Ontario Reporter, 25 Sep 1852, p. 4

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', not talen t, makes the One bqle wc:glected in a fence wiil cosl ton, 'l îÏYïS u much as ta mnd il at once.- 'Pleasure i3 precarliq ulit virtue is n- ?MYDBob il a ve ry goad boy,' sait! an old lady,( but lie bas uittle faîlingufor tiiere art- none af us pcriect-he put-lte cal on thte fire, Iiung biis gratndmother& ig idown tii. ,cisteru, put lus, dddy's :powider lorn lun thîe stoye, tieti Ihe coffaee pot'la JowlWts tAiI1,.wst a'Off qitib3 'in lte barn, look ni! Cap bbbin -for fit ulne*, andt ried ta stick a fork ina bis sister's eyes, but Ihese are only Chiluliý1î folics. ter the loss ai the Atlanstic, an idiridual et lDetroit, whiose-wife %vas on huard-.ittît suppOýed t0 have been tfrowvntd, exliibiiet very extraordinary naiettofaigrief- somewvliul b tthe' surprse of bis nrîgibours, who tievet- stîspecutthuit lievraia if ondt lûssianci. %fhii a% athu.i boisteroiisly bswailiîîg bis îuss, a boy arrived in bastte froml-te telegcraph Ohilce. A1 wu% at ioppeit -thie lad-e4 îisî't IM r. - in hure l"1,aîdit tbie-ater. ,iY' Yîs" 1Ihéea a desputul for hil» is wifc i 4 4,d" "Alit n-cl" said the mvg, tI l 'tlteil i mite 1pour elluw féels badly énouui alre:îdy."- Durinz ltemreentlcetion in0 Cre.-tl3ri- tairan fn I canidates for' Editisurghît called utpoti a I d'n, îtr ol his tvo te. W1., woîtldTradier]voté l'or thei.- c vil Ilitmtiý yoli" 13ttut ic a-e our jritrnd titt nuL Cne fnro-rd" -suf lile - an lîile frlln Ovt'r L'y - a~4 tbiiut y4îr's nid aiý 8poktt ttr'rwar- Siarsîtrul 1 layntî it 0 j . i, î\ î- --L) t e 'att.)t 4aîîiiUr ni t'ic -a i 1. -- beginis ta play ut chu', to 'caock in tie 1îîîoîîî ipg. One wveklic clvared jî5.)0"0J ly lits * Watt; Fun, a younzg cloinui- a, from liong *Koaig, lias curuied' off the lirtîpriz ini the ijunior dii-isionaofte batanical a, uncrPro feie%ôàa- BhI [ifur, at tie Edinbucgli moiise tlir nllinhe tof buttiesu Aéiu -whicbl, in Octolier iliJ7, founiftered on the~ coastai Jllunt, wihî 120 unu, clliedlu sofîier. on houe. ca:ȔtcAaNi- $( t'n, ~ r.Iar Prewctt, cîlitor p<il ha Y'tuzon ( NI i».) l'i'ites Colioeîaii !1t-'s ofu.?w-'bria t Liii'1. burg e tyo îiitlier ',s<atder't u: Ls hall asu i't v% il Mtai 0AUi w -' mak litc ns-iriF's tiiîgle liy uni l~Y. Sue adtIi l--' y ilai' s'e, ive 1,.Itrtitl ils tuhi" liabict ivilt ywtil. otrt Do dut, -usildolu ury iseli, vctidptringr y Satn-Fre-Wéoiictafnd mi 'unoiral, bnt wA (a %Whti) ut ili ber ours apai't creri- Fance :til~'î td irn u-'ii ! i n lt Stu y aurs oai he $JIta ul.. W14,lu -4 ear- tg atn4, J b gb mtaay Iiat I1lhav,- lty for- var-ded lte aautpl's iy ua>ukedI a- togetit r- -with te iitr cUrreaiLothetitu î'îil-ti )îý- tion. -Ant noir 1 retîti-fi (0 tît- Subjet ofa ny iformer eatter-i)dt'ud 1canot take yttr ànsa-er as a deflnîîe ne-la nle 'il y t wi hLnentu ta my evt'd love. At- youna ae. you cattiat long- reinaîn a vilow---yotî aavt- nnating b e rr ua îcCa -Va tluluer ritaI devoteti u lave as mnine. - bi linoiaoro - - - ('harir6 Ca., h n 7 c fr s>ix îot credit ; krc t dîs;î os ,,rit at'? Ant- airer by rtttu,-ti af îo' Ili iqu -t oixanrlttic - one u rt v ts-v - nti ha ai a n îylic -lcua ae the redlz it i u ai ail tîy I-eaiu.- 'l'lie affection, re î,ad estetît . f'cel for %,ouiare sinicere anitIprofocunit. ThŽ nit of ouni alrait -owid give au exten-sion tg bUSiness an11bodh 'ides which iwould bu incalculable. 1I have accepted >-our bill UýOn ae 1h. itsti of Bernard & Co. Colza oil is at 21 franeîl. Iloping fora uarply ay -- rclurn aifp10, J1t'l ai twS lette-r ',atiu a * ealiug liteut, 'oiir's ne îaetiuily,lM-. Thte obof a' Fritz hA-j stajsped. llow tnyý heartbhant.9asauf rile ta , ou! Oils arc -- ~ .. Ltn~ .xbs, iT-ir accurred inluSnauib's -- Fails op Monday lasî, thîttii reiulîed in the -dteati of Mi'. liant, wbo iwu, for -severaf ye;ars a I331ilTin $mi' -FAIS. t ai-pearN that a snào1'ai luant andanother boy ball -,ot ibntoaquir.-ei, and a youngladnaii MeAtaIêy, ant aýprentice 0 ai -. Lniu,, Wagon -raker. idtitfered in ortier ta show (air play. After the acfuffle- was aver IlJunts an roia-hin i la riii fit5er tif t-iI Lii: i tii~i coonkiti avt r A ri ctU;1r - i fboît that cat e io l iahio basiti eof a t-undî-i--l-ted 'y_ i cAui rIIHE &ibsemlberwould cmli the attention of bis eustoirs and the publie ta, bis vaieci Stock of JUS? ÂRIVRIfl RONI MOXTRZAL, Con.ising in part of White Crape & Exhibition Shaw1s BraietLamnes, Maoulslin de-Lainei,ç Muulin Dresses, Silk & Satin Parasols, printsl, Zebra 'Tweeds, Summer ClothsL -Americau Cottons, .Pr-ices a shade lower than any WVholesalc St'orç within the limita iof he Cotînt5 Town. TIOMAS )0W.ý Mny 281h.1,_850. 7.tf. KCOSSUTH HATS! KO-vSSUTUl HATS!0 ýN N Extensive ttupply bas just arrived, frm G,. 3d, upwards. -Now ta yaaar lime ieiaya are daiieprotio THONIPSONt PEARSON & CO,. WInthy. Malay 12, 1852. 1-f PORT WHITBY BAKERY. "îlundersigned wishes ta -be.tioticed b! t he Itihzîhaiits and theruttrrottttdtnit Vi llageoa s; attd tht? countrty t large, that be has ceattatitly Bead, Pilot Beadi, Boston Crack- crsButer aekers, nil all tinignf CRARCKBR S, 'iîth a v-.riy TEA CAKS1(MTuflt '[*u,SPDNGE JUIN19LES.1CAKES, ROCK CAKESI, GINGER BREAD,' Party Cake*sand Weddmgic Cakes tuade taoriler, and on thi- shorteat notice. Alson. varîirty ofI ('a>dEe-WIOLtALIAND) RLTAIL. IH01th a Large Stock of Groceries 1- Whitby, Dec. 19, 1831. JAMES BATES. 36. Plamter for sale l>y JOI-IX MARTIN & Co. 100coîuus IBEECI afi APLli. ilon 2,MForiS iale B oayoo V~IE NEW IND) FAm1t simiLLNiffTEl WO D-0I. V Wil leavp Port Pcr ver), vury Tnv, Thnraday and i batnîy Mnrninz, on Ille arrive; of the Sin-.*.e froii l'oit IWhthy; uîrivîuîg intlime -tu talcsthe Sia4te for Ptraath For l'reii:h* or Pasaate, ap,.îy ta the Caplaogï aon bcoag d,ý or tuo thet olfice uf CoTT-ox Ruws , Port WVhilhy.1 Port Perry. a 7, 1852.4t. BOO)KS ! J30KSI! -1Fî tndetnn- cd bas p-cned a ~new'i Col', ont' ir E st of 5fr. IERRI GVR. Els »rCG STORE, where le inte.nils keep. %~cotvittantty ni;handtpi jolotsudweIê,seleteed sICt*k i BOOK ,t' &IONARY. FAINCY d>OUSf), and PATEN'iT MEDICIN ES, whieh tw wili slil v ry iôw.for caith. or ready puy. Article* nul atn ha A, ubtaîncd on short ntre. D. S FrR R. Whýfitby 2lst. June 18521. 1 I-Iy. IIOU.SE & LOT F011 SALE IN WJ'ITBY. 'FiE Subsciber affura for -Sale a Lott o n whicbli i erted a Ni.v DIWuLLItta llausr., with every neceeaêîry arrangement tar carnfort uznd eonwenvience. For parflcûfareaunstu ternus, &c., appiy Io ROBT. GARTSHORE. WESTERN FIRE IN$URANCECOMPANY# f i, Subscriber 4esires mostrespectfully Io aannounce to the inb abitantesof Ux BEr1DG1z, and the uîrrouundinug Tawnshjips. litibh a een drlîy appaitttd ArGSIT by 1he Westerh Assurance Comtpany, tuteily orçanized InluToronto, tla take iii4ks ýqawaitoa Fine ori the mail reasnnable terme. o ta<. tirs w4iiligil8 sal ad remurîerstlve ini- 1pt 1O ti n.) noniey haive rnow an opportunily to .qrnoîît-toJ(11 tdîtitfneiîndred Shares of >~'--'t*' haiîe n-ilm.oniy Five Pet cent - *- ri- ,r' uqtiiirei, 1 a1 ha' -paitt i -. fi, -îo'îiaiityithaît fhe dividen4a awill j h~ rurPin f$ fIle S*Qtuscribetl ~i.-s tr ftimiuityçhatîtij xtei t eir operuj- ~~~~~~~, ~ -î~îu ~ tt ~trail in a; r thrpt-r vt'eut. ît ~~îti' 'isitt ahacibe ,'y day;4 notice wil; z~vîîrevaîs t te jue sfpairmeut. TIIOMýAS BOUSTER. ITbîg'Aprl 22. 1852.3-t f TO BUItDEUS. MR& KAY I& MRS. DIJOANAN, BEU-G respectfully to ialo » te Ladies , 1--,f; Whitby mnd vicinity, ýhat Ithey have 'ýjfened a $hop for-Ihe above btaines-s in te Rooms over -. MU. WILKINSON'$ WATCHMAKINQ a JEWELRY -SHOP, Tis, Drg beloit,7fr. Schioield\ Storc. Mus. K Av having scrred ber appî cntace- shup ta lte Millinary buEinens, in ont, af the principal bouses ai Manchester, *it-Inland, hope.î that flue-. wiIl be enabled /to give satisfaction toalal those Who 1 &y favor thî'm with tbedr patronage.- The Latcst Fa.çhicms consfanttly oni haed. 141S. KAY Affl MRS. BUCHANAN IATOTLT) reupectfully-anaunce to lte Latiktg, that îhey have pinarured the servi- ces cine. of the moar akîlifal workers in the, Stiaw bonnet butine3 fîom the City n orronto., soaLhût they uie enabied t10 dean antd aller $traw- Bonnetsx to the Newest Style of Fanhi WVhitby, NMarch 27, 1852. 5041f. 9)E Sta înfôrm lier Friends nnd ('us.- lamersta to h, haî cnmmeltttd aânew in itif- ýbovr. fine of htisitesa it i he New Sbap hîilti by Mm. Butesin Ima«tWindsire where ahe hopema to rmceive a rofitinUsnt'itof their Patronage.i Cleaned and turned in the nevrett and nenteutatyle. 77wc Laiest Fsinçalway.r omi hwd. whthly, MNarch 23, 1352. 51 -tf. MILLINERY &s DRESS MAKINGO I1Fms1oss hIegs further ta acquaint fthe IL adgea of Whitby anti vicnity. that aihe han taken intoPartnersiip in the aliîov' lne, Laite q the City of Londoin, En glanid, rom w dina xperPnr he Itopec te Ladiex will detiVe eVery satuif.trtion, in the superlur >tyles of fiish otf ry utiacie, stîritax Capil uIeta, &C. M iss Gotvtmoshax juit isceireti thé Latest lFaxthiang fromt London, tý which the attention of WVhi!hy, A prit 10. 1952. 4-tf. ISTORI1 TO RENT. '0 T' en, i the of: i'ilîvfoi one', IÀý h',' Ji P-iry, lO l"m a 'J'4 - -Iiîr l'îîe wi.mnise, h. ileïat thorati 1t ui ai, rilo. faîîîlt.aitî iî Iilîiv thr f! Tawyl'nnofîthi tàew L'outîîy. ofrers, uwîaor iligluceaiîtitIothtae intendmng to punatue a tecniehst~ JOHN HAMI FERRY. whitby Sti Attril 18-52. liii I ie -o- T eldî, aeof- CAf.roraRlttA having huribated the Bru-wPrV in ibis VIL- r.qfortnitiuy ontfei by Criffe tas. uan.. ati .11irt-t %uti Ciaite as Brewên, hait sotîl to JOHN D. FO$Tr'Jtt, the ane îimijviddhatlii ai sli Ut i'wery. andi this d4îy tttnt saici FoaTra into i>atrship refoiei ilite Firni of Stteriàan *6' F-Pçlr wnulti reaperlfulii uiate ta the public thal beanig teaitoiFa f Extendini ke liir Business, 1tbey wili spatt. m cosltufithe prepnralîaîof lltir glee , l inake it aciers îng the lngh estt;m lut bas cever hein natei, audti liareparlet Iotpay itih- eut pricei uhutf or good delivere t t heir 11rewery. Alil trders prëmpîly -attendedtu l. -Atdrees SkLERDAN & FOSTEI{, < VHITBY BREWERY. T. SIIERIDAX, J, D. FCO1ýTE H. Whiîhy, 26ih Feb., 1852. 46-iL ONTAIO IOUSE, (LATE RAY.S.) TlF h*Saissribers haeeased the ahavp Premise,. Tand are now prepimrrf it lu a siîpenior style fuér îeeicommotiton ni the Publie. ),y large imprave- meinto if) iîhe 6ttineuandi fnnilisre. Alto, 1y en- argementi anti imprnvfentts lulté Stabliiîuc ale- .--namodatiort. sons jto place- it nuan equaifloitific ion eniven)ieni- andt omlirt, wilh any other liaiel in ibis New County. Ilave on had the Largest, 168t, andI' tthe- jeat assortiner nt 21 IN CANADA WESTO WIIOLESALE AND RETAII. W E have now received our compiete :usortment of NEw SpRnG UMtT Ga TVwhich, upon bnsmcîîan, Our customers wilI find to< he compost'd of the Newest and most >FPash- attable mateuia la, and in ýgreal variety. FJlIving been ol sec4d xith giLvýtt "arc, and irapiort difre~ct froro the bti-siBritith, Pien,,and AArierlran Martet», lby Olr$elvee we ca n it Odently 5q1hmit îthem ta the înspection atour ciuatameiîa and the iii&Wio-, as heilnt, the mnsi iashionihlt,, ditable, serviceabte and cheap amartment'Ã"t lReuuv-NadêClaîting anlo)Diy (Gods in canada Vest. litoin, nall its B>*tieu, cr.rerittr,-l frîtiT:rn«t. >IOURNINGS PT .V313 2M31,1 ESf I!T TI L READ-Y IADE CLOTHINC NMen's Bi own Holianti Coatis Do f hecic'aI do Du Back Aipaca do Do Russell Cord du -Do Pnînceu do -do Do Canada Tweeie <la Do Broati Clotb do l)o ('assmere do tioy,ê nltn HIltand <la D)o Cheîckl titu do D)O Maekn do Do Twecîle do Do 1Brouît Clotti do DoRutil tirl do Mt'n'sar k Clotha Vesau, Do Blark Satin do l>n) t'ancy Salin do Do tlolatid >do Do Faricy do Do velvet do DonlMarsiltes de Do Bmrathea tia Iens Clatt Caps, Bln'-'s Jo Newi style pnrirs.fs tacolora Siîtequtifît Bonnet Ri struw Bonnrets, f;taveq, Hoisiery, B Edginjts. Antifacial Shot, Check"d, and Talé Linens, Qaîit Bcd Tict. antI Tou Crappis uttî Nlate.rl iniants' lRobes, C'i: 1'OI3-J .J from t 4 1-2 6 0 4 1-2 0) 3 1) 6 9 9 4 4 - t' 2 G t' 1101-2 Boy's Funry v'esta, f 1)o Sitk do Do Clotit do Do Tweede do M NloSltisiitTinusèns, Du LmatatDailtI do Do Cherk'd (Io Do Coitiory do l)o Satlltett do' Do Casiitiercî <ho Do Btît'skitl do Boy's Drill do Doa('hîck'd <lo [DaMInltil do Dori 'naila '1'-e il o Do riia,simeri ido Do *rnv,îet' e do Wtirt Slîts, in'nFronts, lJnder Shitu and tDi awcrs, Bti'iues~(-otMhifil Mt"at fromn di 4 1-2 4 .1-2 "t 4 41-21 1.2 'Di-al) DRY GO )DS parai wide, froin O 10 1-2 Fa'yCïIatnri, iromm 0 21-2 dos do fi o 7 1-12 Wtiîe ato131-2 do do 7 1-2 Smipd$hitill, o41-2 blions, fi 71-2 ('ottîso Warp. 4 4 1-2 itibns. Laces, ~ hnt Jtitarl,'an td eck-tiea,- 1Flowera - Carp FotMtliNi 1Plitin Alpacas, Cott!ars, îk &,I bu auhnîteî it'tt ('ritourîrs. leLaitI t'e. I î G-.(izn px. '-rimmniîg i, i for Mourniîic. Br'-rDr-sacs. pi antI Frcick Bodies, Silk Warp Altîin. i1 ./Vo %econtlPrice. IJIMGSS & LIIMN 'rner qm f-Kinjg 4. (7/1i rc-1 rhS'y-. Jiifl"4 f/ic cOCrt flouse, 'formwo lttornevaund- Barrister at Ljw, AND SOLItCITOR il.%; iAS('ERY. ~3urbrv WeOil ître1, a lt- w ulor îrh o i et SMtet, ueoatty OPPOsite PLSTT'S IHOiTt., ant ilifl inhlat aminute'. walk tk ISTi'utnD's. -Toronto, Apnil 10, 1852. 52-ty. Mi-ne' liuitttl .*stock 3nsuiarnnc mpa tiD$- -Çaiitoiî. 'FlEStibcriber haviug, been appointiAd A f nIi"J thfaIhubove Comapany, witt. el all finesl'e m"apb~py ta recelit, applicationts 1)I' tnîairanctia. 1Cumbaîs. April 29, 1852 J. FLt('F. 4.,y [XYPORTANT lra lnu Fariner, Farrier &Stage Froprietor. GLO. W. EG'I TS CELEBRATED GARGLIGOI tJaraiLAi.g, .»ta lacuîrugir orir.oIaiLl't As thei mot reafrkablo ExtcarplAipplicatimo o 3 13b..u-m;n0Mti11< ie ort1 NFn nxt S(V'lr airmitititi f-r.' tnit lieit' dty loti mon Bricks, raf Fir',t rt iuiy aî ta[n nc a îir-s alurjtut Ittiittiiugmu The ViLige, wheae thet Br4k; ir e tuburaWn uiîlv a short dietance.- sit fnd il ftyas chea-p ta tbu'Idtl ih Brick ag Timber. For futher partivultu-u ai,.lpy a J 'NES WALLACE. 100 CORDS DPR IIT4LOCIC CoiR& W>o» Wuanteil at the, Btcxl ;Azs, fur wbîch, -ibh %îlite paît1. %V WlIy_ May 8. 1852. - 4if ouk ta yuir itareatul yr our S4iIIýngs.X -Dv mîhbglearla ta Brock. Uxluid..t,ý andI &'att, andI s'îrroun-din- ' mîi),' the behave opened the Store for- îrunl uaruie ly EZRA IIATES, 9n',î Cote, Wtuzray (ltu-aaî' Cn~za,) hé-e thFy mu - oIler for su 1' In ths'ir fa-leeis, amatiail urbo maniaf- votar itenswiîh a all.chfire,5tdck of Dry Gxoodls, Ç-roceries, fHardware, l'ains, Oils, Turpentine, Varnishi, &c. &c. rîlwy tfoiîlîîpunticuianly invite attention ta lte 'altnt- tiuInr,tlswhich wiiilie cfoiinti heap nti -.rdif abie athcy have bteaudeleciedi ultit Prilzfs Gi-ry 4- WkIite Colttrs. Shirting, 77wveeda qBroaa-I 0/oti, zaè'Us- andth in n andI nurses, ta Ihe Cout parlonz nave neen nertie rPe( I L Y ln I Y gt metîheines whlcii were said tlt'b infalltilte cur-i,i but whichl have pratred i aîy palliative$, but thia medîcine lais uaol oniy a palliativet but ctire.for u-t' ceruted lutn. It conluins no deleteriouo Druigas anti one trial wiii prove Ats abtoniàhing eflicary bc-t fcr îsiau any aserlion!, or eertiftcaiei in ctiring con- aumnpli;n andi al it dhseeof the iliniga, sicli a Sli-liituîqo bloud, Cotthxsîpain in <the aide andi chu8t, ightf-81 weutýcat, About1I000 of a1moal4 miraculu cures perform- cal by taie medi('iue, irom ainme of Ileuic lui Dorlons, Clergymen anti Merchanli. have been sent us for tit nri'aicirié, bat the piihlication aor iheralhouka too miach it ie Quckery. [%vthl show iheru ta any person cattinîc tnt naîr nifie.J This meidicine will sîîcak ioni-tEt,!f andi enouit iciiils own tavout whatre- t'va-r ifit ltit-il- CitutIiot-Tlhis mediéine lu paît up lu a largef taigttif-. atîd you mauntt ittd tht'Ie ai 9,Cornatîaclc 4 Ilri/lhen,Proprietor'a. Nîw York, on lte splendid - 'âtpier rolitlithlb-Iitile. AUl aniers mtut he ~tlt'st Ca mîfuck 4' Jiroiher, No. 9, John St., Ne'w Yoakï, liememiier'and ne%-er buy il unlesa yon fird the -1 Iiaint he wrapper, CAUTION. Bow.îre of a drnitcrou-a Cîuierfeil of"thme CHERRY V4' LUNG WORT, atîi the .IJNO CORDIL and*C.IR L TON' S YOUNDER OINYT2'ifJEXTuîi RING DONE CURE, offtr- icd Ilr&-dSaita the Draig Storm. and i-emem lier a rai itever hî.y hese arfieleain Wr4î'htby, oariof Wm. Latt Ihi#a Dry Goodai store, andi avoidtheUi coun- terfeil aà you would POISONa. the îîrî CAIILTOlNi'S FOLIN DER. OINT- ventaiS For the cure ut Font iSplit liant, Iloof-boti !the rfat H-orses. anicortrartetiand re ver iah Fe-,'t, %Voun rde Fur Biinxîisi itheÉftuait, Gatied B3tctta. Crueketd i eeta, uat ont' Scritches, LCutsi, Kicks, &C., 01on HoîeS. Sue, C'tutit.-Fitid the nimnue of J. Carlton Coin- uel s1ork 'ti t hawrapper, ornever buy (.altonL's llot diale e Mediv'inea. -Sacj CAU-LTONS ' IUNG.-BONE CURE. GCrc -For the cure of Rin!ît-Briine, Blod Spavin, Pole nc i Spa'rin, Wînd'oaligs, uuId Splin-a ccet ain rmd .111w CAn ~ ON$CONDITION PW u DIR'S VOEL IQ SB$ AND) aad 'rite changea0.,ni W aliter and scust-n, %it'i hr -1t -hangeoi- se tcandt feeti, have a veny grent effetti baà tîpotthe ltood antia inuotis fluidatof baises, Iltimalqb ut thetsate hîtria rthey requ ire ann asintaut ta nature j _1 tnt throw off' atly <igorder aiflté,fiida of the bodiy Vw 11aI rnaayve VPh M riisilîcti and whih if nntat- C<1c 'r nd,'i ta, witl ieaîîttt liit-he lVeow water. ticeaves4 4ml -Wurrm. Raev&. &C- alf nr 1a-»i wIlie preventeil ty on.lutît. -Of tliP-te pwea andi aut ally r, tïiii tirgtî %'. at-aîta att -j mosrf diseuse upperr. t'ai 1 ri' ati in lime. 'Ihey 1înrity ili-beloolu tneL remva- od c ihto %auter. antd invigorate the, wholA- t! cîitluttweer t-hem la <la more '.vork avith Il-e sami -cdT hi dlat.1 action of tht-e powdens is tiirect upon ah ithe se- 10 a ' cretivri glandts, uni 1herefore have the imec effeci Fo lipont14He orte,îhc ýOic, the Ana.a aiitl llerlive;- Whil Itme Seraid ak l'or tCarlt,n's CuîlUou j- So -Icrg, anti tatte uta aLiers. 1Di- it lS (3ATh'ON'~N ERVE AND) lGNE Fe;l ILINEMENXT Fl)R It ORS1ES, ai W: -aad finr thit'c urenAf ai1 d iseaes of h so r beasthab %V.WIl re~i.exterutapciat , afitd fan ctiaurlo,, e-ortidrtutu incies, rt îrei ek lUmbl, and is lest. ni-i a at kitdsOitboies.Hope Carltonag artict i tf* r hontes anti caIle are pre- Hiarti pr- e' irnthlie rarcipe of n very celmbîieti Engliah it nt Fartrier. sumi tili cure, ninety-nine limes ontîbf aI ad o, hitdnect, an y of the atiove complainte. They lna have b'ýeai u>et b y fannauns. tiveiy-men, tace Pru- Rm prittara auJ othert,,wtit jic mnist manlced aJe- I!ines Icided lioeis. ci C4TJN-Çoe anie-gentliine unlcaa-you ee Ibidç the' naine of J. Carton '.antack ou tue N sa- as the I," o~~f rach airtIcle, in- Ça Thia is th nmasl î'xtraortiinan rer ascd;ii; keffectauuilly <rattier b)otfizaluila§and chîltreta. henni dalicatti irLlnor svranureit aditt ail,nandt attparente wbm>arg capeing the lUvsof lit iealtrayersnf I'youth Il"1 natne of Comslt* 4(f1Bru %vwraipur fai en ou le. TO 1'11FOLD Ho! Ye Red Ife( ns.,, iprap rms par- ýo supphy 1U~AD1 ~iAi~E CLOTIIfl s. A ache. Iti asw menti itas an anty iaitry ta i C A PLT ON 1 i*mmmwwà%ý ý y lr% - 1 -1 1 1 ý 1 ý. . -- -- . - »- --- ft- --'- S. ý -1- -,p C-9- 4 î & Sý.ýllîti llî,,i

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