Ontario Reporter, 16 Oct 1852, p. 1

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4., EKRY $ATULtDÂY MOftNTNG. PUJEOGS ?MR Â8NUM-1I AD)V-tI<Ct-. "66 n aa a t4iak WITBY, CANADA TWELVE S 167ATbTI ujoultd isiUfor ny1wmahOectiOEgtbe krtifitil I'uth lagrted OR 0.14 Plite ortifiul, Froin one t0 an entire &tt. 8r. ~aA41'J cke UAADAt:51 MIÇV%&hA1zTo Tai?iT Co.,Du.gwq, Fil voici AN, 6$CROZON .îiv Atcou7çWZV5, I'ORWOOD, PlitaKrwa. Niow.d, Oct. 2851., 18M - 28-17 *NOTÂRY PUBLIC, Coamlsl.szr .orl.ccourt 01 ltueg's Beuct,' UWSE1R OF MARRAGS LÎCFNSES AND ACCOUNTA-NT. - O5e udrthe CQ1st Iosvillage or xelCuitStZ*, Towaship of REÂCISi, C.T2f L. C. THOMAS, AN4D ,Commtissioer of Qse' ee Fer taking Affivits. 0 r- r LIC Erookln. M 0 0 13. 19 '22 'fL - &.&C. &C. U'Lt.ulesturs over iUe Ctsequereti store. 3rv*il.' irE jtit~y ri aw 1iRQC1(-STREET, WIITBY. NSURANCE OFFICE* JAMES 1 WALLACE begs to intiomte tt ht bu bei .ppoicied Agent fui thse PlINICI iL, NulI1PL à IEfIL 1iI .INE and tisati l is p cps- Ir)tatake si%su 'm se rdinar>' rats., inthtie MruPx'oritu'k Mittipi& brasnches of saut c,,mpaliy. No. 364 Ring stmteToroutO. T..Il Scir,'l[ci- CW.,- VRUTISE 19& U-P1 'fURES îu'i ntur-xp 1-4 Whitby Villsçi, lune, 1930. _____ W&IOLESALE A'NU D TJ IIAI IN ElSTOIIACPo%, Eç IPE~RAmIw MANUkÀC'FUIOFQVSOLE, ILI'ER, AN» Cath paidjer fides <sud Si"n. Wkect, Qatt,,Pois adffPeerl iek Âïlaites êa ColasiguultcLt% ofAdsis10. NE~~~ ~prepareut te unake TRFý'vtNFs ý, CSHonPOT ANI) PCARL ASHRES eomaevd to Montrexi. ROiERT il. 1AWDEIR. Fort Wliiby, lut Amgut, 1SU. 1,8 WOISKEY 1 WWiSKEY 1 âoBÂAFMLS POTo ISza Wum keyoi Sale jIR hoC,. Pert Witby, MNay 31 ,1851. amed am rut ctîroIATE»_ COMSTCK MEDICiNES, &i CIIEMICAL PREPA1RATION, lel isnaun Cussdm -bave bees thomefUI tlyctat(iies ir t '.îlbuted in Caatly uh* ver>' permiss n-be,,over thou-ovm 1 *al,"te xhve aiaitteit lsét Dr.-.tuus 8.1 Cm a ( Nacet'Nw York, Is tea rpitr Tiseem vaticlesare lot-Tl. ORZ.fT V.PIN EXTP4CTOR. (Crossuel.) carilsg ail BEatrni,and 1li Externat 2nd-8.4LM 0Or COL UMBIA, fer Suayitsç&a 1 s ýRt.rinsug toiHumn'Hair. - - 3ud Ur418 R' E 4 BONE LINIMENT. -ad-IIfDUfN VEGET.4BLEELXR a cote f la lRlmttums., 4ih-wMeNAIRIS OIL, toet<ire ail Iles Peu-se. btS-IL VS' LINIMENT, sa-CeII keemincure - for tise Piles, &c. &C. etS-fl R. s P O !IN, s s8lÇK HID.4CJiE 7tb-MOTHERI'RELlEFý fer Alf Wemneh un tise Familv nW".- 8t-LON&'LEY'S OR T ET N INDI.-INP.Y.4CE..-l For Celui, sud fevaerlsh fepllncs sAsdiprevtrniiiug <trr.- 2. For Auma wr osîitandsi Bliiuis afeeîsens. 3. For Diaîrltoe. Indiestion andi Loua of Appetite. 4. For Cotivenptes 5. Fer Stomac-iaffecioai Dyspepsis, Piles. Rlaeumaîawm, kt. 'FS. greal puants &te, il s net badil o ake. near give* pain, and! ne. ver Iav*ls ssii. cesiiue 9th- DR. B.IRT9OL ONE W 8PINI S YR Uf fer ail Cmetgo osr Conaumptien. lOth-YcOLMSTOCA"S VERMIFUGE (Worm Killer) tutu-ciitren or clannPerbmis. 11 11b-,VR 9. B R (>W N's GRE*1T PA*IN IKILLER.-No aedicine bhepm diseorar- e t te iso hàppilyaxdapted ta use interidally a su-eps te beetaakon, ani yet perlairm sue-h n-ecuderu wien apjpied ctterndlly as a wath or bath b>' friction. Ailtise Remedies are fully dractibesinb Panipli eta, te be rîvin toail u%%.eu7ci Iut E iquire for Lthe GES ERAL EAMllLT IIIRECTOIIY Sbewicig tise Iemedîs awiich euery famnily sicualu kepp in theur luum, anul tise manuier -f ising thlens. by n-lie-h aIlorstîssary- Sickiaess may tac lîrevenîrd ou- speedil>' rerneves wihout tise exrpue eta thse Family ['iysicitand tiSevere I>angercsuss Diaeasea Curcul. Ever>' fsmity shevldcrfulltypreservetisis book. te refit te wiseit ait>' etii l att-bitiiasieo tise prtietslar article indlcated hi>'thé. complsiust. and- shewiug wvSe. ueh rsnety mnsy always bc JA E-il. GERIUE, Matin strcet, Wlsitby Village, ffi s *ppoitiiýd Wiueleke Retafltent. W. C. SWÉET's CELEBRATED Fanii.ly 3ldiceilles0 IIIVA"'0cITINESE -BALSAM flURES* sort 'FlroSi andI Stonacs, Cooçi Colitld, c.oi ase topnCtî, sWErTs FAMILY CUZA11I Cote it aI Fa1l clCampsNtubeuAm tise Face, Nervelus Head and 'ooth Ache, Catsq, S-WFE TI'S NFALLIPLIE EYE WATEB -Cvs.lSme, iafla&cWor Wesk Eyes. [t con s'eU recommecsMtd. Try it. - THF.-KU!NG 0F 0hLS- Cures okut UkeuaIid Sors.' Clbisr&c,,and infahibte Ifor many xtrt ,i*eai saes, 'Fr>' youu wlIssot rcgre?'it.- Vilt uri.? UU'U11 àL M E , VOL@ 3-- aM apperesi quet. cep e-i. att r e - Reu M. s . - i ai,. e- a L .'~ ~~~~bie ons bissIons u r-.;r- -ro 'n EA acclamationsns aij.-4 n," of ' he 6ta i -I- e th icsutin a rt iclSe,'the Pefc a. ou-sined y Sr seml fi fr ot of e ma e Tf !ie rince 't.i -Brre Hoes: eveisigat ise bon. gentleman siled on She e report, waea% ur jtctad tat heia îetume, 'tisbe tishe Bope ad 1i ira toeu-iglartiancl tli bisu-efeci rIp wC oba t b>' ronblgeif fri tain tse Cloi"is. eStbum inm ga te enand, s le lays teiii ml tables fusunisied,bt t1 bave Italicis ,ht fr i-bt country -Ly e'arEz,- tipemaditure, or give cimted b>' remt djenels -n th!is nféernt plase ilsr.question. lazuYou'saut! li ur VvIsi..btise 'Tiînen bs.ondth ie ns in tise Coloni-s Co>rr ets; jeU afi Vs-rteasu . ;y p ta E b,:p zacc delarlmcauit,- tue ts u i l>,Mil t ab ve a w1isitise u rilGui ree. i le ajup îe s aussi m iner s er e t e s &r whou- à avs i L e t s us tise govI ficeru cf tise 8sppers, use bave ai- Fot itncltide tise COUl- lon ter tise IR, lor llusut >'eau-.tislut- lnet admit. ion more, unakin. MlAd yet 'w of tisee 'ru n>'itise thse Luispret re miliiusisol pouspeoplrý-e.rowr mber e% mnen, "01111119 --r e ogi ized or-troops , wnas lis of Euu-spe, i te nuLtisbi f artille. beth b>'bos - sinaul proportions et tisose of bleot ltise Ameritca £o1- Thse Empe t!iî'tr'buted as fol.- wO tUn]1Wiek '_528;New- uonary spirit 'rince Edwuud"' -. buts f thi 1et ladies tisere sir is tise -vese terransiau, n-Sic-on- ooni Lsd te r~ -1 ALE VI~'~-~~ t rustherS. Ostildi Il -~ -~ s ~LE. Fioul iii talts ,as&'.ssneussn Adv0CëL 'SCII4JeOUYmÇo 0 00~U, ani d fjrOm pket. DMimÉ irie at OBEtYÀR ES.thse eonsoldatéd F'ni. T bis .pei o ie» i a <al, went ut pon thse soW be pauci' o- the Prellég fluke f Wei- atieotivelyJisteed, buta MAT! II LI. EW MAS! Dhz», in Brocklin,- Wbitby. cri thse 17(hb Jgtofl, end, inre be bas no elildret, af- and tse retuirnit.n thse si NEW HAS1 ît., after a lisqçei4aillissso f four imonbeth- erwnrd, t<o Lord Cr1aW leey. aboisld beifEverlerig#m IDA'IIERAofiy augiterefL.C. anj he srvive bit brothiLr, aud if not te bis Iseir out- sand .beard. a % :il:Ch Whtblne nigis- MF. IH. 'l.omaî, aediyer3-n temaie. Inberiting tbeir ~îe'titlep l'i -, s~anwd agérjg srnsrîtd. ubMaritansfôr ibympd2 )IIIÀeîoiwnguesw e19, ud..great pivtW weaithb.tise childiensasitn*bIr 'nîolae Ilorrd btt lh«b., ber n 9dyflhfloiT lre ee*(riea,ïi im ohrIi bas no, tô band bis WO.w g, IIIIIIII¶0 O. on poed --fw web ers 'e n ber disutm ai Jderquire no favnurs roi haâmurdJered thse woînan tainzag fail ibf b'S 1ii y " ber inther: 5 isîy it srets njoa sts inti uLe'ts .i ad -k ussc àx i S o, Ie v .a t o > o n î t i i qu te lniette. cd on hue ad ci>' ix after h'un "tIe brated K08911111IHâte To my InIg OJild.iseltii >1the V.lling;ton fmiy Vsl n mcfor his e-cilpt issw iun,,b#çe&t demand. Guntlemon visitins Thutsart .1yIg . A7in< . tisat no ther prilat* II4OJLSwern titesent lime wihubt.sq su ibi Is: mptiu, iilse ih fesiSiasoit- While t1 i ûw<Isu*te la their primei* e mentil ut C.the. STesWtl. eegUt a 1k l sn:ms, - y b t IC tettsa'elt,, tlse»y life i% despais'éd of,* nd aient in ÇaaÎd.î ý te ia utbleunet boîdly and openly. Thc pub. quiries we fear thse weui Gos.n iu HA. W hilte arib i raught wib li451ff. lie service nhtat ot in tbis cae be sacri- d . Torute Apil ss~185. 52-ia.A nd 1lie uh i fg voge of0i , f. ieed te aid thse wbcedle of thse courtier, or Toronto, APtil lit, 1852, lMinced wnh no tne f aadsis M COTor.si CL ____ ___ ____ ___ ___Fîo ts the 10,,r n tir uîen .tQ enhance tise bribe of tise prtzasi. e's CeS? O,'Tbe Ln o important postof Commander- i-Cnief must Bî, nan s uç-rbe oti TFinieail dying.dyiàç< I, ~b. gwea te à tboiosgb 'Veteran soldier.- ~~iC1118~t~ S 'Fmuugh thse poiler's work la slow; W. art toid every no*wand (tue itt our founded -upon thse reposi D usk th e w sng ot d tte , e r ip es i th t ,) -W jn . M o le w o rts, f th e AussIihy Sucs di tb*. cass arc in dager4iWtiey reailly were i80 Fr":,ou.he..bat psued iib.g1 'es, wbashaould vie do if a carpet kzight, ant'ustained by (Great Brit A n d l t h e * bs a i e n i w o e s i t se r . a t i mt t C r o u t n e i t , o r a n r e m a r t i n e t . wh i n o b t i c b ts e i W hiet e*.w eihî antsorow itîeîb, t thse drill iseld tise ciief po t f m ilit.sry 1go view i b a n ng ts <.5, lse sesit bjis pldthe tit. pôwerf %Wc bave seen in tise career uoftise eadere %wili eaisily co ee. -r\T{B 1 Y OB K 8 yt'Siîh tredi.ii, g;;t slirwbo ba> jut paswd away, tise cst of thse colonsial systel ýS L ý 4 aitipotnof aterling.practical ailty iiplr> fkeio w O L T E N D E N I L Oe n .u qF sllïau;sî (-w taiive.l t.a es t h é-. ick b a r, u r tihe a civ e ep ira tse n s. e f w a r -Y ' ir A r - t f0 i -e t o t 'N*FAc1'tRRrS sand DE À LEF B S in To :bhe diiisks.esu u>. <-sj,î<,tiur UWcliestey becaffleCons»saunder-tn - cco t tise people eof Ene ~i'~ttiiiriis 'ssnb loni lave SliblItF.. Tho'u wilt itsa .ay wil t Suies.;;bief becsu.e litevias a vicie sosis gergerai, m nie evident fronttise Il MieGee, l 4 ,-rigtel abl. We, lhy w.rpjiegfrserdu; pieost gay uhe. tise histOry Of tise late Dukt JI 1 orishowswlseie i oîdb i Centre TFable..,tantiToti*. Chiuriev-Pîiersift, lis tugta! manad voit-tinssball. i-batceirne f appointinscts basesi on claign tot continue the annual e: Sik, oa pI, $11#1sI ialg r aint k4ý'6npo, b0 etnsother sort--claitns oi pedigree and tp some Of thse briglistes i rvail f~~ WOIK , lotie il- a Busiof pîornis.-w, eari>' bliighteti; tnsili position.'Tise Dukie of i ork b~~u- Is crown, 4 iii qii ano « »ir tee. f th i lleat t - Ss relists eleited bnu, cane Ce mn der-in -Cbief beca se le waw 1 0 , wltm i ts e N.B.-W. i& Co. lis e I 0Y iai lheVý1--at ol'l'i (le tise sr tl the toui. sn ocf a King. Thie one is,ýknown by ýý ahn ectti r9 connecîlon %igian>' n iber - a lsi m itufd i e~ Strieke n s jtss, it a sig nse , terl ,e -tisc utbcr iy l s s iàela -îîu. lo y m ia re d a n e Ltsi r n -.é . n irnpos-i iheif Marie ffrin the e -il t meil 1lst0the < i f teri-Mhih $et; in the N.etiserland3 undi bsdi-jas.ell piro- iuatss1.vci-n Quariss, ~crnOfl. 'riotu tIea i wabrieS brigii uion, DVIVý*SXFTJ'h Lerr4eàina ule frgt.more tiitIy prattLc;gl- titn war; in (uitiut. t.~ 1 ~s. Thso$. Ti/3n arkhtarnVillage, Ag'itt. i - -! I -v'ýý Spebt1111.21-tf Thc Nelv-ConMmauder la Chief ,'nincomnletehse nuo.-e ihai. ýeî euh ifs- t) a 1: un e ls t -rthiz & P I C I M T l itt 1 8 1 , a fe t> ' o lf asi r e m pl s ir e , b u t c v e s t i s e p r. - Ilumeur declureb- tiat tise frit nadi of .ru>,s of civsu;z.4tion i:suIf, iijy Le j, idi j ', ' s, lito tis F1i ISIAN Iirince Alberi and of' tise I>uke et1<.tii- by>' ensrtttewroist., ard, tile t; h~r tr v.s 104,670; the bridge are botis in6guitel>'anticmpating , tu nacbiuery oifganized suQr gaitesuti purpUbsn. 18,01_2andth ie enoi WIIT3V A(EN ~ a:ppointaient of onc oër tise otier ef tisons1 tecc1mand armies vetirrail seldicr3, floci k»ow1n,089. ' l mdoetn jri T1Yroyal perisonages tote t 1 o5 f Commander- - amisimêtirissfce.i aie waîed. etn sl.8.'b dcr " -v~t~"d~siruceGo w i-chIief. Ajis7suceb-appeiniment e-ao tee, net oeniy nilitary expu.rmence and eff usicintstores, wiàclI lO - paj. n~~carcely bc deýired by ztho3se best able toe ene>' t iuse:iior!ïe Utiards, but 4 'ctt- dt bu bl ih 10W. F CI ..OO O. estifflitCtiste preper, qualifications e1 inY lily cnergy. 'Ne iwatit as un>' se.oi ut. %1% Vail .as .thse entire coNt 1-10 0-OFF CE .110ROT0. itn aiseh is la ruleIsle mÎltàry f0o.uci'f akneed rei-cal ingss la j.retitlu.rus, nutcolonies, a lutile ever tw - ea .t nation. V%%isat, tire public would Say' i -wyore .ermental aîterdtîcns cf buttons stel. bc total nusi Cap ita l- 1 0 . 0 0 0 , -ol d nue-ltan appo ntunet ,ta te llace - , au j ss in n, b on a f i e i n pro rem ents in a d e ar e 7 b2iana t t op A us i-T£X iesvNI)s 1«,hll ina>' lie easily asticilied. 'Ile- fofloauissg thse dres-,,mnd as'minjg ut our torees. 'l'liyer3,7-,an -- -ia ,obas,l ie en ut Ille nmlittry Isati.eiî lanjt tiiy-:seven yvasrh ave xnake greai ry wnas 3,330. But a r1~TI Cl1~¶.V usviv Ilsu isit 1fLkiy Un ari1te Ili censequei'a cci th ise refoitîs ab.'oaJ, somne portion e thte boweyer, were i CairTl$ pre "ie" iOII $enis citis <31 onse--sis hului 8 ei i eitihv dpeiné; oi>' about 8.834, jLORS tDottetitoitibc 4 t)MA e J F1BEjý. et li W 1. F ssoi othin, ,du.idd-uve cisn oti>' gaý hiie Uise- ..en) 0124.; Ste.l3 PISNAL lIlOpF.pj f'cuail kii. tr 5 rjftttIUI l itshsiu.u ê&4.~ antd -uw csîp PER-O -. -- -' e-' -, 1 t - - fotinompiitude Senrc1dy Doe'iîa w ose u rls.sais sufwi.il usmasus îy-I ifcltsCLr-iîave ntt ueb nlsnete adept. Qurir lesaci'tise DisSe e of e- ou%%uî, 26ci îlsie# inl. 'h##e1: rt-9 "te ads.o ie.Coiumv-Isle îjasl etf ;ýir nsay getIsle Gi.ards.- Deg'InM 'Il be, as fur as potsý!ibc, ria& i p ln, 2in t N ei su ii1w u;t~,ru-d ,,ihuIrscn' trulaiatmupissýii' Lord liardinge (2olistable t! ithe1e - :y by te sidm.secsdùinsle îppoiet.menî s,2.-Tuts e plvaýs Ille- fi t:~C sassad Cooe-s-Cbe so i sscso ttise -Lo.se <uards.- tains b>' far tise. largesi Ils rrt' ix nsl jJlttli Nuti5t.t1 Isle îjifle JJsigusde, ;bir t.;cerge lbsOwn, Prince Albert andth ie Duke cfr CumbritieAtts Cp ! ot -Tîseunuu s wtruis, M > ls. Conmmandant cf a Battaffiin (ifiIflItt Btig- bave botS been nmemd b>' rumeur aspnessi- erntoAfcao Gjeoge %iciie, j tm. 'îessde.uon.tcomn. urila(hemef lames BeaSyi Bre L-ewis. maid uste, vi:e Barnard. Thi- ldaims of Lord Ste candidates fer tise vacant smn. uurla seise lasse C. Gitusor.------------- 1"eeisleist - gsitied post 1But lPrince Albert alreatiy eujyth: ri-unet cdrd- TisoaâC. s iaw'tlh.........-r-Pu-is-iil isn suast are-hua g-ràcles1erieace of tary' tîtie orFieldi uarshal, and is toc n-eil,8;uai> fws -PTthomsI. tlon, Ev......tC.hss r esi lseutica tinSt' perfouaned. li-e ba!§, iin-prouided fer te nted tise £16 Sal, OsI.a-day eîrui hmn;wibie sn F - deed, lie-en or years tise nsovia miatltise whistbfailit. a COInmarnder-ia.Cishieý f h out tlAiid .4riset 'e Thse mlsànslgdavc riueefl ajpoiniefl Api I ib~(uards. lie i% tise ninth soit of the. ratk. T'le solid goot ise lie lias5iballer- eut te Au tra acey Il gi. le*nila ilIit e o 4aufrt, and n-as bora inhionnusut surtly poinat euttebmcklae ToWIi tio goparie*de JAos. WAelll!IOurLLAe. 78. k ntrd tise ari>' ln 1804 as s.iould net aspire to n-ild tiebaton rci-gé n- tosare ttl nd 1-incu l'ieLi.. asdGca' IuauaseeAi'ut Icornet il, tise 415 lragoons auad served wn-us cd b>'tise victor of %Wicrloe ID ei-tie ion; tartle inclu Febrs'ary5, 1852.43-if. th uge ocecf %Wellintoln tise Pefintula. r0uri teabsus-. ',lise J.>uke orCam .1stin iearila> Jf~rfC H licen-as ai. tise b94atiteoefVaierl enbre bridge, tee, ginust ,urelY lie content iis ne 'ltee ietOS u iieir c eseôt an arin>. le n-as afterwards Zýerc- tise min>' asvant-ige. whaich bis elevated portionsl. .li$pi rp ESusrienhaig enappoîusted thé E i±sineers are lite A, feurtisem aigb tai-y of Embassy -in P" arinid for riglat birtis a alruady itecured tg Iiim. Hi-e L i na i l frt he o p s ' ! [lr , .T , 'ars iSecretary tte at tes-G t,-era i i o~ -ulJ neyer do , O iser va a neies su ge t ti -s l f ts -eue rearultareeie rsairîiru (uttiuusrreOrdisisice. Lord Ftarditige, aviso ii aIeotiser 4uVilb ubatunMay'cornte ofimproper -ap- ?;trnD)iArty 'Fi Froun tie iils isadcits te alinve Institutiuonnamaîed aneligible for tise Cosnunaudrip.-Î- s et.Tacïr areasp fts ts:to e ujue ansd uhe loy rates Of Premium, as,'m'Oart rm nvlued Chef -aànoin i178.5, anii , eontequent- Cin4me -Ports sonit!remain op)ea iiith gcewt aoe.ç i.,tat aplr tariiestrsue nAwOte fft for Inait. e ap'a. t ib Ihaitntsti tseNewi Co si y >, ai <eau' Cars eider tiseisLord P. :um.. juriuulîctin of tisat anciestOffilce lias' been Ilser n-ui f I l nauia.yeon thse monss o TopC&nt#ONM2EARSO & C.pgtof5he01551 oe f tise veteimus of deeret; ie ptot of Conistable of tIse cstie t1tds i-4 ssiTiHauPsse, PARON&"o. te teninsula,and bbail mucseree 'ro-e-r rmubst now. un aceorand oce witis for-O Oariv o- luk. ~StSa ield anti il)niitiry otfielal lis<emer plans, bc $aced on preper footing. aa oyl5crs W i1e liieen C(ik of tise Ordnance, Sec- -NeedÇuî ad preporebnga e n are%";I&c. 'l wy ef f." qu lW iîâ L.and to Lea9e. regary-iL-war, Chief )S-îeretary for Irelanti. tise fimt of tsesappointmuenta s a> Pro a ré %y olai- ad (Govitruor Gnr lie feuglit at blyi>Clt tiste lot of tise liritè C oAsrti, a stv, 71HEaas<~CrbaA 'W THO>SA!'<DIWtrlM -bieSebt i Oef ad.- ad uhse atebc easceaul u,- n>saeib'%tt îe V-p »PWCk 275i-[IL, >uru.OrWio l'siy. U>'-linI - tutiVire-.itp:ttr i i.de seiitsi diis ea f

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