ÀITUftDAY MOtflLG., - TWELVE q:aws maauis6tbiakao WIIITBYI, CANADAL WESTI 4ictl tett tie rted on UoldPlaite o ie Proin one toan ,sentire C ee erMq. Litrwo"s8voaor' fo T asitSMCOx tr-èets S wa, Nv.it, 8M. 301f. BY r. David Tuclrer 2 ceLt, DtiniLm, 11'FI i A, SusasOont a Norwood, Ott. 25th, 1851. 28y4y N02'ARY P VJDLIC, touWlt4!pAe..of the court oet<qMSuas Beh MUROFMARMUAUK E ICENSES AND 05âce near tile Court luse, Village of M,<ýCiESTtitI, T owniship of ItLACH-, C.NW. 2ouf L. C. THOMIAS, C 0 N-V EY A N C E IL Co»rmni.yioîer of Quee'. Jnc For tr'lng Afflîfits.1 Rtnkhr. S;t.13, 1850. '2i L A W OPr 10E. Attornel t4GusUVs.LW WJIITJJY. C A.ïdADA W £ ST. Bar ~l<rc4attlcrey et Law 1 NSURANCE OFFICE# JÂA-% WAIIIACEbeg% te intirnate hua be.', lut*ir.teCt nt rthe. andti h h iprpir - ît t - îks at the ndin'rY lle ul iuýbf» , PaoirgTAitT& auir 1,rafiwhes ofni stdo npany. Whut.y, 1 4s t e.tri I.1-. WYORKMNIAN 13 R0T11EWS & CO fo- 06, XM140.rosT oronto. L. Il. SCIIOI'IELD -& Cv., IMPORTERS 0F BRITISH ZDI\NUPA0TURES, WffOLZSILE, ANDl UETAIL. twWlîatby Vfae IMe WO. .c A ILET 0N LY NID)lC %LouIr E P RKTAM IEALERI N TE I , TUMU0I, RICEPAPES' tÂl P ACTV ME -1 OFSOL.U PPE.R, AN» CaS-h paidjo.ar !ideS and SkiAS, W/Cat, Ã" ais, 'Pots anti Peari .118/es. Wiiahy Vilaze, 71h lune, 1850. 9 - A-Iragtcs oit CO*ennmcfts of Ishts t î? ASHonPOT AN D T AVANF~$R0O>EUT H. LAWDER. Poli Wibitby, lit Augusit, 1850. Io WHSKEY! WIISKEY1 '50oBAtlL.LsPuai' Duvza NVhis- 450kcy fur Sale, aery 1e, b>' joif' lAFI &CO. Port Whîtby, Niay 31,1851. 90DOILIXXINIS, f roprAtt. ALEXIlpER ?ltOhILON, Proprictot. z * ellesi aceor n-1at ions for trwrellers. Giet stabling for Mlorses. ALEX. PB.INGLE. 1'UÀIIIM __ WJITBY VILLAGE. Alloiruers n Ii'w lias pronplyexentd Tite laC ett F.siomssalri on Llnd. Whitby, April 19, 1850. LADIEIs AND GRSTLEMEN3 TUSE CELEEEATZD COMSTOCK MEDICINES& C1{EMICAL PREPARATION, QO well known An Canada, have been "- sbamefolly «uunterfcited end i dstributed in Canida, by the very persons wb4,, *ver their owfl signatures, bave idniîted that Dr. Luctus S. LCousToCK f New York, luis i. o:y PreprWsor. Tnesé articles EaireTO lsI-The GREAT PAI1N TRCO (Connuls.) curing ail Burns, andailExternai raesu S oat".oe> 2nd-BJLZM 0F COLUMBIA, for Stoying'ant Restoring tiht Hutnan Hait. ird-HEUWR' NEN VE 4rBOXE LINIMENT, and-IN1D14N VEUETABLE ELIXIR, à Curi for aitIBRheumatioms. 4tb-Mey.dIR's OIL. tn cline ail flesf Persona. bth-114ft'LINIMENT, a Wel known cure - (or the Pilesn, &c. e 7îb-MOTHfER'S ICPIEY, feraliftWomeaIi &h-Ik#~RLfT WETERN INDUAN P.&N.WE-1. For Co" andi feveriah feelings andipeetn ae. 2. For Attbm&,LiverCom lpaintandti lie affections. à .-For DisrrbeaIndFeston andi Lois or Appetet. 4. Fer Cestsvenos. in fcnialesand malesand nervouseomplantu. 5. For StomachafetosDseuiPls Jhheumatism, &c. The creat points mre, Il is flot bail to take, never 9'ive* pain, andi ne. ver ieaves oescostive. tt-DR. B4R TIIOLOMEWSPINKX8SYRUP for ail Couche or Consumptibn. 1oîh-k-CnMst,2oCrmS V£RMFUCE <WorM Cil let)>l'or îdren or townpetooe-. Ilrh-MRs. BR0W..V P.*INTffl mKL LLR-o medicmne bas been discoer. cd thataso happiiy adapteaitt, use in1ernaI aiA.rops to be talten-, and yet periorm suc wondérs wben appliedtt rmatlgr as a wailh or bath iby friction. Ail itheRemi"uesère fully desctibed inu Pamupli cli, Io be rînn t ailt mlin raIl. At EncUire for Lia GENEJ.L AN1LY DIJLECTORI Sbowinir the itemiedies whicb cvery famîly abogla kceçi ni ,bêir housesan th ae manuer of unn hem hy which ail'o..iinary Sicknes may b. preventei or specdly remnoveti, withoulthec eipeiâse of (U Faantly I>lhysîian, andi Secre Dangcrous Disease Every (amilyshouldcrf ulypretevethiS bWl to roeei o when any remeody isà wantedf-botb as t thé part icutirarticle.in.tkated by -the coruptaini ant uhowing whcrs--sucb lemedy may always b liait. JAmEts IL.GEILIIE, DRJGG IT, WVho h nappoitsted Wbolesale & Retail Agent. WV. C. SWEE'S CELEBB.ATED Fanîily 3Medicines., IITIVATO CIIINESE BALSAM flRES Sore Throat andi Steomactu, Cougbos VColis, Cholic PaisWlooug Coutb, Croup or Ratîe, &e. SWE~"SFAMILY, CURIATIVE LINI %EÈNT. Cures ail Peiai!'.Citampe, Numneu, Ague ir the Face, NirvmRusHad id Tootit Acbe, Citarqrt Ouinsv. &c. S WE ET' S NFALLTBLE EYE WATEIL, Cures Bore, lufiamiti or Weak Eves. It coma li rccommendid. ýTry il. TUE -KING OF' OILSI Cuire# ail !Ulerateti Sore, Cuiblains, &c., &rd is isifaîlible toit unany externta ditses. Try it yost will sot regret iL. TH F, 014LY S1QECJAILSD MEDIINE. $WEET'S CEJEBRÂATED B3LACK OTLS FORIt IORSIES & CATTLE!! Tbi.-beat anti ceapeat medirie Lnowu, ant isb veil recolflticfded b>' gentlem f o uftr own con'f try. Ali that hare usadi t speala wetl of il. For "Iotrai0ls 'cati (tira paple, Te llourang .., !_ l__ ý19lqtehpnnn.F4c.Mavor NE.W NTSI fI4! HATS 1 lu a i a t f W hitby and ei burboot *-are irforraii ba le ubcri r lia IIow 10 bandi bis 81ev gpringt@~-Ol ta5if.s( ailthe< N é>etw St y les laJr,slie FaxICHf andi Ausciu H AT.Ast eie brsatcd K .ftlHit) 110W i b ci gest demsnd. GentlertmIft visitiflg this Rat Eniposirni, wiaie h. rtest assoit- ment in Canada. inWMAT Toronto, April lot, 1852. oI, 52-Sm a .%L h.t ETABI O MARBLE WORKS I~NLFACTURFRS end DEALERtS in £VI>lUUCDSTomb Stones t G 9v1011Md White, Gmecn,JlucirVaiegated Marbie, Centre Tables,- Stand-Top, Chimn.y-Pierts, sinke, SoSt fatue, SUR Diois, paint $!One#, &c. Ever of the 02 uW UjOB doflCinao peilrSyl.oenm Sa..tsd Termes Liheral. N. B.-W. & Co. 1 Itg to sy tha they ihave f-0 conectiol with aity otiier F.stablh5hm4flt,al they impolt thoir .Nlarbie fromeini. eti fameit Rutiauid Quarries, Vermont, 77ios. Wilh.r, MarIcan Vîillag,«clAgeu'f. September lit, 1851. 21-.t, WIIIT1i3Y AGENCY or Tut "Wes-tern" ,/JssUratC-Conpany. 10m E onFFICr!"... .TOPONTO. TO TUS EDITOII OP TH Sîp,-Your ver tion to Our Colonies, treateti as if cbiefly te of the .rtocracy, I Ilodibrastie poern wril Jing tte confliet whsch tient cf the States fi poem is entitled "MlF ces squire M'Fingal meeting in tavot Jsul .Aderting tote lbc on wîth lritain'e thie Té sendi you governor or judge s Brouht or al(flous inthe .PatiOut< 3ropottd eber, aIl rene Tb* 'simple Lthe al y.pt 1 With p.vertysiball notlatrive, And i inly sewk wbereee t. lite 1 Rave tb., flot ricked their wbole lpventiolup To feed1heir bWs. on pouls andi penions 1 Yet bave otn band i as y u erviog, Ten thousnd Wasaîis WMAfor starvingl And can you now vîi comritmc lir, Refuse thein an asylum lier., Or not maiitaà in in manner fitiUnïo. Inen ganuine sons of mother Bi!"i1, Koights, Viscounts, Baron, sbal ye meet, As tlhck as pavements inilte streets LVIII 1, peuhapi, il speedr My cdanm, Sbalt fix a Sx betore my name 1" Perbaps the reader mua viai te knew tia issue of the oration Apj cleti' deriates the diea'! deerce: s. That squire WFingal bar»>; gmown 'rhe vilcaîTory in the town, Andi now on fuli cxaminalion Qouuictilîy is ewn confession, *Finofing rne token of repeulanýe, Tusi Court procecis tut rentIer sentece: That firot w. nakc a slil>-kilt sngle Round ah. neck ni SquAre MWFinpl, Anti, n due formi, do tsi 1dm ncxt Anti fesSier, as thi Iaw directs; jri>4n tbrougb the îown, attendant ride hAut Iuncaul, wilb Constablte betide bum; - Ant, bavinz bel ion Ao tp te stuame, Bringt I bm Place (ro= wbence bu came."e AN OLD S*UJ3CRIBE.R. Thse Mormans. OapIt1-~iUUWîI ~.correspondlent orthîe St. Louis% Re- î~ ît~ncs TEt> OUND$5EACÃŽ publicair ihus ritedfrem osft lake City;« T US OMAN hivngî,wn orby-'i$ is a beautiful Valley. , 'fb e nounitains rs cum, rrdiNg hi tern tdus whi surrount At are Iigii1bolti and rugged Chate, is preparedin b isue POLICIES açainsI witossummîti are: alvwa)sc.clwt uv LMS or nA-îlAGF b y FIRE, upon iti-.L or No- ttuber greva An thse valley, anal not PEKsONM. PROPER TY of *Il kintis, on as mueli en thse motitains netr b>' ; but vrater favorable ternis as ouer responsAbie Compas#tie'c i. -lsreiso atr rbl u n The following gentlemen Comfpore thse Board of digtu tesl tvLT iatotaa Directors, wbîse naine are a gliiflcîeiil guarantlte ruas dovo thes ides of the mountan, vhich tbat the business trarsssctiois of tbe Company are condltcted along tAm ritiges te the cky>, wiii tic the.iaa o tsi icorable Prnci' andti e illbsprinipaJ-firms it1me Val.7,. tes, vtz- Teilrol r cyidsrosp ousc C. Gimmor, Hugb Miller,, TeMrosacamyjdsdu e~ Thomas Haworth, M. P. Hays, pie. Tbey are famine., buildiug, and in George tichue, Wmi.-Henderion, fact are doiug up a b iutness iom'eerr> James Seat * IRicutLewi, andi vay. W. vere ilere sun tue te wibnes » Lin oweutt, Eqrnres. Mormon religious service on Suay>, anti Issac C. Gilmor,- - - - - - - -- adent. Thomas lHaworth,. .. .. ....icePildiiithe îbcceremonies of tiie .th onMonda>', St Relit. staîaaon, Eoq.-- -- - - --W. anti Treaeth.tie Tabernacle, tbey bang andl prayed like i other religions dellointioua, but thse The. untier ~ed bavît been oppoinil eÃŽnt: preachiers toek no text, aut of course, anit og the aboe (omny. wiît cive persnlatn tion le parties tiesirous of effectinir Iîsurance. uothi.ug An particulair, but a great nîany .JAS. WAI.LACE, thionia generail. The preaclier an Eng- Pre, Life, andi Geuîl hnsurance Agent. liba, aa à geod deal t t'a>' about tie February 6, 1852. -434L1. "u lwutlbu'.'s"of Mormoirism, but lie made Imictrsae I as mm1ce 1 il a perfect fizzle of it, sud dit hbut ltte cisc T TE $Wcibes aving been appointedtmlsat e iocvit lack ef brains. But Età a InsurSBtce C019PRUlY Of ttltl4 M. T., J3trigbatn, Young, thie presant chierofMoMr- are pi'epair-irto recesve applsealeons foir Isurance. 7 -ona-n. lie ns a six foot Vermnter, Froni the higli character ef' the aboya Institutioni, aou a ie he1e rates of Prei1urni, v arec onvrice weihs bou 180 14t, lins a flort comhplex. ethaIt supetlort acilitie.s c nov oflrid for Insur. ion, ligAt bair, well perfutied zod cumbed suce te the. Inhabilanta of tihe New ceunI>' of vuîtl a curi bure and there, as if esne of hill Ontario. w-uevies badt taitcet ber inger througi Onara EASO &Ce it, vears g black suit, a <amous vhite cra Wititby, Nov. 12, 151-j 1.t. rat, afsuslinale black bat, black cettei n - U CIt@ L~S . gloveiandatisports a large gold ieaded cane W ild and t lean Tit is vas the vman pointeti eutle me as thb 0-2- . -.-- 0.z etiAW eraor ef Utah, sutd-Chier Aposdtic rïty 0ou aW a bi -u UU5m -T J UUSW saur Uunoutage on 5O- ie n a Chrîstin country I Noue., Ti genus f our institutionn alllows ail States sud t.erritories te elect tbeir Let* latuare sd te utake their own laws. 11lihC Mormons constitute îmarly the entire pop- ulation of tiai. Their Legzslatre bau pasaed ne law inbubiting bi"ty-hmace ifis no crime hier, sud iie way in epen for s many wies as they plens. A tbeu1 ad 1 sihe vas alcal5on INVASION i -publabh a te 6e nuy C ah ete , y inhe a ar us i a mti lsuub nany natter Surrounue d ti tC e l ed O t that inflicteti upon te rti'-viteunder Loe~z's nlatim. attMwjýt"Veyo Th el bi ofttlni tetn ttNarrow Escape. stitu Qeuinet tWashington13 e have information that "e t bet usand m en CGÂUTîevi're PARuZ.'T.- O n ' SatUrda , lpo n andibeys'l are onrolleti for another insane te 9tb ntt., a littie girl about 9 yeas otti, iei attentpt f the kinti, andi that despatches belongina- to Mr James Lttle, f te bI imd have been f'orwarded 1to the collector of thià concession ef this township, bati a nnrrw nd port an t i . Joteti $at£,% District A ttr- escape f ber lie. Sh. vas repeated ly inca ney, apprizina- Ihein of these luvemetit, Of cautoned te keep away <rote nti trasbideg- pon the itaunts4 andl renderrous of the. maraudera machine thaut vus workîng at ber father's it,-M anti requirinq thee oilcurs te -ec tht the place, but sui the driver vas liber brother, plisd lava art enforeed againt them. Titere m t[e caution vas se lttie rearded tlat sbe bari prebably seme truti t is report, #t lcai5t tia the teurity to step into the here knoý in the formai part of it, iz;-that a int- track, andi in geing oer the ted lier frock vin, ber of boys sud men are formed ile sami- gl entangleti; tortuately fthe liorses ivere ve: miitary organiations, with a vague idea on valkingr ver>' slwly, as the>' vere- viiin 1 Eni titoir part, nd a distinct understaudutug on minutetof lnisbin, but slow as tbey erif te thie part f certain Cibain titis citYq, vit wakingtey coul5d not be stepped until site mit] formi a selfcoastituted andi self styled-put vas dngged about tire fini ebtveu the duai that they are te bu sent te Cuba. -J!èYT od andtitegrounal, andi sbran're as t imay que citien is faînillir -vitb the tact tat Sucll appear, net a boue oe!lber wasiLrkeu uer a as cempanies of meni andi boys andi bkblede- trop of bei blee-. spilb, andi in ive dap site boys parade tic. streets in accoutre mtent!' was se far recoeret of ber bruies ns Iote of mosîsoinbre li .. Jy mauy perlons, andi abe te ailk a oniterble distance. M a- ber very naturailly, the>' are suppoedt é; blu firc' chine accidents are gettuig ver>' cermMD I enin. cempanes geing tn , or returnittg ve . au scarcel>' ta!e our %ralka abroad Int fron arget. excursions. on coser ca m- vîitbout sena- seine person titat vas niaia- bel nalto nl ho ever, t. ii Ire scen îlot thre cd.4 by a & J inoe ,nach ne. Th'is s suetit- t L.3. 80, 1852# 1 1 n.- 1 1