Ontario Reporter, 16 Oct 1852, p. 2

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the .ls ilh:esîitkattion tote wP- uvi i au ç re fqè è Guve.rament'.0cf 1h# eqtrsa)rr-âiry P-oeee dia, toxvir-1% 1,rjea I-y pr fer.>1' ~ - ru 'atvrwwe %Vi. Wbitce -coa l ii 1 à hWir tef44ý 10l. nali Captain i t lii ûwatî yUp tnlt-tm v~îif ~~ lqî' t lis thti 4 mti tiosi, thut lie ei1ll .y aboutt.Ii'! ï, ,Pr,.t l " l t 4f <t .l'v irM de%%. ~nn .t.o-î the b<, oveî-nt ta (opro- , <~fn't' tn iiti prill"Ikt 1 oso rob the .uiins b, Çorc Ibey know-it, if; 1~I sim f i o -rtivi viîfr..lv fb 251h nt yen cati. Céntp Llk#vn.'ss<'. ît1-n in ait hinds of wea- Capttin Jewett on the strengtlî(Ir, l.i4, te,-.R'.ru,,n rm8an.luS.ni2 ft4n 1, q;te secuee.des i:atclied 'hiveq.ela Or, I. 2. n2 or avo4wn ber of îlwm ta &b. Loboiî l'lands. Th oAtnturiciEnCo mmndot é in tie TLSRDCD Pacitie biitbujen du'y o:-Jered ta p-otivt tiiem, tb>' fort o ras wWil.,- bi.PIing tihe T s et mrpn-, of ithe 'Port Wbùhv nn<i (.hiwu. B. ut the imAîkr gettiný,rpublic L T e'kvticae i-.z~mo~~n.1lliron R.nd and comwr ta th.z ear cf 1w hetlerurVian Min- !½flnoiv t.p;î l he44h jr... if %vaq Ro-ntvevd. ister aI veîaiinrtnn, $enor Ozina.n. ,-t'Thmt fmm T.upqtiy 144t n( Jmniirv. tilt Mors- ttaane I nd eerretc mn riapparenti>', i itRorn<t¶ nt ho irrhWhv <and 'ta.aos X, 'usto:. im- futictionary inmide ,urh cdontira id ennviticiuîtâ r rP -' i brn* Ron'lCtMMpiY, 1w rNlrPd 0Io it of r1w nti, h of the rirhisand con.Ua'f uhe- pe'nt nî viir statemestt.4ofrhe U ,ic ý,or Peru . A a-lied ir? tel'r.r $qo coviic <ti. Vbsrr '~isgr~si- 'sntbr1wrer.pd 4d nr 1tMeFiir -r Tboussand aorance. bull, bi.toriisallv 1. pnli o 'a 1wo ly tii.ii iIere, %s nf onui h fl ~îIthe .1J JAIAMP R R netys froni Pe4'u also bem. on (i -not Wffii;ty. Ort, 16.5. 27 2Mn Nwarlike d-script ion ,fur thart o-rnni NMre4 m,e4i<I.r les dr.swn in bk is hrni v(oiflN OT<Ei -.1v-<"btw'tt'Cs îlettl>. Captirî iCwett iqll01W rnotifie t1 îtbtp--t'y lin.ù n,.il nt-rit hnrî1 t'em ;,biat ~u Cf<tb =iecftI 'iMs do v<tt as14rI in,,<r nf'i. nt il 1 n,' t-qiri't le îr.It.unr Io quîita 0ocleu ut a snc m-i n-tl I<y thé- ~nÇ ?So- ,1 as10 at ifIniî., 1'fo"j is sexpeilitinn tintil doîîbîiare ,.eî y i-id îa. i# Iof 1nFoip t- <l-r 4 r t' hVrol legeout Seing tibuta- js a tact tbat t>lr u M e ýitr a t-bttary Povin7Ï Ïie .United Our niiekets - are ieV',-rjF sênse. free te Ames-icn cotppetit:on botta in manufactures ad ràgricuntme. WhIe tbWfr are asnait, andin l a aarity oet lstancei, comnnletely aculed sip ta us.Thse people aof Canada cam bear iîh lts lajîtiice .ne longer; and if tîsere i4 onme tIing mai-e titan onotber tît cona ink tise name of JFrancis Ilincks te tise gralefut recoiiection af tise csnalan peo- ple, itis tIhe pl;tcin-,I cf tîS an an indepen-1ent tnooingr. ta treat fa'. thtt- rer'iprocity ts'amn the Ameni,-On% whicb ail our heavy conces- sionsni repeateti ovtertsires bave f'aiied ta S;-iin-r about. In tiiscaunt>' we havsà con- vcrsed w1ils men of &IH parties andi ail are 1- r-, # - - * - i fieldi. Mr. ~ ~ ~ r- Ilea ~<Cabillttd ý,nre, j. Futiles', Ij_ -6- 1.. il. N elii on, FA 1 1L, VAI .LîCass lasV.Msk On %%'u'dsiassiay 1'M' th e A uils<iF-iIPal i"ui-1-T-, do. < Fais' tan l airsis wn% a iras hej'1iàhaoq!lr -2~n I do,<l .ti, aura us'i- hb'ur,s-sssetisn>' show ao r r v , sas T l .<ls -:'. aa rt-as'. - '2a. ' 1.tI.iper. Cl!an 1h~oS B.s.t acre Turnipa. .ýAlie-lt', 0 2nd -à" 1 ru. 4roi93 3rd " k-Dr.; 3, eý 010 Boit du. soguI-Wurt&ýI, John Uitsoui, & ~ - o1 Qnd Il , Dr. i 0te 10 3 d fi J~ohn Codé, # .0 < B.'st do. Carroteî-1U. ftôdgers, 0 1.5 2<,d à- "J. lihion. -O 10 3rd "46 Richard lharper, 0 5 Best 20 yds. fuiffl oth, .. lo lin~o, -0O15 " " dé déJas. 0 tmn.O10 3rd lé IlR. Harper. -0 . Best Flannel, J.i 1 onifflson. 0Q15 211j Il Jos. J3owerman.- 0 10 3 rit é"6 Il mue1lIi, O, 13e.t CoverIid, Il. Celter, 0 15 2na _-do.,-do. 0 10 3rd 3 . Tomlinmon, ' 0 C/st, Wkelclandi.os. 0 1 O01 10 10 0 10 Osl o10 o 5 0~ tberu however, ta make aae$,fo tir! EiitA...The Ditvuion C04%f O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~9 ilm~ eitoae u>, t Bin by wiIi b. hcld in tbis VUIM w condot<y-Mr. Oult* mo*d inCoupcii the secod- Ort 0 c e t ingL, fbt Mr. ERqbitiiriW6gn: h eon;o_ :hý:Reevethip. 1t s, i >édi . id mday the 3rd as 1f11I cedý 0 beu as oî-tbe, former Qcca1iQn y- andý dàM 0 rem(gn ; bt*mark wbat tolowa, euh ,A Plugtb Ve f e 0 geatlemeu was ropoed as m«Wad Saturday ithe 23w4 - 1. býw O caelh of tbeni votu.d êaansî the mnotion. te Mr. John Rlituen, on Lot Na . 9, tirste OWhat was i1keir obt*eel i causlni e ta re- concession, wh2n (ibe followvig prizeswllt 0 s i Why did tcy decline t7I e Recve- c wre:Fn 1 0. eod'I sbip ?.-.lsave tite> bten,, dtpeut b,'artful u- wil1i deébigýn'ng nsê'n. and do they itow, begin ta îlsiý-d lOit. fir.si claTu. . Seconidç8~ 0 doub t vlii ler Bs-are-tn is to becomne tI.<,' und.r 18, first 1, econ41%, 0 dt-pot t~i te nils b>' 1yiti,, rcondI-Hilfe 'oî14taw O t tls îv. tlin~ aehnPlait . r- a n the pgolnd by 9 cock1 0 o'rr the spirit of ilieir d-'ean,--t il events A. NI1 1 0O iey h ttt-lsd ample opportunuîy of prerergt- 1'OICiLtxluToc.-rebct O n'what you cati, rmy trampliiî; on -the;' O ri~ht~ ad in eôî~f the pu'plà o('1hnrl, indirafitinor the iïirasdhteret taken hin 0 andti îly have not streched. forthib a lialt jthe--'reo al 1!*ïiitor-m =ytbe - e#t O fnser e avetiris.î by ,the follo*iag liît eOr baYéqaid tizkets Vois thave requs-ti,'stateri tiat yosi are 04 wililg th.i boUhsaides of thse quebtion j.houtid, soid for the hast tlireç yçars; oi 4l Ã"o to the Public. I juaîi&e 1 reqîîe-1 that 6,25 bad4ts sot-J nt Blroctçvil ic),55 O nyu ptblis àtiis etter, and the aceonpa1d -'j o i.rextrarts froni the miutue~s of ou.r Coun-. 'inickt1851d)- ocil, ini order that youî- reiers may-judre 'baesslutNaar, 81.5. 014 whitrelree of crn-dil is ta 1w givt'n Stî te l4,21 ti kt.7,1d.- 0 nricile jwllithedt in your pap ,r(if -the 2ýl. 1 00 - bt .e sl ¶Tot 8-,s '24 000 tickets. 7 jd.- f 0O haeiteI î't srv, tt bc r O~~V C1'c RBIMO< ta cail tbe attention of thse sur 0 rnundin; Torwnships teathe Fail S o f. 01 l.,., fr- thie 3AI)u!esn/ f tw Ml- thée Agricultural Society cf the Townshizp .61 re)2ld couni il of t/w Townsllil ufi cf Pickerng, wlsch la tu take 1place u ( toah.Jilîf24th, Ï852.I naft W <b-1 O N' Robissaon tendered id W Gnaio ;eenvrod on the> 22o4 -stnt e Gof tl t offi.e of Ileeve la wlting in-the -foi. serve that alhough none of the premitun-i iowirs± lerms: iare lar.,c, th t thl hisI ibis year 's. consider-1 C "li constquence of' a nmajQiy of rate-f %Iiy extt,îide.i iand tbzst a very r-rêpcctable 6 payrs of i Jbo<ah votinitagniuxît te ajqwo. j- 0 priation for te coiat,' Iujidin ýs, Iherc-bvl-""M "-'0the, wolc wil e awvarted. V<W in a- cordane withî my dechavation made on*0 liopt- tisaI the Pickering Society' wil go on 0 'lie 9Ilh îmu.. beg leaçe niost respeetfuily It! proâperousîy1. 0 ttder ro the Cotincil rny re-ý<i atIon of flie' O ý o 1-~eehita hnr-rni.,and revoininevti that NîEw DIVÃŽs 1wçCoui-, Rtci.-The- M \r- Archlbaid t.illiesbe elecici Ita'eve, for flr3t sitting of thse tentis Divi;ioin Court of othis remainder of the current ear in ni 9 o1 room and s;td. y 1 h united Cotin1ie-s vill be ld at the Town i ($%i<ned) CHv. îsINo. lii itceteRaciso i Saturtay, i3tb t Mr. Caider, seconded by M r. GlIis, -\Nov. isext. R'ichard Luud, Esq., Clt-rk. Snves tlsat Mr'. Pobinsors'a re' ignation be-_____ tiot accepîtId. C(rriec1. A>t tic Cleveland Fair Groiuads, a mari i Fztetact f(rom thc JIÃŽizttý'rir file /w Marr- ieusbtda borNc with ltWe feél. A caif Fa Co-vcit of '7ttort). Oct, 5, IS452 wùb -tWoira sîads anti-- a sttleep -with five i Mr. x.Bln.secondsed by M.r- <hs mOi'cs 1lsat r. 1' woinî.ion .orei4 ntthse a o -f'adarnnti kcc Ri (e. ur IhasîL s re dû~t: tb. dit sit*ls. Dr. 'a%, , l', in -.nd Gil'isu, ~ a- b 1 tbY.,at 'Te Il e'rc -votedil trih flic euxa lt-'B i nlrovi. < îrt n waî isrrit<.- - af o. iv -I,'5 M r. 1'o. M4 s '< - -1- - nloi-.-s itiat r. iiit - l-:iI - --- w,~ s T-ris f " e'î~. - ûW ~'< -~ -. - - -911u: 1 il nss a l 'ilM eeî'-j N.Isu ,;$ l<-r I s --'-- ,- i.îvo V:nn~ thre 27(i.n.-t.r S. be Litî all'«vi,'jt.b r -. YR. ohin-on, seconle--Iby Yr. til! - < "Sll Ut Il 1sas erîse. -mrovesthut Nlr. 2caibe npikoitted -'J' for in- aJdion -a thi! electiosieof Of- ft Il ce Jcurb, 'Vc unIt:r!statid îhat sasich ymport.-ï ~ abn-anaatG I m btîjisjeSS i <li Se b;ouý.hL iQrd touds- c Nat.Calder, (unn.and NtcBa:-n, Iis ts1 wiae . îeogaiz:in Mr Calder. st'rontlet by Mr u<iln. EXCENTRIC.-Â barristèr ia Yng1azsd 1 <noves tisat 41r RPobÙisoti bc re-ciertedinainid Johin Neifld a moat excelsîric man,i B-eeve. Carrit. ~o:y 't1C~,TwuCer. jutt decoaed awbs left tise- Quee» Ushe ad- - boile legne>' of $2,50w,000 wrhiie, except. To thte Z ditor oficwOeturio Rt-porter : .nrw eaisa$0 ai-ebsnt liood on l'rida>' hast b> '"osepiz Clarke Esq. Coroner, saion tise lady af WlimPowel l ' a nieat ll 1sot>ulo'riJ7 iUSman.ad r.ajed ibetter ksscwn as Il iriker Bill1" iwiso ied bitiei tta st tâe coosuion rseceýSjze. I dsiring thse previaus aigit 11enter ýu9I)iciou31 lias beea said tihe W1I1, wili be disutted. !rtrcutnctancett. After% acaý'etul savetga- jAfread i.aavtie st uperdfo t;on thse Jury returne.t a verdict -"tîat tish ~ dt~nes e l 1or deceaàsed led of Apoplex>'cf the ttsnat e Uni net of kw, but- ibelber tdûsbas -been4 'wbich le was predir'pobsd by a a nz cow'se 4dane at iUse innf nra'r l in _jea _#o ne 9s,1 r Il -: u-ss s- -It e- ~ ;~~' . A - 'til -11 , iI. i tss-lv w .s1%iîl. - le uatw Q it' jitALi'.p r i Ainer'cais (oIrtin-I.i-. si-Iliav f v-- 1 < -j' - - -i--< sr -' :.s - ivoi I- t- ..v l' iirsr-n- le i-u end i>as.Jhai64o, tenitsc~ in'~'îî~i tlit< suy tirs t -0 9,, -ir; l) 1< es. i:,<t s t a. t5 ' - - " - ' î--- ý:;-u< i ;î ~is 2~ s me > vs .7fI%tcnâe in wtjmîv &- v th - -- ia ) ýt 1voû 1' -15t" 0te 'uss.A.~asuO5 irt '.rs10th-àîû.-Iv< ' "q 1 ag "t'î 2n i " " .ala Iiia, O ' iras st sitheC>i' I < i i eJ"'il, p 0' i 81 27 -ii4 .s<ï-'-- in iievery dI'p rfinei.t '<sif"ast rViinq, . Corbet, O0'2 J u a, <y îIl.< ,V 0 1 1 he. ii s l *n ila%-VinoiveI rini:i 2n 1 lde. de.05 exige LOi'Ii'- t'Xpc- - -, -« i >î I . .î iu n ;iit h>nel trv s let (rsot. <.doi- d . O0 .5 tueaieat>' ~suJ :ssy î's--i lu-r ~'~ I ~ ilP>(M)'T 1 1, . Iowmihip. At lt. Wanld*w Fair sn 121 -) 'nit Wi. Karr-, 0'2 T~~~ ~~ 1 1inU~- ts rsuesft taiV tt'ii'rRY. !ATU*RD)AY. 00T. 16 q5-2. iCanala Oecu,'iet a Prout! undi - 1 t-st Cablage. b V iteO tlseui, nadthe uiva l coltssnin IV 'r fil hi-. î~s't orers.ire rust' ex~'eta Wody "t-~' i te cn n~r( ai rîs1y. he poti'ita. At the IraiiiilidîIiJhibîitionDsctwar bt-ores w ayepc t à e -ir peiNtt I \Viîby ras ! tîs îa".î aiîle ist a Ch rct p)gn. IL .Weliias,ýton, 1(0 -ai' luiiness*-« t nd aibciic- ,r yWsat i o <l luja-iw- )nniq, James Coarbet, O10 il ins 0< a u n î t o <iaetr; j ît t e ,- Ir ai t es e n u: b vni.in tl mo p ree n t 1llo u .i sl lip!t fo i I ile am r i 't ao f p r e-m i nim s ab tain t's . t r tp ' . .fîn s o b -P '.none virisao ? a a-)e -t andtr %îl n -Grîck mi'ets C;reek. thn -'ti Fowe', J. White, 05 nianlti: i 'r.n-rtses ta N'vt-iti Lass in an-la1 U i0!1b i ie'o iseir js-rliamnti-ry sa- j.mc-4 tise tlg o ai' asan-d ive ft. 1>'out do -'oc o o.Of i ~~f aina:a. . do. de ~ 0art 11 th,! ..'si.,p o.'ie concluli'tî-xl.. dthat reer ha an a 0at Il)as ie r't'î o reî's D.xniel Welsîer aiat'ii>(yý'.îlno '~h -reformNfi nî'try. a fps i.sreak u-lp5SIhr's-5ÃŽ.T 1.tnideb.s o'fi'forincr1tiiîne--- Lt lse1ilI - ani If ptnetllle. (,t6-'lcm,'ns S/tin tie se~.aiiss~ autgeîne-. cat-thee gavernileet. le(thie c onseqsîenres 1 s nt îacrtapr-ieuItiz the rez-k.Q -h, pst Lreýititt. e ae i .1fireit ta $av tise Exilitiution Vri Il sorry>'for tiit: for lr. îlgebter wtalle 4essiit tisi'> intn he Is n île ut-w ed eiantin- cei o1-e.,o:.s~a.~laîù tei st Vr:ze .s.1sedd'e, a nan etfiwbosun-it onty lii-% coantry, btb.:-S.-1 for [Kent. Whatet'ter slei-e inirn:cal ouu-.TcSo..i iewr~&1< sdd.~s ule' humn nature kùicii' mijii.SbcPt-ais-. Lti oueTeSok i ieoV 'ti r o r.Cu; - its negratîsi--- tlsaî ià wtcn lJisîai t h tsen ris ft'a>s1 ab O~~ eretarv" lethasih net wg areintchoqtîniîv. Li le tins Woo. dosil his lite-ion; îritiiples on tige s.vîr Nitcd-.vsieerca en a ie oufOrrsdeics1 ueracidiaitY 'rs ItPis s'i 1..1 .IDnni li t , lel lalLoi-ýetis.ir, anti iredusi i sirî atise par tairw lie ii -~atipresenî -2),,i Qi1.do. ilin't Tïlornion. ,neyer to risc ag-in. tieR-Ioots far s 'pe.ior I t u4year. The Fi-ult dti. Ms-Jael Tise tfoiowtn,, iitram a cý eiasi uîpa;,cr. î1yn rior .sreIran D~~-iepartnt twa* &nii b>' empcîent jîî.il!,eu 'li I.is a saî reporîed in the Grani-z ; ive îr.snsiate a-ta he ave lhi bndidn ;r. Tise iegtiatî%iti ta favosirail>'comnp-are witis-tise Provincial 11>t t1ri?,e Niis Coi bet, griviss; au idfa of irisaitIhegos-erttnseut and 1Wf IIIn-.art tIrise ntert'st-, rithîe coutntry Slow. Thse Cabinet XVare tnat-sitactissed 2a la rs. Bettes, eaileetf tisairepublic tiink ai titi, coli î î2 î~~' n* oegad ~-ttm-- a ti 3d(Ilo. Nii~.~dbi propouaI ai'Brother Jolsaaithan, ha rab itiei.- '" - yJ uie îti.eiln (I'tn îerrriîar'ses. - - i si l ea'x(if (George. %tiz : tige breakig ttp da-vdya> o tsywr eiei' htfîsstsoi.teryor Chiaini -tichs,- ibnIs "Perus, Aup10 ---0,1s île r'- e i- natof' o i -Uich, W n i iiqs'rv rn -itter rIs-t wsl o oas' 1a> CbntW-r é)id. Ms 3îet toris et e ofa îinfssomel rse s- u> b I rtrsof eth tesl tcC51-Roulu intise Prxire. In CrsnVege- i3-id. u.ssKdie m;it o he tei ýarg npuIs e i,1ry. '%'e fats i liinoi r ater his qls: t-sg tables Ms' NN'isù i ui tiq ilize nr± asirset 1i ibroidery \1a ush o su Labos -île-s, it toad a decrsie 1attt-i ile--.-la'fc¶rs îsieretot'a'e,as the srconiter of'aerios J fouir dîsueretsotmary ndoe4 idr r . Pie..a~ia.Fibns 'ÃŽle Ca mc i' f -Sie w.în snt cl Ia-i'rsssfios in oipn*iiUnta the ae-v coi'n-.riia hrhat n eitrpe 2Jd. d. d o yoked asi etra-di t ary poirers us-ecrs con- j.1 é Ile~'R.~oîaco Pîi Wska féresi on îh4 P.-esiJin adefen 1îien ¶ni err ipoiysocdatts aaanpo eio'oallaeobt.iined tira Di,retion- Ist Prixe Nu.Temilebt, lit %OVe.ei1 -ti igut!, iisail tise meraase,, pk1thîe selfiis andi uarecip-oral nttre a'>tmrl do. Ms'one.frettet, tise c..int;y.lihse retsilar a ,ny iall a,- iero-'I f-nt'tisaI nt -the l'ît i 'Çg4îq'j. AM Ile iat ieton l atc )Patch Wotk Qtilîts, Iota re a tadn--us an ilIse m<n-i-or'e ws- and oeotro 'refaie )Partxnent. Ist rizc NMn%. T. X. Gitibs, tenus -.ts iit the . Ye of the't411 a «n. do. -Mrs. Chai-les Vit'rewell, reitqrcenteat t L 3me, ,1 rtsi:? n ? Ilt Ie utai he!3 n ttia st~entblt;iti 20 ;,ns. adob rl er ln<,j e I w idmal ,yai.1cari à(IteBai-lelars) 1>' 2<1îo. - s, BetesFrwel , umenaît Le farce I!«d.'aýt Iîî1 ierlte h':o i speetita Th'r.s depariment lully stistainet ipilqJFane>' Kntîhn-", 'lan .- e- uen'ftorce fir t ,t f ,i! s' o rmer C~-~-interest an 1 ev.-ry.th', ombaîined î l iii Mrs. Pcter Pers'>, i e' acs bîI i erl'tta fiNj l îi>l'- p n11 t oIn n-fmmth rt-.en-hin iediv w sdces a ýv v'~2nddo tirer farce pr:ete 1 in-. ;)iftpr"ecI is sýisn tsa r'ii cîivtpîf-tm u;ie-tla> gîve any oaecI .-...hatl* a- Jd Uv. 4î%irs. arIà B oitsn, Amaienu ctasi~e lie x s'tiîirn. -l-a i' ofp.'aflt ana iamusement. Ve 1- - Lallioss a4 50J tai-n -ultan ui, il -r i. i <ne hi ta-a -swtgicii- .h i% o aziptne o tam.ntns is Anssnte.< t -: - ~lit Miel J.Spce reii'aee ise;uNionaai filie Jstidai a 1 isîn thi$ >eî elljij, m ihi 111<r,,, <.roclet %ork, Llml-4ve te alopii e tisein. tlietrt- irere Nti -hbn ts-rpr rt'irt thst tner prepired b>"Ir. Dot--lity, ai' the-jtIPleAis rstog tie:îed 20>0 mios reidîlforlas' urs' ift:rgwelle>- 1O!imisa [lase, uuiivs "as donc up ast 2attido. MfA l' T os,, at n iist arise. - sme recip ci uv't '. mlwh:h lile fa;'mer* ieeve at:dsihwe regreut ras.-> roeWrc is "' ertr 'l'e Pruîitijoua i i-sthn nsîi lg o Ion, uisuW-rthIt ris ss ~ ih iiniy attendt'd cauling loss.,t 1,s-bs'j s)i ('olour Paintinug, ani oi1positioaare Unite-d finlvin 1asupport pi. I Ibs unntr ithcbelad ai' ien eurpn.-at iani els o atoo.Wer ut o. d. do o ot tieir cutratgeit aatiiia s.tyand in opposition J îrr0erenva 1', 1 -t Prize M'trss. Tihomas iaro ta tise palicy cf Sorui)s Anerica iefickl,,.r' for Ken i i newsleîanes' na>'bcticlarl-JIv eebsicmmna siuaat h yfPreIDavsg te#s of Ms' Webgier wo't i, eid > - u sup<aam-- ieea ti-i the imereuls ai' hicouintry ae 'l ei 'ecxit nti emas d P î;hen ..Dr is aîi. Ush ha sleauira, a tirisi iseanin~i-esn'îiti,îsare,,surallorre 1 u? in the in'i.ti -li;taoc-ahi tht Fartncr tlix boue anti b -vI' 2ti do. Ais COulIj, t,'of lPermiaantts ie ci cnei' i'lacsni> i a tol'bcn 3--ad do. Ms ~ ation, ut so. ire nfs.îcon'ess thti alt. i tIialiîy of te île s nuaiptta.The aou tCeont 1 Ahs»Iau!tl tse 'fabe nI a- r'mteDai 5uC~-et oiI aiiîcr~sî. ieri1' -~s'iai hesi ne-soi tians no!es aur rah)il a 4iz l'li D a id, not a bin ,le Penîi Ln %aha - dies acit repel ineréaite in wea1ît an-i po.suistiasi, wbicls iî1 arc bbsn crourded! laitindl'rixe-2-î o. Mi"s GuiS, its iiiiAnitio.i tk-t'attein? tsAi'thse Âm'rs. 2. e.-fàs;b> cia ecrîa - cftaenin* rs aiti Ise ysi isatisaatury, andti t Iany eris sn;e ton. W'. hope thii vili nat o-cur ag-ain, r o is sî.~azn nat pour, Ilit* mtledirt'ons bail upn (he troni aur preseat csrrcat etfIrate miei"t be for ire consîcler ii abaec'lm nn asvLstirWok mite îi-goveramept. asid thse citîzens attended by serieussu mercantile *nil'irrasa. ciple-feahures ai' the alisaial 4M.tlerlng;- 1 ist I izui »Gubbsa, of thse nortsrn reputlic." îments; lNowif ut a <h * nil cli Potledo not a semble ÃŽ- fo ll2pr- l (do.-Mis. 'T., N.-Gibbs, Scesayx our Spanius ce îenmoray.Tise -on1fa Is1ur rdd.-n -u1os uhoit 6panish race tram MezîicO,%0 Pranculaîed Io aldIt-weaitb ta a cousnry, Canadaà pose of ocItai litu a dollar or ýtira n pre gai. appeas' la Se teflaracd uitis a 'siirit c-an soait tai u ,awhie hit s na aum%, but coaten 1io tas- lI/nour, anni h< T-e. 'i'siiTi'uns *(btt .usiouîy aaittise great l'e' tactit, l'teu!b'eg'iit 'ta IdV sitisu*d Se mîde ane aof-st sea n ~sts- j'.ie ubli. And i la 1-st tse>bave reamea tOniî1h,11 rI g. sbeda- itn;bsJliihrIto.~% i~; i ~s, -\~I.s' Jo ookiag at lexieô'tat Pc- uI. ai Cla -ilit ni CenQtrtsal &nierzcan, tise>'are ins4itiwd Nts Vas'k in thîiu-t f<541 pi ýçý rî'r!Bel i r Lu-t - c t-ns-s-(;ets t Pitme hI te aind bu&sid i e-en,' quoii'r S>' the rver-7tinieriin fa ' *the ,i- I 7/sTr ' epa ztý/ef i beylinz arrozaace andtillmîibtîtrn, ntoi-, vteEfl srilOnwtFtt et"1l, Of Ill'e <A'ngsIisi-- Oo: Ci k, O15 $i,-ln your pa,,r o'ur Selleinibr 23 ~EW DY 1T3~1~ -'. ---- s'h--'a -l '-'.--, a-nh l-tw2 E,t< 15r'n i' ~ itsta*edIliit a poil wal; >praedin [beiý - - -v- ~-~ ~ i.~.;T~1I - * ai> -il~e, O 1 Ot0a ascerfala ILe riieorthe peope fth --a.Pirisi S0 .~vmIp crith?ý approprition stionts, as 1tCTIO:N a _'M c-, i:~ e vînrme i ~ bi iis>,o~iron Otvn.lIb'a l rm.U ie tl by 4uetunm r i i No. . Wr 1n k an thsi a'sm' Us.n slest ~. rthaï do1 o - t) 5 O cesrse ras ita te las ste. wid t mn 8 r~î Fot iitr ~onh2t-~ oaa'u Ys, itstfsiruiile l da e la r1Pn, ', iseasomd i>oùisei'a - tcho roum p'e' tîtr tsahinme. ant t tiser.y4 i1 l4cirt a pr.¶t--r *o.-Pl Tc~!gs Iav( -n li enc iat-~tfi<iwIi catw tee, 1 1{asttug The CGuî Trls Coliai ton, one Tihe C'am eue met "r'e Cit, 'lbu West cirics, C as, anti Thse cae, NI Ca uga ford. PI lin, aone Thbe City aof Dunc Tise Las' - tes-lare- Tise City,' Tise RIive ville,- 1 fmutabcr The 'r Thse Ceu , fr a d e , l h a ml. Milli momm 011,

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