Ontario Reporter, 2 Oct 1852, p. 4

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~fHE SuI<scTuber wcl..d c'alibet a ttention ofret fis cistomers aud the. publie te hua êu T,*tzl'wÉqodsTEt Vad txti in' iagv..srranConisting in part 0Of àttiIk off il.'p.f-eioties ati groipna. - IN ite C rape & Exhibitioni Shaw!e Deni cerc1 sali 1 laye, mil dp e ieslotiscs i!i off, olaidLla, 1 k its mysra'f ai *%'Crnfroxe * osite ans lIn de morrdug 1 yaitemit ic hcg-au'he sendkofi -%Iuolin Presses,> UnS I'Ma shit frorumy bet $0 mine <c's. j - 51k & !atib Paraacl.., ()b Vis: shall po tua for a bous men ike me- Zebra Tweeds, -Vuit for du 1 te& otIl a lfile-t-. sommer Clotho, 5m isa dertt's a cote for di; droubte et me- Aeia Ctos Dîri-r.uum<lhL it m ê -wlrr. Am ric n ottn -Why is a widoiv. like a ~r inig patata, 1 Priccs-a sade tewer than any 'Wboicsale -Because ber bettes' haifs urder ground. Store witliîn the l i illfte Couuty Tois. I thhak our churcli wil a o.1mt>j- T110MAS DOW. ycai-s yet, gaid a waggistî deacou ta bis Min-i $h 82 -f -itr. I sec thc s! cépers are very sound. K IOSSUTH H < ATS! W'hy shouid a spider ibe a gtoos! carres-fT7 S UFI IAT dentf Beautelie drops ea t everyKsSS TH H ' J Letnomeiiles-e beîween mutnris<' and Ax. Exteas!veý suppl>' bas juet arrived, w fih rt 64. 3d. upwancts. Neuw is youm lime stisiaet Tise o'(iteu Iouge, esch set wt deays aie ciamroues. liaty 'golden minutes !N rcward is ofered > THOM MPON, PEARSON & Co). as ttsay are loit forevrer. f ls:b. ay 12, 1852. tf PARgs lEGÂN3.iog *n< able- PORIT WH[TBY 'B.KEIRY. 9'ctI girl on a pile of fi'e*lislv CUeu rlver. (.sQ avvay strawhermes, you. bave 105< )-oui. 7UllEinderoigned wishcs toalie noticcdb> antîhe 1<- untry at large, <hatho las ccatt% Twio men$ in dispute, refletted u1îoo <titiIof,15band, otbers& veraeiîy. One-- ci them repliej 1!Iead, Pib? !JBead, Bosçton C'rack- Ssblat lic ivas UeVcs. wbipied but once b>' ci-$, Butter Cackers, bis fbîher, and îisa5 i-asfo:li.ag bbheLuubh.1 daiknfntCA K Ê,wt-vrey I beiicVýe, îh.)n" reortzd lise oîher, ..<lt-the al zisîse'cR. YE , iliavat t;-tb tya3iiia) . Oyou, fer yoi 1ISV_"~CKS~1~ no~ SOG neyer siioken i 5is." T C j 1 W laia fwnis;an I uniq.ie expre##wo, was tLut Of r ~~~4 .>rîhwa.î phi> of uu~~s,~t har sirnýî!e so*. JUMBLESt, 1<"'"" ""<'tiCAKES, ROCK CAKESt GINGER BREAD, ~vCke-s and W#edrding ae if vah iefv ut'. A> Irimnd,.olpetd-a leter ijo til t11îi4d- Large sStock of Grocerief post office, the other, day, with the foliow. JAMES BATES. in mitgxoracduim un 1<5 cornvr for tihe belt-y.Dec. 19, 1851. 6 inowoe - Plastei- for sale by bindsi t migt- rtal :-,- Pleaie hasten thi data oftit' f JOHNX MARTIN k CO. VI VES AND IIELPM TS.-" Luctrv Joues lias marid a tviùe-rîit £30j a year.! W TOOD) but î1-m en h a a d uddle." .MiseralaE t; Joues! do' you knutyv bat vonj hâve done 1 J 00)CORDs BEECU anid MAPLE 2duddle %woul hadear ai double the mont-y. ý2C0a-9 ls sSîcainBout Wood. N1uddle ivili proride for yoi tcn o oe Fo Sale bYJOU MARTIN. re.,t ii, no symprithisiri; comforter toa ad- Port Wi:byMla 13182. 5-fi vIne.lthue temple :v%ere Muide ret;.< I, E -,SUI, TitE there wiJl be fouad no péacc, noc beauiy, ni &ood. ýAcpictMuddle -the dovr weig sî not. Anuicobscr i in eye, a calculati.tg . cal.1 lu ready band, aa nle ,îep. aovio; beas t,, bau e "f 7UA otPid r fo<y r Port Pmy TLhe nismiber o!' ' v 1r.aYaý n~7i:IQ Ifa rtvot ver 1.1%a 4001 eapca o b " in (mPc f Whli hy; arrivii,ý in timne <ta lt. :1w Saefoi- Peiei-borIoueb. "d:sin~ lier bt-fore < ~#)n hourd. or tote h.-e nrl 'sç tCTor&R befoe tF win."'part %lVfirtsy. ltowv it bappens that tlhe day - breilcs' I'ori P-rry. M.47 7. J8A-4.f. aào viicn, pad itho menaît i; al.() on wts t- kind of linzes the .dàyJ%" are hun-ç BOJ)Ks!1300OKS 1 If an ut~ion of assault anud battery ml 'tI ltI7 iie.ý"e a nfif 1. ----- --- - rIý 9e~rn- '. ~- ti.ui a Muau lu tésmo -: 1%itb agtel<sïi. 3sl-AI .---... .tz. air-at G . d e i ES s ertl i r . H IT ( WV rT - The Pti'«a leilalia De$Pat<Jr te1ls a sîory tSOt .l-r. ie la teosiae-p of a pedler sio wislie-s tu ýclth<e elittis a 1 o.k - ei BOOKS, stU1?Ay.îAc pair of sicatafcr - lth -e dollrs ;' but I w't.os AIN EiIi~,ihirtahhe - wil iv ry tow for cash. or ns'ssdy pety. Ln e0,aýtrqience cs01-fot u'.in-.- tho antis-t. Le Arltictes n:exon lia if, oLtajtaed on short notice. reiussxl i-.n, l.w .îcw %v '-i dierwisiaurt b I. S. STAR R. bell. lie 1uAs- i,"os~tg 14b fuit rom %Wigby 21 sr, June 1 52. -t-y - baruiag5" awl ti - -ýn wbi p-- --tà5 -totac îm cfi ftýy et b re tdites. îin -HO U SE & LOT, sad bh %wouil bay thtiem, îroviuled (the ew FOR S.ALE IN %aITI3Y. 1wouid bel fiaibbthe exact amourit of profit lau woulid malte on tticin ai <bit pruce. I- Yougivme ourvor, yin illpay If4' ,CSubsériber eiters fAr Sale -a'Lot, tei 'o P'askd <u Jw1 i1 n hirh ii ereeîed a Nti- DwtLLiWG 1 tllyo V akedtb jel..flous c. wsjtta cm'ery leeteuarty rn4mtfo "Yes." - om(ort and cnnivpsiiecst'.. For partlcuiarW as- te "Tben, s a elp me MIoses, If 1 sel il hm fermi,E&C, apilty <o to you for nft,'cen, ry ot, profit IIb7 JsnI12L1O52 1-S A ldin i town 3mcoid br black servlu- WESTERN FIflE INSURANCE COMPANY, fur aowu very carnees act, wlaon the pioui -weIniaediately rait into a-n adjoi., 'ùH'; Subsc.iber desremi mo5trepotully <la anO)tnciIne < <ihbtnot xmD# room, adwioverbiesni praying ;"1, !a-id the tncmrsis~ #~ h adt lic bas heen good mai83, corne, corne quick, and balte fslly appeifiied AQÉLNT by flic Wstern Aasursne -n ru iglit out of Ibis wvorl'; If you can't fCompny. !ateiy Oçuzdin Torm,1 ntfs)Iske coïne yon scif ses' de d2bbiJ, r/oeoifRis te, pa rui obn th. i s tsnremunara,îwa i'à-&. "MamSa ssp yu m11st sart-ail) u fi bill to-diy,ý sâJ à naa o ma Newi îîai uwy, ~iv, t i n ; i - 2,2 Ifîydat'!helà" t gwoito rt w, hsi 't afs Vàn i- -s-- p7 ly MRIKAY & MMS BUCHANANI IIEG respe'etfully to inform the. La& *s ofWtai<by and 1vlelnity, that th"e bave opeued a $hop for the ahovre buâsoinex V-1R ET Y. A 01UTCH CURE. Ard et bîffp 5tîUoj edl De teme, oh, how lato Mlhi Idel viiicotise, itl l t 1wae Un&dee a. ~ouelame, an ste nepil; suppom r' <esi WHJTR 1' Mit s.-Kair baving er-oit ber apprentice-, ship te l~llïldary business, la one of thec prnacipal bouses cf Manchester, Eragiand, hope. Lima *t <by wiIt ho enabled <o give Utisfactioa te iii thon Who rMay' fator (hem with their- patronage. The Lstent Pas/rioe n dsandy on Jins?. MRS. KAY AN'D MRS. DtTCII,4ýAAN I)IOIJý'Lt respeetfoiiy auninscc te the VVLadieit ubl îey have procred <lie servi- ces of oie cf<lie snosr sksllfui n'orkpns in tise Sti aw boennet business fi ont<he Ci<y ef '<ono»to. se <liat they ate ecab.a.il ta dlean anad alter Straw Bonnais Ite ieNewcst Styleoeof Paaisioîu XVlmitby, Mardi 27, 1852. 504f iI ,tlfGS to :nform ber Friends auid Ci tom nws<at thhia* eommeflved ar'ew in) 1 IlAet fineor utitbîîiffsl f)<he New fbp bliut tir9, Bageo. in -Cast 'WÀA4g w. where be bu Of 'ctive a <omi:ac i ibeir raronage. T 1~ the any mons! 1<1<f~eqtîilue IIunIled Shanes ni 17 ussmprsharp, whule only Fiee per r ccii -v Toit .S<aiiliq t u~Ssne dare neqîigeo-l le bo'. >sld lq:;Tisa prels)tNIçy <s. h$t thelic4vhdeads witt r 1y (J 1),,tzaler pati of <lie S&ock sleribe, - U-1es-88lie Gs>nrFIpsî,vlyl/i exte (fthirers aas- limns te Lite 'iit !'triiue tnsuranec. OnDéu l if lie h n r euas- aii n :i ot t h- -- ---. 1 - 's- b' Fs' -<c, te se as e? If "f 71eanedJ and tmi rnecl initlie newest and nea test s YI Mze Latest Fasidons a-lwcays con Irain Whiîhy, Nfarcis 25, 11832. SI-if. MIWNERY&DRSMANG IJjS Iloiq begs further te ncquaaint til ALadies ofet' hiîby and vicinity. thagase hi tken into Paitiwrsbip ie thse above lie, ;Cd# Of Mie- City 'of ndôn. Englan4 lm wtiese exPerientrfe hOM ep h Ladies wî ! ve evory salisfartin. inthe superiar styles iý . 8p3, Sonnets, &C.- Miss ('cii-riscs basjuil larai*ivatithe Latesi lohions from Ln-s'on. tg wflhie attention -4i e Ladies is icifpAed Lm'astyAgîit 0.1852.4l' lient is fthe Towîi cf tWhI-thyfor one, Or as terr 'f Vi.srs. 'ht! Bitslitisg' -O',t i-î liy R 1'. Pýry, rlaiîi, e <>nni , <.e.rbeand 9Wiuliy ib* iliitfy Town cf <h. flew Ceui<. fT-t îl i ndçurememîlis bo l.m .Jm ILAM PERRY. SAXT MIL1-j, &C. U rier(ers for sale bis, pro ppt iuiti i li< RN.sxmile, from Prerrmagl'a Bay arad twer<y-five <nomriar ONE HUNDRED'ACRES 0F LANO, on ~whirta si a-Firtt.ragctew Miî, 74 Iraq14)11e" mrie uâprhit afid a 411ar ag c ;rui for r-si osz Laih. &k.. di iven by ara evenîhog Mbe Wi:i metât Siafilarîd ;eariq4,ailt IIueil Up tii<1e4a- manner wigh qhurianacë Or f a thie yeur rramid C-O TAGE HOUsE Sawyosr's [lots.,., StAblea &C.- on tise prernisira Ail tise bu'iliira are Framé. aubituniat, 4»sd bgvt been eretéld wuhin <he lait two yeari. Tsri a lailge quanliîy et' Pin. on 'lie lanJ, anmd 40% qisanaîîY tube Obuuined mn <lie neîgbWboiOnJci eaytenus. TiIWE & TERWIS Of' paymeni: MWui iiral. au the seneriasbd nthar maltera rcequirnq ~*1 ai ib is. snatsention,. Apply 011 the premiaes fo !0811. WIGMIORE, GreenwoJ, Piecerln-, or (o t<lieliuiine gets. tiomen, viz : R. H.LW EWJith, and iW. L LO fM. WellintonSeet, Toroato Pick<ering. Jsuiy 21, 1851 16 t 1NTAiO flO()USE, -(LATE RAYS.) rpj~j~ ail ucecase is.qts araçsm .1) Clt $-I TRJýIT9, JOtINl*c0 TI1COUT OUSM, TO R O,.rTO (Vgest, the Cleapest, and the Reat assarntmeztt of IN CANADA W'rEST. EADY IAjJE CLýjTHjrgC; Do Cierk'd, do Do Black Alpât-a do Do Ru iel corS 1< Do Prntr--nado- de Do Caniada Twerde dto Do Bruati Cluifi do Do Ciassirnre do Boy's ljslynn ftanti do D o C tîc k 'i d u d o Da Moinatîn du D)o lweede do D aO llra d C o ili di Nen'si Black C otb Vesf, Do Black Satin do Do F'isy Satin do -Do flolnd do Do Faîîcy do DOc Vevtte do Do aNariiles do D o B 3.uatbea d "Ien CitsCas '5 2 6 Iu'-'s do (nom a, - 'i 51 'I n. 4 1-2 u o 6 6 6 t) (I .11-2 t) 3 o G t) 9 (j 9 A '5 4 41-2 1101-2 2(1 L'indtr Shi, <s and Li.iî~erg, 44 NewSty1cIn~înc8sCnat~,ù,,UM~~l j D S:i do jDo 'Fwvedo DO Chtstekd jCO 1)C.îî-dssroy - dui Sgî,.ioeit - do Du CDrvoereju k Do fiDorif d î DO Check'd do Do MY i, du Do Ciar~i do Do (aurec do' Vi S lii tif ndId <ole R~a Iîa~,ueI S~i, fa, (foin si .4 à i i 4 I-~ o 4 -1- 4 4 I 1 %lus'in D L-i,* yard wiie, froso tleavy Girizzbaîns. do du 4 "ipleMist Bo;itiet Ribhuns, d Straw Bonneus, d (!cves, 1oyiierRbbesi, Laes-, Edgaitrs. As'tizfinal Floerr, Shnt. Çheckd. ansd Plain Âlpaas. Table LIr)ens. Qili. Coniirganes, Béd Tick. «d Towels, Crapet aand *Maeiats fr lMnurliit,o ad'o second1 price. BURCu csl.3-] Cornr '?f m; 4-CiurdJ; Stn-t oan.tI ottIune c-n J'WL O WI~ 8:zK~IpI; B'OK- 10 1-2 JFcc> ioî rr 71-~2 IWhite dn 71-2 tii S!il iù, ing 7 1- 2 tC4o ~mp i <ripans. , orsILiîa BaFruzsr.<i 2 i-c 3!: 4 1-r 4 1-z 6 ~t',ri,- ~ii ui'-'r Law, A Ni) SOLet Ton g , c -Àa ýRy, Or - Y PU~BLIC, & -iCEn -~ T~ rT Cuor J. H M Pu-Y sQ,' & ~ur-1~r~ï.îr 1, i5<rY oPVoai's PL ATT'5 IIOTILL, and Wilhitr i Ial smirll<e's wimli<01i Srgon*s. Tuornto, A pnil 10, 18152. 5-1Y .fturmev'o ffluttai $e tock Juîurtxnct '1 E u ~ c ib r having be n appcsimt ed A IZ 3 1 Nz T fo i' t e a ti n v e C c r » p . 1 t ei ll, v i <Il~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- yre, le m a a p a eev ipiaiî< P~rer arrier gage I'roprctor. GEO. W- MEIICHANT'S CELEBRATED GARGLING OXL U5NSiêLLt D us 'u l a àtsaa-ujr aO<5 <b.h 'rio0-s nu .W<orfru,« la 31<O0 St3c'~&Dom. lieS boutl:<s~îtî<~ ia ïfi sl,t. Vue<iB r. Poe'. 4. li sstnrnl h ri sîs. i tl find ir fuliyai rbsaspira .tiiwi;tilJr:k ~fimb For furZsvr lsr<IruLAa 1< - M O IIDZ 1;1 Y * L L cr Copie */coi> Wssnrel sut 'icyDi- YAD$, fur whiet 'ý4tal i'fta- phid. %Wbirby, Iy o l52. U'oek I) )I. t h i r - Dry Gog:ls,Gîoè rhe.y w,,a,l Ihîwîît- t jr-i Ifty steirai, anth persn bave lbeera dereivesi sopeaitdf y in ut'l m<eieiraes Whiceis were saisi la hm-fnf<lible cui-! but wbim'b have proveif cnly paliia!tv&s, but-tl mcdis-it i is ieoi sly ia palllative bot crrefor u ccidrlIamgc. IL cotiaimi--no shclerions DriÀ ani une trial wiii prove ta aAtoiahuvng effleacy b« ter <ha.%n an>' auci<ios or eertificaloes in euring coi stsmpin andi all duseafea ýÇ ithe lsgattel a cà4et. ii -:wat, 4c. 4r. About 1Oie ut' mninimrrrrrdç<rrscurejs perfota gJ by tn. meduicn,trmm moru f lie Crs: Dortorg clert;yman antd Merrhants. bave bteeo sent Us fi tbis tn.o(licnen. tth<le plblicatiurs cf Ihem l olk ton mtiur-b ike Q aarkeny. fwill show isera toani p ensonsraitirsg arr; mr ettire.] This metlirine Wii speaktur ise!f and anotsgin » feamnavouîwher eicr it le tulti. Ciiatiin.-1Ihus medîfciri n pial1«p i la g, iotite. aide you muet fisd the narne cf Corni urkc l3rýiie,-,Pregiielors , New Y o n Me itsi, tcele(ic o -a;pssr atouisd lise hordle. Ail ord nmus!tIi -uldre*spdsed)iCarntcl: 4- Brut/rer, iu- 9, John S -Rerniember anti rei'er boy itltiegsyau in ld :1 5552<1e oitishe wa~ C AUIT ION. CHIERIRY 4- UN W RT ud<e JI'J.N( CORDLIL ansi C.,IIRL TO' .9 FOUYDEh OIN~1fNTausiRING BOXE (CURE, tsffetr ed for Sat.t <i. Di,&,, Storp. ansi renietoher âm ieven hty fl.'se arl'L%in Whu l'rifbY. miiy uf Wm1 To Owvners of a wDelel uin oss C.RLONsFOIUNOI[. OINT'- AII ENT', -For <tie rare v .î,îi,.Split lloif. iloof4nund1, fîsîîîra. atId cer;sie ru veriah yFes'î, Wunclp Bi ruiqea jiit 1we 1(;,Il ed uackic.Cf crkcd fliceisa lerhpfCfî KiCcks<, ccois lUorfec ' ,to 1ii,< -Fid Tfic cim of J, Crlt rmir- 11w kn hewrap;ser, urîi<er boy colil>n .s Huneà For thc cureo< 1m, î Bolr. 11 fkid il;b, POne C'ARIJO-N'S CONDrTioN' 1>0Wi-1 DE'US FOR U101ILSES AND CATTLLE. The changezni oî w.aer alidgeasor,, wiîh the~ ,hange'nI uise aii eci, havi- a lvry ,,lemg ffècý ujp lie hlon>d a nos imrnuoîflis f.ý 0f borses. 11 la thoi fhcîc cr hey i -nuiteua<siant to natti' t fhro offaiiystisrd.01cith. 1-nilif .4the bcd3 t iy har . een ri îi I !tL da tid % Iih.if mit a t- 'ndtglo0,wil! îeý5Wt tri UîJ.eYelfr<w walcr, eue VYormi. 11l'is, &c. ait of shich %will be g.feYen4e- , IV hyn uniîa îe of( thpe e gîuers. and wi lai; amîy îrn' rtre. wenailv svmritýoýof dfsli! ppa if umedr: in im. Thcy <umrîy (iebi hiod, yî>tovr Aff ili isfn)fosativer. lonseî, the sluin.c1..artos il.- iler. illd îv<>a,îeho'by.raliw ! elhem to (Il more work u1gb te m ef'edi. ,tr171 n'ojn of lun~e p9witiers is détreci upou ut the hm,. rFerjlc aans, 451(1lherenors'have tMe dansfmors s, ol fic ().-Çerh O, <fie Ails.and jllit i:lsivam oisa :î<rsm..aije.caiU' silon,rf aimîorpidueiun j * iu1 l;scif the. biod. rc putily c'ures by bms 'crsýý, miake nuo Ywtre. bji f tT( N 1 1 Wt A -U D J3 ONE I' Asur <tic cure o(A"!dj"P-sseg u tnn 0 abo i»: 11 -q'ircerna rud pvsl is.ad foi caillrce -ir-is ansi mede. are Jieîso<k flm&sb, and i0 ilt<> sîjfor <F l:i raiq, smt'te ga0ts, neldIare casttt. uti-ice$r o zcsf, j r a'. ti e rIi.- kIL -arsi<ro m~- cic c aver y a 1 bîiC dE 11,18~; ksmrsodsti r'r~,niiely. luie limes ()litol i i edU'c i5e C.u Iox, , am !heo gentu$a:. nltms yon nc -ver iri l i r.--ulyeil sh lcale irb Oi t ai torsj «)Yd po .4.O>'0foi La ;àt usbah 4dscârespoiled firli wromca gb oabc'ut a ha ;<lhis. w hâvi-ie DOW reeived ôns-coruplcte asseliment of NEw SPRI j O &,'SUltMsr. GôoDq, whkh, tapon inspefsctiipor coSIOMPrpwil tAd 10o e tcnpced f gis e Newest and ruesi P.sh- ogsable rsaellas ndin lagreat vatfely Hirvinc bea saler-ted vWi<h «reat cane, and i fporîed dir-ctý fi-ro the L'st< DiUai, F rencis, antI Arîerln Makets, by ioianële-e C eran c'eatidantiy sublmit <hem, to the inspction of our cilltumais arifrthe pIlir, as bs-iliscthie nocif f.ashànablg, d.uaabe, selvrreabîc and celi a aortrntag cf Reai-liate Cle<birag ami Dry Gondsi Li Cassada IWà. TaIloring 111ail Us rattrte#) ex'te'ted wirth Trr*f 3OL8qTER, 9-1 cil Illo 11-Lsr2ýD, 1 1 WATCHMAKING& &>EWELRY SmOie, u3@ o WLaluiubao ~< jc0noTBj a:b 1 e'ein-M jlý 1 1 1 1 - &C 2 1 1 1

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