ot a terni of vears, the Buildlinç Itely occu- cia by R. E. Péery, andi aiu s a gereri store. l'h. pretnmt eebin gin thoroûgis reiaur, locaion, iavouralsle, andtiftty thse Ceity Towns of the liea Cbîsnty, oftbrs, superîsw inducenlenîs bte ihose iultendLing 0 pursue a mcrcasiiile htisinie5. JOHN HAM FERXY. Whitby sUs Apîi 1832. SAW MIIL, &C5, Foy Sale - pertystisateti in FICKEING, bus iile*s frein FictchsuattoBayr and tlweoty-fivc tram To- tonto consîslirig or ONE IWNIDRED ACRES 0F LAND, on whicb is s Firut-rale.Saw MiIl, 74 teet lgong. ic uprigisl emist a gang ofr cisluar Saýw* for cut- os; La1sIr, &c-, triveis by an overusot whieel witis issettI milfs ansdiarusj;, *Uatifletiup li tie Seat manur a ils attsdance or wafrr lise year round. COTlTAGE -ïHOIJ,'SE,ý Saw'ye'r's flousef, Stâbles &c,, on thse prernuses. AUl lthe building are Frarne, subetarliat, antd have been erected arthin tihe hat Lwo year. Tisher. is, a large quasstiby of Il'ie 01n the 1a114, ansd alsy tîantify t. u e ebtainetiilitilte neigissubtliono easy terme. ri lie& TEZ S W.,il .1 Fsa, 't IN CANADA WEST. WIIOLESALIE AND RETA IL. W hEicb, unoinsecion, muitcmputcerini eompseti f te cwet n nios e4-I lef! onbl atis, n in real y Orstaeswind eu sutcmo f1tetiwîh Nea ae amuI imolt i-e ls mabom mt eutIÎ8stninfr'eat ,afti AiericavngMabets, s rrelvewit eatcn e nintty ti 1cmi< (om th et Britishl 0<ouf cnbomni bcan Mblis, bcing fl moot fconiobh, drle, servjt)iceabej tO an th cise asosln OrM Lonante hsbliras bryq theodsln Casona le, drbe ericbeKSot laU*ifl.q, zin a«iit* JrancIheg, execite4 wUitIToat c <w :13e5) 0 7 Il E BRUTES? NOTIE. Brt 4~Saî~ tU~U &? ~ tw Verk~ udjou~ rrtit~foiî1uij a fanro MDYMADE CLOTHINO n. 4 1-2 Boy'sïaney Vesti, (rom S' >IaWO llowiftHluani cMt$, Do ceck'à d Do Bl.ack Alpara do Do illisteii (>nrd do 'Do Princ'ee do do pu Canagls Twmed 49d Do lîroati CWIS do DO cassieiri do 110 e Brîown Hotu.! do DoCheck'd' do do po bMnleokin de Do Tweetie do DO IlroatiCIOtb do Do Russoil Clisti de '%lnts Black Clotis Vcst, Do Bis4S5UU do. -Do Fancy Satin do Do Holad do Do Fancy 4) DO velvet de DO 1MarsdileS i Do Ba ie a do ,, Mens floiS Cap@, &siv's do imte's Paris 'i 'N 'I 4' 4~ E' 'i s' 'i s, 6 41-2 55 26 1 loi-: DO Silk ldo Do Satin <do -Do Uloth do Do Twcedc do Do a aimeredo MNen'à !soleskin Trouscrs, Du LÏnen Drill do Do -heck'J do Do C!ordturoy (lo Do Satinett do Do Cbsimeres do >Do Buckslmin do Do Doulcin dl Boy'. Dri do Do ('beck'd do Do Molepkin do Do CnadaTweede do- Do Tweed* do WieSbirts, Linen Fronts, jStripeml.0o LtUnter suirto andi Drawcrs, 'S Id E' S' 'i S' S' a SI 4,1-2 41-2 il ' 6 fi 4 41-2 satin Liats, Bakandi Dî-ab. J'ew DRYeBil GOs ODts. alMtras Mus'in DaLsines yard arie, (rom 0 Prints, fast colore do do li O H ea vy ;in gham u. do do , 10 il Spicuditi Bonnet gibibon$, " 0( Sraw Boinnte, -S 1 Glore, Hloaier y, Rmbbons. Lacets, Etiginga, Ajkiîfciâl Vlowars, Shit, c lscc d,nd Plain AI ac , Table Linens, Qîtiîm, CO.snterpane1, BM4Tck, usi owli,* Crîpes anti Materiale for ~orig Infans,îs'Robes# Cbpsau&M Frocli Bodies, rol.3-1.1 10 1-2 Ifaclory Cotton, rm 71-2 IWhite <Jo 7 1-2 iSlripftl Shirbin, 7 1-2I Cotton Warp, e IShawls, iadecs, d oiNeckt -ic4, Calr Frnts, M-vline, Nette, O (rleans. Cohource, T)ucLaiioc., iFringrsa, Gimps, Trim-rnigý, I aircita Dresses, Sîlli Warp Alparas. 0 21-2 0 31-2 0 41-2 4' 41-2 2 6 ' Rerneff nanse on1 LuA ,at bis Dry Goods terfeit as you wotsld Pou To Ourncrs of and CAR1LTON'$ Fi For thse cure of Folinde Horses,anid contracted ai iBruis., in the FIeoh, Gai Scrttches, Cuti, Kicks, c.saUe.-Fiud (theE stockon the wrapper,ori Medicine. CAnLTQ-N'S RE For the cure of Ring-I Spari, Wind-alis, anti CARLTON'IS C( change of use and f(ed upon the blooti tn int iat these change tiey re to throe off a i drt that may have heen iw tendeti te, will lseit in Worms, IBouse, &c.. .ail by gîvinq one of tisêe tîmne cure, wbcen any q if used in tima. TheY ail inlamnsalionand tf, BURIGESS & LEISHMAN, fiers, anti1 C orn er of K i g 4thC kC o u rttrc c tsjo in in gto . C P < 1 A NCW LaW OZTICD BRICKS!! BfiC"k8 BRICKS M R. H A Rv, By tihe becginning or moiidile fju.,nez Attor.ney an&I Barrister at Law, ae(ehrpriti) there ill ho ready foi NOAR PULIC&C0s~~1% CI NCE1Y, YARDS ia WIT5IYVILLAGE, AT THE OVICS OF J. HAM FL'r.~Y, . , 00uto te W J lTB i&OtARo JIK&CE i mon Brick$ 4~J3 g IOf First rate Qialily, andi att Low PPuce. Par- itics abottbuilding in lise Village,where thse Bricks are lo be dran esly auhort distance, ailI 11usd II fly 2%cheap tu huild wiahsBrick . Tube, For sut ber particelr ytc ~rr &' w Ga4I or tri- AMESWALLACE. Noison S reafw hors %oh of Rig Strct, nearly opposlite VLT~~T110HT£L, and arihinallai 100 Coomus IDRY IIU:mLocxCK Cea» a riletel wak e STOUD».w r) Wanissdat te lb.Bae~x yas, for' whicb Toronto, Apri! 10, 1852. 32-ly. Cash tyil l 'e paid, jWhit-t>y, May 8, i8w, 4-tf. reqitire e.. ru:lE Sluscrilier ilaving bt, a ,&GrWZ' foi thse tar, Compasli ail tine"s, be mostV;apl)y 1u raceiveap ()rliiuirat ces.. -J .i Ceugoius, Apral 29, 1852 Farmer, ai Hi 'r Wool ýcularly ýane of rlsk 01 crr-1 l'- 1 ' 1 l DR' the 1 - 1 1- 1 1 1 1 - T 1 4 1 1 1 i

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