Ontario Reporter, 16 Oct 1852, p. 3

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E.s M he c:ririe on by the hp eFr J. C 0E.1N&r. PROVIN".1AL MUTUAL AUD GEERL IXM8uRANý%CE COMPANY. e~~~ fBc- hu r*t -,et T c. J. G. Beaw Es. J. J. W% an-.. M. D._ W ' Il itnti . 1J. Lum.ts R;)0tsso4. Jý.G.War. J. C. Mnto. iT Hom Ofe. church Street,'lorn%,ad ai The Mutuai D.epartment does nnto ecer-ll 0(j unany o ne risk. and beme c, ontié idtodefarher auiki .s il im, ,iby rendered t he most sale ane Th, Praretary Dpartm)eniti iulue Gperr niaké in F ire. Lite. Marine. Iiatid and Orai. T - .11t to mlo-in rC om a'th itinhb I o hD e OnA 1ri ,that 1114yhave -p i Veeyds pr reamer it' -CMRA ' a b Andîreno;t pnncte immne, Stock of SPl†lNC-AND SUMMWE- GO which wth therw IXë**Itment or Ladies' Plain 3 Figuree Black Satin, Silk, Oriental S DO T 1 A'ND SI Of every jefseriptii"ilon w ed th-- ecy Ibec$, being mnfcuedb heV qualld: fur .'heapnessx, Vai #y and, Qua.lity.- The extensive patronage and successexpierienced by us smece openmnc bas ineseased outranixiety tes maintaith fat super ioiy%.iuty w.hav-ben so toit',fifal We rait assure our fi iendà,thal. il prigible. *"'ex 'ions1w-" e ine'*msed highi charâc er. and stili ldeses ve the valued supbpoit hither ,0o5s liber ally beàto%- state we have o.penïed an Establiehmnetat- P R INE'A L BE RT, And trust Our friends %will 11ndAit toLbe tu their adjvantage to paGir ,,,,I CoUrity ofH*ings. a l dy âthe' olt New 1bt ,O tt. 12. ship of MUay i hecounty ofNo'-. toP= a h srayL Wa eV a§to e to o mtdtobeanetd,° n fr noie n s only wai fgor fiit* re rt ffa !Cunty n astig.oanfrm from th îovernmûent, and he arriva! of the Y!E.-li', inSayikam, in te Coma-ty of üenwhich is IojoinaIlhe expedlition. Elgin, one of ,the Únited Counties of Mid-. ,defalctin3 in all Strect, wat o a Al Te xaE is a aproclamation in the ýeterday, and the culpability of the parties a:,cite. dated 29th,,beptember, 1852,, adt- ed wcatý %as p oven by the memibers fdi tr othe boundiies of Te'ovknof t;od. tauringr of the Catie was psp:e iltolntdCutien of Huron, Perth and day. Brnce. Thbe IraltiSays. " we received yester 'day, per ateamter • Frankwlin,' a letter dated · Sept. 27, No. 17. Ca.m-re Alley Lon ion. rsig.ed Wilim and iik.. soheci- A letter from n very iAlikntial gentle. tors as1Jagent1ts elosin!g tothge Un:ted mn %nlaine, gives the Ifollowviing ech!rm f -States Ilank of En;1and a note folr £'00mn . S ateringeein a Gat o soe £ 20 wichintellig"ence. a iH Canadlian nwae, Luebeenalloted L u, br làryape i a please copy. Prlad Sp. " btockt jobbces of London and the rtb My Dear . JUr* State elegçtin o -1 Anti- lavery So IetytonLaee and cor. "d"'r.j ) tIn , .11 'ihe line lo iv wwa ruipt the -A mnerican ne wlpaper Pr-el%* durint,,Ilhe prinit im b:r tepop.;h thet present great tPresiAdentiàl and con rre." , enem*ies ,4of the .ývlawnude % vry aet- stnlstruggle now going on in the country. 1.taddblreamniofmnyrm It i% aiso intited, in somneltter4,to li,. Bmo% n nnciu. eCer o- thatthenr.oriuA eore Tompon, f ident of rar-rying, the electîi Oa.orr al 0,,- enerty a mermber of t he Britishj Parliament.|Pollor.. but the resualt iN, th it every n.tr who) muade >a recent abolit ion tour m ti ho.na ,,dedtosupottieàaw a' co)untry,-*Iay come Ont here or addrei |M oretha ltr,.e-tourh ofIl the memblermi frîend i ths f,,tityfr) u imortntpur tf thet Lower liou,e. , r e s n tas ounry r n uporantplr'Te rum prt y di-thoirough ly beait ; it is TkeVUnited :States sNteamner Pd),ulttn a perfeict \ aterloo defeat, and the. paity antifit rally-their cry is "-1 auvre ipi ba been ordered 'tu *ail with iimmete ., - - the e mnand f Comuiodorc ewton. The laine 1Law %f Inî-stron fr rthis dvy 1tharieverb.fr.En/ d d53 ArrIvai oirtlae Anaerica. LIVEP.POOL M ARKETS. -1foithi-emty commenlced on 01 Hæra xat bOft.v Mr -Saler, of dcottnfor the wreek, 910,.0 o heC m CmrG. exne No chatte to notin eaLc;d1tu1l ,the b t ý! ii e )ýli lowin- quotatiotisofr c,,if.aC ,. u ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lî1 htwha .9,t .d.re .Lordskt p a Idi--ed the Gral viJuh for 70 lbbh. C'ýten il dand unla tthle ogýiiini'ofthe ýcourt, in a "hlrM. bil flour 11,3,36d to 2 1 -ç,Pùida 1 liha nd J -1pporievec.-i c 1mn- timore 20lý 3d. Ohtio-2 1 -i6d, mour 1 -, ti t ('ntfo'isp icmrli.rud3 19% per bre b ite I1m rara u.;;3 1 hilted a pair of iwhite hIl ovwî. %wh rc ,Ohio 29% id, mixed 29., etawte.lýîdh enpesoe ohmh h r 1a»dons unc hand.nSae e rae Il1. n aacordlance w4hail-l , i ait bran doîth r u-oranan .vuton id di- in;htt.d h.)-nFi bendon . arns and godods vit!t ab - export, piarotirularly for la.lu n iuà- t 4 e,, proporton th th ra mt r the aspec:t e t a la r ' i F • t t O (flie 1; .ol m i t nt . 1 or iertngfacts aredee -supyi»ed ha! te l'ina -Im la r.41e1Ant ý oepen on, the firt prownmo \ ialvt nå colJ hudy b eil, ape LAd occurred in the EndIi is:d bish) h l i t. LUJI , auauli ie To in1epse cpcial rate ,on theé Rateable property of the Town- o be paid'îlo Jan--;Sfi En, Esq., LicensedSurveyior., for the sur- vey S&C., of the Touws Up fines an- Cor essiion lines; in the sulid, ofRlA the \ile ave. ioUmIt nr le Sui%,ey an R 1ettrt uin th- three Tom - Phib 'i . .d -il l ,ne i tj h n.f .ho-sa id 'ri vtiisin, fr the enýcrpose tif f lonhai e t- 8,1m. lo a spm ment enaeiner. cn ra ytr the Provisions ofrll the sute U, Vic.., rap.35 andi rith..r eac in msneth C4e a clre and pets- vided the sa;id work to h-- done fie or in "- *ir t .riofi d..h e tt .0 ) • Pá pt"y' lat £*, at' rthe snv t 0 e I o- ndio-i ev nlrtr i Pli-git-ri vraieuwhenthe a d oit.-, o he a., l 11mn . . _ ahe.w104)rateiii rglle l a ke )or e i lfr tedie i m-l oilo 4..at a n T n a v te tPor -h" fe-si d w h e irea , t d r-ri-a r, a aeos f1t % pny the Pound on 1lePh -rt o £$li .' tihp 'of "'oritif-r I). e r o co v he c 94 | of the rowdapi o w er ing,0pt ate ani 1-.1 r.h oft>glvith-e. - aPo.> tiofos thP "ax msi aJ),. o2th r ifu e rs a n a n esinthr fieil urmiethi ac-lel the athe cil n thdr-wiil o it n t oft £10 n he as 9 mr-ilrd,- ot 1- 1'.* fi a )-tlfv filthePëiini ro and li oille -r iva a P.r i ii athe ;b.tï,-jn t - (ofToi, ;,I' -ne N 0 The. 31E -eg thq to th ber. yn ts, eri tin ks io ,the beraI p ýon2,e b as tret å dst rtrivnd t|irert fr0 i . thie largest and y(e., 4mrgved sc. ST APL E AND F ANreC#Y DRYCOD ver 1 n wt1 i ito th'le i.t . . ilis l .kof y ;,,9 ea i 'mpirt f thefoo m ,vi Bonnets, Parasols, RÎ--iias, Prinsad Mushins, 'Mus!ini Ginghamso PopIiIib, Iloyle's Bitrege of the Latest Slyles, Sa -inch- lieur-gGreyg (ollah8 5d. per yard, fi"r G4°4"in propor'io". 6 1 i alto ce.1 paitieularai n ntit)to LM which oist -o -drit Sisri! A141 ,eerh d Poes ás rhan ie arCfoel- o G EORG E W AL L ACE. Whity. Apr 0. t >2.2.if. t pl te - r r a M ] s in vs POW R. 1HECommny of the WittitUY woot. IFACT1t y f re til m he ind.nd trad ry. and thesir restubbjlshmenp avn r,, lm thruhrepair. they soio-t a %baie of pub* Tlley ill ti!lant ( tifr Wlion rea- sflti:bLe r rmtis. ManuactuingList of P'rices, ennl, 4dM. a Twe. d. .. a nuiClos. 2 0 I w) attfng.pet round.( 0 21.2 Othpi work dei in ntopei ition Oda-%- Wool Canhing amd Clotn Deintott e wi i EN A g j.;\DA % S, I1 R 13 Ti 1E G I *AT FUK- E1-IGN RENMEDY.. DRIt. OCOCK'S. Fisr the. Luife of Coîghs - CtiltbBoi hàiit. plmone ly conisumpuýtoýi anid 411B I onis of ithe Breastaildi Lem FEJIAE IV 1 EIRS. TII uma'ISI mEmeF. nr Stip 1 AmenL$hos e ft M AGSIC P A IN D E ST0Y E Ri ut etiuii rd h J ME i n, e kpi a e a. Y. r Fuaste cui r eastAZ s i lw .Colitzs, ry ipe;as. relono, ever re Eys.5a itbea , Servy. ces, n r e n oc- n 1 1 1- -Z ii i r v vescaus'ing great de t c l i pp;tTeroi hvi beno. ne, iàLo iv1 h*11 hecommo mii e-mey f.,r itw Piles ; y epared b A -ind sitsoperat in boine !afimconfined within pris wo or ariahof ot f o Astrlimi rwa desivill p.eeo lOra i ntm i ar utn o daPai ond tre ~ ~ f0l rAut*, hitte a1e.1fw amtee tea 1. ot ig2 er to zm seti lack i with^t,,0aue t3di,, r phm.4yOre, nt mher pee , er wtred e eP in w ... ; ., . .. ndw Iterirlit . 1,y i . a ce 6rtam,> ri . hev..r lei g o DW Rse OBR FN ahrean rienio \.e ia n te Iniitrlvhn d e s w hod 'hysae f h eg evy oundbia n om ttyrnldto. O to . c out shavebee insrueted o anoune te f te l. His Lp-ordslinp idimntsteed a iv 'aM m'h t demhe q, e àat ' f ....o teaoecmay ißgn pro t to repea thera rncetof te Princises- wrihaveith1desiredefject.and th..na i- e e. 7 o-tiby, Feb 14,182. - 44 adent.s desir of peatr. ju ned the corj»nland -f ldiyomorninl ys a sy e wTa t it nt nl m ov te Grtat tmt r.mia nth n y r Co ny of P i ceELd.-T e.1endk e - . d t a ý;wit-aà maet'i ns-l et .witout P OT0EiFn0-P RT ER'-P of France.tes u wl-e. a-.nwa eii atr o , us. on te s5tthi*.ofil a n as onb uesn.a y --Ocb-r.beoethifh atw oeonY M °"j° tmunmth s ri r HE un ess ereof1r4caried1n. co itîha e be nirestr Arte . to.aM eeeetwas brou thit %% for tria.lTon aindum oiý,n M -en p poin er! z:ci ego'tiationsnareein canterup at un inpGr.-charge;oflfir¿ery. ifetpleadedoguroy ti,.ii-hvforbi"Cive pornit 1r- tes " p obalteri v -tino G ctae trr - Vsit e rpro T at in - e in ft 1vnd tare--,Me h ,-mon a r date as wi h P; I Iear.t uy:raiie o*er ha hS l- gtor th lhkeof eliandg tù ,fi n ,ton. whi c heiis icon ,ttd-vt En, lish w.reh. et tl s g.-iM 1 ip J, neya afuosI re taeta h alefrp. Avor NwIldS kethVop. t e a ^ tilt. T ol n 1c r ir e ey A r l-ie. I ' toe t eti oflc t h an d i.n ga -oT s.4:frber udt h i na a s fnaor m i n r itb , F b. 14, 1821.tÅ r h i i :the frwa20,00 shre:, n th lii-h nnd a 4 a pmon i ascontna tllh.-p.n us-Ifo'ut iille ell2o n«thouourt dw lly h1debeensecenacup in limle.a.i- d y a er know n .t t o cosu t adtecmm: eoWam.adthyft ard 1 ' o rth e con bu'ebc!chtth e l zh iwwnin otioteowho t frm d winthe Portr has m vprek L a lt nteme na -- tohfpo-PrinceN .7. E.. adthy os.wyiael.dt adsri creding COtIih r fmair.e-ref ou.th, 5 ]thof tlam-IT 2\C 'A 11 N ten 1)It gi ;l>h .itt,-'(fe NiOnTo uInE , o mei n t a ntinu ncej o sh >Cr c-ntCtr w ieb i Ie d 0 w :ih + ta e e o eyChier Itob., rrt coat Al-,« for a >OI C d c. public pati:tthorage. li: Gu gEe1 1fe cMtA: - . . 1 . e 'I l"eh , n ., ad a .i. o s Rfoattmia lto n an villi e d o r e 4li t n r. , 1 8 5 2 1 5 -1n As~~~~~h the C esertI'lyVa l w > s . T y - .... Nf the h ws a trc ia no.wm oa Na•n h n litoId ýig à ( eor aarge wfP O rer NSlle p -ade. CNO. il rions ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 foseont trett th 'y o nt b for e e . . t h-rî f in a mppaur1 itil s i , t o a a n c h f-ui ra a prit . w h chitt m u st paaot e r e w i l b e a r ai-r o a i e a te fa t h p -ite m e r , t o r e c e e pa vpd.1i aS u s c rib e r b e t o a f o rmft heaP u b - T h e tit e rs th n 1 a , uno . d f . i ' 11fil.ine n ra , na a m r .- w i s i ar e di usrS ih ai nt hg e rmhnentt ot influene 1 p5 , i h r tar. thtt hwing perterfed his invention, he i, le . . , , iavtaert, inowrb -arttoo !iýeroui 1L oup ,fanf- 1,.49 ,iuCne im aal his C ooperage.on Éot N o. tils n e he a tutmsofty i an fri h n e'oM. et kthe oit t mw'sSiro1d .1 ,'lbcroken f-rnt WH TB,h!u-is ,-ti k n G e n e r a d o r e r e d t h e i tel t o u tr eldm a hosr l s t c k .tBu tlpt ti ne ryt htd i#e r d ue l i tspi. orttt ) f- im e oatf hihwd rt e a t o Llel 1p w i de f r t e r e t n a rn U. oary t W. a1,My2-i rtwhep bffilh-for chean s ea hisity and savii, i(111n'.o refusd to bey, efme an lig the m ule ing t the i:hmoi roa naai, sip isu urril VrLL GF,. upMlOf.MAhiNE,' timeand lbor, xcetsany oher C urn nw in an a s ng r ,a d acc r igl t ap o- tÏ on a e h din C anaa tf.,lfoibea sa- > Offe.» sin the room formeriffey.ocjtupied as a Law tag,e. ain d.frgni t onttl deobe know t o e d'a-ly p - t e st t o th e C p t a m G e n e r al rairef u dot'leg de 7 0 . t i n. wt h theLw £ 2 5 0s , 0 0 0 o g s .e , if h , . n e o 1 ht l e q r c1te . O B 1A ri vean. c mm nac Tio n exur cepti throu ojust suberthedxin on-ion, mtkes £t000 -_.- ------- ---kTe,-#.thYwmg erlt f "icatjafrom ek e i th Aeea Cnul ndtew he eAi-ri only00 thei innIe aNe sum of VALUAHLitg P tu0 FORiitSALE seat.~~~~~!a.k o £1 5:0 oieta elu .------iispê ie arate E t r inatotri i ckeWrin 2 than ft e2. w reeaed.W t 'i Mo. ea .- in d n-fi -v. W u.Me t1 n litiigss.W 'sD en kn Uw f•r4, til engsu mntré to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ el reeie hemaIndplener " oma bytnm e theof l is 1 rhae f & aeo eln oealf-d r naypa-dea ims, w h ii hma nin fieatd a Arst rate ar tAM POT i ceedinbl i neeenityfofireturnin, a verdicttte thereffect Thr.,Farmhearemsithytpdion »oloty-r ad srr- - documet • 'd i il M NDilllLtE)t mmatorhaj %nsted;te)e,,pdh y o ,m* n have h iieard the purchasers exprea th e of The ~ ~~ i the t ommittedIl by-the hburngupera 1) o tmprym ent 1 fRah nt-nwcunyo nai.0iign trMDbysP a a x-,-, TALog evnte ai o addh o e thehe said To vnship afi o;1 -1l j 'ý\J; r3CHtia a%,r i m- on*T N tn e1e.a.,..Geert iet o li.1Lý oQ-. IM R proved . li a pe mane t st dam f wa er r ossa(saAl*o thelnite Sta e a d t i t; 8orth lA f e s, efthe cIlAty, Noftia u tea ctft i ion 1111. a- o i ns ete e.F Pna.Mr lo h ethaf f8 ot o,7,4. on THE0A1VE UD-ny.EPOCHSAEI-.- gl onemlenwt, Ifrteiietion ofth a :iét trJ..fwil s to is* aÀ, h oyd boh f sa;,. 0 A s mppod.wih W orsaE NDRrAt Y gg g . boevr t il. ... ..a h ",ntnises.Th u . . 0w Dý C.1 ibnnefnt merited, your govetr!buenen I eatisfy thse peuple, Aaeaur treaties o fpeare und conmefea withSpagn haéien vio's- CONSy CH EQUE-RED- E to ne i s entomera% and the inhabitants of \Vhitby • f omn hl& fomer sh ipsa rt Whilthy aadcommere MIaitiu ssin Wh thy Village, tu the NvChequàer-ed Sko e thr in addition to the enthge Stocks fromI both hi$ old stands, he ha"s opened out 3 large assortment Dry Goods, DGraceries, Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Boots 4r Shoes, LAgut,wi* rugs, &C. 4C. $e, Ail of wvhich he will ISell at Lower Pr.ices than Ever. Whit by Viitage. 7th Au::ust. 1852. 17-tr, - VERY IMPOR --ýT. a Tikr, ol"Ofites Di. IPilm IEGBL LETL Y• Just Arrived direct fro.at se%-.Y! Sfreh supply of that eplcndid 2?. 6 . and COF L , IC FOR SALE AT THEIRSTRNN W HTB &PRINCEAi E most respectifflly toinfiiorm bis Castomecs ().'%TNl'O, tthi Si i of BR ITPS11. F R NC1H DRESS 80003 SHAWLS, SILS RIBEONS,FRO' .iramgomntge, Pals assorted Smek in this part of thè, Ccoimry, I- . s Stock o)r coad Cloths Cassýimeres.,rwed Slants. Orleants, A ,pacas, Cobourgis,WhehrinF complete. ln Ihis derrrt mnmt will bc found a gnood aortmenitof Coea KOQSsuhII -Js rcivda rs

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