1--~iIj~ *utar. t'UBLISIIED)E VEIW SATUItDÂY MOItNING. TENSUIllLLtZ«S ViS A N-NADVANCE. 61 amn a man, sa" thlah snoet ~humas n tteoatteme."-lerca \TOLo 8l WI{IITBY, CANADA WE$T, OOCTOBEIR 2,182 b~7e os tl dlai 1Yfer any dime affectin ghe From nc eto an centire Sctt. I bIcv, M. LuieSrus ir..ceriîerof KN and $ticnr t 2jtnet. ()à baw, ,Nov. , i Mf31.31-. -»r. David Tuckoer (B4iajtV. 5 MEncîM & ARTS.Taai Norwomi, Oc. 2bîh,81,45. 2%iy NO TÀR Y P UBLIC, Commislner eoftite Vori or qîse.n's Ikluil, L!onveyader, Draughtsrnaiz, OUE F MAlRlAGE IClNSES AND) SACC0LUNTAN'I7. 0à fie near Ité!Court leuse, Village no' MANcaînSTEa, Towsrhslip cf U~c C.W. ~t L. C. 'I'IRMASe c 0 N v F* VyAN i:I. (Jows'ssone'of QuI" ei's Icîzch For t iin. Atîg fivilis. BltIZKLIN. llrsakiit ~ 185îso. 12-21If LAW "OFFiC01. 81.je MACDUONE'aLv J&ttoreruovand Cusîe-t-a IrÇ. (k c . ~'I t q) à e itaatirstie-tho lite ('iai l ,(i aiSlora- Vearîilgr rad Atforoey ftL sw INSIRANCE OFFICE. J i' WALL-ACE tîss 10 iniii1Z'itt * tisaIt e it;at- bee apposelalcl Âg-'i foil le .andt a liitels ae tora' ilaite ri-ksat heltliai' r rY ,# rles, in tl Ias !al're.I. Rt Stua riÂR & .ip . 9itsrshceiort al iCompara>. WORKMAN BIOTIUEJIS & CoI mo.. 36t Kiua 5ie1 'Jworeua JRITISH 1IANLFAOîURES, ~vItIIs1.i-~Ni î~Y-:NA1. l IIEAL SAE AND T E TA.itl î:u~ IL;-,i'u 1 I N GINi~ r r M A'NilFA<"l'l'IIEIk()F'11-1., l'IPEB, ANI) f2ish pe id for Ilidal .nud khux. iWireem' 0auts, l'oisa lrrl 1Pa'î'ejel s'. Wiiitiyliiu ta7 iia.sae,4l$Ja.8 Aiauces ou Eomnsluuntsiof Asicu Io hP! 1 pi;pareti tri- mal Tl'lpt)ANF, I. Asti tnui,(OTrANI) itOBEU L T1.LAWDEII. Peut 1'iitîlty, lot Auttust, I&iU. .1 WIIISKET IWHISKEYI! - .5o 8 AML.tELS PuaT Do.via ~ii 0" ke>' for Sats, ver>'lew. by J0112 NIARTI7N V0<. Port Wlitby, Ma>' 3f, 1al. À. LtEi X.ae --PaoRft1iNs*Gfe trrL.Go -WHETBY VILLA2f4E. Ai r4crs in hbis1tine prompti y esxcclîle Whitby, Api'il 19, 1850. J. -OS TE,- LAMIES 9 AND GENTLEMENJ4' No. 4, Cil)ty Diilgs, Tuitr8llt DroapaimUl5. MUR - *sbseriber bas n11w on hand, c CE S( Thse 1 fit- 211d' 3nd- illu.h ith- i;ui. ft. i titi liii a TT crL£IIiRAtEiHA S >MSTOCK MEPICINES & NEW HTI REMICÂL, PREPARATION, 0 weli knoîrn in- Canada, have been II îE Infiaitatits situmefuli>' counlterfléited nad -'littrlbuf cd lun bonnirhoolarec lot adnca, by lte vcny yaersons irhe, ovoer thcin owfl bas slow le lata his 1 ulturcu, have ilmicidlit Dr. L~ucius, '.. ainir.g ail lthe New St .%»TocKet New Yorkt, lulte on:y Pnprietor. auid AÇs r a c,% s H A' es. aiticles arel 1 -rite GRE.IT P.AIN EXPR«,qC'Oli, ce lraie<I (Conntls,) curing ail Jltrns, and ail Extemutul noew lunîuîach great doi Plausas anti Sores. tii Hat E'mixlainni, J-LLM'F 0F COL UMRLflon Sîayissg andtmtuin uCanttda. Ileiring fle liasiztn lusir. 1-1li ISNERV 4- 1) ONJi LINIET, andi INDJ4N 1' JEGEIi73LE ELIXIR, 'rorotîo, Ajaîi lat, a cure for ý1ilUwînisa. -MIIW . 1.toeirac ail ])paaf peranis. ôor-- lUV'LINIMENT, a weli kîuowa ui fh nlthe P1e, a.r & -4) Il. S P 0 ilY' S SICK IL.-D2ICIJE! .-M(JTIiEW.S' ZEJF, foreai Ný'onier an fise l.amaaly wafl. -J.(N GL EYPS rR E.4T WESTEn,ý JiIN ).iNU ZEi.5 For Culia ndî feseristi 1.'nif n d preveîîlinul fevea.- 2, Fo r Ar5lhuna. LiierCtaaaptaint aad Bittit o ii S afre~ction. 3. For Diatisufa, Inisultlion jIA S ~j anal i.o.,.of Appetite. 4. ror Co,luva'en#is 1). For s toe Aiffect ions.,yp;ail'ia IA NU TFA c rUB E, ilheunat;ç.,&c.'lThe greal rw)inls are, if tý1 is aa flotaidIolllak--C-. Cir gis'î'.paitn, anîie- 1,uOhlliaîaa., .Toi Ve'r ma' irt 5 olivc. lEtc,(, Clî ui 1 i-Dit.lUi JILJIEI"S PN S1 Illlîte 'ati, Sa for aiu o'sar rConasomptioîn. f i-KOL;Ifsli'0(K'S t'IIIIUG' (Worm Sak.soahdias u Kalia.i) tor caludreanr aawt aarn. Suioi'r Style, tof1 t1-31 Il S. B R 0>IVN 18 GIIJ.4T )'A1N 1'eîatlîiaaîa. KILLIER,-No niealiie laiu,liisliiarcr N 1.-W. & Co. 1-0 eal ihit tam su l apîly uilaatil to I.isitralh> oa;'lo wtl uv s sas %:ra'ps la, be tiai.e-n. sisal yet perinim sti"' li lprtîps l ICif fi,.' Ç iioasalt-ra' isiaca i lî'l4. ri rîsellytal; a Wtiîat Qtuaîtca., Vi-i ml. or builà llv Çtictia,.Pu.r sr Ail. Ie in I ir- iîviî'.'îta'a al'anallj-ISi sSr EW HAT$ I sOf Wlitby andtinei;iu- frmeai tit tlte $n.tber OoW0 rstoeck. con- fles la i.4Lui FaNtu T'S. Aise, the l<N IIi at, .%vili sec the grcaiet aeuot- 8Oh5 S52-1 10 )1V ii DEN l&00-9 1)SEsAs.IEEAlEBS ifa n liii. t l '.ailt aas,4e EWLfl WOZUC doeilu a iaeit MIDatcrlisat Al '- oi'u. ti ih.' laie an rltrt;T, aîav Thse Country Girl ainsi ber JIsthtlï0, ai To-m*rrow, mua, 1 l m eet uixteen, Anti BiIly Grlsaae i.dreyer Ils"1oppd ftbe queutiin le me, mas, Andt watits te be me 'lever. Tu-mntrow morall ho. &y5à malt¶nr5 Hels cemua; bore quitte aiy, To take a pleuaatt wulk wit me Aerts. lte field of baley.". Yen muet net go, m-y slauglter, dour, Titâ!als ne use nom a-ialking, Yenulall net ce ncon e sfield,' Wiit Bitty Crimes s-waliitg. Te titiuk cf bi$ presampie o, 0 Tite dirly y, yrtivert 1 woutior ivite yetar pti'la bas gene, Te tinit ut attelia a noer!e)" 'Oui Grimes is tleal, yen lanow, mammrra, Anal laty is Sn ieaely, liosidet, titey reay c ni rmis' esîsle 'litiJilly in thcetanl> Sirviving hein le ail thai's ltil, Andl Ihal ahtry sgayis luarly A oed l'îthoauuand dollars, ia- About aux hundreti yeaniy !I 1 Idiii îot itear, ni>'datighter, dean, Your liti nmark quite cletry,- BBît 'linla acleven lad, Aundstio dubt iovn yoa daaly. Rcîxtember, tem t-nr o mc, To le niplaii gîst atd oéty, 'Vo laie a ploaustat walk.îv iimi A rîosa .# *c ield of harle>."9 Tuse Fouir Great Mlen ortise L.a.ut Genteration. Al.t(lie psnu-sent ilittrt, lte fQlicwiug sîcr.- dit! passage frein oeacof our greateet living, wr;tfts'n, le. C wl>,îill he reati witlt uatu- rala ttri eti M## 1"9.' carra l, ie' a-ra-.i t is 4ig j '/ïsjii- 21a'/-Vll;,.lrt. "lutc ueio.iin fPovidence, the J. I. GERRZU'S Dr-ut $tore. S p(f1hv *. ,5.21-if feivnt-%s, yct 1flae grandeureoftise instrumentfs, I..aqa;ireJiir Me î.i- sa duiit-uihiulîs. fealtare. rian 11!fiN~R66 If tis tisîýlievidence %,ras evercire» te 111(..se baîîa'aca' alt vara s togl'tamiatonii ias ag an.inte1'tri L--liiIil fliaOitiL aihr _____ ar cf 17P93. Te inef.thte fourudisinict t'y tt'ltîit ail .11otaiuals.iicknslan.y blie liu'tetlst<d WfIlVAGENCY aspects cf ftisenational pont, leour indi¶'ituals or i'a'a'iavrt a -I iaiaaîale fA t hé i. o ruE m ero scccýsfttlly brugitt formard ; ecd i aas> ila ~tt.naaî Svee laueraa. i~eaus ' J'cqe.n"./ssuane ~oîpay.possess ing pecdiar faeulies ech p- y- I. ai lmai aitiniia tt'fllvpa'srveiai.oask - ng tiaese facullies te a peculiar cnisis. ecti lisreu 1Wtats ii r'uird;awanealI-boisas to 110ME OFFICE.... .TORIONTO. perfenning a service wlich couiti ronfess- lia,' 1salrulii.si -1av lasaale.ictd l'y te consîaisiî. - dl>'have bectperfaammed b>'na elher cf bis atal~isuî aî wbre êirhteaiay ais' uayaa bai0pta-lO O icentemporariis ; carIs fërmnga clasat b> ii~si - N sns ns os '[E PeVDS ACiS. limseol', adaiictItachiqvingr a fume arlicb neither lime uer rivalry'êan loves' duninish -in ofii "n lu îe commencemebt cftitis greatest n O taitler, as pîrairedto ia.sue o iLMEI-S tainl of Europcan cunlicts a igbrty mind stoond J.OSa 0r rA40 ' y IRE, lionliIEÀL "f at u the ati cf Englisfi affaif,-Wiliiatn tj' C 0 0 PERSNAî. PBOVEIt'rY of ssii i.nds, on as Pitt.1-a annfitted ,beyeud ait lis prede- - a uIle liasaiiass s uasactlitîîofte CempaYny educi cf an empire-an elequence stitugu' E .a.~. ~' "O Cr IaXil ldtuictd oit te moa itonorable prilii- l>' yvarious, viviti anti nele-a fertîttuti W t 0O 0 c riltrias hteliauot, .i. . Il ayt, -a vi_«er anti cepiousiaess of reecuircc mcx- S<g M Go i:'hiii rî.iaisitrn, Iaafil.\e lithad a stilil higler igreuua - . Fraiv.htit' T..' la.anti of influenuce ailttIsentiona, in luis uti-suilicu E C li'asar tC. (;ssîm,-----------. a'.i.'.î. louer, anti visible suiperiorif>'b i ll e se1- C ~~~ ~ ýt1 1alaîaa' % Ilivota,--- -- -- - '.li- sirs.fstobjerCs cf publie lifc-.int tlieiter stain- i. btal Saitoî,l:'j--------c. and i 'en~ 'as cf Ilis lict -anti lalis-a-nd in tht usc. z l1'li rliigii e apijcIA 111uýiol i d p 0rity cf gliai zou iîtlui tiî at le ast l4n1* oflaurtîIl.1'e a1c. irîriy or Pitt "-as( j, n cC; aili~ T lire, JAS. '~"WAI 5A(K, ltua i . l > orhe iatuanni feclins ;uî Gas' i~s ata"' i vîýtt. l:rlt coutil [lotlhav'e lwie»ITon 1»'Iflic ueos jlIunSfr, .~~'y Tihi(C' F:lrs';îy 5, 1 'Î2. b- - - lrilliat ifacultias alîsne. IluIlte strenm W 'ai. ~1aiatatlWk{t ,~,'& t' a iA ~'i1 nsurance !Insurance II finasacial ncaisrsie necessa,,-ry bIy tIs W. C S\V 'FS ('l ,IHtA LI) r ~ ii i' Sibsirib:rs s;î 'ci)eîtappe)intfut inear pressutres of tise ime, ant iolewrîicliaa It'1a-taii ~ ~(a(1ici- i 'ss'atfiar lise tt'euli o~ f a commuerciaIlpeopleîra 31(3d1 ic i es. IEtl a lîsuriiîrc (onîp f OUlicol, N--tawaks', li talien avotitlu ave Irustet i î -- a~~~irt praipaaidio fet pjlralo'ili Mraul.oths'r leader. fButi lie>'felloiccl tuie grea iIIA"OClliNEs B L$M Frhv u c actaacter outh lte oIn[stitlution, ilTE-~ Sar 'ilsaaît mai Sonaa'lt CaîiIa, and thse ioNYrates of Prerrsium, we are COIliaucea, Minîster ivith the mtost profeundri rliane Idaorah ltà stipe, ion itciilles are uow offcned for Irsur. 'Vithe>' ionore Isius malcIîless unslcstantiiît 5. j(T'lia, hoiePasiWtaooii- Cotiu. , ance lealite Intabaauts cf tue New Gounul'fos ut tIc>hIored til1more lte lofty prît 0 o XVti'eT'Sý FA,,IjLY CiPt3ATIVE f .'rl. THOMPSONa PEARSON & Co. ciple andtihie pure love cf tite countr) S WnisaieE'U<au.e, iviiclulte>'feil ta be incapable cf deccc 7 l ý1EN'l'. WhilIy, Nova. 12. 1is5i. Ç31 .ff. tien. ) ut, tI lus!Cssnts NileasAlgue in Thc Britlith Mîikcr formoti a clas I the Fa'itr, Nr vous Hetia andToolliAclue, Cataqi L nd to Lease. iiref. lRe mas Uic leader not on!>' i Quiîuay, &c. l --bConibtofErp .I S WEEBT ' S F, Snbscrilaer lias A. FEW TIWusA&ND 0Engls a en eevi, ta cf unmpan I W A ' E R ACRES cf Wi;d landtl lulas tiseëfnllew- staoi nd a lvtot betn su N F A hhL 13hLE JYEWATEI u"Twtli8Recî xrid<e, N oçiUin- fore hbu lad ascended : le feuglat tIse bati Cures Sorp, Ingiastet or Wc'ak EyIfa. it cemneis baj. Jruck, T/tarea, ilfira, OrIIi, iia y TatYr cf tîhe ioriti sntit the moment mien fU welt ecommeruaedt. I'r l. yotîewtssagai, sCcItiasgwood.Mttai'fpQ54rEM<1to viFene 'l'îE ICNCOF 011$, lons, atù OP&. Tite MostOf ltese landes are cf the ststgi asin the cbungof d lae icIer>l. - neTlITEnte r.IsCtiiîsii, .ani lest quatitya ant i wlIibcletsetifor a tairn cf f(teoim nflengsIc ucp taw Cu (ro 030aInyaTS45.edun thenîsituaton in the niglit masou filc verge et damut. If înl'-aiilif or fany externtidiâeaseti. Tny il ; ifo of iItm 20t100- )actes eaeh,îoteany case miteccsud lever i,. said ef a public man tisat ycia miii nul regret itI. iliichep, lear, an é,ti eae.n a goced andl merl- eouccntrated in iinscîf tse gersius andti ,My -- ~tU N FQJA LLViD. Il!EDIC INE. manlike rtitirtle,,ititeir î timseaquaulify iteart cf an empire, anit mas at once t THVEFTSC0 LB.Al'D BaAI à ntlsttaon 20 acres on cacit lot. 'S CLLý &1 CATTLE 1 1! , A I I notlteae u-psitt.denirin; information con- spirit and the armssof a migisly pecee Pi S)1IEEIORAlRESete" , ny f lte jtculaa' lois in eliter.eofflac was tLiaitmns. The î,esî anti eeisapt mndiaine known, anti is a8i,0etownships, %ilI be atrwered WÎlilenfdeîs>. 'Anetber eztraordinar>' intellect; w waeil recomniendet bY-gentlorutits cf Our own colin. J. T. IIUSH. ets modfr Ir>'.-Alil Ihat lbav sdit spitjeak wl cf it. lFor Wh itby, IUlY, 1850. 16 ni unindfra sepsrate plarpoi teits'teiiiai caller a pamphlet. Tishe oliowÎng ------ scarcely'les esseutiai. Tise -sevolutiona cenîifcale lirmE t;atnes~aayrJ IGE Sinfluence lad s resiiaif ' ' I od f jit Caheine, Cnaa Wst- PTE TUDHA@UIII - MAC!HINES. te countryS. - A crerd eofssatignairt write -mail W. C. SwEFx o TTlEO ls'iLILCi-i ibave ~'""' "'freinmit1ose pets every'drop- îisat ell W > on înanyýyears iteîse~weet's Biaclt Olla for ijics, hv.,be ppit__h____ f tesisad iachiw -anal rantaefoy recomnmenci il telte Puliaa tf UiEbsrbt's ol bbcaapeitei tcveabrinof t eeis is t aa dhytt na.peansion for tatcitts, gails, clItIsl,bruisesl, T A«;t1ts iuToronto for lte sale of the",lasM-bri'lbrntepre cuuadieU jpau, f a-nle at, sçonesei al l inds. t id -chines, sare nom prepared te exectste eidel rs i mb- geactal rebeîtien _Suecess ua fIttugl)tt nlIiof libis Lcountry, n ii eniandti tsaine. ITIc>',are -wcntacd by- tire heres, te - 1d ODs lnruia.Ihv uadms> rprlen o ur nylve attendants, andi mili ibrasis and tinsoslenat;,lthe ceunr>' mas sapidly fi herses, n 'thI preér.sas. ce Ign u heiais yt ean 200 Busheis W iaeat i ni a day. Tlsese M a- c il l e t p n e ot. iere n tihe ceehrate i BacOmis mattuufaturebY W C. chines are runequauieti by su>' futluse, sud wire. ieuswitb 1Frgnie-mas Tpalpable-.eyetiro S$weef, Itedasaiher, N. y. i1motaltiadvise erer> te>' becoe n lnmu e>haine lte placeof 1alilcf lthe tem" n s that troubt.d si>' foua herse ener tekeepsa botte f ls thehve Oiltlaoctera. - - -Îgggebokorôw;ýeba band, fer iLs timeiy use milisa.ve tlisiaanti rons>'. Prie 27 r"i J)Dollar .. erSpudi iel cliw4w 1 Yen rsrwesoutiy, jý,.W.STEPHENSON. woRmiAN, WOOSaIDE& o ftMai~ceismaaiotteriz erIcb>1!. . Isîton>, lewntanvitle Trtl.11hJay ; i4-m, Franace ; -vevy bisrt of ttange fis' fýrà is te Fubs or l yT. Cope u r Pndle, Cobourg; Trno 3bJ-Y 82 CS. hs McCoya NwzHoe;1D. StosBf u ffswitti and,îbteody rites mulet rermbiesaM W l .Re 8îîl - -LAIIND ,- - SALE. udbgm .lb't 11lml, JI'IE . GERMIE, hsorzon ; every pa=t Of i&tntai Whitby Village.,i"-çE fluatdredAcres cf- Lasnd, beineg merçi1eSsî reveies fIq d limitators rely al .ugul22, 5851. -Y. conmo e utI* 14a*fci kg NO- sii rival t OniOurtsoet - - tise 4titCon, of WhfitbYid Ofss'e4 o n le ,Ielate 'uBurkc rôýe; is iwhlole litebdh a cfbe onreffbe'tsS. - he13irssn li n 1 SCi s ,partMùo,-o h JTTST 'IIEIf~V1) . l.rbee otuiaticuubeinà - wit treeom ileo,1 r t, te acquis'. itb5iStcnce ge Vie forti fi ut bo comj te engatv(ge n O-eciion ofi besoins. Wa si a vicir toe c %%e balaut inineti in ourirt an>' enterprisý tient, b>' lte t] standtin tteIwý )ne groat ~ol look-ttat -bii tiur soutier o b appen. at a, wcie Our bu ce reference t4 ae Lave consf ie pecuniar>' ichils4.1 uttel isir business t aakc amili mi Tiais dut>', fer i creditors,i if at al, Itel and deatb is ish the bodiy r whiiby,7ltil 1 reuipllilosolphye if toe deliberate IL nuit bc borne in t»ind tIiât four cofinq andi tùee orieus in its developemnentq for thé- now enclose the remnains, the inner oee01l rapid dtnan& os f public -debate, hèere founà - ail plain deal, encleseti by a larger one of Po the true use for wbicb it hiait been given- soIid oiik, mwich was again eniclosed bîy a here fOlIndth ie truc region of ils beaIlty andi leaden oe e ermetrica1iy scaledi,",l the 1LVCYiJ its pewcer, shtning andi sweepiu g along at il.- whole cureti by the st4te cofiij ïao, with Ufic tc lk flice summer..cîcud, uîtcrn aîey ny, already described.Tu hstiýi. i5 sOus strang te uclictiwittî cvery gloriocus hue off ieaven, intentictithat flic body msraitreinain untithe ati prompt andi pouring dewn the torrents ýand the opcning -ofJ.ar1frament.7 IL wifl not bc paced )f ftic preâ thutiders. iNo work %ýjtb1n buman memo- -temprarily, as bas been statcd, ini a irauilt for se t'lue ry ever wreught an effect sa sutiden, pro- of -the Ca3tie, but will romuain in te ror periOti of i lounti, ai-d satine as the -volumne on tife whcrc thec-noble Duke breathed tlis Inut, of ly andi late French revolutien. it ins%aà tiy breke tins course iwatilhei nigett.uit1daybyftle guard <Of p'"cn revolutionary spel-the national oycs weroe of >111ftr~. 'As soon ak tti., final arrange- for old agi operce-theilirtitieiis oracle.-te, îta s îjýt;ementx ha'i been tmatie inithse uke'â rom ouibcarried peocple Itad Wliteneti ,i a ewiklom lunanwer- tlie door waî loeketi, andi the kcy wae band- - Wr>. W( able, wèe siruck duffib nt th(- comiutrgorcfd< i er'to Cciptain Watts, te Captain of cnterp)r ISe te trulli, Ilte LObth e retlicp'ularlý4e tue the Castie. The guard of honor, coISis1t- fort, and i profetsions, te %whcle nation, from tîflic ct- 'il, Of thirty mon, withi a sergeant and cti- ceuisfi pro tage ta the Ilîrone, vvere nwakencd, ns iy cer, wevre then installed ut Liteir pois- o'îr ownb lte hound cf a trumpet ; andi the saine sumn- there are soven on guard at a turne, oe eof men)ts Witl muns which awoke thetn illeul thoir bearlïthetlacin ~ placed in the-moat immetiatçly gency wli witia tht ' patrici ordour tiat in the day of beneaih thle wmncloiw cf, lite uke*s ruent, purpobes. baIlle malie them invincible. Burke, tac, and two, as îwc have aiready. statcil, t the are deterin formnei a cla.59 by hnself. As a public entrance gale. The body', iow, of course, sibilit-Y cfl wrter bcllalno-ec1ual andi ne similar. JLike lookot iipou as public properi>', aad.lte fa. or cruh Ilit, e va.snioe.Andi lilme Pitt, when mii>' bavecoasequenil>' given up aterfer- possibi> st lusapoxit labor %was doue, lie died. once iih thc subsequent arrangemennets. Ttfllment. Or 69l-zwiland inld uucw been prepare I fl i iste dut>' cf Captain %Vatt!i tW visit, Lie we cverle war, aa halln been ptirified frein diaaection. Dukië's rcrui ever>' morning and elveniug, te sure tý1é Il r war was navalf and ieItr fleûIs, con-secOitnt ail is rigîti; but bcyend ibis format likcl>' te ttuidb'a esucces-sion of brave mon, were visit Of Z> iuts Iegllu livto nipo rounttinily victorieuDS. But Ui the ieforran iï lefi 4"uailatonge *in is gle)ry." AýsWtih litli ifu, andi leallu va$ tili te corne. A new '500un1asthe trndeýsran's bilîs have Ibeen tttg,"la s atl trenmondouis atnt.agoist-th mit cmq x- fiitiil>' arrangoi, lte butter wll leave \Val- 'Ms 0ff tif traordinary luan cf tite lasi t bousand 'y enr % tuer, anti Me. Kendal,the late Duke's valCt, rin iii V appearedit iithela lieiti. rancec relicycil frotu wil[ tLake lbis place. \Wc îtnders.t.and that d'Icao. tte dîsiratîin cf flit e dcîocrac, adjon applicatiotas f ail sorts hiave neuretiin upon o f in- alite v igor of ro?-)itblicatailitnt ea -il the ir. Kontilfor the lasI fcw days, somo for lion ILu ni îtsic ocf ianort-rilav, tlun titersei ît îemsiînte vievtins coffin andi thé reetu, ivity. 'T 1hc taris cf Napeleon, lis sagacity s.aw ran>' to ebta-in atny cesî a snalI portion lfnril>aati (bit Englauti svastîte truc barrier agaîtast Of bis grace's hair t, set in locketsa mc argedil uinivorsal cenqttest; andi, ait thatis of ite mottos, andt hundreds s wlîo ares enger te trated us leef, o f Iiuropoe, lie inovèdta L battle fer ite jaurchaso the ltile camp boit, lte fui-niturë lTben, wit dtoininion cffliicews! lor some ether relie of htfie parteitY warrier. wfoi A . n %as uoivraibeti up sthose achicve tone gentlemen uffèred onie huireti guincas fillei witi mtus c3!si ail carlier faute iiio Itl shade. foiite camp bedtscati, an4i anuiber expres"- touts coa In a pfeao f proverbiat tallent anti he- sei itnlîncf ready 1te cive ifs iweighit in geMd feels iL au ruisin, Nelson îsaîytaseteiteno- fer lte easy chairinu shiciute iDukei'.- hi s knl blest rivair>'. 1lus^ valeur and i ls genins Tite barber at the, village cf Deal whc waâs whieIt bc wcre melcoar-like ; [lue>'rose ahove ailî andi iii'the habit occa3ienally cof cutiing te bis lait bc îtrew a %picador upon ai.Il. s naine iras Duke's itaîr, bas becu -aIse applicdta t, anti uiar>' affli synonymotas witîh vicîury. Hie wa.s tige if lie oui>' manages tiscet lile mn>'bce 1kw dîti guitiing star of the fleet3 of Englauti . EseIt able te gratif> lte ver>' natural de5ire iviicit watts u5W cf bisý battles wvouid have been- a ftile L a n- 50 many persans feel ta ubtaina seme maento- andi wrin1r uaortality ; but lis last exploit, in which tIhe rial of te captain cf the age. IL is proba- bi bdsic more terrer cf his nainetirove tIhe cnemy's bic tIsaItthe furniture anti rooru ivili bc> te- dut>' te lce booeliaUruhhî l oita tilactas they stooti dummg rthe lifetime cf Tiscre is be annilulateti at T'rafalgar,litail ne parallei te Duke, wbile Uic crin-chair wilt forici el1te iu tihe listur>' cf arfns. -Nelson tOc, forieti apprepriate pendant ta the oeein thte spt a c12i.< by lismri. 'r ~ L...(ru-~~ ~.J&4M~O uua appreaclit lm n. lu à Nvepatte entny's fruru apart cf thse eli troce tIsatstoôd-nciii meat miMI >si slipfront the -à ca :-ad, tike bis tvre te centre cf the B3ritish lines in tIse fieldi stances, iuigîty 'cortitriots, biaviug doue bis wcrk of \Wraterlco, and oeblue te iuch i le Duke eitlo'n o Cof 'erv, lie tiietiIteck lbis ,tantid for sonie heurs on tliat nicm- or inforim 'W¾iîuin scarreîy'more îtai twe years omable day. VTe certifice li c Deuke's TEhis st -froin te deatîts of JPitt anti Nelson, anotiser ilealla is an intere-siing doccumnent, as sh'ow- attention Itigis interventionu %vas ta Conte. "fie Spa-illa wosopeey I rv ilds rqircd tià aar let inIgIit ipen fictsworld. Eng- lînctin-it is nu a piece cf course paper wills uni , altthe tecnîîlaror cf flue sens, 1wae 1aVartly prîitcd av partI>'wr nd iii-poset'i, c allifl liethe leader of lte'ar'nies of Eu- lar iii evor>' respect te lite certiticate wbtit iuvoived. e opc. ýA ciirtw aroe ,boru for lte roild le stupl1lid tIote humblest pauper. er> busi. -ilIitaiou: tisi. [le f00, lad f mmin eti »ss It , l sgetî b>' 'rhun-Viuoent Cavell, re-or %wiuose y Iy liialf. Loni vitianut. au ial ~afi i rathe cf tcallîs and b i;'isfr Lise ceun' c f regard ia feld, Ilt ~tvi fry l w~litnsil l ta coi-rg t iluktitaf i)P lT'ltè¼1 niîriu te creen pctitor. Yet wiie Veliiitott sumives, te ri ry s3'4 Vt 4Je ttiedc reinti il ersoliai jraise ntttst le left 1 lite gr-atitude l'lit,Slt $euteilcr, ani tnlitc ni aae, îaire 1or cf 1gus couniry', andto te tiijîrlaici- tll, ass o eait cpic.y"cetftd oié f te future. b>"ilnssW. !ulesrgLen, of L be e any i "But tise lraise of the ceunir>' needgi streot, Pe:al, are set for-th in tile usutalirwa> ,trument is %ait for noepqitaphi. ,lu our agcrlte fatle of nti îIere is a ineiranditiu at 11le bojttlna getruy w Oarnis la s beecil triedt on a scale far triansen- tiitt fic certifacate kcbeInette th ian man ding lte Oid %arf-tre ef the %werld, ftisecha- trîgclrya I l unec i iad~mte. acter*cf ho tlities lias been se mutch more ternent. tI s understood at Walsuer lta is~ ~ ticisre, igoous ant ovrwiclm'ng-luethe laIe Duke just befere bis la.51 attack, rua n, chtances cf tfli idbave so directl>' izvolred wilitendeul fatalty, itati iten aki g at'- UougUs Y, île life andi dealli cf nations, ltataul the rangematenta for a vi:eit tLu France, b>' letting more af p- si Orows pale to lte preseut. If the riti ef lIe arrear of buiness, and placing bis i pat srpirit maalren o f a great people is ta bc afltrssin proper orties' ri. e uke w» ta TÎter 1, î,îamredbt t gaveutisoeroe b' been for somue weeks Lthe guest of Lord subjeet cfY tsttic cfby tse sfiutesoecm, le lIte agna ecs, or .I . tIsilut'-1otght>, un tCaP.Uesr.paratioes sad tef. n