Ontario Reporter, 23 Oct 1852, p. 3

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arn,- qd irr , ju eyond a lu.Mr obf lB AWDsolut Meq rwr I bsd ion oved b murlo nta. riswu JIEIJQ J1n~U 2 S tir LeaurdOJ wdat ndueiiit.teyaiupFlsed to bc h g pit oïteoeo iirspeleal rate oittherNOTICE ireeequarteiven tFtptheIiIJLLA berty.tcoannOting rAwa Blaru.mitme Shold edRteb,1roperty i the oWn wer e hatdY dsove) Y la cnet, tand 1111W mahiv ttacbed IoOBEBil, A'L i twPe -J>e O 1 r e rty s - l t h oace t h m u bs b oa r ofu d ta td r r o& "cy, r of £300 curr nC l T JMDA nmeit . DntO4E . anIIbAc t e i Wonak têtzn s ttn i £ 1 ggo rnto I olbins fired at the ob ect. On reaching a i un ,a d b l nc f£ 00 c rL T H o S. 3 , 6 hOth ecê on Bre, ick rfngi aud P g~ ru ,a iti c r o % g Is & b a ny piarpoe e lippoaedthtila ei ar bi orewery wfi h at lworc be* l 4 f eu 8rm be lie hallbt a imn tlîrougli the bed. It ad 1 O N S I R S . ikinOt 6 82 4a kin cap, hall ,eated liilcf beside the Lzcensid Suivyr o i u- Tebsn ocrn~1Y hrbv i omr l ot adCmeca lbrsc oeno.- 1g, »tL hiIs cap was jut visible, andt vcy &c., of the Tow»8hp fines aîeitK yT.SIrR 1D ~; toNtFi.rm lp WhlBidis S C oti ii Ç oi doa eglwas In tie act of countwg ibis many. 'h and Concession lunes in the sait NOTICE o hrelly given 'bat w., the Subseri-N eC h qr d S th iu% t rpîts n alv le laimotion oflismatiskn ap eaivi h Tws «VLAG OS R SALnn heU, do legally nut orize and appoint Thomis - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iitr Theoteag enîe~,an, 0 l tyuncntle rnevcueT -h 11). il - ~' oae a h.slosd nr cinixecutor 1 onr 7'lao ofteIiea eWlpdo xî-EAS the Murt;ICiPAL Covll - thse Estait of the laiel DavidlHoover. Those in- ,OC Goinuasetes arieyanoafif% de.osie tsshrt 'ti uncirunaW 'Ytongr theetTownship of Pickering have e gdTwo miles xorilî of coutthard8'Coriis» debted ta the Etitate eirhcr b, noté or Accotant (lvmae nt srv on t tula.Tl A ftal accident occurre ton Mondlay on joiîrStn, s-. icrsdPoinciaif Survcy- aerqet. -ctad eletesaewt i ~ ~ ou tsbzksý andt particularly - -liosxasn c/ia tint1h aîi m, bsI1ay h i as i apra~b.~ it ooillunce~ v Ill e icTrenton ad,['IilatMIephia rairo.aci; the or, ta Survey anu Report iipon lte threc Towi AL F' and quarig' acre Los On Simcoc t bis Store t Port Hover without dela, nd fn ,i i it appclockctra ntficonflNcw V rktl the n aitsîp unes. and til theConcession fines o(l eýswnidHtretth /e greavibotouitfî,ire bdîweet, Osba îhtisae aillb im b>' ginsaîesatory poo Gocresadja (iif, a,vu to ari on remrale trintane. ribyui.aiglewliete, ecsame in a permanent manncr, cnnfuribly ta ri¶- .~pa, stlicitor, cannliton 1t/der ciaimls. grW »~ v onieabetcrtoy-cndcalouring to costhe track ina wagon. the provisin o-heSall 1 ieca. pletestob 1T 11-ad.RCIAL OVER I iwil uwl'SltIoe rcst 'Vie ôueiu isorai, avrre wos Arcurcciuis uaskiled on Satirday at atitoher enacltols ini suth case msade and pro- anîiorIroklhSet 23-2m- er feoar, 0tIt. AE 182. - 2.4i iibii/g, t uut 82 w lk as betin recen i,-bil , refer, i A resurt/se aaid workaia b' tone for anti su con _Sept.__ ently publis ret iCI(ncinnati, liavint-betu tlilt in the net vddth admokI (nefrndirn-ot l e, t.i,15.2,1 t h i o nm e t i , t e d i p a t li o t et1 -Ireti tWa o d .t i r tio n o f t h e s r is o f £ 1 J àc u u re n y f w ti h E 1 C D 'A T - Ger a'reta out a century ago B3aicedsnern oy £200. curreîîey i Ie levîet/i adcl ecied t/lis M<1WE i' 1 JeantiLisre edtotIe aie itlorities 'Thle reccrit outragraron ftie Criscent Ct p-setva ut-illethe aluc, £10 urecy IMPORTANT. MONl 'oiay o h'S îTvW a Ici ii rl e, th le t sca in 7I,0 ' heua Coite it ruet y g~~A ~ I 1~.()\ R wtal solief' uleft as a t/tht ta bal paid ini the Yenr 1853- pn o h W -r ot rus istlu fa1 l ats a in 1711 hy he euantuia/oritntelit% lucttbria ene aathbusiness 'ron hai on u 'ne17 de ofate i ve, a i oie trlawiticei;scerlel ntlîat City, retiîisite bin ,t ý provision (or theilti payausent ta e shortedt t n tlie avlisfeti meore masineo a ai o o e deoftse Rier ad j 'nti t-,i i ge~ n t în _ ' e, it fiq al ae u te li e -hv he ry, ad heir estalî'hment having gone t/srotlgh I rdte ofiiecef Ilelivt'r and 'ht suigatiîoff lic citizen. .Ainong tlhe -%iie rateab.éfr roprty o ai T O W N 0F W IIIict tilar o plai Gulf tano t5 ai aîi, lic1ie c v as - N lr. .Isali' 'h asneîtrAnd . -a îhoroiutherepairfoheyheolict1a32/lart o! public le 4 ra Ihe. 'the Tn-wrthip oftiikt'rn trt/eyiV82 'Thisiiit ut' yar tie ivr î~. ltionîs wo- aid cl ingontIi ' uvcîru- Four jîî.uulrcgi Lnd r%,rftv-one Uhnusaaud Oti Tlcy will ithange ClfIM for ool on rea. gaîi sia x 11les o t t'he Gu1; and l \ lr. in take tt~ for imaieit'thatt' Illintlied -1J T'iX tîty4tsve ' ils5onable ternis.aidteîlhtst a (jyarec n it 1d rèsc ie1 * ainiI- Iyth re - t Ani r vil l 1rel&q%Îtc ir e Spcl 8umRate i- LiE-FtN T1MNrUEcsCslt lian Ilif is .1tt f a ptiyiylu the feum INo IleMIoyN ç Iaitlficturî i st O hsever after contin-i tlet'saine lrolior- C('iii, evcfurvvartddto NMobile, for Insus- t rvuî futs aUI)iretor tise saisi ttcbt of' 1IN A FleW%' AYS, INSILtED in1,0 bu %?ibas;emlsfi1.lrepiq fcllcii id1- -RN R EýM E DX'.laprne/, do. do. 1 O0 je n te N iv V r VI II e il lucrefrc r e e4l.le'/ bv tiseM iurîîiýî 17oimn fliaue ts . d i,. 1 titan in 1754l, jin hiscarcer or couquîcst arer firt iitcovered i il as ab1out two degneres cilatilt tTonsltip tir Iikerioui tiaitthe S'id6 sý:ar, If avinlultnne toutIiibe1 DR. îIoOÇKS.FutCoh20 the $,ea, and /t Iis loring approa'/i foi t lunt 'M --llaeo 11t o. d yi h Pudb titit' 15 to - -tut rMte / îeopt 1n y i jI rollitiTt CliinI il e T ans" abl'e r Wol Catdiug, pe posui, 0 2 .2 arno'pnig5srim es St a r id t et fa îr 1d i in d trf C rt-ta !" f, in e nstîw .rd. It k s t ivitig in a souti-w e s.triy tev i l 1t e", ai d o wti ii ) i clei z-ul ou ain ,(I . 7 - tli4- 'ii'lii th-naot (i aun suid atia hi t>111tIu tes andi apsescnt$ luntise For t/le Cure of Coughs, Colds. sImlo-Oh or oci rpuin tion ltc lerrîtonaite fitness of Ilings in ais-. :pî' pîoueogu.It i.. a ln 'a, ~.- cuts urrotiYLouUiauld ant /IAlfet- Oshawa Woot Cardinaut l sDauigw/ Ilexint- CuI)a, ait accutain t 'o o rapiî l u l, iî at'rî t th- Centre lui a nuu. Aniti leil ftitîser enIact l I lle ' ut'ustort,' taon, ni-téBest n ilg.Il are nb h bv im aflinity, lieusut bc jîrîpare.d lu -r'- y i î r- a prsýt teles'oi- wilîî j uhai 1lt oot, a site bcsaîlmimnaor £j100, ar Maris tct i redhy J A NIES j ()HX&TON, Rot- Jucrido b /ea'. C FWIrm'wlch w$ctei ciCo.rtc 1/lian lhoite prncemt ité te saitirateésisal l tilu iteuatrse etrf.Y sl rpitr uricluited Sttes W1hitlay, May 12, luri2. 5-tf. Aignîiitnt prog'ressof Nattre I odui e t ienata&-él eei aro tes __onsihétser_.Y. oe r iCa urte iuef uu dtb i iuii atn u palît rt a il' itea,,,rer f liei aut ' Tutlsi it iBiiisNrtsMltPROVINCIAL MUTUAL AND GENERALLaisPlin8'FgrdBacSanilO lhe course of turne, uëctsrîliîg a r. feu isv t irsy uloiu" rt ui1trt t eyfitui/ G;ayarre, we be .15 i -atîna t héIL cft) CRlunNo .-t sa10tiie.siSaiost Sliier ar i -ttgalr - bt.5CntiîO'e111C A E IC C I Q uu litt o f th e t' t til ti as 'flic' m ain Ian i i'of N aîeuî l i tt lite t:11of 4 lJ iS i th e an . " rr it.l' tu ; tyn 'I t of u t e aI.uuce i sth en,> . ~ - 1 Y/oat 150 justa u or n Key Wi(%' in tt inrband on i ur rter .mat hin ft' h- al'tn F E' CIA L F, IfRÂN .11" E,' I? lçirps .yNIi>S cetailoialirifrt.ruîty ni fre i due ta lm inrt' it lC.I TYitSEii.ofl.cOharch Stircet To- redcrtonwarudthvryhmbngsîuatrd - ' ' - - a.'etvd tt'tI M sotiN' i Illeb si'.'crai b1att' a Aî-Ofiu ctfr MenîitSI uipPrtSiF .o ip - Yw~ ORK. 1()rt.i> 9 is- i nhrtoî'nt.t-lti 'u-rIelt - ronlilion qluai/ed tararae tls A ceuainscre fo Nietist u îid rstsa/ity.P orter, tuiti.-il u tstuititu; Anetlorbt7a', or Partia Trhe srrai 1 1 . p-('rJ Illi- i/es, aîitai) 18 houri, from the latter Iport. ' ,le -s u li wit vIl Le lil ii MN-eru1o')tit T a.uu ut ikn roiq -itatian bth /e Fcmitta kuui'. X CLARK, IitVc r eint , 1beaaerad.l crntCity enti-reit the liha u ol i I 1 uuu11%ii.-J.uutS.îutilV.4 ise'I'Vicehit o I"keiru anîlt nt ay rea , a d i Ir s b tlç)s- C llit),(ifof li, lliilf(iCiluuitie i .TuES . .D beillýý lvoidd' bc lXîutu'reltf Ito ptun.eute on the Luuu5,tti'od ll ls ut a re ak n tii l - ird. Ata , ýstîi ed , t luoeýojpojjtr F ith' tr f î, the)oiti s uw illitta uavl u'tlu'" A G 1$Ir.A îN D 1/j.G. Wr Boen resoT joîé ier , .c . tet ootad on oia r . tî, nnulrl l te tfrt)-t iedvrlÀArll roress %vlocli tIr! -oruislî 't' resr aortit- t i t'utClerk 54îo', iufu ýcâur $ail l A m . s c v . loi » 'I r'(!WInATItiNv) WM. (tooraxvlit r nnd huai aur freuandwl/i (md it t b. ta tiseir mis ivreno sociled A Si.r e uc 'u- be I'it.upt. ias t vl*." ile l u li" fthuuilaiat Wttri tttW uss juact r <'rN. . Stetheaîu'sor. Foit/lacue andW btit as tofil ou bor Ta.li ee tliu'a 'uru dsirartusorti ' - cd vitl-lcso re.ieîd ore ati 1,1 a a %va i 'irhTht Prnpr>11' S'-uei.,rimeVi2t 23-ui 1'ieu, &c 11 seîs bc Iuui uturs uit nit ¶ar i erîtt. uîîtwîs. î'u t f.on DR.l Pilll.ïVE - - on auy o Riks ne ris, Llardinc le lnd vn e ane et ,r PI E:, PLESPILL-, ulsirabe theFarm rs. disired to preýýt!lbtpràuipnrest l'y Aiau.dits oiarati'ulloabcag theso son ira; opit/liumpru- COFFEo voRICedEw TOBACCO. C t-Ifl s il to Îh 1le. l, iu t. Porter tit , P or t Nliltilzo 1 1N .2 nt eIrl"un e nlten el o h ies r a e ) n t'y h a u t a ususult su lisa it u tc u nai lit,îîl a eg d e -n t lim i th , l t e u i u r I u u l c c o n fi - dcwut1ittc ,vre ftwl1-I. tPtadItli'ir'sPa iui)i a- are UP'IiAM'M.NI,1).. 196 BOU era'tentionofkteaPubli po'tlyolere aget furier order inir ns ;l'u'r.titat wuve i nui ti-n ult hai t r~ua îasnl, otite îs black %ss-ltuit a uiai),ettucaieti/ b-au ateue i atr- dulyclr / eo ite taitaiu Geneti. tYIrqo 1-yttii îeb.D.U h nS re, itti . u titi n liis. u~~ ~~~~~~li ta aîu e ria'.îsh/u , Çerio f l iftener i aimas, iiiiî t utîe ' niy f sîtlu ct- T ro o.O .14 8: - In tu eatn'e i îiurustl!ewr e r ,l'al l hi' uuu-uî'tlu ir1,riqd &eG 0- RIEta I th a njtdii" c us lilt' n () : . ..t a itt i rith t i r l r't- 2 y yus o ,l w"e Ibalis a a'foutidtresp,7tltc tloi tctu sy aaneîiu -ue, surîir /ie ti 'o .a t'--'longaîrtina,.,isirnsuitteileîi jtîleît s'*ii'1e.Tr/e underisigismi bavinir becux appoinleti Agentr~-' 'Ov r her.but s1d s'oul al i.M t tio i t e s nie by lti),J itia ta partie desirous o ef lecting lnstasratice . tuertuutt'.t' sl.Otil tat xtensive nd - - tom 4b.111ii tIt' ed1 . JAMES WALLAîCE., .i'M avt"in onoo11aV th ayo ci lher t'x, T ýJRRIED L.IDILESi ilicac wit the ---9- dis-aniti nnhn.- i"à l111ilhy day14 121f4 thefr-t-s cuaryai, li-ic, t aie t lrar,, 19tl iiyaitIlhi' ourafciOcI k.- 'The Electiîary us perecîly finfe for Pregîsan W ihFb.11 8 Is.e froust lut'li cîîîl'5e lian.'a a3nrd ee "O psibeuadail s it aniititory isert Oe~ NOTICE 0F CO-PARTNERSHIPi UvI-~2iL' i Ij sticatc s'itli ht0 shot'.' - h().îaI' cttu:5 ii ' ir, f.licu' ,tu s . fîilvAti AI21 15.EX.tiA.ME . LdeudtlPiO uui Cute, /lut can ______________________ '.-hiu-h uecurred 'in 1 orî".auItua siitus t-). tt .usshîbusetlu tic tieri'4e'isu î-'iuyanlul 11 1a2 raneay im , mrc- ia1 santéV I i' amu a uil l ions Is t ,' t os day" 'inuce i - r ,i uforîu a a ristit'-ile .'u'ssi 1ta _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ -d 4iii' y,iad a salud canutil thion iui thte oflpning. * I E usn s and ua 1 a idul fttu',ussu la-Ibtci buJA sBIK wines uuee fr1e ca rrie on ___ iL '~ ' and ei le t ua 'vo tîthe ia tufAulut Jw lis th A a ideu*sî)s ,Ivtilabout our - rcatlabte fr l)Itean ie-ano ernl4fni u -w iMS u oatresccfialy a ifoznibIsCusomeid nt la ,' t lu t a n d n f aIa t.hw ntr' s aic1 p u0si y Iii g n ai i!S ynt"fui £9 iuu i t e 2 l y of A g u tJ w D a id h s r e lu rne d . JA N S , T . B â IL L E , B O T R , t/ u s t ck litti' '. a s ru.lAtthai a tie r f r e ',du' b tIaui'lasasduhnro / h /ie îrntlts arit. Idate, as I wili nal bu litte Colin,"%S he fln11jAý , 'ELl W'IXSON hl'e are truty e-ralified ta tearn iutttiicele- coflu 9-i. 'raed eu'ougP ucîpalsarei lolî m Th e rIcSubsenihers in returniag thankstaRIT H,-RFNGI tlsa fauuîy.abou îîu.iu an' I ~ vlîo hi-a t-ttipimli and supplient7hs agenitiunest-ny tawn wi/l a ts u/efrps aos o/ aetisop juî -iuat tnt i iîuI sn'ts .czu1onos a i c.k'?F-in dois i'is - .'2.5 u-ssags f-. N uuwte /uiesat m iydanibro cm o asien b t' d i-' lise st' 10,'- lit uvo îsan IN u > - ~ '~ /tii iru l eti t-t'e rn" ,' btu e - îtt~ h î p p ,' i ihia f,;. Ile rew > 4 3 t r, îh u u n lytanntt- th e t tubtli cv inoircliseitt < j v ( prest-veul b' u;~i rn:îii ilttIkit ustinju...r tuas lecuth .. . .. ît ë1ws e n î b u l e t 'o e - , a b n - L ~ - e y i tiy k o w i a fth e u n g s e a ia s Of lI c u . i ' t l /y b a w . t o i t a l e ,R T E 1 E I 4 >Tf3 , r k s r i T Y / u CI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hefurfteeensiànePsror w ACNR W, e yesl.erdn aw -aren 10 , rteletrunittfrdtîruîbemis palcsa iiiinta/tin, ant iniia (eut'days or - 'ccuLBURed as; a La whch or cuets oduuaiieri,' an Mvi;u vaemu eiyawbc Mal n v rc nu i lsu w c si i ie or shldednlofha tY ConSUuaP -O fice inl/le rOonsformer/y ocpeia L n r O i e aittb rilaua u r htn a i t a s It v e e It u F o /i î us l îe it/lof ou,,< - r /u n g co n- O fice , b y R - M c l D a t 1 ,tt F iq . ' u "rý eq ,. i ,, o nîy lis b . k uo w a t e t e d / S-W l i sY J * c' 2 ;psso ftoeta wst-bs read- plaint,'we wulutirelertoat/le advertipemntuo ist/he lêe entia01etIi'Il "rot juuisun's en lEat, - " ' ORSAE JOHaNit 3114B. WAY 'heryuan-/lit-h jehirhîsjaidt i a ~* a lors iiot -a gitîtu'tr-cttke (the postage 0f1 /n-'at ' - Ieflawn etûaurfol ikrhg 0 ' certain t-une lor thisiaw/uîIdusease.T/s15a rllIs ugstS2 Gtm ,MGLL Liî-e Mc on wlsîels war.$ 10) ; a donation ta onCe lu te a/suve named articles are r 1- of tise front part of lot No. 57 *k'2tAcu l Yorcto hon at tde-hstaoforcultîîvXlOn ats ea)ntue1wl0ee ei as duretd uit a ',\ -'. e r'lS pr oent ta a b ao helor 1 a a /o i a to d rs litu nstîse ti ecfrd.der g nsatifen e, anti in a hîi, 1t3 , Misç,ro eduD é H /lPrei uralail W Wtrh ell utE utirm î tri wih/..o<ti- îi l-tF ram e w el inq fo use and .l sd ta eu ve n uo offensive sten h u on t se r n i ___________________ om aioulme, w/sc/s a vuris d U-C st 1 a levto bIear theetk talspaternt r a elsid's. reîs; a Pl- latgtV sofwaer. -ea iinti l5 eared ofi îhseaonoyiÎn-.ve min, t u"s e p--an iv , dsi i' /e stAnd of it the bttant of a ga.O o r af crOses ie /ot. e al uaay p HIRAMnPC A/ma8 ac (tthefontpostagoe58 l t o Dte ecas wiub ardinar,' remet-ieit foriibis evit. 1- grGEORGE MthGJUlos - 8 l (t/s pstgeà z in nrinsie wonë'.th utelimeittltTWar oeV.È%UGH 9%NI 6iacres imsproveti wit/l a Dwe/lîtf M.ST F agauvvnsic'..bttery (po tage $17) ; a mple tnt 'usit bta giveru. Appt; , iris /eîter pasu mur. >ood uWeil of uu'uier &c.. weigltitsa two pcsunit,% addt-ctsed tiia gn/t-1aid, laJ.o ,W/huIs I-lege Fut-mas arcsloi'ttd on Yosat-SCET, c uin?11hv sdteCuuad1fn twik ma by ~ELZA 7-1as a SarnjueOf bis ren - -flt. 16,1852. ' 271f 17 tmiltes fu'm Toronto, in the viciait,' orRICJ. Bwaeo C»mefet.TIO1 -Â/. e r isit ,' ; a p a ir o a i e n '5 b o o ts , se n t Mb aI 14 aya lrg boil aisale, - bnithe Alla, 100 acrecs thasout/shaf<oitNo. 4, loti The taiOdnaq siteces of M. i)uibeya Rat 1 bev etaistoe efJo'tsu Way's Duhismus e hr, ar fbueatsunulet cuivati0oW a o elliilg,'Aluse dishoieat an5d irresp"il/tpersoasa louutenféit Wei~l stJstfied wlths toîin. ~ TY~ cautaiglin-'. acus it ai ofbe toitaln,, suit lalog si stocking , an di a razor. W s i gî i llt a hsals nyouuç rig a ma e e ~ i i g p iiîg t I n d t e no D oth r. -r e boxs t 26v seli. 1, 11lie soit b,' Auction n lot 'Na. 8, Creek. -1lrkt rn ikrna ie2t IOOa-tîe~affN7îts eus YPLStl< BrknFot ifrigo le2 t/se musid Towrshsip cf REACHI, 15 acres ins: 1lochester, 5N, Y., tsoIt AminSAgets thveed 7our Drum tChum itfothbe la«wi~sM~$d% diir Ous ai tIse Ots tragie events tsat lias Octohen, neitt, lhe toliourinqprperl,' belonging o vel em nn îe !wrc " -s ait P A1 i rers aKMeEeSpsp$u o !5 .been reconîleitfor a lOng fumte, oëcctilietin u,,o OHN MOORIE, rt.JOHNSTON, -BochWr, N. Y., Ussuarl Mcent mi Utis.eSMtlf5t*U5hd Paris on tIse evctsitsg or te 3rd instant, -A i spun cf i[nl'55, A quantl,'of lia,'and A/sa tise West lialf of lot 1No. 7, 2d. con. UX- fo teUnitedi StateuilWBritish NIorth AÂercs, Mr,_Jower who rest'detllat/u as tIse uut IyR/ BRIDGE, 30 acres iuqrovd, with Dwellng witi sMsetwitprptaaal.Wbby uUt$s$ tt. .coreponen- il Is Lada Mrn1g a- r inn Bouse andi bain ou the, prisesiThere il a goodi TEA0~MIiIB O A~ i ta 'City, , i crl;Ce/t, (Clyde) 2 Ptosg/l.sh-t'Wtiasft- W O E A EANIE 4 -ehuls becanne jeusious of a iIr.Morton> 2 fleiters, SYeat ld ot. ILute agu. lsueil sgbiUd il wit/sin 18 nits-e -- C 'vrtsTad h lz awfeaitst-n1 4CSir, wo e - a0, ir a lIn, lIt uanc. o' Pinslis 1 -the Paris corresponsdent of tise Lond4onDa- fSer w ei ~uIhgu agu romnt lShippitlç Portput Laike Ontario, to %rebDrsges WW -ententsltttv iteers, '¶Un le Haruess, teeitaYC51 ya lauSsos- Ausaiiy e. Ttittoit and Mark *bbislt -17 'e~5s n estauwem tst htweea tandt % ,aîln elier 055Greeusood, '. Iuppsr, Dttffia'a -osli, . Par- -eboitt lise tiser became friend its Sub a- 2As8 15uel5tthet a ntig@tilitprtvter Pooke atiau4CR. PlatRuge Chqu--ec Suli-l28 e, A.quautit,' of straw t IL1 1 ROLLu huules., 12 Spra P' y BROCdo t.tYinnlthe WH1SY. " 0- r.Xr!wae14f -sequesly ?Sr. o er was ttken ill, andi i oe IIA F Hglad C vj4t sW. Sutmi. sha, T. Bt , ff b 4 s ,1 1t 1 2 t>ae course -of lier 4dîwusç,s$bu was subject taGm.ot l 'lç,A.M As~ oi'tl it of m ental derang - e t. hile labor- Sail e - Reserc at 1IuîhY. ee- > tIP m ha .- U n e o e of tlise fit. mlio Wvll.yË slirb the'inbabstaitts OiW ln Whib i ,1foi ,tore, g Street, à openeti out a large as ban Jc' fthe IV WC l BRIA,' a beiuilsiasae tek of COODIç -'ental 4. .Alpaca byt tilemssîe's 't41Wbe ace opentog t is15esti ,n so lortlnale ItacqýIsi be iuieased to sustalin ral'beslowed. We. untage to patroruaizd ';u b(D g Store A'o. rewv York, . and 3s. 9d. 1 SUGARS- ALBER'I IOMPSON, PEAROi GOOJ t/se Inihabitusts df f AMEIRIC THE LAST e o take lele ebte to -frÀnete oi F'squire; tilt" I*ygle KOSSU'rH R ) S SUI Mi 6s. 3d, !s pwo rd».' )i THOM Lt un 1) Co»

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