Ontario Reporter, 16 Oct 1852, p. 4

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V4R1TY. LÂNGVAG.-A *otenpprary remarks the tthere are 4500 Iantuiges tbroug bout the world, betides the Ianïuage of the eyes. -Poîkd a eommrittee to inquire into bis own eoaduet, bai reperted in part, an-I aiked fer$ pa ert end for persoîts and paperb' - I l ays if lie had knewn hiow mucb thrre was té do, lie neyer wouuld bare undertaken lte Ob. WORtLVLY RtLATIOçi.-4 V0univ mnn, do you k-now w>at relatiena yon . su',triin ini llli wd 1,?' sa ianinîs'r tb a yoîîng man cf bis church. 4s ee. i r,4il Ithé hoieluI coujvert; ' 1two eonrii* - :nd a grrrinother: but 1I dor't ian tu -usUtiru ruch longer.j RAtu Ek tG V - f ~iti yen have it rare. or avelldonc ' saiti n latiliord 10 an Iriqhusan.a lent d ys ago, ah lie aas euttinag *pr-ceoi roust bcdf. 'I love it aveu done ves iftce 1 am in tiuis counthry---for il was- rare eneaigli ae used tbale îittun Ireland'i- said bc. - AX -Exp ' as .--l re is a-man out 'Ms. 'tsro îîlof iacesr tlat lusis aife ics coilhra-led We kcp a aafer stuc k oa 1ibc en-d of. ha r noie, Iluat bhtan-:iv di'in 4ui!,h lie, from the' o lie-r ladîi:- bt this 'dees not pre- tent hin: L m makiiîg om,atocal s.skz f Eotst'v.--A vomàn in Saîidu>ky i, andu bu eutaicts cucuinberu in chtltra lies.bcuse t ise>'are so anucli cheupir~t titan is the beaiîlîy acauon. Ins Dauj<iain County, Xirginia, are*proba- lily the balle.st sjter-incss of' luntanitv in existence; lavo broilhers, porfect in elverjy respect, thne eider three years olti, 17 inchuca in heaglgt, anti weighing 7 i'ounds; the y Tae ,ihà - old aveighing ouly 3 petanti.T h parents are aea-y large per- son*, the father * weit-hin1ç 20- pouils antid the mother: 196 pounds. WVhere' Bar- A beautiful sjseclmcn orf Pca!ish aviat, wvhite andi <riailiin fle grain.-it x;iita'd liy Nlr. Il. Il. ýSnpt-r, ch' idhi Nl, d.t He gavs re ham 1use rvin-ît fr r te y-rrs. ond'îtit haneve' bn-t-n injre-. by suil-iti a- doy orI îy. t ri oi ne r Ct t lit or lt-nii aln, -r;~ titla itst'»tt (ilir aeivqut, andî liii hei i.dr~Mr. 'S. fi oru3.5tri.17 lad'te tit t oh£10r) froin îtliv i e..--,, nen5 ,m iù4<$373 5Crconria-vi b, of L ' eIî- ln 5t o i o .0lî - -i-a oif h o lti torra ef ou .Il il j r - j blik Jeace,'h<r. nIlmicli 'va' "rt-cii- I in in ere o,_&rirîo isthe ,ït- î u1îîit t4.1 1i at. Tto LAw.-'l'he foily of re-,nroi.- tr ltiT-tiiun ho trIlle inai iia-4lers, ie fle. ciblt' illustrateil înia law-3-Jit nom jgoif1_ý'ona : tL111d' -courts of Vsni, about a caîf. , icb cottaâe ai-eady te-iclieti upwav4rds ýo: $500, -andi the case ivaloi al y t 'nl. it animial in tis,;sute was no. touly îhcec dot- lia-,. at the Wgîîiiraaiau, of the limîî,.iion ; ai te two bg randti ilier vain--i avlim e for its posu'C:!siors miii larîl>'be inorttu îiurer. cents at the clone oh' dcii- ricombat. A BO,NI OT.-Durîn, thse lime the latt. Sir Robert Pt-ci aas P'remier-, Lads> Jane Peel was in the haitî of jîastîn',rail thte ar- ticlea wlieb appeared i un e awpapers aguiest biin on a seretun. W'ali, (obsara-es tite Ladacs Own Journal,) tucre is rsotbin- Ter>'-sngular in that-it is but te-duîy oh' evecry good smife to scree>î lber husbarid' TiiqAT MIIOrrcat.-A friei of .enurs says the Waterfor Il Sentinel" avasj taken ut his.Dffer a day or bavo ince. 11e pubihslied the lollown-: We bball interitnua Inarriage ro-ti-eqs un- lets accompanuard by a do la.-[Erchange- W~ie shal insécirtail Stîcî notice> -for a ki-aq of the bride.-LWat--îfoî'd Senti.iîtl. On %loid4y ailernoon a pl1iutp loaki. g êoloreti girl eîîte-c Iis office for tue puîr- pose oh'inf<rmin- r tcfriv'làeutnd the edrir- .4 entry gener-a!l>, ia t ahn b id taitn if) ebei-sdioue ranofor bette; et' for avus a he editor roiliedti dat h lit hr h an-e to cbarga lier 2Àa centd; for pîtb1Liii the- uan taca-. ,tlie 1 j a uti urnrn I ttia opeuinit ;jaupP. [si-suriýti othte jrtîcle in quaaLon. lihe cdto- blu he-i and tun-ri palbut whý;ihèr tbey kîi, 'drpotte:'t k&ýtb n'if. À country. editn-. in sp:kro1fa steim boat sayat -Ae tsars tus-l -e bertî l irrr Iadtes' cabtu.' 'Oh, lii-è o; me, exi-l-uîmi llis. Paihinen on ieading tise ab-nune. 'what squalling ibere muâat hive bt-ent DoàigSTtC ANECDOTE.-tîýMary, wliere's the fryino pan l' ' Jenîany's get si, car,-ir,. oud and clan s seila up bbc -aI îey, wiîh th,- cat foiu"a herse.' ' The dear littileIeloiv wbat a geniais b. milI make; but go aind gel il, w,'re gig te have eompatay, and must tri some fiali for dionar.' Stames 'Wh tteford, commnitted to Goder. ieb gPol, charget witb sbuotîag ut, airli in- tent to kili, Mr. Watson, attorney of tisat towm1 broke out of gaol on ýSnnday morning, deaujs. escaperi. A reavard of £20 is of- £ea-d for bis detection- Wr undeu'staîîd 9 tW'hiteford basisice beets appreben-ý &4 lin London, ad ment hack to> Goda- r~a.a GÂLT..'-. i wbich - ceeue ainet et tite bus, or' eMteit.- -oparty ori from tkii, a brome ni Pr*NHZ $ubscriber would cail tne attention of bis customers and tbe publie to bis varied Steek of ' .1'ewGooda JUS? À iRuvIrD ?nom MOTRNALY Comsisting. -in partcf WhiteCrape & Exhibition Shawls B3rai Ze -deLaines, Mouslin dé Laines. Xlusiin Dresse%, S~ik & Satin Parasol%, Zebra Tweeds. Sumer CIoth%, Alueriran Cotions. .&c. Ikc. &c. Prices t shade lower lb-in any . Wbolesa1r' Store WiUiin the limits -o' the County Town THOIIMAS 1DOW. May 28th. 18,52.7-f TO LET* NENV S'"(RE ini the Town ni Whit !t.t rnui-î , ittiolol on Tlrock Sticet. ad- jrIitiunà the 4u0mTrno-rritiBiildines blockl, und in the vriv ."entre or Ilisiieiï. The, front $torr ix 37 'y2'2 fret, w:îh ri Irire and commediouatSiord" Hotu. tii the rear. The who!e pro-mises aie welt 0sui!eil for carryune 01, a very e-ilentive M ?BCAN4TILE BUSINESS. Fram the greit exient ni h2ck rc uir>' settiemeut nnw~ mak lçit ti îew Count>' T*oîn n-of (bîîîrac' ils jîrmcripoi plate of lîuaincss. There pr.'mises oler splendid î,pportlllîity to perkonh deimirous Di TER'MS. Liberul-whieh mav bc ma-de known b>' application 10 lte Proprit-foi. IWA. SHA TV. Mhitliy, Oct. 2nîi, 1852. 25-tf MONEY TO LEND, HE ,UEZubçcrriber is preparedto lonn a t'ew Ttundred '?ouii(i on uectirity upmn Rrul 'Esîrit.. I'ir.oîiil appli-ltionrs oit!>' alleridet in. reiiî-- pplv t1 1t1hoeeWho cati lUI1rriali secuîties ofirppîcrel character. Oc InIt-r '. d, 1N52, 25-4! SALE O0F TO TV.V LU0f7S hi§îd -~ h v Oc Q) '21~~î ~ 'V r î-' the d in t ul if I -1 ih- àti!)te-rïb,-r t ~oe 10i, Tjnrt reigt-ne- lz)% é f"s rr.a .i":.- 's of Ierî! î 4' ; t>' înîi 1w st'iu CASh-1 FOR BUTTER. T ESub*rr:4br r vil pyrine-is for an- qu.ag;iy air grimu rilrclia'rtale Buter hý ke-s or o*h%îs#»a ii, *ha-ivet-i.l ai tise CIra rjieit-- Whithy Oct. 2nd, 1852. 25-as Entrerprin s athe tFondJaitin rai urei. lb. hebe-nefit mlfdiii Inlaabitatstaoftbt Back Towuiisî, thie Proprictots oh' lb. lhlby oaen mFat'toi'y han-e marte araîgem.'mis uith C -". Jewr'îî rue-t! W. Thormâs, Stage P;rpiietous, to fou-nanid Clott- andl WWo to ihefr et iîsmrt ifi-hilhy, L'ý No.1 6li6îaCon., avierai thi-y, amuirbtira. dvaana- ie-a of' a 1 *a-r f-iie VV5î-r Powe-s, a Dr nirra lîrutisr. eod Ifun)rmer, &c.- &C., a-h ilît! buisinlesuns rîri- hortr'st Notice.- iin~ ai îiirui$iîir--m lotS or WVonl tri th(- care oi h tis mTerc-,ît îUia-iits of itii'.Smslaciberr î.m look i-ar thre r-uan.e a ititdei-v,ai te £aýut Thea ý,hâne appniiiir<l .I.irres C'nr ke, of<'!r Ilus, fklif la>. aiul Hasîurliy Cui', t Gth '5tini Whlthyu lai-t -..,liaiidpnjiuî 5Cîri in-% n h.î (ileihor t-'trirrlmay lhî bsiutiilifur-r i5e1stic.- Alli-il ; V.S. Jr--rt. ai D Js-a-a-i, Pot 1-s ; 'S. <)1ter. Ra.a.-1m ; tirIîkwtrei'iean Tewan 1 10:- àl.mi;ia ; Aitamraîi Ptsa"-I.fi- '1Ni-aiis-r AI;l tisa-vr'tç w ili trrifaI ~Wr i.,It î'd. nninrý, L-o o ît C- - 'l tan-t! rrer- trae 1 he icctui eiito. A;i 4.n.iit t Ii>k ir A/se ('w-ding andi Clîrth Drmsitt4y carri- cd on iet Oslzawuat 7 -eSuliscnbers are preparedt c utanniacturr charge, ~ Alg in Osaa loilseir Cldec Mîli ai their Weloleru Fac!,ony Wbistby. Wbiîby, Sept. 17. 1852. 25:4f. FOR SALE, Wiiîly ntd i Oaseio. Havine Iseen thorntishly oveîfuamlcr, is*in .'xreiieiit trde-r foi an>' lanisneu Ihat mainba-rr-qmîred. Hour SaisandiRiçaluz are -seral>' Kqw Perssonif malticapital aveulti jo nseli In purcbaa-e, at tise cber Pariners keep ber constantiy epsployed. An>' persn port- bsitizr1 undetroninrg bisbu- sintas, nuuld bave tii. Sailiirg oh' hec. Terma easy-muate knrawn byappiying ho Jonc 7,18M2, To B. I Wbiîhv. s. - T Htindersiind ha, -openéd ane .BOOK WT7 E inWRrT3V VL- LAGE, ont dlort ltof' Ni. HEgRIIGlR-* RIE'S DRUG STOSE, wtwye ho iuuteits ep iii; colnstanlly 01oni tt.auoil urn4*eItielert#ýU st*t.k ni IOO0KS, S'TA'riONARY, FINCY GOOS, and PATENT NIEDICINES, which be will oeil v ry Iow lor cas-h, or ready pa'y. Articles îîot on ha ýd, obtaiaid on short notice. D. S. SlTA RIt IVhitby 21 st. Joue 1852. 1y WESTERN FIRE- INSURANCE COMPANY, "I F ' 'I'U ubseriber'desires mnst respec 1ftully ndto atnoaunce to the itîtaaliîan! i ftii itfwr adthe sîîrrotiîridi rirîsio th;at ha-ha* bhien PlulappOi4ritlAOitaT by 1ti s trrai îtAssisiailce iomplany. taitelyô ritaiized Iin Iiînî. ri aIe Risiks atauist Fine on the m,"t reasrin-all'icr Aise, pallieso wi4hitiL, a salle andi reuirulitve irn- Veatmetit of mmli-y hâve- îiow Iloppniu;iiiîy to any amnamitnt îtintexteettinir One Flunil emi Shares nl Ten Poundîis per Shaie. tviîîîe.otil y Fsa-e per ra-it or 'len Sbuiiirspe'r Shaa-e are requin.-1 Io t aiild rtuwa. TIre prob'abliity Wr.that tira- -ividenî!4 will pas' off the rae-ater part of rire Scctt au'aerisett. unl.-asthse Cam1saîy atmogî i exleiîd ihir Opra- annsto teLifé'aiî agi niîînsumir-c. 1But shônt it lue loir.! r.eeessâ-y gt aliatI ruthen pe-r -,nt- sâge oh#tthe Sîmark itrlscib4,~. singiy m1.îv,;notice will be gia'en presiîîus tai the laie oh' pav-'t--îut. Ail %whtz is rispecriliîy siili r ihi-t. TFIOMAfS BOUSTER. llsxbitgr', April 2Q, 195Z - MLLIt4ERY & DRESS MA KR,11 MRS. KAY & MRS, BUJCHANAN, R~EG respectfully to inform the Ladie% E»of Whitby mnd -viciiv. tttht- have opened a $bop for the abore busine'. in the Iteoms over MR.. WILK1NSONS WATCHMAKING & JEWELRY-SHOiP, MIHITB P Ir/Y)Dxurz belote 11. Scloflcld s <tr Iti-1int tn th'\!ý.jxutrY îîm~ ti n or' ie ' or es-, tînt îhpv avU! lx e ab!e i m 10 £ -~ ~ ~ ~ t1ý -'atiaitalt"'rwho în-' i'airr- T'w L Lfrst Fatskiins cimn..t/yl on 1iand, Y-LD rrepr-,î îulI'vyanitnce to the- -ci ni nriere if the îui tstîlwrri bt it- -taw bnririfct birir'sz <m Ille if Ci'-if looi n itiat thcv aie oaitî,r'ît b ean ai alter Strmw lhitby. Mareji 27, 1852. 50~-tf'. 1 STORE 'TO liENT. *0 R0Tent ir the 'f'ow~n of Vb Wbv for ont, ar a lerinof v-ais - '13'iîlii itely accu- îied b>' R l, fri ry. .trift îî4ixd a tg 'er .1 inole l'fie rirrie biiiilu,; 4iilî Ireir, lor ionî, aai nîitît. m hittiy lut' Cniîî:îy lrowritatthe m'aCuty. off-s. uperirîa iducî'nîts It îl.â riteiiii î1to fiurstiîe amert'awi ual. iiaîse. JOHN HIAM 1PiZRRY. Wlàîtby Sb rh ..pil1&52. SIW MILL, &C. l F or Sale rIT1E Subscriber offers for sale lus lpro-1 perîy situateamlin S'2CRI( IX MI es imom Fierrcliînaiils tBay arid tur-r-,fla ou)l'o' itoli a'ouiislun2 of ONE HUNDREO ACRES 0OF LAND, on wiaiuci is a Fit-rate SîwMill, 74, le-I in hi mfhtutnrî a gatitz of Carc-îîar S;tWi for teut- 'îoe Là-lh. Z&c.. iietî by Unrîri lîmu i tctt :h ni-lji t-ljaf!-,îd nl? ea i irîg a Sii"l up iiitir e ii in îîîoer îll iiuij.îeu wîrtt-> round. i r-s a gaA, *--w'-i'a Ioîipa. Stale &r.. mi the -prou:îSC$. .11l ihi- bîîlilitîtir al ae . uhsaîand ui at see-i eîerted wtahin i liiýt- Itn i-r.Thrt- îa i lara-e qilarsity of Viii" en tIr- -- aîd - utai> l,înîitily tg lue ob'aimed ni thre ;ibuI-omî TÎWE w& TE~ 'fniýn ~ u nr" oi 1ier .~al. wiiiheub6crm>er bas elier ilaltpr l- iis u a j al hi' Il i i ttilso Apply ai ti.- iîibt; Io 10HTOll '-W .'ilOE, fl'î-mrIick-eli;g, orIo thue iollowiîig gen- i.-meiî, Viz : t- fi. LAWDEr. whith .aI.i . 1.FEL- Lt)WN. IV-Iltnigiotô ttct rîîiî Picr-einii, Juil> 24, 18.52L 16-tl. (LATE RAY-S.)- andor are no0W prprtCPIt it in a siiperior style for tccomnmodation ni the Publie, hy tarte impror'c- -f-fis ini the tlinff andi funitwue. Aise. b>'- ea- iargementa antd iînprovemùents ini im teSabluîg ar- c,!miodalion i so as to place il niraati eqaiai fo'tnt for converiienteand comfoit,,wiili any other Hotel in tis Newr Count>'. His Bar andi Tables ailI alaîi bsupplieti with tbe es thar con be procured ii is e 1M a et, snd ever' attention paîi inthe travelling commit- oit>' tbat car)ponibiv- make thm ftel coîniorable anrd at homne. P.$.--Chargrea moerete. Whilby, Aug. 23, i8a. ~R a Cu o. THREE TIMES A w KToU -ROCH ESTER TEE STEAMER1 71 M en'X &own -it llantiCoais, Do Chvctt'd. do -Do Black Alpset do Dmn Ruaseli cord -de Do Pritv"as ila do Do C.nala 'aerie de Do Breuril Clou c Io De Cassima-ne do Be lnid mlve Dei 'wec-de do Do Bru-id Clous de Dri RutsaIml Cool do Ntnî 131ack ('lotit Nicts. Do Mlar-k Saltn do [triFAicya 'Satini do Do Finlitanri do Do Fire>' do Do veivet do Do 'Marmieilles de Do irritha d o 'ten s Cu;.it Caps. B004 do Il 9s Pais fri 4 1-21 Bay's Pancy eso < à a '00 Dri Satin do di 12 6 Dïï C lot h do ~m 12 6 Do Teede do ai 17 6 Di> t'limere!m> S 30 0 %rIët'â Nlolei-nui roasrr, 25 0 jDo-aL nera Drill do la 4 4 1-2 'Do Citeck'd do b > Do, ('iiiinoy do 6 3 Do 1Sariî,-u (lo la0 <I Do <rliTira do 17 6 DoriB'i'kikjn (Ito 89 Do I>oea in d <a 7 6 LPriai DriNI (If)i 8 9 Doe)'tîrek'd do 8 9 I D.) ý%lrl"iasrta do 3 4 Do C.7-idaraatet-de dn 4 4 1-2 Dn Casimîrnee m-gi -Do Twei'eîe do V lit- ius, Lin-on Fiotis, 2 6 Redt Flatniel shitit 1 10i 1-'2! Uîler Stiit làand tit-cr-i, SatinliIliats, BUlck aI111 44o Neii l evî'nwsCa.,LuaîMtu1I D fili'y ci, lin fl-l-ps, î.v ot11ii I10, firuru Gae.Il îiia'nv, fthélit sî. Lices, Shnl Chri-,-. ant i >-iirAlpaca.. TrabIe Lrn.q-uta. omsran, Red rtr nn.dm 'ol'ovs. - (rapt-mandiNfatei-nîIstor Mrsuiiîc. î-oi.3-1.J O 11-2 0 7 1-2 5. 90 5 0 450 5 0 7 6 it 3 13 9 4 41-2Ï 26 4 41-21 F rtory Cmt:nn. i-of Stik Wvarp .~prg C'ornertr ?f Ku;>; 4- ('/a rch r>a f- joining/e(%rJou.Trat 2 1-2 .31 2 4 1 -2 MRa HAMI Attrnev and B!ri3ter at Law, NOTA,1' PUBLIC. & C-YNVEYi NCftI, AT TEIF OV?1Cr OF J. I»ANIPL1Vi- Y, ESQ, ~urbrr & NIr-r~~ Nrisott Sîriri. il fris- Ilrrs N (Tl h fifin z : !rrL, 1iiu'arly Opiiosuce PLA-a'rS IOTtE, andtil nili lia - a i'iiliir- wal i ýT i tr n's. Trirotitd, Apri! 10, 1832. 52tY. liIE Suberiier haning been appointr'tl - Gý c. P fori t bis-e rComp.any, r-H. i ail tint-, lie mitîrrit liîpy ta raremija'aîv Ieîii inis-uraunzeiî. . . - .J.- -L-CJ 1CoiuInuhtus. Aia i qu- 4-ly~ 1 p 0 al'o T A &N T rarzvre 'arricr tae reir GEC'. W. MICINL- CELFltAi-rÂ-ii) A.G1;01 As tiao MG-.n .- !-Tt-a l'ctr eJ AdK~! exil80K (Wealrar panluuirin~ rhe,11n1at luereitd>'fau Se sthe-WIiIBV&oN lAiRio BRICK DYA RU a W i-rv vaLLsriL I2O~O3 u 30,0)aiStock" & Gm- MM Bricks, -r rin-re pQîvtir'. Qant a aLow Pria-e. Par- lia-i-ru Islîoihnr in tIre Viîl{mue. as-Iere tise Brick* Il «'a- fale drawn only ashaoutrt iiirance. wi'lt find ilu fillv ris u'i-.ip ti bîitd aithlBrick as Timber. Fot fuith.en r attit .rs appiy in JAME-S IVALLACE,. 100 Cus DRY ICL C orDeti %Vo tnterI at tje BaLCK aYARD or îî- viiri -ta nîtl ha - paim. t'IV --ir $il; -tnh~ be4 leave to Ila-.uxbjùlý. aiîd eott. ral aasrrrOIltdinst I'flW:stijriu.tluriiley bave opm'iimmfIsle Store for- rnirl rci'iaI li EZRA BATI-iS. (TIris Col«. Wias.([3u«TLat'» m Coatza5.) w'sere thty>' vili i-ffa'r for 511e la tIra-jr frierîdi. auad lail wit a a fa- van- ltluiem na'iui t a a, a ch,î'ce stock of - Dry GOOds, Groceries, Hardware, Jaxîîtes, Ois;Ttîr-pentine, Varruish, &c,. &,C. Tise>.waîit itatieuîaîîty irn-ita- al«ton te tise t-towngar ita-, s-îj-i ailli ba fu nd cbcap arimi rr> at.rrrable, as f he>'bave b'uan uralet-fet ivitIa ,reat cane: Pfi-Livis Gi-ey Vllithe ('<totnsShirting, TweesBroad ,lC/aii&ainei, BONVNETS,-aHA.TS 1~ADYM-~COTý1,11,7G - era Su~tr, I'haacof~ic~,vinegar, .1 complet. asrtmenî t fCaoekzjyvruikewtss' 1'trNruar ani Tixe WAmau, andi an endles va- nnnîra ~ 'CI -- f t cd for $ale at thte Dri4 Sc,îor, suRd remember anti îiener haq thpese arices in -fl'itby, ouI>' of Wm. LAr, athiis Dry' Goodî sînie, ana -moid thse colin- terleit as you aveuiti Posor. l Tô Our>urs tf anmd Dealers ini Horses. CAI'.L"ON':S FCOUJNDEn OINT- IM E N'. Fortiseecure art Paaaiiter. Sptj ii. oÇho I Iri1ses. anîd iou P.tm a e avenislî Frt. - ouril- Bhuise ii tha- ?le4h.aGamtied Batks. (jraclred Us-els, Senti-Ira-s, CUIR. Rirks, &C., ora I1-slosa. Caution -Fiad jtiretrame oh' f Cirltot Co- .çfock-uîî tue %wrapper,onrier bi> ltru' lu .'nedit-mnes. CAWLTO'ý%S 1IING-I3ONB IJÉ For thse cure of Rin:t-Boriae. ln ptun n Spat' il),wÎnçlýals-, anti Sjairt-a cet taina rerltnd CAR LTOY'S - CONDITION PW DERS FOM IHORSES AND CATTLE.j Thte clrartes of! naetier and ieason, wilh1tif rhnr4-t Ise axil feemt. bavi- a very ucîeat frect iî niti uI-oblonil anri siiîatiOtils of borses. l ir- a! tsi-se ci-eit, &y n-qtvtir si3ýtat to i rt in ihrour rafan y a-ofohtht- flaujiil[ ofthe boGy> ritl oriiay lieis' i iir bibt-i and whiivhbufno-il ut- tr-rrr!erl1 o. nu-il Iettesîthe lIre Vello % aaer, ea-. X~ormroIts&caIlofwric c Ihi revent!eç: liv givilitr une oh' tbr-ae po-wili'ri, ant i wjIIai an'y timne Cure,. -ten ail V symlnta çof iieara pIe,ýrrs,1 mf iis.tt inu lime.-ir.'hey 1urify tIrme irvi-c. 1îru' the I ,ilrrat onatalvger.lota1es t î'Jc 1 them-ru idf) morc nvork wavilttIr esaie I, 0td. Tht' ai-'iùfî of ii-se lîvters i,,%rlirtcet lupoli 1a1tthie se- iivit, ' stlaird, aît elir have tire samre effeci impora the (ose lxit. Ihr As5auî i1itHeiliivei- mis animnal-ailim'aesaiisstr- frotui or piînducirie a iaddite offtip .blonilafi! Peedjt>' ure-rt heir.- -Remermbrit aî rfor Car/tonuts C-idîrsPu ders. aîîd taIre no ,Ihthu CARLrON~ NRVEAND BON: LINIENT FOR 1HOR'SES, and at or ecure ofmi ll-diseases nIofman or beast Iha, reqlîire azlerusdal pplica:inuý, -sud for couitrrid- co-rr/s auîl mvçedes. s!renstheris i werrkliir, anii: atlife, se ar -roi ;raias. bruî«es, amdlle ;ails, siceilen le;t, ai utal irmis on bhoises. Cualinn'is articles for hunàes anti mattle are pie- pare-ltranm tise recirw of a ver>' ceir-biated Enargiab-, iFirrrier. an-a e ti!l cret -nitl-nioelimes ouzt et liave beeîi useai la> farrnuecrs, liîvriy-nuen 1. ataze pro- priaitonr&anîl otbcravlrthe orot umarl.t-Liaddrfrd- (7,f,77'o.yýorir Cati tue ;enuiria' unl"s-,ou fi-grl tise nalin if JICarthu Coron outhe wrap- fer o1, each artete. 'rîiu41Ille iy5-tuantexhraonmlîuaty trmemîv n- 'r fWnnr evé-r 'ar-r el Y-t-u.iîy eradîcuites %orm. fson bastis irtîs-tt hiluliéen. Ilcaitmantim the mou- rta-~r-atC î'san or ,îcuct amirmit. sud ocrer raitsIr' i-omfui'ti'y ion oldtmtsoyail kmridsnst Wormaf' 'Tle erot. 5 s-iapeit I>ttte. puis it nîishiraeca- .> alil andi ail pineiat - aiare was-liet il <trceavaritoni> thpniarie ls-of tht-jr chilrfren -in ihose fkit i eatoyrs<'fvoitu, Wrmzrreis Lookfor tihe- riame of Ciiluk4 L-far opîkborTs, on the tnrapper of' carisb btle. TO TII LOU) AND YOUNGt 179 Ye Ried IJ'cads and CGe!!! PIIENOMENONINCIMSR!! EIAST INDIA HAIR DYVE Colours the HI ir, and viii luwltie Skinj. This Dye tmay he appîlea fo tht-bruir one r ight, the fiiat obuht îorriig fit,. lighitest REis or Ga.y I-lta itea Park Broa-riaati hbycepeatirg a ccoaud iîitt-t ~ i3n Bieit Jet BlacIr, Au> personrn ay. thu-rtefore, anis tise ieast poslbie trttabte, keep luiii CARLTONI it iS 0w Oise Tepravate ,>rac n'r,, her o1 issue certiniy for the. ierqiv.elv and efl less where its ci tise foilcawiicîC Fov Dropiy'- al onice. -, diat as Sontr crnu, Is 0 f, ine riacur 'uglrîneu Iras beer tilease.1a imule mi fors, oni Ct-titi, l'lace,a (day. -iln 10-ris-on Fur . Wislî1iy arec Hll ter.] the j mTheyc MT"-"T 1 côoaNERoI' 3IiG& 4H1RCff STREETS9 JOINING THE COURT HOU-SEI, Hae ulzn te TOROwVTOasrren / Ilaitànhanl heLarges4t, he Cheapest, and lite Best sot ntf IN CANADA WEST. WHiOLEASALE 4AND IIETA IL. WVE have Dow received ouÙr cOmPlete a.isorî:nent of NE-%v pRtçG &8~r- -MERGoODtI, ' hî h, wiîupora îimpw4i'r-îitr rcustoroers wil find lro lie veriposeîl or the Neweuîui è,ýjMost Ç'aâb- onable maiiais, aiid iii reitt vatietv. Havlig beeti îelected wi:h greaî îrare, and i irporied direct from the t>eti-atBrii.h. F'rerîrhi, uînd qAierii'an Mark~ets, h>' ouleg, n vee ari î'onfidently osiîc t hcrn to tbeaînopectiozi ofour clintoRels aid the pnjiiîrti, as lieiru the moqt fJtlioîîale, durable, serviceable arid r'heap tsa9rmenî of-Slcadv-.Nlade Clathinrg and Di y Goodsitin Canada WVst. raio>u:, I al it u I tires) , execîttcd wlctl Tgut c DIURIN~3FJI:*ÏI33-: OD0*. T.9 91-02E3T NOIIIC. rmADY IADE CLOTHINC Ji lit opèitiotes plâ e à5uon;ir-ows DR, 1 the, pblm bchie ~ *~utVit ru l- c-reti, it*eVes th czCuah n sstno pigiltuexpel fsom tilveli .th. syýfeMait iffl or mtaitt-r lu'eiperoraior. and a pastifacinut a dilitihtlui cime in hbmteirr and -profes rheot. agi Ibis, effert te very frit. ar0dita en i& rem ait the irsveîrtiotis of' kitài and sorrnwlong felenda spiiq anti niirses, b[ave fAiLrdinb ive thi ralleât relief Genrit ta the (Jonmuipfie sufferer. -(lueni T8ItÙttA.DS OF CONSUMPTIVE Whitel personts bavim bees deceived sepetedly in biuvinç ule Imelicines wbwh avefrsasd la tsinfaibe eureoi. .Cosu but wtaich have proved eut>' palliattve., bulttis <y. P medicilos.ii is rie: ily a palliatlvr but Cure for t- y&C Crrted l rç.' litcoliattié no deleteTiolis Drücà of the~ anti ontetriaiavili rove rsastoriisiruq -eflicncy be- ter Mtan any ertittiorlser#flicîttes inrieotiicon- Cu sumptiran and ail dibeit-of Ilile l,îogs, suis as .s',lttjrrg 0o' Idouil, Corrgii, plin fîlime aiearnd A cc C/seat, nie &-îets4C. 4-C.hetj About l0»fammot n racuiua<core$ pes-form- on wra eti b>' titisrmeditîefr .from soetahe he ilr t Pecors. Rem Clergymen andt Mercharita. bave been sent us foi Leei j tbis tnqtîbeane, lu[ithelb. îmicatiorî of* Ihein look@s wrappf ton miuchlike Qlàackery. [ivili show 'ih-m eny lierson calliog at onr ificcj This nuediciaie wililOi zPetak hrîis!f'and eneugh ini îtsown lavoutisa-ire- ever it las tîetl. Cîtiiti.-This medicine is pu r i n à large bolte, auti you must finrd thse namie o f Comstucrk4rC& 5 Br-g lierp Proprieters,. New Y'ork. on thue Splandid cdi te it tappor arould the bole. Alil ordeie must lie tracteti aiidresiedto Cumtock-4 Jiroiter, Ne. 9, John St., cor rOVC NaiavYork.pied Io Remnember and neyer boy it uotaleus j-nu fMAth ie ieo trame on lise wrapper. -licir iii -C AU TION)lx. - DR. Bewavure ef a drnçrrOus Coîîrnrfrfeit Of 1h.- arbei- CHERR Y 4- LUNVGiWORT, anîd the JUN1O meîi COID[ML and C.JRLTON'8 FOUNDER myn 31 t s 1 ý' Drab

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